5 TAXI and Ambulance Service Anywhora at Anytime. land Royal Hotel, 3rd Ava. and 6th St. MATT VIDECK, Prop. DL XVI. No. 223. EMHAMIE Kl.M I.T LARUE OIIEKIMIM il It 11.000 to Cold Storage. Elton. 02.000 to Booth Fisheries. canahun IBI DESERT OX ,U morning 207,000 pounds of hall- . a n.arb.l A K r .nit Am-lliv tc toe large oflerlng the price dropped- llgbUy. American fetched 18 to ISitO strlV and 9c Canadian went 130 with 7 and . a 50 Sales were Mm tMlllU'AV olute 43.000 to Pacific FUhrrlr. ator 23X100 to Cold Btorage. ahoua 23.000 to Atlln KUherle. 10.000 to Cold Btorage. rabasn 250Q to Sooth ruherlea. ape Spear tiOO to Royal run Co. Dorrren 7.000 to Cold Storage. sb 2.000 to Royal run Co. tpe Swain 7XW0 to Atlln Fisheries. lib 700 to AUln Fisheries, (argsllc 9,000 to Cold 6torage. PARTY LOST lu or ENM.IUTtOX PtKIN N rRANCISCO, Sept. 33. Jtoy spman Andrews, areheolojlst, arrived e after an Ineffectual attempt to pen- ate the Gobi denert. The head of scientific eipedlttou was halted at ; tin by the warring Chinese faction. , said he sent his camel train with j ppllea of a total value of 123.000 Into I r desert to await his coming and he jlieved they bad been annihilated by ndlta as they bad not been heard from b'Q he left Shanghai. riLSON DIED ' LAST NIGHT MHO IIXL ItOW.N NTAIKS axo ftX iikoki; iii m:ck mtcoiiw ix IIOM'ITAI. i i, '; .f TORONTO, Sept. 23. The Mail and Empire. Ottawa, despatch aUtes that Mackenzie King has definitely decided to attend the Imperial Conference to te held in London neit naOblh iiCLOSE FINISH Amrrlraii league Watlilngton 8. St. Louis 3. Philadelphia 8. Detroit 3. Boston 1, Cleveland S. New York 1. Chicago 3. National league St Louis IS. Brooklyn 7. Chicago 3, New York 2. Pittsburg 9, Philadelphia 3. REPAIR JOB WILL mm BOTH LEAGUES OM.V ILW MOLE UtMI." HEIOKE IAU mill HI. I.Oll AMI NEW IOKK I AVOKI nj NEW YORK. Sept 23 -Taking edvan-Uge of Cincinnati's day cf rest, the St. Lout Cardinal felt upon Brooklyn yet terday and pounded lour pitchers to all corners of the field, securing two homers, five triple and two double and Increased their lead to two and a hair gamea. One more victory for the Cardinal leaves Clndiinstt nothing bet ter to strive tor then a tie. St, Louts ji idle today. While the New Ycrk Yankees were dropping a game to Chicago. Cleveland gained ground by defeating Boston by 18 to 1. The Yanks tnow lead by two IttTl HXS fames but Cleveland must win all four ..m.inini. nmn while New York loses MIM! Ill EX Il llM I' IIU-K AT, j mn BE COMPLETED SOON Murk on C.O.M.M. I rrlghtrr Canadian CuuMrr lle Month's Employ mrnt to Iimi Men It waa announced at the dry dor this morning that repairs on C.O.M.M. freighter 'Canadian Coaster, which damaged when she went ashore recently in Queen Charlotte Sound, will be completed about the end of the month. When finished, the work will haw oivn over a month's employment to The death occurred at 8 JO lsst night (lx)Ut one hundred men. the Prince Rupert Oeneral Jlospnsi . William St Clair Wilson who fell Aur.t np tnmi TT wn the suirs last week at the Orandj 1UYVI1 UT illLULLl rinlnsl Club and broke his neck. De- fctiMd waa a native of Wales and was rty-four years cf age. He waa single ltd as far a known has no relatives this country. Funeral arrangements In the hsuds of the B.C. Under- kkcrs and Interment will take place on unday ANNUAL TAX SALE IMililic Auction of City Lot will lu held in t-Hy Hall, Thursday, Sel. W. 10 a.iii. List or lot, rim l had ul the Collector' IS SWEPT BY FIRE THREE RIVERS. Que.. Sept. 23. The town of Nlcolet waa awept by tire thla morning when aUteen homee and sev eral other buildings were destroyed. No casualties resulted and th amount of damage Is not known. QUAKE REGISTERED AT VICTORIA OBSERVATORY VICTORIA, Sept. 33. The observatory iat Oonrales Hill registered an earin i ouske which took place Wednesday af. ternoon lasting an hour and a half, at iat distance of 4S0 miles to the south. Z'jward. It was probably off the nortnern J 'coast of California. mim PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 23, 1928. M 'eiJ3C?vaM;' f-jFfKmWnttn l3 aalalalalalalalV BY ris9ss-SBBBsWvS&' -BBBBBaSBBSSBWF JsVffiKiBBSBSBBBSWalSSaaSaSSBSjS "r" aaBBBBsVsBBBBSBM ra.fffil7jffislBc issassaSMSsaalsiB nijnHiHjSHnsi SkSB3NgBBnjw tM ' sassHf BSBBSKmUmlti' Jl ssassHsaiBaiBaiBV 'ssaW ' EmEKBwf&'M 'By& aaaaalBlV HHKt 3 BV -aYiaSslifc LaasasaT WILTS ItK(ilMKT on llu-ir way through Salilmry to the (dihedral lo dc 0!Mt tlii'ir itilor. where they were received al the 'haneel- leps ly the dean and jilat-ed upon the ultur. IN ACCIDENT JOHN' MHlllKE. OKAUIA1E OI ll.r. t.Mtl.KITY KIILIH IX Atfl-lLXT IX MEXICO VANCOUVER. Sept. 23. White motor ing in Mexico where he was employed as a mining engineer. John McOutre. 30 ;ears of agt, a former resident ot Van couver, was killed in an automobile ac cident. According to a despatch received here he was returning .from a holldsy In British Columbia when the accident happened. , Mr. UcUulre was Injured fstally and his wife not seriously when the car skidded and overturned. Mr. McOutre entered the university ot British Columbia after several years of practical experience In mining camps and graduated In 1923 . FOUND DEAD IN ROOM OF HOTEL VYII.I.IAM NT.M'kS, LOUtiMt IIIOM tjl I KX IIAItl.OTTi: CITY, l'AS-Lit AWAY III KINO NKillT William Stacks, a logger from Queen Charlotte City, who arrived In the city last week, was found dead In his room at the Knox Hotel at noon today, heart trouble apparently having .been the cauKe ot his demise. The discovery was made, by A friend ot deceased who went to his room after he had failed to rise. In the morning! 'The door - was open and the man's body was found cold In death. The police were at once notified, and Constable McKlnlay proceeded to Investigate. Dr. J. P. Cade was called and he declared that death had probably taken place some twelve hours previous during the night. The remains were turned over to the B.C. Undertakers. Little Is known of Stacks. He is te tleved to hsve been somewhere between to and 50 years of age. Drizzling Rain This Morning Made Fight Prospeets Rather Uncertain but Later Improved PHILADELPHIA, September 23. Dcmpsey and Tunney are girded today to fight for the championship and the richest prize In the sporting world champion Is to receive M50.000 win. lce or draw, and the challenger gets 230.O0O. Circulation 1564 Salem 500 ltd Pnnre Rupert. It is a bituminous, I oal exceptionally free from clinkers and the demand Is steadily on the Increase. . the past three winters about 1500 tons teavjn covered tns outpux ova, uusi Ia year the managemtct expect to sell 2JC0 j I Mint 'or better. 1 Boston Grill , . - .... Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing door for hire. NEW . SODA FOUNTAIN, The latest and best for the least. Phone 467. TI NNH. ON LEVEL I JlltS. KOBI.KT. Since the road to the mtr has beeni greatly Improved, residents of the Iso t'urroundlng district are motoring out to 1 get first nand Information on this new jjUdUbtry ci the Buitlty Valley and those wVKase ioess oi coa: mines are anocuicu with deep shafts and pits are Indeed sui-pr.srd when they walk Into the tun-rut at the Betty from the level ground. The vein which averages about six feet Ui thickness lies a tew itev aoove me high water mark ot the creek and dips slightly to the north, making It ideal for Idrslciti. althcueb there 1s very Tittle I nclent to keep tne .scmp ory. t o t i. ix Viour ' 'The main tunnel Is in a dlttaace of trme 8G0 feet and there are also several j branch tunnels leading from It. all of which show a continuance ot the coal seam. It Is estimated that 15 000 tons have already been blocked out. The distance from the vela to the surface ot Ibe ground at present averages about 50 feet but the development wcrk Is now being extended In following the vein towards a hill, several hundred yartU back from the creek and It Is expected that the additional pressure will Improve the quality of the coal when this Is reached. There are eleht men working at the mine at ?rrsent Including the engineer and cook nd the average output Is fit teen tons a dsy. In the selection of the miners Jack McNeil has been able to secure from among the settlers ot th surrounding communities, men who have served the.r apprenticeship in the coal mines of the old country and who are I only too glad to be able to put In the winter momns at mis wu auu with their experience In opening up and The greatest throng that ever paid to view aa athletic event Is exptcUd and deTriopulg another one of the natural the gate Is expected to amount to a million and three qutrtcr dUlars. i resources of the district. Asa Robin- Weather conditions were none too good early today, with a slight drUzlelson, the foreman, learned the game In of rain falling but as the morning advanced prospects Improved. Should rain I the Northumberland coal nunes a also jitervene this evening, the tight will be held tomorrow. "d Dad wicks ana ruk sons. It is estimated that 100.000 outsiders reached Philadelphia this afternoon. nmP nde up cf a group of fifty thoussnd having arrived ovtrulght. 1. the heavy favorite. oildM Dempee, pfinjnTJ TII7PP 'hop .cook houe. st.ble and store .our vo u ucuMi i" "--"Ml I IIV r K V U I I V I1 ; houses, the bunk house being equipped retain inc uur wuuv umujr uc ucv. VVllWsill 1 A a A a f sysA.f ire made that Tunney will be knocked ut In from two to six rounds. FIRE AT PENTICTON LOSS WAS $30,000 PENTICTON, Sept. 23 Tbre build- ! ings In the business section of the city rrre dsmaged by fire here early yester day and It Is estimated the loss Includ ing merchandise destroyed will amount o $30,000. CALL MEETING "TTtTAWA, Sept 23 A meeting Coruervatlve members elect and defeated candidates has been called for Ot-tober It here. Its object being to consider the course of action to be pursued by Conservatives during the coming session. Advertise in The Dally News Weather on Prairies Delays Harvesting in Manitoba and Alberta with a radio receiving set. LOCAL CAPITAL To date the development work has been, done entirely by local energy and local capital and great credit Is due to ot I Jack McNeil for promoting the Industry As the exploration work continues great promise Is held tor the future and the field being so easy ot access should mean a big thing for the district. MKKillEX WILL NOT Kll(iS TODAY HIT ANOTHER MEETING. OTTAWA. Sept 23. It Is of-fncally announced that the Melghen government will not resign today. A further cabinet meeting will be held Friday morning. pnzcz zirz er rs 1RST SMENT OF GRAIN FOR ELEVATOR HEAT LEFT EDMONTON YESTERDAY AND SHOULD ARRIVE HERE SUNDAY firsf Grain Shipment Left Edmonton for the Prince Rupert Elevator EDMONTON, September 23.- The rtrat shipment of wheat for the Prince rrt elevator was made I ram here yesterdsy by the Wheat Pool and should re there about Eundly next. It Is not a large ahlpmtnt but will be followed 41 jr by others. : Sblpmenta bare been delayed considerably by .the bad weather which haa kyed the harvesting oprrationa and it la likely the result will be that the r in the Prince Rupert eleiator will be called upon to help condition a good of grain that will be damp. - The railway line to the coast la reported In excellent ahape and no delays uld occur In delivering the grain to the new port. 17,000 LBS. HALIBUT HERE : HT, IOVU.K Till" MOKNIMI KIMI HILL ATTI.NO COMI.HI.Mi: NEXT MOM II IN LONDON Betty Coal Mine at Telkwa Is Increasing Output This Season and is Already Busy TELKWA. September 23 With expectations that this will be the best i aeaion since the Betty Coal Mine was opened, work ts now In full swlrg at the property of the Telkwa CoUertes and on Monday a car of 36 tons was loaded I here at the aiding In eight hours. 'f The" mine la located on Ooat Creek about six miles from Telkwa and the luullng to ite railway I being done with two ton-and-a-ha.lt trucks by the TeU-w Trant.er Company, "hi record haul for one day is-In a large mcs-.u-t due Ub the w&rk that hj been dne on the road ttu summer by the Provincial Pub- llic Works Department in co-operatlcn with John McNeil, manager of the mine. .Telkwa coal la establishing a reputa-fr tlo.i aloag ih line frwn Prince Oeorge STORM KILLED VICTORIA LADY FOU.MEKLY or HKITIMI rOUMKIA CAPITAL THOltiHT TO HAVE LOST LIIE NEW YORK. Sept. S3. Among the list of unidentified -Florid storm vlo-tlrns U ""Mrs. Roberts of Vlctartar. No Initials are given. VICTOHIA. Sept. 23, Attracted to Florida from Callfcrnla, during the rev cent boom In the Atlantic state through her Interest In real estate speculation. I Lucy Ann Roberts, 70 years' of age, a wldowv lsjbelleved to have been 'killed ijmer.comlrs.into the mine- as -ta'to'the hurricane ar Miami: :aV the" week hours pumping every two osys is sui- conunentmg m a New Tork de- jspatch received yesterday afternoon. H. I Roberts said he feared It referred to his mother who left Victoria several yean tgj for Santa. Monica and be believed 'she recently went to Florida. SPRING SESSION VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Wheat WINNIPEG, September 23. The farmers of Western Canada already ruf-BC Silver terlng heavy Iocs from snow and rain storm today watched for an early break I Dunwell . . . In the weather but their hopes were dissipated In many districts In Manitoba Oranby and Alberta. Conditions are more favorable In Saskatchewan-! Last night Many dlstrlcta In Manitoba were visited by the heaviest rain storm ot the season while In the northern section snow fell. Ssuthesstern sections of Alberta were .vlslted by snow this morning but the cold weather entirely checked the sprouting ot stooked grain. Howe Sound Independence Msrtnot . . . Premier . . . . ' Porter Idaho Richmond i ;i.nc.. Bid. Asked. i.aii 1.80 133 1. 45 30.00 S3 00 4100 ,0J - .07 .09 -.10 2.17 , 3.23 .ion ja OF LEGISLATURE IIOlE WILL I'KOimil.Y MEET IX DECF-MliEK AM) AIUOI RN INTIL A ITER HOLIDAY VICTORIA, Sept. 23 After stating "the date of the opening of the provincial Legislature next session will be fixed by the Oovernment shortly,' the Times yesterday afternoon says: "It la expected the House will open early in December snd adjourn almcst Immediately and get down to serious business almost immediately after the new year. "Spring session," the newspaper continues, 'has been definitely agreed upon by the government and members of the opposition to replace the tall session which have been the practice In recent years. It will likely be the middle ot January before the business of the session actually gets under way." FORKETOBE A MINISTER WILL ACCEPT HIKTIOLIO OI' IMMIGRATION IX MAC KEX.IE KIXCJ OOVERNMENT WINNIFEO, Sept. 23. Robert Torke. leader of the Progressives during a part of the session of the laast Parliament and Liberal-Progressive member elect for Brandon, will accept the portfolio ot lmmlgatton In the Mackenzie King government. Announcement to that ef fect followed a meeting of the Manitoba Liberal-Progressives here which was attended by Mr. fForke. 28 ARE KILLED TRAIN ACCIDENT EXPRESS HtOM TOKIO TO MII.MON- OSKKI LEIT KAILM AND TOKIO. Sept. S3-.Twenty-elght peo ple were killed by an express train tor Shlmonosekl from here which was de railed and overturned near Horohlm this morning. Fifty people were Injured. One ot the dead la foreigner, Rain were given as th cause of ' 1 1 I 1 4 ? t.