PAQ& FOV FRIUAl - (- ,!,. SMITHERS CLUB BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMau ROOMS BETTER MOU MR.JtGGS, I WlSHTO lMFORM YES. AMD SO IS HER , . THAT I AM GOING TO THAT PROPOSE rd YOUR DAUGHTER SO? FOND OP'E Miq s $ so OLD MAM! J 4 y -i . . r J b 1 STRONG AMD O.W.V-l. TO PI T IX MODERN Ktjl'lp. JILNT FOR SMITHERS. Oct. 22. The executive -of the Smithera O.W-V.A. held a meet ing at their headquarters pa Tuesday evening and among the matters under discussion were .many Items or a social and', entertaining nature.' To make to mot? comfortable at the duo rooms lFwos planned to alter the lay out of the ground floor rooms In which the. lounge and reading rooms la -to be enlarged. A hot air furnace will ala be Installed In the building and for entertainment aa up-to-dati radio and billiard table are' being purchased. It was also decided that their annual Armistice' Dance' will ,be held on Thursday. November 11, and the committee has promised to make this a social eyerit'on a par with the dances held on former anniversaries of the signing of the armistice. ANGELO P0GN0TT0 IS FINED $300 IN POLICE COURT SELLING LIQUOR Found guilty on a charge of selling liquor, Angelo Pognotto was fined $300. with the -option of three , months' Imprisonment by Magistrate McClymont, in the city police court this morning. Witnesses for the crown were Liquor Board and police officers, no evidence being offered for the' defence. City Solicitor E. F. Jones appeared for the crown while L. W. Patmore had the case for Pognotto. The evidence of Constables Thomas and Oeprge Sheeves and Gibson, Liquor Board 'operators, was largely corroborative. They went to the house at the rear ,of the Royal Hotel and first bought three wlskeys and one beer from Roy McKlnley. Then McKlnley wen out stating that accused (Pognotto) .would . take care of them It they wanted anything. Then three beers and 1 a whiskey were bought from accused and later four whiskeys. In each case two dollars was paid. Mr. Patmore 's cross-examination was brief .and brought out little further evidence. Corp. Markland and Constable Kench were : also witnesses. IVIltKLESS REPORT a.m. " DIOBY ISLAND. Clear, calm, barometer, 30.00: temperature, 44; sea smooth; 6 pm. spoke steamer Alaska. Ketchikan for Seattle, 579 miles from Seattle: 11:15 pm. spoke tanker Olinda. Jef t Prince Rupert for Victoria. DEAD TREE POINT. Barometer, 30.00; temperature, 38. BULL HARBOR. Overcast, calm, barometer. 2952; temperature. 42; light swell; 8 pm. spoke tug tome abeam Wolfjpolnt bound for Massett Inlet; 8 pjn.rspoke steamer Anyox, Blubber Bay for' Ocean Falls, 32 miles from Ocean Falls; 8 pm. spoke steamer Princess Beatrice abeam Pine Island northbound, 8 am. spoke steamer Oray at Rose Harbor northbound; 8 am. spoke tug' St. Faith left Logan Islet bound for Captain's ' Cove. " NOON DIOBY ISLAND. Part cloudy, calm; barometer, 30.00: temperature. 87; sea smooth; 11 am. spoke steamer Prince Charles left Buckley Bay for Prince Rupert; 11 am. suoke steamer Princess Louise In Wrangall Narrows southbound. DEAD TREE POINT. Barometer, 30.-f0; temperature, 43. BULL harbor. Part cloudy, calm; barometer. 29.92: temperature. 60; mod erate swell; 9 am. spoke tanker Olinda In MacKay Reach southbound. INTERESTING EQUIPMENT OF NEW HALIBUT BOAT Capt, M.itiius HaiiMtn'it Kvplorer U 0H-ratJiiK Out or Juneau Capt. Magnus Hanson's new lon?-llner, the Explorer, which is now operating out of Juneau, Alaska. Is one of the most up-to-date halibut vessels built on the Puget Sound .this year says lhe Pacific Fisherman. She is 63 fet.t long, with a 17 V, -ft. beam and ;8-t.. depth, and Is of very heavy and substantial construction. The main power plant Is a 123 hj. Western-En-tfrprlii uiesej engine of the sojid-ln-Jcetlon type. The fuel capacity is 2.-800 gallons, whUe tbe lubricating oil tanks hold 200 gallons. Probably the most Interesting feature of " the vessel is a DeLavaJ fuel oil purifier, similar in type and design to those Installed last year on salmon cannery tenders for cleansing lubricating. Fuel oil purifiers have proved a success on larger vessels, and this in stallation, which Is believed to be the first made for this purpose on a Pacific Coast fUhlng vessel, is being watched with considerable interest. pwing to the long trips now neces-ry in jjie halibut fishery, involving large boats, with heavy investment and high , operating expense, it has been j " necessary for Vessel owners to adopt the most modern equipment and introduce i r. all possible features or curtailing ex. pense and Increasing the efficiency of their vessels. The diesel engine on account of its economy In fuel oil consumption has become practically a necessity. As it is highly Important to NAME ' OF OWNER Mathews. Thomas Mathews, Thomas Mathews, Thomas Mathews, Thomas Mathews, Thomas Mathews, Thomas Estate of Barclay Bonihrone and The Erl. Syndicate Ltd Orant, Richard J. Orant. Richard J Whale Channel Mines Co Whale Channel Mines Co Whale Channel Mines Co Jllckey, Pat, Flewln Helen, and Robertson. D. A. .' Hlckey, Pat. Flewln Helen, and Robertson, D. A Hlckey. Pat, Flewln Helen, and Robertson. D. A Hlckey. Pat, Flewln Helen, and Robertson, D. A I....'. Flewln, Helen Flewln. Helen . Slnglehurst. S. A Slnglehurst. S. A Bornite Company Ltd Bornlte .Company Ltd Bornite Company Ltd Bornlte Company Ltd BorrU'e Company Ltd Kltsdas Mountain Copper Co Kltselas Mountain Copper Co. -. Kltselas Mountain Copper Co Kltselas Mountain Copper Co Kltselas Mountain Copper Co Kltselas Mountain .Copper Co Kltselas Mountain Copper Co Kltselas Mountain Copper Co Bath. O.. McFadden 11.. McTavlsh N-. McLecd J. A,. Denison O. C Robertson F.. Wright A. E., and Oarde A. C. Bath. O., McFadden M.. McTavlsh N.. McLeod J. A.. Denison O. C. Robertson P.. Wright A E., and Oarde A. C. Bath, a . McFadden M McTavlsh N.. McLeod J. A, Denison O. C. Robert-sen F., Wright A. E., and Oarde A. C. Bath. p.. McFadden M . McTavlsh N.. McLeod J. A.. Denison O. C . Robertson F., Wright A. E.. and Oarde A. C. Bath, a . McFadden M.. McTavUh N.. McLeod J. A., Denison O. C Robertson P.. Wright A. E . and Oarde A. C. Bath. O., McFadden M.. McTavlsh N., McLeod J. A. Denls3u O. C' Robertson F.. Wright A. E and Oarde A C. Bath. O.. McFadden M McTavlth N.. McLeod J. A.. Denison O. C . Robertson P.. Wright A. E., and Oarde A C. Bath. O., McFadden M.. McTavUh N., McLecd J. A.. Dsnlson p. C. Robertson F.. Wright A. E.. and Oarde A. C. Bath. O . McFadden M.. McTavlsh N McLecd J. A.. Denison O. C Robertson F.. Wright A. E., and Oarde A. C. Bath, O.. McFadden M.. McTavlsh N.. McLeod J. A.. Denison 0. C , Robertson F., Wright A. E., and Oarde A. C Alice Arm Mining It Development Co. Ltd. Vancouver Portland Canal Mines Limited Vancouver Portland Canal Mines Limited Noble, W. D., Donohue. Ed.. Colllson. W. E.. and Robertson, J. A Perrault. Joseph Perrault. Joseph Rush Columbia Mines Limited Rush Columbia Mines Limited Johnson, Bernard L Mansfield. Ellen O Mansrield. Ellen O Mansfield. Marguerite E. DeV Mansfield. Marguerite E. DeV Mansfield, Herbert J Mansfield. Herbert J Wilson. Thcmas Vernon Wilson, Thcmas Vern.on Wilson, Thomas Vernon Dann. Wm.. Douvllle J.. Rlva McDonald. J. A Dann. Wm., Dsuvllle J Rlva McDonald, J. A Dann, Wm., Douvllle J?, Rlva McDonald, J. A Dann. Wm., Douvllle J., Rlva McDonald. J. A. . . . .' Dann. Wm., Douvllle J., Rlva P., and McDonald, J. A Flewln. Helen Flewln. Helen Flewln, Helen Flewln. Helen Flewln, Helen Flewln, Helen Noble, Wm.. Colllson, W. H., Colllson. W. E.. colllson, J. M.. and McDonald. D. J, Molybdenum Mining it Reduction Co. ilU. Maunsell,, Dudley,, P. , . . . . Maunsell, Dudley P, Mauuiell, DudleyIP, Metcalfe. Benjamin' Fraser. Normsn F and F., and F., and P., and severe conditions, It Is believed that the elimination of dirt and' foreign matter from tbe fuel oil will be of material aid )n this direction. Convenient Jnl4llat Ion Located on the port side of the en prolong the life of the engine, which Is glue room, the purifier on the Explorei ubjeited to high temperatures and l installed In such a manner that 1 . . ItAMSK 2. itMsi avu Ialg,'No. 1. Lot 1314 .... II: Halg No. 2. Lot 1315 Ilaig No. 3. Lot 1315 ..... Halg No. 4. Lot 1317 Halg No. 5. Lot 1318 Oold Drop. Lot 2031 Oold Cup. Lot 2214 ..... Oald Sovereign. Lot 2215 Moose, Lot 104 Moose. No. 2. Lo tl05 Moose. No. 4. Lot 1808 .. lUMii: i. Four Ace.'Lot 166 Oolconda. Lot 167 Fraction Fractional, Lot 170 . . Jparjpw, Lot 6500 ... Lord Kitchener, Lot5Q3 Young Bull, Lot 6502 Irish Rose. Lot 6504 General Joffre,' Lot 6505 TAX SALES Sale of Grown Granted Mineral Claims fpr Unpaid Taxes in the Prince Rupert Assessment District I HEREBY OIVE NOTICE THAT, on Monday, the 1st day of November. 1920, at the hour of 10 am., at tbe Office of the Provincial Collector. In the City of Prince Rupert'. B.C.. I shall offer for sale at Public Auction the CMwn-Oraote Mineral Claims hereinafter set out. of the persons in the said list hereinafter set out. for delinquent taxes unpaid by the said persons on the 30lh day of June, 1026, and for costs and expenses. Including the' costs of advertising said sal, if the total amount due Is not sooner paid. ' . , LIST OF ntOPEUTIES. NAME 'OF CLAIM AND LOT NO. Oolconda Fractional Lot 174 McKlnley,' Lot 168 LaurleT, Lot 169 LaTosca. Lot 153 Ptarmigan. Lot 154 Bull Dog, Lot 2269 Mona. Lot 2270 Mountezuma, Lot 2271 ... Portland, Lot 2272 , Toulon. Lot 2268 , Queen Ann, Lot 6719 ,, Cordillera. Lot 6720 Yellow Pearl. Lot 6721 Oold Dust. lot 722 Camllle, Lot 6723 n&lden Sentinel. Lot 6724, 061den Sentinel Fraction, Lot C726 Yellow Pearl Fraction. Lot 6729 Entente Cordiale, Lot 6308 Oold Com. Lot 6310 Molly. Lot 6509 Vollet. Lot .6511 ferda, Lot ,6507 .................. - :u.i.m ' aivermouth, NJ4 it NVi of.BW, Lot. 1074 ilnn Xr 17.t r.fHn7"' ' Vl . 3unshlne. Lotr1077 Vloana. Lot 1670 K. Fraction, Lot 2960 .v.. ?olverlne Fraction. Lot '2961 Evening Sun. Lot 1317 "oiumou. Lot 411 'ocper Crest. Lot 3346 Mammoth, Lot 1488 2rle, Lot 1489 v Ben Lomond. Lot 1487 . '. junuec. uoi , t- Aigonquin, un ifu lecumseh, Lot 1492 Xldorado. Lot 2848 .... '.liver ThoUuhrFraetion. Lot 2848 . . . . Jllver Thought no. 2 ' f raction. Lot 2849 K.P. No. J, Lot .4183 Tacoma, Lot 4184 Lucille No. 1, Lot 4185 Beth, Lot 4180 'ent. Lot 4192 "Jonutock, .Lot 2877 naconda, Lot 2878 ......... Oertle. Lot 2879 'Jazle, 2880 Maple Bay Fraction,' It 2881 Comitock Fraction, ' Lot 2882 Ruby, Lot 887 Moty One Fraction. Lot 3649 IK'KKN 'C'llAKI.OTTK ISMMM Oo East, Lot 1223 Ilomestake. Lot '1222 '. Vo.A, Lot 1224 r.... Togo, Jxt 140 Copper Cent, Lot 2841 purification can be carried pn wbllo tbe vessel I at dock or at sea, or whu the main engine s not being operated. Fuel oil Is stored in six tanks, three 1 750 31 13.7 ! 105 ; M , 175 , ' 10.73 M j W. .80 . .4 ! U.7 , 10.50 , J& , 1.7 , M 1J.TS , ' 1 210 73$ 19.75 81.00 ai.74 lM 117DO 36i51 lt.V 10,75 J53 ItM M .47 I33 i .43 1J5 20.00 ; 20 13.7B 8J00 38 U.74 1 ! t ' ZOO .76 13.75 11.75 M j 13.75 13X10 M 13.78 I ' 13XU M 13.75 13.00 ! M M.78 0.75 3i ! 13.7S i 12,50 j .62 : 13.75 1(150 i ta 13.75 1140 J7 13.76 ,750 XS 13.78 1 -12.35 - JS 1376 1250 JI2 i 13.76 I3J0O & 13.78 13XX) .66 13.78 13XJO M I 18.75 .75 M 13.75 Jli . 13.75 130 j65 13.76 10-50 M 13.76 .ZM i ,13,76 10.75 ' JU 13.75 105 . J51 13.76 T - 13q 1 .65 13.78 , WM M 13.75 I 11.25 JA i 13.76 W . 102S 13 00 - loio 8.23 12.73 U00 23$ 733 9.00 0 00 8.25 9.75 13.00 8.25 3.23 3.73 7XW nod 12.00 1235 ' 0J3 8 00 ' 6.25 2SX U.OU OIjOO '' 1.00 0.50 8.60 7-23 j 10.75 , ii J82 Af ..-.,65 J2 2J96" .41 3 ,65 m 30 .45 .45 .41 .48 43 .41 .16 .18 3i 0 .CO M r .40 .11 AO .13 32 27.17 05 32 .42 30 JO M 13.75 i 13.73 .. 13.74 13.75 , 1175 13.75 13.75 1376 13.75 13.75 m 13.73 13.75 13.76 13.73 13.75 13.73 13.73 13.75 13.73 13.75 13.75 13.75 13.75 13.75 13.75 13.75 13,73 13.75 13.73 13.75 13.73 13.73 13.75 36XH 3X07 34.77 36-68 131.49 33.72 23 4241 41 JO 3341 3141 2048 37.44 37.40 37.40 37.40 2043 2047 34.77 3642 3143 3641 2047 37.40 37.40 3740 1444 14-00 37.40 34,77 37.40 - 2503 3441 37.14 37.40 3340 3350 2047 3441 37,43 24.77 ! , 4241 'j 01.15 4042 22.41 37.13 37,43 20.61 3131 2320 3320 22.41 23 as 27.40 22.41 17.10 1748 21.10 26.35 2043 20 01 20 31 22.16 2031 2033 16.03 2047 13102 .W. 6. FI81IEH, Collector. 14 eo 2047 23.07 2140 16643 25.03 oil I discharged' into the ttorago tank nearest Jhe purifier and I fed to the engine as needed. PW'Jlhj 0 ln Ibl planner re- on each side of the engine room, bo move all, toil cutter from the fuel bo. W anted For Sale For Rent fX)R BALE. TO CLOSE OUT AN LS-Ute. w are authorised to self several lot. smne comers, harbor view. aid on tewrr. Prices low and tnn from 11000 monthly. Enquire T. McOlymoat. tf fOR SALE. ORAY ENOINK; MODEL D. 2 cylinder. 4 eyeje 10-12 hp. with elulcb. shaft, propellor. Dixie m. Ood running order. O. ttorie. Phone 387 or Red 813. tf TENT rOB SALE. NEW THIS YEAH and used onl one week. Price 120. Pullen. Dally News. 'J rOH BALE. CHEAP. HALT A TON Or old newspaper. Apply Dally New, tt TO fttflT FOR RENT, FURNISHED APARTMENT on Second Avenue; four room and bath. Water paid. Phone 347. POR RENT PIANOS. PLAYEH-pteoo. phonograph and sewing nu-ehlne. Walker' Music Store. ICR RENT. BIX ROOM MODERN Hat with bathroom, at 171 Third Ave. East. Apply Hyde Transfer. tt FOR flENT. MODERN UP-TO-DATE flat: large airy rooms; fire place, elose In. Max Heilfcroner. liaNISIIED BEDROOM TO RENT. Waterfront view. Apply 330 Fourth Avenue East. FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR RENT by day, week or month. Phone Red 607. 11 MODERN HOUSE FOR KENT. MVE room and bath. Munro Bro. rtJUND. TooU. II. M. FOUND BOX OF CARPENTER'S Owner Identify property to Daggett. Government wharf. rOUllb-FIVE BASEBALL BATS. Ap ply Dally New Office. BOARD AND ROOM. UOARD. THE INLANDER, 8ecopd Avenue. Phone 137. FL'KH SMITHERS 83'J FURS MADE TO ORDER AND RE mcdtUfd. Raw akin tanned and .dressed. Mall ordera. proroDtlT attend rd to. Mr. P. Tarr. ' 234 . Broadway Bast, Vancouver. alves andwbe -Injection noirl tip. It also prevents abrasive matter, wblch l frequently found In delsel 611, and any scale from piping or tanks, from getting Into thtf cylinder. It nar lop bten known that these abrasive sub stance are extremely detrimental to thu wearing surface of the cylinder. ' R. II. Eaton, superintendent of the Bablne Hatchery was a business visitor in town on Tuesday. Dune McOlbbon 1 spending a viiltiln town after several month spent in the Ootsa Lake district. B. Steel. n employee at the Royal Bank for several month left for tbe Bablne Hatchery on Tuesday evening, having accepted a position at !th jiatchery. Mrs. Mathleson, matron of the Hospital wm a visitor in Bmlthen on Monday. Jack Frew Of the C.N.R. stiff. Prince Rupert, 1 spending a few days in town renewing old acquaintance. Mrs. 8. P. Bennett entertained a number of ladle at Bridge on Tuesday evening. The for high scprei were won by Mrs. Chas Hied and Ml Baker. The profit' amountins to 5350 from the dance and sale of home cooklni j held In the Evelyn school house last located that Jhe oil from each tank can j fore going through Iho Injection pump I Saturday evening, have been handed De cieansea svparutrij sv win nig ui muu vj me nwinn u( uw ciikiiio. pre- over vo uie union Lliurch (or the 'as about 20 gallons per hour. The pur ; venting txceatlv wear in the bypass sitting of parish work O 7o O 1925 Jkt'l Fvuf Sfpvicc Iw ttft-M liwml 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c WANTED. December 1. furnished bedroom with i use of bath, by married couple. P.O. Ban BIB. Prince Rupert. B.C. tf , FOR SALE. MISCELLANEOUS WANTED FROM NOVEMBER 8 TILL , MAKE MONET AT HOME -MEN AND women can earn 61 to 12 an hour ;ni spare time writing howeards. No eanvaMing or soliciting We instruct you and supply you with work. Write today. Tbe MrnhenpU Com pany Limited. 61 Dominion Building,! Toronto. niiHoniACTir HK.-M. II KVOUMIN ViiiuontArrroK 63 Third .rtiue. OfQee VU1U - HjOQ House calls - (100 For appointment Phone Offi Blue 35 Resident Black 233 II tNTH noon uit r.tir Mr Unger. Proprletm Third Avenue. Next O W V A. OwnI Home ('uokrd llmK Pbon Blaek 700 ANOTHER DIQ REDUCTION IN CHEVROLET COR1MERCIAL CAR PRICES. Ton lUiltty Mrt ItnatWter . lloach and Com Sedan hwitlilnu .. ltx- pri Chuii t Hih.nn ' Ton I.ikIiI lHnvpry CIlUMi 030.00 TourinK mini lloatltr t WO. 00 .... 880.11(1 .... 1 1030.00 .illtM.OO USED CARS ON HAND I Fonl I.ijriit J) Ivory, open botly 7B.0j I Fonl I.ifjlii iMlivery, panel boily 9150.00 I Fonl I.ikIiI Kellvrry. lnrlcrjiilimenl .... Il50.flf l Ford Tudor Marlor ptinlpmiii .... faoo.00 l OlilMnohil 5-pmiin- ?er TonrinR, 1022 ... j$np.00 Term can hp nrrnnpeil on jjolli i"W nnd uil jar (o milt tho porrlianor. KAIEN QARAQE Dnlpr in Sadllac, McLauphlln, Oakland, Oldsmoblle, Pontlao and' Chevrolet Cars Phono B2 NOW IH Till! TIMi; to buy tltat car you liave been considering. Why walk during the unpleasant winter weather? We have several new model on hand. price are at low level aud easy terms are available. t hlill (Ull 4?wo Ford Self Starter Light Dellverle , fguaranteed. One Ford Truck Snap. One Chevrolet Light eDllvery-Oood running order. Make tu an oiler. M, K. IMIIKKIt I.TO. , foii i:4i.i;it TAXI f hone 67 Taxi (Cnll nenrc. I'nul or Uuit) Six nnd Snvon Pnssmnror Sluric bii)r nl your (lispnsaj any time ROSS DROS. POOL ROOM HJeokor Block. rtrn from F.mnrpoa llolfll - PRINCE RUPERT TIDES ttUUy, OrlvK' 2 High 1:56 am. 23.0 ft 14:01 am. 235 " Low 7;68 am. 4J " 2Q30 pm. 1.7 ' Niiiinlay, Orlnber 2.1 High 3.40 ant. 31.0 ft 14:40 pm, 23.2 M Low :40 am, 63 " 31:14 pm, 2.0 " MAIL SCHEDIU Ter Ibe Ml Monday. Wr ttate Ot T tlOlNQ at l T )oeouer- Kundr Tlieaday Thursday listurday jOjl Ot: T Aninv. Alke Ar Muh wler Hunoayi To Pi. Mniin ad ou it, Thursday To AU.k I'olnlv Ofttober 8 in Ta lneen Charlaile October u a . To iniot anU Mirr irrn- Wednesday To'?lfirt and ftricitt- Saturday i IV I IIMIV; Item tbe Ml Monday. Wednec.-.- v h at from Wne'Milrt" "Sunday Wedaeadars 1 Friday Saturday i C1 Ocu.' f J c i llow Alijol, Allre Arr- syi Ifrmtrr If am I71tsn d ViMti Batsday I tem ,tUM roInU October 12 e ' Iwh toeen t'harMIe- fV-Ln) T mil I rum An)nt and Attr: tns- Thunday lrm Mmarl and rrcayt' Sunday . IIOX IllUt 1I0M Ortbsm a AIMn Ac HI Ave a ib ' tlh Ave. rull. o -fib Ave ittnnp l A tH'iit.v,lie s II We. 4 Cuirsit Si 6Ui Art. 6 IUy t lh A IU ".ite lb Ave I -ilt n " 'tn Atr a Mtiirun pro Oovi nidr ro. Oovt wiur' o.T.p. Whirr O T.P. Siilkm fnd Ave a tivt 3rd Ate A Fallon 61 ird Ave A Ml) S I'Truiriiin ain oicfiiiiiimr mu l'r )siiniiirr It Buuday - Prince rc 7' Tuedy- -i Cardr-' Thusrday-- Pnn SalurJsv -a Cu; . Saturday - PrinceK R-"- Oct 12 Prlnr W Oct 22. ss Princes Mi I rum Vaiimiiier fltltlHttl nBf-rtenl I'YIday , Calais BalunUv u Pr ntv---" l I i' I I i I I October 8-- Prin ' M,: October 18 -ss. Pri: W for Pott llinHHin anil ' Frldar i. Catala From pi.rt Hlniion ami Saturdav-.u. Catala lor Mewart. fnjox iw ftiinrfav - r!n1na iroin Sleuarr. Anjnv ana Tuesday-; Carden.t I 'or fj7 nrt Saturday- Pilnce lt' from Mlewnrt Sundayas, Prince R 'Pert l'r (iiren Cluirlotle- Oct. 8 s. prince CSarW Oct. 23. Prince I'lom ifueen Charlolle" Ost. 7.--, ITlnce Cb-rW Oct. 21 ss. Prince CiwrW I'or Aaiai Wednei-day , Pr)nce Oef From .tnynt Thiiruiay m, Prince Oforr I'or l.leHnrt oaturdayM. prin,ce jtuj'"- From pirnsrt Sunday as. P;nce Rupert I'or .ti.i.ka .Oct ft.-ss. Princess MirT Oct. IB as. Princess Mr From Alauku Oct 12--s, Princess Mr Oct 22- -ss. Princess Mtf Advertise In tbe DJ '