25 TAXI Boston Grill andl Ambulant Service Af.n... . Anywhere at Anytime '"'io T ,.' Stand Royal Hotel. 3rd hV,,, bIt, I - .1 AIL MA ft ')!.. . .Tin. WATT VIDECK, Prop. j ft'f iOf XVI., NO, I Oil. hif If' Ciinig mill (liu llnril il;iy find hotlt government oiii - hunt Lulior -luef f proclaiming, Ihcir ilcU'rniiiiutioii (o figli. inner etui. i; udiui'iitrtilion' new mouthpiece, t lie llrili-lt tiazelle, -rnri-c all in no -uniir(mie oi uny miiu.- rwtiiei ) will break Hie slrikc or the strike will brt.ik the re de rated ugain today by Hie guvrriliiieiil Ihal 1111 negotiation Mill W opened un'Ji Hie jiiwi have; relumed lo work., , "Meanwhile, attempts of Ho I strike sympathizer to liall Slit volunteer I ran -porta I ion mt- i-t gave rle lo furllier rtof- . Ing, Ilii worst disorder being .along Hie Clydeide, (lie centre Coastguard Cuter Is Taking of Labor radicalism. tppllea to Bering Sea and j Near Ivd.inliurgli .T train wa Arctic Ocean jamicM-ii mm passenger we-!'. injured with breaking plus. In I II ANUSCO. May n. n:ij,'-',',"'h tl"' were. ' disonlciv. . I I It hftiin Iii.nl lit. iirlil u-illi lltn lay Ha k ; he ice puck oil "".. - lie inn Sea iin.l Hie ArrlLy 1 " " K, the I ' iK-il Slale cnasl- ,m7 Ji"' "-.- Il riiHer Heat leN Wr.hit- " "' CIM",""'r V "'"' U supplies rr Hie nallve "' ;,r"" " ,r,u'-"'1 n' t I o liloh ki.itnlil , I wflltjii I ll4 altlal' hinem on Hie Aj.miuhii """" , "" v ami -he t al 01 Xortlirn:"."' "V" f . " ,V lix ovuue inai'K aliiio It I r ip it a new near i ne- 1 1 ill In epliir' Iter. i: ill " il mih .-. , ., AiiiiiiKt fi. 1 HUM III All II Iff GE STEEL UNTREOPENS kty-fWo per cont of Em ployees Back at Work at Newport Industry FAVPOUT. l.iiKlanil, .May 0. rnf Hit" lart.erl li'cl planl In' Ul!tict riMtiiiiei work lhl. In ni. U5 per ceiil of the em- lees reporting for iluly. I'liuu hail "hill ilovvii when E... tenefat alrlkc win called "In 'filliy wnh Ihe coal miners ;wcn out hint week. !EAT LAKES" ARENOW OPEN Freight to Fort William Arrives on Steamer Glenella NN.MPK.d, May C. The lake ami rail freixhl of the km h line here Friday morn- fiver t:anaillan Nalloiial linen i Ix'tfil lalnle.l at The l.iikc yculorilay aflernoou liy. Ihe llier "Hlenclla". Ihe first lli'ni- on 11,., i.a4 n,4 j The ni(uiilel pollee wen' Ut'ii in the outhealem seetion l M exiMMleil 1o he I.r . '""' " Further inoenienli of naval iiml military force are rejiorle.! From a fclainlpotiit of ll:rt I Po.nl Harrow July ii. ?'w'" 'U,,,,,B' II I-I.....I ....I ! ' :"'" tv .-v... ia lariii" iimjthii iiihhiimmii im- 'eountry of trunipoitnIlu t fnoili-lie. The l.omloii clerlrio ser- iee i "Imwini' u llilrlyHire' oer eenl increase over 'eIuo- day. Fnil i arriving in, ali I fuil iny ipiantilie hut the milk ml ion i I'll I lo luiir oi I lie u.-ual KUjiply. 4 4. SOVIET WORKERS PASS RESOLUTION REGARDING STRIKE .MOSCOW. May 0. Soviet li!iu.poii win-kern union inlopteil a resolution ni :i meeliinr -last niulil niH to liaidlle iiiijr - A fejffhl iloslineil foj; Kng-laml. Tills nelion wa luken lo prevent any ail heinit given to effort to hreak the uti'ike in Ureal lliilaiu. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Wheal lt.O. Silver .. Hunwell Oladslone .... Howe Sound Indian In I.. Porter Idaho I, Hid. Asked '.2 ( I.HI I.HI 30.0(1 .00 ii .11 .08 r. i .no I.HH ,3.- 3r).on .on? .13 W mil Philadelphia Made It Three Straight Over New York Yankes:Pilcher's Duel NKW YOllK. May C- is extra lne hit helped Cincinnati defeat St. I.oui yeMrnlay whii- Piltsbiirjf won. the only olur Nalloiial League panic played' hy trtiumliif ltolon after a haici pllclier' diwd helut'Cii Meadows and Smith. In Hie American Iakhh1 S'. f.oill huitcheil evrti hit.s in Ihe nintli which, counted with three e.rrvr. !' .Qevejanil nulIed them Hi win fl"? a stole 01 eleven five. piiladelliia made il three Mral?ht4 over the New Y01U Yanker' ilespile homers hy llu'.a and .MetWl. Washinirlon loik llnee in a row from I toe Ion. American League SI. l.oui II. Cleveland 5. New York 3. Philadelphia G. Washington II, Hoslou 0. Del roil I i. i'.Iiicho ?. National League Huston .t Piitshurg 3. Cuieinnali 0. 81. l.oui t. WILL CONFER ON TAXATION Income Tax to be Matter for Consideration View to Dominion Withdrawing OITAWA. May . Prepara- (ioit are iieiug miide for He conference of finance iniiiiiler which Will iliseti Hi 0 whole uetioi.i of taxation ami will ileal,,' aiiion? oilier liiiny, willi Hie ditpliealion of income tax. At present then; 1 a Dominioi Income lax, a provincial income tax mid In ome case civic in come taxes. I no result 1 vii.m iucoines are overtax! and Ihett is coiiKideralile dissal'tfaclluu in ri'Karil lo it. II whs in nl llii.l II..' Iom inion indome Jux was first in trniluci'il hy Siiv Thomas White, finance iinnisler in the llorden (iiiveiiiiiienl. and It was the: looked on a a war measure Prior 'UP Hull lliufe HnV only ' in come tax wan tlml'' Imposed' hy the province. Tho whole question. It M -un-lorslood, will he reviewed and there i a nossibilily that Urn Doniiliiou tiovernment may see fit lo gradually recede from the field. LOGGERS KILLED AT PORT RENFREW VICTOIHA, May il. - Struck hy a falling tree, Leonard Hamilton of Chllliwack and Alex. Oherg were killed al . the t'.atliel and Surensoii hiuing camp at Port llenfrew, acconling lo a police ro-porl, , ltolh men wre employed ,fl'cJti,dxQr.nen, y PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper 1MUNCK IIUPKHT, H.C., Till. HHDAY. APHIL 0, 10SH. rs Yorterday'i Circulation,- 0J 8tret SaW ,Slt Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newli laid dancing floor for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least. Phone 467. PRIOR FTVK VW1. REAT BRITAIN STILL GRIPPED BY STRIKE OTH SIDES PROCLAIM THEIR DETERMINATION OF FIGHTING TO BITTER END rith Transportation Facilities Improving, General Situation in Britain Today Becomes Easier torders arise in centres of industrial dispute JJjy Jj'g HOMERS out noining ot very serious nature . , has vet occurred i AINU IuLUjlL 0 STREET MOBS CLUBBED BY POLICE supplies reaching cities in satisfactory quantities but London milk ration is cut in half ll.OMH.lN, May 0. The grip of tlir general tdrike give no IER BEAR IA1LING NORTH ? IIEPKATS IN IIAHFOHH HANDICAP: NOAH, owned hy Harry Payne Whitney, win Hie feature event of the opening races, til Ihe Havre l)e Orace track in Marylanil, thus repeating hi last year's triumph as well as scoring his third successive victory of the .season. AVERAGE WAGE FIFTY SHILLINGS I.ONHOX. May 0. Ac-tonl.nv lo fly 111 is inili-liliel hy Hie' Trades I nion liOiii.'t-e! the maximum wnse , earned liy nlneiN fiir-lfie ftsf'Tiair of was 51 shillings weekly Willi the average aiiout fifty. COMMUNIST CHOSE JAIL . . . . . Member of British Parliament Got Two Months For Making Seditious Speeches LONDON, May 6 Shapurjl Saklatvala, the Communist member of Parliament, was today, sentenced to two months Imprisonment for making seditious speeches In Hyde Park. He was given the alternative of providing securities to keep the peace or going to Jail, but he chose the prison sentence. Saklatvala Is the Indian member of the British Parliament who was refused admission into the United States rcconlly. ONLY TWO BOATS WITH HALIBUT HERE TODAY Only two hoals hroikght halibut to porl today ;md the price paid I hem was tr and Id.tHio for fir? class and Kc for, seconds. Tho i i mu;sS wrrv; ' i Allen, 52.000, lo Pacific. Fi.h- cries. i On.lh. t.uno, to Cold Storage. with One carload of fresh halibut which was discharged al tho ocean dock for shipment F.ast via the Canadian National Hall way. PREDICT STRIKE -. A' v.iENO BY j MONDAY I ' . LONDON, 'May 0. The KxrhaiiiJe Tehwaphs announced last night Ihnl prediction were being made Dial Hie general slriko would end hy Mon day next. jLabor Amendment Regarding ., Strike Situation Defeated in Parliament by 317 to 95 I.OXIiOV Miiv H. The irnveriiniciil wiln 11 irlorvloii:iv no (it pnif-e-;measri-alM,1ciitrolVlhe slriktr iloatioil when a ...ilor amendment lo the bill relating to the prolecdoii of pro- nerlv was defeated III? lo l3. The 'Labor amendment would liave hampered emergency regulations hy eliminating the clause making it an offence to do injury to railways, roads, eletirical woiks or other public services. II will slill be a crime subject to arrest and imprisonment for any person in Hie fighl lo cripple the nation's industries or lo interfere vvilh the public utilities. siiy of linli.ti Coin mliia. The Oovei'tior-Ueiicral's medal, awarded lo the studul heading the graduales either in arts, science or apricullure, was won hy William Uhaliners Vuifcty'-ver, ' a graduate in arts. The Nichol Krcurh scholarship was won hy Horolhy llallii. j'nis :s the largest financial prtc olTer.-d and cnlitle her to 12(0 annually Un suidy m France. I NORGE ARRIVES ! GET DEGREES : Governor's Medal Goes to Wil liam Chalmers of Vancouver and Dorothy Dallas Prize VAXCOl VKll, May t'.. Accord iug to examination results an n.iunccd I oday 210- sludcnl re i-'ive dir-rrcc. from the Univer NORTH NORWAY Mntorship TtcYliiigliani, Capl.;Alrshlp Which Is to Carry Amund- Anderson, arrived al 8 o'clock sen-Ellsworth Expedition Is Ihls morning from Kelchikau on Way to Spltibergcn OSLO, May (I. The dirigible Xorge arrived at Vadsn in north ern Norway this morning. The airship which is to en deavor lo take the Atniindsen- ".llsworlh expedition across the North Pole from Spilibengen (eft Trolsk, a suburb' ;0f. Leiiingrud iyihiy. nuniving. . BIRTH. Al San Francisco on May I, a son was born lo Mr. and Mrs. A. Lionet llollby of Duusiuuir Street, Prince Hupert. "3- i: i: This afternoon's Ir'atn, " due from Ihe F.at at, SiaOrs'Ppprl-i ed on time. WILKINS PLANE BADLY DAMAGED FAtltHANKS, May fi. Wilkins' airplane Alaskan during an attrmn! to lake olf for Point Harrow this morning was badly damaged. The propeller wa broken, wings torn to shred iNid part of the landing gear wrecked. DR. CAMERON IS TO REMAJNHERE A YEAR First Presbyterian Church Makes Arrangements for the Filling of Its Pulpit Arrangements have been made by the congregation of the First Presbyterian Church to have Uev. Or. Charles J. Cameron occupy the pulpit in this city for the coining year. Or. Cameron, who has been in Vancouver for the past few days, i expected hack about the cud of this week. WILKINS DELAYED LEAVING FAIRBANKS FAIUHANKS, May 0. Heavy storm clouds to the north and threatening rain apparently Caused postponement yesterday of the Wilkins airplane flight to Point Harrow. FRAfKLHif AND IS NOW 32,25 PARIS, May fi. - The franc dn- clined twain today, the ipiojalinn being 32.5 (o the dollar and taCjtio lo the pound x sterling. These wei( The ;)owtlflcial ..V!,;tF,:. GREEN PERJURY CASE DELAYED Report of Lawyer Being Sent up for Trial Was Incorrect: H Other-Witnesses YeL VICTIIIHA May .' Magis"-. trate Jay will not make a formal dec ii ion dispoiiftg of the Joliii It. Greeij perjury case, which is being given a hearing in the police court, until all witnesses are heard. Oti Tuesday the defense counsel wa granted an jjndelinite adjournment to enable . him to , bring an additional witness from ' Wlnnipctg. The defense, is en- tilled to submit the evidence of these witnesses. Magistrate Jay explained yesterday, In regard lo 1 tlii- c-roneous report thai Hie ; accused had been ?el up for trial J to a higher court, BUFFALO HELD BY ICE FIELD Steel Freighters Made Concerted Attack Today In Effort to Get Out HIFI ALO, May C Twenly-nine steel freishler launched a Tonci'ded attack this morning on the ici fieM that have held vp the opening of navigation nearly three weeks .later than normal, While ntorc' thin One hundred other vessels aro hero I..- .1 ....;.- ..p i... IWUIIHIK I III' upi-niiiir oi Cine cliannols' before cleuBng' for The upper lakes. , , Ice condition! here today are the worst in hislpry. COURT REFUSES TO INTERFERE Boy Who Was Rude In. High School Class and Expelled Must Stay Out VANCOl VLIt, May C. Mr. Juslice Macdonald in the hu- piVhev court dismissed the tip-plication of Henry Swerdfajjer of Kamloop for a mandalory injunction to compel ;lhe school authorjUes or that eUy lo re-admil his son whitvvas, expelled for "griinling rudely,'' while I li- teacher wa Plying Jn'sfiuclioir in the rlaroovtur'.ti?ie''''liiKli school. "'fi , ... r .r-r, Subicribc to. lie; Dally News. w -v i