"'If appearance netted him the nrlncelv sum 1 ol 35, His next fight also resulted In tU holding its own with all other ag-1 ta reclining position, his arm shield-a three-round knockout. Andy Malloy ' gregatlons. Results of the big fight , Jn hu Te ,rom ,un- " h who had previously walloped one of Dempseys brothers, was the victim. IILTO.V VICTORY by When he was about 20 years old Dempsey began roaming around, taking Is up .thejlfe oX a hobo, a youth with; wanderlust who rode the rods for the ' fun of it and fought occasionally for the excitement as much as for the small j a sums of money It brought him. Dempsey took on a bout whenever the opportunity offered. Between times he returned of to odd farming jobs or worked as a miner By long a odds, hi. most lmprelve r ! Cr arrtUvamant wa Vsa wlotnew .. tnat aua ...v , t Mth. .r-nn. hi. ., -.1.1, nrni.wt -.v "6"- " That waa against Fred Fulton, the j Minnesota contender, whom was stretched on the canvas, dead to the world. In the remarkably short space of 23 seconds. This fight, a contest that stirred the boxing world, was staged at Harrison. N J, In 1918. Praise Immediately, was (heaped on Dempsey and he was heralded as the next champion of his clsss. ' Dempsey's victory In four rounds over the giant Jess Wlllard when he won the championship and his triumph over Luis Angel Flrpo In two rounds also stand out as stirring battles of his career. MIORT IKillTH Previous to his championship encounter with Wlllard, Dempsey knocked out numerous heavyweights, the majority of them In a couple of punches. Among his victims were Carl Morris, the original -white hope." Battling Levin-sky, Bill Brennan, Bob Devere, Jim Flynn. Dan Pork Flynn, Terry Keller, Bob McAllister. Al Norton, Qunboat Smith, Arthur Pelky, and a host of I others. I Dempsey's first manager was A. J. j Auerbach, a business man of Salt Lake I City, who had taken an Interest In him I and helped him financially to start onj his fistic career. When Dempsey was i knocked out In the first round by Jim Flynn In their contest In Salt Lake City ' In (7, a "result that Auerbach regarded as queer, he told Dempsey to hunt up a new manager. He drifted to New York, tlelng up with "John the Barber" Reia-ler, A few months later he returned West. While In Ssn jTanclsco he became acquainted with Jack Kearns In a gymnasium and remained with him untn their amaahup about a year ago. LORD W00LAV1NGT0N BIG MONEY WINNER WITH COLT CORONACH LONDON, Sept. 22. Through the great performance of his chestnut colt, Cor-onach,, winner of tho Epsom Derby and recognized thres-year-old champion ot the year on the British turf. Lord Wool- aTlngton has jumped to the front as tj. the biggest money-winning owner, as well as the most successful breed d so i tu this season. Coronach has won five races. In ad- dltlon three other horses carrying Lord Woolavlngton's colors have won three I rsces which boost the stable's winnings. Lord Woolavlngton's only rival as a ) money winner Is Lord Derby who has j bred 13 horses that won 19 races valued 4, at 2745 pounds. , Among the trainers, T. Darling tops j . the list, having trained IB horEca that , won 41.820 pounds In 39 races. J The Jockeys are led by T. Weston, 1 - "with fifty first, while the famous Steve I Donoghue Is fifth with 37 winners. 1 . 5 SPORT CHAT A meeting of local nimrods Is being called for tonight to air a protest the season for geese hunting being set and in this district at from November 1 to February 15. It will be urged thatWUUra Mt hlm ther- nd In the started . clinches the giant consistentlr leaned !the season be a good that local huntsmen may be allowed to gun for the birds when they are more) plentlfuL Objection will also be takrn tss thi. rfutrirt hm. t.v.n m itn ! VincouTfr tnd ,t urgrd a represenUUve from this vicinity be placed on the Game Board. The tor-; 100 lr'c w resumed, it was a ques-maUon of a local Rod and Oun Cluo lton tar tUat u frpenters would may also be undertaken. Fred Oilhuly. who moved away from here about a year ago but whose efforts on behalf of local amateur sport trolne stron In the southern cltv sndiP0" comfort. Pictures ahowed hlm between Dempsey and Tunney In Phll-jbe,n adelphla tomorrow will be announced radio In Oil's cigar store In Kelso. I A boxing and wrestling tournament being put on at Anyox next Monday nlghi by Steve Dumas of Alice Arm and a very attractive card has been arranged. The main bout will be , six round encounter between BUlT ' tteynoias oi Anyox, ex-ugmwetgni Welsh champion, and Harry Anderson Alice Arm, ex-llghtwelght Pacific i Coast champion, to decide the cham- Plonip of Northe h fltSsa sasvmsa tA ni1r RtitKKsi nf I inc, wm. .ill m t r.rti. rw.,.rt -- --- - . nh In . flnl.h ufll.s ' - match, best two out of tbrve falls Famous Battles tor the Heavyweight Title MILLAKIt vs. JOHNSON Placid Jess Wlllard wrested the besvywelght crown from Jack Johnson : at Havana, Cuba, July 4, 1815, In the 26th round, the bout being the longest decisive heavyweight championship affair. The end of the long battle precipi tated a scene of wild excitement. Only one person was calm In the midst of the confusion. The exception wuj Wlllard. The challenger waa In a receptive mood throughout. He refused to lead mm ui - Take a cup of B0VRIL NOURISHING us m i DSuLX 4',"" cleared and Com ad Ins got away. .a.! BOXING CHAMPIONSHIP or the North 1 , HARRY ANDERSON j of .Ii-t Arm I will nit fl WM. REYNOLDS of Anyo in n six round lionl n( 1 nr. at Anyox on Monday, September 27, 1826, (o deciiK' the (lliampiitnhip or the North. Dirk SluM will vr?llr Pal lloherly. Hel (wo out of llirvo fall. let Johnson do the work. Once when Johnson fell across the roprs. ;on ebonJr champion. m ,on Derore lnf fur I0T tri it to start It was doubtful IX there ,ould rtn8 ta whlch 19 amM. Carpenters building the temporary arena went on strike In the morning and al- ,bou8n the dlSerencea were patched uo ! vacate In time for the boxers to take possession of the fighting ground. Had the fight been held a day later. Johnson would have made a record a the oldest champion. He was five days over 37 years of age when he was knocked out. So was Bob FlUaim-xnons. There was some suspicion anymg observers that Johnson, realizing he was past his prune, took defeat In corn- counted out BORDEN STREET SCHOOL WINNER nr.TTi:i 111(111 (ll()OI. t TO IN JI MOH roOTIItl.1. LMT MOIIT m. bt the nd of football League schedule . . . . was played last evening and a - most ' " . .. excitinz encounter was me result. Bor . . .. . . . . den beating High School by 2 to I Beth teams had new players and they showed up well. Borden played up the hill but wltj the wind. High started with one man short and Borden pressed. Irvine got away for High , but Stiles cleared. Hill was prominent but Borden returned lo the attack and Cross kicked awa"r. Borden were having all the best of the game but High defence was sound, llendrlckson In goal"-cleared a high cress and then bis goal had alsertea at narrow 'escapes. Stalker and 8mlth had many duels with little to choose between them, Nina Ourvlch ahot over and then Hill and Comadlna, who now arrived to make up the High team, combined to force Stile to defend Lee ahot past at the .other end. Cross cleared from Wick and Stalker from Smith. Half time came with the score aheet clean. M.CONU IIAI.I The second half opened with HU;h attacking. Hill was nearly througn and then Borden forced a corner. This aiamm AND SUSTAINING High pressed but Borden defence wss sure. At the other end Rattaford centred for Stalker to ciear strongly. Smith centred and poor work by tl High defence let tie ball through and Borden was one up. High was not down-hearted and came back strong lut Smith was a continual worry to the defence and, with any support, Bordeo must have scored. Hsndrlekaon picked up and kicked ciear. For a time 1110 took up 'the attack and It was Borden's goal that was in danger. High now had the better of the game and. In the attack, one of the defence handled. From the resulting penalty Oollison had no difficulty In maktjuj the score equal. Play swung from ow nd to another with High rather the more dangerous and Just as a draw seemed certain Borden attacked. Hen-rtckson kleared but Ratchlqrd swung good cross Into the corner of the goal and the gsme was over with Borden winners 3 to 1. THE TEAM1 Trams were as follows: High Stalker. Hill. Oomadlna. Oollison, Cross, Ness. Irvine. Morrison, llendrlckson. Johnson. Borden Smith. MacDunald, T. Watte. T. Watte. K. Mlwa. A. Stiles, R. Wicks. E. Ratchford. T. Orme. N. Ourvtch, O. Lee. Referee- Jack Campbell. Linesmen- Henry Hrllbroner and Gordon Vlereck. FRED PYLE IS BILLIARD HEAD MIVIJilL IMPORTANT ( HANOI. IIV-( IPt.II I PON lT ..MUIIT TO OOtF.HV (OMPKTITIOV THIS fKAOV The Prince Rupert Billiard tton, at Its annual meeting last night, decided on several Important change .o govern competitions during the coming winter. The first and second divi sions of last year will be abolished and one city league will be constituted. Six captains will be appointed and Ue will choose the members of all teams tn be given names or titles as seen fit. The points for league games will te reduced from 2M to 300 and game will be played on Tuesday and Friday evenings, the first game to be on October 3. All Intending players are required tj be registered under the Association. As soon as these registration are In, about a week from now. there will be aoother meeting to choose the teams and set the schedule. The meeting last night was attended by about thirty billiard enthusiast. Fred Pylfc was In the chair and S. D .Mac donald acted a secretary. The flnan clal statement showed a cash" balance of 121.31 on hand. Officers were elected as follows: Honorary 'President John Bulger, Honorary, lce-presjdent - Oiler Be- ner. ', f President r. Q. Pyle. V;' J 4 ' Vice-President 8. Darton. 1 Secret ry-Treaitfer-'SerfeearA Itbfton. Executive- The officers and Oeorge Waugb. 8. D. Macdonald. Jack Judge and Ben Self. RUFFIANS IN EAST END GIVEN WARNING Iteprrdatloti. at lis pert jit l)mn.lum Mii-I ae nr Police Mill be Aked lo AUt Depredations of young ruffian at the lupm East United Church gymnasium hreaten to cause the closing down of '.hat Institution again a was found necessary last spring and It may be come essential to call upon the police to take a hand. Rev Evan Baker started his winter season of gymnasium clashes last even ing. It Is Impossible to take all the boys who offer In the one night and the other who wer not admitted last night pelted the bulldlne with roots, tones, etc. Mr Baker wishes to sound a word of warning in the hop 'that the mlscon duct will cease before It become neccs sary to take more drastic action. IIOTH. AHUIVAI.H Prime l(niert J, P. McDonsld, A. Major, Mr. and Mrs, Byard Abrams and child. Vsnco-i ten O. Roller. Anyox; Mis E. F. Rled and Col. J. F, Lash. Toronto; T. M. !tld and A. O. Bowie, Dswsonl 8. Arlgv Toklo. Advertise In The Dally Ntwi i ' m i C 1J lut-i f vmvc V anted For Sale DAILY For Rent NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken fen leu than 50c WANTED. EARN SOME EXTRA MONEY BIX tween now and Christmaa; S10 to 120 easily mad weekly In spare tune, taking order for "Imperial Art" Per-onal Ctrl Unas Cards, Everyone a customer. Take orders now. delivery j later. Liberal commission. Send for) free sample book. BrlUah Canadian.! fit Wellington Weat. Toronto, j WANTED.- ONE RELIABLE MAN INi every town, merchant preferred, to take orders for best customs-made clothes In Canada. Highest torn-mMonasRex Tailoring Co. Ltd., To ronton WANTED. EXPERIENCED GENERAL' maid, family of two. Mrs. D. C. Pa tenon. Bank of Montreal. Phone 869. WANTED. SMART OIRL FOR OEN eeal housework; good home. Apply to Mrs. Hacker, United Church Parson-ate JJl FOR SALE. FOR SALE. ISO ACRES OOOD LAND. M acre In crop, balance easily taken In. Right at Quick slattoo. River run through proierty. Oood roads. Apply Mr. W. Stuart, li Ninth Street. 37 1 FOR BALE. TO CLOSE OUT AN LS-tate. w r authorised to sell several lot, men corners, harbor view, aid on sewer. Price low and Urnvs from 1 10.00 muothly. Enquire T McClymonL U FOR SALE- ROTARY ELECTRIC OVti In good working order, too Miall for present trade: will sell chesp to make room for larger one. Etettn Window Bakery. Print Rupert. BC FOR SALE. OOOD TXX JO EN II El to goat, under milk test, three vn.it old; two nanny kids four months old; cheap for rash. Fowney Fur Farm. Terrace. BC. Tti WANTED. COMPETENT OIRL FO.t general housework: or school girt who require a good home. Box 127 Dally New Office. Xli FURNITURE FOR SALE. FOUD- roomed apartment for rvnt 210 Sixth Avenue West, opposite Auditorium 231 FOR SALE. NEW FtVE-ROOMEO house on two lot In Section flT Box JJ. Dally New Office. 233 FOR BALE. AXMINSTER CAR PUT. brick lined stove. singer sewing machine, etc Phone Red 3M. 211 TENT FOR SALE, NEW THIS YEAH and used onl one week. Price 120 Pullen. Dally Newa. .j FURNITURE FOB BALE. CTiettf rfitld. dining suite. '.ruxs and chain. Phone Blu 430, ... 223 FOR 8ALE.--LOTJ 1. BLOCK S ften. 1 - w . ' - tlon 7. Apply Box SJtf Dally Nw Office. tf FOR SALE. PLAYER PIANO: Ex cellent condition. Phone Green 4 jo TO RlirsT FOR RENT. LARSEN BUILDINO AT in inira Avenue East; six rocn modern flat with bathroom and workshop prrmUes on street floor Apply Hyde Transfer. 139 Second Avenue. FOR RENT PIANOS. PLATEH pianos, phonographs and sewing tna- cnine. walker' Musio Store. FOR (tENT. MODERN UP-TO-DAT5 nt; large airy rooms; fire place clos In. Maa Hetlbroner. FOR RENT. MODERN HOUSE; UN. oosiructed marine view. Apply 218 Fourth Avenue East. FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR REKf oy day, week or month. Phone Red if MUUEKN HOUSE FOR RENT. FIVE rooms and inalh.,unro Bros. L08f. LOST SUM OF MONEY BETWEEN eecond Avenue and sixth Street Finder please return to Pet Philip sun. uiAMunu ajiu RUBY RINO LOST in exhibition grounds. Finder pleaso I rrvurn w uauy new offic. Reward, FOUND FOUND. FIVE BASEBAIX BATS Ap- ply Dally Ntwi Offic. JACK DEMPSEY BRINGING UP FATHER "tmani s nr fTM mm OCMT IS FAVORITE &OT-lA TF.LUN' M 0ICU,b- XOOR. t:'JCrAO rAR. vvi. r I PAOiTlOH I DQM'T KrAQW I J PL. IT IT WOT. "TOUR c UEFT TVMtj -jwaoo WHCH ME Plftr- 1J -AOf WITH MONfY- DO WFd. i'L-L ObDS 01Vi: V HACKERS or CHAM- Z. HOW Kin. TOO HCAvR. bMO HE. OWED 'v 7 Oa,y PIOV FOR tuilT TOMORROW dive VOO AN? f 1 MEY v "YOU - e-fc? J huh: rey.T Time- "1 K " I, JLj iA.. W-H r.. is, p.. t I IS MIXTIKE OF IRISH, SCOTTISH AM I Mil AN AMI LIVED OX FARM i! j t i v. .)( .11 UK t '' '! Sill !.,, . .i .KM If tint wsT' PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 33. Jack Dempney, who fights Otnt Tunney tomorrow, has the odds In his favor. It Iv clatmed that he has the strongest punch and that Is what is likely to settle the big match In defence of hU title to heavyweight champion of the world. Tunney also has his backers and the tact that Dempsey has not fought for two years U quoted against him. Dempsey, who drifted Into pugilism by way of the life of a hobo, rose to fistic heights more rapidly than any other ring champion, actually punching his way to the title In less than four years from the time he first palled on a pair of boxing gloves. Dempsey's career Is unique not only In so far as his record of knockouts la concerned before he became champion, but also by the fact that he was In the limelight such a short period of Ume. It took him only one year to compile a record of such formidable charac ter that he earned the opportunity to ! battle for the highest, honors of the ring. 16 OIT OF 19 Through the year of 1918 Dempsey fought 19 battlees and won 16 of them by knockouts. He lost only one decision. I dropping that to Willie Meehan In a I war benefit contest of four rounds. t Born of nigged parents 31 years ago, j Dempsey claims that be has Irish. Scotch and Indian blood In his veins and insists that the fighting qualities! for which all three of these races are famous have been bred In the bone and ' , . blood and have come to him In gener- -ous proportions from his ancestors. Dempsey's name Is William Harrison Dempsey. but wken he started fighting be assumed the name of "Jack" after Brooklyn's famous Nonpareil. Most of Dempsey's early life was spent on a farm, but later he worked In the mines except In harvest time, when he found It more remunerative In devoting his strength to reaping wheat and other crops. In this wsy Dempsey kept himself In good physical condition. FOl (HIT AT 19 Dempsey, according to his own story, engaged In his first fistic encounter In an Improvised ring at Montrose, Colo, which was near his home, Manassa, will always be kept In memory by the when he was about 19 years old. That trophies presented by him which are was (n the early part of 191S. HuYlrst1 still" In competition. Is taking an active opponent was a young blacksmith part In sporting circles in Kelso. Wast-named Woods whom he knocked out In . lngton. where he la now located. A the third round. DempseyV initial ring bowling team beating "Oil's" name It Sf !: ANOTHER Bid REDUCTION IN CHEVROLET COMMERCIAL CAR PRICES. 1-1 Ton I'tllit)' nr Chasfti ... HS3.00 Ton I.ikmI Hrlivery (ltaftlft ... . . nSO.OO Tourliut ami tli4Uir I His.no SjoH lliwdnler . ., ,WPh and Coupe f 100.00 SiHlan 'II3S.00 Lundau . CI 1KS.0O USED CARS ON HAND I For.) Until Drlhwv. ojMn ttljr 1 75.00 I Fnnl Liz hi IMIvwr. Mn tailr 100.110 t Fnl Light lllverr. Martrr ciulitnetii .... I50.nfi I Fonl Tmlor sUn. ' Inrlrr equipment . f Jftft I OI.Inmliie 3.uhm rr Toiirlnp. ... 100.00 rerin tma h armmrml n hotn now anil tt un In anil tin urehair. KAIEN QARAOE VaIr tn CadlUc, McLaunhtln, . OaklandJ Oldimoblle, Pontlae and Chevrolet Car Phona 52 NEW CAR PRICES Miiii.iImmiI I.iS1.00 Sor ltoallpr HKO.00 loiiriiiK riOS.Oo llMitr s.MtOO I'tMlor Sclaii 700.00 Fonlor Srdan .SSi.OO l.iKhl IMivon- SQ2.00 Tnirk 581.110 Thee prices Include freight, Uxea, selr (tarter and balloon tire. Hall or IpIpIioiip for lf monlra- lioii or ilrivirifr lron. S. E. PARKER, LTDH Authorlted Ford Sale and Service rnnn Rara Truck Trctor BOARD AND ROOM. HIOH SCHOOL GIRL WANTS OOOD home tn return for service. Box S13 Dally New Office. 23t OOOD HOME FOR SCHOOL GIRL- Apply Box 323, Dally New OfRc. 219 BOARD. - THE INLANDER, 83) Second Avenue. Phone 137. TAXI PhonevG7 Tail Call Ororgp. I'niil or Out six nnd S'VfTi PnMiniirer Hludn It-iVprn at your disposal any lime. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block. Ai-rns from I'innre Hotel PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Tiie-Mlay, fri.lrinlrr 21 H'sh 033 a.nt. 22 0 Xt. 13 00 DDI, 21.7 ft. Iw HA am. 2.2 ft. I 19.20 pm. 3.4 ft. Mrilnrsilsy, Kriilrmlier tt 'h 32 am. 23 8 It. 13 80 pm. 33 8 ft Low 7.40 am. 2.0 It. 3004 pm. 2.4 tt. Thurxliy, hri.lrnii.rr J.1 "Igh 3 os in, saS ft. 14 JO pm. 33 8 ft Low sat am. 2.3 It. 2047 pm. 2 t ft. I'rlrtiir. Sepirmber II H"RhN 28 a.ro. 230 ft. IIjOO pm. 23.8 It. Low 9 01 ain. 14 ft. 21.31 pm. 3.3 tt. MAIL SCHEil I w I be ls... Mondays. V: MatT, . VWB T sneoum Bunds ys Tuesdsy Thursdsys Salurdsvs CJ-Jl Sep! tsji. T Abj.v tike Xtu. btMsil mtrt Sundaya 1" PI. Mp.a aa4 ViUi ,ua rMili- Stptember : scd V To tli (asiMiM. Mondays it ta IMMilli (Je (karWlM. September I c4 1m .) M Alkre tr- i in sa rmsbt- naiuroan n,J I mm Ike laa Mottday. W:aini faaat lit Ironi Bundsrs Wedaesasr Kit PTMsy Bsturdsys ill CFIt Sep'.rBbrr i" tsi r 1 1 cm Aaiet, Ahrt trm. Hnsli Ptemtet Tueds)s tl I rum Pt. lrMt4rl; iwl srifdsr ! AUU PstaSv- September : li! rM Nerth w ftart-i" WedrxKMUV 1 lrsi lk Urr (WWt- syrtefftber xA !i I rwm Aa) sad Use V- TlMmdata 1 I ron Mr art aa4 P- Swadsvs II UI (TKUdlol II HI OrsHiai s K i " III a l t I ill ik ate a " ' itt m Ilk Ate A r,f I I'll 1 1 4 ftirt"-.U ixt II tve 4 i ' lib Ate 4 Hit- 5 Hi U !1 lib 4 llr " ,t III lib At 4 ' l I- li lib Air 4 ''"M III I W pro. ni iMr rr. oitt, Warf IU Hi WMrl I M Hi O.r.P. li' O.T.P ll' II "I Iflt fjxl At 4 !" ' if" il 3rd Ute 4 r U" 3rd Ave 4 ik ? if" STEAMSHIP MOOT I nr tsiireoirr m, l!flm Bundsy s. rm..' (i Tuesdsy -ss, Cs"1'" ,1 Thursday a Ftin ThurKiay - r 0 rtAla Sept li rr-zf."!, bept 31 . P ltm tsiiirr Sunday ss wr.-... pi nt CH at V( - li " a Wednelsy Pr rridsy -ss. . yj Ssturdsy I Bept. 17- a. rn- Sept 27 , "" VU.IN l r Port lmi ,i Friday -as. Cawi l rin Port Mropw i Saturday s. CiU Sundsy caroro. rnm Meaurl. ." " Tuesday -ss. Cardro Fur Meaart - II Saturdsy Prlnr. P Itimh Hlrsrl I Sunday rrlf B,UL Monaay -m. ;.,.r.,itr- . . Wednesday , l-ur NMiin I""-' "' ms Wednesday r'?" rMtr- . WrdnendSt M. Pf"" I lor All)- orjit Wednely Pr,0C' I r..n. An).-- nc Thursday l or Me art , "ur Ruprrt Ssturdsy Itmu .Mrsrl- Sundsy--s. "in" Sept. l7-. Wnt rrom Alass- civMfl' 27--. Wn " Bept, LouW