List of Boats Due Good j Start for Npwpst Pnrf Prince Rupert is now well on the map as a grain shipping port. Im luding the boat that is now loading here, eight ocean going ves-l vlt have taken on full cargoes of grain here since October 17 when he first ship arrived. This means that some two million bushels or more of grain have passed through the port in that time. The average so far has not been quite a boat a week but this will probably be improved during the months of January and February. By the end' pr the grain shipping season it is estimated that some thirty or forty )at will have loaded here. That will not be a bad record for a . anew port that, a jrrt. txxuU but one . ... , m Iterator. that one. however, bring a fine PLEBISCITE ON BEER BY GLASS miii. ritoiiutiA in; iii.i.n in jam - ,1 II V IMC If.Illtl AKY GOVERNMENT MVS .inill KKIXIVIMl PETITION VICTORIA, Dee. Sfl. Nrtson HI pro-txtuv b a pWMc4le on va beer b ,9 g ,utlon in January or rart rs'-.marjf .' u announced yeeterde; m ie ; a peUujn aklnc for aucb action t fau; aautltclorv Nelson voted c-. nt bee? oy die la in the general local election, I TORY LEADER MAKES SPEECH (ANAH MIOU.Il (.tur.m.i.v pre- M.IUi: NAURU. REMHRCEs 11)11 IICK iN 1K SA ,,ii.mii; VANCOUVER Dec JO.-lfan. Dr. 8. F.j Tjtmie MP. leader of the British Columbia Conservative party. address tag the EC t'roducU Bureiu at IU annual lun- heon yec.erday. emphaalwd the neces-t r of Canada preserving 1U natural resource for It own use. I am afraid." he aald. "that the ahlp-plng of our raw material to the United State 1 much like killing the buffalo for It hide prct!t which prevailed 3 he prattle year tkgo with the rtault nhat thl fin animal wa almot exterminated. GOVERNMENT ASKS APPEAL wou.d ham: sipreme cot rt deal with i.i.nAMTV of ninrKiit ASKINO t ESTIONS OF AC-(TSI.D PERSONS VICTORIA. Dec. 30.Ulng the Prince llcorge caae of Rex v. Bello a a teat case, the attorney general department announced yesterday that an appeal would be made to the Supreme Court In an effort to iutln the legality of the present practice of the provincial police questioning accused pcron which the British Columbia Court of Appeal recently ruled against. ANYOX WON SECOND BASKETBALL GAME Mulch TucMtny Mght Resulted In An- oilier Drfrut tut l.tmiN lij 3'4 It) h The Trlnce Rupert High School bas kctball team lost both game at Anyox according to private advice received In the. city yesterday afternoon. The sec- ond game which took place Tuesday resulted In a score of 32 to 14 ta fvor of Anyox. Th local team wilt return home tomorrow morning. Mr and Mr. E. P. Turnbull and 'amily arrived on thl afternoon's train from llarelton to visit with Mr. nd Mrs, R, Hemming, Westenhsver Dlock. M T ftbu" . '"uggisi " tfc'w'toii. Rid. Asked. 1.33H 313.00 1.68 1.73 350.00 1.04 1.00 ,39 33 33.00 34.00 .09 .09 U .08 H .10 1.03 1.87 ,13'i .13 U .05 .00 .00? .10 UH Wheat SC. Telephone B.C. Silver ... Consolidated Dunwell Gladstone ... Oranby Independence Marmot ; Premier Porter Idaho Silver Crest .. Surf Inlet Richmond Advertise lu the Dally New. SHOWING BABY HOW REVOLVER CLICKED FATAL TAXI Boston Grill 25 Ambulance and mil Large Upstair Dining Hall, Service with, newly laid dancing Anywhere nt Anytime floor, for hire. Stand: Exchange Ilulldinjr NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. MATT VI DECK, Prop. PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for the i. least. Phone 457. at, . Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper I. 'r, VOL XVI., No. 30i. fa,. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1926. circulation 1543 Sales 467 Price Five Cents RUPERT ESTABLISHED ENGLISH SPEAKING PEOPLES MAY BE SAVIORS OF Record of Loadings and plant. Here 1 a record of the vessel that so far have loaded wheal at thl port: Aden VI ru (K. Unci -Arrived October IT. sailed October 2S: cargo, 280.000 bushel: destination. Hamburg. Yeituku Uaru (K. Llnei Arrived October 31. aalled October 30: cargo. 290.000 bushels: desinatlon, Europe. Tofuku Uaru (K. Line Arrived October 31. aaUed November 7: cargs, 200.000 suahel: desinatlon. Europe. Meigen Maru (Suzuki Line) Arrived -c ember 1. sailed December 9; oargo. 200.000 bushels; destination. United tlngdom. Ycserle (Dank Umi Arrived Deeetn- ker 9. atl4 Docembar 14; cargsx 2O0.- V0 bushels: deaUnaUon. United Yprca Maru (8uzukl Unei Arrived December 0, aalled December 18: cargo. J 300 ton: desinatlon, United Kingdom. Klfuku Uaru (K. Unci Arrived December 11. sailed December 33; cargo. J .000 tons: destination. United King-Jsm cr Continent. Talyo Uaru tOsoan Transport) Arrived December .33; now loading for United Kingdom or Continent. i.m:i hi t: Welsh City (Smith Line of London) Due frjm England. January 3: fee J United Kingdom or Ccntlnent. Ryoka Maru (Ocean Transport Due from Japan. January 3: for Shanghai. Innerton (Common Line) Dae from England. January 9; for United Kingdom sr Continent. Seine Maru (Suzuki Line) Due from Japan. January IS; for Shanghai. ANOTHER SCRAI Of TAI'MI MONEII ROME. Dec. 30 Premier Mua-ollnl and Ambassador Von Neu-rath yesterday signed a treaty whereby Italy and Oermany pledge themselves not to wage war upon each other but to settle any difference they may have by arbitration for a period of ten years. TfTf tttTTT4trttf f KETCHIKAN ALSO GIVES MAJORITY CAPT. MORRISON The result of the poll at Ketchikan for Deep Sea Fishermen's Union agent was received last night and gave J. II MesKhcr. 33; J. M. Morrison, 37 and D Milne 4. As this Is the last place to hear from Capt. Morrison Is elected for the ensulnit year with a majority of approximately sixty, having received the most votes at Prince Rupert and Seattle as well. The ballots will go to Seattle tor final count. VANCO U V Kit BXCI I A NO K Mil. JOHN' It. McAI KII.IXO ll.KVf;V..M()TII-()l.l) .SOX .NEAR jt.nkai: JUNEAU. Dsc. 30 Mr. John B. McCain accidentally shot her 11 -months-old baby boy. John, at their home at Salmon Creek and notwithstanding all medical aid possible, the baby passed away. Mrs. McCain was playing with the baby at the family house and attempted to show it how the revolver trigger clicked. She did not know the gun was loaded. The revolver discharged, the bulle: striking the baby in the stomach, pass ing through the body and coming out at the back. Mr. McCain rushed the child to the St. Ann- Hospital where Dr. DcVlghne and Dr. Borland operated. The baby wa resting easily at midnight but passed away at 4 o'clock in the morning Mrs. McCain Is In the hospital under the care of Dr. DeVlghne. a a result of the shock. Mr. and Mr. McCain are recen arrival In thl city. They tame here about a month ago .from Seattle. He U graduate electrician and came here In the hope of securing employment They have been residing. 'In the Morris cabin 'about threw -mlli. -out nf town on Glacier Highway near 8almon Creek. PLAY CHESS OVER RADIO' vamoi w:r and uiNNirt:( will (OMI'KTK TIIKOIOII AIR OS NLW YEAR'S DAY WINNtPEO. Dec. 30 Chess players of Winnipeg and Vancouver, though separated by several thousand miles of plain, mountain and water, will match their wit In ten game on New Year's Day. The Canadian National Railways rdlo stations CNRV Vancouver and CNRW Winnipeg have arranged the tournament which will be fought out between the hour of 13 o'clock noon. central time, and 4 pm. and from 6 pm. until the game are finished. In the Vancouver studio, ten pro minent business men, members of the Vancouver Chess Club, seated at ten separate tablea, will compete with mem ber of the Winnipeg Wednesdsy Night Club, also at ten separate tables. Telegraph Instrument In each studio wilt assure Instantaneous notification of the moves. The only game which will be broadcasted, play y play, will be that of the "top board" men. CNJl.W. will commence broadcasting the moves t 9 p.m. summaries of the games played at the other boards will be announced from time to time. The following Is the Winnipeg line up: II. II. Burrrii, E. s. Lancssnire, Northwest champion; Prof. J. H. Cross. St. John' College; ProL Oarflnkle, O. H. Irwin; T. P. Sheedy. Oretna. Manitoba; A. W. Lyendyk. Winkler. Manitoba: Q. D. Gilbert: J. R. Collacott; N. II. Wallbank. ONE WAY TRAFFIC ON CERTAIN LONDON STREETS INSTITUTED LONDON, Deo. 30. In order to mini mise the truly appalling traffic con- ecstlon In many parts of London, a system of one-way. or gyratory tram:, has been Instituted at certain busy centre. In Trafalgar Square, for In stance the traffic I only allowed to proceed In one direction. Thl system has proved successful In minimising tralTlo congestion, but, according to many traders. It Is having a serious effect upon their business and as result the value of property Is alleged to be declining. v In the Haymarket, for example, there Is decided resentment by the trader at the Institution of the one-way traf flc system. 6ir Walter Qibbons, head of a big movie house there, declared such streets are now being converted Into miniature motor-racing track ninca rti'ivers have so much freedom. PAVLOWA, in bizarre costume, which she affects for her new gipsy dance. The picture Is from Paris where the incomparable Anna is at present. COME NORTH NEXT SPRING IMI.VX Of OPERATORS HE GREATER NEXT YEAR THAN SINCE WOULD WAR IT IS SAID SEATTLE. Dec. 33. A. H. Bryant, min ing engineer of the Casslar District, haa arrlved from Seward. Alaska, and aaya the influx of mining operators Into British Columbia, the Yukon, and Alaaka la the spring will be the greatest since the World War. "The Alaska and Canadian northland la not experiencing any stampedes," said Bryant, "but there Is a healthful resumption of mineral operations. A number of Wrangell men with whom am associated with, plan sending hy- Iraullc machinery, a sawmill and cater pillar tractor to Dease Creek In the Cas- liar In April. We hope to begin exten- ive development." WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. DIOBY ISLAND. Rain, strong S.E. wind; barometer, 39.04; temperature, 48; ea rough; 8 pm. spoke steamer Anyoa towing Orlffnlt from Prince Rupert to nyox. 45 mile from Anyox. BULL HARBOR. Rain, strong SJS . wind: barometer 39.38; temperature 4T; sea, rough. 8 p.m. spoke Mtna Brea In Mtlbnnk Sound for Prince Rupert: 8 p.m. spoke tug Lome towing Drum- rock one mile north of Christy Pass southbound; at midnight spoke steamer Prince Charles anchored In Ma&sett Inlet. DEAD TREE POINT Barometer, 20.-30; temperature, 40. NOON DIOBY ISLAND. Cloudy, strong S.E. wind; barometer 29.14; temperature SO; sea rough; steamer Mogul due in Anyox at 3:30 p.m. northbound. BULL HARBOR. Rain, strong S.E. wind; barometer 29.41; temperatvn 48; sea rough. DEAD TREE POINT -Barometer, ,29.-23; emperature, 43. The business at the Rotary Ctub luncheon today consisted only of a dis cussion of club affairs, no program t'inr been arranged AS GRAIN NEW KETCHIKAN HOTEL OPENING OII..MOHE IU ILIUM) IN KETCHIKAN IS ACQl'IMTION TO Ill'SlNESS SECTION OP ALASKA TOWN KETCHIKAN. Dec. 30. Under construction for the past five months, the new Qllmore building on Front Street, will be ready for occupancy January 1, according to an announccemnt made by Pat Ollmore. the owner. Three business shops, not Including the hotel lobby, are built on the street floor. The Oem restaurant has begun preparation for moving Into their new headquarters and the Ketchikan Furniture Co. will soon begin the installation of equipment.. One small store remains unleased. All work on the street floor has beeu completed except the Installation of display windows and lighting fixtures. Forty-two hotel rooms, 14 with In dividual baths, will take up the second and third floors of the building and will be ready for occupancy February 1, according to Mr. Ollmore. All will be iteam heated and equipped with Individual telephone service. The hotel section will be accessible from an attractive lobby on the ground floor. The hotel, Mr. Ollmore salcL may be sub-leased. Several prospective lessees are contemplating the purchase at the present time. MANY KILLED AND INJURED IN TRAIN WRECKS. AMERICA SAN DIEOO, Dec. 30. Ten were killed and twenty-three Injured In a train wreck at a tunnel In southern Chile says an official report received here yeter day by the government. ALASKA FLIER REPORTS CRASHING INTO TUNDRA SEATTLE, Dec. 30. J, Youngs Fairbanks. Alaska tiler, was here en-route to Detroit to visit his family, lie recounted a 700 foot fall onto the tundra nisir Telldn No Hope for Mankind Unless United States and Britain Join Up EWorld's two greatest i upon policy of peace I for others" i NEW YORK. December SO. "If Great Britain and America work together," said Premier Bruce'of Australia at an English Speaking Union lunch in his honor yesterday "there is hope for mankind. If they do not, nothing mankind may devise can poaslbly succeed." He described Great Britain and the United States as "this world's two greatest nations which should deliberately embark upon a policy of peace, make sacrifices to other nations, lend them money, ' fight their battles and shoulder their troubles. I "But today," Premier Bruce said, "We are equally misunder- stood and alike treated with gross ingratitude." RKITlSlI COU .UUIA 1 Ml'ST BE PARADISE SAYS NEW YORK .MAN ! I cant Imagine your weather t being uncomfortable when we are having near zero conditions in thl city." writes a New ' Yorker to a friend In Prince Rupert. "I am sure British j Columbia must be near Paradise. 1 Why people should not always live there and make the ; necessary working conditions for living there Is more than I can understand. Nor can I understand how New York, with Its discomforts of both winter and j summer, ever became so pros-perouss I only wish I knew ! how to leave It and never return. 1 CALIFORNIA PACKING MAY BUY B.C. FISH VICTORIA. Dec. 30. P. R. Gardiner. the young broker who was behind the recent speculative climb of British Col umbia fish, and who wa elected to the board of the company, has left Toronto for British Columbia and California with the object of selling B.C. Fish to the California Packing Corporation. Mr. Oardlner was In lengthy confer ence with large shareholders of the company and could not be seen to get a statement as to what It proposed to do with the Canadian Fishing and Packing Company. Aemuius Jarvls Sr president, is In Europe for the purpose of developing new markets for British Columbia salmon. California Packing Corporation boast that It is the largest concern of Its kind In the world. It pack and markets a number of trade-marked fruits and con trols the Alaska Association. The company's profits after expenses and taxe In It fiscal year. 1938. totalled 3.743.-541. The surplus for the year was 2.-851.249. or on the basis of 113.33 the share. The earnings have been about on this basis for a number of years, except In 1922, when they dropped to 44.73 the share. LEFT AT CHURCH, EDMONTON WOMAN SEEKSJIEART BALM EDMONTON, Alta, Dee. 30. (By Canadian Press). Sobbing out her plaint that having been left "at the church" In this city on July 31, by her Intended husband and having a short time previously turned down another offer of marriage, ahe haa no suitor now because folk laugh at her with derision, Annla Wyrlpa, a girl of 19 told her story before Mr. Justice Fora in the supreme court. By her breach of promise action she seeks 13,000 from George Vaculchlk of Waugh. The defendant It seems after buying the plaintiff a wedding dress and veil on July 30, had gone off to Vegrevlli and got nmrrled within the week PORT WORLD nations should embark and make sacrifices says Bruce MENNONITESON WAY TO CANADA ItETWEFA" TEN AND FIFTEEN TUOC- SAND WILL ARRIVE NEXT YEA R TO EMi.USE IN FARMING WINNIPEG, Man.. Dec, 30 between 10.000 and 15.000 Mennonlte will be .brought to Canada next vj.r' under tta plans of the Uonnarilte Settlement Board, special agent of the board, Stated in an Interview here. Mr. Wlebe 'has Just returned from a trip to the ui tuc itf.a program men saw me arrival In the dominion of more than. S.C0O Mennonltes. Next' year's Mennonlte settlers will bo from Russia almost exclusively, Mr. Wlebe said. AU wilt eventually be settled by the board on prairie farm of their own. A fe families will be drawn from Mexico, where they, went a couple of years ago. direct from Russia. A to what wealth the newcomers would bring. Mr. Wlebe was unable to say. as the majority were discreet about giving out Information of that nature. For example, he cited the cae of the' two group totalling 800 who reached Winnipeg recently. Thl lot had between them approximately 850,000. UNITED STATES BOAT FOUNDERS ONLY IWSSENuElt SAVED IN IILAt'K SEA WRECK COMMITTED SI KIDK WHEN HE FOUND HIS FAMILY HAD DROWNED PARIS, Dec. 30. Twenty-one men perished when the United State tteamer Astoria foundered In the Black Sea near Kavarna, Roumanla, sccordlne to a messasa received by the Part Midi. The only paaaenger saved, a Constantinople teacher, committed suicide when he learned that his wife and three children had been drowned In the wreck. ANIMAL RESERVE IN WESTERN ONTARIO Kennra lUwrd uf Trade l'ruNMr One fniiii Krrwatln to Manitoba Border KXNORA, Dec. 30.-r(By CP.) Establishment of a wild animal reserve from Keewatln to Manitoba' boundary, bounded on the north by th Canadian Pacific track and th south by th Lake of the Wood, 1 being considered by Kenora Board of Trade. A commit tee ha been appointed to report on It feasibility. The Board feels that such reserve would be an attraction for tourist. Th Board wilt also ask b department of Interior at Ottawa for aerial map f the Lake of the Wood region, as Umt re lake In th district practically iinknowu 1 $