A Hard Candy Recipe PAGE FOUR tea ' jwrWftTo). Take 2 cups sugar and a Utile mure, than 1 cup of while corn syrup i be sure it is while syrup -ami 1 cup waler. Cool;, stirring constantly, until it strings a lillle from the spoon; then odd 1 cup Pacifio Milk and a litllo later 1 cup raw peanut. Continue boiling until it gets brittle in waler. Remove from stove, stir in vanilla and M teaspoon baking smla work quickly pour out on lanie greased pan to coo. PACIFIC MILK Head Office, Vancouver Factories; Ladner and Abbotsford, B.C. Special Values in Silk & Crepe Dresses !.00 to $25.00 Rain Hats for Ladies, $3.50 Mrs. W. I. Wilson Third Avenue P.O. Ilox - - 989 Phone .n! n 380 TWICE WEEKLY Wc havn arriving MESH killed mini, veal and I'OIIK. Wc also carry a full line of Fresh. Smoked, and Sailed Fish. Seam 8 Qoodson The Home of Bulkley Valley Produce, llranch from Snuthcrs. Sixth Street. Phone 455. S Wood! Wood! Now is your chance Dry Cedar Full load . . . , Half Load . . . Large narks . . sc.so $3.50 . . 50c HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone CS. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service, iloal, Band and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Kovlng. Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Exquisite Stock of Fur Trimmings at low prices. B. C.FUR Co. Next Q.W.V.A. Third Avo. defence. THE DAILY NEWS BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus HOOE IN rsOT CKTCHtQ COLD Nb WE flOW CM-t-J ON THE. DE PXfe-TER. TONIGHT- C , - PRINCE RUPERT EMPLOY ONLY ! A O A TIT I TT PAD r Li. PEACE COUNTRY Just Arrived! Board of Trade Inquiry is Interesting as Showing Trend in Northern Alberta Tin; secretary of the Hoard of f Prince Itupert such as grain handling facilities, hnrbor front age, facility in loading vessels, harbor dues, routes to the Orient and the Foiled Kingdom, insurance rate on cargoes, depth of waler or any features thai would prove that the port of Prince llupert is a more attractive shipping point for the Peace ltiver country than any other Paoific port. Also the opportunities awaiting the Peace Ilher district for trade with coastal points' where mining, lumbering and fishing constitute the chief industries ami the principal source nf supply of basic foodslllffs for these camps at I lie present time. This is asking for considerable detnil lint I asmire you thai this pari of the Peace ltiver district feels that Prince lhierl is Hie logical port tn gerve the country and il should prove of immense inleresl to your oily. Yours very truly. S. R. KMfTH. See. Hoard of Trade. JUDGE YOUNG FINDS WM. ORAM GUILTY Sentence as Result of Theft at Swanson Bay will be Passed Next Monday William Oram, charged with I heft of logging equipment al .Svvansftn Hay from the Wlialen I'iiIjA paiier Cm. anil Hto OitJi was loiiml guilty yesterday af- lernnoii by Judge Young and sentence was reserved until nextl Monday. Hearing oT the case oe.-j copied two full days of the court's lime (mil there was a large nmoiinl of evidence presented both by the prosecution and the defence The latter souiglil to establish (hat the theft had been actually commit led ti the irosecut ion's chief witness. The judge was inclined, however. to hold the defendant responsible. L. W. Palmnre prosecuted while S. W. Taylor acted in Hie GYRO PLAYGROUND SPACE INCREASED SI to 50 by 100 Feet Will be Cleared at Seal Cove by the City The city council, on recom menilaliiin of the Hoard of Works, decided last night lo clear a space 50 by 1 00 feet at Seal Cove where the Oyro Club will creel playground equipment. Il had been previously decided to clerfr a smaller space but Hie city was advised by the Oyro (lub (hat il would be Ion small for Ihc purpose. The cost to the clly of clearing the ground, il is provided, shall not exceed ?400. . i II II I I ' INOEED -UOEC; rso condtio r MObT YO O CO OPT j TONIGHT- f". ' & . lp O 1926 by Ikt-l Ft nmc Stnvtcc. Inc. LOCAL LABOR Formation of "Old Man's Gang' is also Contemp ated by C;vlc 'Board of Works Thai ail city work Je carried i'ul by local citizens only and that strict iustnu-tioa lt this ftffeel JjV given all detrimental trade has roceied a letter from I heads was I he purport if a re- ihe secretary of the Hoard ofjl"""' Tifoin the Hoard of Work trade of Heawrlodgc, Alberta, j'hal . was accepted by the city uikinu !' ti- mfitrmulimi in roiranl ' Council lal niulil. of the council concurred with the principle of taking rare of old and incapacitated men bill (Inquest ion urose as to whether Acropolis Hill was the best placr In put them. After some discussion, it was decided to lay the mailer on the table for a week to permit of the finance comuiillee anil the Hoard of Works conferr ring on the matter. The report a lo the employ ment of local men, it was fell. would meet n complaint thai was presented to the ciiy council by a group of "old timers and tax payers itiai Hiey were being Jis- criniinaieil against and thai "stranger" were gelling the pre ference in eilv employment . HILL 60 CHAPTER ELECTS OFFICERS Mrs. John Manson Re-elected as Regent of Young Women's Branch of I.O.D.E. The annual meeting nf Hill fiO Uhhpter, Imperial Order Haggh-lVs of the l-impire, took place last evening. Officers for 1 920 weye elected and reports of n very successful past year were presented by the retiring officers. New officer were elected as follows: Urgent Mf. John Mansou. (re-fcleclrd). FlraF fcj"-r- regeril Mrs. Second vire-regent Mis Irene W'eallierhead. Secrelnry Miss Caroline Mit chell. Treasurer Mrs. .1. V. Mc- Auley. Fducationnl secretary Miss Xora llivelt. Kchoes secretary Miss Alber ta Hill. Standard bearer Miss Annie Dalby. TO PROTECT WATER 'he clly. SUPPLY OF CITY Second Six-Inch Main to be Put In From Ninth Avenue to Dam on Mountain Back of Town The conslruclion of a second dx inch water main front Ninth Avenue lo the darn up Hie mountain behind the eily is In be pro ceeded with immediately it was decided by Hie couneiWAsI .nighl on recommendation nf the Hoard of Wrnrks. TJie cost will be about 8,500. This main, paralleling one thai is already there, is in-! tended lo prolec.l the nityV waler supply In ease anv break Subscribe lo the Daily News. Cntl RrikMt vittkla naanmL iii Prime Huncrt. which he is' A further report from the!,,'",lon answering and wtiich is very in-jUnurd of Works recommending teresting as showing how infor-.lhnl local old and incapacitated nation in reganl to tins port is men he placed to work at $3.50 spreading. Tlie hatter say: pr day under a good trnwho Ah a question of a Pacific oul-Jremoving Ihe rock pile on Un let for the 1'eace lliir dislrictlAcropolis Hill alhletic grounds will be seriously considered iniwas laid on I he table for a week .cry near future 1 would be glad il ynu woulil J'orwai'il all import by the council. In connection with the latter int features concerning the Porl report, ibe most of the members SCHOOL COMMITTEES FOR YEAR DRAFTED Board Had Preliminary Meeting Last Night to Consider 1926 Estimates Committees for the year hae lieen apposed as follow liy H. It. Itodliesler, chairman of the fi'hool hourd: King F,dward Trustees S. l. Johnston and Thomas MrMcekin. I loot h School Trustees W. O. Fulton and H. A. Hryaiil. Itorden SI reel Trustee Thomas Me-.Meckiii and W . O. Seal Cove Tru-dcea S. D Johnston and C. A. Hryunt. The board 1iad a meeting Ian) nijtnt in the rity police court at whieh estimates were considered in preparation for the rojnilnr monthly meeting tomorrow nighl. STEWART J. II. I'aMvn. J. It. GamphelH : nd V. Kinintond. who haveMwn on llojle llros. diamond drilling staff here, have iefi for Kimber- 'ey. Herlmrt J. Lane of Victoria, formerly a aamplnr at the Itri-tannia mine, was a recent arm a! in Slewa.rl. Thomas Itannen. (table ho for the Premiar Co. at Xine Mile, is a patieiH in the hospital here suffering from the cffecU of ha ing beil kicked in the eye by v hore. WEATHER REPORT Terrace: cloudy, calm, temp. 3t. Anyox: cloudy, calm. temp. .17. tslewart: cloudy, calm. Icinp Ilnxelion: cloudy, calm. Iaiwo 32. Smilhers: part cloudy, calm temp. 3K. Hums Lake: part cloudy, calm temp. :t&. iele.grupb (lreek: cloudy, calm Icjnp. 21. . W liiJehorseppart cloudy, Ailin leiap. 3. Dawson: cloudy, oalro. tomji in. Averagi' for ukon : ; anowing. lmip." 2(1.. WHIST LEAGUE ' Moose Won Game from Orange Lodge Last Night by C to 3 The ante-iJaled game lasHigrhl in the Mens heetion of the hra- lemai Wliwl LcNgue resulted in a win for the .Moose Lodge by to 3 over I be Ortmfce Lodge. League funding to dale is a- follows: W. L. Pis Moose ; 19 HI. Andrew's .m. 8 K i:ik(. 7 4 7 Oddfellows 7 f 7 K. of P 7 5 7 K. of-C : 0 0 A K. of C -. & 7 6 Orongc Lodge 5 8 6 i. W. V. A 3 8 3 8. of' F. i 3 0 3 John llalilanejJnillnn, was fin eil ?2.ri and i-nnUt :n the city police court tlija Jiinridwt for- in toxica' ion. HahliUM), in a drunken condition, early Insl night enter ed -Hit house: or Mrs. Sims on (Irahum Aenlio (Hid was I here arreted by Conrttlblc Abw la'-dona'ld. down shnulil occur in Die main Accounts up to Pebnirtry 5 lietween. Woodworlh Lnke an(l',,,lwlli,l-' -'.122.0G were passed int last night's council meetiiu: Variola depart tiieut jiayndu 7SEE OU AJE ooc Wanted For Sale For Rent NVANTKH. 2 1 . fllKHT BAUf'.AIN. Thre.- loin on Taylor Street. :iil(UM ci for all. Close in. about fiv or; six blocks from Pni offme.;' (iood view. Paved Street lot 25 x 1 00 x It. Weslenhavcr Itro. FOH SALE. New machinery, boat- ;i piston riii an. I Northern Kxcliaiiee Avenue. Plmne 2- Karl i and ii "'"il Mil i';:gMies, p! III.C.'ll T-4 . I Sc. 'ond i r Ftn SALE. ia launch ' Xancv" in first class cond'lion; sine 28 fool by 8. liray engine 10-12. O. hone, Plione 3HT. '.liIHON Plionograidi for sale ebeap, 170 records with fab-inel. Phone Hlnck 3.13. - 35 IjtlHll Truck for !yr'l (image sab1 TO RENT Apply 35 IIOOM8 TO ITF.iVr.- team, heat- ad, hot and cold water. 225 Second Avenue, half block below Totem Pole. Phoiie 767. FOH KENT. Modern four room (hi nai with Monarch range. I'dapp lllock. Weatenbaver Rroa. tf vll HKK'J'. IManna. olaier nlanrm. phonographs and ew ing maohlnoa. Walker' Munic Rlore FOH IlKNT. Tailor-shop; lw business moms below, tw living moms above. W'csten haver Hrns. f FfiH HENT. Hnom with or with out board; near' elevnlnr. Phone Ited 157. f 'H llKT. Furnished house, newly decorated. J. V. Mc-Kinley. ' f FOH IlKNT. - - Furnished suite Mussallnm ApartmenlM. Plum tf MODKRN H.AT for Jlwil.- Apply Vnx flnlllironer if BOARD AND ROOM. UOOM and Hoard, flO.flo weekly, livery home comfort. Apply Hal 2UI Iaily News office. HOAIU) The Second Avepqe LOST Inlander. 830 IMi'i.ta II- LOST. Mack leather order oase. Finder please return to daily News office. CAMERON TRANSFER Phone 177 Baggage, Furniture Moving. If you wanl anv! hmg onl for or delivared. phone us. P.O. Uox 0D0, BUT MY cooo OMUY TEN DOUUAt3- lt Oldaniobile 4. & paMti- ger louring WH 0 H84 Kaah & aiMtnfer lour. ing tSWJiH tt2l Ovarland Sdan 70d.io t'.MB Reo wvsfl nseiMer touring 700J) 1025 l ord Goufie, ballwou tiro car like new (060.00 l22 F rd Tudor sedan, I4SS.00 Itf22 Ford Coupe . 130 (H-102 1 Ford one ton I nnu, pane! body lS7ti)n Ford liglil delivery enais. rebuilt H7.00 All curs cnuranleed in good ioechanicul eoiMliUon. lerms can be arranged. KAIEN CARAQE Itaav Ford and Chevrolet Hervioe Slnl tion. Agent for Mcl.atfhlin Oakland, oldsimdule and Chev rolet cars, Hoo. O.M.d and r'ederal Trucks. WRKCKIJiO SKIIVTCK HAY AND JWIHT. AUCTIONEER. Mil make one dollar look like two when you buy your house hold furniture frotn ine. Pri vate Mule daily. T hoy oul-nulil for cash, or auniion ar-raiwreil on conimUsioo. Phono, graph records exchanged. l F. Hrnie, Aiiclionier, 20fl llrr-ond Klreet. FURNITURE AND RANGES I I'llM l liHK and Flanges oourhl. sold and exehiinged. New fur ni lure and ranges exchanged for your old ones. Itedrooui living riani and dining rwoio furniture always in slock. A! ways watch my wlidw. It's chanirad daily. Xf Miickenxle Fwm TAXI Phone C7 Taxi (Call Unnrge. Paul or Oust) Six- and een pa-ncnger Hlndc Jiakers at y-nr disnositl any Urn for EOc Service ROSS CROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block Across from F.uipres Hole) FURNITURE. ISw a n d Konondhnml Furni ture Wore. We liny. 8e.ll and llx chance Jew and Seoondhanll Goods. GEO. PAPADOPULOS WW roird Ave. ui,one of PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE 303 Third Avenue loin ngcnl for Columbia necordi We repair Phonograph-. Hicycles, Hiiggles. Hac'iuets nnd Musical In-slriimonlc nf nl kind PRINCE RUPEnT TIDES W Wednoaday. Fobruary 10 ,,,rl -- 1 1:20 a.m. 21.5 fl. uw 5:10 ii.ni. 8.4 " 18:11 p.m. 8.7 " Thursday, February 11 u,isU 0:20 a.m. HI. I fl. I2:I8 p.m. 2?.:i " '"w O.IO n.in. 7.2 " 10:02 p.m. 1.0 " tvw- FEE To DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. i 2c per word in advance. NoJAdvcrtUement taken for !et than 50c iVffHTTCC VANTKI. -One reliable man in every town, nierrhauU preferred, to lake order for best C'islom-tiiade clothe in f'.an- ada. Uighesl commission - Rex Tiiiloring Toronto. ami sewing: reuiodeiiing. re-pairing. knitting, etc. Phone Qrean 704. FOR SALE FR SALF.. W ' ll eniMpiM'.l eine tMoit, 52 I i fiio: Ci: first cU" hull and eiiim-. Also :iil( fathom salmon -imihv lnpee-tion by HrriHlgemciit . Apply V H. Mortimer, ;t2l Kecomi Ave. 55.no Mr mon lb roerin principal, interest and laves bur modern houne, 7 r.ioms ami bath, on Oraharn Avenue. Wntkcr Muii' St. ire. tf ! 1 Go., Ltd.! DRY WOOD. Kplll lo any length In blocks, per load 5C.00. .' HALT lll'.HHIMI. j A. ISAACSON, Plain dressmaking) -"v,, hone Htack 4BI 4 CARS FOR SALE. I NKKI WjtoiK ,Mi IlArticU Lott in- ROTHWELL'S TRANrru Coal - Wood and Furniture Mo nfl llaxgaue Sland:Liltle 358. Ite I'u . TRAPPERS price paid ell your fm i boy I hem. W. OOLDBL00M 8-c.i, : The Ho: - MAIL SCHEDULE ft IIWvlMl w ihnm . . Rt OUT-40IMO. Timrtayn ... Wmtataday " mft atanfajM .. I .e... fH i; : t Ari, an Arm, suwtr a T Aluta ell-- r. a. tt T Ona CharlatU Mut4 tt rt . to. wooMiwa. From lh ttat at fraai Vimwio Thm nam fk . tt. ittm A?t, llc Aral. '.( anaa frvat Ar, ert timf Niiar aetata Fraai Altki palnl rnt. it. tf, frm Qua Ch'Ult ItUrl rc'-i-BOX COLLCCTI0S ArtiMm A A I lis -. ft Ay A Mil SI lb Aw A Fiitlim lb 1 A rtnnnf-.i. II A Sftrrtir'Otr y II r A i nrd Hi 'lh r A IUr rw fh K lUi i nr ir u nth Ar A ilntlisi t Slk rr A Mi&rMr Si rr. 0.. ICAftf . fr 0i WMrf O.T.I' WMrr O T.r. AUMun tnrt Ave. A titd si nt Ae A miln SI Snl Am. A "lh ' STEAMSHIP MOTBB tor Vnuf Tiietrtay i in 1 FritUr M. I'uno' T! SaUmla m. hijIj . I'rhKT" n- ' Kali. It- a, frlii- Mb. . I'nii! From VtncouftP Hiindajf -. i:iis'-ui WVdlMWiUy- -M. I'rui. I TIlMTMUy . I Alain SIIIMl.iy M I'rlii'' rah. --. I'rni' v lj. tt.. I'riB" 1 roe Port Slmpton and N !( Tliiiniilya ul.l.i from Port llmptan nd N "' fUluriUy- m ratal For Alalia FVh. S . I'rlii'-. - i 1'i'ti. tt . friii" " From AUtka Trb. It- -M. Prlllr-- " ll. in -.a. I'rlm-i"- Vl For Slowart, Ano And Alio rffi shiiiUv- . cmimni" WnlmMliir - I'rlii"' 11 From llowort, Anyoi ond All: r' TiiiohI.iv . i iin'iin Tltl.iy -. Prince nui'f ' For Anyoi Thlir(taY - CUl From Anyaa smiiriimrn- riii For Qun Chorion lllnd- Peli. . I'rl ! i:h.n ' F(h. in rrmn ' ' From Oun' ChorloU lilond-Frli. ii rrlnre riwn reb. 17. rnnco :mi'' I