J. MORRISON IS NOW AGENT 'i V Ii uln V. OF FISHERMEN 3fe I'llllA. Feb. 10.- Wilh sev- uscn i, h 1 1 in 1 1 1 m ix muting thn Hie lliiltnh freighter Cor-' : I v ii being held at Wil-lleail ittarnnlitie station e she Is being properly fum- ii (I anil the puticnls taken 'ai' of ni thu mtiirautine hospi- I'll!' vessel arrived yeslonlay 'in Kliunghai flying the yellow "K him wax en rouln to Yan A In load Ki'llill. subs ibe to lie Daily News. II hilnvtna bill all the leel Jim-. Jjie xxoudwurfc will in- ahm lite main ufk. Takes Charge Today Following lyQp-( t in lie 157 fuel Medina of Union Held Last nerlT ! Wr m i Night fii ell i onic drafl. ftiled with Iwn 'tup nf tlti lee-, tM.ai"' r '"'" f i u-i.i ... I I.J iwwri each .if tin- (II J " The Soinerville cannery, near I lie moiilh of Ihe Naas Hivef, winch xvas i i'ceiitly aiHiuired from She Hill lH' ix-rylinder 20 'torm--sent i -de in-1 F.xans, t.oleinan A hvatts ny me Wiillaoc 1'inliories, la now being dismantled ami tln ntachincry xvill he remitxeil to the .Mill Hay cannery which was aUo recently purchased by Ihe Wallace tnier- Percy .iHCKcurui is in uliatwe .of tl disinaulliilg work m.ii i iioxx- I here with a crew or men. The sile or the cantiery will be conl inueil as a, eatnp. birth: A daughi'T was horn al the 1'ntn'ii llnin'i'l tieni'i'al llospi'al mi l ei.rtiary n lo Mr. ami .Mis. ..... I'niiiiiMuunliL. FituhUi Ave. ARGENTINE - IS REACHED BYFLYERS BUENOS AIRES, Feb. 10. The Spanish aviators arrived this afternoon, completing their voyage from Palos, Spain, to this city. MONTEVIDEO, Feb. 9 The Spanish airmen headed by Commander Franco completed another lap of their flight to Argentine and are now less than 200 miles from their goal at Buenos Aires. They arrived here this evening from Rio Janeiro and resumption of their flight tomorrow Is expected. MONTREAL HAS $100000 FIRE Cloak and Dress Concern Goes up In Smoke but Girls all Escape Mll.NTllKAI.. Feb. 10. Hantage etdiiiinlrd at ifHiii.Olin was rauseil by a fire- nl Ihe promise of tin Millar Cloak and-Dress .Mauufac-lurer. which Ihrealened the ilnwutoxxii district yeslerday af- Icrnnnn. Gloucester, Mass., During a Blizzard Imim I ni'ly K'rls, many of llieui on Hie xtxrgf nf hysteria, xvere hvJ from Hie I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ic and Ihe (lames xvi-rc ninlci' ilrnl williiu au Inmr ailri I lie fire slartetl. if LOST LIVES Schooner Piled on Beach Near tll.OUr.KSIT.U. Mass.. Feb. 10. Fifteen members of ihe crexv of Hie fishing schooner Italph Howell are belieytMl lo haxebeen lost when lite crafl piled ott the lieneli.diiritig a bllzanl near hern I ltd a j'. lint) Ht'own, who ha been spending a holiday In Vancouver, returned lo Ihe city on the iPiint'e nupert (his inoruiug. or1 TAXI Boston Grill dJ Ambulance Large Upstair Dining Hall, Service willi, newly laid dancing Anywhere at Anytime. , floor for hire. Stand noyl Hotel, 3rd A)''1';, NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, and 6th St. PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for the MATT VI DECK, Prop. '' least. Phone 457. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper XVI, NO. 31, Mil I'lUXCF. HtPF.HT. H.U., YVKUNKSDAY, FF.HIU AHY 10. IW20. VeUenHj Urrulalli-n, HS7 Strret Sale. 4 IS PRICK FIVK CENTS. LAKE VESSEL TO BE BUILT PRINCE RUPET SHARP WORDS OF PREMIER MUSSOLINI TO GERMANY REGARD PROPAGANDA Contract is Signed for Building Power Vessel at the Local Shipyard Power boat will be fabricated here and then sent by rail to Kilowna where work on her will be completed hi, T or iloiil March work will oniineinc al tin Iim-oJ drx I i hi building Hi .1 large mivt xc-c lur ui on Okatiu-i.i . I ti riittMrtniimi nf wliu li will take two niunlb- hrv -iMii n I he (ini. in iiiiiii in pulling il IngHlii i ..' l I M"-1 nl (lit particular in regard In (hi- were ..dii;-heii rv Monday, the uunnuurcuifiit coming "in i t I hill tune tin rim tract wa- mil finally -iguvd j.id ,!)!iniii i ini'iil rnulil Ik iua6. Will he limit in Hit ntvd ud'niiiiug I he l i 'Where lln- Canadian Sn. : sh -a launched. I he t ! wu.-k will all la fabricated lute, tM! il ; ii mill when complete will he knocked down, I ti- part- iiu.etl ami hlppl by rail : KiIhwiim, xxhere they will i- "nr I. nether I lie wuwdxxiirk will be " " wm ,""kB Mm" lu-i nwl.l awltwrity rf.i- IMi.iV.l. HI hate tun. ami In- union 'oierml from ,, Cuiriiti I..I111 ' xa re-- n ' declared .apt. M'irii-iiii lakes - 1 ;t anil Mr. MeaKher 1 a few Awdt B u liecklllK llfi llMl 1 lie rilniiK boat, tii nl nit; last night wan a in COPPER-GOLD JERVIS ISLAND (Mineral Rights Have Deen Purchased by Andorson of Los Angeles W 'II YF.Ii.Feb. HI in ihsroxery of a j I win lurry mini m itm ,,iiltr and a rat;,o of three or Tnlhiw-1 ringer" 1 iiiiiiuip nn eiiuliiimiiK isold iiijiim- on Jcrvin. Irtlaiiit in .-in si rmi ahniil thirty intW iiv.i -1 nf Vaneonver. 11 va id hnhiv that Hie inineial - nf the sji:i arre inlaml iieen inmha"Ml hy 1. M. A a - mi . r l,o Anjjclec wilh a ili'elnirniiil. If ifie ore i 1 us .uliiHhle a I lie ire- lll'V siirvi'y-i tmlieiile. SMALLPOX ON GRAINVESSEL Cornish City Is Hold at William Head Quarantine Staton en route Vancouver ,mir ear I ii.l -. t in- jnli will he a Welcome H'l-ililmii h the work already lant iMit fur I he local yard. ESPERANZA MINE MADE SHIPMENT OF HIGH GRADE ORE l.i;: AllM. I -ii H Hi.- K- iernii.a Mini-, wli it'll I" one nl I In- itni-i reuulur li 1 iin iik iiiiiu- I nil I III- llOI-lh lIIHHt, IH HKUIII pin lilurin hull uihiIi- xilver ore 11 1 1 . 1 'Int. pmirt fnr tiirri-iifeil liiiinenl are hrichl. Iturinu the wi-ek neveii I unit of IiikIi uratle and t:t of lv jnnile have lieen oluppeil lo the Anyox uniellfi-. Ilex eloiiinenl xvnrk l" proreeilinu to open up more ori uinl nine men are einplnyed. N. 1'raier. t). I.ee and T. nlif haxe a lean' mi one par! of the 111 1 an ami x iena. 1. .xiuek ami aiieiati'ai on anolhcr. SOMERVLLE CANNERY IS BEING DISMANTLED Plant at Mouth of Naas River was Recently Acquired by Wallace Flsherios BtauMpSi 'SJjIbbb " "'MnwilMa' .pppjsMpappppppB BbSMHRSbH' MlwlBH?f - - 1 I - ?'-''?-' -.BBBBBBBBB;IBBBBMBBBMi JI VI STr S 1M).II T UIWVTOV dh thr nrn mg h ; n nrur .' c r - lifMi an up ' 'ion ti M.ai1nl .n Kng tuil. eg u 'tl.- Iiv uttxt ,Jfg .eil oiHl- .lie m lie ilw'' " win Ji now divide J ! nieoH Her wriimg room m on rjiu'il by he -i; iage null. Schooner Saved from in the 'iie- Sharp Disagreement Between Italy ana Uermahy over the Anti-Italian Propaganda LONIlO.V. Felt. 10. As a re-nll ol I ri-' kiii i.etw. en Premier .Mo--nlnii of llaly and the (ierinan governnieut iiin-onfirini'd re purls stale thai (he Italian .mliasiidor und rniiuoellor or Hie cmhaiNy have left Merlin for Home. HKIU.IN. Fell. Hi. In nn ;nldre- yesterday Foreign Mtnisler Slrsenianii ttff llerniany denied ailegalious ma(e hy Premier Miioliiii if Italy that ticrnutny was eanyidg oul Italian 'imiiAgaiidu in the upper Adige vallev of tlje Tyrol. nO.MK. Fell. Id. Ileplying in the Senale .loday to yesleitlay's address hy Foreign IinMer JS'.ieseniiittu . of (iertnaiiy denying allegations of Premier .liiolini Ihal (ierinauy was rarryiiifr mil anli-llaliaii propagandn, Mussolini declared: "1 confirm the leller and spirit of 'my previous speei h. not excluding the accent umii niy phrae referring lo Ihe pn-il'ilily of the Dalian flag going beydul lite Hreunero frontier, which Slreseinatiu van interpret us he chotises." Breakers by Thiepval off Vancouver Island VICTOIUA, Fell. III. Schooner Ulialultener was snatched from the breakers on Ihe west coast ol Vancouver Islam! bv lh Canadian government steamer Thiepval alter a thrilling raco Hgoinst time yesterday allernoou. Ihe schooner vn sighled in tli-lress two miles off Lion Hocks near Uarmaiuili Poinl. Word vxus at unce sent t,n Hani- fietd life-sax ing station ami the Thiep-al hurried to her assist atice, ami took the scliooner in low. Jjaler the Ihiepxtd reported thai (he low hue had broken twice ami she Was -tantliio: hy -lie t'liaUtllc"f. iivvallung the ar rival of the salxage tug Salxage Kititr from Yiclnvja. , j The schotiner xvas tin her vay from San Francisco to I'Mgel ! Sotiittl to load (timber. I VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Jlid. Asked Wheal 1.02 IU2. Silver t.lio 1.72 Consolidated 217.00 Imtlxxell 1,17 1.1x3 llazellon ,01 1.. A I.. It .10 Malniol .10 Poller Idaho ... .011 Ii .11 i sun ff!iei ... .01 POPUUTIONIS ON INCREASE .Province now has 600,000 Ac I cordlnn to Department of Education Figures YICTOHIA. Feb. 10. -Caleuht etl on a basis of six person? for every child alleiulma school last year. Hrilish Columbia's popula lion increased front 'SSI.OOO xvllii'li XVil- ilie renstis fissure. O UU'I in neatly Ono.000, accprtl Inv In Ihe department of eduea ti hi. After Wrangle in Council, Mayor Newton is Forced to Accept Unanimous Motion Fined wilh a rcMilution that no irther bii.iiiesx of the cinnii-ii lie prneeviled w;tli tin f tl lie hail declared carrieil a ri'wolnlinn thiil had heen tiijitinniii:ily parsed by the uldennen, Mtiyor Nexx lnn wan funded' to nrrede to the wi?lie of I lie eoiiin il last niphl init not iniiil after soine rather aerid remark- had been (duelled again!' him, especially by Aid. Casey. The dijmle, 1 with the full alderniuuie hoard on' the one side and the mayor. on (he other, wa over'lhe removal of the rock crusher from it present locution on Sixth Avenue near Fulton .Street wher- ils 'xx'nrtt i-i about - - - eoniplfM'u. l'ln- rniineil approved of nitix- inj: i In1 iTiisher In the lulu of J. ll'ii!ul'i loin i'. .1. t anil 5. block 11. tectum i. while I he mayor wacd'il In delay micli aeiinn until lie tiad made iiivestixaliuiii Willi regard In !h' advisahilitj- of! " Iit'-Miu it l.ir:hwilh to tin! Randolph Bruce Deprecates At Sexentb Avenue tiuarry. j tacks Made on Canada by Mr. I'nutiiln hail a leuer bflnre the I'liiiueil offerini: lo pay Iho city 750 lo cover the eusl f re-j rntixinc the crusher in lii lot front which 'he rock in to be re-inwxiNl and useil on street jiur-facing. Aid. Oaey- movtii I lie accept- a tier of the I'ostulo offer and LVld. J'erty -eiiuiled. Aid. Casey tiiike of Hie uttxanla'.'es of ntov- Sbs Hie eriisher lo the 1'ostulol 'U 4. . J- ,1 lot t4lrf- -time, stating time llinitanil- of tlollars NEW GOVERNOR ; AT LUNCHEON British Newspapers I.ON'hOX. Felt. 10. - llohert Haudolph Itruce, the new l.ii-nl.-(Joveri'or nf HritisU Onlumliia, at a luncheon griven in hi Initnir tiy the llril ish Empire licagur yes-teiday, slrtingly detrera!"tl tin at t ick's .on I '.unailian.- try onj" nexv .-papers ' in lireal Hritaii.' 'Thre are some who say Hi it '.. 'country lias the i-liitplc of hear ven.- lie arl IrofttfaJIi-. Imf J-mj XXOlllil. , ... , . . , be saxed Hie city hy tloinj; so in-'.. .. . . ... .' ,... , , . fttijian iiiri - -ini puis iari. , ... ... tead of guilty lo Seveuth Avenue immediately. "It is positively oti business for the city, which j lands to benefit as xxvil as Mr. oaiulo,"' lie declared. Aid. W. J. ircer xx anted to be slur it that the taking of the uiiisl.i'r to the l'ostulu lots would mil ilelay the grading of Sexeitth Vxenue Wost. W was gixen such assurance by Aid. Perry who slated thal .il was the in tention, in the in rant line, to Itaxe xxork started on the grading of Sex colli Axenue and also on the strippiing of the Seventh Vxenue quarry in readiness to later receive the crusher. The present plan was to ghe Seventh Vxenue West an outlet by way of Huitsutuir Slret. The moving of Ihe crusher lo Seventh Axettut' Mil Casey added, xxoultl not has ten (he grading of Sex cat It Avenue. Mayor's View Mayor Xewton xvas of the opin ion I hat no great saving xvmiltl be effected by moving the rock crusher lo the Postulo lots. While he xxouhl he satisfied if he majority of the council was in laxor ol su placing ttie crush er, he xxauled u 10 be ilerimlely nn.lerslootl that Seveutli Avenue est siiuuld be opettetl ur at mice, lie wus inclined to favor Ihe immediate opening tip of the Seventh Avenue tiuarry so that 'lie rook inighl be used on the Seventh Avenue grading. Mil. Larsen observed that it xxoultl be several months before II would be practicable to place Ihe crusher in the Scxeuth Av enue quarry. I lit quarry xvould have lo be first opened up and, moreover, a street xxoultl have to be prepared before the crusher could be transported there. He was in fax or of accepting (hi; Postulo offer. Asks For Delay Mayor iXewlon xvas of the opin ion inai u xvi milt not take so long as Aid- AM. I.arsen iiigKet- ed to gellhe crusher in pera lion al the Seventh Avenue quarry. In view, ot the fact thai Ihe nrxv pity engineer xvould be here next xxeek. he suEtxesled that the acceptance of the Postulo offer be deferml until he ar- fixed. Aid. t-asey xvas opposed In any such delay. He wa- ready to uc. fct.;ttinuid on paye two LUMBER EXPORT MADE RECORD Waterborne Shipments Last Year Greater than Ever Before In History of Province YICTOIHA. Feb. 10. All pre-!. vtous records in lirHJslji Golunw. Ida lumber whfpjnents were broken in l:5. aex-rtrditrg to fig-I," ures announced by the provincial-forestry service. The'total water. Imrne sliipmettl last year ainnunted In rii7.S(3t),;K8 board feet as compared with the former rerord of 5:l,-'0-',ai9. NEW SAW1LL BIG CAPACITY North Vancouver to Have Million Dollar Pant for Cutting Sh'xigles and Lumber VAXCOlVF.lt. Feb. 10. ---Con. slruction of a nexx sawmill al North Vancouver to cost mora than l.ono.ottO and having a cap acity of -.'50,000 fetifikiif lumber ami '.'00.000 shingles dailx- will he commenced immediately. l Jolutsnii. jreneral manager tif the Capilano Timber Company anuounceil today. HORSES BURNED NEAR DAWSON Sixteen Perish when Barn Caught Fire or Bear Creek Yesterday UAWSOX. Feb. 10. Sixteen horses perished xvlien a fire early yesterday destroyed, a lare barn at Hear Creek, eight miles from ljvxyon. With Urn aid of voluu-I '' Horn liawsoji Hie flamtM were; subdtietl befdjro spreading to udjacetil huildingm. The fire ih believed lo have b en rjiiM'd by di'fm-t:ve wiins.