PAGE FOUR A Good Cook Fails ISSt JgllUSlJ. A young matron whose name we shall nol mention spoilt the week-end with friends This .lady has n reputation for bak ing and was asked to hake a tcako and sh'e did. No Pacific Wilk was available and she. herself thought it would make little difference but the cake was n failure worse than that, she says. PACIFIC MILK nead Office, Vancouver Factories: Ladner and Abbotsford, B.C. A few SILK Sweaters I ai remarkably cheap prices for a few days only. Mrs. W. I. Wilson ii Third Avenue P.O. Jox - f)89 I'hone (ireen 389 I TWICE WEEKLY We have arriving FltKSH fclLLKl) IIF.LF, VKAL and pOHK. We also carry a full Fine or Fresh, Smoked, and Salted Fish. Seaiy & Doodson The Home of Bulkley Valley Produce, nrahcli from Smilhcrs. Sixth Street. Phone 455. Ii I Wood! Wood! Now is your chance Dry Cedar Full JoaiJ ... $6.50 Half Load . ... $3.50 Large sacks . . . 50c HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. T. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone tl. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Bervb;e. Ooal, Band and Oravel. tfte Specialize In Piano and Furniture Kovlnfl. Fur Coats& Jacquettes I An Kxiiuhjile Block of Fur Trjinmjngs al low prices. B. C. FUR Co. Next O.W.V.A. Third Ave. THE DAILY NEW3 BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus rL?.IMVf fLLO-MQ I I II LcLL-WP, . I i I I 1 1 Will U ( VCLU -vUCH -iSt ) I S SMITHERS VETERANS ELECT OFFICERS FOR SEASON AT MEETING Colonel R. L. Gale Chosen to Head Organization With J. Flnnigan as Next In Command SMITH Kits. Feb. . The an imal meet inn of the rtrenl Win-Vetvrnns Association was held in their club rooms, on WVdnesdav evening willi a good turnout of members to hear I lie reports or lie past year and to elect of ficers. The renorls nf 1'rcsiilent Cnle mill Mm nen.tlt. i- cilimi'nil succosrul vars operation from .very noint of view. Tim mem- bershin had been increased unlit nuniiiereii now nearly inn ami finances showed a nice balance on the riaht side and good nro- gress had been made during the year towards liuula(ing the building debt. The outstanding event of the year was the visit or Lord liyng, who was tendered a reception at lie club and who was high in his praise of the local organization unit ils comfortable quarters. In the election of officers the names submitted nt the nominations a few weeks ago were bal-lotled on mid resulted in the following selections: President Col. It. L. fiale. Vice-pcesidenf W'm. J. "IfTi nigan. 2nd Vice-president Jas. A Macdouald. Fxertilive 'Messrs. Fred "Wal ton. J. II. Ilyrne and J. Measley. Al the first meeting or the xeculive. two more members will be chosen, also a secrelnry-Ireasurer. Wm. J. Finniigan is slewnrd and F. A. Dickson assistant steward. SMITHERS AV.-K. Holmes of Tonley was business visitor in the town the fore prt or the week. Matt Itrowcan or Foresldnln who has been in ill health for some time was a visitor in Sinithcrs 'this week reenivi n rt medical consiiftation. Oeorge- Carrutbers. slum fore man with the C.NJl.. who has been relieving al Mcltride for Urn lasl few iiwmtliH ret Sperry f:iiue, provincial con stable at Hazelton was a business visiior in town on Thurs day. Mrs. T. King who has been visiting with her daughter Mrs. Anger near Seattle, mid nf other points in the sn'ulh for n couple nr months relumed lo own on i iiursitay , morning. The regular monthly bridue ami whist drive was held al the Catholic Club on Tuesday niht and the patrons of Ibis nonular pastime spent a most enjoyable Mi'ming nl these games. Ue-rresbmenls wore served at midnight, winners nt cards follow: Utiilge. Mrs. L F,hy and .11. J. Kelly, rirsl. ami .Mrs. J. Covering and ll. fliinilcrsnn, second. At whist, Mrs. Health, ami Mrs. Walsnn rirsl. and Mrs. II. Hharlz and J. A. Macdonald second. It. L. fiale, local Insurance agenl and broker, left ror Vic- ; .... . inria iiiursiiay evening on a business trip or a couple or weeks duration, lie was neenm panied by Mrs. finle who will make an extended visit with rn-lalives in Mini clly. Fenwick nrnhnm left on Thursday evening for a visit In Vancouver and expects to uway a couple of weeks. A larsc crowd was on hand again Wediresdav nitrlii in eninv another1 of the Fall Fair Cinder ella dances. Tim jirogram was from ll lo 12 ami was 'featured by ituailrillc and other old lime dances. The local ice harvest started this week wilh the hauling or ice from Seymour Lake. This sunnlv is for tln local m'erchants and dairymen, and nil hough I nun lily is nol lo be rnmnnrcd with Ihe ice of other. years, the blocks have a thickness of from 12 to 1 1 inches. . "'ilber bnd nnnlher Ibrlit ln" or snmv n Wednesday night "", farmers who have wood and lies to haul are taking nil vanlngr or the sleighing lo gel ahead with this work. TERRACE NOTES Mrs. J. I'. Lggleshaw and Mrs. 1). W. Cassells returned on Wednesday night nrter a shnrl visit lo Prince Jt u perl . . C. Fraser, Inspector or public schools, is here on an official visit. r. Hrewer, of the Forestry Department, Smilhcrs. j business visitor this week. Mr. McMillan local nolicemnn. Ief on Wednesday morning ror Prince Itliperl In meet Mrs. Mc Millan rind children and returned with l hem on Wednesday nighl. I bey are Inking up their resi dence in Arnold Creelmnn'a house, north or Ihe part. Mr. and Mrs C t. M returned' -oh .' uti2i)nrt.finelitf irnm rrince ituperl. A. Y. Wilson or Hemn was in Ipwn on Wednesday. ; Tbos. Christensnn and Law. rr-iice Tucker, memhors of the Lncey cruising parly who spenl sevTi-nl w eeks before Christ mas cruising the timber holdings of Ihe Kilsumkalum Timber Co nround Kalnm Lake nrriTd In lown on Wednesday night. Accompanied by J. McLaren Ihev lefl for the lake- on Thursday to conliniio I heir work. (Ither .members or Urn iiarly are eMiecteiMn nrriva lalerV Mrs. fieorge Litlie relurned on Wednesday night tnim Prince ilnpert. The II. D. Ilridge Club met on Thursday night al Mm home of Mrs. J. M. Hall. Dr. It. (. Large, school health Inspector, rninpleled his work or inspection nl Hie local schools on Wednesday or this week. Archdeacon Ilk or Prince Iln pert, who spent Tuesday and Wednesday in lown snlicilimr subscriptions in raise nn Endow ment l lltiil ror the Iljocese nr Caledonia. II.C. left on Wednes. day nighl for Kilwanga nml other interior points. HAZELTON Owing lo (he lack of snow Mils Wilder. Mlkv (Iciuue U Imntinir his poles lo Ihe Kkeena Iliver some miles above llazellon Instead of biinlilic dit-eel In lli railway nl New jjazelloii. iriie poles will be driven down the river as far as Hanson's hoom a, tledarviile next snnnner. The llazellon Hod nnd fluil f.lilb. In nrder lo pvolecl spawn. ing rish, has reipiesled Ihe authorities to extend the opening of Ihe close season ror trout from April .10 to June III) in Ihe dis trict from KiUvauga in Mnrire- towu. 50 miles north or the Can adian National Hnilways and ? miles soulh, Douglas .Lav. resident minim; engineer, left this week for Vie loria on official duties. The Felix llridae Club met at the home of Mrs. Chappel on Wednesday nichi. Prizes wen nn bv .Mrs. Sargent and Mrs. ! Xrwirk HOCKEY AT SMITHERS Second Game of Season Played Between C.N.R. and Town Teams SMITH F.rtS. Feb. C. The sec ond hockey match or Ihe season was played at Hie local rink on Monday evening. The cranio wns between a team representing the (L.N. It. nml one selected from ojher players representing the town. Milliliters of the regular senior lentil were all on Urn ice and Ihe large crowd of fans thai himed out were treated to a fal nnd thrilling exhibition of Ihe popular winler pastime. The game win refereed by L. II Warner who was called upon on several occasions to send play ers lo Hh fence who were using nilitlle too much energy of a bland not allowed by the rule of the game. The seoro U- i nol an indication of the play but rather showsi that combination play is nu important factor in glitnes of sporl and is most pro- luclive of resull.. y ,e u-o ot a, number or nice combination plays during I be game Ihe rail way learn rao their score up to nine as aalnt one for Ihe town learn. . Tl plnyers were: ( S. Itobinsnn. coal: J. Craliam Sr. and X. Kiinalrick: defense; K. Dawson, renlre: J. Silver, lefl; L. ltanbe. rluhl: nml . Huberts and II. rtl. spares. Smilhcrs (). lloskins, goal; J. Millar and C. Warner, defense; J. rtrnham Jr., eenlre; W. Or chard, left; A. Mutch, right; and II. Fors. spare. SKIDEGATE .1. McQueen of the Dominion rtovornmeiit radio service came here ,rerc!iHy jwllh a large assortment nf machinpry ami lum per ror She Dead Tree -win) I ess station, IwliMi' Willi be glvifn n Ibnroiigh overhauling. Now inachinery will be inslatled nnd a :Mfl fool mast will he erecled. There have been some cholines in Ihe logging .operations at Ihe Sllka Spruce Mill. .1. fiillesnie is now Inxgjng .stiperinlendeuf laKiiMg i tie place "of former mipcr-inlendenl Mi(Ciougli who has gone south. J The N'orweglnn freighler Canto loaded a million reel or spruce at Uiieen Charlolle Cily ror New York. From there she went to Cushion cove, Salt Spring Island in coinplele her cargo. Mrs. J. I,. Marge is awnv in Vnucomer ror n nmhtli. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert O. W. Walker, .1. II. Hamilton, .1. H. Sheridan. A. .1. Iliitlimer. C. H Fogg m .i ( MiHaf. Vancou ver: It. M. l orsylhe. Anvox: M. A lliirbauk. Prince tleorge; Mr. nnd Mis. II. n. Allen, llnnail; A. J. Mnlhesoh, !oP Filwunl; .1. Peler-hoii. rlly; .1. u. Scoll, K. D. .n-gis. O. F.rtiersh nnd M. (luhen-out. Swnnsnn Hay. Central I. Oarri. - c N.H.; H C Alex-' ender Vancouver; J. Hums, city.' -- C ,r - - . For Wanted Sale DAILY For Rent 2c per word in WANTVB WANTFD. One reliable man In every town, merchants preler red, lo lake orders for lel ciisloni-uinde clothes in Canada. Highest couimissioni nex Tailoring Co.. I.ld. Toronto. WAXTKD. Plain dNMsinakin and sewing: remodelling, re. pairing, knitting, elc. Plume Oreen 70 1. FOR SALE IIHST HAIUiAIX. 'Ihrw. lots nn Taylor Sire,i. (riiMl.riil nasi for nil. Close in, about fhe or six blocks from Post nffjf. flood view. Paved Slr'L rSarh lot S. x I in) x It. WeslenhBver llrs. I (HI SAI.K. New and used machinery, boat and engines. piston rings and pwpollers Northern Kxnhance, tl 3 Second Avenue. Phone 23. if FOIl K.VLK. lliilchlnt? b. - - & Hhoile Island Ited spclnl win ter layers; also p,ooc eggs Sutherland. Mellrlde Streol. FOIt SAI.K. Ha l.lllliel, "Nmiii.v in first elns eniiililion; sixe 28 foot by H. flray engine H'-2. rt. Horie, Plume 3K7. FOIl SAI.K. Hub)- oorriage and crib, in good condilion. I'hon. 'IS SI TO RENT HOOMS TO IlKXT.-4leiiin heal ed, hoi and cold water. S25 Second Avenue, half block below Tolem Pole. Phono 7C7. FOR HrLNT. Modern four room ed flat with Monarch range, Clapp Illock. Westenhnvcr llros. tf Oil HKNT. Pianos, player nlnnos, phonographs ami sewing machines. Walker's Music Store. tf Mill HOT. Tailor-shoo: Iwo business moms below, tw.i living rooms above. llros., Ii FOIl HF.NT, Two mom furnish ed nparlinciits by the day, ween tor monlfi. Phone lied Ii07. tl SIX Itoonied Furnished Ilnuse for rent, opposite Hospital. Appb Oovernmenl Agenl. ,1 KOH HK.VT. Itoom with or with out board; near' elpvnlor. Phone fled tr7. tf 'OH HKNT. Furiiislieii'bousf, newly itecnrnleil. .I. ;W. Mc Kinley. ir m iii;4j. Fiimls slllle Mussallem Aparlmenls Photi I IH, tr MODKHN FLAT ror llonl. Apply inx iieiuirotmr. if BOARD AND ROOM. HOOM and lloanl. $10.00 weekly. i-.very iiouie comfort. Apply llox 2l Daily News Office. IKIAHD Tim Inlander Hto Ieood Avenue lOmrm nr FURNITURE, New, anil Secomllinriil l 11 hul turn Rlore. Woitnv. Sell n.,,i change New and Keeni.,n.n..,i Oonils. GEO. PAPADOPIII ns 83? Third Ave, Wtnna air Mr. nnd Mrs. fl A v nn.lln...! .'"Mltlllll returned on the r,niiii ir..i ;... tmm Vnncnuver where Mr. Wood lanu aiienileii n convehlton or Imperial Oil Co, officer. NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. advance. No Advertisement taken for leas than 50c DRY WOOD. Spill lo any length in blocks, per IimiI $6.00, . SALT IIKIllllNli. A. ISAACSON, Son I Gove. Phone (Hack 101 CARS FOR SALE. ID?? (ililsmoliilc , 5 passer. Ker louring :.. tuoo.nn IU20 Nash S paenger lour- ing fiKSO.110 ll2l Overlaml Swlan lUlti Iteo seven passenger louring 7uu.O0 ll2fi Fird Ouii-, balloon lire ear like new lOOO.nn IB22 Ford Tudor sedan, IB Ford Coupe $350.00 1 1181 Ford out, ion truck, puna! loxly IS75.00 Fnnl light delivery ebassis rebuilt $175.00 Atl ears nuarniilrrd in itimd meclinnieal condition. Knot lernis win be arranged. KAIEN QARAQE Ford nnd Chevrolet Service 8la- tion. Agents for McLaughlin Oakland. Ohlsmnblte and Chev rolet cars. Ileo. (j.M.C. and Feiloral Trunk. WIlKCKINd SKHVICK DAY AM) NIOIIT. AUCTIONEER. I.AIIIliS .ii., li.oillenien' Tlio tcr'l of my siictwss hu liromptiiesH. efficiency, fulr-neiM nnd goil jiuUmeiil. I arrange auctions ir buy outrigl:: for ensh ar sell on cniiimisaion nnyllung of vnliie. PHvnleJ"t Bals dally. WtU ,f rir exchange any kind of phono grnpb reeoriN tin hand. Pbon Wl. . I". Ilrme, Aucitoneor. BOAT BUILDING III all now Wislllliu In Htnri.1 --w- -.WW building a ,oai ; models and plans furnished; moulds got out nml set up. and everything slriiigltlcned .ml; nil necessary ndviee and assistance niven Services except innally reasonable. Address llox 28!, ' Daily N'ews office. ,u FURNITURE AND RANGES I'UHMTIMti: and llnnges bought. sold and exchanged. .New fur niture and rangos exchanged for your old ones. Iledrnriin. living room anil dining room tiirnllure always in slock. A! ways wnlch my window. It's changed daily. -A, Mackenzie, Furniture TAXI Phone C7 Taxi (Call rteoree. Pniit III filial! Mix- and seven-passenger Kludo- nnKcrs ai y-ur disposal any Hum tor EOo Service ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block Across from Kmpress lloiel CAMERON TRANSFER I'hone 177 Baggaoe. Furnltop Mninn If you want anything lent for, or ueiivcred. phone us. nr oo PRINOE RUPERT MUBin STORE 303 Third Avenue io agents for Columbia llecords We repair I'bonographs. Hlcynlm,, lluKKn. ilncfue and Miinlcal ln. truments of all kinds. ,'Artltlf, round,4t ROTHWELL'S JHMtrtK Coal - Wocd n.- d Furniture Mong IblKliHK- Standrl.itiic h . Hftl, pes Pi TRAPPER8I JI NHHD lo.lioo Mi prires paid - 4ll vonr fur - I buy Ihfin. W. GOLDDt00l, Secio..' 'ITie IIimh' i MAIL .SCHEDULE ouTaoia. Hxttn, Wnlnr.ii fUntm ... Is Vmim-UiMtMr nu Iran. TkUt WnfcsrMla) ni i , trUUf S-ilnnfor MlMrrt hi ii. c.t-.n.. ih I. i - - w " p mwm mm ' Tkrdr k T 0it ClurMU lUM rtlzit-m b. tu IN-COMIMQ. from IS rati ...... u SM4V . - WirMUr ' ' II IMNillH II MM'. . rt. TMwMjr . . u l rMr . 11 tttm xtt, ftr limp v nitf riiiu Silunti 0 liil( elai fl If. It. trim 0n enflu llnl Hsu- ri i. 1; BOX COLLCCTIOSI Ol Atw lh SI (III Atr fulliHi l - Sill Mr A THm II k SlwHimnko II Ar Mrtit Si Ik At. a Day i .e. It) 4 pav tUn- Clr.i Ih AVf A jtU.i, Si llh AM. A Mfllndr i lrn. fluvi Mr . Chi. Ooti. Wharf nxr vvharr ... O.T.P. SHIImi .. nil r A fnil si Jrt Aw A fiiUon St Jril Ar A Sill Si STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS far VanccnTtr TunMtai 1 in.. rriday a I'm.,, v . Silunlay CaiaU " M. THlK!" Bril'" llfll. If . IT tth. H-- 1'imi" -from Vancautar Slli4V B. IJIIIMI"'"' WrilioiMlay- -ai I'mi-. r Thiirviliy - i'jul.1 Siliinlny I'rim rail. S- I'riiin-.- ' IVIi, If,. rrilir--Fop Perl llmpaon and Naai B''" Tlmraili v i:aiai from Port Simpaas and ai i'w Siiunlny m. i:iul or Alatta I'Hi. - -, I'rlitr.--- t Ih. H . Pniiri -Pram Alaaaa IVI). It -ai. Piinrr lli n a Prmrp-- Far llawart, Anrel and rm" SllhillV It AjIIK,lllll n'.i 1. ....... " Pram Ittwart, Anfoi and M " Tiiriay - ramii-on ,r'Mi -. Prlnef imi'l'i'1 Par Aniai TlinrUr- . Cafita Prom Anyoi Saliinlava- aa. Caul Pop Quaan Charlolla lilanda- Kelt A prlnw "hrl l'li an. ''lim Prom Quaan Charlolla lalanda- n, frlnr :mr r"b, tT 'I, I'rinco Chirk