j- in utt.-y. to. I02rt THE DAILY NEW3 PAGE -FIVE t rnQTDirr mTrc a run wuq llSt 20 tO ANYOX, STEWART, QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS & INTERIOR POINTS ! cuuvci: i nil' until Jewellers ENGLISH lo IlilV ..-ll'll." iiiihi'1 I hi remark' UK". explniniiiK eutild not xrtt lit. hardine aincoats $19.50 CME Importers Third Avenue nilvunee NYX adies Shoes n i sea. ...' PI C, mttir vino vnro Maid K STOCKINGS ;;. "uolf. ijv. .. " lailir will i no i r mili pnrp I In ijtl math' for real wear. i -luile hliu'k, mailurn. fiot, Ivin. Aireilulo. Prlco $1.50 and 52.00 ' " it!' piir. EST of ENGLAND STORE I 111 UU.m.a BU H TIT v tl U u -TIIUIIB IUd r R S Taif DENTIST ""ii uiuur, "rinoo Rupert, B.C. (,ice Hours tt to 0. X-Ray 8ervloi Phone QSQ. " iiuniiuy ami iiuiifmay I'lVniilwra .'iIiim.i . -" 'iuy v 10 noon NO LICENSES IN THE NAAS INDIANS .,l -ervtce in llmse1 Natives of That Territory Refuse 4 . i. slu' finiillv luul -Iiimsch Hint I III ii , . aine iii iiml luM Ia- vl ft'nwl. v i mil ? We imp Uni ... icmI uihJ look the -r- n- nn oplicinn ., ,'ltV. i Bulger Ltd to Register Fearing Damage Land Title Trap licenpa ure reiiuueil from everyone who i mil laktuM poll ami uiiynue nut taking on' a licenc anil reUIeiin tin- trup lim- i liki'ly lo lia e someone cle rpjjUlor for the territory. , I ml in it m a well a white trapper ( 'hip reiuired lo el a Kapok hut while white folk pay for their i In1 Indian u'i their free of I'Mttl. All tty' Inilian in tin- dhdrlet have taken oitl trHppinx I ii-i-n h Hi illi tin' exception of those in lake mil a Iippicp Ihpy nr milliUK that Hie ownership i Iip Innii t in the pntviitpp llriluli f'.iilumhia. n:r inir. p . . i. for Mrs. Fisher NOTICE. nil- of In Hip iiipnnliiue I Iip Naim In- Ii.im- arp iiahle lo j line. I IiI'iiiikm vi-tpi'pil Ihpm. loe I hpir not Iiiiviiik; LOCAL PEOPLE GUESTS OF H0N0UT TERRACE Valentine Party Staqed for Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Fisher: Tea nit.t:t:. Fpii. io- Mr, w S I ilipr of I'rinre Hnoprt a I or honor at an afternoon iph vivffH on Momlar H)f Air. ii-tnip 1. 1 1 He. at whin home hi i a uopi. Hpfrelinpnl wprp ppvprf ninl a .l"Hiit iummmI hour On TupiUr pvtHiinw Air. and Mr. Little entpriaimxt nt a Val-eniiiip party in htMmr of Air. anil Air. rihpr. IIip riMtHi wen prettily ier.irtieil in keepina vrilh tin- ih'i'ik l-ip talilp of GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. KOTICC or APPLICATION rOR CONSENT TO TRANSFER Of BUR UCIHCl iUv J,0-7..iTC;T: Aan u. spawnl out Triwifw. LAND ACT. Nolle at InttntloM la Land Apply la Lm t- i k n,im4i hunrt I anit nMordlnB Mirt- ami liuai on .VhUrit1 liUnd poar IimH UUmL llNie JTInl ll.M. 1 4. tok NOTtn: llul JovHt Sllnow liorr f lrl"p Kuprl, U.C Srury. ' nlMull in inriii I ITT m irmwr wi ' , ,..n.iiuiii al a mut on Inn ttnr on IIm- Hit 1n f Whlimml llhmli lhm "o Vel n-wlhw.-.l; Ukii S.O0B twl ) i ita'a rval !" n4l ti- tntt' II TUK XOTIlX tlml luWIUl " lh M..,r rr ftr ! of Jnml ft in iIh- lti.tolrar MBlVT V.riiiHa. 0' Ui ! ,' i.lm"ni i U ot "Mm Pitlltpr ' Twit 'at Prm.f nupprl. n r.. Ihl. (ml r rr,?k UM.1t.tl. IN PROBATE. SUfRflXC COURT COLUMBIA. IN PROBATE OF BRITISH In Uh- MattPf ' AilmlnUlrallon Acts In l-nMltrr ..r hn TOM of'Tom O'BrO-n, voTI.' ' ihi ' by onl-r of III tKUe llilmr r M-'B "!. H.fl. tlm IO U I,r,r."l..! n.inO II. Mlt 't.llf r rtUlMt I.' ilH 't.ilV Vr rwmtriKl lo mr It i.n'.i.iii "r their imlehleiliieas t fiirlhIUl. XnnMA?t A. WATT. orriclal AilininUtrainr. prlnr KupiTt. It. C. in! .litv "f lotnarv. ot 'll Columbia Courl in tha Supfaai. In tl Matter nf the Admlnlomllon Aets ,n th.Uer nf tl'!'."' -.V"'. .i.,,i v tinier of III. SllitS V 5 emje ,.t A.'VV ."TLZ no' ti'e" Ml I 'J rrrliy r'ilren. hut in, fi , . tit . n, liruli:' were played. Air. Wood-jward jwon I Int liulip' first prixe Mm- i'ono)atioii vtiiiitif I" Mr., O. T. Siimlal, .1. K. I'ii.hI wa winner nf Hip uehl first ami M4rrt' Oliver reeeiied lln- convolution. AnilrrW yn fiirttuit iiia lite tme r ) Pillli' ut lite iw" WATT, '.YpVt M A. orrieial ArtimttlMMli.r ITIltre Unpen, II. C D.ted U nd Uiy ot rcbruary, i6. Al tl n.fii. ,.icii.u iWr.tHli- ',lllil I Here was a larH meiil were prved, nfler which daiieing wa -iij ! till an parly hour. PRINCE GEORGE W. I., Arinslriuit;, Hlalion atrnnt here, ha heen cleoliil ItC'li president of Hip Prince (iporse Hoard of Trailp. other officer arc: fir! vice-president. (1. A. Pyne; pioml virp-piPAiil'-nl, William lionp: ciniiitiil A. -P. Anderson. II. W. Alwanl, .Mayor Taylor. John Call, V. I,. Ilomshy, A. F. Primrop, C. C. Held, A. -Mull Vhiihk and J. II. .lohnnn. '1'hp an flivpr. TIipv .ihjpcl Iip-Jil"ii"i a pciiary to ' kuappp.! Uporwc V. Fpiiwirk, rn- .iiiiHP iIipv think it will imnrp Ihpir Plains to Ihp taml. Tln-y'',w",,L ,H',,,i 'f"-''l. ri-uMtn Hint if Hipy own the lanil.i 1 ' us thpy claim lo ilo. Ihpy ilo not ,laVr' W. 1.. IIurIii I a traintinK lipnip. If UirylM- V'. Kkiiimr ami V. l-iop wprni pit'til uf tipornp ilirpclur- llopitul of I lie SlMliyty IN PROBATE. I'riiw at the annual hippMiik lal vvp'k. Kal irrlitry flnanPial reMirl for Hip ypr wrp mihmillmt to h niepil- At Hip annual ennvention of Hip Fariii-i lntiiiilp (if ilMlriot "C IipW in the rily lat wk. of fleer wore letpl a follow iiiPinlier of Hip ailviory hounl Ir. Jl. C. lUntfonl. liinlako; pre uliit. John Hpnil'riin. Ileavtr- ly; ilpputy re(irttiilutivp om Hh ailvi-.trv lioanl. It. J. Itlarkhlirn lriiiep liiHtrve; vicp-iphlPil Aim. J. C Hank!. J'raueoi Lake ppprplary. t. 4. Miparar; oxwu- Itvp. J. II. McMillan. Van.lprhoof I.. -M. lUiwr. I'riucp UtMtrvn: Iv J. Mour, Winlaria ami IVIer .Mr (ireory. 1pwp. Plm elly rauneil ha .pranloil Mho following alar mlvanriH to eivte Ptniloy'f -P. T. Wttor eily olinlor. 7& lo HMl; II. St mart. wimmI wwtrinpr at I In powpr tatmn, t H lo l 50 William (traltam. ailunl fire leiutpr ami iauilm. $H0 to 130. Mr. A. Mrll. Young Kavc a lea on SiiiuUy aftemiMiu in honor ol Tll.l. I llt,Ht.ol llr.t w, wr . twill ;m .ii -If H,rr urn. ttf- undor jiiPr MiHler. Mr, 4i .limey of l-i)ihill rirr lT I." iVillwe. New YoH. U U iut i.tmiif iiiuii mi. ii '',L?, inir the winter here, ma k.n Tip lttl Hirtd. Muf al llw ranm, ttt ia lr-Hl IIhI Irfl .. in U i.tl f t'ttm arrl, D.I.- pnl Hh Matt i Ibfd mhi ipi i . to. """Ll'.il! itr uiw bwMlr wrt iwmltr M ' eriif-r Hiii-ti IjumI l--fiirnnii OHIrtrl. M ttw I'nnrin .if BrilKh lumbw. I rut i...... i. ..t..n. i.. iiiiiiniiir jrvili. nr t;,m,r Hlltiprl' BtOI tjllMRMS, Owf "'wImT l I'rlttm llurvrl, IU. IW Wtt The eily enuitril i eonxlilerinp the aivinhiliiy of nlnrw street liaal perxiep in South ami tUn tral Prince liistr-xr whieh wa eiil oT iael year. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert hr. William Saer. Purl Simp on: Upx. Ailhur Hamer. Ti- ronlo; T. (iarrett, city. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. In lh Matter nf Um AthiilnlMrtllun Aril .imI In lb.. Mitlrr of IIm EIIP iif UHrt BURNS LAKE The farce "Wlinl Happened to lone." wa rrePiiled hy local layerH recently In the Coin- allcmlanco ami Hot play was ex ceptionally well put on. Included in lh eal with T. . Martin, Itrown, .Mm J. .M. Ashfurd, Dr. T. Steele, Mi Solina Aslin, Ali Viola Ki'rr, Air. Itori ll.enioe Martin, Alis Iti'rla Aslin. Ml horn ItiuniK'll, Id-v. V. It. Anhfonl, l. tUicliraiM!, Joe Kprr. IIpIwppii larln; Mi. Viola Korr ainl J. Itrtiwn i-pinlerpil a ilm-l anil It. l'ropr Kav n iaxoplniiip olo. Mix. II. J. .It-well wiin ai-- oiiiiaiiit. 1 .Mr. ainl .Mm. (1. A. ritpple of llaiuiotri, Alan., werw visitor herp lal wppk with illii'lr hun, hr. J. T. .'IppIp. After a trip In the poat, Ihpy will rchirn here for anotlir visit. . Air. anil Air. f. Whalen of New Haven, CimiU'ctii-ul, arp Apeiulin their hoiipyniunn at heekpr like a I lit Kuril of Mr. ami Air. II. Al. Carroll. Thoy will remain nhMil u month. Hie Itoanl of Manavren of St. aiil I'uion Chuinh ha eli'ele.1 af fiier follow: fllinirniaii, P. tiirr: vh"p-!hairman, Al. F. Nuurp; .pprptnry-trpfliirer, G. It. Ilnhli. Mr. ami Air. Howard I'ringle lof FraueoiH Lake were vuilort in Horn Lake iai week. TAkT .VOTH K Ihal Uysor.fjlf..Hl4 T ,r,Mf.H llnlMMfr r. .hcii. iimnit. nwue me rii iwj .if January, A.H. ' apumiril Ailinliil.itrtr nf llr ui of IUtImtI HnliM-p. ilMM"t. am) all iMrilvn Itav tut rtaliim arsin.l llw aalil ptalr art-tiprvby miuirnt In funtlOi miif. mrly vvrinm lo IW 11 ur uviuiv iihi im imi nf Krliruary, A.H. tn. auit all panii'a liHl'hlnl I" iw ptaip arp riinmi iu imj 0m atmriinl uf llwlr IhiI-IUIim' In n fortliwllli. XOIIMAN A. WATT, titrinal AiUiilnltratr, prlnr IturwrL B.C. tuiwl lli dnl d.yv t January, tft. IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. In the Mailer nf lite Ailminl.O rallnn Ael; anil III Ih Mallir nf the KMatti nf MurihM'li Miiulniiuiir . ImtphmmI. lulpntalt. TAfcK MtTli.K lh.il hy nnliT nr IU llniuMir V. Mi'H. Yiiunir. mail I Up (til ilay nf Januarv. A lt. ISM. I va tpiHiimpil AilHilnMnilor f llw pt.il nf Munlnrli MiintH'Mipry, ilccp4p(l, anu all partlpa uuv Inic rl.tlnt nlnl Oip nalil p1.Ip are lici-pliy minlint In furHlh iiiw, pniMrly vpriripil In Hip nn nr Ix.fiM-p I lip (III llav uf lehrtiary. A.0, l(. anil ill parlie uilplilpil in llie pi.iip arn iruuirrii in imy Ihp aiimtint nf tlwlr lnitPlileilitP!a In nte fnrlhnlOi. MtnMVN A. WATT. Orrirl.il Ailniliilslralur prittcp iniprt. n.n rmtpil 111 ri1 Out nf Janiiarv. KtlV IN PROBATE. In tha Surm Court ot Brlllah Columbia In tl Matter nf IIh Aitiulnltratlniv Arii anil tit tin Mullrr of Im I.sUIp nf Maitra llrniui. Iii'i-pawil. IiiIpmUIp. TAKK NOTICK that liy iiiiWt nf III lliuioiir V. Mrll. Viuinr. uimle ibe Irtl nay nf yphrnarw A.n. !. I wa animlntPit AilmlnlOraliir nr llw KWti ot M.tuni liruno. iU'iapl. anil all parties hnvinir rianim avaiiKi lit' miiii oh.hp ar iwinnv rpiiulivi In riiml.ilt naiiic. nriHwrlv vprl rii'll tit tne nil nr Im'Tiii-p III Snl (lily nf Marrh. A. It. 10V, ami alt partlp Imlvhlptl In Hip p.iip nr riiiilivil in pay Hip niniiiiiit nf IliPlr IiiiIpIiUiIiiS li Imp rnrlliuuii. SottMAM A, WATT, (irrirl.il Ailintnltlralnr I'rinre Hiiprt. B.C uiira luv jra aiy or rcoruary, ine TERRACE NOTES (i. Walkpr wa n husino viilor from vietoria at the hr ginnim: of the C. W. Sawl& New Hnelton.l wa in town n Alomlay. C. Finton relurnpil lo town on I MiHiihiV after havins. fenl the week-eml at Kalum ttH(i'. A. (iootlennosh. Sunt her. wa a liuM1o visitor on .tinntiay. A tlaiigJiter wa HWTTIn Ter- rar on Sunday lo Air. ami Mrs. Leu I let toil. .1. Siesrfreid left on .Monday ! nijrht on a huinw trip to Flor ida. P. W'alli, Vancouver, wa huine visitor on Aloiulay ami Tup.itay. liwrence and Stanley ltrook! tifl on Atomlay nij-lil fr Winm- pe?. YANDERHOOF I'. A Miteliell ha heeiuii ... .. ... - , lliejltonrir.ljf ManJ aeiui'til of the local Untied :iitnrli. W. .1. IUini's is secre- lurv. Ihirintr Ihe month of .lamiary Ti inehps of anovv fell lu:rc. I'lit; ininimiini leuiierntiire for the mouth vn 2 ahove xoro on lauuary :it, and the maximum. 1 1 altove on January ? Word received is to the effect that Ueorjje Onslnn, who recently underwent nn oitentlion iu l.d iiiouton, is iirosres-siii . ... i niitolp Hall An Infallible Guard according to Celtic mythology, was the HEIMDAL, perfect sentinel. His hearing was so acute that he could hear the wool growing on a sheep's back His eyesight was so keen he could see everything that happened even though it occured while he slept. Advertising, if you use it properly, is an infallible sentinel for you., It guards you against fraud and inferiority. It protects you against making unwise and unsatisfactory purchases. Merchants and manufacturers who advertise must give full value because they have good names to prb-tect. The makers of well-known products and the stores that sell these products often value the names at millions of dollars. They cannot afford to jeopardize the worth of these names by sslling any bat good goods of full measure and fair price. e So, you can bank on this. Advertised goods must be as advertised. That is why it pays to deal with ad; vertisers and to buy advertised products. i: Advertising is your guard PIillllilllilllllB90allillllli MOST SUCCESSFUL WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE HELD Ladles of Mooseheart Legion Were Hostesses at Affair In Meiropole Hall Last Night ( The most nereful whist a I fit at n nil a I 'I MPlk OVPP liehl hr the l- .rruy. i " ,,,:. llf Mophenrl Lecion out lime HiiilMin nay uo. mana- ... . ., M , in"" " " ' . II. tier ai rort ni. uaiue, wen uirrwi liift week at the ago of 3fi, There were W fahles of wiilsi . . . Initil Ihe itriite winner were a? PlOCllHll ..ii . IOHiii M.nilie-!. Mr. Frank Olapfi: 2, Air. V. Al.' r.rohy; eonnlalion Air. It. J. Hacon. Men Firt. (Hot Slepavitr S. C. I.imliiui!; consolation, i. It. MoD.tnnlil. Air. I.. R. Parry, the holder of the luekv lieket. won a ?o.nu irohl tuppe. A Inlile pentre wn raffled anil won hy C. Haines D.'liL'hlful refrehmels wore served and al Ihe dnnro lhat followpil Iherp were over 200 orespol. Snlendid nutsie was do- iuvorunij. n(l0,j j,y .rthuri Orchestra It. .1. Haeon and Joe iMaffcard It. 11. AleCorkcll ha returned I. VP0 mn,tprs nf ceremonies and from a htislne.. trip to Vancou- yir while and I.. U. Parry pre ver ami Seattle. Li, led nl Ihe door. The commllloe in charso con- Mr. Hale has returned home ,lled of Mrs. 0. Whalman. con from Hie Ilaellon Hospital. I vener: Mrs. J. rmwlhorne, Mrs L. It. Parrv. Airs. A. Strnrhan Miss J. Al. ltichards, who has Mrs. Fd. I'njter. Afrs. C. Fihvnrds heen 111, resumed her school I .in,i Mrs. O Slesrnvisr leai'hittK duties this week. Samuel Cocker hns return ed from u six weeks' trip to the coasl. - FINANCE COMMITTEE WILL CONDUCT AUDIT Hev. Oenrjio A. Wilson of Van- Enquiry Into Utilities Status Will (Oliver, superintendent of the Home .Mission Fields .of the I'nileil t'hurch Qf Oannda, was a visitor here on Sunday and in I'ort Fniser on .Monday. Subscribe to the Dally News. be Based on Findings of 1922. The audit lo establish Ihi stains of Ihe city utilihes will" he eonducleil hy Ihe finance com inltlco which is in a better post TUGBOATS Day Phone 423 539 Gr. 238 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. G. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. lion lo have -the work camel out. Ihe eily council oVenled la-nielli on recoinmendatioii of the ulilitie eoiuinitlee. Aid. Casey, chairman of the riiiain-e eoitiinittee. asked III"! uiemhei-s of Hie council lo familiarize themselves with Hi" ti-'-.' utiiitte. audit which wouhi he ued as a basis for the new audit. GRADING AND SIDEWALK ESTIMiflJESPRESENTED Council Takes Steps to Proceed with Work on Fourth Avenue East and Musgrave Place 1 Heeeivins; reports from the city ensmeer as lo cost, me city couneit decided last niuhl to tako step towards having the follow ing work proceeded with: AlnsRrnve Place giadinsr. Sixth Avenue lo Fifth Avenue, .170 foot fronlnire, total cost 1120. cost per hundred foot $32.71. the cor pitration to hear a portion of the cost. Fourth Avenue East from Ale tlride Street sidewalk, 1000 fool rronlnjre on norlh side, lotal cost 18115. cost per 23 fool lot, I0.2. Fourth Avenue from Cotton Street lo junction with Fifth Avenue. 1502 feel total frontage. total cost ?2,tU0, cost per lot, 1 11.26. Night Phones 687 539 Gr. 238 Black 735 CANADIAN Steam LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANERS The Laundry of Personal Service, Phone No. 8. Finished Laundry, Wet Wash, Thrlft-T-Sepvlce, Soft Finish, And Dry Cleaning. We are ready at any tlm lo receive your phone call, to take your instructions, to tako personal charge of your Luundry and Dry Oleanins. MILK From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM We specially recommend our Table Cream at t5e for Half Pint. Quality and Service Valentin Dairy Phone 657