II 1 IBDAY, GIFTEMBEIt 23. 102S. hnpvmi -from the most delicious of hot breakfasts For energy that "stands by" 'start the, day with Quaker Oats. Authorities agree that oats is the greatest food that grows contains more protein than any other cereal; is rich in carbohydrates and well supplied with minerals and health-promoting vita-mines. 'Quaker Oats and Milk for Breakfast" has become the habit of millions of people in all parts of the world. Their sparkling eyes and ruddy cheeks arc its best endorsement. Regular Quaker Oats, and Quick Quaker the only quick -cooking , oats with the rare Quaker flavour. Grocers have both kind3. cartons only. In sealed I " Of Quaker Oats you havo always known Quick Quaker cooks m J 103 mmuiea B35 Page and Shaw's CHOCOLATES The Candy of Excellence . . A NEW SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED OrllVl Cllurolull'N 1 IHIXf- $1.00 Assorted Ijhoriilitlro. 2 lli. Luxe $2.00 Hard (.eii'iv UIim-ulittr. I ll. iixe $1.00 Hard Uetilrr Uio.olH.tr.. 2 ll. boxes $2.00 Aborted Ntil Uiofolati'-. I Hi. boxer $1.25 Wj ahu hute ANf l'S. XKII.SO.N'S and MOIU'S Choco-lutf- id luilk. uii'l id I ll. and 2 Hi. loxe. Ormes Ltd. The PlONKKfl MIHit.lSTH Tin- HEXAI.L STOItB PHONES 82 and 200 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." 8moked Dally by Canadian flsli & C!1 Storage Co-. IM Prince Rupert, D.C. Everything for the Builder LUMBER We have the mot complete stork or limlicr dimensions, shiplnp. fir finish, flooring. V joint. Veneers, clc, in Northern B.C. We can.iupply everything In a building from the foundation to the. last piece of finish. Uoforo linking inspeul our Mink. II will pay you. Our trne are ritfhl. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 11Q and 117 : Local and Personal' t Arthur' Taxi. Phone 678. t: B.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Crystal Firelighter. 48 (or 11.00. Hyde Transfer, phone 680. If We have -.money to Joan on inv proved" property. It. Q. Helgerson Ltd. Try Foothill Stove Coal, 813.00 per ton. No soot. Philpott, Evltt St Co Ltd. ti Jame Cummin, well known car. penter. haa returned to the city Irotn Alice Arm, Mr., a. .A. Bryant sail tonight by the Prince. George for the south on holiday, trip. Best Ladysmlth-Welllngton Coal, 19.00 and 412.60; Bootless $11X10. Prince Rupert Coal Co. 226 Fight return at Grand Terminal Club this evening commencing about s-15. round by round. Mrs. frank Fitch, who is a patient In the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital, is reported to be making satisfactory progress. Saturday Special I In our gift de partmenthand worked linen tea sets I3.&0. See our window. J. Lome Mac- Laren, Ltd. 221 All cows In the Prince Rupert Dairy herd at Woodcock have successfully passed trteiT.B. test for the third time In the past year. Local Improvement Taxes are due Cctober 1. Unless paid by that date 10 per cent, penalty will be Imposed. Those interested pleas note. tf F. O. Dawson will leave tomorrow morning for Montreal where he will attend a meeting of directors of the Canadian National Railways. Mrs. R. Lelgbton was fined 125 and costs in the city police court thu morning for having liquor In net possession. She Is am Indian. Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Robertson of Vancouver are visitors In the city. Mr Robertson Is manager of Beeley it Co, Vancouver Insurance concern. Thorns A. JCelley. well known Quee& Charlotte Island logging operator, ai med In the city last night and if registered at the Prince Rupert Hotel. Charlie Belanger. Vancouver boxer. who came north to meet Joe Manila in a Fair Week boxing contest, returns to Vancouver onthe Prince Oeorge this evening. Mrs. J. P. M. Hannah, wife of Ser geant Hannah, chief of the city de tachment of the provincial police. Is paUent in the hospital, having undei Sone an operation. The tea and sale held yesterday alter. ooon by the Presbyterian Ladles' Aid it the home of Mr. David Thomson Second Arenue, was a most successful event, the sum of 132.33 being; rcaltied The herd of sixteen milch cows at Woodcock belonging to W. C. Little has been government tested for tuberculosis and found free. His barns art also certified sanitary and free from that disease. 23 IINL1I WHO A. T. Eckoff. Regent Hotel, was fined 300. with the option of three months' Imprisonment, by Magistrate McCly mont In the city police court yesterday afternoon. He was found guilty of having liquor In a room other than a private guest room. t. F. Jones, city solicitor, prosecuted and Milton Don Tale acted for the defence. ANNOUNCEMENTS. 23 Anglican Church bazaar. November Baptist Ladles' Aid Bazaar. Novem ber 2J. St. Andrew's Society Ladles Auxlllan- Bazaar. October 8. Royal Purple Sale of plain and fancy sewing and home cooking, Oc tober 18. Hill 80 I O D E. Bazaar. October 30. Presbyterian Uadles' Aid Baeaar. No vrmber .10. United Church Bazaar. December 2 Established 1923 CONSULTATIONS FREE PI .MT We particularly invite those who have difficult cases. DENTIST Exchange Block THE DAILY NEWS PAQ1 THRU BREAKSCASTE INDIA TODAY MASH JIOVKMKNT Of PARIAHH TO- WAItll CllltlSTIAMTY IIAVINO .II'MITIXO KIIIX'T BOMBAY. India, Sept. 23. India's unique phenomenon of mass conversions to Christianity from among the out-castes Is receiving interpretation sufficiently varied to create an Important controversy. The publication of a book on the subject by a native Indian, Puth- enveetll O. Philip, one of the secretaries of the National Christian Council of India, ha occasioned the excitement. which la doing much to clean up vital issue. The title and content of his work. "The Depressed Classes and Christian. ity." both serve to Join the battlle. Mr. Philip's thesis Is that the higher castes have a selfish Interest in preventing the servant classes or "untouchables" from gaining religious and social liberty. He contends that the Issue Is economic as well as religious. At this point his critics do not make bold to assail him. but complain of "proselytizing" by Christian missionaries. NOT KtLKilOlS rtKKECL'flOX The author gives Instances of bitter persecutlons which have been waged against the outcastes by high caste people, not because they cared whether the pariahs became Christian or not, but because they feared that. If they did become Christian, the high caste peo ple would lose their bold on them. The persecutors would thus be deprived cf the services of what were practically Uav.es. In comment, the editor of "The Indian Social Reformer." an educated non-Chrlstlan says In part From the Christian point of view, It Is an excellent analysis of the wholesale conversions of the depressed classes, but the same cannot be said from the Hindu part of view. We have ften pointed out the excellent work done by the Christian missionaries in social service, education and medical relief, but at the same time we have felt bound to protest strongly against their proeelytlzatlon propaganda." CANADIAN REJOINDER The Hindu editor goes on to claim that "untouchablllty" has been the sole cause of the' growth of the Christian Church in recent years. This the Cen tral Ildla Torch, organ of the United VICTORIA BUSINESS MAN DIED TODAY AS RKULTOF ACCIDENT VICTORIA. Sept 23 -Sydney R. New-ten, manager of the "Nag" Paint Company and an old timer here, died this morning as the result of Injuries re-reived Wednesdsy when he was struck by an auto on the Germain road. WEATHERREPORT Prince Rupert. Clear, calm, temperature, 43. Terrace. Clear, calm, temp. 30. Anyox. Clear, calm, temp. 40. Stewart. Clear, calm, temp. 28. Hazeltoiy Cleaf, calm. temp. 28. Telegraph Creek. Clear, calm, temp, 20. Smi thers. Clear, calm, temp. 37. Burns Lake. Clear, calm, temp. 30. Whltehorse Clear, south wind, temp 39. Dawson. Clear, clear, temp. 29. U1KLLF..HS Ittl'OKT 8 a.m. DIQBT ISLAND. Clear; barometer, 30.63: temperature, 43: sea smooth. DEAD TREE POINT. Barometer, 30.. 12: temperature, 40. BULL HARBOR. Clear, light southeast wind; barometer, 30.30: temperature, 40: light swell; 7:43 pjn. spoke steamer Princess Louise abeam Alert Bay southbound; 9:40 pjn. spoke steamer Oray, bound for Rose Harbor, off Rose Spit; (0:20 pjn. spoke steamer Catala left Solntula at 9.30 pjn. northbound: 10:23 pjn, spoke tug Lome, towing barges Blngamon and Blscayen, Seymour Narrows northbound. NOON DIG BY ISLAND. Clear, calm: barometer, 30.70; temperature, 60; sea smooth. DEAD TREE POINT. Barometer, 30.-23: temperature. SI. BULL HARBOR. Clear, fresh southeast wind: barometer, 30.30; temperature. 43; moderate swells a am. spoke tug Pacific Monarch, twolng barge Drumrock, off Rose Spltbound for 111(111 HAKOMKTKK ; ' Exceptionally high barometer reading were, recorded today at the Dlgby Island meteorological station. At noon j today the glass stood at 30.70. Past (experience has been that a very high Phono 109 barometer presages wlnd.aaii storms. iMALKINdVo V BEST 7 M Sal f"f isthejovorite bkndof thousands mm TEA AND SALE BY BAPTIST LADIES' AID Affair Taking. Place this Afternoon In larlor of Churrh on Young Mrert A tea and sale of home cooking- Is being held this afternoon In the church parlors by the Ladles' Aid of the First Bsptist Church. Mrs. C. E. Larkin is general convener and assisting in th tea room are Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Thur- ber, Mrs Houston and Mrs. James Hampton. Mrs. Hammond and Mr Church of Canada Mission, vigorously! Fraxk Morris are Jn charge of the home denies. "It Is one of the chief causes but not the sole cause." says the Torch. speaking for a mission which at present is trying -with difficulty o cope with one of these mass movements toward the Church. The Bishop of Dornakal. himself of Indian blood, rejoices with. Mr. Phillip that the Christian forces are "teaching the outcatte self-respect and patriot lain." The Hindu writer. Mr. Nataranjan. admits that the re are now two and a half times as many Christians In India as Urty-ftve years ago. He call on all India to renounce the doctrine and practice of "untoucbablllty." cooking table. NOVELTY TEA AND SALE BEING HELD Affair at I.tl.Ii.K. Hall thi Afternoon if In Cluirge of Adair Cars Chapter A novelty tea and sal of home, cook ing is being held this afternoon in the LODE. Hall by Adair Cans Chapter. The general committee hi charge of the tea consists of Mrs. S. V. Cox. Mrs. D. Orchard McLeod and Mrs. J. A. Tens. The home cooking is in charge of Mrs. Alex. Mackenzie with Mrs. T. Boulter presiding at the raffles, Mrs. Ben Self s acting as cashier. YANDERHOOF Lieut. Col. F. A. Robertson. D-S.O. of Victoria, chairman of the Returned Soldiers' Commission, will visit here next week and will address the local branch of the Canadian Legion. The tender of Hammond -tt Averlfl for the construction of sidewalks oi Columbia. Victoria and Douglas Streets has been accepted by the village coun ell. The local Board of Trade has been informed by the chief tie inspector of the Canadian National Railways that the company will purchase ties direct from the settlers this year. Miss Margaret Braltbewalte of Prince Oeorge has been vtslnlng here with Miss Alelta Mitchell. ANOTHER $300 Alter a trial which lasted the movt of the morning and throughout the noon hour, Lazar KuloS was founl guilty early this afternoon on a charge of keeping liquor for sale and woe fined 300 by Magistrate McClymont, with the option of three months' lm-prlsocment E. F. Jones, city sollcltoi. prosecuted and Milton Gonzales appeared for the defence. I'lNKIl S3U0 Joe Reeves was fined 8300. with the option of six months' Imprisonment, In the city police court for selling Uqutr to Indlaus. E. F. Jones, city solicitor, prosecuted In the case and S. W. Taylor appeared on behalf of the defence. Used after Shaving Dr. Chased OINTMENT Keeps the Skin Soft, Smooth and Velvety As,, Pf L V0 tT"oUt .;' 0fI.?'ce bo e"': ,uct . 'oUr,-"ly 7 . SEND IT TO THE -:- LAUNDRY -:- ALL CLASSES OF LAUNDRY WORK Including Ihree dh-tiiict services for Family Work, vUt SOFT FINISH, TH R I F-T-SER V I C E and WET WASH at most reasonable prices. DRY CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING Pioneer Laundry and Dry Cleaners Phone 118 and we will do the rest. IcanadianT PACinc ''Vssnjrsv Steamship and Train Service SlIllllKS from PRINCE RUPERT fur VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, SEATTLE, earti WEDNESDAY, 4.00 P-m., sud THURSDAY and SUNDAY, 11.00 .m. .u sailing s.h 'JTiiirr Charles SrpL IStli. for ANYOX WEDNESDAY 10.00 p.m. I'.,r STEWART SATURDAY 10.00 p.m. Ir MASSETT INLET MONDAY p.m. Fur SKIDEOATE INLET and SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANOS. fortnightly, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT dally except Sunday at 11.10 sjn. tor PRINCE OEOR0E, EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, all points Eastern Cansds, I'nited Slates. Agency stl Ocssn Steamship Lines. Use Causdlan .Nsllonsl Express for Money Orders, Koreirn Cheques, etc, slsg for your next shipment. City Ticket Off let, 628 Third ., Prlnc Rupert. Phen ZS0. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketchikan, Wrsnosll, Junssu snd Sksawsy Sspt. 6. 17, 27; Oct. S, 18, 29. To Vsncouvtr, Victoria and Sesttls SspU 4, 11, 21 1 Oct. 1, 12, 22. PRINCESS BEATRICE. Camsbsll Rlvsr. snd Vsncouise rv Saturdsy 11 s.m. Fop BuWdals, East Bslla Btlla, Ocssn Falls, Namu, Alsrt Bay- Aasncy top all Steamship Llnss. Full Infoemstlea tpom . W. O. ORCHARD Bsasral AfsnU Oornsp of 4th Strsst srd Srd Avonus, Print Rupsrt. 8.0. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sslllngs from I'rinr Rupert, or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swsnson Bsy, and Alort Bay. Tuoodsy.: S PJ. . p VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. AlsPt Bay, snd Swsnson Bsy. SstUPdcy, 10 k.m Pop PORT SIMPSON and Nass RIvop CannspUs, Thursdsy p.m. Fop PORT SfMPSON. ANYOX, ALICE ARM. STEWART. Sundsy, S SJH-,123 2nd Avsnu. R. M. SMITH, Agsnt Prlncs Rupsrt, B. C. r Bus and Taxi Meets all Trains and Boats. ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI, Proprietor. Phone 34 P.O. Box 1M Siiiiiiuiirs Steel Beds, Springs, and Oslennoor .Mattresses, in every room. 52 Hooins, Hot and Cotd Water, Uallis and Showers. Sleuin Heated, Electric Light. . Corner of Third Ave and Sixth 8L PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.