PAGE SIX THE DAILY NFAVS Attention, Fishermen! Why Not Use tho Best When it is the Cheapest? .Superior quality stainless nickel Teaspoons, per doz. $2.00 Hlainless Dessert Spoon., per ioz $4.00 Stainless Forks, per doz $5.25 Stainless Knives, guaranteed quality, per half doz. $4.75 Haroinelers, up from $3.00 Marine Glasses, SO Lignes, 1 lie highest grade genuine Lemairc day and night glasses $25.00 Others from $7;50 A MODERN OPTICAL DEPARTMENT This department afJoiils very superior service at modern prires. Free consultation. MAX HEILBRONER 527-529 Third Avenue For Sale Auditorium Rink and Hall The leading halt of tin' oily, situated on lots 9 and 10, block i'J, section 5. Huilding is 50 feet iby 100; 10 foot ceiling; 7 foot balcony all around building; newly plastered; No. 1 maple floor. Dining room and equipment and seating capacity for 100 persons. Piano and Wurlilzer military band organ, style 125; 200 pairs Richardson ballbearing skates. Thoroughly equipped throughout for hoi h dancing and skating. Willi theatre equipment can be used as such. Also for sale, lots 8 and 9. block 15, section G. Clear titles to properly For further informal ion. apply lo L. J. Marren, P.O. Box 146, Prjnce Rupert, B.C. We are Sole Agents for Rochons Chocolates $1.00 per lb. ROCHON'S FAMOUS ALMOND CRISP $1.00 per lb. Rupert Pharmacy Prescription Specialists Phone 94. We deliver. APPLES Are Advancing in Price o get your requirements at these tow prices. Fxlra Fancy iiiesajis. per hot $3.25 F.xlra Fancy Newlous, per box .. $3.25 Fancy Jumble Pack New-tons $2.25 Fancy Jumble Pack Wine-saps $2.25 Sunkisl Oranges, good size. 3 doz $1.00 Hlue (loose Oranges, good size, 3 doz $1.00 Hlue House Oranges, large, per doz 60o Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 84 Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST Another LAND ACT. Nolle of Intention to Apply For Laaaa of Land. In the Prince Hiiixti Land rternrtllus i District id situate on n unnamed IsM i forming- one or the Nares arrttup or Islet? i In Hudson Bay rassare opposite Oore I Lain i on point. Blue Print II. M. 14. I TAKE .notice that Harris Kerr of Prince ; Rupert, B.C., Master .Mariner, Intends t I apply ror a lease or the following de i aer-lbed lands.- Commendor at a nost on the shore on I the East side of the aliove described Istei, uirnre j.uuu leei nortnvtrsi; wenre 3. oik iieei noriiieast; inrm-e j.uoo reft south east; thenrc, J.DOo feel southwest to Ihe point or romiiienrnnent, containing; tOQ acres, more or less. HARRIS KERR, By hi J A f cut. Juseplt S. Rai.-. V,MSf,.M. 4i LAND ACT. Nollct of Inttntlon to Apply to Leass Land. In the Prince llupert Land Becordini MMrlrt and situate on an unnamed lln in the Eastern entrance lo Hudson Bay Passage near Dunda Island. Blue Prim II M. 14. TAKE MITICE that Gerg Cordon Bush by or Prince Huperl. B.C.. .Manufacturer, Intends t apply for a lease or the following desinbed lands Ctumiienrlng al a post situate on a partly submerged reer or roclt radiating rrum same in practliallv a circle, harlot a radius or almut t.Stio feel and con-Ulnlng iOo acres, more or less. GEORGE GOMiO.N Bt'SlinV Sour 'how Sweet Mustard Oherkins Mid sets Reduction HEINZ Goods I'ork and Heans, small, 5 for 65o Medium 20o Laife'e 30c bpafchetli. small, i for 35c Medium 'at sup, law, J for .... Olive Oil. small Meijium lonalo oup, small, 5 for Medium ... Worresler Sauw, 5 oz. . 10 oz ' -la i 1 i Sauce Grocers, Ltd. Phones 45 and 574 25c 65c 35c 50o 65c I 20c! 45c 45c 60c 35c 50c 35c 'Jiulney 35c Itelish 40c Vinesar, White. Mall. Cider 32 oz. ... 50c 16 oz 30c Iteef Sleak Sauce -.. 35c Horse Itadish 25c Cream Salad 40c Prepared Musla -d 25c A new shipment of Peak Frean Biscuits has jul arrived direct rroni the Old Country. F.xcellent I GOSSARD Corsets Brassieres Corsettes Come in and let us fit you with one of these. Expert corsetiero in H. S. Wallace Co. Ld. PUBLICITY FOR CITY PLANNED Board of Trade Committees Have Matter In Hand Following I Meeting Last Night I GRAIN AND MINING Suggestion Is Made that Newspaper Advertising Would be Better than Booklet Tlie Hoard of Trade last night iitsirueteil !lie publieily eoin- niillee lo eo-operale with tlie (irain Joninii:iee and the cily council in a selieme of publicity for tliis year and lo report bark to a future meeting of Hie Hoard or the executive. Tlie matter was introduced when 11. F. Fullen, on behalf of the publicity eoiniuillee. recommended that the. board try lo co-operale wilh the city in preparing a booklet as was done last year, nut thai this tune Hie scheme he lo feature Prince llu pert as a ;;raiii port. He said be Had consulted willi John liybhavrr chairman of the joint commitlcu ast year, and ho was slrongly in favor of the plan. It was thought that a booklet of sixteen page. and cover instead of twenty a last. year, would answer the re- luiremcnls and Ibis would cost, was estimated. $.V0 for five newspaper' advertising cani- iai;ri te earrieit on in AlPerla i n I Saskatchewan in conjunction vvilli the rain committee that this he slarle! at once. She Could Never Do The Things" Other Girls Did Mi" L J. Boss, Scollard, Alta, write! "I am only twenty reara old, but aare suffered from heart palpitation and nerve trouble lor aeveral jeara. I eould aeverjdo tie things other (tirla JiJ, that if, in the line of porta, abating, etc and could never depend on myself at work, About aii months ago I brga ituiz and am just twice the pirl I and can enjoy everything in ceneral life so much more. 1 am very prateful for what jour Tills hare done for me." Put up only by The T. MUbura Cox, Limited, Toronto, Dot. liousaud copies. Last year the.Twentv-flve Million Acres With ost was G27. In Reach of Railways Yet In Newspapers I Available, Says Report Another scheme euggcsled by Hie publicity cummillec was that j.'Clti. After some mure ili-i'iissmn i Was left Wilh I publicity fill!'. mil fee in roiisnliiiiinii wilh I lie fjrain commillec i divide on a general line of publi-ily and It report bark. PLENTY LAND OTTAWA, Feb. 0. Thai agricultural opportunity always exists in Uutuida wa I he keynote of the reiiort of the Land Setlle- ami meiit Committee presented at (tie Mr. eislileenth annual tm-eliiiK of Hie I'ullen .aslcaj the board lu an- Association thorizc a sum not exceeding 4100 Purveyors of Dominion I .a ml reliable estimate - i . ... ... i- a iit'xmiiiu?. : piaces uie amount oi ariruiiurai Colonel J. W. .Nicholls was hiihl available for el I lenient in rather sceptical of Hie benefits Wesleni (kmada vvilhin flfll-en ri'eeived from the (Kiblieaiion of, miles of the railway at 25.000,-a booklet and advocated ralher ODD acre. Thi could pnulo I tie spendin? of the money in home for 300.OOU new colonists. newiaper ailvertisinv. He said In spite of the fact that llw frtx; that his firm had discarded hook-Ihoinestettd land have ' Ween let adverti-sHur a Ion? linic ago'eoinbeil over many limes ami as not bringitip results. They; thai a lot of travel is noyv rt- found the oilier kind broushtj uired to pick out a ?ood U.irter- direct returns. section there were 3,813 entries ' (i V. Mckerson iired lliat'aild in addition 711) noliiirri wheal and niiniiiy: be featured in ffanls during the past ficalj any scheme thai was planned, year a ml in Hie f u si six imm Ut ile tlioiitrlit the board should of Hie pre-eni jt;ar ,:'J: houie-roneenlrale on those two ub-jleaiN were taken up and 23S LAND ACT. Notlca of Inttntlon te Apply to Laaa Land. In Prliir UnrMrl I miut llir.ftliiv I1I4 trlct of rrlnc V feet bolIIi and 707 feet eil of et cornrr of Lot 1S: thnwe el III .S rtt In tlie hlah ualer mark nf an mote or leas. . Jefferson of Prince Unpen, B.i:.. ocrntni soldier Krauts. j Ilouiftsleadtn? is IhereTore not dead ituil (here are many osl ! individual iuarler-ecliotts mral- ItuiM-rt. uix-rt. and and aiiuate alluate on on lered lereu iiiruyuui (lie remaining imriii Bimrir ui niiauiiun oaj, yurtii .,,, -i i. i. ,i Lrown laiul. I he charii.ite Miam.!i. B.c. land rlasslfi- TAKE MITICK Itiit Jaincl t'lttldloa caliiiii iii.iik ' l.ciii" pUMISIietl iiihlilul kv ly Stranir and Itobrrl C. (!, of .Vaiiciuvrr. V ... . . Ml frtfitnallfiti ramtjtrl mii luliul tfi III.. I I l uii fa I 111 19 1 Slirt-MV t ktt- I'ickles, sweet '45c 'apply fur a lease of lliw-rullliir de- ........ . ' '. .n (ncribcd ruresliore at sliaiinon Bay, Qurro l"iiriu 01 wr ni.rru.i are ,01 C I i.iiarlotK. Inland: - verv an,a( service ill itrov idintr a (iullif sicrly dlrrrtlon from nlh- .. , , , , , et corner U I5IS, (aid pout belua sellleinool as illlufttni by land norlnraol curner of an application to pt'r- nMlli'iociil iltciiIx scull nil III .1111 1 P. . Iiiiw bv lit l lehllnr Slrinr- tlienre MtiitliKeklrrly follow Init hirli water mark Healing with llie aouth- Utn- Hllllllf.dlivil IIIO tUllllflll.ll.-f' port says Island oetnt an application to leaae liy conditions erly and snutbelerl.r rullowliiir the luh piatlicaily water mark of aald Island to a point ! i,n, ..-.n, ru. atiif iitLv ru, u ..r uaij null subject III rc- lliAl due to existing in Utiroiw there itre mi iinni'0'rHiils to hi. capital ami thai the west comer 1518: tlience went IU0 feet: iirolileiii in Inriil nellleiiii-iil IiImv IIm ikt north SJ0 feet, more or lean; thence . , ,. . , , , , ., eat i fret, more or lea, to the point 's to IiikI out hirW Ui handle proof coniiiienrement, and conlaluln t acres, ,,1,. uillionl m.n- ,w il,u... iiobt. r. oose and . ! all that are ilo he obtaiiiel in MS. rlLLDI.XO STItX.IO, . , Applicant, any numbers.! Per Win. O. Mllrhrlf, a-ei.t.: rrlL 1 llalrd llllh luff. I ' LAND ACT. Man t a creature who livw not on 1 1 i-ea 1 1 alone, hut uriuci- Notlc. of IntanllonAMy t Pucthaa.!, ,,y ,.e,wonJs. it. I, ,, f , i i in uim nenirinna I'lmriri 01 Kriiicp. cictriinuii. sloik on display in our Window. , impert. and slluaie on the South Shore Fresh Whipping Cream dally I .'Vnomna ColmiiMa P1" Vruvim: l,'f water kotice. . I TAkK .NOTICK that William tS.L. Butchers and Joseph I DUtralon and Uit lion i.aiiiirr.v-iiiaii, iniciins ui apply mr tiu; MiTH'I thm lieorve Utlh. and ?r"!"V","' 'l r"rrtia Ihe follolnir v$i.. M "mT hS a'l.IrL l? scribed lands I r.ouiiiieticinr at a ll Planted on k-l Terrace, n. .. UI apply rur a llreuse for '"i I Mr Mir .Irr.m. i.i.j-ru . kll-in.,. I smith shore near the head or Canlaln . Until lll.Mf 1 1 live. Pill Island. Itanae 4, Coast XHstrlct,1 roliiiialelt rririn tin Hum III to aotirre. ic, niiirsj, wim 11 fluws rrovince oi nriiisn i.oniiiiliil: liienrei .,.,i...ri. ,...,. .,. ni-. laoiith tenly chains; theme west twenty! ,M,U, v ,,.. M, r .rIM-e impert' chains, tlieme north twenty chains, more 1h rlser , (,,. ., for raftlinr. ilrolii " "" 'r lMr. iiirnir r.r.-j,r olerWISC lfllleHIV (MlleH. pi 1 1 II t. tle. rnf imiu iiisu iirr mars m i-.iiii iiiraw Mm" ami all Torea! lnWMlniis, and tlie eiuimiencemenl. and rnntalnlnr forty , .i.nMnictioii or iMK.minr ami IhiMiik arira, inure fir less WILLIAM JOSEPH JKFl ElKsO. ! Applicant. Per V. J. Thomas Aaent. i tmed neiriii inn aaa 1 LAND AOT. Notlca of Intantlon to Apply te Laaa Land. In Prince Rupert Land Hecordin bis . . . . . . tell. n Il I n.. f I I - I ,iiv, nunc iiufrii, hiiii nitusin as in ill lllir, thirty oa iliy. Shnmioii Biy, Oui en Charlolte islands' of tin- notice B.C TAKK NOTICE that CosseMlllerd, Limited, of Vancouver. fl.C.. Intends t" apply for a lease of the following desrrllied lanit: - ciitnmeiirlnir at a post planted ahoot It chains, more or less, west from norlh- cast corner of Lot 1 & S (TX. tl):l inence norm rti reet: thence aoutn t&ili-tr. west 900 reet, inure or lessj theme south 4(in feet lo the hlirh water mark. In a north-easterly direction BOO feet, more or less, to the point of coin-mmiccinent. and comalnlnr fix () acres, mure or leas. 0039E-MILLIB.D, LIMITED. Applicant. Per Win. 0. Mitchell, saeni ffsf mK. , as N O T I O C. T.UK NOTICE that aNer politics Hun of tlus .Notice for four weeks we Mia 1 1 apply to Ihe . Heal'lrar of Joint Stock Cihii-pmiles, Victoria, B.C. to clmnri- tlie name iif the lUmipMiiy to thai or "John Bulger Limlled. ' Daied at prlm-o huiierl. B.c, I Ills tnd "i ti-l.ruiir ,i c III Lutfl t .AMtlPM L1.M11LU. aronuiis at Oh1 mouth of sahl river ami elxewheri' This notice was Misleil oh llie around on the Hi ami 7lli days of January. IUJ'. A coy or this notice am) an appticalloii pursuant llierlo and to the "Water Vcf will An- filed III the of nee of the Waler Heeorder al Prince llupert, II. i' OhjectloiiS io llie aniiliratioii mav lie filed wilh llie said Waler lleeonler oe wnii ihe imtaroller or Water Hirlit-. Parliament Uuildlur. Victoria, li t:., with artel1 the flrtl .apiwaraiiee III a , local liewspaier. Tlie dale nf the fu.t piitillrallnn of this no- y. Bin. tvrn. fllJilir.K LITTLE, C. L. fl. lilUOKV. Applicants. LAND ACT Notlca of Intanllan to Apply to Lsata Land in vueeu t:nariotie isiannj i.aun ite corilnir lilstilrt or Prince Kupert, and situate two and one-half miles west of Aiirurd Bay skldeaate inlet. TAKE .NOTICE that B.C. Flahlmt 1 Pack. in Company. I. Hulled, or Vancouver. II .C occupation Salmon Cannera. Intends tn apply for a lease of the rollowinr de scribed lands: Conimencinr al a post planted at the west end or small Bay one hundred yards east of mould of unnamed stream; thence south rive chains: thence east sliteen chains: I heme north to shore line: thence roiiowina' shore line to nmnt or com inencriiient, and conlalnliilr seven and tnree-duarier acres, more or lesa, B.C nsillHfl k PACkTNO CO, LTIl. Applicant - Per M. M. English. DaU'l Deitucr XU, lit. Figure This GRADUATE Daughttrs of England and Moose Ladies Were Winners Last Evening (ames in the ladies' section of the Fraternal Whist Ieauue Ul niiiht rvAUlletl as follow i: Haulilent of Kit stand, 0: I'yltiian Sinters, t. Mimim ltdie, 5; Orange Liulies, I. Hie leaarue tawliug lo date in as fujltiw: Moom' l.adie-OraiiRo Ladie I. of F Pythian Sioier. W. I.. Its. 5 4 ft : I S t 5 I I S I ftIINIATURERANGE R. Davidson and H. Floyd Were High Men In Shooting at Market Place Last Night fr'core. at tin- shoot of Hie .North H.C. lU'Kiiiient Itith- Asmi-cialion al the Market i'laee raiwe lat natflil were as follows: II. iMvlflsoii U7. II. Floyd U7 II. WUmhi trt C-. H. MrKeown 1)5 M. M. I.atnl: t5 II. H. Ivasiiiiiin ij . Ilorrohin R5 F. Ilussi-ll HI AUCTIONSALE Ladles' Aid of United Church is Disposing or Miscellaneous Articles Toda An auction sale of articles ih heiiiK held this arieniooii by the Ladies' Ant of Ihe Initetl Ohureh In Killas" old store on Third Avenue, itev. Kvan laker i anliitu as aucLkner amJ Mrs, Sanlerhane i in eJuirtre of Ihe sille. The hontc'eookiiiK table is in eharfte or Mi. W. H. Cornish with Mrs. (ieorge Clcooiine. Mrs. J. McKechnie aifd Nfrs. .1. S Irvine al Hip tea litbles. Mrs. W. A. Matheison is eitral eon- vener. ', i Hon. T. I. I'allullo told I'resl-' d.Mil Hanson or the llnmil 0r! Trade, win n in ho eiiuiii, ihal In j had already taken action nM tlicv low Hay -proposal and had oHer-i ed to Iransrcr tolie Ultawa au-j Ihoritles 3,Uil hi of walerrronl.i proviuiiMr tlie reijeral aulliorilies would make tirovisioii for Hi'. rishin fleet here. In llie me;nY-linie Ihe eiut-iiieers were working on (he project. W. F. Findlay. editor or the Journal-or Commerce), Vancouver, who miiiip iioi-IIi to allcnd Hoi funeral or his brother-in-law. the lale Dunoan McMillan, will return lo Vancouver on llin Catalu I his eveniiitf. -'iiiS' i'iNe h, the Daily N'ew.n. ' t il 4 I'te is. rcnu'inhci lliai yon du not have In remove C i .tl-uliiev free. Salunlav t The itM'rujre person in his lail work a- well a Hie lnniewile, V ., jniles. The aerage length of every step is inches, deduce I tits in. feel mill llien llie feel into inches, Ihen tliviile I lie liuljtlier tlf ilffliiM m u liy (the average slop). Tlie result will he tlie iiiimlicr Of liBies .i on ytnir feel daily. STATISTICS SHOW. That if a sleet hammer was usetl in the same maimer a Hie feel il ,,, everv day. Therefore- PITY THE POOR FEET! I Feet Hurt? 5 I j& Cotne to our Foot Comfort Depart meet ami lu rn Itow hundrrdaof profit mffcringwithweit arvl broken kwn archea, corn. cal loutt' bariinnx Tk aaihtluirt bru km6ul by Dr.Uaotl'iFaot Ctmlort Ifpliaaatt T txiOwr M I"il I I'erhup yin luivc smiielliiiur wruikK with ynur frei and ymi do do in-' know II. Come, do 11 ' it off; l-t me (i"iu';ilrale and !how you ir jroti have any dmi trouble. "A slitli 111 1 1 iiii- saves nine Haikitehn. in jnost iie, nr traced lo ilefeclivn fMt. llHtiltttaiiaaiatMiMaMttattatMiHNf i Tired, Achiiifl Feel I nuke yon tm you much auflcru , root Coinlort Ap! -IMI Ua Itrt- IIIUU. c lo4Mr.. rii . Let luatMxir yov. I s Kmtfhn wu iv . , 1 -lf IWuw I1.1i 1 Btnuutriii 1 - Dr. Sahlll'l KMfc-vr liirH v f. w3 ItYra Vrtko. J,' .i 2 I- ' -W 3 tt 3 iut:::::s::u::st:::t:!Ki:8usss3 ikiilM' Ji"i 1 OF AMERICAN SCHOOL OF PRACTIPEDICS. 5am Jabour of Jabour Bros., Ltd, LADIES' WHIST 1. ?B""BBlIBail8HnlIRBili WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Saturday at 7 and 9 "Winds of Chanc e' An adaiiiiliiio ui ,i' r.,, i . .mmmiiI name. , )roi. ilratnii ol iiiinilie Al i.k.. rouiMiite of Klondike K"M. A lni oi Hi whtfi-e la ait- horl. iiirIH' are louj hiiI Ihe lniig men. The lair uf a lug, rtniKh. liMhling hoerull over Hit snuw-rapM-il In forliiiie owiileil mill Hie ,,, (,f .i U.s win. -trials and liurdhin-. Ile Him li l.ik u- In V U lite olirriiig -I) r ll' gld mlt lo Ih-latllit with wild lMiiMtiiiHi elenieiil -hiiit anil love ami life. L'lirivolleil rasl. Ben Lyon, Hobart Dosworth,- Clauds Gilllngwatar. Victor McLaglen, Wade Bolder, Phllo McCulloch, Anni Q. Nilsson, Viola Dana, Dorothy Sebattian, oilier-. CAMEO COMEDY "PARDON AESOP'S FILM FADLE3. US." S0c and 25c m The Savage Washer and Dryer At the lust Quelle, Kshdo I'll its Miri-iii til Ihe !.- m . again wuiiiiiiK the (iolil Med .h liii' lion mer all oilier maker- ' nii ami (laiiudiiio V'.ihei"-' Cash Price $185'00 Also sold nil eiiy lerni Kaicn Hardware Co. LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED lo budding next door to Fruzell Hiitcher rJhui'. m"1 from llio Kmpress Hold Wo carry a full lilic of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION Jtmei Zarelll ' proprllor