WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 23, 16J8. New Prices Waltham Watches Tlieso arc Ilia new re. iliifpii pric for mnvomtMilH which can lie fillcil into any r;i ilearreil. VnnKtinrd, 23 jewel $58.00 Ci-pserilt, 21 Jewril.. $50.00 jtV4rMe, 111 jewel $45.00 1'. H. liarllefl, l; jewels $24.00 Regular. 1 jewel.. $22.75 15 jewels $18.50 7 Jewel $11.50 ' Till U the regular men's U. If interested wo arn Klnl to show you other sues and smiles. i Jewellers THE STOKE WITH THE CLOCK MILK From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIP-PINO CREAM We specially recommend our Table Cream al 15o for lialf IMnt Quality and Service Special Ice Delivery Service Valentin Dairy Phone 657 Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Exquisite Stock of I'm Trimmings at low prices B. C. FUR Co. Next Q.W.V.A. Third Ave. Dr. Alexander Smith Hock Phone 575 DENTIST LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone tS. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing, Team or Motor Service. Eoal, 8and and flravel We Specialise In Plane and Furniture Mevlna. LUMBER We tiro niniiiifncluriiig rough ami dressed lnm-lier. !Me gnmi boat cedar llaliliul riml sal-nion liuxes. Ask For Prices Seal Cove Lumber Co. Ltd. PHONE 502 GEORGE RORIE Chartered Accountant and Auditor Receiver, Liquidator, Trustee, Ao, Phone 387 New Address: 243 Second Avenue West 1MUNOU nui'HriT TUGBOATS Day Phones 23, 539, Oreen 238, Black 735. Night. Phones 687,. 539, Green 238, Black 735. RUPERT MARINE PRODUCTS, LTD. GEO. i. BU8HBY, Man. Dir. CRITICISM IS AGAIN OFFERED IMMKII or UOKKM ASKED now IHAMIJ XTHfr.T (IKAIHSd IX TO UK Mill (Oil. M.CTKIN H WATI'.K The Board of Works waa again made the butt of criticism at hut night's council meeting. The Inquiry of Aid. Jos. Greer a to how the aurfaclng of Fraser and Fifth Streeta was being paid for and the reply of Aid. Perry that it waa being i charged to maintenance brought forth considerable dlacuaalon. , Aid. Caaey and Aid. Stephens took exception to new atreeta being built st the expert of the city aa a whole. They felt that ipeople getting auch Improvements should pay for the work and that It waa unfair to have such work paid tor out of general fund when almllar work on Second and Third Avenuea had been done aa local Improvement. Alderman Stephens went ao far aa to charge the Board of Works with exceeding Its powera In undertaking auch work and expenditure without flrt comultlng the city council. was nioiiii:i) ion Aid. Perry and Aid. W. J. Oreer. In defence of the Board of Worka, stated that It waa tbelr underatandlng that thla work had been provided for in the yeara estimates. Aid. Caaey alao charged the Board of Worka with neglecting to bring In a report regarding the improvement vt water pressure on Eleventh Avenue a ilre protection meaaure. Section Two, he aald, had been promptly attended to but nothing had been done in the oak of Section 8 though both matter had been brought to the attention of the Board of Works at the aame time. "Thla thing of referring mattes to the committee and the committee paying no heed la not good business," Aid. Caaey asserted. - mill h WOlfsT? Mayor Newton auggeated that the Board of Worka might have fallen down but the finance committee might be sccused of the aame fault sometimes. Aid. Casey's quick rejoinder waa that, aa far aa he waa concerned, he had missed but two meeting of the t rance committee thla year, a delinquency record which he thought was probably exceeded by aeveral other members Of the council. He did not m why a committee could not meet with out Its chairman. Aid. Perry stated that the queatton of water service waa new to him. Thla waa the flrat he had beard a bolt It The matter waa finally left In the handa of the Board of Worka for report. CRITICISM OF SEPTIC TANKS isrw:Mi r.vpi:Mm ki:s may HAW. TO III'. Mit: TO INM'HK SAMTAKV f ONIHTIONS If a report from the city engineer and taedlcal health officer submitted for the ltrt time to the city council last night la adopted a number of res idents wUI be compelled to undertake extensive alteration to defective aeptlc jtanka. The question of aeptlc tanks jhta been .before the Board of Works i for some time and more recently aerlous 'charges have been made as to some of (them and the fesr hsa been ex- I pressed that disease might arise. Ac jcordlngly an Investigation waa made by the city engineer and medical 'health officer and their recommend!. 'lions, which In some cases would mean considerable expenditure, were sub' mltted to the council hut night. The report stated that numerous complaint had been Investigated and that it had been found thst they were entirely Justified. To remedy the situation It was recommended tha,t tws ! chamber septic tanka have an addi tional chamber and a filter bed added. jThe expense In some case would go I ' a hlgn aa ssuu. srl-nltlilwl Til Kllil I.ATIONS ! Aid. Stephena Inquired If the aeptic tanka had been put In according to ,clty regulations. He waa told that they had been but that In the permits there waa a reserve clause which placed the responsibility for the tanka becoming a nuisance on the ownera and provided that use of tank was to be discontinued in bne week If ao ordered. Aid. Brown aald there might have been such s reserve clause but ths people had never been told of It. CSNCILLATIQN OF RISIRVK NOTICE I HEREBY GIVEN that the re-mt etlfliiir over Lot 4807, tlr District. isrsmlld UMtM of UmlJ 0. K. MAOEN, Mnil Department, Vlclorit, B. C, Blh June. IS. MINERAL ACT wsrtlflcat of lmpromnts. nrnwnle Nn. i. l.ol J, Miners! Claim, .iluaic In lli Allln Minlns DHIMmi of the raur DimrUt, tlio Vtt Anu of Ts-kirn Arm, alMiul three qusrler nf s mllr mi slream from the niouili if Wsnn lilver. TAkE M'TH E Unit I. Htarle E. Ullmore, Free Miner's Orlirirsle .No. 7, Intend, Itiv div from l lie dle hereof, to apply . ...... . '. n ,.......,..n ,..n f" of improvement. Tor Hie piirpoe of b-Hiiliiiiir s r.h.vMi nrmt of l" above rUim, I Ami rorlher taken liollee that srtton, under serllun S5, imil tw roiiiineiired he-fore Hie le of surli r.erlirirste o m-( nrnvenient. ' . . IHTl.D till Itt 1y of Sepleaiber, .t.D. ,M6, K..MCM. rrusER, Aisnt. might be brought from the Anyox smelter to be used In making filter bed. It was, decided to leave the matter In the hands of the Board of Works to be dealt with at a meeting the city engineer, medical health officer and a many members of th council aa possible would be present PIGGERY WATER LINE IS OUT OF BUSINESS Aid. ('aey llrinis Slatter to Attention of Coo licit Hoard of Work Vtllt Inve-llgate Aid. Casey Informed the city council at last nights meeting that water service to the piggery at the end -f Eleventh Avenue bad been Interfered with through a defect in the line an4 tbst, though, the Chinaman had approached the city engineer for assistances, the fatter had been unable to meet the situation. Aid. Casey said be did not believe In a man belna; turned down because he was a Chine. -man. He paid his taxes like any otter citizen and he believed he should be . given service to which he was entitled. He moved that the Board d Work be authorized to look Into the matter and report to the council ways and means of remedying It. Mayor Newton reported that the, Board of Worka already had the matter tinder consideration, a complaint hav Ing been made by King Tal. owner of the piggery. It had been found that the only way to remedy the matter would be through constructing another line which would involve s large expense which It seemed was hardly warranted. It waa decided to refer the matter to the Board of Works for further consideration. i r1 Seme WMGLEYS satisfies the desire for sweets, helps make strong healthy teeth, removes particles of food from teeth crevices, and aids digestion. So it is a wonderful help to health. car K I I TH1 DAIL7 MMWB PAQE FIVE assssssPassaw SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH LsBBBBBBBBTLsBTaasr ' SBBBBBBTeVji - SSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTaV Ham .LiBSBSBSBSBSBSssBSssssBSBSssf" 3 jBssbsbsbsbsbsiT STxswaTassJBJPjP MAIiAMK SKfiOMIi YVKHUKH, famous iragedienne, in (lie. role r La France and singing tlie Mareillaise, in the recent "Save the Franc Pageant hi Paris." He criticized the policy of granting ex- . perlmental permlU. As for the sep- Uc Upks themselres, Aid. Brown said , there was no trouble with them a lonj , as the weather was wet and there ws drainage but In dry"" weather, when tbe urface water disappeared, trouble often arose. Aid. Perry atated that there wouid be no trouble with septic tanka if the ground was of gravel or sand. In th muskeg, 'however, the tanks did not rork satisfactorily. Pukolbly Otcrloadrd Aid.' Stephen said he had heard cf tanks being overloaded. Perhaps that as the cause of the trouble ni some cases. After some further discussion. In the course of which It waa suggested coke Market Prices tf- V lll'TTt.K Brookfield, Shamrock and Woodland. 2 lbs 85c ECU, S lb 85c Capital, 2nd grade. Ib 40c Ftaser Valley, lb 45c I. Ut! Pure 28c Compound . ... ... 25c friu:ii: Ontario solids 30c StUton, lb 85c Kraft 45c Norwegian Ooat 65c Napoleon Umberger 70c Roquefort 75c I fc wltti' Buttercup, lb 45c jOorgonzolt, Ib..'l4-.- 75c McLaren's Crearri.' Jars 45c and 88c Gruyere 50o Golden Leaf, Ib 45o runs B.C. fresh, pulleU '50c B.C. fresh, firsts 55c B.C. fresh, extras' CDc I.oral new laid ... C5c and 70c Alberta fresh, second 40c r.tir.TAiti.r.s New beets, bunch 5c Beets. 6 lbs. 26c 100 lbs. S2.75 New carrots, hunch 5c B.C. Carrots, lb tc 100 lb : SJ.25 Butebagaa, 6 lbs 25c 100 lbs 1275 New potatoes. 10 lbs. 286 Walnuta. broken shelled Potatoes. 00 lbs. J W WalnuU. ahelled halve. Fn,v r r! mmatnM nr in iik Tomatoes, per basket 40c WStercress, bunch .: Oreen peppers, 2 lbs. Cucumbers, each Parsley, bunch .... Mint, bunch Leeks, 2 bunches .. 10c 25c 10c and 15c 6c ).. 6c .j..... Cauliflower. BX7..4hed ..V'9 25c-5c ivrn on me coo. cioetu -. .. .. r. ... . uc Oreen ronljns. dozen; . . c.j . 5 Terrace '.cabbage, . . B.C. head pettuce; ' . A . . . 'foji .... Oarllc, Imported, per lb. B.C. Cooking onions, 6 lbs. Rhubarb, outdoor. 3 lbs Wax and green beans', 3 lbs Vegetable marrow, lb Celery, 2 bunches Hubbard squash,' lb Citron, lb Pumpkin, lb ,Y. Sweet Potatoes, 2 lbs Egg plant. 2 fs I5C 2Sc 10c 40c 26C 25C 25c 60 25c 7c 7c 70. 25c 35c- Pickling cucumbers, lb 16c Oranges, Valencia, dozen . . 25c to 75c Lemons, Sunklst, doe 35c and 35c California grape fruit, 2 for 26c Bananas, 2 lbs. for 35c Candled' honey 25o Extracted honey, lb 25c and 35c Apples, Mcintosh Red S2.2J Apples, Wealth les . . Apples. Oravenatelna Cookllng apples Csnteloupes, each Peaches, case Italian prunes, crate ... Coco nut, each Honey Dew melons, each Casaba melons, lb Pears, Bartlett, case. .... I IIKIEIt llttlTS Dates, bulk, 3 lbs. Dates, Dromedary Raisins, bulk, lb Raisins, package, lb ..a... Cluster raisins, lb. S3 85 S2.50 11.95 15o 11.43 85o 20o. and 25o ....... 450 IOC ...... S3.25 150 30c 35c 25c Lemon and orange peel , ,. 30a Citron peel 60a Black cooking figs 20o and 25o White figs, lb. 15o Table figs,, lb 25o Currant , 23 jc Prunes . . . , ,TT?. . ; ? 15c-26c The Well-Managed Home THE manager of a household the purchasing agent for a large proportion of the family needs. In order to do a good job she must know what, when and where to buy. She must study goods and the concerns which make goods and have them to sell. She must put her home on a business basis and run it on business principles in order to make the most of the family income. Information is the only basis for intelligent purcha sing. And the right way to get the greatest amount of necessary information is to read the advertisements. Advertisements tell you what is new and good in merchandise. They reveal improvemen ts and inventions to make your home life easier, more comfortable and more convenient. They give you information about a thousand and one things that ar useful and interesting. Every manager of a household every member of the household who shares the responsibility for the familys welfare should make a habit of reading the ads. -: Almonds Peanuts Manchurlan walnuts California walnuts ., No. I mixed nuts . . Read the advertisements in order ' to buy wisely Apples 25c Peaches, peeled 35c Apricots, lb 40c M.TS Almonds, shelled Vslenelaa 7&e Radishes, bunch Brazil and filberts 35c 50c 65c 35C 20c 25c 45c 35c SI O AK White, per 100 S7.10 Yellow, per 100 S6 60 ri.oiiK Flour. 49s, No. 1 hard wheat ..... S2.75 Pastry flour. 10's 65c Pastry flour, 49'a S2M risa Halibut, lb 25c Salmon, red spring, lb ' 25c .Salmon, whit spring ........... 214c Smoked kippers, lb 15c Kippered salmon, lb 25c Smoked black cod, lb 22ijc Finnan haddles. lb 20c Salt mackerel, lb 25c Eastern salt herring, 2 for 25c Salt codfish fillets, lb 30c Boneless salt cod bricka, lb 25c MEATS Pickling onion S lbs ,Fowl. No. t Ib 35c to 40c ttvsti( vtuvavu lUi Ham, sliced, first grade Ham, whole, first grade .. Ham, picnic, lb Cottage' rolls, lb Bacon, back, sliced Pork, leg j Beef, pot roast ... . ;Beef. boiling .... Beef, steak .. -v Beef, .roast, prime rib Lr.mb. chops Lamb, shoulder 45c to 50o 60c 50c 35c 40c 65c i Bacon, aide 50a to 65c Pork, dry salt 35c Ayrshire bacon, lb 45c Veal, shoulder 25c Veal, loin 40c Veal, leg 40c Pork, shoulder 30c Pork, loin 45c 42c 12Ji to 18c . 10c to 12o , . 25o to 40c 30c 60c PAIN in 35c BLADDER Promptly tad by 8ANTAL MIDY Be surs to att th Otnuln Look fee th word "SIIDV" 80M by sll druitists Mutton, leg 40c Lamb, leg 48c Mutton, chops 40c Mutton shoulder 30c Wheat, No'. 5 Oat Bran Shorts Middlings Barley Poultry mash Special eggmash . Oyster shell : ... Scratch food .... Beef scrap ...... Ground oil cake Baby chick feed . Fine oat chops .. Crushed oats ..', Fine barley chop FEED 100 lbs. IMI.I EXCE OF VIE MOVIES Land Ueristry nrrtee. rnner ItiiKrt. B. C. Olh yptemtier, IStS. 13 00 S3 40 MM S3 JO S3S 4.7 S425 S2.70 S2.70 S3 45 Whole corn S3 IX) Cracked corn S3.10 Fine commeal 13.10 Kansas paper: "Charles Cooper, negro sentenced to be electrocuted, lsst night attempted to kill bis guard with a piece of pie." NOTICE IX THE MATTF.H of an application for the ljue of a Provisional Certificate of. Title ri4- l.ol rive i- and six (). Bl'ik thlrty-lwo (Si), SeciUi u (i. City of prinre HtiiM-ri, Map xj. riiii.rariorv nrtnr ur the Iiish of the Crttrirte of Title roverlnx tlie above land liatlnir ln--n prtHlueed t me, it H niy In- teiitioit 10 mu arter iw epirsiKHi ui on 1 1 1 inonth from thr nrsi puom anou iM-reof. a Provisional irrtirtrate or Tine in Hy ahtiift laud In the name of H. L. rAIULIK. The orljrlnal lrtirii-ale of Title Is itatr.1 the Sll Marcli, IVII. ani I mini tiered IJU-I. II. I. M ICI.EtlD. Hrnl-ttrar of Tille. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY t .' FOR LEASE i' . In tiw Uiij iieeordlng DUlrlrt ur Allln Mlnlnr Division r (U.jlar IHMrlrt. TAkK .tTICE that the Kurtneer 0UI Mines, Ltd.. Inc., s rexWIered lnlnlnr roui. oernllllir wiinni lite i-noinrr ui in 11. 1, riiinniiiia. iH-i-imitlon. a mlnlnr roni panv. Intend to apply for a foreitlmre leae oX ihe rollovtlnt deseribed land: OmiiiH-iirins al a imisI nlanted about IU0 feet di.tanl lit an EaMerly dlrertloii from the .North Vrt rorner or Lot 3SV. Skylark Mineral Claim. ,l mated at the inonth of Wanu Hlvor, on Taku Ann of Tarth Iske. ii-nrv 111 a .Northerly illrrctUm Hi feel. 1'iiriire ra.lrrty 100 feel, thrj Southerly I to reel more or leu to hisrh water mark. Ibenee Vlerly I BO feet more or W t pntnt uf nmimenreuient aim roniainiiiv o.n acres iiHire or ie. Located till tsth day of AnriiM. IS, (Slgnedt H. MeM. f HAsER. B. & L S. Agsat WATER NOTICE Dlvsetlan and Us -r- TVkF NOTICE that 11. D. kvle. whoe I address Is Wrsnsell. AUka, and Telegraph Crrek, B. O, will apply for s licence 10 UXe and M S.uoo iiimrr's Inehes flow of u . t- ,, nf Hiifk. r.nb-h whlrti Mum S3. 10 rairrly Into Dee Crek.- The water will S3.60 be diverted from the stream at s po'"l I about two mile up the itrraiu troiu lis S2D0 1 niouili into Dee ureek and will be umm gjio'tor hydraulle mining pnrpo- pon benru ( purer rlaliii known and : derrlbed a S3 0 I wa.-u-s .No. lrU and 11. Tbl notlre wa uiss ipoii on the gruuna on tne saro asy or I li I., .B.J A ipi or thi ruillre and an appllrstlon purtuant thereto and to the "Waler Ari ISU." will be filed lu the'nrrire or the Water lleeortler a I .Telerrsph Creek. Hbjeetlunt to the application may lie filed with the Mid Water Reeortler ior wllh Hie CoUHOroller of Water Might, l...ll.nM. RitiUnn Vli-I,.ri. H I nl. 'thin thirty days- after the flrat appearance 01 inn mil ire in ine- lurai newsper. . The ilale r th flr.t nuliliealiiiB 11 r thU 'nollre I September 14th' I SSS. II. U. Slut, ApiMirs.ll. LAND ACT. Nulca ntsatlon to Aapif to Lssss Land. lb .i . Recordlnr DKtrlet of Prinrs It upe. .nd situate on north shore or an inn' Bay on 'South-West-' Coast of P'ii l.iaiid. about one mile easi from Bluff 1 vim TAkt iutice thai e. Rousxeau. or Lowe f vlui-e of Brltiib Columbia., ocru pal. 01. 4tnK-y vanam-r. intend to apply fort '-wit lue followlns described laiul-.t Cotj-.i 1 at a post planted on the shore o' - d unnamed, bay on the southwest I'js.t o! rut Island, about one mile east 01 k.l'jfr Point; thence north twenty chains; 'lienre eaat twenty chain s vhenee south twenty chains, more or lets, to lllrh Water Mark: thence followinc hi ah water mark westerly to poiBt of r.omnieuceinenl, ana rontatnins; eirnty acres, more or less. IIAItll Juiy 3UIB, ic. E. ROUSSEAU, Aoplieant. LAND ACT. Notlc of Intention U Af ply k Lssss Land In Silklue Division. Cassia.. . Land Re. eordinr Dl.trlrt of Catstar, and altusts st Grand Rapids, un ths H'.lkioe River and to tlx wesi or surveyea no. ?u. TAkE NOTICE that 1. Walter Scott Simpson, of Tel'rraph Creek. R. ocrupatlon. Hanrlwr, intends to apply for s lease of the follow In- described land: cnmnieneinr at a .post' planted on ins Norlhet rorner ef Lot 470. thence South 40 rbaln) thenre West l rbalns; thence North 4A chains: thenre East 10 chains, ami eontaimn I'ortv acres, more or Us. WALTER -SCOTT 8IMPHO. Aisill-nt. LANO aCTt Nptlcs of laUntlon tS.Apejy to Lssss Land In Prlnrr Rupert Land Rernrdlnr District of Rant-e 4, Cst I and District, snd Ituate on Passace Island. TAKE NOTICE that i. B. franel. nf Pnnoka. Alberts, ocrupatlon Minister. fh tend 10 applv for s lease of lbs following drvrlbed isndsi Cnuimenrlnr st pjst planted st ths North West and of Passsie Island, Bear ri Trianentattnn Sia. Il4ti ttwin around IN t'land at bisk water mark and rontainlnt" Inoo aeres. mora nr le. JOSEPH BR1TUID ' rA.,CI!,' Ia tofe. m- AMtfaaal.