TAXI Boston Grill !25 Ambulance and mm Largo Upstair Dining Hall, Service willi newly laid dancing Anywhere at Anytime. floor for hire.-NEW Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. "... SODA FOUNTAIN, and 6th St. "t A, PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for the MATT VIOECK, Prop. least. Phone 467, Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper YOl XVI., NO, 31 PIUXCB IU PKIIT., SATL IIDAY. FBUHt AIIV 0, 1020. XeOerda e UrcuUllon. till Slrwt Sale, 4(1 PRIOR FIVK OKNTS. WAVE PREMIER OLIVER BASES HIS PEACE RIVER CLAIMS ONLY ON MORAL RIGHT Premier Oliver Relies on Moral Right of B.C. for a Claim on Ottawa Tells Vancouver Canadian Club experience of Province as member of Confederation not fully satisfactory i'.(iV"l'A, !-'-1 . li. Wliili iiiiiiit, lining Ihe principle njcdrraliou w right, llriliftli Columbia's experience us lift.' Iiml "not lfn full) (alifHilor,'' Premier Oliver Udd 't iiiig of I In Ikuiiiilitfii liiiitt litre htl uiglit. j Tin 1'r.tnier di-.lo-e.i some of the lurgollcn im idcnl of -i.m i.i the proximo ami declared thnl one of them xvas u i. bit' piece nl tcgislulion wlurli could not haxc been mi-t l (ihmuIh'i - l the Legislature. The terms of the ii;. xxh'b Mn' province entered con federation had lieen GEORGE SMITH : IS not guilty: I I Jury Finds That he Old Not Steal Large Sum When ! i Minister of Education ID.M'XMON, Feb. 0.- 4icorgc In "i I i nn-rl) inlmider of inIh- found nol guilty by ii- uferhl or lli.- tln-fl H .'" I i llii- firov nice of .-.., Tin- trial w Mie oul- i II .yal Cuniuiioii in-i - . . ciiihIii. i.'.l lix Mr. 1 into i'hariie made I ... i,,. Seolt into llo- printing )i 'i.i-i- f Hn. former Liberal " nii'nl. '!'.. . linrK wrr made on the ' i In- Federal election when iillejsi!! Ih -'iin of .-H il l liewi paid to lh" -dae I.Nl hy iiiiaii l "faked - f..r iiinliiiir wliirh they mm ill. in nil. I thai Hie wi n' in i ik" Smilli. PRINCE RUPERT AND VANCOUVER Suggestion Made That Board of Trade Should Organlie Ex-curslon South This Year V Mi" hoard or I rail" meeting ' maiii a ii'oi.i-al inade hy I'mm.I i'hiiiitoii thai I lie I'rinre li'iiM-ri Hoard of Trail" hIiohIiI in- yrai VaiicoiiM'i m n ! ! i.. return the inil made hy ii' -initlirrnrm lut Htunuiur, i"1" wiih on'i!erulile uiorU l - ilii-n- the paiiy could Ihor-"i-ldy inei(iunle the ttraln 1 "iiin'i and nuelion i iu-..n'nilion with Ihe huoi-" -siiu-ti. Tin' mailer will pro-aiiK I'ome ii 1 1 ul a fulure ineol- C.P.R. BRIDGE BUILDER, DIES NELSON YESTERDAY NF.LSON. 1,-h. 0. , Daniel ! asei, 7i yi-urs of aue, a vet-' nan liridao builder and ron-'iiiciur and former C.l'.ll. Miper-iten.lenl of ronslrucllon In lhi' II ex els I uke and Nelson divisions "dead. Ho was"" nl Donald In ennidrurlioti days. . I 0. Dawsdii Is leaving tlil evetiiiiir for Monlreul whero be will iliseuss mailers in cornier.- M'Ub tlio-ppcpiilinu or the gnuii elevnlof iiere, following ut nejinliiiliorH which coniinonced eeenlly wImmi lie va on Ihe ii mc STRUCK CM. LINER-COST $100000 altered Mini tin- Dominion valued more than H.oimi.oOh acres of Ivn.t'thaii w eonlrnitdntc.l by Mn- lrrm nf iiuiimi in 1871. Them. Carlo, l In- Premier intimated, would Im- i In' bai of ap- Mal ma J i- (o inlaw for I In- rc- (urn of I lii Peace Itivrr Jllock. inai wmir i"mi i miimuia. nirwuitn rimri- iiii-iii oi nwiMtttiori, w hich lie staled wa iwjI understood uu IKM.I. had abrogated her Imal rialil-. -In- had the henf possible lease from a hhmmI standpoint. funeral of late duncan McMillan Interment Takes Place in Fair-view Cemetery, Following Service In B.C. Undertakers' Chapel Hev. Waller Alien olllcialinn and a law nuuilier of frielnl1 ir.'-i-nl lo iay Iheir lai-l ren-p.-rlo, funeral wn ii'- for tin- lal' liuneaii Tlnona- McMillan tool olare tii. aiieriiKiin ai ::n in fli iai-loii of Ihe III., l itih-rtak- i-r-. lulerinenl ridlowinii in Fair-view r.emelery. The uiounii'i" included a linither-iii-law W . F linillay. Vaneouxer jonruali") who arritod in the eil.v from Vnnrower on Hie '1'rHtfe- Ileal iic Mil nioriitnu. The pallliearern wen- .1. M lloherHoo, II. F. .Self, J. Duffy, Carl Jolinson, John Uuliak and II. II. Scolt. There wore many floral Iribu-e ini-lu.liuK inere from J. II. HoierNo:i. K. Ilouraol, Mr. and Mr. H. ii. llalanl Harrison llnl S.riii. Mr. and .Mrs. . F. Fiudlay Vaneouver," . Mr. and Mm. lieoiue Mcllmoyl. Mrn. LuK. Ilifft-ll. Alois OhitPrtiift. '-a Caie llakery. U. V. .iekOioii. Mr. and Mr-. A. Slraehan. UeoiK" JP-id. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Koef" Jani. J liuirv. Mi-- ItliiiK-ln- Hail. Mi. nil. I Ml. S '. Ilai l.ui, New KlIOX Hotel. Mi. ami Mr. Hen Self. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Hid. Asked. Wheal II.C. Silver I .! I L70 Consolidaled SJia.OO DunwrJI ... I. It I 15 I lladslone .33 .aoti I.. J .it Marmot .10 Premier . :.25 Surf InU't .118 .on U The weather report of lf (ioxernuienl Iclegraphs Uiltt morning stale there was two inches or snow- .t i Hums Lake, i. .1. i.iduw rero Mi. Dawson, mild woathcr at noints.. along the rail wax- iiml heavy rains from Ash- rrofl lo soda Crook all niglil with in Ilia iiv,.! hup lemnernliire r n .lion 'hove .ceo. CUP FOOTBALL PLAYED TODAY Second Round or Scottish Cup Games Completed This Afternoon lil..Si;i)V, Feh. 0. The hit -ond round of the S.-nUi-li Fuoi hall Aio'intinii Cup iomim-i ii ion wvu playiHl today Il fulluws: ; Ilil-miaiiK Auilrieoniaii4 J. loneii I, MalliKale I. Falkirk :.. Montrose I. AlH-rih-t-ii o. Iiumlfo (I. Morion :). Ilailh Hovers 1. Artllllllie Clyde Oil ii- I. Ilauiillon . Third Lanark 6, Leiili AthlHic 1. leiilioiii' Muir o. Hanger 1. Si. JoliiiHtom- 7. Otieeif Park 2. olwav Star n. Ilr.-rhin 3. trliroafli SI. Mirren 0. Forfar J. liumliarUin 3. Alloa 2. Ilearl- 5. Parlirk S. Kuiu Park I. Alhion loer I. Peelde Hovers 1 CANADIAN ROVER IS DUE TOMORROW O.Q.M.M. Vessel Will. Have An. nual Overhaul and Installa tion of Nov Winches UU.M.M. Kieludler i Crtiuullai. Il"er of I In- fiei-aii Falts-Califor-nia paper earryinj serxire i- dm in twifl tomorrow. Tin xcsel u hk-h left VaiMHiuxi-r last Mou-d.'iy. proeei-ded lo Nunaini" ami took oil a earsni of roal for Ocean alls. Ilax iii;; diseharai-! .at Ho naper low ii. -ii" is proi .im; lierf. Iiisli-iiriioii- haxi- heei rii-WxiMl nol lo coiixitrt the xesse from a eoiil to an oil liuruer. Shi will remain here fur a eounle o. vxeeks tor iiuniial oxerhaul au to liaxc new wiuehe- tUfiullc'l, 1'ln- ni.'-i of tin- men who wen hrmi? lit hen- in connection will. the proioscd i-onxi-iion of I lie U.ii.M.M x.'.sel will ii-lurn l VaiicoiiM'i on Hi., l.alala litis a'lern.ion. GOVERNMENT WINS AGAIN Has Majority of Eight In Vote for Adjournment at Close of Debate OTTAWA, Feb. 6-Supported by the Progressive, Independent and Labor votes, the government on the motion calling for the adjournment of parliament until March 15 to commence when the debate on the address concludes, passed the House of Commons last evening by a majority of eight. The amendment declaring that the business of parliament should go on without adjournment was defeated by 112 to 119. DOCTOR FINED Two Hundred Dollars for Issuing Prescriptions for Narcotlo Drugs V..M:()L'Vi:n. Feb. . - Con virlcil im a charge of unlawfully Issuing prescriptions for naico tic drug. Dr. F.. Wt was fined nr00 -and costs by Magi Irate It. C. Shaw in Hie pollen courl lodny. Two further cliaraos of a similar nature were ad Jiuirnod until Mondny. Don Voir sailed this aflemnon on the Princess lleatrico for Yio- 1 iieiii. Jll LAft I LION Mi,- Mary Hauler above . sai.l lo he Ihe leader of a gaim of ruin -runner- who let-enllx stole 75,-omi worlh ol liijuor from a govfruineiil wareliuu-e at Los Augeles. She has been arrested 4 . ' V INCREASED SUPPLY AUSTRALIAN BUTTER RESULTS IN ADVANCE V .COl VF.Il. Fell. C -D. spite llo- fur! that G.UIIU boxes of Ausir&lian and .New i-ulamJ butter was placi'il mi the local market lod4V. ,he price U'J-vaiici-il luu i-enl- a pouinl owiuw In (I'-iii-rai -lii'iia". 4 Ion 1 MUSEUM GETS COLLECTION OF INDIAN RELICS Available Space in Bank of Commerce Room Is Taxed to Capacity ABOUT 350 PIECES Loan to City Made by Mrs. Large of Late Husband's Indian Curios One of the fines! collet-lion of Indian curios made in this part f Canada was added I" the museum yelerday. xvlien Dr. 11 i. Larue unpacked the article- which had bei-u gathered by hi late lather at I'orl Sjiupsun and xxhirh has been loaned by Mr I. nive lo the looal museum xvith an opium to purchase. It i .una ran Iced by Mrs. Lare thai the collection shall remain here til least a year. ' 1 lie xxork unpacking was lone yesterday afternoon in Ihe Hank or Commerce buildiu by Dr. Larue assisted, by-It. L. Mo Inlo-li and W. K. (', both members of tint lnuseum board The curios have Just arrived iiere from Torojilo where Ihey have been kept in the. uuu-eum for Ihe past year oix4xvit. They include models 'of canoes and other Indian implement-; a fine collection of lotems in slalcnnd wood, ancient uleusils. masks implement of xx-ur ..and of the chase, baskelwork, bone carvings ami numerous other articles. The whole collection comprises aboul 350 pieces. This afternoon the work of classifying and cataloging the collection is yoing on -and the- ex hibit may be sccii at any lime during bunking hours. I lie room in wiitch they arc shown is Just Inside tin- mail door of Ihe Hank of I'.ominert' buibliuu. turning lo Ihe ruthl where Ihey may bo seen. HOCKEY SCORES LdiuuriNtn I Victoria I. DROWNED MAN ANYOX MINER? Anthony Kelly Left His Saggage at Bayview Hotel Some Weeks Ago Not Seen Since V is beiii'xed by tin- provinrtal poi i ! Mint Ihe od.v wltk-li wast di.-.i ii'.t acros- Hh liarlior on I mi i. lay afleiii.M'ii omy l.e that . r A nt Immiv Kelly, an Anyox tinner. This belicl is hel'l tlirougi'l I hp fart thai Kel.y na- in Ihe eily mhim -ix or m-x en weeks a?;n and tin- Ilayxieu foliJ ripori-tlial Ins hau.u'.- i- slid there Hhousrli he ha- not iieen ieen since. Nolliitfa on Ho- lmdy xvas . louinl ye-lorday arii-rnoou when it xva- nispeeli-d lo reveal iilenli-ly. In Hie clot he? xvas fouinl a lobaeeo ioueli and a few minor arliele, but no papers or money A coroner s jury consisiing of harl Harrie. foreman, J. II Thiiiip-on, Alex. Mai'kenile, W-Hanee. M. MeArllinr and K. Iirur elerday afli-iuouii viiiwiiF the remains and adjournod utiiefi nilely peudiiif: the making-of n police reHirl. The body will be in I erred by tlit' H.C.. I udertaker Monday..... WAVE STRUCK C.P.R. LINER Empress of France Sustained $100,000 Damage Result of Storm NEW YORK, Feb. 6 A hundred foot wave which hit the Canadian Pacific liner Empress of France during the Atlantic storm Sunday morning did $80,000 worth of damage to the boat and $20,000 damage to the baggae, It was learned today when the vessel docked here on completion of her voyage from Southampton. Passengers and craw on tho vessel were uninjured. SALVATION ARMY HAS CLOSING EXERCISES Training School Ends Work This Week and Holds Event Last Evening The native Salxatiou Army eiiilers. wlni have lieen taking a Course of tramline here under Lieut. Col. (Soorge Phillips of W innipeg, were entertained at upper last night in the Junior hall at the citadel. Later there .va- a public concert, those tak lug part iieiiin memners or the i-orp-. pirl guard and visiting native-, tkilouel Phillip presided Vinonv the fnlcrtaiuiucnl nuni bers were' souks by SgL.Maj Johnstone, Sut.-Maj. Leigliton Sgi.-MaJ. Huxlon. Sal.-Maj. I'ro vost, Knvoy Offutt. Sgt.-MoJ Hriaht, Mrs. Maslin. and F.irxoy Tail. Ileoilation were given by Itosie Smith. Willaril Ilea, F.dith lik, Lieut. A. Kenny: duel by Sal. Major Well and illium Knvoy McKay and Wright, Hible reading by Knvoy Holland; piano -olos by I'.n-wn Doriu, and tableau by fixe girls. The table were in charge of Licul. Kenny and Mrs. Maslin and after the supper speeches were made by Sgt.-Alaj. Huxlon r.apt. Ilea, Oapt. Hugltlon, Col Phillip". At (lie mectiiiB of Ibo HonH "f Trade la-l nlahl M. M 'J'eidiens xvas elected t. member Mine Amalgamation for Stewart Properties is Planned in near Future Victoria and Silver Ledge shareholders to vote oh it next week and others reported pending in same district VIUTOHIA. Feb. (I. Willi the announcement (Jf shareholders' meeting here next week or both Ihe Victoria -ami Silver Ledge mines to lou-iilcr oilers from New York interests it is believed that ;i new stage of development far Northern lirilish Columbia ha- urrixed. ( he offer is to buy out both mine- und form them uiiu Ihe Victoria Consolidated Mines, which will be the nucleus for a m.irger or several adjoining properties to permit of im teased efficiency in operations. .Similar amalgamation proposals are renirleiJ lo he pending for several other groups of adjoining mines. LADIES OF CATHOLIC CHURCH HOSTESSES AT AFFAIRS YESTERDAY! The".- of I lie Callioln Churcli xx ere loi-l.'ssc- al a lea and sale and Miiial iicld iu 'In- iarili Hall yeslertlay afternoon and eveuiug. i lie af'ernoou allair was Hi liargc or Mr-. J. L"nie Mac- il.aiei) and Mr?-. t. W. NicKerstm vx in. were a--isM-d liy Mrs. D. W. Morrisrey. Jlrs. Mrllreirily. Mrs. J. liillis. Mrs. Alex McDonald. Mrs. Leepcr and Mrs. Peler Hyrne A cut work table, cdver was rafrliil and won by .1. Lome Mae- arcii. In the exeniiiv rize- al bridge and whist xveii- won as follows: oride: ladies' first, Mrs. S. J. Aans; ladie-' consolation. Mis slori; uicn's find, Dr. S. J. Evans; men's .-econd, II. M.- .xxen: xvlnst. inuies nrsi. air.. Daly: ladies econd, Mrs Wick lin n s first, I., l.axxler; men s ml, Mr. Pearson. M;-. . javian ami .Mrs. 5. llairiiet were in cliurgc. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL ENGLISH LEAGUE Division I. linltoii Wanderers 2, l.cicosler 2. Huiiiley . Manehi'sler 1. ardifl i, Hkiekburn I. i.M tton 3. Liverpool 3. Leeds I. Arsenal 2. Manchester City 1, Hudileis field 5. Newcastle I nile.l I, West llam 1. .Nolls County 1. Aston Villa 0. Sheffield 1 . 3. Hury I. rottenhani 0. Sunderland e-t llromwicli 3. Hiruiingtiam 1 Division II. Harusley I. Darlington 1. Hradford City 0, Southampton 5. Cluplou o, Hull City 0. tierhy Counly i. Nolls Forest 0. Fulhain 0. Chel-ea 3. Middleshoro 3. Stoke 0. Portsmouth I. The Wednesday 2 Porl Yale 3. Ularkpool 0. Preston V. Oldham 1. South Shield I. Stockport Wolx 2, Swansea 3. SCOTTISH LEAGUE Division , Coxvilenhoalh 5. Clydebank 2.- Motherwell I, Dundee United 0, Division II. v Uucen or South 3, liaM Fife 1, St. Hernard I. Dunfermtino'iS. Hilhsilale t. Ayr 3. v The res! of teuni were en giurcil in cup Do today. Union steamer Calala. Capl. A. Johuslono. soulliliound from Anyo.x and Ilie Xna Hiyer lo Vancouvpr. i due In nort al 7 luik Im- 1-ven.n. ft IPOOL ASKING CONCESSIONS Wil Build Big Elevator at North Vancouver if Hxcd Assessment Passed YANCOUYKH. Feb. 6 Negnli- alioiis for the const ruction of a new grain elevntor vxitli a capa city or -.225,00U bushel at a oosl or approximately )?2,500.nii0 liave been compleUil with the Canadian Co-operative Wbeat PriMlurers Liuiiled, Mayor i. II. Monb-u or Norlh Vancouver an-, nouneed liMlay. tkmslruction wilt.; slarl in April, provided the rate-. payers approve the authorizing or a lixeil assessment ut 2o per foot frontage on the properly for the next fi lieen years. CHILD KILLED" ! BENEATH AUTO Run, Over Today at Vancouver by Doctor's Car on Pendor Street YANCOlYKH. Feb. . Dart lug from behind a parked auio Joseph Ureen. a five year ol' child- was instantly .killed hern th afternoon ut llornby and I'ender Street inlersci lion under 11. e wheel of a car driven by Dr. C. A. Sliorl. The doctor, who was formally chanted with man slaughter, says lie xvys Iravellijig lowly and did tmt sec the Dliil.l who was killed wilhin tifty yard of hi tionie. The nioiher was an eye xvitnrss of tho tragedy. U.S. WILL GET LANDINNORTH Explorer Says There Will be no Dispute of American Claims In Arctlo DF.THOIT. Feb. 0. Any new laud discovered in the Arctic by the Wilkin expedition will bo clajined for llu United Stale "and 'there .will b ''.no 'dispute about llo- ruiinlns-riaht to it," Stefansson, the Arctic explorer, s-ahl here, today. . SCOTLAND WINNER FDINHl Itlill.Feb. 0 --Scotland defealeil Wale in lite annual 1 Inlernnrionnl nighy match here Mnlay by u score pf 8 lo 5. n