l 1 w WlDKtSDAT Mn. PAGE BIX THE DAILY NEWS .tcnl n 185t FRESH IN I Rochon's Chocolates $1.00 per 1 lb. Box Abu Muxes al $2.00, $2.75 and $4.00 ROCHON'S ALMOND CRISP $1.00 per lb. Rune rt Pharmacy Phono 94. We deliver. New Dresses targe Assortment of New Afternoon and EveningDresses In all colors and sixes from 16 to 44. Prices from $1200 to $37.50 COME AND MX! "Demers" We aim to please Phone 27. P.O. Box 327 For Real Bargains Call at Our Meat Dept. We keep the best Sirloin Steak, 2 lbs. . . 55c Humid Steak. 2 lbs. . . 45c Veal Steak, per lit. . . . 25c Veal Gullet, per lb. . . 25c Shoulder Veal. p$r lb. 15c Leg Veal, per lb 25c Slewing Veal, 2 lb. . . 25c Slewing HeeC 2 lbs. . . 25c noiling Heef, per lb. . . 10c Sausage, 2 lbs 35c Pickled Pork, 2 lbs. . . 35c Pol IVoasl Heef, per lb. . ... 12'2c Shoulder Steak, per lb. 15c Fresh Fish of all kinds always in stock. Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 84 417-423 5th Avenue East DEPENDABILITY is Hie one big factor necessary in your glasses We supply that factor through our careful, conscientious, scientific examination of your eyes and Hit, production of lenses lo meet the results of that examination. Accuracy and precision characterize our service lo you from start to finish. A. E. Ireland Graduate Optometrist for 27 Years 319 3rd. AVE. 1'IIONE KEli 442 SUMMER SUGGESTIONS FOR WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Birch and Spruce Per load . .. $6.50 Per half load 3.50 Per sad ... 50 Burn Wood and Keep Cool I HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 5S0 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. I TERMS FOR TAX LOTS PROPOSED jSALi: OP PROPEKTY IttVERTEIt TO city is ritornseo to he held Ii OCTOItEK The suggestion was made at last night's council meeting by Aid. Caaey that when the city puts Its reverted lands on sale next month, terms be allowed to the purchasers instead of following the usual cash In full policy. Aid. Casey referred to the tact that all such property had been with drawn from the market last April with the Idea of holding a sale In October. It was time he felt that the city of flclals were preparing the list of pro perty and giving notice to the public that It would be sold. Developing his proposal of part cash payment for such property. Aid. Casey fcald that he was heartily In favor of the Idea. By such means, people would be permitted to take some of the higher clas- property off the hands of the city Aid. Larsen said he had been think- irg along the same line. He felt that. If some percentage basis for Initial payment were devised to cover all lots and Interest charged on the time par menta, it would meet with general approval. Mayor Newton stated that the mat tcr of wiling these reverted lota had WEEK-END SPECIALS 100 Large Heads Cauliflower. while Ihey lal. earn ... 25, 500 tins (ioldeu Slued Piueap p!e. 2 s, 2 tins fur .... 29 1 Hrookfieid Kggs'in cartons, :t dozen for $1.40 COMBINATION SPECIAL I only, 20 oz. Jar Pickles, .-our. sweet or chow, together villi your choice of :i hollies o. Sauce, Catsup, Mustard Honey, elc. 4 for $1.00 Xu-Jell Jelly Powders, with aluminum mould free, pei dozen $1.00 Ogilvie's .Minnie Oats Combin ation Special with earthenware bowl free 40c a. ific or SI. Charles Milk, '0 tins for $1.00 (Limit 18 tins to each cus- omer;. Combination Canned Fruit Special 5 TINS FOR $1.00 liu (ilube Pears, 2's. . 1 tin Sliced Peaches, l's, lalls. I tin Maple Leaf Cherries, 2's. 1 tin Apricots, l's. tails. 1 tin (ireengage Plums, 2 s. Store Gossip We have a customer ,vhu wishes In dispose of a 30-30 Winchester Rifle Carbine, in good condition. Price $20.00 . ash. 1 only Marlin Pump Shotgun, :t0 inch barrel, in first-class condition. .10 cash. Fur information on either of above, rail at our office. SOAP SPECIALS Wool Snap, :i for .... $1.00 A splendid soap for any ue. It floats, (iuarauteed pure . Fels Naplha Soup, carton . . 78c Soap Flake in bulk, 2 lbs. 29c Jergcus' Toilet Soap, per dozen 89c Sasso Pure Olive Oil, 1-2 gals.. Special $1.69 liallons, special $2.99 No. 1 Mcintosh Red Apples .1 ills, for 25c 12 box for $1.35 t Per box $2.45 California Valencia Oranges Medium size, regular otic duz. Special. '.) dozen for . . $1.25 No. 1 Fancy Tomatoes 5 lb. baskets 30c rnrnu aj r-n t o nun rmu ".um hiiu nan i Tlii llepartment in now tin- ler (he niuiiagemeut of Mr. i Mnllm-. unil c assure you Hint! you will gel firl class goods ami M'rvkc. Fresh Crabs Arriving Friday I'lione yogr order Tliurday. Rupert Table Supply Co Phones 210, 211 and 212 been taken up at the last meeting of the finance committee but It had been decided to leave It over until there was full meeting. orrosio nv stm'iikns Aid. Stephens expressed opposition aesinst lots belnfc sold on terms tor the charges against them. It would be( most unfair to allow lots to be sold in such a manner when those who had. let the property go had been compelled I to pay yone hundred per cent cash. lis , reiterated Ms. formerly expresses view thst the council, in selling loU tor charges against them, was on the wrong track. If such property were to be offered for sale one or two dls- interested persons should be employed as valuators and the valuations thus set should be used as the upset price regardless of the tax sale price. Then and not till then should the suggestion of time payments be considered. PRESBYTERIAN TEA AND SALE IS HELD Event Take Tljre Till .rtrrii-ni wt Home of Mrs. Oat Id Thomson, Second Atenue A tea and sale of borne cooking it being held this afternoon by the Ladles Aid of the First Presbyterian Churclr at the home of lira. David Thomson Pattullo Block. Second Avenue. Mrs. Fred Stork, lira. J. O. Redd! 9 ind Mrs. J. Q. Steen are pouring with ilrs. William Millar. Mrs. It. Orleve. Jlss Jean Orleve and Miss Winnie rhenuon assisting. Mrs. J. L. Chrlsti a in charge of the home cooking tabl alth Mrs W Andersou acting 'f ashler. Mrs. D. O. Stewart Is general mvenor. During the afternoon there will be a riff musical program to which Mr. H. C. Fraser and Mrs. William Millar will contribute with vocal solos and Miss Jean Grieve with a piano solo. HILL 60 CHAPTER ,"e Mrniber" are Enrolled Hallowe'en rarty and sale lo be Held on October 31 Hill 60 Chapter. Imperial Order laughters of the Empire, held Its open- ng meeting of the season last night. Irs. John Manson. the regent, presld- g. when six new members Miss Char- bols. Mrs. Limey. Mrs. Charles F lalagno, Miss Mary Astort. Miss Pul-.Ira Astoria and MUs Wills Dyer aer xeived and three mere Miss Shift .tins Magulre and Mrs. L. lUlcrow lected to membership. The chapter decided to hold Its an- TIMBER SALE X8263 Sealed lefKr mil be evented L u UHtisler of uind ol liter ituu wma he leth d r scrnmifr. 4n. rr tw .itin-hsM! of Lircmte Xfitl. to cut IM.ia .inrei reel i urtitT roies sua ruins- imi su .res sajolaliii- tut Hit and Mil. t'er iUMm Hai. 3 miles VI of Port Clemeale. ivrrn cbarMIe Itlsod Land District. Tnree a- yesrs will be allotted for re uoisl of timber. Further particulars or the Chirr rorrs- ler. M-turis B. C. or Dttlrlct Forener. t'l-iwr Rirt, B. C MINERAL ACT. Ctrtlflcsts ef Improvtmtnlt Srrttate .No. 4. sweeD.tase ."to. t nrlKxul and Svtake -No. S Frsc-.iotiil Mineral Claim,, situate In tbe AlUn mum Division oi .aiar uisirifL Whrre lorsted: Eat side of Tika Ami. itrsr SIhtp '.reek. lAkt .M'rii.t iimi netinsia srntes. lMrnier snd Mdictior. of 40 Wet I'eo Jrr SI., vsnrouier, BrllitD coluniDis, sri hit m sreni fur Smet-inukes Mininr Onr rstiou Free Miners Certificate Mo. 11130. inieiid. ml) dsy rroru Hie tin .lereof. to spily to tbe Mlnitur Hecorde r ortirirsie of Improvement, for tlx ,MirjM- of obtaininc Cron Grsnll o. .Iir allure rla.in. .li ri'HTIitll T.tkE NOTICE that r .inn under Motion mut lie cimroenred w rore ine iue of sorn certiririles i iniproenienti. fitTED ibis tit day tr September, AD. If MINERAL AOT Ctrtlfkats ef Impreitmsnts. Br.nw .No. i Mloersl Claim, situate ID ne Miin Hininr uiruion or (be camai ni.lriit. on Wsnn RlTer. sdjoinmr snd to I or xmin or nrimnie .no. t TAKE MiTUX thst 1. James B. kerhsw. tree Niurrs i.rrnrirsle Xo. 89ttl. Intend Haty day from tbe date hereof, lo apply to the Mininr Recorder tor a Certificate or improv-inenti. for- tle dui-dosc of ob taiuinr a i.rumn rant oi ine anoTe fiaim. Ana runner use notire that anion, tin der uYiiun l. inun be rommenred beforr the itsue or urn orufirate of Imrrove-nient. rUTtH tola 1st day of September. A.0 I9. " Mf?(- rrtASFR. A rent MINERAL ACf Csrtlficats ef Improvsmtnta. Warm Fractional No. t. An vol and lua ulta MiimtiI Claim., situate In the Atlln Mininr lilvuion of the catslar tunnel. iIkiiiI one mile up stream from tbe bouth ! vtami mvrr. TAkE NOTICE that The Enrtneer Cold Vines Ltd.. inr.. Free Miner's Cerllfleal No, 9T50;. intend, liy days from the date Iwrw.f .to apply to Ine Mininr he-ro((W for a Cernrirate of Imnrovenienti. for tlie r.iiriwHM. r obtaining a Crown ;rant of the slif.ve rlslm. And farther lake notice that anion, wn jder Sertion J. mut be commenced before me ,i uru urrinicsie 01 improve- menu. fiATFD this 1st day of September, A.D. H. McK. PHASER, Agent ALE & STOUT Van hi ra.il y make IhU dell-eleaa UtlxamiluK fcesllli bevrrnice l kerne, Taara e Ike Mhcir mjHrm. kimmI tmr lad'arallo t4 en.llktla, llrl.k It aallf, 73 reals uarkace makes 3 saltans. M.AIIrn A I'aait HV, VHEREVBR THERE ARB FLIES USE FLY'TOX 0m FlYTOX stands Joy cleanliness, comfort and health is famous throughout the world. FLY-T0X Fly-Tox is a crystal clear liquid. Stainless. Has a cleanly fragrance. Harmless to humans and animals. But sure death to dis-ese-rrying insects when touched by Fly-Tox mistlike spray. Fine for summer camps. Kecrasary In every home. Ilaif-pinU sell for tity rent. Vaaoouw, B. C nual sale on October 21. Hallowe'en D.- jr. ith a chlldrena Halloae'en party tn he evening. JANNERY MANAGER DIED ON MONDAY i. MrArtliur of tlutrdate snertuntml In IT I ore Kuprrt (irneral llwpltal Following an Operstktn To accompany to Vancouver the rr- lns of his brother-m-lar J) -McArtbur. manager of tbe Butedtle cannery, whoa 'eath occurred suddenly on Mo&da) light in the Prince Rupert Oeneral lospltal, Samuel UcClary arrived from lit south on the steamer Prince Oeorge .odajr. He will return to Vancouver tlth the body tomtrrow night The late Mr. ff Arthur, mho was sell known in salmcn canning circle jn the roast, only arrived tn the city on Saturday and succumbed fgdowttss; an operation In the hospital. He vh orty-three rears of age and was a utiTe of Ontario, lie Is survived by a s-ldow and family In Vancouver. XITIMAT RETURN IN ELECTION ARRIVES flste llrad) Hirer o1es anil Mark lite Only Kher Inlet to be Heard Front Kltunat poll In Ekcena riding reported yesterdsy afternoon giving Brady three votes and Stork, five. This brings the ioUl to 4127 for Brady and 3807 for 3tork or a majority of 320 for Brady. Rivers Inlet is tbe only remaining poll to be heard from. The official count will be made on October S by John flewln. returning; officer. airs. Charles BocUng. wife of Um general manager of the Oranby Co.. Is a pasrenger on the Prince Oeorge today going through from Vancouver v Anyoz. FASHION FLAIRS for women who arc up to the minute LONDON, Sept 22 -Walking sticks art fashionable for morning and afternoon walks. Some are simple wnd almost masculine, but a number shown In Paris are covered with snake or shark skin. For afternoon, there are cane with handles covered with small beads. The latent novelty is tbe black varnished cane with small painted roses. ( OI.OHI II Jet Is coming Into fusion again and Is seen as trimming on dresses. But It la usually dyed green, blue or red. to give an emerald, sapphire or ruby effect and It -Is used for evening dresses. TWO (Ol.Olt IKI.T lltTK Pelts art as popular aa ever, but tbe latest novtlty la to have them In two colors, gray and black, or red and black. They have no trimming except a simple CTos-graln ribbon. l.i:Tlt:K TltlMMIMl Leather trimming Is having a great Paris vogue and leather accessories of all kinds, particularly for the holiday and travelling season. Hats, short coats, long coats, collars, cuffs, pocket flaps, buttons, bags, belts, all appear In suede and leather of every hue. Tbe colors either match the tweed or woollen clothes with which. they art worn or form a bright contrast. " HIIOKTLK imillMI CMIAKH Bathing coats and cloaks have followed ordinary street wear at the Prench re sorts, and whereas they formerly reached the ankles, they now only just cover the I knees. The ntwest bathing suits, both FLY-TOX t It vas developed at "Mellon Institute of Industrial "Reseank FLYTOX KILLS FLIES MOSaUITOES 'MOTHS, ROACHES. ANTS. FLFAS for men and women, are those with white tops and cctored s hurts, generally covered with little skirt of the same color. Black and white art often used, and. in this cast a black monogram la worked on the white top and a white one en the black skirt or knickers. IOV Ft K IlKtri ll Pox fur Is no longer worn around the nock. It Is arrawged apron fashion In front of tbe dreas. with the tails work ed into decorative effecta. and the neck la left bare. With the dinner packet, which ranks a very smart, especially when the ir si too I la fold M silver lame, the thing to wear Is a doublt-dtcked even ts: rP- with a soft velvet top and a broad gold peak. UII.H IN ACIAIV The veil l being resurrected aa a wrutkle of fashion. II la of roam mesh, fits snugly and is gathered 'and lied at the back of the small bonnet. Urn art wondering if it will hamper milady In the manipulation of her cigarette SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vacant unrtserved, turrtyH Crown lands mar bs tra-ainpts4 by British subjects over II yesrs of age. and by aliens on declaring Intention to become British subjects, conditional upon residence, occupation, md liaprorament for sirtrultural Purposes. Pul! Information concerning recusations regarding pre-emptions la Klven In Bulletin No. 1. Land Hsrlea, "How to Pre,-em pi Land," copies of nhich can be obtained fret of charge if addressing tha Department of Lands. Victoria. B.C.. or to any Government Agent lltcords will be granted covering only land aultabtt for agricultural purposes, and which Is not timber land, I a, carrying over l.0 board feet rer acre west of the Coast Itaogt and 5.000 feet per sere east of last lUnii Applications for pra-emptiona art to be adJressad to tha Land Com mlssioner of ths Land Recording Division, lo which tbt land applied for it situated, and art mada tn printed forms, copies of which can be obtained from tha Land Commissioner. Pre-emptions must bt occupied for five years ami Improvements made to value of 110 per aera. Including clearing and cultivating at least Hvs acres, before a Crown Orant can be rtvalved. Pot more detailed Information set the Bulletin "How to lrsempt Land- PURCHASE Applications art received for pur chase of vacant and unreserved Crown landa. not being ttmbertand. for agricultural purposes; minimum price for first-class (arablt) Una la IS per acre, and second-class (gras Ing) land ItM per acrt. Further In formation regarding purchase or lease of Crown landa Is given In Bulletin No. 10, Land Merles "Iurchast and Lease of Crown Lands." Mill, factory, or Industrial sites oa timber land, not exceeding 40 acres, may bt purchased or Itased, ths eon dltlont Including psyment of tumpagt. HOMESITE LEASES Unsurvtyed areas, not tietedlng 10 acrea. may be leased aa homeeltee, conditional upon a dwelling being trtcted In the first year, Utlt being obtainable after residence and 1m-wrovement conditions art fulfliled and land has been surveyed. LEASES For grating and Industrial par-posts areas not exceeding 040 acres may bt Itased by ana person sr a company, QRAZINQ Under the Orating Act Ike Pror-Inct la divided Into grating district! and tht ranxa administered under a Orating Commissioner. Annual grating permits are Issued baaed on numbers ranged, priority bttng given to established owners. Btock-owosrt mar form sasKiallons for rugs mansgetnsnt. Pres. or partly frea, permits art available for tattler. WW pars and travellers, uj U test ve-, lAar a attr WW mm w. . . 1 1 1 1 . U A MODEL MODERN A GRADUATE EXPERIENCED OPTICAL PARLOR REGISTERED OPTOgRiq TO SERVE YOUR EYE NECESSITIES , II is llio great iliffertMirc in the re-uiK ,,,, correct iiiciTiod u( fxaiuinalioii fur rt-. ultoiiliou lo filling the iirfiTijition ami i,e ,, i , tsury In corrt'cl fram N.lling Unit run !. 0h . f tlicrlniiua(e in. faor of gluine fitlctl in om- n, ,, ' We ii?' modem nicllioiU. W r- lo ,,,,, vice. That why you will rtt-1 o unxii (t .',", ' " you are deriding on u franiu (hut will ex.,. '. I'urlioular liking. REMEMBER No case preienls perplexities to one qualified In tho 8clence of Refraction. CoiimiH our 0tini'lri!t you would u ir,. n i ji. vii-c will be jnl as reliable. " ' Max Heilbroner 527-529 Third Avenue WESTHOLME THEATRE Wednesday and Thursday, 7 and 0 p.m. Douglas Maclean in the uproarious farce "IWs My Baby" A rollirkiug. ri-rtiariiig om-lrlirinfii n,, mid riiii-br rler. A Ughl-knil. inl Imi , He fell in lute with mi unkle and wn- buicli. , , . baby jul rsbeii he need ti Imby eoniderNli i. Hung ele in the world. JoM re llml kuj . ,i rhue. aeniilMtie ride, lug eene. mlnr. irj(; rumniire. Sitting ru! : Douglas MacLean, Margaret Morris, Clauds Ciiliij-water, Wade Doteler. William Orlamonde, Eugenie For. mid oilier. COMEDY---"NO FATHER TO GUIDE HIM." AESOP'S FILM FABLES 35c and 10c Canadian National Steamships Co. LnnileJ Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Optreiilng Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dot Cnolnoor., Machinists,, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, PiUtra mskers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELOINQ. Our plant in eitiiped to handle al' kihr i MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and SW Fishermen s Supplies FISH LINES, HOOKS, R0PE8, TWINES, FISH NETTING AND TROLLINQ GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCERIES. Compare Our Prices Lipsett, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. Second Avenue and McBrlde St. FELT WEATHER STRIP Keeps Out Draughts Stove Pipes and Elbows in all ize .. " Airtight Heaters in sires from IX" Stoves and Ranges- Slove Mount and t.-ni " " .Moil Order given prompt attention. Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 10 255 Third Avenue. P"one Residence, 244 Fifth Avenue West ANGER, Fine Imported Serge Tweed Suits made lo order in our shop in Prince Huperl as low a 223 8lxth 8treet nrrvBimn P. 0. Box 247 The Tailor and Scotch $5(P I. ANGER, Cutter n . b C. Prince RupertJ