cut IVtnce Rupert Dranch Free Lessons! LADIES. Learn to make the latest yet in home decorations Crystaline Lamp Shades We will show you how absolutely without charge Reduction SALE 50 . DISCOUNT Ml .ill Wml'-r and Suit-. ' 33 and 1-3 DISCOUNT i O'.it. SilK In. ---. i.irgr -izc, Hliii-i- and' iiiil! ii Ilo'K'i v 25 . DISCOUNT t 'lerwear. Knitted SuiN. Sweater. Oloves, Woollen IliT-u-s, Skirts HuinrouK Sinker-. Gor-els, IlrAssierog 20', DISCOUNT on Silk )re--e-. Silk Sianes. Silk Tics "DEMERS" Phone 27. Progress business principles SOUND and a policy of gradual expansion have marked the steady growth ol this Dank for over fifty years. Today, one of the largest and strongest banks in the world, it serves" every phase 710 Second Avenue of business and private life at home, and is taking a leading part in the expansion of trade in foreign markets. The Royal Bank ot Canada i E. Robertson, Manager P.O. Box 327 WE SELL ONLY ONE COAL The Best! NANAIMO-WELLINGTON (Deep Scam) tin luarlo "l wIhti'vit tiM'd. Our double Miveiied coal unsure 111 ll 1111(1 l ll()!t (MOIKMllH 111. Our- Nniiiliiiir-Wellington Nul Oal the best Kiliheii Uiutgt' fuel obtainable. ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones 110 and 117 Loggers! Loggers! Wo l(ftt' lln only otiinpltfle tock of Gilchrist Jacks I'-uts iii llic North, bundle buRging Cable, Axes, I't'ir ie.. Saw?, anil general (lamp Kii'.iipinent. Il will pay you to see os when outfitting. Stork's Hardware Limited I ,nlay February 0, 1020. TUB DAILY ' NEWS PAGE THREE Br Local and .Personal 1'lione 15. AHhur's. Taxi Undertakers. r,., . .. i CjhnierbirV I ance Phone 177, l'.ll. Goal Co. l'hoiie 078. Pbone 41. Orchestra. If Artli(frVA.Ufer Store, Street. I'hono 078. Sixf : Two cars at your service Sneddon Taxi: Phone 134. tf Wesibnlme, Jlonilay, Tuesday .nul Wednesday, Charlie Chaplin in hi latent super-comedy "Tim Mold lliuh " Mr. v. I'ishcr leave oil toniplitv tin in for 'J'errare wheiv hh will upetiil a week as the iruest of Mr. IScor-'e I.ittte. C.l'.lt. -learner I'rineess Ueat- rtee, l,apl. T. CluTe, arrived at 0.:io llii mornim; from Vancouver ami wjynorlg ami mailed at It o'clock on tier return south. Tin- II.. I.. Johnson-Walton in. r fr-irflit niulurUii l.illeliorn wlii'di Yeenil)- arrived on thi- ci.a.i ftoin the (iid Country. i nil a two months' coal car- miiii; Arvie between Nauaim ml Ofan Paths l. Stork appealed In Uie city police court this morning on a charge under the Motor Nehicle Act of park i ox hi car on the tvroiiK side of Hie otreel. lie was released after the magistrate had Kiven inni a caution. It. K. Allen, manager of the lliiyul Mills at llaimall. I a business visitor in the city, lb arrived yentnlay morning ami will iciyrn ! the interior tonight. Mrs. Allen i reiuaiuintr logger veiling wiin ner daughter, .Mrs. i. A. McMillan. The "old reliable" Union -learner Caniosun Will arrive in inrt tomorrow afternoon in plac f the trdena, taking IIm Prince Itupert -Anyx-S!warl .service for two weeks while the latter vessel iimlerxninii annual overhaul od iuajtrcttou in .North Yanrou- K V It. learner Prince ;hh. i. .!!!. Veil McLean, northbound '' in. Vancouver via the (Juern r.lmrliii !e l-lands. i at Skide-Kale at 3 o'clock this iiiorniiir and i expected to arrive here -ome lime tomorrow aflerntMtn or evening. The vessel ill re :um south over the same rwule as foion as possible after arrival. t At Hie Hoard of Trade nieetniK last ntghl (llnf Hanson, the new (resident, thanked the board for Hie coufidi-nee shown in tiim by elect inu him to the position. Tin- was Hie first meeting- over which he presided ami he wvidd do tin ln'-l he could lo forward Hie in-tercsl of the city through Hie oi uamcation. i.tiaries Mewnri, who Has a fortune of 850.000 in a, local which, however, f control- d by a Irtislce. appeared in the itv police court (Ins morniii? on a inarue or vagrancy and was riMiiainieil tint 1 1 Monday nioniiiip. The police s'ote Dial SlewHrl has maile a genera! nuisance of himself ami the tnasrislrale stall d that it was In- opinion that ao-i ii-iil should he placed in some in-tilulioii., Slewarl on several occasions has fallen into llm hands of the nolice and has ser-ed lime in the lock-up. ' ANNOUNCEMENTS, Men's Il,iii(in'l. I nited Chuivti, Thursday, February II. C.N.H. Kmployes second annual ball in Auditorium Friday, February 12. High School Dance, F.Iks' Home, February 20. slhidiue Theatre, Mareti ' and .'t, Prineo Itupert IMnyer Cluli presents a new joyous comedy "Wedding Hells." Croup Can kt hcVtd In II minuttt hr fubblac llirnl i ch,, with Vlck.U,,ll(llm IMtlrttimenl ntntlly itrtl UM attwk. HEALTH RESTORED "FBUIT-A-TIVES" OVERCOME STOMACH AND LIVER TROUBLE Ep , I .1 BSMfcBSSsa. I I Mas. ALBERT LAFIXUR V "I or three years I suffered with bilioiihncM, liver and stomuh trouble and I had severe pains and a choking feeling at times. Sinre taking "Fruit-a-tires" I have been completely relieved of these troubles. I can faithfully mourn end "Fmit-a-tives to any one suf firing from liver and stomach trouble, as I was." Mrs. Albert LaHeur, Labellc, (Co. Labelle), Que. "Fruil-a-tives" are so wonderfully helpful in Liver and Stomach troub'e because they are purely a natural remedy made from intensified juices of fresh orarjres, app'es, prunes and figs, combined with tonics. "Fruit-a-thes" sweeten the Momarh, rrtulate the liver, bowp!s and kidneys, and purify the digestive juices so that Indigestion and Con-rtipition are quickly corrected. 25c and 50c at all dealers. ' Arthur s orchestra. Phone C76 t' Mimeographing circulars, els. Miss Johnstone. Phone 387. If Hi-a mil ii avian Dance tonight In Boston Hall. I.itnUcih' " K. Iloiriin sailed this afternoon on the Princess Ilea trice for Vancouver. Latest spring Ladies, Ujiiver New York style in dresses just arrived we invite your iu-iiection at Trading Co. ' 31 tat Mrs. Iavid Ho-- ami fnmily. who have been visiting in Portland. Oregon, re1 iii tied lo the eitv (iv Hie Princess Heat ru e this Norning. Women of M'HXchearl Legion nlnst drite ami dance in tin- Mel ropole Hall on Tuesday. February !. at X-'IO urouiol. Six uriies. sold pjeee to the holder o the Uieky ticket, (ientieinen 75c. Ladies 50c. 32 J. U. Sheridan, who has bcii visit fug the dislricl investigat ing the possihiliiii-. of cedar log exporting, returned from the in terior on yesterday morning's train ami will sail on his return to Vancouver by the steamer Calala this afternoon. tilor Hanson returned on the, Catala last ninhl from a brief business Aisit lo Vancouver and victoria. He will prKteed to the interior on Monday night to make another visit to his limber in-teresln before embarking with Mrs. Hanson on n trip to South America. Albert .Sandstroiu, Lockepor: logger, wlio was injured la; week and on account of whose condition Kdgar Phmtiuy. another bigger, is in jail hern awaiting trial on n charge of wounding, will arrive in the oily on llm Prince Charles Uuuorrow for hospital treatment. o will bo brought here by Dr. Tmynor of Logan Inlet. A 1c!Ut was received by the Hoard or Trade la-C tiighl, from the deputy minister of fisheries slating that the policy of the department in regard to tli'o disposal of Japanese licenses in the salmon fisheries could nol lie ehausred. An ell'orl was being utade to confine the fisheries lo 'while rnshlonls ami Indians. Tho i letter whs filed. i The ruse of Wdlltim' Oram. i cliarged. with theft jogging nt IViofllt 'iiipnieu,"l rnun iln Whaten Pulp " O Paper Co. al swaiisou'.Hay, who; f csl elected for lurv. trial hut! ; V luis wince re-eler.t 'd foc Spi'Cdy I 'rial. Will he piu,,,.dcil with ml 'Hie t'.ouul.v t:oui! hrtyrq .ludige' ! Young on Monday. Tho accused: in d wiluesses in Hie case arrived i ;tic i-itj uiw nif. uuij5. V lengthy letim- wn read at' the Hoard of Trad..' meeting las: instil explaining why the passen-Ri r tourist rates were set the way I hey now stand. Il was decided to take the matter up further thi-uiuh the Trade and Coni-iiien'o committee. Home of the member in discussing it declared it was all camouflage. Hi-porting on hi recent visit to Victoria, president Hanson of llo Hoard of Trade slated at the ni. clinx last night that Mr. Pat- uili. Ur. Sutherland and Mr. Philip had slated they would X ahead with Hie mad to (iallo-way Itnpid a soon as I he up-propriation were made, hut just liow the work would he carried out say. I hey were not prepared to The Hoard of Trade last night referred to the entertainment committee a proposal thai Hm Board should entertain the members of aii insurance excursion parly coming this way about March 'Z2. They were scheduled to tie in the city only two hours and the member- of the Hoard expressed some reluctance a: dn!iijr anyllwng under Ihu-c con- Ul! miis. Church Notices First United Church Ihiriug street repairs, eonie tt Hie Catholic Church corner ami use our ' basement entrance Morning service al II o'clock. Senium topic: "A tfi-eal man with n great slogan." Sunday scliool at ?..'0 p.m. Kveinug service al 7..'to. Sermon Ionic: ' The awaken ing of conscience." llev. (. (i Hacker speaaer al Itoin services. Help Hie Church of service by at lending every Sunday. Rupert East Church-Gymnasium Pastor, llev. Kvan Maker. Ser Vice Sunday evening next will be n song service, illustrated bj lantern slides. Tonic: "The min- try of music. (iyinuasiuni open luesijay lor girls only. Wednesday for boys ami men J iiur-iiay for girls and women. Friday for boys only. Christian Sconce Society M'rviee every Minuay morning 1 1 o'clock, at 2 Tt second Av e uhjecl on Sunday: "Spirit." 'ekniglil meeting on evening al S o'clock. Testimony, Baptist Church Morning service at II o'clock. Subject: "The Primacy of the Atonement.'' Sunday school nt li',30. F.veniug worship al 7.;0. Subjeid: 'Wilt Hie man who did il escape" Addresses Ilia! in terest singiu- thai gladdens- ami the friendliness that crcale.V the home atmosphere is what we offer you. A real -welcome for all tor you! Salvation Army j Don't fail lo attend the fare-' well service oj Col. George Phil lips and native F.iivnys Saturday and Sunday Tonight, the bU siug. Sunday, at II a.m. Captain Houghton from (ilen Yowcli Mis. sion will sj,eak. At 7.30 p.m. Colonel Phillips' subject will be. Iteacou l.iglils." Don'i miss I his. Staff Captain Cnrrulhers will assist at these meetings. Sunday School al S.30. New comers invited, lliese nieelingi. are full of song and in-iirali:.n. warm welcome awaits you Come. Presbyterian Church Morning service al 1 1 o'clock Subject: "The Worst Excuse in History." Sunday school and Itible Class al I J. 30. F.veuiu? service at '.30. i-ubjei-l: And Peter." Preacher, Itcv. Chas. J. i.ameron. Ph.D Lutheran Church I. Paul's Knplish l.ulheran Cbuivlt, Metropole Hall. Thir5 Avenue, llev. P. F.. Haisler, H.D. pastor, there will be no inorn- inv serviet on Sunday. Sunday school at I?. 15. Luther League nl ii.Jtt. Leader. Hubert Slatker. Kvening service al 7.30. Picture. of I lie Holy Land. Anthem by Hie clioir. USE STMONDS I'll: SAWS Their teeth are ot a tou4hnei which mk them hold their keen cutting edge under every uitge. , SmOSDS CANtDA SW CO. LlMITtEt (ocoa alllarii druili liat'i fieaGJi in cuay dropy V I IU e cup of Wealth at the "Breakfast table that means efficiency at the Dusincss Desk BAKER'S BREAKFAST COCOA Has a full rich flavor delicious to the taste; it is invigorating and sustaining. Henry C. Sherman, Professor of Food Chemistry, Columbia University, in hi3 book "Food Products' says: "Cocoa, in addition to the stimulating property, due to j the alkaloid theobromine, and the flavor which makes it popular both as a beverage and in confectionery, has a considerable food value." WALTER BAKER & CO. Limited ESTABLISHED 1780 DORCHESTER, MASS. CANADIAN' MILLS AT MONTREAL Booklet of Choice Recipes sent free DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., &. Prince Rupert, B.C. French 20 per cent reduction on All Ivory Goods for One Week Only HOWARD PENS -regular U.50 and M.hO. On sale this week at $2.25 and $2.75 Ormes Limited The Hexall Slore Pioneer Druggists 3rd Avenue and 6th Street. Phones 82 and 200 Store open 8 a.m. to 'J p.m. Sundays and Holidays 12 to 2. and 7 lo 9 p.m. Steamship and Train Service S.S. PRINCE RUeERT Mill li'lti PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, SEATTLE nul Interim-.lutf (hiiiiU each FRIDAY t S a.m. S.S. PRINCE RUPERT fur STEWART and ANYOX, WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m S.S. PRINCE v'OHN rortnlltllly tot VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. PASSENQER TRAINS LEAVE, PRINCE RUPERT EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at S p.n. fur PRINCE OEOROE, EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, all points Eastern i:ni.U, Lulled State. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tick! Otflc, 528 Third Aa, Prlnct Rupart. Icanadian "aaiiwT Phona 260 Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert Fai tETCHIUX. WRANCUU JUNUU. SIACWAY Far VANCOUVER. ViaOlUA vA StATTU .FtUarr Sik. 224. Mirck 8ll FtWur, IZik. 26lk. Mirck 12lk Si rSINOSS BEATRICE For Buladala, Swanaon Ba, Eatt Balla Ball. Ocaan Fallt, Nimu, Alarl Bay, Campball Rlnar, and Vancouvar mr) SaUirday 11 a m, Afantf fp all Btaamahlp Ltnaa. Full Information from W. O. ORCHARD Oanaral Ag.nt. Oarnar of 4th Straat and 3rd Attnua, Prlnca Ruparl, B.O.