I husday, May 6, 1926. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE I 1 "TRY A NIP TONIGHT BEST PROCURABLE Ust.'ir-VS MCOOtl Of ICOTLANO ' IMtMH ' . ?M il"MtCfMO AAiVtvf 'MlnM pulO icon Tha Original Libel look foi-lt at Ida Vendor' ahil Iniltt on GRANT'S "BEST rROCURAItt-EI' h'liis advertisement Is nut published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government nf Rritiah Columbia Take Precautions Now ' : IUtV(lI Midlf-. bisects. Flie- uml Hug- i (he curb I l-K 't I i it I iI'l" t . 1 I i t i nr.ui iiiin.n iimcu ii i" re : Cum Camphor ....... , .... 15c; 2 fur 25c I Moth Balls, per 111 ... 25c Cedar-Napthalene Hakes,' perpkge 25c Flytox ...... . .-. . i . . , 50c, 75c, $1.25 Black Leaf, 40 35c Nlctone i 35c Insect Powder, per lb $1.25 pKealing's Insect Powder 20c, 40c prayers, imhIi 50c Hy Swatters t 15c Ormes Limited Tin' Pl'MlO1' IlfltgUI hones 82 and 200. see Tin- lli x.ill SI.. re. 3rd Ave. and 6th St. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert )RYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock iglnesrt, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmith, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle al! kind of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 3W troubl e ...1. ....... .9 a I t..ll.. La.... II. -.1 ....... Il a .Kc nil, a ' i lfi. .i . i ; ,....1 r line teller In -tell nhoiil our Thrif-T-xcrvice. It oosls very IMo per pound, but il wild uff every wnshtuh trouble Hint er exisiecl. ion ll nun il u guuu mm riiurm iikii wuritn Thrif-T-Service 5c a pound, 1c per plcco Everything washed and flat work Ironed AN Alii AN S KAM LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaners Phone 8 r r I oen ror Business: I beg to mitioiiiK-e Hint 1 have opened for business in .. I L'!..ll. it I.t.- .tl. .i .. ... ill. l i . i rl'l. .! 1 ni I til 11 111 I n 1 V I II in uiii IMiH n, I IJ III I IHMi - reel, where s hull le ulail to renew friendship witn om Vomers, and greet nil new oiies. W. CAMERON iwnmREn AND JEWELLER PHONE 208 Local and Personal Phone 16. PR. Coal Co. Arthur's Taxi, l'houe 678. If .Moose Annual Picnic, July 4. vli.C.v-Unde rlfjkerji?' CrjslaJ I'lrcliglilnrti, I'Pbone 41. l.00. Hyde Transfer. 580. 48 for Phone If 'on t forget concert In Pre- bylcrian Church tomorrow night at 8 o clock. l'l't J- Chr school Hoard r warned. Ap- ii, Secretary 107 P. M. Ziller nnd daughter, ol Ketchikan, have arrived In the cily on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. J. Zarclli. A general merlin?, of tli baseball Association will he hel.l in the Cily Hall on Friday even ing al 7 0 clock. 10 Jack f?elf, local Jish packer, returned to I he city on yesterday afternoon's train after an ahenec rfince last November visiting hU home In Norway, Waller Shaw, who has taken H fanil In the' Fraser Valley and intend to lake up resilience there, returned to the elly on the Prince Ucorge yesterday after noon. Sigurd OriHed and Finn from Oslo, Norway, were. arrivals in the city on tact night' train. They are on llielr way to Alaska where they will Celtic. Mic Helen 'hollow-ay. R.., who i reeovering from a iWedl oer umj illnei, nqd her mother, Mr. FLA. Solloway, t Van confer well xail for Vancouver on the Prince !eor:c tomorrow afler- inon. A iiieelins; nf the Pioneer A- cueiaMon will lie lif lil in- th Police Court, CM y" Hall on Friday May 7, at 8 p.m. Election of officers and other liuine, S NesviuB, aithi.- pfcJiInr.; iv. k - i, r J ve ; "jHM"'II.O. Re?iment lance. Friday evening May 7. at i.m in the Armoury. Mi-oilier aii.l honqrdry members tf the ltsi menl and tlieir lady fneinN in vited. Admi-jnion 5c eonnle. In Mr. ami Mr. R. IMllhrar of Auckland, New Zealand,' who rirr mod 'in- Uie city from V.nieou'- er yeiriay ailernoon nflei having eroed the Pacific on the Aorangi ln.-l week, left u I hit morniug' train for Ja.oer Park. They are making a leisurely trip around the world ami will .xpend several nionlli" viii ins: in I'.aiiaila ami the United Slule before proceeding t l'.Uj.'lanil. Mr. IHIIicar i. a nalixe of Yorkshire, Kugland. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. DUiHY ISLAND. -Part cloudv, culm; barometer, t; temner- nluri'. Ui; ?ea inoolh; 11. O.IU ipoke Ktenmer Curacao, Wran-gell for Ketchikan, 50 miles from Ketchikan. )I-A1 TllF.K POINT. Ha ro- meler, i..78; teiiiperalure, 30. HILL HARHOII Ctoar, tdinn soiillieaft.t wind) hanjineler, SV.- 01: temiieralure. (8: ea rnuuh. p.m. !poke steaiher Redwood, 218 inili'x from llellingham, outhbotiml; 8 p.m. ypoko lui? Cape .Scott in Campania Sound) a.m. ouf schooner Hilford; 8 a.m. twelve American (rollers nncliored in Hull Harbor: 7 a.m. hpoke steamer Admiral Peaty ul Port Kuoan Island soilliljound, 8 a.m. !poKe motorslup l.llluhom, iIpmI North HliUT, bound for Ocean FulU. Noon OmitY ISLANO. Cloudy, calm: barometer, 2U.78; (emper-tilurn. 60: sen.emooth. ltt'l.l. HAIllum r.lear. slrone BRITISH COLUMBIA BILLIARD CHAMPIONSHIP Series of game a between jack McMillan former title holder for the Dominion, and 8ID BOY8 champion of bnhsh Grand Terminal Billiard Parlors, commencing TODAY, MAY 5 Afternoon and Admission - - i F.vening. 50 cents. TWO WARS BEING WAGED IN CHINA New York Editorial Writer Whi Has Just Arrived to Tell of Double Struggle VICTOIUA, May C. "Two war are beiiiff wagej in China." oaid Nicholas Hoosevclt, editorial writer and speciai ivpreseni-utive of The Ney York Times who wat a passenger aboard th? President Jacko fwm tht Far l-Jast. For the pasl evi-ral montbv Mr. Roosevelt lias beni in China studying the economic and poll- Ileal coudil(on there. Ail llrough the winter he watched the warlord of the Fast bat tle, saw China seething with in ternal conflict and her peopl s thrown inlo disorder and unresl. From what he has jeen and heard he has concluded that there are outside influences al work in' China. lli.-. Since Into Confusion "The two wars are turning China into confusion. One i being waged under the -urtai between ltuia ai(d Japan for supremacy in Asia, anil the othe Is between three Chinese super- Aurbii-ds for Uit1 eWiitroh tif China, and especially for pfts ressiim and enjoytoeiit of th national revenue 'from import duties." Tha "Mr. RoiKevplt sumuiert un the- .onuauon in China. ' 'T Iaeli of Ihe'-e super-wnrlords he sai.l. ii bar Me.! ttli varying degrees of loyalty by sub-war lords, ffovenmrs or military directors of provinces, and each of these -jub-warlords is the leader of a band of mercenaries, aggregating Mi all China jnnsuierably ovor 1 ,000,000 of "iHned ami drilled Oldjer. Mercenaries Must Work " If peace and order lire to mic- reod chaos in China, Mr. Roose velt thinks, these .super-war lords must merge into subordin ation to' civil government or must .kill One auothor off unti' a single will cioiirol; ami tins 1 .1100.000 of mercenaries must disband, and be put owork, a fraction being retained as a loyal national army and another fraction colonized in spaiely. populated Northwestern China, including Mongolia. I,n the opinion of many per sons of China, Mr. Roosevelt de clares, the warlord Chang TVo-l.in represents Japan and controls Manchuria, in convenient proximity to Korea' vmd Japan. Warlord Feng YuHsians, b'-lieel lo be backed by Soviet Russia, controls the mountain passes northwest of Peking through which some lelievi Hussin will pour lis forces, in cluding Russian trained Chines. inereccnaries, when the trumps signal for advance sounds. Tho Christian general, Vu Pel-Fu, claiming to stand for China alone, is in rutiremenl ul Han kow, far uii the Yeng(i River. afler his disastrous defeat in he haco.me that time, however, to Siomtv. ?orV Of alliance wllh eneral Cluing, il is believed. He is collecting and extorting; money lo Jill liU war chests ami strengthening hU military power ondv lightening hi' bond. between hfm arii) those who are behind hiiii.'.the Yangtze soulheasl wind; barometer, 2D.-!i,jcr province. In ; preparation CO; temperature, 51; sea rough. Cyniciim is liilelteclual'dandy- Ism without the coxcomb's feat tiers; mid It seem to mo for a drive against , his .enemies in anaijlenud to regain 1M Uvt hvasle'roMlhinu ,i (tneral Feng i thought lo he somewhere In Russia having dial cynics are happy only InjMiflVrcd defeat at the. hands of making the world as barren lOjOenpral Clunijr and Oenoral Vu, others as for ilitli. iney have nave innue ti who have rormeii some sort if thumselvesi- 'Jeorgo Mere Advertise in the pally News. nlllaiice, Mr. Roosevelt Feiw was driven out believes. of I : J? MM, BJemJed Gyareffe V ' J r Mukden in Manchuria and Wu Pea-Fo elands outside Peking, Gettlnn Worse "Keouomically, China is get ting daily worse," says Mr Roosevelt. "It will continue to do so until the figbling stops. The rnili'oaiJ are . gone to piece. Miiiimuuicalion, e.xcejil by water, N paralyzed.-'. ! "Politically," he declared. "China is pure cliaos. It will be many years before there ,i-s a settlement." Mr. Rouseveli, on of, a cousin of the ?reat United Slates President, is one of The New York Times editorial writers and been preparing data in China t" scud to his paper., Ho will -writ. when he returHs to New York a scries of nrtieles dealing -AVitl. the srtualion in the f ar Kasl. PREPARATIONS FOR VISIT OF SHRINERS Arches Going up In City to Welcome Big Party of Nobles Which Will Arrive a Week From Today Active preparations are in progress fur an enthusiastic welcome lo the bfer parly of Shriuers who will be here next week to hold a ceremonial anil initiate some forly candidates from the city and district into Oizch Temple. Victoria. The parly, including (iizelt Temple Hand, a drill team from Vancouver, and many nobles from Vancouver and Victoria and oilier, points including Portland and .Seattle, will arrive here next Thursday morning shortly before nion aboard Ihe. steamer Prince Rupert. Capt. 1) Donald, which is (o make a spe cial trip for the occasion. Local preparation include the erection of arches at the corner of Third Avenue and Fifth Street and on Fulton Street near the Cily Hall. The former is being constructed by the Shriner.s them-selves'and the cily is putting up the latter. BRIGHT. Suiter I'm in Ifive vvil.i youf daughter, sir. " Her dad- What are your pros-peels'? Suiter Fme! Siievs acoeptcJ inc. WOMAN SLEEPS WONDERFUL ALL NIGHT "After taking. Adlerika, tho pain in my side due to gas is pone and I now eat and sleep i wonderful." i signed) Mrs. O. Mc-fUnnis.. (NK .spoonful Adlerika Amoves (IAS and often brings asumismng renei m uiu miuu-ach. brings ouf a surprising nuuninl of old waste mailer you never tiiougm was in your sys? tern. Stops that full, bloated feeling and makes you happy nnd cheerful. Lxeellcnl for stronghold al Tienisln during) chronic constipation. rmes March. Chang went back to-Limited, DruwUits. N - DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. Bus and Taxi Meets all Trains and Boats. ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI, Proprietor. Phone 34 P.O. Box 196 Simmon' Sleel beds, Springs, aitd Oslernioor Mattresses in every room. o2 Iloonis, Hoi and Cold YVuler, baths and Showers. Steam Healed, Kleclric Light. Corner of Third Ave and Sixth St. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Fishermen's Supplies FISH LINES, HOOKS, ROPES, TWINES, FISH NETTING AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCERIES. Compare Our Prices Lipsett, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. Second Avenue and McBrlde SL A Little Help from Every one will do miracles in the hands of the Salvation Army Be Kind to the Collectors . .. .