PAGE POUX. aJ.V TltMiy jH, fi BOYS LEADS BRINGING UP FATHER " By George McManus . IN BILLIARDS Oat Start of 626 to 477 Over Jack McMillan In Championship Tournament Last Night Sk Sv J: c I Ar r. mr JJ v rJ rj? moored r f,ft I ' - In I ho first Hook of Ilia 5.00i pnnt billiard tournament Tor lit championship of Hrilisli Columbia, al Hit Urnnd Terminal liillianl Chili Inst nkgul, Sii I toys obtained a lead over Jack MaMillmi of rtjrt In 177. Al oiio time. Hoys wan 300 ahead of McMillan ilml Ilia la(er caught up 10 within fif(een point! only lo he set liack again by Hoys making a . brnak. Tin high run of the tournament were: Hnvs - 128, 101 ami : McMillan 81, 71 and 57. TJip 'time was something over Iwo hour ami there was a pood crowd of special or lo witness the competition. Jack Judge was referee; W. Slirkney, marker and G. S. Itusscll, scorer. The players will meet again this afternoon and evening and so on Jill Hie 5,000 points is played out. ATHLETICS AT HIGH SCHOOL Baseball and Football League are Organized and Have Already Started Season Senior foolhall and baseball leagues have been on?an.ized aj King Kdward High School and will carry out a schedule o' game during the coining- summer, football on Wednesday afternoon's after school al Hie Acropolis Hill ground and baseball nn Friday's. There are two teams in both leagues bearing Hie names ol their caplHinsi. Alex Milchell and Perry 'Halsler. arc -Hie foot-liall skippers and (heir f irt Same last week resulled in seore of i lo 2 in favor 0 Mit chell's!, 'Last night Ihere was to have been Another football game but, as both teams were short of men, it was decided not lb conn! jl in the slanilimr. The .first baseball game re aullcd jii Alex Mitchells leam ilefealing that captained by Ted Tile by a score of 12 lo fi. I SPORT CHAT T l Kjieu Hir onpffrlunily of seein two more experts in action, this tme with something at stake, lien Self, manager of (lie Grand Terminal 'Milliard Club, is lo be congratulate on his initiative In. bringing .lack McMillan and Hid Hoys' lp Prince Ilupert to play for I lie provincial biliari! championship The Anyox Football Associa lon held ils annual meeting last week when officers were elected and arrangements made for the coming esason's uclivjlies. The iVs aificers wer chosen, usi follow:. President, Velc Mo-1 Itnugall; vice-president, H. Deeth; secrelary, David Wilson. j The same constitution as last! year will govern the play of fioc- rex 111 .'"ihe smeller lown H1I1 season ..and Ihe season's sched ule of games is now being drawn up. TELKWA .At -a' community meeting at Flouncl Lake on May I, II. was decided In hold n big dance on June 3, Special plans are be ing made to make Ibis lanu?. oiie lo be remembered. , ".Mr. andiMrs. P. flavin molor- ,cd to Houslon on Sunday and I A card parly arranged by Ui teachers of the loCal- school 'on. Friday lrew a nice crowd. The proceeds, are being used to hely get new books lor the school library. . ... Although Hie nighis are quit cold, hay crops and gardens arn growing steadily. Mrs. Slavin cnle-rlained at lea on Wednesday in honor of her sister Mrs. OSoolil. II was with a general feeling of regret that THkwaites sai I idieu to Mrs. Ilowson and Heny vylm have left for the coast cities nroutc lo eDIroil. .This Thursday js to be. a busy day- for those in charge o' lh Nursipg Hoinfe' dance winch takes. place tonight; 1 Afler T' 'having, dune consii'r-rt'ork work on Hie fovernmej! able, lload between h;e. arid Morictv town. Frank Mcl)on.a.W is . back at his ranch, agafa. SKIDEGATE INLETf IS BUSYTMS SEASON Two Canneries and Two Salterlss Operating and Hoad Work Proceeding: New Boat Here Skidgate Inlet is busier than it has been for a long time, ac cording to J. P. Hover, who with The annual meelins of thel l l-rirrliati ni'inoc-ap Ilia .11ce -rm leiinis i.iuh was heM H.O. Packers new cannerv al last week and lt? officers wer South Hay. was In Hie city yes niKeieti .as, pillows; President, Al terday. There are two canneries f.niMPiiiT,, ,, w. orhe; operating mere llus year ami H-i-presiuein, jirs. 11. r. ixer-uwo saileries. Also there are gii); execulive, T. Tavener and more lrollers operating at Hippo H.. l owler. t he financial slate- Jhan, usual, Hoad work is pro mpn,t showed Hie. eltib lo be oul ceeding and everyone on the nr debt so il was decided lo re- islands is busy ruile, iheanuual uiembersiiip, feel Mr. Dover came over on the from 10" In $8. The club haslNishga, the new canuery lendrr hen inviU'4 to Join, the llriti:,lliuiU Ibis year at Vancouver for (;oIumbia Lawn Tennis Assncia-lHie H,C Packers and to be oper- Hon. ' aled Ibis year at Ihe Naas Hiver. She Js 55 feel long and has a f0 The exhibition sanies here olihorse. pawer CO. Fairbanks en- Htanley Xewman, .Hie IlriHslijgiue, The boat is skippered by prufefisiiinal billiardist, were nl" trejtlf lif (local followers of tlih -Ah V green Uulml lahl who arc pov lkl0ZTllltlm of Lctnqda guarantees its Age MM arnnsam 9 YEARS OLD 41 This advertisement is not published or displayed byhe Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of Urltlsh Columbia. NATIVE SONS TELKWA EECT M. Dockrlll Heads Organization at Bulkjey Farming Centre ' The following officers wr elected on Saturday night wJier Uhoul I wen l y-five members , 01 he Smil hers Assembly won sresenl at the initiation: l'resi.ent--F. M. Hockrill. v ll Vice. .1. P. Wheeler, 2nd Vice p. It. While. ec.-rreas. r. P. Mnilh. Sgl.-al-Arin.s. W. .M. Hoyle. Chaplin T. .M. Ovens. Inside Huanl 1. J. Quinlivin. Outsi.le Guard S. X. While. Historian G. I.. Murray. There- were twenty-seveii members initiated al the meet- ing on Saturday. The local as enibly will be known as Telkw. Assembly Xo. 51 anil wjll mee in the Town Hall Hie third Tne day in each month. TERRACE NOTES w . - t 1 -Mr. T, -TSfindal has beer, (ippttinteil rfvileglite, from 'ihn local church to allend Hie Fjiii etl church conference to be lijJ.; in Vancouver diring Hie weel -ommenciiig. May 12. ,iShl 'ex jM-ct to" leave- (Ur Ilia.'-Oiitlr m Unu.i.iy nest and will Msil,.wiU ncr ilaughler Msle, and olhei friends Jn 'iclofi.i JneforA re- lurnimg home; 1 Mr. and Mrs. V, Sins return ?d Monday front twit week holiday trip lo Vancouver, Capt. and Mrs. .1. II. Oollhurs and son David returned on Tuesilay from LakeUe Lake where Ihey have sponl the paU iwti week at their. n(iimer hoipe there. V. A. Dalpra of Van.trsdol Terrace vilor on Tuesday. The ll.ll. (Iridge Club met n. uesday night !' "'e liomo of Mis. O. T. Siindal. W. K. Van! Meier was In from bis mining .claim al VanarsdhS an Tuesday and had some- vrr tn I e res ling ; .Inokfii'u ja in (A? 0 1 The Ladies' Guild, of Kimx I lilted ehureh mevls on Thtirs lay of Ibis week al Ihe home ol Mrs. Win. Kirkpalrick. Fred Xah IcTI on Wednesda lo do some siyvey wiirk a I lb mining claims around Vanars lol. Thomas TilTin of Copper Cily was in lown on luesilay. Mr. nd Mrs. Olson and family iroiu askalchewau arrived 111 lown al Ihe week' end and iir taking up Hflf rsldericp In lump, rt'ccnip- occiipieii nj: .nr and .Mrs. (-.idfr. I. n. Gilbert left on Monday on a business I rip lo Hie inter inr, SKIDEGATE a very enjoyanie uapce was given by Caplafn Herl llansnti and crew of the Canadian Fl Cold Hlorane Company's pack er Chief Xabasa al Ihe DulTeriu I'atlullo soIkuiI. Music was sup plied by Me.lay' nrcheslra nn peojde from all over Ihe Inlet allepded. A, Dace came in on the laal V anted For Sale Fo Rect DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lets than 50c BOARD AND BOOM. H0.nn. The Inlander. 8a Second Avenue. Phone 137. BOARD, Ilnoms. and Furnishe. Suites. Palmer House. H i 1 ... boat from l.os Angeles afler b-ing away from the Islands fo. thirteen years. .Mr. Darn sajn the grass ami clover here U much further ahead than the alfalfa' in Gal if or mi and aUo he says he is mightily glad lu be in God'a country again. There is new management a. he Silka Siruce Mills. Mr 'leas is now tossing siiperiu inleiil and l' Muckle is mil lanager. 'Hie Glaspie Untlhci who were in .charge of the out fit before have Iff 1 fur Seattle. J. IM 1 large, gox eminent aseiu ame in oit .Hie last trip of I hi :rince John after having lvi m a business trip tu Vancouver Splendid 'progress Is bein. made on Ibe' new cannery bein, built at South Hay for the, HA 'ackers. Tle''plnCo"cah be ei ipiile plainbfrom Skidegate am ith all the new buildiitgs loot;- like a town. The manager v he' rnnerrti J M. Hnglisli, li ngelher wild linilatn J. I Hover bas guile to Prince Ituper n the Xishga. Captafn Kd: Wiggins of Ihe t roller Q.C. Uy was the first of Hie local boats lo leave for the oiling groutiils this year. A lot of Prince. Ilupert (rollers hae pushed through the inlet on (heir way lo Hippo, most of the bunts now being away. RUISER EPAULINE SOLD BY BUCKLEY Well Known Powerboat Hcs Been Sold to W. C. Shelly of Vancouver. The big power cruiser Kpati-- lie, well known in local waters, has been xtld by F- L. Huokley I. . C. Shelly of Vancouver. Tit fel(i ine iif),he largest am) (mil Miiindsome: rgrtSrtliart'hoats W Ihe Jlalisli, liojumhia' ias! liid is IV- feeT loilg wlln' !7h feel beam. Her cruising speed H len knots per hour wilh u six Cylinder 115 horse powci hfeavy duly engine. !r sea Worthiness has often been pu th the lest in the rough water-Of Ilecale Slrails and Dixon'- nlrnnce and she has made Ii, (he iiasl mauv lrin .beiween Vancouver and Prince Ilupert. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert W. Hennelt, Sealtlo; Mr and Mrs. John Farrell,, 'lclorla Cyril Fuller ainj . C. 'Summers, I'oronlo; v.. J. T. Hayes, Monl real j K. de la Clare, Arlhur J Cprzon, Jack McMillan, V. Tay lor, Sid Hoys ami Hdward Lip sell. Vnneniiverj G. A, Taylor, Oceanic: Mr. and Mrs. It. Oil lioar, AOckland, -'New Zealand W. II. Hiiodsoir; Smithers; Mrs !:. W. CasHeCFiu?d?N. Me.Millan Terrace; Mr.anilUlr?, II. O Johnston, Inverness; i. Slrallon Hahine: Siguril-Ornsled and Finn Itennie, Oslo, orwny: Mrs. A. J .Malheson and famll)'. Port IM ward; Martin Andersen, eily. Central II. G. Ilennetl and J. Unkles anconvei; A. . Ileunell, Oolsa. Lake: r . II. Helios. Ilmonlon. Adverllse lit tha Dally Newi. . . j .' WANTKD. KnriuUM npar-nwnt or housekeeping rooms for married euuple. Apply Hox 301, Daily .News Office. Iltl. WAXIKIl fur cneral houVi'wofk. Apidy l.C. Fur tin. 107 Hill I. WAXTr'.D. lander. ron auc Apply In- FOn BALK, -r- 3t fool caMi-crul?cr, 15 h.p. heavy nil engine, Prio tl.joo.pct. 2- fool run a bmit. good engine. Price 250.(U 12 h.p. Fairbanks engine. . 2 cylinders, cycle, iMc 1 2, h.p. Fairbanks engine. Price '. I550.U1 Kallenbrg engipe, At water Kent ignition. Pric 200.00 . 5 h.p. Hiiffalo. Price..... ;'00.0i 5. b.p. Frie. price. M25.(m 40 h.p. Studebaknr Auto. Prict ?00.0P I Ford engine - 25.oo, 31 h.p,' 2 fy Under bfavy ol rngjnf, pJuitHcfri,,, eonili-lion,' 400 r.p.m. weight Yl.- ' 000 Ihs. ,Prlre..:,'i?,000.00 h.p. Kvinru.le Inboard 55.0l i.b.p. IMnrudeoutlmard $CV0( 3 V, h.p. F.vinrude, oulbqard, f i l0j 2 C-h.p. Fairbanks single cylinder 2 eyele wilhoiil equipment. Price 35.00 each. Logging loolsr cable, propeller, luhrirainr. elc.., at low. est price. Apply Xorlbern Kxchane. 211 Second .cnue. Phone J3. FOIt SALF. or Itenl. Tourist Hotel at Terrace, H.C. Twe,- room furnished, furnace heat. eleclrlc light, electric pumti. balh, reslauranl. kitrhen. bar room, three room furnished cnllnge. Iwo lot Henl 75.01 per month nr wijl sell on rea sonable terms. Apply Mrs. .1. A. McDougallt T,nuri! Unlet Terrace. H.C. FOHALF,. VI fool trrtll.T. lust completed, all gear; available .fthouw-Mnpdny; ' VU parlicp ,-.,J,ari, addr,e4srf Hot 301, Daily FOIt SALK. Vive roomeil, house on Iwo lots, furnished; all ! garden and berry butliCA. tl- 750.00 on terms. Apply T. Mc Clymont. tf Hit S.M.K. Secondhand furniture and reslauranl fixtures from Iloyal Hotel. Apply 1 1 1 Third Avenue. FOIt SALF.. Gerbard HeliMzman Piano, on easy monthly pay ments. Walkers Music Slore FOH SALF.. 21 fool pleasure boat, engine practically new Snap. Phone or 583. tf FOIl SALK -Three roomed hniisii, plastered; gpod IncaHon. 1550 McCaffery Sc Gibbons, Ltd. t HMI SAI,K First class golden oak dining suilo. Phone Mine 100 nigh Low Hiuli Low PBIN9I RUPERT TIDES Thursday, May 6 H:3I a.m. 17. 1 ft 2I:3 p.m. h.2 - 2:21 a.m. o.i 15:00 p.m. 5.7 Friday, May 7 !':17 a. in, (K.o f 22:3 p.m. ID. l ........... 3:12 u ,tn , 7,8 " li:05 p.m. 5.3 " Articles iLoit and bound, &c TO RENT IWf) rooms to rent in private. FOIt IlKXT. Modern four room ed flat, with Monarch range, in,T aiu pui-. Clapp block. Westenhaver linn KOIt IlKXT.--Furnished house keeping suite. Miissalleiuj Apart nienls. Phone 18. tf: FOIl IlKXT Four hot water heated. A Mallet. Max lleilbrnner. AUTOMOBILES room suite, ' Apply SmlH.j i on above ear ami liberal c( vice on new ears. KAIEN OARAOE. (tenlefs in Chevndel and ail Genera! Mninr Prmlucts. Wrecking Ser.i-.- Day and Xluhl Phone 52. QOOD EATS CAFE, f TIIF FHHD MOTOII UIMPANY OK CANADA ipnn publication of the ai iff tiaiig'-s. unmedi-alrly issued Hie following NEW PRICES tuiiabntit 9QI3.5P louring t0.1l.00 Coupe 7M8.0il Fiidor Sedan Fordor Sedan - I87U.O.) Light Delivery I0I5JH Chassis lYuck Chassis Nm.PO All prices include self-starl r, governmetit taxes an! freight. National luisy Payment 'Ian available. 4 S. E. PARKER, LTD. 21 U Secnnd Avenue. TAXI Phone 67 Taxi (Call George, Paul or Ousl) Six and Seven Passenger- Slude bakers al your disposal any limn, ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block. Across from Kmprcs llolcl. Third Avenue Opposite Heiison'd Studio, GOOD Mi;(I.S. GOOD CAKI'.S Coffee or Tea Served. URAL IIOMK COOKKD MP.AI.S, Mrs ITnger, Proprietress. FURNITURE. New a n d Secondhand Slore. We Ituy. Sell and Kx cnange Xeir and Sccondliattd (loods. QEO. PAPADOPULOS Third sve Phnne rtr WOOD. Dry Mixed Wood .no n load. Dry Fir Wood L0n a Inn d. Rut In tiny length. Kindling, $7.00 a load. Fir Furnace Wood 7.00 n load. A. ISAACSON Phone niack 401. Seal Cove. OUT-OISt. f h . VMklsJf . . . . . TiHla) .... frl'U)i SslunUrs . . ue.u . uy 1. ) W Cjr3 ,wlgJ:' ;' ' , Willi. L I. I". 1 1 ' - ! i i. i ip I 1 i i IM - -- - brought hack Mrs. Slavin's sis-'l aptain Price, formerly of Iim Mrs. .1. (iuold and her tw-j cliildren. Mr, T. M. Queen entertained a numlier o her irienus at bridge on Tuesday. iMarfisfi who is well known here. lUet-, ., ,., .j u-,. i. r- - 1 MA I QrHCmiir ii in M iiw uviiuuui.r. I Ml I , VI. 11 TO Q Ctultlli U1m4 Hhn, I. It . . ip-cem. frm IS txi I Suwl)f ... Wr4iMUt . . rrWi vlrdv . I P.M.. til in I " Pfim Altc Arm, StoKii I r.Li... MODKIt.N FLAT for Hriil. Apply ! ff QUARANTEED USED CARS AT BARGAIN PRICES IO?:iOhUnuibite Touring M 50.00 1022 Oldtnoble Tmirinet 9A50.O0 1U2I Ford Tudor Sdan 1150.0.) 1023 Ford Tudor srjan n.un nut riu 4Untii Trim SImI Pttatt ! (. II. ft im m k ik st I I . 1 . 1 1 . - L r ruru 1.IKII1 ieurry .. . jimi.iui Ford Llghl Deli.r . .. flJS.Otv We gie Ihirfv days free ervle u ' Ml 11 ul home, waterfront view, up-lo- t aii, Atm, " uaie mriiisiuiv. oau riiuiiii - - Av.miH I' Mine r.llrt WIm4j fUHNlSHLD llousekeepiiuj Hoomi tu rent by the day. week or month. Phone lied 007. If, Thurvl; e ii. I'll. k ltb rraat Qwm Ota'WlU fs VI) It. OX COVLICTIfikl II 4 hrtn tn. II S. 4 Cuarsil si 1 A. 4 Htr flu if fill 4 Iltl - IrrW III 4 fl. ih r 4 vnn,w i fro. nti, lUdrs fro, Vi. whtrr O.T.r WMrf , arr sunn ro.1 Kr. 4 M S jlM Af. 4 rullosi PL Jrt Arc. 4 m l I M S " l III ttt It) I I I t It ft Ii I u Ul H it STEAMSHIP M0YEMDT5 f f liMnttr- MiAitt pfiiK. ll-U ('Mr34 irldsf fnrnv - t rtluttUy . i.ittit , rrlams ftlr Ukjr 4 u, ltltr-t t. :i Ht II S4. flinr, ty ti -. frtinwt v.. Ve4nrstijr . fnnrf rrMr . t4tii HsiuMijr - m. mom lurtlr -- frliw .-aj ir ie . iriw.'f wr ii . Prlir.-- t;: vitr 11 . rrliir-. 1: a M laa i St. Si n 11 0 M A I I' N II 111 l (M V 0 i l rssl a IM JMl a - - " r - - y , Ssiunlsjr . 011I4 fa lluli " WJf IS -, I'fllK-' 1 Mty fi , rniM-.i u AA h.,..,..a Frm aiMkt Uy I . rnncess D l Mlt ... rrlnr r iimm m 4IKI tr- tl- I 1 . m . . . to tnl ' I ' ' Siuriljr- . rniK . . . . . , . , 1 iM nfHiy rruiiT ,,1." Tell' -. CkrilrM rnUy v rrlnre nr -ri ff Qun CkcflotU lllin Mr II . rnnee Jiis Vsjr l - pniM-" I'" tfm Qun Ch.'IslH l'n My IS m. I'Hflrp l Wy IT M. Prtnr J C.N.H TRAINS Psily furi siiwMjf ! ' From (.it . i: l 'I 1 l 'l fl lUIIV r-ll Tli'MtU' l "I NOTIOt TO Ihe Matur of lh lUI 4 irrei. .c,. ,t ft iHMis Mvlnt rUHii SMiti'l J r1 I'lUJul. li illnl II III- Ol lliirl, In Hi- ITorliir- l n ''."'''. "'.',1'"' l.toU'llZ& fA 1111 lf 1ft IU1, rvi AMU 1' lller iin.lnlr wire rn M J 0 i lirrnie ('.nurl nf trilh ' 'l"l' ''JV II. is, .i John rMivn IV,- lieri. ll.C, re renoesletl i n iill 9V rj irrett ... ..... ihihI )r'lil iiniiiriiu-n run iiiir rminin aim inii-mr.. "A enirlllM "in (ii (It aiijr hit held. .", M V.i Ii ii Venflml liy M.liiiirV ilei-Urs" Ami like nullr I Hi '!' Vli V of Jhim, 11(1. tlM, HKlW iVI mi uiMriniiie me "i- '"..'in w trisnl only lu IIki rlliis ol (nii- hu ma IUIe.1 IhU IM 1T 7''V'n'Hly EUl of ;oha OIUDd, DIMI"1