With delegates representing mostjOf the prospective teatnii In atteWahcefthe annual meeting of the Crlbbage. League was held last evening. Officers were re-elected, by acclamation as follows: Honorary president T. a. Dawson. Honorary vice-president Mayor 8. M, .Newton. 'President Oeorge Johnstone. Vice-president-Prank Aldrldge. ' Becretary-treasurer--Pred Wermlg. There' will be twelve teams In the league and the series will open on Oc PAM row DA1L7 1,2773 SATURDAY OCTOBEK 8. lfcjs. TEAMS ENTER BRINGING UP FATHER - By George McMasus i . . ' . r 1 1 ' 1 1 - i ' i FORCRIBBAGE FROM IvIAlli:. 1 AH I MEREITI6! I'M tfLAD SHE WOVJ!' iTLLBEJubTAA NOW WHAT AM J 5oNNA S06S5 SHE. WANTS) TO MCNTIOM 2 THE NvME OF THE Fl0nr0T.,7'N ,T -toI DO? IT') MOT MERE! Zli THAT rNuw BOOK HOW r-IUOH OR BOOK! MOW I'LL CO THKOUtiH RE AO IT .... .irn ' ' J I'VEREAO, OUUlvaiM i rC UIIDIT 1 .prnrrhs or mjaui e ki.ectei at ANOFINO ITl KNOW A, WORD OF IT i : MKKTIMl LAST NKHIT tober 11, the games to be ulaved fn the Hew Empress Hotel, it was decided that, Instead of playing to total' points for the entire season, the; schedule will be divided Into two halves, the winner of the first half to play the winner of the second.' best two games out of three, for the Dawson Cup, emblematic of city crlbbage ehamplonshlp. The following will be the. teams that will enter the league together with the names of the delegates who we're present last night; ; Loyal Orange Lodge J. A. Teng. C.N.h. Clerlw Fred Wermlg. C.N.R. Mechanic-. A. Rogers. O.w'.V.A. John May. Knights of Columbus C, P. J. Fortune New Empress Hotel W. Murray. .Moose Lodges Frank Aldrldge. Dry Dock R. Anderson. Cold Storage Fred Qrlmble. Sons of Canada George Johnstone St. Andrews Not represented. Elks Not represented. Orotto Oeorge. Rudderham. If the Elks do not enter a team, the twelfth team will be the Grotto. T In The Letter Box CHAMPION OK JAZZ 'Editor, Dally News: Replying to "Music Lover," the -Insincere champion of "classical music" and the long winded, much be-adjectlved opponent of the "bestial and monstrous noise known as Jazz." Who Is tills "Music Lover." anyway who has set himself on a pedestal, from the height of which he looks' with scorn and contempt upon us the "ignorant?" We are cognizant of our uncultured position, and to crown It all, we, the Tlebeans. are the majority of the people. This life Is a painful one. Therefore we appreciate and give due praise to anything that can give us happiness. And If you .want proof of what happiness is derived, either from classical or Jazz music. Just take a peep (only a peep you couldnt stand it longer) lntoj iibi oiiusi some mgn-iaiuun piano or violin recital Is' in progress, and look at the audience; they look happy, don't they? in say! The only happiness they get out of it Is, for the next month, to tell some poor. Ignorant Jazz-enthusiast that they heard Rachmaninoff play his "Prelude In C sharp minor." And for proof of the happiness resulting from Jazz, walk (don't peep) Into a dance hall any dance hall, mingle with the Youth: of the Age youths all the way from 18 to 60. Catch the syncopated rythm of the saxophone In your soul, See. the swaying, laughing forms. The laughing eyes and shuffling feet. The place Is alive animated. That Is what life is animation. Persons suffering from gout and Indigestion are not there. 1Mb no place for them. The Spirit of Youth pervades all. Restraint and reserve are put aside and the blood Is singing In the veins Youth reigns supreme. Oh what a happy placet i winder If "Music Lover" has ever helf some Vibrant, sympathetic body In his arms and slid along a polished floor urged :on : by tb,e Inescapable rythm of Jazz. Jazz-lovers are happy. They do not spend time denouncing the music of the "masters." They recognize that It has a' place In this life, like wheel-chairs and crutches. So I put it to you, my fellow lovers of the syncopated art, which do you prefer: Wagner's "Ootterdamerung" with Its accompanying thunderbolts and hall-stones, or the sensuous, rythmic hesitation of "Valencia," with' Its suggestion of clatter-castenets, the whirling Habaneras, the gallantry of Spain Eternal Youth? A. LAVOTRE. HOTEL ARRIVAL Prince Rupert Iff. A DnkU..1.l.l o i.i- - v , au.4 Fred Klein. Ketchikan; W. A. Talbot and Mrs. M. J. Fuller, Atlln; E. C Perry., Edmonton; O. C. Sessions and family, Pacific; 8. N. Christian, Port Edward; Will J, Cameron, Chicago, William Bunting, Hyder. Central E. Nelson, Anyox; Mrs. Nellie Bystrom and H. Mclnnls, Juneau; W. P. Taylor and W. H. Thome, C.N.R.; James Gray, Vancouver. WO.MAN'H HASH RKtORfl DUEBSELDORF, Germany, Oct. 2. A new record for the hundred meter women's dash was achieved by Fraeuleln Junkers of Cassel, who ran the distance In 13.3 seconds. Unfortunately for Miss Junkers, all the conditions for recognising the record Internationally were no! compiled with, so that her Dusseldorf enlevement will have no place in ath Ittle history. "t 'I ' TERRACE I ' V 1 A shipment of new supplies arrived recently for the nigh school and Ter race has now one of the "best equipped high schools of Its size In the province. Mr. and Mrs. Georte Newell of Victoria who are en route home ' from prolonged visit In Nova Scotia and Massachusetts, visited here for several Jays this week with Mrs. Neweil's brothers, L. H. and E. T. Kenney. They left for home on Thursday. , Mrs. Bleeker entertained the Ladle' Culld of Knox United Church at thi home of Mrs. Wm. Allan at their regu lar weekly meeting on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Haney arc moving into the house on Park Ave. owned by J. B. Agar and recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Watt. Mrs. Hagan of Vanarsdol was In town on Thursday. The W.A. of the Anglican church me-. at the home of Mrs. II.1 M. Wlllson on Thursday afternoon. Oscar Oendron and John Couture were In from Kalum Lake during the week. Henry Smith of Kalum Lake was lr town on Thursday. In the evening a public meeting was held In O.W.VA Hall at which Dr Bamford, Endako, addressed the meeting on Farmers' Institute work and C. 2. Twigg of Creston, one of the fair Judge, gave a short .talk on fruit growing, The annual meeting of District "B Farmers' Institute was held In Progress Hall, Terrace, on Fair Day, and was at-' tended by a number of delegates from out of town districts. H. A. Swan. pre What do you like in a glass of beer? Wl- V',1.!?:a Mrs. R. W. Riley and Mrs. A. H. Barker returned on Thursday after spending a few days In Prince Rupert. W. H. Burnett made a short business trip to Prince Rupert during the week. Their teeth are of a toughness which nukes them hold their keen cutting edge un der every uige. IMONDS CANADA SAW CO. LTD. ' MONTRCAU VANCOUVER. ST. JOHN, N. , TORONTO H. A. Swain, Terrace; secretary, Mi. Donaldson. Telkwa. A board of direc tors was appointed, composed of one I member from each institute In Dls- met B. w. C. Little. Woodcock, waa appointed delegate to the advisory board. UNIFORMS FOR BOYS' BAND HAVE ARRIVED Considerable Excitement When Thev Mere I'nparkrd and fitted In Armory l.at Night The uniforms for the Boys' Band ar rived in the city yesterday and there was considerable excitement In the Ar mory last night when they were unpacked and fitted. The uniforms, In which the boys will soon be appearing. are neatly tailored of smart blue serge with trimmings of gold. BADMINTON DANCE Opening of Season Celebrated at Affair Held by .Municipal Chapter l.nt Night A fair sized crowd attended the dance held last night In the I O D E. Hall by Municipal Chapter to celebrate tlie opening of the badminton season. Splendid huslc was proclded by Mrs. R. P. Ponder and' D. Eastman and refreshments were sldent, was In the chair. After routine 1 served. Mrs. J. W. McAulev was con business was conducted the election , tener of the committee In charge and of officers for the ensuing year took ' she was assisted by other ladles of the place and resulted1 as follows: President, j order. Mrs. B. Walker acted as cashier Mr. Turner, Smlthers; vice-president, at the door. You look for certain tHingg in a glass of beer. You want first a drink that gets home to that thirsty spot hut that's not all You want a drink that sparkles with life and vigor that's cheerful and bracing and You want a drink that will satisfy you! That's where Pure Beer scores. Try it today, and you'll present yourself with a wholesome, refreshing treat. Order a case now from any Government Store. Free Delivery to any part of the city of the Pure Beers made by the Amalgamated Brewers. Vancouver Breweries Ltd., Rainier Brewing Co. of Canada Ltd., WestmlnsUt Hrcwery Ltd., Silver Spring llrewery Ltd., and Victoria Phoenix llrewery Co. Ltd. ' This advertisement is not publish! or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Govenin ?nt of Britiih Columbia. POLICE COURT FINES HEAVY IN SEPTEMBER Totalled tT,i Which l .More Than Twice Amount In Same Month ljtt Year Pines collected during the month of September as a result of cases brought Into the city police court totalled 41.973. which Is more than twice as much as was collected a year ago in the same momn. Most of the cases handled dur ing the past month had to do with vio lations of the liquor regulations. A LITTLE BOOK BY ARCHIE REED I like a UtUe book Of pages small bound Up In cloth of skin Print not too fine Nor long the line To slip the pocket In. I like a little book For round its edge the world can come to you; , Leaves turn with ease,' No violent breeze Disports Its pages through. I like a tittle book Of prose or versta dear I care not which; Cool pipe and bowl And, then my soul I may to seme star blazing metor hitch. BARLING BOMBER IS SENT TO THE DISCARD MONMTEK AltfslllP NOT LXKITL Al MAY Mljr EVEK 1LY AOAIV DAYTON. O' Oct. 1. A few years ago a' little Englishman dreamed of an airship as Vast as an ocean liner. Three rears sko his dream came tm when the Barling Bomber, 1400.000 sky giant, the biggest airplane ever built Hew at Wilbur ' Wrleht field. Th Ueamot was 'Walter Barling, aviation engineer In the employ of the United States government. Today the Barling Bomber sits almost forgotten In its hangar at Fairfield A'r Intcrmeriate Depot. It probably will ever Hy again, air officers say. Wlta only five or six flights, many of them Jiort ones, to its credit, the Barliiu Scmber may spend the rest of lu dsyi n th ground. Not because it cannot fly, but because it la not necessary. The Barling Bomber was an expert mtnt." said an official. "We found out from It what we wanted to find ou xvA now we're through." SULTAN'S OLD PALACE . TO RESOUND TOMAZZ CONSTANTINOPLE. Oct. 2r A real American negro Jau band la one of the features promised for the big gambling -esort on jt be'Botptdmf. liiti.ijMch an Italian syndicate lias converted Ylldl2 Palace, home of the last Sultan of One of the most elaborately decorated buildings In the palace grounds Is Meras- lm Kiosk which Sultan Abdul Hamld had built especially for the Oerman Kaiser . In its efforts to raise revenue the, Turkish government has decided to sell all of the former Imperial palaces with the exception of Dolma Batche, Top Ca-pou and Beylerbey. SEVENTEEN YEAR OLD GIRL IS A MASON COEPEN1CK, Germany, Oct. 1. Margot Zachert, seventeen, aspires to be the first woman mason In Germany. She registered as apprentice with the mason's guild and entered the employ of Filtr Wolfl, a local master -mason. who put her to work mixing plaster for an office building.' After serving her apprenticeship and passing the master's examination, however, the Intends to keep her Job Just long enough to earn the wherewithal for going to a polytechnical college. LADY STILL DANCES AGED EIGHTY-SEVEN OAKLAND, Cal., Oct. 1. Although she flndslt difficult to obtain dancing partners her own age, Mrs. Mary C. Edmundson, 87, lives up to her belief that "a dance' a day keeps the doctor away," For th last two years Mr r I W anted l For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for fet than 50c WANTED. office furniture wanted. for- ward description and price to Box 329 Dally News Office. 23S WANTED. OIRL FOR HOUSEWORK. Apply BO Fur Co.. Third Avenue. 2J3 WANTED SECONDHAND SAFE CHEAP. P.O. Box 317. Prince Rupert, B C tf CASH REGISTER WANTED. PHONE 41 FOR SALE. 233 glsiered stock. Reduced price short umt cniy: snort of room. Oood foundation stock. Fowney Fur Farm. Terrace. B.C. 233 FOR SALE. TO CLOSE OUT AM . tate. we are authorised to sell several lots, some corners, harbor view, and on sewer. Prices low and terms from 11000 monthly. Enquire T. McClymont. u FOR SALE FOURTEEN OOOD HORSES B.C. or Oeorge Rorle. Hays' Bulldlnc. 1 mnce Rupert. B.C. FOR SALE. THIRTY FOOT FXTITV. slon ladder: four blade lawn mower 241 Fifth Avenue West Phone Blacr 838. TENT FOR SALE NEW Tilts VKAI and used on! one week. Price 120. Pull en. Dally News. f TOR SALE. CHEAP. HALF A TON Or old newspapers. Apply Dally News. f FURNITURE Black S14. FOR SALE. PHONE 231 THREE HEATERS FOR SALE. PHONE Red 6M. 2il TO RENT FOR RENT PIANOS. PLAYRt. pianos, phonographs and sewing machines. Walkers Music Store. FOR RENT. SIX ROOU unnnm flat with bathroom, at 171 Third Ave. East. Apply Hyde Transfer. . tf FOR KENT MODERN UP.TO-TlATlt flat; large airy rooms: fire place, close In. Max Heijbroner. FOR RENT. MODERN HOUSE! riK. obstructed marine view, Apply 21) Fourth Avenue East. FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR RENT ny day,, week or. month. .Phone Red 607. MODERN HOUSE FOR RENT. FIVE rooms and bath. Munro Bros. BOARD AND ROOM. BOARD. THE INLANDER. 833 Second Avenue. Phone 137. MISCELLANEOUS MAKE MONEY AT HOME. MEN AND women can earn II to 12 an hour in spare time writing showcards. No canvassing or soliciting, We Instruct you and supply you with wort Write today. The Menhenntt Cora, pany Limited, 01 Dominion Building, Toronto. KlirCATION.W, COACHINO OR TUTORINO IN HIOH School and pre-Unlverslty subjects. For appointment, write B.A., Box 330. Dally News Office, 231 AGENTS WANTED. 600 NAILr PUNCTURES INJITIRE, YET leaks no slr official te(rtPalconeel does the trick.'? :Nt.HA,n.n,i. harmless. Guaranteed. Afrits wrlto,K fllllrV fnr lm,,.,..1 .ti. '"g" 1 -r- inaK.iiiK pro position. "Palcoseer Alexandria Ont Canada. tiiK"l Delivery Truck FOUND wAm.u.-UJSS RELIABLE MAN IN FOUND. TWO DOMESTIC DUCKS IN every town, merchant preferred, to Hays' Creek, Saturday. Apply Dally .... . ' ' ' ts tr AH.H fn. Km l - huiuiiu-umot, news omre ciomes in Canada. II ithest com missions. Hex Tailoring Co. Ltd.. lo-i found - Five nARrnsir. nm a ply Dally News Office FOR SALE. NORTH ERN PRODUCTION Coach and CoiipC .Chinchillas, from prle winning re Edmundson has beert attending classes High ..... 12:19 p.ni "vi uaiiiuuu, im zjivr ine partner Low (j.jj She says she has danced for fortv years; and while the waltc and old. fashioned, three-slma sr. v, rnu.i.. - . 1 - j ten, she does fox trot. She does 4t like the Low cnaruston or tb St. Louis, bop. ANOTHER BIQ REDUCTION IN CHEVROLET COMMERCIAL CAR PRICES. 1-1 Ton thirty -2f. pre Chaaaia $ 825.00 4 Ton l.iglii Delivery Cliasis t 03fr.(10 murine and HoadMer HI5.00 .''ilan .anda 11 H80.00 ... Iiojo.od f II 33.IKI .... l 185.011 USED CARS ON HAND Ford Uir.it Dllvfrv. trn body Ford I.ijrlit Delivery, panel bwly Ford Light Delivery. Inrler cqiifpinenl .... Font Tudor Pelan. Inrlnr pqulpmenl .... Oldmo!lle 5-pa4en-Iter TmirltiF. 102 ... $ 75.0H 1150,00 150.00 3OO.(0 tooo.nn Term ran Ih arm nerd on both new and iie. ;.ir to ult the ji purchaser. KAIEN QARAQE Dealer in Cadllac. McLauahlln. Oakland. Oldsmoblle, Pontlac and Chevrolet Cart Phone 52 NEW CAR PRICES Hntinltoiil Sport rtnndotcr Touring Coupe Tudor Sfdnn . . Fordor Sedan . . $581.00 . (18O.0O . fj02.no . 751.00 . 700.00 . snt.oo . nos.on . 581.00 Theio prices Include freight, taxes, seir starter and balloon tires. frill or telephone for demonstra tion or driving lennns. S. E. PARKER, LTD., Authorized Ford Sales and Service FORD Cars Trucks TrMe(ne TAXI ' Phone B7 Taxi (Call flcorKf. Paul oi nti.M Six and Seven PaenRer Slude nakers at your disposal any lime, HU3S BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block. erns from Fmnress Motel PRINCE MllirBT -rmrm a . ------ . w a . -w SnllirdaT. Ortnlirr ? nih 11:18 till. 17.8 ft. . 33:09 pm. 17.8 ' Low 4:83 am. 8.8 " 17:23 nm. 02 l'.M.iv, ocToni:it 3 11 :49 am. 185 ft, 23:40 nm. IHfi " LOW R- . KOI. High 18:02 pm, 8.2 " MOXIIA Y, OCTftllKIt 4 la:33 p.m. Tl KKII.IY, OCTOIIKK . . . 0:38 a.m. 12:48 p.m. 8:44 a m. 10:07 pin. 19,1 ft, 5jj - 7.2 10.3 ft, 198 -88 " 8.2 " Articles Lost and Found,&c MAIL SCHEDULE Ot T-OOINU Fur the La-.! Motulays, Wednesdsys and Ssturdirt, elosea 10 30 an To Yanrouirr Sundays io pm ruesaays 4 IS ptc Thursdays 10 U pa naturaays ait sto CPR. Sept. 11 and 31 t,a To lii)oi, A (Ire Arm, Mesit and dr. mier Bundsva 7 . y H. T It. Mmpwn anil .Vims Kltrr fvlnlfc- inursaara 10 01 To AUk Pulnt September 17 and 37. To .Vnrth ()ueen Charlollr Mondays 3 pi To honth joeen rharlaitrw. Be pt ember 9 and 13. To Anto and A I Ire Arm - WedAemlays 9)5 pa 10 pirsan anu rremirrw Saturdsya (it pa Irma the Kail Mondays. Wednesdays and Prldsys. dM t 130 pm. rum t anrudtrr Sundays p m weanevdays 1030 am Prldars an Saturdays 1030 am CJMl, September 17 and 37. Iiom Anyov, A I Ire Arm, sieaarl aa4 Premier Tuewdara an I Tom pt. Mmpon and .a Kir. points Saturdays 4 am. lom AU'ka Point September 11 and 31 roin North queen Charlolirs Wednesdars am. I Tom float It Queen Charlotte September 9 and IS. mm Anyot and Alk-e Arm Tbursdsrs rtom Mewsrt and Premier Sundays liov t ou r.(TI(i Orshsm Allin Ates. tM Ave. 4 lib l. .. lb Ue. roltn SI. . till Ave ThompMMl II 4 Sherbro. se Are. II tf t Conrsd St . cih Are. 4 IHvi Co . Aih A l(rs Cote Orrle til Are k Cotton t ih Are. k MrBrMe St. Pro. Ooi, BMr. .... rro. Oot, Whsrf ... ot.P. wntrf O.T.P. Sutton n Are. k 3rd Are. k 3rd Are. k tnrt Si. .. Pullon St.. (tin St. .. S pn S pa Ssmtir A.M. PM. CM (.0 111 III tsl i.ta lit 1.10 III Ml t.lt 1.14 III S.tO III III III, 1.44 III JO I. II III 31 lit III .10 III 1.11 41 4.00 4.4 .! 101 4.11 .II 4.10 4 l 10.00 4.11 4.11 4.t Ml 14.10 III III 10.11 1.10 4.1 I0T0 l.ll III STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS for Vanrnuter Sunday-oss. Prince nupert .. II pm, Tuesday s. Cardena 6 P- Thursday as. Prince Charles 4 pm. Thursday as. Prlnge Oeorge II P- Saturday as. Catala 10 am. Sept II -as. PrlnceM Charlotte. Sept. 31 as. Princes Louise. From Vanrnuirr Sunday -as. Cardena pm. Mondayas. Prince Charles 1030 ant. Wednesday as, Pr. Oeorge 1030 am Prlday-HM. Catala am. Saturday . Pr. Rupert .. 1030 am Sept. 17 as. Princess Louise .. S am. Sept 37 as. Princess Charlotte, .a m. For Port ttlnipnon and Neas nitrr Trlday s. Catala am. I'rnni Port Hlmpaon and Nnas Kltrr Saturday- :s. Catala a in. lor Nletvart, '.nyot and Alice Arm Cundar 4 Cardena a nm. f rom Slenan, Anjox and Alice Arm Tueadaysa. Cardena am. I'or Mettart Saturday as. Prince Itunert .. 10 nm I'rom nirwart Sunday as. Prince Rupert ... 8 North Queen rharlotles-t Monday as. Prince Chsrles .. 4 nm. Prom North qneert Charlotte Wednosday as. Prince ChsrlM am. I'or Houlli Queen (lisrlol(e weanesaay-ss. Prince John ... pm. Irnm Hniilh Queen rhnrlnltes- Wednesday-ss. Prince' Charles 8 am. I'or Anjot Wednefiday-.ss. Printi Wnnro in nm. from Anrnx Thursday as. Prlnea riMm a n m. rnr Htewart Saturday as. Prince Rupert . . 10 p.m. I'rom Htewart Sunday es. prlneo ri 1 ratt ft n m. Pnr Aln.ka Sept. 17 ss. Princess Louise ... am-From A lit iks-Bept. 27-es. Princess Charlotte, ., am, Sept 31-t. Princess Louise .... pm.