THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 33, 1B2. New Prices Waitham Watches Thee an (lie new r-rluccd price for mnvemcnln which can hp filled into nny cnn ilclrr-d. Vanguard, 23 jewel $58.00 Crescent, CI Jewel.. $50.00 JlivrrHlile, I'J jewel $45.00 1. llarifeil, ; Jewel $24.00 Itcilnr, IT Jewel.. $22.75 15 jewels $18.50 7 jewels $11.50 TliU I the regular men' Mfce. If inlerexleil we are glad (o how you olher size and f radon. . I Jewellers tilt STORE WIIH THE CLOCK MILK From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM We specially recommend our Table Cream at 15c for Half Pint. Quality and Service Special lea Delivery Service Valentin Dairy Phone 657 Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Exquisite Stock of Fui Trimmings at low price B. C. FUR Co. Neil Q.W.V.A. Third Ave.. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone M. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing, Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Oravel We Specialize In Plane and Furniture Eevlnn. LUMBER Wo nro manufacturing rough niul ilresM'd lnrn-Iter Kilae grain boat reilnr. Halibut and salmon boxes. Ask For Prices Seal Cove Lumber Co. Ltd. PHONE 562 GEORGE RORIE Chartered Accountant and Auditor rteceivcr. Liquidator, Trustee, &c. Phone 387 New Address: 243 Second Avenue West i'Iunoh nui'imr TUGBOATS Day Phones 423, 539, Green 238, Black 735. Nigh. Phone) 687,. 539, Green 238, Black 735. RUPERT MARINE PRODUCTS, LTD. QtO. it, BU8HBY, Man. Dir. I.OI IS Al liCK, .MLMIILK CIIOxKN Kill I'KKM OTT, WILL lK 4ll MILMT IX HOOK OTTAWA, Sept. 23 The remarkable frat of the entire federal election goo to the credit of Louis Auger, of Hawkes-bury, Out., a 23-year-old professor of Ottawa University, and a member of the Twentieth Century Boclety, an Ot-J tewa Liberal organization for young men. says an article In The Ottawa! Journal. I Elected to the House of Commons for Prescott in the sixteenth parliament o: Canada, Mr. Auger, will be undoubtedly the youngest member ever to sit in that House. His victory over the other twal liberal candidates, R. Labrosse and Oustave Evanturel, former member, and over Dr. It, H. Klrby. Conservative candidate, is an achievement In Itself. Itllllktll A I.UIOKLK But the chief feature of the Liberia i member's election is hi conauest of circumstance and of youth In attaining lo the sest of government. To obtain an education. Louis Auger, as a lad. studied hsrd at the lower schools and won an opportunity to attend Ottawa University. He worked a laborer and In other humble capacities to make attendance at the university possible. Graduating wtln honors be commenced to teach at U university while he put himself through lor law. Mr. Auger first associated himself with politics after the election of Oct. ober 1925. He became an officer u! the Twentieth Century Boclety, an of-ganlzaUon for young men formed for political, purpose by s- number t prominent Ottawa women. Those who launched the society In cluded Mr. Norman P. Wilson. Mr, i Charles II. Tborburn. Miss Belcourt, (Mrs. H. J. Cloran, Mis Helen DohertT iand Mr other. Auger wm be the first member of the Toung Men's Liberal Association to be elected to parUitaent He Is exceedingly popular in his home town, and with studenu at Ottawa University. He wUI probably continue his work at the university and later expect to be called to the bar. MIA I K TOMtir.ll OKATOIt Llbersls always prophesied his elec. tlon in Prescott. He Is of a charming I personality and a veritable "silver jtongued orator." I Louis Auger ws the seventh of IS I children, having eight brother and 'set en sisters. His parents are still silt 'and in the best of health. He wa iboru at Contrecoeer. Verchere county.) ! In Quebec, but his fsmlly moved to Hawkesbury. Out- 16 years ago. Educated at the Orey Nuns separate school at Hawkeebury. he went to Ottawa Um-j iverslty at the age of IS, and graduated tin the das of St with honor. He I 1st present a professor In classics. Ian-jguages and mathematics. I In an Interview Mr. Auger said his I chief, ambition was to 'serve my coun-; try to the best of rhy ability." He' make little of, the manner In which ; he won for himself an education, at ; though he admit working a a labonr 'tor the Hawkesbury Lumber Company. I Rlordon Lumber Company and other concerns and wlUi doing odd Jobs and other work "as long a It wa honest. TEA AND SALE Mrs. J. Held l lli.te at Affair llelng Held This Afternoon by Moo Women With Mr. J. Field a convenor, a tea and sale of home cooMng I being held this afternoon In the Moose Hall by the Women of the Mooseheart lglon. Mrs. CANCSLLATIONOF NESIRVt MITICR IS IlliREHY OIVEM that there-erva etIMInr over Lot 1(07, CaiaKr Uls-Irlti, Is rsncellcrt. ... Deputy Minister of Lands. Laiuis Department, i icicinas ii. I,, fglh lime. I By. R. iNADt.N, MINERAL ACT .rtl(lcsts of lmprvmat. Brownie Mi. 4. Lot 44. Mineral tlilm. Millie In the A 1 1 1 n Mniln l)lTllnti (t the csinr lilstrlrt, n llie vn Ann of T-Knn M'lii. shiiul three unariers of a tnllv ul .treaiu frtlii tln iihiiiiIi nf Winn HUer. TtKK Mil I IF. thai I, lliarle K., Free Miner' Orlirirale Mo. 074, Intend, nlttv (lavs from the tlle hereor. In apply o ih' Minlht IteeiirOer fur a Orlltli'.HC . of Iniprnvenii'iit', for llm tnirMe of oh- , titlnliiar Crowh Or mi I nr Hip shove rlilm. Anil fiirther lakt'ii Ml lie thai action, miller seeilnn CS. mut be niininencert be-tntr thn of such lYrtlflrite of I lit - I pmvpnient. . , H. McX. FRASEn, A.ent, PAOE FIVE print ir nriT.RT fih.U elevator Everything la In readiness tor rrlvt bf grln which Jeft Edmonton yesterdy. YOUNG ORATOR WAS ELECTED Jack Ratchford I In charge of Uiummer reporter seized on the phrase home cooking table with Mr. P. J. ("The Oloomj Dean," and worked It over-Ryan presiding over the tea table. time, much to the Dean' Irritation. FRENCH WOMEtf STILL ARE WEARING KNICKERS'!: I'm-iI It'll li lor Afternoons and Cor llanr-lug In I'url Till tall PARIS, Sept. 23 Wltcoat and knickerbockers for women (till hold their sway, even when the swing ot the fashion pendulum is towards more feminine styles. The French word "Ollet" sounds a little less aggressively masculine than the English "wslstcoat," just ss the French waistcoat is less masculine In appearance than the Eutylsh'ohe. The Ollet is seen In leather, suede, velvet, satin and lace. Nothing I more In the not of the hour than a mat of ENGLISH LADY FLYER WEARS TAILOR MADE SUIT IN THE PLANE PARIS. Sept 23. wanted the worst wsy to msrry j jperhap he 1 getting back at them In jtb book, (or while he view with alarm nearly all present tendencies In Eng land, which he aav Is "Finished," be even more severe with America and American. The French aim fare badly In hi criticism. black cloth with velvet collar anT pock- I jComPOUIMl tts, worn over a cloth skirt and velvet waistcoat, under which there Is a silk shirt with long sleeves. In white satin. fastened with diamond buttons, the waistcoat la seen with the female dinner Jacket, and In suede It is worn over a white tennis frock. Knickers are not limited to tweeds for the Moors. They are being worn for afternoons and evenings end for dancing. When worn with a aklrt. they match It and are fastened below the knee with a buckle and strsp. In satin and silk, they have jewelled clasps. Leather is considered good enough for tweeds. When worn without a skirt, a long coat reaching to the knee Is used; so long that It Is only when the wearer Is seated that It can be seen that ahe Is wearing knickers, a th coat fall slightly ppen. Market Prices urn i:k Brookfleld, Shamrock and Woodland. 2 lbs. .., .:. 85c E.OD, 2 lb 85c Capltsl, 2nd grade, lb. I 40c Fraser Valley, lb. ? 4Se LAItO Pure 28c . . ... . .... I " . V 25c ciikkm: J Ontario solids . 30c Stilton, lb 35c Kraft 45e Norwegian Goat 85c Napoleon Llmberger 70s Roquefort 75c twin" Buttercup, lb 45c Oorgonzola, lb. 75c McLaren'a Cream, jars .... 45c and 5c Oruyere 50c Oolden Lea, lb 45e COO B.C. fresh, pullet 8Ce to.C. fresh, first 65c B.C. fresh, extras " 60e I-ocal hew laid ..." 85c and 70c Alberta fresh, second 40c VLOKT.UtlX?. New beet, bunch 5c BeeU. e lb 25c 100 lb S2.7S New carrots, bunch 5c B.C. Carrots, lb. . 3C 100 lbs tx .i. $2.25 Rutebagas, 0 lb. .I..1 25c 100 lb 12.75 Radishes, bunch 5c New potatoes. 10 lb 25c The young English , Potatoes, 100 lbs 12.00 flyer. Mrs. Eltott Lynn, who made such Fancy B.C. tomatoes', per lb 10c a good showing si the "economic light . .Tomatoes, - per basket plane International meeting that ha Watercress, bunch "... Just closed at Orly. outside Paris, a ton- ,'oreen peppers. 2 lb. . Uhed the public by flying escb dsy In , Cucumbers, each . . . ; Hubbard squash. Ib. BIRMINGHAM. Eng.. Sept. 23. Sixty-.! citron, lb. woman hardly out of- her teens, did not sweet Potatoes, 2 lbs. Indicate stability of nature to enlist the jgg plant, 2 lb police court aid In furthering a mar- , pickling cucumbers.; lb. 40c ........ 10c 25c 10c and 15c a taUor made costume, navy blue, with j Parsley, bunch fic clocbe-shaped beige felt hat and the , Mint, bunch ' ) . . 5c fashionable flesh-colored aUk stockings, , Leeks, 2 bunches 15c Instead of the usual aviation comblna- : Cauliflower. B.C., head 25c-35c t lotis, leather helmet and heavy gogglea. Corn on the cob, dozen 40c She waa the only woman competitor Oreen onions, dozen 25c and wa first In three of the seven Terrace cabbage, lb trials but lost point during the speed B.C. .head lettuce trial by the cracking ot a cylinder. i Oarllc. imported, per lb. . . . . - . ' B.C. Cooking onions, 6 lb. . HAD 69 LOVERS AND ir2 NnWWnt in MADDV Vegetable marrow, lb MUII IIUULU lllAlllll 're tlage ot the girl. Thos. Oranter, 20, pickling .anions 3 lb. , . .it .v. , we wm.sw K her kit but 1 1 1 ' A 6c lOe 40c 15c 25c 25c Ac 25c 1e , 7c nine love affairs In the life ot young , pumDkln. lb 7c 25o 35c 15c 35c nis parents objected. The youth had Ifwamrec Valetirlas. doi':.' IV In lie th mother hailed Into court to show j tmoni 'Sunkiat.; dc. $S 25C and 35C cause why consent should not be given; I California Vp( fruft. 3ror) J . . . 3So The mother testified that the girl told : Banana, a lb, for .... .V. 35c her that her son waa the 69th man she, Candled honey 25c had gone around with. Young Oranter . Extracted honey, lb 25e and 4cv first met her at a dance hall at Easter, j Apples, Mcintosh Red 12 M The court decided that five months wa Apple, Wcslthles S2 85- mucn too snort a period for me engsge- I Apples, Qravensteina 2.50 ment and refused the parent to permit 1 cookllng apple 11.95 the wedding. SCOTTISH DIVINE . WILL VISIT CANADA OLASOOW. Sept. 23. The Very Rer, Jmel Harvey, D.D.. Clerk of the Oen- eral Assembly and Ex-Moderator of tl (United Free Church of Scotland, I ; calling for Canada ahorUy to attend aerie of conventions in the United I Church ot Canada. TORONTO, Sept. 23. United Churl h office here announce Dr. Harvey's engagements at Dominion and World Service Conference as follows: Ontario and Quebec at Toronto. October 5-7. Marltlmes at Halifax, October 12-K; Manitoba at Winnipeg, October 19-211 Saskatchewan In Saskatoon, Octobor. 96-28; Alberta at Edmonton, November 2-4; British Columbia, November 8-tl. 1 DEAN INGE WRITES BOOK NAMED ENGLAND LONDON, Sept. 23. -England,' a new book to be published by Dean Inge la not likely, from what one hear ot It theme, to cause the public to drop the "gloomy" epithet a applied to the distinguished preacher ot St. Paul' Cnthe-dral. Whsu Dean Ing was In Nw York laal I Canteloupea, each 15c Peaches, case 11.45 Italian prunes, crate 85c Ooroanuts, each 20c and 26o j BAKE YOUR OWN U BREAD 8 i WITH t Gffie standard cfQiicUtty for over soy ears The Well-Managed Home THE manager of a household is the purchas-ing agent for a large proportion of the family needs. In order to do a good job she must know what, when and where to buy. She must study goods and the concerns which make goods and have them to sell She must put her home on a business basis and run it on bus iness principles in order to make the most of the family income. Information is the only basis for intelligent . purchrsing. And the right way to get the greatest amount of necessary information is to read.f the advertisements. Advertisements tell you what is new and good in merchandise. They reveal improvement and inventions to make your home life easier, more com-fortable and more convenient They give you information about a thousand and one things that are usejul and interesting. Every manager of a household every mem- h her of the household who shares the responsibility for the family's welfareshould make a habit of reading the ads. Read the advertisements in order to buy wisely Honey Dew melon, each 45c ' Pork, leg Casaba melon, lb 10c ' Beet, pot roast Pears. Bartlett, case OKIEII IKL'ITH Dates, bulk, 3 lbs, Dates, Dromedary Raisins, bulk, lb Raisins, package, Ib. Cluster raisins, lb Lemon and orange peel .... Citron peel Black cooking tig 30c and 25c White tig, lb: 15c Table figs, Ib 25c Currants 22ftc Prune .....v. 4 15c-25c Apples i. ......... I. , v. ... . 25c Peaches, peeled 35o Apricot, lb 40c j XIIT8 , I Almond, shelled Valencia 75c Brazil and fUberta 1 5c Walnuts, broken shelled 50c Walnuts, shelled halves 65c Almonds 35c Peanuts 20c Manchurtan walnuts 25c California walnuta 45c No. 1 mixed nuts 35c SK1AII White, per 100 S7.10 Yellow, per 100 S6 60 FLOUR ' Flour, 49's. No. 1 hard wheat 12.78 Pastry flour, 10'a 65c Pastry flour, 49' 12.80 FISH Halibut, Ib 25c Salmon, red spring, Ib. 25c Salmon, white spring 12)ic Smoked kippers, lb. 15c Kippered salmon. Ib 25c' Smoked black cod, lb 22 He Finnan haddles, Ib 20c Salt mackerel, lb 25c Eastern salt herring. 2 tor 25c Salt codfish fillets, lb 30c Boneless salt cod bricks, lb. ...... 25c MEATS Fowl, No. 1 lb 35c to 40c Roasting chicken, lb 45c to 50c Ilem. sliced, first grade 60c I Ham, whole, first grade 50c Ham, picnic, lb 35c (Cottage rolls, lb 40c Bacon, back, sliced 55c I Bacon, side 50c to 65c Pork, dry salt 35c Ayrshire bacon, Ib 45c Veal, shoulder 25c Veal, loin , 40c Veal, leg 40c Pork, shoulder 30o Potk, loin t 4 40 1325 Beef, boiling : Beef, steak . 35c i Beef .roast, prime rib . . 25c Lamb, chops , . 20c j Lamb, shoulder . . 25c I Mutton. leg . 25c ' Lamb, leg 30c 50c Mutton, chop . Mutton shoulder Wheat, No. 5 .., Oats Bran Shorts,. Middling Barley Poultry mash . . . Special eggmash . Oyster shell . . . Scratch food Beef scrap IEEII 42c 48c 40c sdc 100 lbs. .. 13.10 .. $3.60 ... 12.00 .. 12.10 12'jc to 18c 10c to 12c j . 25c to 40c' NOTICE M tllK ot sn appliritlon for the lue ur I'ruflskMtal Certirirate or Title roe Lota rive (5) and U (, Block thirty-two (3. erihm one tl), aty ot I'rince lutpert, Map. VJJ. atliifartory priof of the hi of tni Cerlirit-ale ot Title covering the above land liavhiK been pOMluied to me, II I tn.v in-Irntlon tu l.ue arier the eplrtilon of (Ii month fnmi the rirsl pulilicalloti hereof. rrovUlonal Cerlttlrate of Title In the shove land in the name of II.. U IWIIII.IK The urlrliial Certirirate of Title I dated the lt March, lU, nd I tium-tretl Itll-I, 11, r. MM i.r.iin. Ileglflrar tit Title. Land llerlslry Offlre, Print KuM-rt, B, C. tli Snteiiilier, f . NOTICE Oe" INTKNTION To APLV row LEASE III the Land Recording Dlstrlrl of Atlln M Inlittr Mii.liin ot css.lsr lH'irlct. T.UK MllTICE that th Enitlneer Oold Mines, Ltd.. liic a renUlered mining eoni- pany operating within lite rrwvince or nri 11. ii nuliitiiliis. iM-i-unatioii. a mlnlnr com IKiiiy, Intend to apply for forenlnire ! nt tlM- following tle.iiltied lanJii r.iiiitotw-itir .1 a iuk.1 nlantMl about &00 feet tllMlnl In n r:lerlT dlreellen fnH the orlh Went corner or Lot 43J. Skylark Mhi-r.l rijlm. siinated at the mouth or Wann Hirer, on Takti Ann or Tl-h Lake, t.en in a Northerly illrertkin SJI feet, lltenee Hasterly 100 feel, the- Southerly 150 feet Inure or less lo htrto water mark, tlience Westerly l0 feet mm nr lets In ixilht of rtmimeneemenl anu coniaintlig n a acres imire or ie.. , Localed this llh day of Angiisl, 1941, it.n.,tv il ur rnlarn C. Vi Altnl. WATER NOTICC Dlttrsl and Use take. MiTlf.F. that il. D. k'vle. whoe -.-l.fMd- l YVr(ill limit, an.1 T.lrranh Go i creek, B. will pply fur lireiiae Hi S0c 'ke and use S.i'UO miner's Inches flow or wsier, out of Burks tinlrh. wlilCB OoW esslerlv lnlo Dee Creek. The wtler will 40c b dlterled from the tream tt t point auuw lm nines u imr sirrsui imui tin DHiutb into lie creek and will be ued for hjrtrinllr mining purpie upon bench placer rlatui known and demrlbed lease '. I and IUI. Thl notice wa posted on the ground on the sard day nr July Mit. A Copy of this notice and an application pursuant thereto and to the -Water Art. ISli,- will be filed In the nfrire of the Water Kecurder l Telegraph Cieek. "" objection to the application may be Med with the. said Vler Recorder with the tomntroller, of Water RlrltH. t2 30 Parliament Building. Vlrlorl. B a. 1--4,'lhtn thirty day rter th" firm appearain-e .- ir 111 notice in ine mm-si newsnatier. S3.0O . . S3.40 .. 1M .. 13.50 .. S3.23 Oround oil cake S4.7S Baby chick feed S4J3 Fine oat chop 12.70 Crushed oat $2.70 Fine barley chop $2.43 Whole corn $3.00 Cracked corn $3.10 Fine cornmeal , $3.10 The (late or tne riri piiDiiration m inn notice Ii Seplembervl4th.;i; ' " ' H. p, Wyle. Applicant. LANS ACT. NtUt atsntlon to Aply t Lsas Land. It, -V . Recording District ot Prince llupe. jnd situate oh north shor or an 1 nii'Ukeo vy on Miuin-ei uiasi .01 P .i Uiand, about one mllo east from Bluff I "tint TAki tOTICE thai E. RousneaU, ot Lowe Inijt, i vhtce of British Columbia, ocru- pauuu- -.tin 7 .Manairer, Intends 10 apply for . r-st of tii following described land: Cot.i-j i . i at a post planted on tne shore o . it onnamed bay on the south-went w.t ot Pitt llatul. about one mile et 01 it'jff roti.l- thence north twenty chains; .'Hence eatt twenty chain j Utenre south twenty rlulns, more or less, to High Water Mark: theoce following high water mark westerly to point or commencement, and ronlatnlng eighty seres, more or less. uvitu juiy aunt, ' in. ,E. ROUSSEAU, Applicant. uno aoT. Netlc f lntHtli U Aptlf t Lsaas Land In Silkln ninainn. Cassia. Land he. eiirdlug Dlitrlrt of Canlsr, and ntuate at Oram! naplila. on th atlklne niver and to tne et or surveyed. 1 "i no. 47t. TAkF. NtiTICK that i Waller Scott Simp. n, or Teri'h t'.rt'rk. It, C, dccupailott. Handier, inlemU to apply fur t ea.a of the rollowlng described tamli , r.omnieiirinr at a pot planted on tne NnrlbweM rtirner of Lot 470, thence South 10 rhalni tnenre West Itrrbainii thnc .North 4(1 ehalnt tlience Eatt 10 chain, and rnolalnlnr rnrlv er. more or less. WALTER SCOTT SIMPSOt, , tppllcnt. LAW ACT Netlc f InUntlon t Aeelr U s.aa Us In Prince Rupert 'land Recording 0l-Irlct ot llsnre 4. nts I snd District, and situate on (' Iilsnd. TAkR SOTItE thai i, I. rrtnrli. of pmioka. Alberta, oertipatlnn Mloltier. intend to ippir tor 1 lev or I he fullomng dene rl bed Is nds s romruenrtn' tt fOt Hinted It the North Vet end of I'tssage Inland, near 6wt TrlnntHtlnn "t. 1l4It thence romM the llnt l Mill vter mirk n1 eontilalnt Inoe sere., mr or le.