jATCBDAY. OfTOBtR 3, 1828. Badminton Supplies Indication arfi' thai IIiik favorite itiiloor'p'jrt will be mure popular than ever lln yfiar. (lei yotfr equipment early and enjoy the full season. Rackets WRIGHT AND DITSON BADMINTON RACKETS arc bountifully hulaii'-fd. light, yet -trong. Prices $2.50, $5.00, $7.50, $9.00 and $12.00. SHUTTLES. NETS. RACKET PRESSES oMaSm.M Page and Shaw's CHOCOLATES The Cndy of Excellence A NEW SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED Aborted Uiui,ilaU,, I lit. boxe $1.00 Aborted Choi-olali-.. 2 l. bo.e $2.00 Hani Outre V.Um olalp-. I II.. ln $1.00 Hard Oiilre C.liui-i!. 2 II.. l.oxr $2.00 AuHtd Nul Witirol:il,. I ll. boxo S1.25 We ai-o liae (iU(I H. NKILSOYS and MlllllS Uhoio-lalc in hulk am) ill I II.. ami Il. Iin . Ormes Ltd. The I'lOXHKH Mil fHil.STS The HEX M.l HTOllK PHONES 82 and 200 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - MTHE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Oper-tlng Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dotk tnalneere, Machinists, Boilermaker, Blacksmltha, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworker, Etc KLCCTRIG AND ACETYLENE WELDINQ. Our plant is equipped to handl all k'da ' MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38 FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD! the viir eabunt- of LAYTON For information lending lo MILES, who disappeared from his home m M'lorin. I1.U April, niaft. J.nyton is IS year o ''." (""' '! '; r.ie reel ill o I liltie eyes, weigh, nlmi.l I r.O lb, a -.luiii Inches ff. re w lal heard or ... Hie Prinec Hupe.l district. Coniiniinlcttlc wilh .. .rAi. Victoria, B.C. nvo.tmiios, . wuwn i Local and Personal w Arthur' Taxi. Phone 678. V. I I1C. Undertaken. Phone 41. Harvest' Festival Auction Bale, Mon day 8 p jn. Salvation Army. Try foothill Stove Coal, I13XX) per ton.c No,oot. Phllpott, Evttt it Co. Ud, . a r-"-. i Oeoree aieAIee. manager of the Bis Bay Lumber Co.,- returned to the city thl morning' from a' trip to Vancou Ter. Mr. Herbert Hampton, bo haa been on a holiday visit aouth. returned to the city on the Prince Rupert thU morning. f " , " All billiard player and other Inter eted plea, attend' apecial meeting City Hall, 8uudy evening 8 o'clock. Im portant. II ou enjoyed the Cohen and Kel ler', then wt "Sweet Daddies"--the aatne cast In a ' better picture. holm tonight. 23'. Col. 8. P. McMordle, who ha been Ion a business trip to Vancouver, re. turned to the city on the Prince Ru I pert thl morning. Jut received our Pall shipment t-f I brick lined beaten. Prices from 111860 to 128.50. Exceptionally good ulue. Oordon'a Hardware, 7th Aveenu I East. 232 His A. Johnson of the city tele- I phone t3 returned to the city on I the Prince Rupert thl morning after u holiday trip south. She wa accom panied by her aUter. Don Crerar left on thl morning I train for Montreal enroute to the Old I Country. He will be -away three montiu land, during hi absence, will vUtt Ion I Jon and hla native oll in Scotland. Beauty Parlor. Marcelling, manicur ling, eye-arching, facial, shampooing land acalp treatment. 141 I. Smith. formerly with La Partilenne. now in I Stephen Block. 823 Third Ave. Phont Green M. 235 An 'Invitation ha been received by Ith Board of Trade through the Lon I don. Ontario; chamber of commerce. I to attend a big gathering of board o. I trad; .at Washington. DC on October 134 to 27. -After' trip to the uortbern part of lhl duirlct. W. A. Talbot, assistant dl tmi engineer ior in provincial ae partment of public wort for Atlln with headquarter In Anyox, armed In the rity on the Prince LouUe thl at terooon from Atlln. Jack Laurenson. who delivered the federal election ballot boxea to Tel- graph Creek, returned to the rlty Oj the Prince toulse yesterday afternoou II should have been here on the beat before but waa delayed between Tele graph Creek and Wrangell. At tli Board of Trade meeting last alght a letter wa received from Pre' mler Oliver enclosing a letter received frecn the Detroit Railway and Harbor Terminal Co. offering cold ctoragt faculties for fish. It was referred It the fisheries committee for report. The Vancouver museum ha recent) purchased the valuable collection ol Tslmptcan Indian friaketa collected tt Uetlakall by C C. Perry, formerly In dlan agent here and now of Vancouver. These basket were exhibited at the fair here several year ago and attracted much attention at that time. ANNOUNCEMENTS. St Andrew' Society Ladle Auxlilarv Baraar, October 8. nova Purple Sale of plain anj fancy sewing a yd home cooking, Oc tober 16. Hallowe'en Dance, auspice Women Hospital Auxiliary. Friday. October 29 23 Hill SO IODE Barssr. October 30. Presbyterian Lladlea' Aid Bawuir, November 10. Moose Bazaar November 10 and 17. Anglican Church biucaar, November Baptist Ladle' Aid Baraar. bcr 25. DENTIST Exchango Block Novem- United Church B.uaar. December 2 Established 1923 CONSULTATIONS FREE I- We particularly .invite those who . have difficult cases. w& THE DAILY NEWS PAOI THRU GET RID OF THAT CONSTIPATION 'FBUIT-A-TIYES"-A SURE, POSITIVE REMEDY $g Y MRS. DCSJARD1NS Thousands of people. In every part of Canada, are rapidly winning back health and strength with the help of "Fruit-a-tirea." Mri. 2Doleon uesiara.ns oi Grand Fall, N. 1L says she look uveral boxefl of this marvellous fruit medicine for pain In the back and Constipation. "Ihry did me Rood immediately and 1 am relieved oi these troubles. Now I always keep a box of "Fruit-a-tives" In the house. This genuine fruit medicine made from fresh fruit Juices, Intensified and combined with tonics is Natures own remedy for cor reeling Constipation, Pain in the TUrk. Stomach. Kidnev and Bladder Troubles: for Durlfvinz the Blood; and buildif.it op the general health. Oet a box yourself take them according lo directions and see how auiek r vou. too. will feel oeiier, 25c. and 50c at all dealers. Moocebeart nual Ball. Day, October 27. An T. Willan wa a passenger on the CalaU thl afternoon for Vancouver. Scandinavian Benefit Dance Saturday nlcht In Metropole Hall. Oentlemen lie. Ladle 2Sc. 231 Mrs. Kro!d Johnstone and child were arrivals in the city from Vancou ter on the Prince Rupert this morn ug. Henry Smith of Terrace ha Joined .he ataS of the Prince Rupert Hotel, .aklng the place of Frank Glass wb) has resigned. - Charles Polsom sailed on the Pruv cess LouUe yeaterdsy afternoon for Seattle. Mrs. Folsom went south sev .nl month ago. Mr. and Mis. John Farrell sailed this afternoon cn the Catala for Van router and will, also visit Victoria be lore returning to the city. Major C. B. North, luperlntendent of the B C. Silver Mine. 1 returning to .Stewart on the Prince Rupert today after a business trip to Vancouver. Union steamer Catala. Capt. A. Johnstone, returned at 230 this afternoon from the Naas and Skeena Rivers and sailed at 3 for Vancouver and William Bunting, well known Stewart mining man, arrived In the city yester day from the Atlln district and will proceed to Stewart on the Prince Ru pert tonight. Wait Readmond and son Roy. left on the Princes Louise yesterday afternoon for Vancouver. They expect to spend the winter In Saskatchewan after a short visit in Vancouver. . C. P. R. (teamer Princess Beatrice, Capt. S. K. Gray, arrived at 1 o'clock thl afternoon from the south and sailed at 2 o'clock on her return to Vancouver And wayporta. C. S. Obato. secretary of the Jap anese Association, leave tomorrow night for Yokohama, hi old home town, on a three month', trip to visit his mother, who Is 111. Loul Levensaler of New York, an official of the American SaieltUig A- Refining Co., 1 a passenger on th has been big game , hunting, in tb north, arrived In the city on the Prin ces Louise yesterday afternoon and left on thl morning' train for At berta. Major and Mrs. H. F. Hall of Sur rey, England, were passenger from boat to train thla morning. Major Hall I connected with the colonization department of the Canadian National Railway. CN.U. iteamer Prince George, Capt. D. Donald, which has been making splendid time all thla summer and haa seldom! been late, arrived bright and early half an hour ahead of her scheduled time, 1030, this morning. The vessel will sail at 10 tonight for Stewart and will leave here for the south at 11 o'clock tomorrow night. J TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I WANTED. - FIRST CLASS 109 maid at one. Savoy Hotel. vited. Church Notices m. AMIKEIV'S CATIICIIKAL, Churrh of tngland Rector, Archdeacon O. A. Rlx. Sunday Service at 11 ajn. and 7 JO pjn. Sunday School at 220. lioiy Communion flrtt Sunday of mont'a at 11 ajn.; third Sunday of month at 8 am. Preacher, Rev. J. B. Olbaon, of Smith- er, B.C. - ' I'KKhllVfKUIW CIIIKCII Morning worship at 11 o'cUxrk. The Sacrament of the Lord' Supper. Sub ject: "The Marriage Supper of the Lamb.", Admission of member. Spec 11 music. Solo. Miss Sheila Stuart, God la Love." Sunday School and Bible CIas at 12.15. Evening service at 7 JO. Subject: "The Sin of Esau.' Solo, Ur. Anderson, "Beyond the Dawn." Preacher. Rev. Charles J, Cameron. U.A., Ph D. All cordially In IUPTHT CIIIKCII Morning service at 11 o'clock. Sub. Ject: "Debta and Debtor." Sunday School Rally service at 2.30. Evening service at 730. Subject: "Wooden and Iron Yoke." Choir selection "Or all. free." A moat cordial invitation t) l.MTEl) CIIIKCII A special series of addresses Is beUir started, relating to the plain practical religion of the man on the street, ll you have any topic you would like discussed, mall such to Rev. Oeo. O Hacker or place on plate on Sunday. Sunday morning's topic: "Natural Re ligion of the Boy Jesus." Evening topic: "Moderate Evangellcallam." Keep jucday. October 10 and Monday, Oct. 11 for our Anniversary ervlce ani oanquet. CHRISTIAN MIENCE MKIETV Service every Sunday morning In the Hav" Clock. 245 Second Avenue. Sub ject cn Sunday "Unreality. Testi mony meeting oa Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. KALVATlOXjARMV 8peclal Harvest Thanksgiving Ser vices at the Army this week end. Tonight at 8.15. Harvest Praise. Sunday morning at 11. Subject. "Watered Oardens" Sunday School at 2J0. Send the children. Evening Service at 7.30. Subject: "The Lament of Autumn." (take an effort to come to these meet ing. You will be well repaid. Lei he Army serve you. I.THKKAN CIIIKCII St. Paul' English Church. Metropole HaU. Third Avenue. Rev. Tho. D. Jttade. pastor. Sunday morning service at 11 o'clock. Sermon theme. -The Supreme Question." Sunday School at 12 noon. Luther league av 3.30. Evening service at 730. Sermon .heme. "Have you a worthy Ideal in life" Sermon by Rev P. E. Balslei at both services. Special music by the choir Everyone cordlaily Invited. CANADIAN NATIONAL WAYS Wat Kwi-oi-flKr it TMerraDh Creek RAIL- Tenders for Soft Wood Ties In British Columbia 9E.tV.EI TE.MiEKS lire!d to the uu-il-rs.pird and endorsed "Tender for Sufi WwkI Tie" will be rerelved t Hm- otil e ur the Grueral Tie nil Timber Agent, lliy.iu SUl. IjiudUo ,tlmi4l tiprrti II it. M i ll r, Mrtilll street, Montreal, uul.1 twelve Turfilay. tirlobrr lth. Ii6. fur Kstlwty Ties U be inanufaetured frum d'U(U4 fir, jarkpine, txniliok anil reiUr. ilmtirr rut Letvreli Ortuber 11, I9i&. ami My 1st; Ivi7. jnd delivered between January lft. IVif. and July IM, .07. K.o.n. ear. Caiud.au .Natlunal Hallway, in ar nrtlitire with StecUlrll'ii S 3 W I.T-re-v.M-d July I ith. IJ6. fur Sor. Wil Ties. Tle or earh mde trt be loaded SuraUl). Trmlrr finn ran be obtained it the rru-e r the Tie Atent It Winiilprr. Pur-rlitnit An-.it . 'nnuvrr, or Urneral Tie ud Timber Am-nl, Monlieal. TemlTS will nut be ronlilrred unlr made nut ou form uiplled by the lull way Ciimpauy. . The hiwei or any tenderlno. wcesar-lly aererled. .5. fiMrLAlES. i Oenrral Tie ami Timber Agent. Montreal. Uuc, jirptrllllwr tmh. g?6. WATER NOTICE Dlvtrtlon nd Um TAkE Miritt (hat II. U. Kyle, whose addre I Wrangell. Alaska, and Telegraph i:reek, U. will pply Tor license lo ttke ami use i.uoo miner's Inches flow or naier out cf Burks .iulili. whlvh flow easterly Into Dee Creek. The water will be unfiled iri'in me sirraui i iviin nbntit iwn mill up the stream fniu Its HH.uth Into lease Creek ud will be used fur hydraulic mining purposes P'n bench nlarer claim known ami oesrriueu as f...n. tii ind tst. This notice was posted .in Uie ground un the Hx& diy of my vro. A e.-p,v nr wis nonce anu an ('imi n.m lplnA tlrr. mlna tkrrti,n1 t A,l,..liani thPflil and lO IDD "Water .Ct. . , ,- , r, ,irrir. r ih Stewart on a visit to the Premier Mine, Dr. Will J. Cameron of Chicago, who objections t-i the application may be riled with the) said Water Hecortler or with the Comptroller of Water nights. Parliament nulldinn, Virion. B C. within thirty .lays after the first ajpeirsnre or this notice In the local newspaper. The date or the first puMlrllon of Ibis notice is Seplcnilier 1 4th. i. II n. KVt E. Applicant MINERAL ACT Cartlflcat of lmprovmnta. Hnnxme Nn. i .Mineral Claim, situate In the Atlln Mining Division of the Casslar lnlrlet. on Winn lllver. adlolning iad to the llh of Brownie No. 4 MX. Ttkr MiTire nut t. James B. Kershaw. Free Miner's Cerliricile No. 89S, Intend. sliy days- from the date hereof, lo apply in iim n ni necnriier ror a ceruiicaie of improvement, for the purpose or cn-tslnlnr a i mn Grant of the ittove claim. I And further take notlre that action, un der section f, must be commenced uerorf the Issue of such Certificate of Improve- ni.nl, ' 1 IHTED this 1st day of September, A.D. It. Mc.N. FRASER, Agent, PAIN from Bladder Irritation toon ad by I SANTAL MIDY Bawar of Imitation I Leek for th word "MIDr" SoM hy (II druggist I RtlltM by A Little Lady has been ServinYou Faithfully forManyfeais "BREAKFAST" in Baker's Breakfast Cocoa Means Something The United State Food Standards define " Breakfast" cocoa a cocoa containing not less than 22 per cent of labelled " Breakfast" laua) contain not more than 14 per cent or 15 per cent of butter. Baler' Breakfast Cocci contains not less than 26 per cent of cocoa butter, almost one-fifth more than Government require raent. The phrase Baker Breakfast Cocoa means a -pure, dc liciou cocoa of high quality and posse Ming a considerable amount ct nourunnicnt. WALTER BAKER 8C GO. ttmited Established 1780 DORCHESTER. MASS. Canadian Mills at Montreal Booklet of Choice Recipes sen free . SEND IT TO THE -:- LAUNDRY -:- ALL CLASSES OF LAUNDRY WORK Including Ihree distinct services fur Family WorkvU: SOFT FINISH, THRIF-T-SERVICE and WET WASH at most reasonable prices. DRY CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING Pioneer Laundry and Dry Cleaners Phone 118 and we will do the rest. Everything for the Builder LUMBER We have the most complete slock of tmihera. dimensions, shiplap, fir finish, ' flooring, V join!,' veneers, etc., in Northern B.C. We can supply everything In a building from the foundation to the last piece of finish. Before buying inspect our stock. It will pay you. Our pnees are right. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 117 (canadianT VACinc 'llWf 1'IIONK 101. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To tchlan, Wrngll, Junau nd Sgiy tpt. 6, 17, 27; Oct. , IS, 19. To Vancouvtr, Vlctorl nd Saattl Sapl. , 11, 21 f OeL 1, 12, 22. PRINCESS BEATRICE. Campball RHr, na Vieauvr , tu''I n. For Buttdal.. Est Bll Bella. Ocn Falls. Nmu, Altrt Bay. " ' toe all StwinahlB Lin. , . lafcemalloa VV. C. ORCHARO AnL Corn of 4th trt n4 Srd Avtnu. Irln Rurt, B.O. BLUE AND WHITE ENAMELWARE Made of extra heavy material, At Popular .Prices. Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 2JJ TIIIKII AVE. Bus and Taxi Meets all Trains and Boats. ROYAL HOTEL ' J. ZARELLi, Proprietor. Phone 34 P.O. Box 190 Simmon's Sleel Beds, Springs, and Ostermuor Mnl-tiesse. in every room. 52 Booms, Hot and Gold Water, Baths and Shower. Sleam Heated, Electric Light. Corner of Third Ave and Sixth St, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. (