Here We Are Again! 95c Sale You not only save 5 per cent hut you also get bargain priced for your dollar. 12 lb. (iranulalcd Sugar .. 95c 8 (ins Milk, any kind . .. 95c 2 Hi. Fresh (hound Coffee .. 95c 2 lb. Hulk (55c Tea 95c 12 Hi. Dry Urcen l'cas .... 95c 7 tin Heinz I'ork and 1 Jeans 95c 3 Hollies Heinz Catsup, large 95c 2 Hollies Heinz Vinegar, u.(s."95c 2 Jli. Hulk Huttcr 95c 2 dozen Local Lggs, Extras 95c t tins Libby's Asparagus Tips 95c Ci I f us Lombard I "1 u in h .. .. 95c 0 tins Dessert Harden Hears 95c 0 tins Singapore Sliced Pinc- annle 95c 1 tin Kinpress Strawberry Jam .. 95o 3 tins While Cherries, 2's .. 95c (5 tins Corn or Tomatoes ... 95c 12 bars Palm Ojive Soap ... 95c 1 pkgs. Princess Flakes'. . .. 95o 11 bars While Swap Soap... 95c 3-3ac pkgs. Ilobin Hood Oats 95c 7 tins Campbell's Tomato Soup .4 95c We are pulling on a big sale in Oranges, Lemons and Grapefruit, all sizes and prices. For this week we have a special on small sizes. Oranges and Lemons, per dozen 25o or I dozen for 95c Fresh Whipping Cream Daily. B.C. Butchers and Grocers, Ltd. Phones 45 and 574 We are Sola Agents for Rochons Chocolates $1.00 per lb. ROCHON'S FAMOUS ALMOND CRISP $1.00 per lb. Rupert Pharmacy Prescription Specialists Phone 94. We deliver. GOSSARD Corsets Brassieres Corsettes Come in and Id us fil you with one of these. F.xpert corselierc in H. S.Wallace Co. Ld. Fishermens Benefit Ismail White Heaus. 17 lbs. for $1.00 Hrown Heans, lo lbs. for $1.00 llice, Nol. Jap, It lbs. for $1.00 Sago, reg. for 25c, 12 for $1.00 Tapioca, reg. 2 for 25c, 12 for $1.00 Dry (Jreen I'eas, 13 lbs. for $1.00 Heail Harley, 13 lbs. for $1.00 Split I'eas, reg. 2 for 25c, 12 for $1.00 Swift's Hacon, by side, trcr lb 45c Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phonos 18 and 84 CONSOLIDATED CASE ON AGAIN l- Interesting Session Expected to Develop In Police Court This Afternoon Lxpeelcd to prove one of the most spectacular sessions ever arising in a local police court, the trial of the Consolidated Exporters Corporation' Ltd., on a third charge under the Govern ment Liijuor Art, reopened before Magistrate MeClymont at 2.30 this afternoon. George Miller, Liquor Hoard inspector, who has been subpoenaed Ly the defence which expects to prove that he was aware of irregularities in! connection with shipping of Jiipior from the local warehouse, arrived from Vancouver on the Prince Huperl this morning. There arrived on the same steamer J. J. Walsh. Liquor Hoard. inspector resident here at the lime who will also be put on the stand by the defence. ATTORNEY GENERAL TO ADDRESS GYROS Hon, A. M. Manson Accepts In vitation to Speak Before Service Club Next Hon. A. M. Manson, attorney general, who is coming north nexl week on a trip in connection with his office as Grand Master of the Masonic Lodge of Hrilish Columbia, has accepted an invi tation Ik address the yro Club next Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Manstin is due here by thei Camosun on Sunday night and will visit interior points, leaving here Wednesday night for Anyox. A parly of local Masons, as is I lie custom, will accompany him north to take the official visit to Fnofh Lodee in Anyox. LAND ACT. Nolle of Intuition to Apply to Purchatr una. In l.iii(t tternrdlni PMrtrt nt rnnre ImiK-rl. Kid slluile on the Sod III r Captain Cove. Pitt Mand. Province hriiKli r.nliinihli rVWE SOTIC.E that William Josepti lerrerson or I'rlnre Huperl. B.C.. (MTiipa-tlon cannery-man. Intend to apply foi Perinl4ln to purrhae Hie follow Inc de erltied lands: - r.nmnKnrin(r it a pni pliniel on th iiilh dhore near Ihe head or i..ipmn rove. Pill lland. Ilanar 4. C'l nutrlft. Pnvlnre or Rrillsh Columbia: thence "mill tncnly rlialrt : tlience west Iwctny chains: thence north twenty chains, ino'-e r le. to lilrh water mark; thence easterly alonr lilirh waler mark to point of commencement and containing forty acrva. more or less. WILLIAM JOSEi'll JEFKERSOT Appllrant per W J. Thomas. A ten I nttoi n-mlv iat WEEK-END SPECIALS Veal Stew, a lbs. . . : 25c Choice Hoasts, per lb. from 18c lo 25c Beef from the Bulkley Valley Sirloin Hoasts. per lb 24c T-bone lloasls, per lb: .. .. 26c GROCERY DEPT. J0(i pails Jam or Marmalade. each L'a,'u 59c B3C Rupert Table Supply Co Phones 210, 211 and 212 She Was Troubled With Chronic Constipation Onee your bowels become consti pated you are in for a lot of trouble, constipation in one of the most prolille sources of distant that the human raee it addicted to, therefore a free motion of the bowels every day should be the aim of everyone who aspires to perfect health. Mrs. O. VT. Lawrence, Cloverdale East, N.Tl., write: "I wa troubled withthronie constipation, and became to had I waa almost afraid to eat anything. Une day I saw your advertisement of Milburn's laiiVlEaVaiBaiiiiaiaalalliia to I pot three rials, and after tatter them I have never been troubled since with constipation." Tut cp only by The T. Uilbura Co., Limited, Toronto, OnL WHEAT GOES TO U.S. PORTS I NO DECISIONS MADE ON CHURCH PROPERTY Commission Adjourned Until February 25 When It will Sit In Vancouver VICTOltIA, Feb. 10. After sil- ENGLISH MONEY FORKOOTENAY Two Companies Financed In England for Goodly Sum Floated In Old Country .NTLSON, Feb. 10. "I am tJad to lie. able lo slate that 1 can now announce that 1 have almost completed organiiuig two com panics, one capitalized for 200, 000 under the laws of Great llrilaiu, with a subsidiary one (o be incorporated under the laws oT Hritish Columbia and to b capilalUcd for 225.1MW" writes 1 red A. Slarkcy. commissioner of the Associated Hoards of Trade of Kaslern Hrilish Cohitn bia, from Iamdon to a friend In Nelson. "The main object- of bolli of these, companies is to deal with the natural resources of our prolnce." Mr. Slarkey, .who represented the Hrilish Columbia department of. mines at the Wembley exhi- 'bilion, both in llCfl and 1U23, fiillllil it im iii't-Ml it i " :lfliT lln . . . 'final coc of that institution, .- OTTAWA, Feb. 10. -A total of"' '' '.""don." so Ihat sev-j 10?,10'J07y bushels or Canadian I eral lt'" under his care wheal was exported to L'niltl ! i,'tiilil be brought lo.a succcss-Kihgdom by way of United Stales r" iue." ports during the six months j Tap Mining Capital which ended January ;tt ..lusl.J HeTerrhig l0 his efforts to gel Importation to the United King-' UrilMi capital interested in dom via i'anadian ports during 'Hrilish Columbia mines, Mr. the same period was 28,'JI8,I58 fttiukey furlher says: bushels. i "I mu sallsfieil the conneclions " 1 1 have formed are such as will assure the financing of many good propositions in this market in the future In order In accomplish the above it has been iitv-es-j ary for me- lo devote all my lime to it; in fact, I have not had my exeninas free. 'Hie nress have been very useful to me in giving! publicity to my efforts in con- nee! inn with Hritish Columbia an oay u.e nia,ers generally. This has Church properly commission ap- ,rMtvlt . j ,.reel touch with pointed by the H.C. (iovurnmei.t , of t.aillKr flrllM( flnan. to deal with .the allocation of cia,t manufacturing, etc., hi properi in oisnuie m-iwccn me iriaiu. 0n rCil!i0J, w,,y United Church and the eontinu- , an ie.,.t, huing should J occupation Salmon Cannera. Intend to I,c accepted lliail ill the tlllivrr- The above is pure stock, pack-J,n ot "m. a.cers . It was un- etl in 4 lb. sealed tins for export i Cmnmencinr at a post planted at the P(.pM.1,.v ror M.p f.abnr , . ', ,,lwest end of Small May one hundred yards, 1 r- ini"r mnve-, move- Itaile. Iieuig a surplus slocK ICIlieaat of nioulli l.f unnamed stream; thence inl on cauner s hands after all ders were filled. Fels Naplha isoap, per carton 79c l'alinolive Soap, per tloz. .. 89c Hlue Itilibou Tea, i lb. pkg. 69c Fresh Crouud Cyffee, it lbs. for $1.40 Creamery Huller iu bulk, 3 lbs. $1.40 Butter prices will advance next week. New Laid F.ggs, per,doz. 3 dozen $1.25 We absolutely guarantee every vrg. l'eamealed Hack Hacon, per lb., sliced . . . 39c Aunt Dinah .Molasses, small tins 13c Combination Canned Fruit Special, 4 tins for 95o ;t tin of any of the following lines, crabapplcs, apricols, peaches, raspberries, blackberries or pineapple. Walk downstairs and you will save money Imim teehe Kotlca LAND ACT. lo IIJIl'l. recourse to setii- Ul ..htnd. IhAt... ....plh tn .hnH ll... Ih.iiM. llHIU Itllll ll I S I fl I ! IT Til I 1 1 IKT vlews. rollowlnr shore line to point or com- ii ,.,,, ,.., ll,,.l l,,,iil,l lflv 1 inenrement. and ronlalnltir seen and," ""Ilgll Hull they sliotlltl three-qoarler acres more or lew translate into political life Hie Applicant. Per M. M. F-nallsh. powers and Ideas ibey bad achieved in other chanrii'ls. Present Government Bad Arthur fireenwood. M.P.. in his Intantlon to Appl, roe Liaao ,.e,dcnl ial address, snid that In rciraril In cilnc nllon Mm L-nvc ru in Ihe Prince TUiperl Land Reeordlna! . .., ... nistrlcl and annate on an unnamed Islet menl was the worst Wllhin living ronnlna- one or the are or I'let! rronp Corel '"or ('ircnl circular ir 1 371 rt rcore- prc-sc .-Jm Hudson Bay, Passare opposite Laninon point, bine prim ii. m. it. i senled the grealest attack made TAKE NOTICE that Harris Kerr of Prlncel . ,. , riupert. B.C., Master Mariner. Iniendt toj III recent years Upon the people IchWunds'- f the follolDr d r Ihis country. He defied the Commencing- at a post on the ahore Mi.jrtiverniiient to prove that there the Kasl aide of ttie ahove descrlhed Islet, i . . ' . ,, . . thence a.nno reel northwest; inetice a.onoi "us imiiij uny .iuii.iiihii ninic reel norineasi; tnenre j.uou reel sou in- f,.i Ann f aa ... I K. llll point of commencement, r.onlalnlor too acrea, more or leaa. iiardis KF.nn. Rr fall Airent. Joseph a Bte LAND ACT. expenditure on education. The policy of Ihe government was in the interest's of the well- lo-ilo, ami in justification nf last year's reduction of income tax and super-lat. Did Ihe gov Notice of intention to Appl, to criuiwiil believe in education nr In the Prime itupert land fteeordint i did they nol? If Ibey did there tilsirltl and annate on an unnamed Islet!. need iIH itndoiiblfd '"IUOUIIICU IHIH llll for Inprena IIHILils In the I'jstecn emri.. In Murium nvlw"" I'ssssjre near liutidat Island. Blue Print ed e.Xpendiltire oil edticalion. If TAKE NOTICE that George Oordon of Prince Huperl, n.C, Manufacturer, inirnns iu appiy ror a leaae or ine roi lowlna; described lands: "oiiiieiinuir ai a isisi snuaie oil ....!. partly auhineraed reef of ren ka ridlallnr, antageoils In rrom same in practically a rlrrle, hatrina; a radltia of about t.&uo feet and containing iOO acrea, more or less. CEOriOE BUSHBY-blted December 4tta, tail. Ibey did nol .believe In education. but believed (In. Ihe words of Mr. illirrel! thai "murk Is more nd- 1 lie community II) n'n mind." Ilum let them oay so. lie charged Lord F.ualncn Percy with educational dlslion- Don't Guess Know the true con dition of your feet. With Dr. Sertoli's Fcdo-gToph vc can instantly make.abso-lutclyfreeof charge,, without rcmovlnc Normal rot yOUr hose, a photO- graphic print that shows the exact con. dition of your foot. It Is also wonderful aij In fitting shoes to they will be absolutely comfortable. If you have any form of foot trouble weak or brolen down arches, flit foot, corns, callouses, bunions, pain ful heels, weak ankles, etc be sure tnj see our Foot Comfort Exnrrt. WtakFoct e can show you why you tuffer and how to jet quick and luting relief. Don't wait. Come tn today and hive your feet redo-graphed. This Service Is absolutely free. Jabour Bros., Ltd. esty. lie had no ground what ever for pressing educational authorities to restrict their ex penditure. (Cheers . There had never been a mure callous, irresponsible, or mercenary-minded government than we had now. Lord Kustare Perey hail delivered a blow again the defenceless section of the community which was absolutely inexcusable in u man who hud any regard fur the public welfare. CALLIES' FOOTBALL MEDALS PRESENTED Event Took Place In Course Socla? Evenlnn 'n St. Andrew's Rooms of A MMrial evening was held lust nijihl in the SI. Amlrew's Soeiety moms imi Second Avenue by llf Callies Football Club. Ihe occas ion being the pre-entatim. presentation 01 of ing Presbyterians, adjourned tin- matk. . a!(OV(. :,rrail,.,.lll(.tll, i-,'"1' rrincel til February 25 at Vancouver Ula, my efr.'V. .nd Cork will ! f"0' ,,",! '- I''als to the s.wilhoul handing down any de- no 1( w;Wfr Jos, on my re -j"'"1 r Vu'rll",l- . cisions. in April. The exad dale and place oT Hie dunce will be decided upon ialer by a rommiftc which is to be appointed by President Stan Taylor. WATER NOTICE. Dittriion and Utt lAkE M'TICK thai Ovorirr Mllle iimI I ' lair I.. M. Olraey, wlioe address is j rerrace. II. c. will apply lor a Iicciim- fur rlearlnr streams iurpue Ml Kltsuin-! Kalinin lllver (frtnaT Us inuiilh to source. I approilinalelv IA mile-., whlrli flow t -iutlH-rly and ilralu into Skeens Itlver, '.turn to Canada, for the above r.iigiisii roniNitiy will rarry on I he (Jyro Chili has .leeidede I I i. inwi,,- tn ,i ' i. hold its animal hoe-down ilanee rrrTTTrrrrrrr LABOR HOLDS A CONFERENCE Students at Universities Discuss Education and Other Sub jects LONDON, Feb. 10. .((M'ul W nine' eal o( itiiicc linrri. , ,, , , . Arthur Ilw ruer lo be used for rartlnr. Urirlnr "reeiiwuuu, .'i.r., iri'siieil ai lue ir ollirrwlse coiivrylnir le. punir. ties, fjrii, ,,llnll., ciin rcrcnrp iif that 11,1,1 "UllUdl couierence 01 lite and !! saw loirs and all forest products, . iistrnctioii or iMimiiiiiir ami noidmr Uuiersity Labor t eileralion. around al Hie loouili of said river and , . , - . . , , . ciM-wherr. Thi notice was inieii on which opened al Leeds Oil tat- 11b- anmiHl oil llu- r.lli and 7lh dljs of ..-.ij... Tln.r nei. I UHiay. lliele lire stllileillS III- Jimarv. Ir.. A rofiy of Oil iwdlce and in appiiiaii.Hi piirsiiant iiH-rio and p. tiie lending from the Universities of -Water Acl" will lie filed In the office ... , . , . t or the water iiecurdcr ai prtnre imiit. Oxfnrd, Cambridge, London, R.i . Objections u Hie apphcillon miv t . VVI 1'..Ihc on. I I'liii ll"is. Males, l.xciur, ami iillll- lie filed wllh Hie said Waler Iteeorder or willi Ihe i.owpi roller or water mrni, hurgll Bulklou uuiKiey Uallev vauey i-resn Prcch Killed ruuea Veal vcai 1'li'IUlnent Uulldinirs. Victoria. H.r... with (n !llrlv rt4yil Mtlrr ,M. flrM The eoiiference was welcomed oliollblei' lloasls. per lU TOO or tills w.iie ui a local newspaper, liie , , . . 1 .. i date of the first publication of till ihj- " OllUlt e VI al 1 1 U ' , iri iu, . . fcww Henry Seser, tice ii iebruary Mh. w. Solicitor (Jeneral in the Labor I e x.. m. cPKiEY. i (ioxeriiment, 'who said an im- : I'1' rn ' niense aniounl of nonsense ami land act j misrcpre.seulatioii had been ul- Notka of Inttnllon to Apply to Laaaa Land tei'l'd with regard lo the objects in oueet, cn.riotie i,ian.n Land 0ni,c Labor moveiiieiil and there cj.rdin iiistiiet nf prince rtnpert. ml was no place where II was more situate two and one hair milea wet of . . ... Mirord nay. smderaie miei. ; important thai ii pit tie ronslrue- TkE NOTICE that B.C. ctshinr ram- i i..... . Int Cotnpany, l.ltnlled, of Vancouver. nX-,'"'' !" r mrnia iii' Mgi- . Abbott was in lue chair and those hiking part in Hip program included A. It. Hun ter, J. Ho?, A. Clupperhui, J Hlack. It. Vo.mI. J. Harris. A. Mitchell. Aid. V. M. Hrown and Tummy Hlack. W. Vaughan Havii's was acconipanisl llrief remarks were made by J. Campbell. V. H. Wiltiecroft, J W at -km and S. I). Muedotiald. The prtseenilalion of Ihe medal was made by .lames Hlack. vice president, iu the unavoidable absence of tienrge Hill, preiilenl if the Prince Huperl Fool ball AssiH-ialinn. Players receding medals were: S. tltirrie. A. Mc Lean. A. Mitchell, It. Wood, II Maeilnugall. II. Hamilton. M. An drews. V. H. WillUcrwfl. J. Harris, W. MHrhell, l. SrH, J. Hainillnn, J. Andrews and V. Hamilton. icld eiilT links were preseuh'tl ! (ienrue Milcliell who was Ihe only other playing member on lite strength a Ihe close of (hp i season inn woo nan not asmsieu in the leatrue. There were about fifly in at tendance. Hefi-cshuients were sercd af ter Hie iHTscut al inns. SPORT CHAT n- it .Skating is at bisl being epjoy. ed al points along the Qmadian National Hail way from 3iuithcrs Fast. Prince (leurje Is pull it a on a big ice carnival uml nias- luerade tomorrow nfght. There will be half u dozen prizes offered for the best costumes. In connection with the carnival there will bo a number of race, open to men and boys mid ladies ami girls, for each of which first and second prize will be given . special real lire or me races will be it mile race in which a number of fast local skaters will appear. The skating rink al. Prince (icorjjc is proving Its worth tvich season as olTering a desirable furm of recreation for the young- people and is receiving Ihe support of Ihu reidontn. ai tne vmi or last week, a Sinllhers hockey team Journeyed lo Hums Lake and snored a '. to I victory over their hosU. Tho first goal was made by Hums' Lake tyul the end of Ihe first period saw Smilhrrs ahead .' to I. ismllhPri annexed another three counlerH iu Ihe second and the count was 2 lo 3 for Hums Lake hi Hie final period. The Wednesday Fc PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS rvr 1 Attention, Fishermen! Why Not Uso tho Best When it Is the Cheapen Superior quality shunless nickel Teaspoon-. 11. Shunless Dessert Hpouiis, per tloz Shunless Forks, pel- this ..? Slninless Kiiiws. giiuruiitt'fd quiilily, per h , i HiirtiiiH'Icrs. ii from Marine (ilusses, 2 Liguo, Ihe highest gra,,. K, l.onitiiro day ami nighl glasst' ,j Others from tjj A MODERN OPTICAL DEPARTMENT This department oflonl 11 ver iipn modern irii fs. .Free oiisiillaliuii. MAX HEILBRONER 527-529 Third Avonuo WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY at 7 and 0 CHARLIE . "The Gold " CHAPLIN Rush" A dratiuihi' corned) written ami iir' The one anil only with the log shoes, tit In nine, lagg Irtiuscrs, ami funny, xliiiffliug w hardships of evers tlay life inlo hilanoiis hn oils laughter. 1'iiiler Jhe Cli.iplm genius tn i ; golil turns hi i iiiiiedy. hanislnp ot Ihe l! fiinti), hunger Niugs lienune the liis lur hlesicklles rttiises hilarily, ldiiahl hiisc freezing cold brings the waruilh of UiigliN Leconte rlli-lieklers ami miseries hring in. i t slioubl see Uliurlie's latest mid hes. 'jVu g Strong cast: Charlie Chaplin, Georgia Hsle, Mick Swain, Tom Murray, Malcolm Walte, Henry Bergman, tit a ii others. INTERNATIONAL NEWS 50c and : Prospective Builders!; COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDERS' SUPPLIES LUMBER T nilo f. inn.-oi"ii. Sby.i.,.. - iog. V J"i'll. Ito-tli' and Hi ve) Siiliug I , Itcii Fir ami Oili'iiiwiiu'l X-. vf j ' Shiogli . Koloreil Shingles, Ldh, ( ,k i Hash ami liir, WiiihI Pipe. CEMENTS, Etc. 1'orllainl CeiwtM Kot'tie I heslns Cement. Ilnrtlwall l'laler I'l.-i. I'lasler lloanl, Lime, ll)tlralesl Uiiie. lv BRICKS, Etc Ivuiitnoii Hrlrk. Fire Hrirk. H Agro nltiiral Tile, Vitrified Pipe, Plnr L-u MISCELLANEOUS Nails. Hmbltug ac i Itnbbennil Itoolings. ,luhn. Manille's . nigs. Asphnll, Asphalt Hoofing Pi i- w 11 ravel. NANAIMO-WELLINQTON COAL Try our Nut OihI for your Kill In c Ik - a ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones 116 and 117. teams were as follows: Sluii her S. goal.: J. Millar, riglil defeuce, t; War ner, lefl defence; K. Dawsnn., centre; J. firahHin, left wing; T ! Ilaaiic, right wing; J. Siher. "pare. Iliirus Lake- J. McKetina. goal Itev. W. It. Ashfortl, right tie- fence; Dr. .1. T. Steele, lefl tle- ence: J. .Mowal. centre; H. t'.oiii- moiis. lefl wing; (.. Pari ridge, right wing; spares, T. M. Jeffrey, C. Jln kev. J. Ken. . McKeniiii. BILLIARD PARLOR VICTORIOUS OVER THE WAR VETERANS The Prince Huperl llilliard Parlor defeat ed the (Irenl War Veterans in last night' first division billiard lourtinmetit by no aggregate score of 1110 to 1110. l-ealtires of the tournament wcr Ihe defeat of Sergeant .lebson by (ieorge Waugh and 1 fed pyle's victory over (ieonge Mcllmoyle. The high break of tho ceniiu was JH by (ieorge JA'augh with . Long making nearly as high as 3?. Individual scores were as fol lows: fieorge Waugh (Hllliard Parlor) S.1u; Sgt. JebeOil Veterans. 1 80. (Ieorge .Mcllmoyle, 230; I'ren Pyle, 250. H, 1 80. Icllch, 212; W. Halagno, 250; J Long, . Andrews. I', .ieinan, 201; (J. P. Tinker, 250. League standing: (iame Pis. Aver. L W. V. A 7 H0H3 lir.5 P. It. H. P 7 7083 illi For Sale Auditorium Rink and Hall The leading ' Cily, situated 10, block 1" liuil.iing is mi ' ' 10 fool eeiluv eony all at"1 newjy plastered; maple tliHu 1' and eipilpnieni eapuelly for I" Piano and V" 1 tary band org.n 200 pairs Huh, i bearing skater 1 eipiipped thi' both danclno tkm With Iheai'-e can bo Used as -Also for nab'. 51. block 15. se, lilies lo property l.'e. t. I.., I 111 I II I I ll A i- ...a t Msreell. r.w' tn. ian Prince BuP4"1 B.O. 8 i- Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phona 575 DENTIST