PA OR J WC EDWARBSBUHG CROWN BRAND iflAmr cvmm . of: onV a Wonderful flavor but unusually Wholesome as well I'll The Daily News PRINCE RUPEKT BRITISH COLUMBIA Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - CBli Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. H. F. PUI.LEN. Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to al parts of the British hmpire and the United Slate., in advance, per year $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, psr year J7.&0 - 98 - M All advertising should be in The Daily N-fvvs Office before 4 p.m. on day preceding publication. AH advertising received subjen to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION TUESDAY. OCTOBER, .19. 1928. COl HTEOl'f ACT OF I FOKMEK GOVERNOR. i In view of the little disagreement between the Governor-Genera! and Mark mile. King wlilrli started a institutional rontroversjr at the time of the recent election. It wa a courteous thing for Itarou llvng to meet Premier King tin hi arrival In England and show him the courtesy which wtt hi due a head of the Canadian Government. He might easily have e-cused hlmvlf but he did his duty like a soldier and a gentleman. Ill action was the Indication of big man. It does away with in Idea that there Ml anything personal about the action of ' th former Goternor when carrying out bis duties at Kldean Hall. MX. EVES. ARE TIKNED THIS WAV. ' lrliier, Kupert Is' surprising the people of Western Canada through the fart that she Is really doing business and making a mark in the commercial world. All ejes are turned to her and the prospects are they .will turn with even greater surprise before the season end. Another grain ship, is due here tomorrow and a third will follow In a few days. This gralu Is going to the I'nited King, dom ami shows clearly that this jMirt Is to be a factor in the grain shipping bul-nr to any jiart of the world where the business Iiappens la offer. , ESETIX HAFETY VALVE FOR 1 HE CROMER. As long as Vancouver remained the only uestern ort, there was danger of the rates being raised to such an ritent that the prairie shipper would suffer a considerable embargo. Uy having the ITinre Kupcrt ou)rtltMtii, It insures that the Vancuuvcrltes a III be kept at the lowest figure possible and the farmers on the prairie will benefit accordingly. In that way the Prince Rupert elevator Hill soon pay for Itself in benefit to the grain growers. When the Edmonton elevutor a built there was a lot of criticism of the action of the goeriiment In spending so much money there, yet the first year It was the means of saving a lot of damp and tough grain and raising the grade and consequently the price so that It paid for Itself almost the first year in bene fit to the prairie grain growers. The advantage of a new Institution must not always be Judged by direct financial results but by the benefit to the staple Industries of the country While It ts a good tiling for us to have the elevator at Prince Rupert It Is an advantage to the ieple of the prairies also a It makes an outlet for their grain at a competitive point ana it is useful as a place to dry the damp and tough grain bf which there Is huh uch on the prairies thl season. " WHO Is) TO DLAME '. r." 4 4.' rOH CONDITION? Amiraiug 10 an article in the raciric Fisherman republished In this paper yesterday, the halibut iioat have In some lnstauccs been able to discharge their call lit- lit ketcnlkan. slilo th fish n I-rlii UmM . . 1-1.. r - -. .. j., . - viiiHii ,1. inirf nnu beat the time It Mould take If the fishing boat had come to Prince Rupert di a ntr a mr to.mchv GRANT'S Best Procurable' (THE 0R1CINAL) Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT boltUJ uJ Mtr4 by VtflUat Cnsl It Ssn. Units. OulxidKS s4 BalnawClmlMst UuiIUku, Dsli-tnni-a-Ctstrow. SmUskO. Mli Tim fttlvejtiseinent is not published or deployed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by 'the Government of British Columbia. FANCY DRESS BALL TERRACE IlKWlLllKKIMi SPECTACLE Of ritET IY AMI OKllllVvL COSTl'MCH AT AVStAL EVENT lng and bewildering spectacle. The Judges were Mr. D. D. Munro Miss Peter. 3. K. Oordon and K. i Beech cr. Prices vera awarded as lol low: intend to settle. t Best Dressed Girl Irene Clayton a I McLaren The Charleston Kid." I rect. This may lie a fairy tale but If It Is true somebody Is scrlousl; at fault In I Dt- Turpel has rented a aulte ol the' handling of the local business. The most rapid service that Is possible should 1 room" 1,1 tne Sunlal Block wner be be given the halibut If It Is to reach the market In the best possible condition and rrlnce. Km pert on account of her position should he able to handle the business faster than unj other . port. r will have his office and living rooms; The tennis court waa badly wrecked by the severe storm ollast week, prac tically all the walls being demolished. Mr. and Mra. Carter of Amesbury who have spent the paat year In and around Terrace left on Saturday for their former bom In Detroit. Chas, Dobie ot Copper City wa In j town on Friday. J. Beckett Thompson of Amesbury waa in town at the week end. C. II. Hearn, R.' Beecher and R. Mc- Rae ol the L It else Hatchery were In town lor the Canadian Legion dance on Friday night. " P. Morris and .three daughters ol t Prince Rupert spent the week end at the Terraoe Hotel. Miss Opal Cassell left on Saturday for Pacific to visit with Mr. Aeg. Hogan. A. Bruce Rupert. lett on Monday lor Prince BURNS LAKE The Silver Island Mining Co. Ltd. has mad two excellent strikesone ot lead, 1 THa DAILY HKWB 'XX'liSDAT. OCTOBKR lt5 cine and diver and the other or grey copper carrying heavy value In gold, i ) Hirer, lead and other mineral on the ' 'mainland rhore of Bablne Lake opposite ' Bllver Island. R. C. Caaij-'ell-Jonnnon, : Vancouver mining engineer ho exam I lued the property thla summer, reporu ! ' that -working capital cl at least 2S0.- f .000 wul re required to put the how jtnga ou a producing baste. 1 Mr. Gordon B. Robb ha returned TERRACE. Oct. 1. - The Annual 'homp aR txtfaaed vU1. to tne i;rui arena uasqueraae uance u neia PLCjic coast. here ou frtday evening. October 15, j j under the auaplcea ol the Terrace) Korman Radley ha lett lor Prince , branch of the Canadian Legion and waa Ceor wnere he hiu accepted a pol- gieai auccesa. vwing very un- Uon wlth v.. . ftunan Music Store. tavorable weather condition the at-i 1 tendance wa not to large a last year. R. c. o.Hara. who ha been tn the . However lorty-two children were inCnlted State lnce lat pring em-1 costume and presented a very Interest- ( ployed on a urrey party near Chicago,! has returned here to vHlt with his ipareuu oeiore pruceeaiug va vuuuiuu. There , tail ot eight inche of snow here last aeck. Fairy. Big game hunter are beginning to Best Dressed Boy Evelyn Casscls a get result In this district. Last week Indian. 'a party guided by Barney Mulraney Best Dressed Pair. Sylvia and Oeorge 'obtained a biff bull moose near the Monet tan as Indian Princess an 3 Natauz. U. T. Noun and William Prince. !Reld shot a deer apiece on Burns Lake. Most Original QUI. Girlie Cook "II The local Indian brought in a bear Winter Cooes." I which waa bagged two out on th Meat Original Boy Tony Hipp FelUJ' Burns Lake-Endako trU. Many-big the Cat. 'game hunters are now enthusiastically Best Sustained Character Sophia 'joining tn the chase. Best Comic Boy Freddie Mlt Organ Jack Barth. who wa apprehended Orinder. Beit Comic Pair Francis and Jimmy Smith as Katzenjammer Kids. Best Sentimental Pair. Ina Smith and Doreen WlUson a "Starlight ando Rosebud." Best Hallowe'en Dress Velma Orelg Pumpkin. Best Hallowe'en Pair Joyce Cole and Barbara Sherwood as Hallowe'en. , Most' Original Pair Edith and Oordon Little Bride .fend Groom. , Most Warlike Phillip Kenney Pirate. Most, Seasonable Helen . Smith Autumn. Best -Pierrot Pair Roy and George Ied. Prize were donated by Capt. J. B. Coltburst, A. Carr, J. K. Cordon. Mrs. Lindsay. Mrs. Geo. Keith, L. H. Kenney, Mr. Sherwood, Mra. Frost, Mr. Rich mond, R. W Riley. R. W. Clayton and J. B. Agar. Music was furnished by the Canadian Legion orchestra, composed of Mrs, Att-uood, L. H. Krcney and C. Toombs. Retreshment were served ta the down tairs hall by the 'Women' Auxiliary to the Legion and were thoroughly enjoy ed by the children after their evening fun- TERRACE Miss Deacon spent the week-end with Mrs. ,A. T. Wilson nt Remo. Mrs. U Skinner and Miss SIbary of Copper City were in town on Friday night and attended the children's fancy Ores ball. Miss Norma Kenney ol Victoria, ar rived on Saturday lor a visit with ber brothers L. H. and E, T. Kenney. Miss Kenney spent some time here a lew years' ago a stenographer in the office of George Little, .and la being welcomed back by many friend. 8he 1 en routs home to Victoria after having spent several months visiting Irlends In the eastern states, in Nova Scotia and on the prairies. Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Sundal moved into their new apartment in town at the week end. T. B Marsh returned home from Cedarvale on Friday and left on Sunday tor Prince Rupert. Mr. and Mr. El wood T. Brooks left on Saturday lor the Mayo Clinic at Rochester. Minn, where Mrs. Brook will undergo treatment under specialists. Mr. W. H. Watt- and daughter of Amesbury spent - the week end at the home ot her parents Mr. and Mrs. H. L- Frank. . -'. i- Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gill left on Bun day lor Vancouver and from there will later go on to California where they near here on a charge of theft from C. N. R. train, wa sentenced by Magistrate Hosklns at Smlther to thirty months at New Westminster Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Murray ol Chicago mad a trip into the Lakes district last week. USE OF CHURCH FOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS IS BEING DISCUSSED A person called at the office thU morning and pointed out that It was very unfortunate that certain critical remarks had been made at the recent School Board meeting regarding the housing fcl the .public school class In the United Church building. People seemed to think that tb School Board bad rented some damp, dark, dismal dungeon ot primeval day. Parent who have visited thl room have found a ground floor room with high celling and splendidly lighted by lour very large windows. To date there has never been a need lor -uilng the electric light. There ts no sign ot leakage or seepage In celling or walla. The beating I en- tirelr adequate. A large gymnasium ta always open 'to the class tor plsy purposes. Indeed the School Board chairman, the secretary, the teacher, the scholars and the parents who havt taken the trouble to Investigate are enthusiastic over the room. WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE GIVEN LAST NIGHT BY K. OF P.'S An enjoyable whist drive and dance wa held last night In the Boston Hall by 6kecna Lodge. Knight ol Pythias. There Were twenty tables of whist and the price winners were: Ladles first. Mr. E. Hudson; ladies' second, Mrs. E. Large; men' first, D. McCorkltidale: men' second. Eddie Hudson. After cards, refreshments were served and dancing followed, music being by Arthur's Orchestra. W. Burken wa master of ceremonies and M. U Stepp presided at the door. The committee In charge consisted of M. L. Btepp. H. M. Blake and W. Bur- ken, assisted by a ladles' committee comprising Mrs. Stepp. Mr. O. W. JchnstODe andtMrs. v' .. Large. A Mr? .IKITEl, AKKIVAI4 rrllMTj RUerti (' O. A. 'Hope. Mr. and Ufa, 'j. H. Taylor and Roy C Wright, Vancouver; C. I. Brown. Victoria; Mr and Mra. T. B. Campbell, Hazelton, R, Q, Johnston, In Is It Worth 50 Cents? " Money can't boy anything elae like thl wonderful herbal Zam.Hu., It'l simply priceless ' " say one enthusiastic mother. For Injuries, Zam-Buk Is the Indiapen-uble ever-ready healer, Where ther is any skin or scalp disease, Zam-Dak 1 magical la extracting germi and poisonous Impurities and growing new healthy skin. Being prepared exclusively from pure refined herbal essences, all highly concentrated, Zam-Buk retaina lis medicinal virtue indefinitely, It never goe rated cd uele like laity salve and ointment do. Vet, wbilat so much rrors fr, purer and reliable, berba! Zam-Buk cost no mora to buy. From Stadaeona St Montreal. Mr. Villier. write . ' For healing, give ma Zam-Huk1 It i the finest thing I know, It aved me from a poioned hand, rid my thre children ( calp eora. and healed my husband' badly crushed finger H wouldn't be without it at mny rice. Oet a 80c box to-dy, or for FREE SAMH.E mention papw nclos lc, stamp to ZaovHuk Co., Toronto. TamBttK rKBjajgaksM ernes: A. E. Noel, Balmoral. aoy Mr. and Mrs. J. Psuly. Cedarvale: .liouiaa J. Fletcher. Sin Francisco; Mia .Vatson, Ales McDonald and E W. C -tllea. city; T. B. HaUlweli. Terrace. T. i i. Bonalio. Balmoral; O. P. Johnson, idmonton. 1 Central ' E. Mlkkelsorg. SeatUe: W. F Taylor. Prank Duggan and W. H Thorne. C. A. II , MINlltJU. AC CsrtlfksU of lprt(nsnl. Winn t'rai'lioaal No. t. Anyot ud J 1 .ill MiiM-rsI 1 laiRis. si 1 us U- In thr Atlia tiuinr tHvisU uf 1 he -isr lustnri, Isiul one Uilir up strrsui Ir-nu tb bouiu f Winn ftiter. TAkE VlTli.E that Tlw Klirioeer Cold line Ltd.. Inc.. rw Miner irtlfirsie 10. JTwi:, 'SlMid. sixty rt)S fnsn ttr lte ucreor .to p'ly 10 Hw lnin Uf iril-r rr cerlirM-te of improvenienl, or the purpose of iblsimn- ;ruwn rant of toe above claim. and further lake nuiire that rilun, ud lr neriinn H. must be cunuuenrrd before ne itse of sum Cerlificaie uf In pro-orni HATCH till Id day hi Sept-ndwr. .lt ' H. McN. FRASER. Agent MINCftAL ACT. Csrllflcat f Impretsmsnl nweepsiake .Mi. 4, werpiae 5o. I rirllunai and Srt-tke o. Frac U.iial Mussral rjaims, Miusie In I be Allin 41niiir Itt lsaii of ( aiar lusiri't. Wlwn- lM-led:- tt lde or Tku Ann, ii-sr ilieep i:rek. TAkt .MUTHt: tbt Hetlnsld sytnes, 1 n-ruier nd siiii-iiiir. of I0 Wul l-en : tor L. Vsm-ouvrr, Hrltlth Columlila. -l 1 iitr nl for tiwecpsiakes Mining Cor-1 .xmSUod rree Miner1 trtiru-ie o. I I3tal, Intend, till) djjr frtn llie dat'l irrenf. lu appl 111 the Mtmn Herurder1 or rtlf kales of Improvemrni. for ln ;Hirpose of 'ibliinina i;rt'n Urania of! lie above rtalina. ami Fi nriim take notice tht ae- un under rnnn as must l ctmiiwnrfd , lM-rore tne issue or surn cenuirsie 01 improvement. i'ATtli Ihn tat day of Sepiember. A.D itti. m MINCMAL ACT wsrtlficat of lmprtmnt. Brownie Ho. i. lot 4 .. Mineral Claim, filiate In IIh Allin Mmln Division of tlx Uaiar Unmet, on tm Wet Arm of Ta-mm Arm. about lture quariars of a mile p lira in frin the ns.utrj of Winn Hlver. TAkE sjfiriCK Inat I. C.barle E. Ollmore. IW Afliief Certiririte Xn. 19711, intend, mljr davw from tbe date hrroof. to- apply :o tlif Minlnt Iterorder fur a Cerilflnle f Inipruvemettta, Tor the fmriNiae of oli alnina a i:rown Orant of the klsive claim. Arul furtber taken tuitlre tint action, .inder section tl. must t rnmnH-nced be. i.irs llm Issue cf aurh CertlfH-ite ot Im-lroveinent. fiATr.O thl) ill day of September, A.D m H MrX. rilAgrtt, Agent. MINIRAL ACT Oartlflcata f mprovmnt. Brownie No. I Miners) Claim, altnale in the Atlin Minliur UivUion or the r:alar Dtslricl. on Waun Hlver, adjiilning and to the uriiith of hrownle No. 4 M.C TAKE MiTir.f- I, Junes H. Kershaw, Tree Miner's certiricale to. fvsei, intend, sixty days from the dale hereof, to applf in Hit- Mlnlnr Iterorder fur Certificate r lriirovinent), for the purpose uf ob Ulninr a crown Grant of the alsive claim. And furtiM-r take nulee that action, un iler lerlimi Al, must be rntninenred before I ho issue of such Certiricale of linpruve- tlHMlt. HATED tblf 11 day ol September, A.D. l.fA. W MrW, H-BAr.n. A rent. NOTICC Or INTENTION TO ARPLV FOR LEAK In the Land leeordlnv tilttrlcl of Atlln Mininr lilvislmi nf Cassiar IHstrlct, TAKE .NOTICE tint the Elivlliwr Oold Mines, Lilt. Inc., a registered nilnltix nun-pany iipcrslintt within the 1'rovlm-e of Brl. tlli 'oliirnlna, ocruiiatluti, a iiunltiir roin. pany, Intends to t'i ly for forrsimre Urate ur the rollowinir doarrltied landsr - Cfinuiienrliir at a tmst pTmiied tbnoi 100 feet distant in an Msterljr dlrerun fnmi the North West rnmer (if IM 411, ky lark MliM-rnl Claim, altuated at the luniith r W'stin litvpr. in Takn Ann of Tairiih lake, tt-nce in a Nnrttierly rtirrrtlnii til ri. llienee Easterly toil foci, tli(-iic Southerly 10 feel more or less to hirh water niark, thenre Weaterly 100 rest nmrr or less to point or roiiiiiieneeiur-nt and ronlaliiliiA li t arre more or less. Located this 1 6th day nf An rust. ism. (Slrtwdl If. McN, F11AHF.ll. H C. t. Avenl , LAND ACT. Nolle of Intantlon to Apply to Laaa Land In Prince rmpert Land Jiernrdtur Ms Irlet, and situate at J eel ay HarlHir Cuecn Charlotte Islands, TAkE ,(JTICt that Somerville Cannery Mended cipattftc (IcmiadianJ vaiuiv Steamship and 1 ram . . . j .- ... . , 1 1 Service stuiuaa rrito rmkee nurtRT fr va.coovi, vicros-i. itarru rsrll TMUPttDAV an tUNDAV. 11X0 pjn. l-t ASJYOX WCOSJUDAV It r ITgWAUT ATUDr 101 M I S, rmsaCI JOHSJ t T VANCOUVgR tl QV(ll CMAMLOTTt IsUa fsrtiilfhil-. PAItCNatai TRAIN! LCAVg rRINCK RIUMRT 411? rtevf4 II.J0 . fur PRiNCg OlOROt. tonORTOR, wiRNirga, ail ? n u- Canada, DlilteO SUIes. Asr H Otss tUsmaait Llats. L'e Canadiao .launnsl EapreM lor Moey oriiers, f'wrr.ra . also for vihii ix it stiipnieat. citr TUttt orfits, tn Toif rrt Rt. m tn. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert T Ketchikan, Wraitsall, Junu an ttsfwar (ssi. , iy, W Oct t. '. T Vanour, Victoria sad taatlls U 4, It, 1j Oct. 1, It. iX PRINCgM BgATWtCt. 0mit Rli, an Vsncw ' Rat 1 1 a.a. fee Bwtaoaia, ,tl Bll Ball, Ossan gall, Rama, AUrt i Aaey fr all atMintkl Lias. H kafs ssthta ! W. a OKCMARD Rsosrsl 0re f tk trsst M tn Avsaus, Rflsss Rsrt, BX. UNION STEAMSHIPS, LIMITED aaillnta I rum rrtare Kuasrt r VANOOUVBR. VICTORIA, Boas Bar. ana Rlsri Bat. Tswtaat, f VRNOOUVtlt. VIOTORIA. Alset Bf, and lISM , Batrl, " foe PORT BiaariON an Nasi Rivae CsnH. Thsrsday sun. e rORT rsarOR. ARVOX. ALICE ARM.. f TC WART. .ias. 123 Asnu. R. M. IITH, Assat Prist R upset, Omnixny. ltd . Vnnxinver fl.r. or.-upatluu Fih rark.i.. inirnilt ! apply rut a ! (If the rnltiiwint desrrllird Units i immriii iitr al a post I'lanted at the wilitlwsrl rnmer nf llie 1i.n Mineral claim. fullKwina' the eierh iHiumiary in I Hiirllierlv (llrrriinn i chains, llienre iiortlwasterly tl eluiina lu tiiali wate mark; thcm-i- similieaslerb alunit llie blah water mark I. Iisins. itM-nee southwest ei ly 1 1 ehsins, more nr less, li the tniiiit uf I'liiiiiiM-neetiwiil, and rotitaming It aeres, niuri m less 0OMEIIVU.I.G r.AINEftV C1IMPANV. I.TI'., A'plli-lit. Per f H Mather'. Ialtt Mihlenilier lli. mtA. MotW otpoclal S' for call, ran a it takaw U placo of lnbar Local Druggists Have Modern Remedy for Celds A Vaporising Salvo which la Rubbed Ovr Throat and Cht for Colds, When Vicb VapoRub, tlie "external" method of treating sore threat, bronchitis, deep clicst colda, or croup, it applied over throat or chest, the ingredient, arc released at vapor, by the body heat. These vapore. inhaled with each breath carry the medication directly to the affected air pasffflca, loosening- the phlcETO and relieving the congestion. At the same time Vicka acta a a counter-irritant, stimulatinc the tkln, and thua helps tlie vapors inhaled to bnak up the inllammatlon. Cokli axe usually rclicred over VICKS VAPORUl Pre 2INiiuomJms Usid YIemly Apple no. 1 fancy wrappe-Mcintosh reds Hfgular prior" Our Special, per box Wtf liiive 100 ltix-Applr In m-11 llil w ur Imix iiiiw Jtrorf Oil Mlltl. ww .ins ui nauuu r' 4 lb. each Hlrawbfiry, jwr liti Cherry, jut tin . . Itasplierry, per tin ApriciH, per till . . id., i in. I ft I tiaa M lift v lV' l llllll, Mt UN . (let your Jam now. w"1""" Hn giiiiJ r.licrtp. Villi 1-nll Inil.a V-IIHP . 1111''' .If,,l v,,.. tiny f liw rilxive lin (,) , Jnm (irTiOc nloitK wild l,rf clinse of iiiki Imix of M l'1'"' Apples for $2.2,-). , He nre to order Hie 'vV pether In get llie Itarpm We will deliver your order, large or mall. Phone 48. K I UuIarrpo x, i.rnrp sa - um m vav vaar a a Vs ABIlWttVI O A VI w-- Limiteci