PAflE twc No Premiums, Only Quality "SALADA" TEA . 100 fresh, pure and satisfying. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon,. except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES I City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British hmpire and the United States in advance, per year $fl.0o To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising. .. .l.iQ per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page. $2.80 per inch Local Readers, per insertion. . . . .: 2rc per line Classified Advertising, per insertion ......2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion 15c per agate line Contract Hales on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 All advertising should be in The Daily News OTfice before 4 p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Wednesday. Feb. in. I9t. Petty Politics Of Party People. In connection with an editorial article yesterday dealing with the railway in politics, no reference was made there to potty political affairs Mich as political appointments which are often i-pokeu uf as "polities." Happily the railways are to a large extent out of politics in that connection. So Tar a the management is concerned, when it does not conflict with auv other governmental policy, the railway officials have the lat say. They make the appointments and see that the work is done. They draw up schedules and manage the railway in every sense of the word. In thabre-pect the railway is out or politics. Auv large corporation lias n .trontr itii1iii.-ii in tin .. ;.. . - C iiimiviii 1 in the country and .government .railway , even more than u privRle ii.ii-NciuiMi. ttr ineiiiMiiieii inriore mm ha,.! great influence politically and niiclinibre so the tl.VIt. Jury System Is Criticized By Manson. lion. A. M. Manson crilicjize.s lhe jury system or trinl, and justly he may. The average jury is-not fit to ry a criminal case. Trial by judge is much more likely lo refill in justice being done the offender. The average person is loo easj swayed by emotion and loo little by the facts presented apart from the clever oratory of a counsel. Thn-c who have attended court trials must .e struck with the difference between trial before a county court judge and thai before a jurv. The county court judges as a rule are excellent men and are able to arrive at much belter decisions than lt average twelve men chosen for a jury. It is a curious fact that the men who sit in our county courts are often much better balanced and more capable men than lhoe choen for the .Supreme Court and yet there seems tf be no promotion rrom Ihe county court to the Supreme Court. Our own'Judge YVmng and Judge. Lampmau or Victoria are examples of men who seldom make mistakes and who hold the respect of all or the eomniiinitv. When a man goes berore either or them he knows he is going In. gel a square deal and that Ihe judgment will be tempered wilh mercy. Change In India , 1 8 Forecasted. ' ' India is lo have a navy. and natives or that country are In ..v e,,w, m.iimiMiuii!' 111 n. mis is tne iiegiiiiiuig or the breaking down of the barrier of rare in that cnuntrv. One of the strong objections u British rule in India is-the .. umer. 1 nervus, no;Jeh thing as race equality, Indian people themselves have Ihtoe 7.isinc ami (I ' - u mini iiin ti!mwriiii r with any persuu ur.anulher cash-. " Hi white-population, fnriii ft nml udidn 41... ...11.. . . ' , w,,ri,,'m wune man inrgeis n and marries an In man, lie at once becomes a social onfv& It is to be presumed that Ihe orfircr- or Ihe naval hir. " "" 1 ' ,m" me niguesi wie m the laud and not as many would imagine, from ihe. penpje generally. Coclie Classes In. Orient Are Marked. 'f 1 T,10'.e vv,1' ' fr "iffli a'.'IWnR a universal suffrage or ' 'r''- ppl nm owokeirin-f when the nt travel r , the Or.eut and the Jong ce, way the race has to develop berore , r be considered Hint the pcoi.le of the 1hmJm I" mV Vf?" Arml i liina will o suggest thai I -7' f lie r frolic y should have a vote. The power of etecl-nig ruler, would lie only wilh those w,o have ome education 0110 iiileuigenrt:. In a hurry ? Eat SHREDDED WHEAT the man-sized meal ASSESSMENT IN DISPUTE Vancouver Man Objects to Price Placed on Corner of Fifth Street and Second Ave. IN PRIVATE SESSION. Afternoon The court of revision on Ihe! 1926 city assessment roll yester day aHernoon dealt wilh the ap peal or M. W. Mcl-cml or Van couver tlirousli Milton (Sontale against an assessmenl- or 1 1,000 on Ihe ilouhle corner at Ihn southwest or Second Avenue and Fifth Sheet. After hearing Mr. lioiuales, t he court, at the re quest of the city solicitor, went into private session hut rearhed no decision, reserving ils Judg ment until tomorrow afternoon Mr. (inniale pointed out tha' the assessment on the lots 1923 and l'J24 had been S2.30O. aid f;i.."no whereas the valua JUST think of VS. people coin plaining or the price or rubber when I hey are charjrtntf a hi?hei Vale' per- po.und jpr'plots of land 111 1 lunuiii "WOHTII if weight In tlor-a dirt" is likely to displace the old saying "worth it's weight in Sfbld." TJIK world Is getting belter. People refue lo listen to Ions dry sermons or long dry speeches of any kind these days. TllKIlirs one thing about this kind or weather, the radiator does not freeze. -r. . 1 ... wMnuer lejjisiawrs go crazy cxmsldering the kind of Kople they have to make laws ror. UK is long past mjddle age it no noes not admire a pretty rae! or a shapely ankle. MAI Sunday Is Valentine's Day. Now is tlie time, boy's to put something over that she will like. I ry your hand at a verse I'm Going to try to gel Jake lo write a few for you if you can't do it yourselves. Watch out for the next few days In this column. NOW that we have all saved a lot of money on coal, it would be Just as well to put 1; n the saving! bank. Hut where , it the haily "Nf.Wa ! AFTER WRANGLE IN COUNCIL' I MAYOR NEWTON IS FORCED I TO ACCEPT UNANIMOUS MOTION. (nnhnupt. from page I) his common, bmjpVs;. seno and .settle (tin ntutfk v immediately. Any time that lie wa thoroughly impressed with the economy of u project a In' was Willi this, ht tliil not feel called No Decision Reached Yesterday1 "lw" " "'K tl.a.lvU-.- of anew but will h mad. tomorrow I ma" llhmiHir .Will. III.' llMlter tions were now- fi,oon ami 000. Tlionch Ihe eily had re ntoved. ,the rKk rrom the lots there wtis no reason for sucti an ipcrease in the assessment. Slaving that three prominent real eslate brokers had placed a max imum value or $7,000 on the cor ner. Mr. Uonzales main conten tion was that U was not leal ror the eily to assess lots nt any higher figure than their actual value. "Moreover, the lots had last year' been valued by the as .essor at M,000 but had heer4- reduced liy the court or revision to $12,000. Mr. (inmates asked Hint the valuation of the lots he reduced to $7,000 or within reasonable reach of I hat fisrure. Mayor .Newton contended that all property owners were in the Same position as Mr. Mcl.eod. The eilyiujld do nolhin? more than see that the assessments were eipntahle even ir they were high. In any case. it was as broad a it was Ions and it lb" assessments were reduced t tie tax rate would tie to pa up. As the lesser ot two evils. Hi mayor was, m favor of niaintainin? as low "a tax rale as possible, even If it meant higher assessments. .Mr. lion.ales replied to this argument that there was a linr' o the lax rate. THE MAN IN THE MOON ays: Xi: SPAPF.HS just to hand say that illtawa had Hie coldest snap of the winter when I In thermometer registered '.''I below ieo. Pofsitdy it was trying lo ay "skidoo" to Ihe memhers of Parliament who refu-e to Lake (hp holiday for which they voted. T1IK difficulty with the Kn?- Ifslimati is he takes. Jiimself so seriously that others refue to ke him at any price. 'Till', thing that really, counts most in this world is (he adding machine in a busy bank. in hand, lit drdded thai the mayor had one? already sinned a report to tho-eiid now proposed but had "got cold fct and scratched his name off I lie re port when protesl had heeiKf made auaiust 1 he pi 'Kiani. Now those people that had protested were satisfied. ."I,pl us exercise the Judgment dial the pimple who eleeled us feel Ihal we possess," he ursed. ' personally, I am ready to stand or fall wilh this project from the engineering standpoint alone." Personal Allusion Replying: to what he felt was a tersnnal allusion. Mayor New- Inn staled that he had never sirncd Ihe report referred lo. knowing Ihal any sim-Ii recom mendation ns this whs to tie carried out. He had been absent from the lldard of Works meet ing at which Ihe matter had been discussed and how Ins name had PiOl 011 Ihe report know. lie did noli Oh now, Mr. Mayor," re- marked Aid. tlasey, it was your) own handwriting. The matter' was discussed with yon in the Board of WorMs ami you were agrveablo to It." t he mayor, replied that he had not-been agreeable, lie and Aid. t!as'ey then started both talking at the same limit until members of the council demanded order. "Let's have the question," ask ed Abl. Brown. "We don't wont to hear any more of Hits personal argument. The- mayor said I hat charges had been laid against him and he fell he was entitled lo answer them. Be then went on to fur ther explain his position. Abl. Jos. irer felt that, if the Board of Works gave assurance that the project was economical and there was absolute assur ance that the Seventh Avenue work would not be delayed, it would be in the best interests of all to support the motion. Aid. Perry udnted out that Ihe Board of Works bad already given that assurance. The ipieslion was theu put and Ihe council was unanimously in ravor or it. " Before pronouncing the motion carried. I think I will sleep on it," declared Bis Worship. Mayor or Council Mr. Mayor." declared AM. kisey. apparently al the end of his patience," we have come to a point where this council must assert itself and ascertain once and for all whether or not you are the czar. Here you have n unanimous council and you would be a unanimous czar. W4io are you and who are we? That Ik whal we want lo know. Why. you are worse than the Caiir and you know what he courted and whal' U Bof., I uuU1; that tm further business of this council be proceeded with Unlit Oils motion ha been declared ?earrtel; You are coming to Ihe end of your leUier. Hither Ibis council is gilBitij be nil orjypp are." Abl. iMrry seconded .Vht.1 r.aeyV mot inn that no further business Ih jiroceedisl wilh.. "And I niwhl say some things," declared Uie mayor. "Slnrt rishl hi and say them." was .bl. Casey's rapid rejoinder. "I want you lo know thai neither yon nor anyone else can bulldoze me." neried Hi "And you can't bulldoze (his council either, old man," replied Abl. t'.nsey. "Why yoii never do anything unless then-1 a motive behind it a political motive." Mayor Newton felt that such criticism was very unfair. City Solicitor Jones then cited Ihe Municipal Act as o the mayor's power or inteneullon. Aid. Casey asserted Ihal the mayor's iiileneulioii at llils" time would only hold up the rily's whole program at extravagant cost. The eily could no afford to wail for the mayor's decision, lie insisted lliat ir the mayor chose to hold this up, Ihe council could hold up all Ihe rest of the business except matters of a financial nature reipiiring Imme-diale attention. "We can be Just an arbitrary as the mayor." Couldn't See Why Abl. Urown could not seiywiiy the mayor wanted In hold up this molion. On Mie olhcr hand; lie WE ARE NOW PAYING SPOTCASH Buy Your Hamburg 1919 Bonds Now Before They Score Further Rises .mid see nothing to lie gamed by holding up the rest 01 iln-liusiness. Aid. Joe ('reer fell the matter in i? lit be laid oer till the end i the agenda. Mayor Newton said that he a n i it I like to co among the ?eenl!i Aenue petitioner lo asrertain their iew. "I haxe Hikeu to many of; those people myself and they are, agreeable, hut I uitoc the! opinion of an alderman is null jnd void,"' staled Aid. dscy. The major replied that he had spoken In some who were not, iu favor. "We have Iwen elected by the people and ar responsible. Our derision i not whh enough fur oii, hnwet. You haxe trot to so Out on the reet for a dc- isiioi," oountered Abl. ('asey i Aid. Perry insisted that the.) mailer should be finally si-illed it oueo, t here was no common sense in holding the matter up Hie decision of the full council should be accepted by Ihe mayor. Aid. McKechuie pointed out .bat it was necessary to exercise economy if the Cemetery Itoad Aork was o be kept within the lKv5ni provided by the bylaw. A great saviiiK was here offered oid he Ihoushl the mayor would 'e well advise! to accept Ihe ouiicil's decision. Mayor N'ewlon ug(reste. that special meet in? could he called iu two days lo recein his decision. Mayor Surrender Aid. McKeclrnie and Abl. perry insisted that the matter should ie settled now. once and for all. When Ihe council bad been :inaniniousiv in f.ivnr r iim mn. 1 linn. Aid. McKeclrnie failed lo see why any one man could nnl fall in line. 'The mayor then surrendered t nd declared the motion .cacjrifd. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert February 10. 118 The members and rriends of the I nrliujrhlly Cuh .d a jolly Valentine entertainment and banket social in the t'.liurrh Hall la night. There was a rake art exhibit that proved ery amusing and contributing to the musical program were Mrs. Patterson. I'rank Moore, Mrs. Hay. Miss Kathleen tlrant, Mrs. II. H. tirant Mrs. .1. . Mcl.eod, Mrs. j. M (iarmicliael, Mrs Iiarton. S. Marlon, A. Clapperlon, Mr. Kim-oear and John Cnrrie. '"Kenny" Smith' slore al Sen! "ove was destroyed ,y fire last night and "Kenny" i in the hospital today Milferlng rrom hurnn aboul Ihe head sustained while he was escaping, having been asleep when the rianie hroke out. .1. S. Cowper. rorincr editor or the Haily New and now a Liberal candidate ror the legislature in Vancouver, charge tM. provincial government wilh aiding ihi dominion Trust Co. to evade the! law Per Bond Unit of One Million Marks Berlin 4 Bonds of 1915 $5,500 Berlin 4 Bonds of 1919 2,000 Berlin 4 Bonds of 1920 l.',r,0 Cologne 4 Bonds of 1914 . . . . u . 5.000 Darmstadt 4 Bonds of 1919 .. .. .. 1,750 Esstn 4 Bonds of 1919 800 Frankfurt 4 Bonds of 1913 ...... (J.230 Leipzig 4 Bonds of 1914.. .. .. 4,000 Munich 4 Bonds of 1914 5,750 Stuttgart 4n Bonds of 1919 000 Two Years Ago These Bonds Were Sold at $39.00 The Investment House of C. M. CORDASCO & COMPANY Foreign Government "and Municipal Bonds Mareil Trust Building 290 St. James Street MONTREAL OUECCC CANADA Steamship and Train Service S S. PRINCC RueiRT l h PROtCK RUMRT ' VAftC0UU. VICTORIA. ILATTLC and inlrtrlir I. int. ft fRIOAV tl J. S.S. PRINCC RUPCRT for STIWART lwt AHOI, WI0NISOAT. 10 tm s.s. princc .onn turiiiiiiiuy f-r vancouvkn k quun cmariotti UkAROS. PASttNQIR TRAINS ICAVt PRINCK RUPIR1 IRT yONDAV, WKDNEIOAV nl SATURDAY II I pM U PRIKCC OlOKUt, EDMONTON, WINNIPI. ill (AlliO lMW JU.ta, I k'l -U AttCNCT ALL OCEAN ITtAMtMIP LIRtl. Cll Tkktt Ortk. MS Tl' A.. PfUc R.n. phmi ro Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert u incKiLt. merit icuiu. snu fm TiLICOVHI. TlOfilU Mi turm fftrurf m. Ijnt H is. ruxan turna ff RslKtlt. Br, Cll Ot ". 0M P0. Mtsio. Alr . Caifkli Rlr, Vcutr itr, MI.'Oi It t-m. Aftf tf til StMwiKI U. rll IdirfiillM W. C. ORCHARD a.s.rtl 1,mU Ctrntr tt 4Ut iu.t f4 r Ai.ns. Prwus tUnrli II.C UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C. LTD. S4iiD frua Prior Rprl, r VANCOUVIR, VICTORIA, , H AiM B, Ttl. BP VANCOUVIR. VICTORIA, Alt , ltMM f(r. 1 e AN VOX. PORT SIMPSON NM Rlttr Ctsn.rkt, Tkur4r jn. PORT S.MPSON. ANVOX. ALICC ARM. STtWART. Is4r. S RJR. US 14 AiMk. J. rntUi. At. rfHH. The Sayage Washer and Dryer At the last Quebec Kxhihitiou re, r ed d urcess or tin) previous i ogam wioiimg the ('old Medal wdli 3 tint lion over all other makers of c can and tlaiindmn Washers. Cash Prk $185.00 Also M)ld on eoy term. Kaien Hardware Co. "Tr a sir ro..vcr" GRANT'S Best Procurable (HIE ORIUKAU Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT IUlU t4 wihm4 Iky WdUsa Cm a S. Usui ClMisk w4 B1mmCIIm UatiBwas. IMI an-CUwH, StaUsaa. fjjlfrfj This advertisement Is not publinhed or displayed by Liquor (iintrol Hoard or by the flovornment of Urilisb Columbia. M