PACK TWC J'V; Ay? tsri SAFE SPEEDYDA IM RELIEF row rAI IX T-R-C'8 TEMPLtTONV RHEUMATIC CAPSULES In 50c and $1.00 lint. Sold and moitH mandad by 3,000 Canadian druftuta. NEURALGIA HEADACHE RHEUMATISM r Xeuritis Lumbago Sciatica ttatia II Send 1 6c for iUtutratfd booklet and itneroua trlalamplctoTempitttm,lJlKiinW.,Torooto 1. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to all parts of Ihe Rritish Empire "and the United States, in advance, per year $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising. . . .$1.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page.'.., $2.80 per inch Local Readers, per insertion". . . . .' .'.'.. .25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c .per word Legal Notices, each insertion: 15c pep agate line Contract Rates on Application, v Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 88 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Saturday, February 1020. Step By Step The West Must Win. When an inequality has been established by custom, it is extremely difficult to gel it evened up. That is the situation in regard to the transportation rales jn the west. Owing to the difficulties of building Ihe railwtiy through the Kicking UoiSe Pas-, the rales 'to IheN'aeifio coast were set at h high figure and once eslaihlished it wa difficult to make a change. Happily there have been ineif in charge of affairs vyho had th" two necessary qualities, Ihe courage of their convictions and Ihe ability to carry them through. Much has already been gained. A measure of justice has been granted but there is still a good way to go. The west may have to speak yet louder and more incisively in, order to gain her point. She., must, win in Ihe end, hut the question is how long me cnange win ne delayed 7 Farmers Interested In Coast Towns. - The farmers are nil inlereslcd in gelling Ihe lowest possible grain rates through to the Pacific or Atlantic coasts mid the people here are interested because they believe fliey have a right to an equal break with ports in the east. People along Ihe railroad are interested because the more rapidly the coast (owns develop the sooner will they hqve a steady market for their produce, and there will be empluvmejit. for railway shops and round houses, and employees In man Ihe trains. Australian Treaty And Produce Imports. . . Attempts will be made by the opposition to "the present government lo show that the operation of the Australian treaty will work u hardship on Canadian farmers. That' is the weak spot in our democratic system of government. Men who are perfectly just in their business dealing will not hesitnfe to take an unfair advantage of an opposing party. There have been importations nf Australian, produce even-year, whenever there was sufficient to make exporting worth while from Australia mid when Ihe prices here were high enough to warrant II. Duller has iqme here at various limes nnd so has million nnd other commodities. Without the trealv many of the articles might likely have come here, but there is no doubt Ihe treaty lends lo encourage the. imports from thai country. Just now a shipment of butter ha arrived and there is likely lo be roar oT protest from Ihe buttermaking districts of Canada. MASONIC BALL USUAL SUCCESS Some Two Hundred Persons Attended Craft's Annual Event In Auditorium Last Night The annual bull of Tyee and Tsiiiijisean Loltres, A.F. A A.M., helil last evening in the Auditorium proved, as usual, to be one of ihe (ml standing social it f fairs of (he season. 'There were in nl-lentlanee tome 10(1 emmles iu- wilh their wives and lady friends. Opening al !.I5. the affair was in progress in the keen enjoyment of all until about o'clock. The decoration's were very beau tiful, flag and the insignia ol 'lie craft predominating. '.Music wa furnished by an orchestra consisting of Mrs. II. P. Ponder, David Eastman, tl. Arthur, jr.. and David Dennett. At midnight a buffet supper was served. deorge A. Woodland was of ceremonies and convener of the (general committee 'ami K, t ilwin presided al the door. The committee in charge consisted' of ti. ,. Woodland. Ii. A. Mann. A. II, Nielu. lis. Aid. W. M. Drown. eluding meuiiiers of I lie erafHP. Tinker and W. l. Vsmee. Crisp.Tasty, Nourishing TRISCUIT made of perfect whole grains of wheat-Delicious with butter, cheese or marmalades PRINf F RIIPFRT travel, literature . ; oJ . . .1 J AND FINE ARTS SEEN AS GRAIN PORT' at public library Letters Urging Campaign of Publicity For Prairies Read to Board of Trade Two letters from prairie points advocating the ush Of newspaper space for advertising the Prince Unpen elevator were rend at (he monthly meeting of the Hoard of Trade Inst night, President Hanson in the chair. One of was from H. St., formerly manager of the Hank of .Montreal here, -who sent a( clipping from a ialpary paper of a ancouver advertisement. Mr, Lee expressed sympathy" with Prince Hupejrl in her efforts to secure a share of the grain trade. He said in part: "Alberta, as you are probably aware, is divided into two sections . Southern Alberta with Calgary as the centre and Northern Alberta with Edmonton as its centre. The dividing line is about the, fifty-.eeond parallel. Owing to the direct connection between lUtbrary ainl Vancouver I do not think Prince Hupcrt etiuld expect very much grain traffic from Soul hem Alberta but I am of the opinion she should he able lo obtain considerable from the northern seclitui of Hie province. However, on account of the other line from KdtnonUui to Vancouver she probably will have to make a strenuous fight. If the now "Oarnet Wheat' does what is claimed for it the northern boundary of the wheat field will be pushed many miles to the north and this will help Priuce Hupert. Ibis of course will take time to develop. "There is another point which should be kept in mind, namely, the dividing point between the cast, hound and the west bound shipments. During the wittier months this line, will likely be a moveable one for the reason that shippers will in a great many cases prefer to move their wheal lo market rather than keep it for Jhe opening of lake naigation In doing this they will save slor-ag(j and interest, whitfh will mean, that they can afford to pay a little more freight anil in that way that dividing line will be moed east a certain number of miles durinig Ihe months that navigation is closed on the lakes." From Edmonton The. other letter 'from Charles ii. Campbell, publisher of the Kd-fnonton Hullelin, follows: "Many I hanks for your leller Of Ihe Dili inst drawing our attention to the fact that we. have hot been giving Prince Rupert adequate publicity. Instructions have been given the editorial ifojins tu reler lo i'rince Hupert lii future when dealing with the Aeslern grain route. "Von will note, however, that the Vancouver Harbor Commissioners are carrying large display advertisements in the Al-oerla newspapers showing the wheat premiums quoted on the Vancouver Oratn Exchange, and also the salng in freight. it Would appear ly the writer that you will be handicapped in jneel-llig VanCoiner cnnmelilioii nn. iy'ss yoti can kUr some, publicity as to the advantages; in shipping to I'rince Hupert and also as to vitni a man would get for his jram when he shipped it Ihere, plherwhe only elevator com panics who buy grain will be able to ue your port. ' Wishing you and your board every success in establishing Prince lluperl as one of Cana da's world ports." ENJOYABLE WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE BY LODGEiALHALLA SsVjme 100 persons attended an enjoyable whist drive and dance that was held last evening in Ihe Mofropoln Hall by' Lodge Valhalla. Prize winners at cards were Men s firsl. lidwiii Kjono; men s second, .Vels Peilersen; ladles' first, Mrs. George Scoll; ladies' second, Mrs. Andrew Nelson. After cards, refreshments Were served and dancing followed, music, being furitished by Ihe. Weslhnlme Orchestra. The committee consisted of thl. Oscar I.arseiij, who was master nf cerenionlen; A. Aker berg, who was in change of the whist drive, and Mrs. .lack Karelin and Mrs. K. Hallberg. Subscribe to the Dally News. Among recent' hooks added to the shelves at Ihe I'm Itnporl publsc library are some on travel, literature and the fine arts. Here are a few: a. Travel "Saga of fhtfsons'' liyVrench. Sonie Iteniilitscenees of old Victoria" iiy Fmvceil. ''The Fight ftir Evei est, mil" I by Norton. ? Miadow of flio, Clooniy ha si by Ossendowski.; "Hawaii" by Hope. "Mao that is hittf I urolled )v ' f Biography "Fforence -NWhtiiigaltv' by Cook. Life and- Letters of W. II. Page. vol. 3" b Jlendriek. History Short History. f Spain" by Sedgwick. ' Holshevlk vMy(Ji" hy IteTkman Flne'Arts Surv ey gf Cm temporary Music" by Cray. , belt. Hoar of thp Crowd'" by Cor- Literature Muse in Council" by Prink- waler. "Adventures in I'nderstanding" by tirayson. Swallowing the Anchor" lv McFee. In The Letter Box AUDIT OF UTILITIES Kditor Daily Xpws. From the newspaper report the ;trd inst. it apix.irs tlial i resolution was lolnpieil by the City Cotmcii al its last roejtiti?.l calling upon Ilia I tilities Com ntitlee to eaus; h special audi' lo he made conceinuiK Ihe Cii Utilities since their inception iii to the present lime to ascertain their standing jit relation to !en-eral Fund. . Witli your permiton. Mr Kditur. I desire to ftninl out t our rale jtayers that such au aodil was conducted as far as the l.ijiht I)eparliiifnl was concerned during lt?2. and will b" hrffile from lime lo iiine. and thai! December 31. '.)JTt, is 8S5.03J.I0.I which amount at Uic fnine rate will be liitiidtli-d li3ft. It was fprthpr slio'wn that urt-Iler Ityiaw J (17 the aiimtjiil slnil-1 larly ilue wlis l 2.3rtK.Mt to be; re-paid al the rate of 3,!22 per year. This item is due lo be lhiml, In (If l'.5j5i;riepnrl. About eixhi in. mth's time wn devoted to this audit in I'.lli'-'. and In my opinion tliere is no Justi-ficalinn for al this time spending nioney on this sohjeet. It Is rumored thai oil the last f.ijshl Kxleiision Jlylrtw to provide connection nnd service lo the elevator Ihere - likely lo be a . A Pimply Face Is Unsightly Mini C. C. It. gmwt, South Hatlls-ford, fiiuk., writ-i: A while ago I troubled with 'acini blemiahrs, specially pimplea, and really aliamed to go out with luch A bad looking face. 1 tried 2 or 3 different remedies, but thrj didn't help nie any, So one day a friend, who had been troubled the game a 1 waa, advied ma to un. After I had taken two bottle there ran't a flimnle of any kind left on my fae, and t now have a far, mooth and velrety romplexlon." Put up onlr by The T Milium Co., Liaiikd, torouto, Out. Sipped daily thou8aiid8 of cups THE refreshing taste and fragrance of a "Malkin's Beft"cup la unmiataltabla-fof htra la blcndinc tt leaf-tip Taai from Ca;tDQ and India'! flneat hill cardnna. Tha clear (olden amber color ol the brtw its pletaant palatable smoothneaa la proof poiin of blending Klenc and iklU. The Paramount quality of "Malkln't Beit" tea la alwayi reliable and without variance. The very neit time you find it neceiaary to rtploniah your houaehold tea tupply aik your (nxer fbr "Malkin't lpai"-tt CO it I no more than ordinary branda. considerable over-expendn me. Which will have lo he taken eare ef no doubt in a similar way. While charge for interest and redemption of out tiinilinc Hoods are lein?-ninviiled for out ol the revenue, in view of thee over- piendilures incurred, whieh had to he repaid lo Oeneral Fund.j no provision na so far neen made ' fttr replacement of plant. ami whenever I his becomes a necessity the ralepa-rs will train be called upon In shoulder such expenditures. And (his Is niot likely to lake pluce ever Nfoi the eent bind iuei re retired'. i Ypurs very truly. j JOHN OYHIIAVN. GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. Notice or application roa coniht TO TRANFR OF BEER LICENCE MiTli K is urni iir civi x iini ,,n oi found fully reported in the 1022; I Alrtlaaal V'" itllifu1a It. .""'"'? ." V .,hr uo"" i . .a . annual report ui me iuy. anil ir Ihe Mayor and Aldermen would lake I lie lime to digest said report. I Itejieve they would find it should Tiot be neressary al this lime to spend money on a special audit. The IUf' audit diselosd that under certain Itylaws ennsider-ahle over-exnendilures had been ai4l Ilinll tl. tu Ihi the. I I iiiii. Kilt... i lr.,1 Huard fur i Hiiu-nt tu iMur i Ht I iitiw iinilir iHii. mi, i i--m i such aver-etpendltures had been, "QOVERNIKIENT LIQUOR ACT financed by (leneraf Fund, or b Ihe ratepayers. As al liecentber ni. I l. ii shown) that a bal ance of tl.8:t:.IO was due r'irrt r h.iihm twinr in ,,r a imiiii ii, r im,n a. 7h ll,al lit-l Mini' al tlx- niriBT f r,ih sirti-t iixf inl rnn, hi Ihe ciij- nf Prlim- lluprrl. II hi,, n I In- I411.U .M-nll 4 htl. letni 1 1 and twrlre I tt . Ilkirk lliirl ,, ij Ve lllnr htiiMtml IimI Iwriilt thret' tt I rrlni-- lMiert I ami Urnlril.,n lll.lrl. t. i III tho Cnlrtr t Rrlll.h i lillntiU. (r.n .anw Ciwlolii, to itmr Zarelli, i.r l'rlnr, RiiMri. Hruiti i tiliiinliU, tiw trannfi riN . ; tijlnt at lTln.-e ftiipcri, B.i . Oil. jotti, jvrs ! Appnram ami Tranfrp. NOTICE OF APPLICATION LICENCE. LAND ACT ron BEER i NOTICE IS IIIRIBV OIVEI that on I hp' nd iliy ut trhruary iw ilw umtrrdrnnli lllln,l In aiifilt' ih. I i Oeneriil Fund under liytaw 'Jti.'Biiani rr ii.fiir i rri'ri t' rirr. ' and It was decided lo r??iy Ibis amount nut of l.fjdil revenue a niiiii urinv ian hi inr Diiiiuinr anmaii CmiillMTrUI lllitrl." tlllialf al Oui rnrtvr if Hrl miiip and f.lihlh Slrrrl. mtjr! ir lplli. Mutiw.fl nr..n 1 1 I....I. .u...ikui the rale of 41. Hon per yrttr. This' i.h ti ami u, nimn . smiim i,i done the balance still due as at m.i wja, itiik-p nuiirri i.aiin nrf iMraoofr lllrirl. In III I'mtlnrp nf nrlllnh -Mmn-' Jia, fur th tr or lr liy tlu- tlot nri hy ihi pi-n tKittl for ronsiimplliHi in lh PrllllM. Palrd this Virth day nf January. I9IH liOIM.Ii AllinfW VrLFOIl tunnv I Woop . 'nii-ant Nolle of Intantlen to Apply to Ltaia ; Land In lrn" Ourfn Cliarloit l.lani m.iHri land lifci.rdmr tilslrlct of rnnm Rurx-M,' Inil llmt nn the rnrrah'TP nf YpaiallKlii Bay, Mwtl f nlPt. TAKE .NOTICK that Knrnp It. Slmii'iin., of Mown, nrriipatliin rannery inanarrr.' Illiend In apply for a pi of the follow i fnr ilearrllM-il l.indi- - i ronimennna- at a t"l pliniH on the Mrti water mark about to rhaina mtm from v nortlK-aat mrncr nf l.nt I160 . IhMKf north son ttl in l.,w water timrk: llienre nnrlhweairrly too feet more or I tens; Ihenre wet 1 00 fert In the nuritl-1 JAeet rnnirr nf K. II. Simpson' apellra- lion lo lee; ihenre annitiealerly fol-' lowlnir the hlh water mark to th point iif riiiiiinenremeiil, an, rontalnlnt two. rrea. more or le. ' EUOE.IE II. SIMPSOX, Applicant. . Ter Pred. Naah. Ant. t Kl Nof.nntw lira tf LAND ACT. Notlca of Intantlen to Appy to Laata Land In Ilie Land Merordina lilatrlrt of ITInrn nuiert, ami alinale nn the annili almre i,r flminon Pay. Maett Inlet. Queen Char-liilte lliini4. T.UE MOTICE that t, Harry lloblnaon Frusl, nf MaMMt. II.C, nmipallon riK lifer. Inli nd to apply ror a ieai nf the fnllnwln ileaerlheil land: CoiiinmniMiit at a ihim iiiutMi it,- prti i liw et riirnef of M I SI (ti MJaJ'.i; llienre eat tl) rhalna; thin'rel north 10 rhalnn, more nr lee, to inrhl water mark; llienre oiithuest If rhahir ' Inore or le, follow ln the hlrti waier' nun i,i iniiu oi roiiiini'nreirient. anil 1 ..nlKlnl.i M.i.. i , " i.,,,,!,!! "Urn, iiioii; iiv iril, Maanelt, B.C. LAND ACT. Notlca of Inttntlon to lanrf II. It. FttUT. a Apply to Laaai h,!?.1!" p.rlnr ""pert land tleenrdlnir hl'irler and situate on Vhlteaand i.innd vlaarlfa flaiarafaiai ldlA,l Ii . - . . r I aaaaaaiaBBBBBj . : -'"'17. i-j."'!. mm! rnni n.M. ii. TAKE " ,j noTicF. ." r" that JnM,h oepn . si nn.n non floaer . of rrlm-e rtuperl. n.C Serretary . ntiiiila to apply for a lea.e of the rof.'l lowinr rlearriliril land; Coiiiiiipiijlnir at a twi.t on the ahnra on f Whlle-aiid lalanrti tlienre1 S.OOO reel nnrthweal; Ihenrs ,000 f"etl VZL Vi")''- S,..B !.ert ,"HU" nleneenient. 01 c",n' 'Vrit 8TINSOM rtOOEtlS. Dltad a DtctmUr 4tb. 1911. ;4auicii,iy,, Frhriini i, 1 fMALKINSl lBEST J 80LD EVEIVnviIERE IN Vl tr 1 POUND PACKAGES . 9J5e Favorite Blend o Thousands MM SATURDAY Night SPECIALS in LINOLEUM RUGS 12 only. IK'! l.inolciini Hugs. u ( le.u- ui e.i. Ii $70 0 only. 7'-iX0. I.iiioleinn Hug-, to clear at each $9.50 LOOK! 6 Sq. Yards. SCOTCH INLAID LINOLEUM Piece 2 yards hv :i yartl . liglill tlaiuaged hiilf price. For ihe piece $7.W BARRIE'S Home Furnishings One door c.i-i ot i,ni New- (lifice 3rd Avenue Phone 123 No Pay Day! The laborer doc hard. iiideaniil work lmr .Saturday, he gels his pay. You're doing work that's just n hard and oupt' when you "do the wah." lint ul Ihe end of a w-vahda. who pays you? A bad bargain why not call for our Tlmr T Sc vice? Kverythiug will be carefully washed, linn s rinsed anil the flal-work uciill) inulrtl and folded you sup working for Mr. W'a.-ltltili inle eiiiplovn never pa his help. THRIF-T-SEnVICE Be Per Pound and 1c Per Piece Minimum Charge $1.00 WW- CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY Phone 8 Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND J SHIPYARD Operating O. T. P. 20,000 Ton Pleating Dry book Engineer, Machinist, Boilermaker, Blacksmith, Patttrn maker, Founder, Woodworker, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped Id handle all kind of MARINE AND COMMERCJAL WORk. PHONE'S 43 and 3M UNION STEAM5HIP COMPANY OF &.C., LTt. , Ballihta ft inn I'rint nupert. or ANC0UVta. VICTORIA, Iwanaon iiy. and AlaM Bay, TuiAai oe VANCOUVtR. VICTORIA, Alart Bay, and atur, 10 Fee N0X. fOBT SIMPSON and Naaa Cannarlaa, Thuraday p.m. ua .opl' "TOX. alio arm, STtWART, Sunday. B p.m. 4. earnalay, Aftnl. eriaaa Rupaet. e