PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS Ginghams Ui& range in twenty-two patterns of plain, check, plaid, newest effect 3L'-lnch Uinphatns fur 30c I'er Yard WEST of ENGLAND STORE Third Avenue Phone 753 FOR THAT SLEEPY SPRING FEELING Take, a bottle of Edinburgh Hospital Sarsapaiilla Compound Enriches and vitalises Lite blood $1.00 a Bottle Ruper tPfiarmacu Prescription Specialists Phone 94. We deliver. Wash Day Specials S5c Specials 3 liars Castile Snap .. 95c 12 bars l'.O. Soap . . . . 95c 10 bars Sunlight Soap 95c 12 -bars While Wonder Soap 95c 4 pkg. Il.C. WkishiiiK Powder 95c 8 pkjts. Laundry Starch 95c i pk-iss. Prince." Soap J'lakes 95c i pkss. Turin, Soap .. 95c 7 tins Gem Lye 95c tins (iillelt's Lye . 95c H tins Solvent', Is.. .. 95o 12 bars Wool Soap ... 95c All oilier Soap and Washing Powders n! redured price. Mussallem Grocery Co. Lid. P.O. Box 575 Spun Silk Per Yard $1.25 Cotton Crepes Per Yard 25 c Mrs. W. I. Wilson Third Avenue P.O. llox - - J89 Phone Green 3U9 Donegal ; Tweed Coats $20.00 " .i "Demers" W aim lo pleaso Phone 27. P.O. Box 327 RIDLEY BAZAAR f OPENEDTODAYj Rev. E. G. Turner Officiated at' 2.30 and Large Display of i ' Goods Seen There I lie annual bazaar in aid ol the Hidley Home, for which preparations have been made for sonic lime past, opened this afternoon, Hev. V.. (J, Turner officiating-. There is a larjw display or all sorls or needlework and oilier articles ami a ladies orchestra led by.. Mrs. George Hryant js providing excellent music. General arrangement are in the capable hands or Mrs. Thomas McClyinonl with assist ants as follows : Fancy work. Convenor, Mr..! II Morgan, assisted by Mrs. G Hibbard, Mrs. F. Morris. Mrs. C. O Campbell, Mrs. I.arkin. Oanjy. ' Convenor. Mrs. C Whatmai), asiled by Mrs. II. Smith and Mrs. Carlisle. Miscellaneous Convenor, Mrs. George Kerr. Plants. Convenort.Mr5. C V. Fvitt. assisted by Mrs. 11. O. Crcwft Mrs. I. Ik I'aterson, Mc: J. A. West. Mrs. Trevor Clarke and Mrs. Whitlack. Fishpond. Convenor, Mrs. P K. Haisler, assisted by Mrs. T- I). Hinde, Mrs. A. Akerlierg, Mrs. II. Skalllebol and Mrs. Thor Jolinson. Seuond-Jiaud. Convenor. Mrs It. lllanee, assisted by Mrs. P. Macauley and Miss Dorothy Hefreshments. Ccmvenor, Mrs. "PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS ACT." Prlnc. Rupart Electoral DtatrlcL. Kack.nil. doctoral Dlatrlcu. NOTlCt Is hereby riven thai I shall, on Monday, tlie 11th day or May. the hour f lo'o'ehwk in Ihe foreiHioti. al Hw Court llouae. I'rlure Rupert, hold a llilnr or the Court or Hevflon for the purpone or revlinir the list or voters ror the nld eh-rtoral diitrtrt. and or hearlna and determining; any and all objection '.ii the retention or any name on the awl lll, or to the rririMralion a a voter r any appnrani ror rririlrailon; and rr he oilier nurie et rorth in the "Pro- Inrial Election Art." Dated at rrim-e Hunerl. B.C.. thij 6th day or April. im. .iURMA.i A. WATT, herlitrar or Voters for the ennce Rupert and Varkenrle Flermrat niMrtrt. LAND ACT. Nottc. or Int.nllon to Apply to Loom land in una Hernrninir m-irirt or rriiin- l(Uert. and Ituate al head or Skaat In let, Moreb lUml. vueen charlntle 'jrinip. TAkK OTH:E that The ijnadian Flh- I li a- I. initially. Limited, or Van'imvrr. or "iiiatuiii salmon jnuT!, Intend! to apply f'r a leae or the rollowlnir dfrribed and: :riiiireii-lriar al a iit lantel al h-al r Skiat Inlel. IS rhln north r nn-'lamed Oeek. tlH-me wet ill rhahn: MHiire uitll in rluln; thenre eaul S -hin. nvrr r rr. to nhorr line; theiin-ihirlherty fnlli.lny liire line in I'.n.C. Slid; rn''nUi Oi t'-rr. iiMire or leu. THE CANADIAN HSIIINO COM PAN V. LIMITED. ApMlrant. I'er William Alfred llower. Dated nth April, 1916. cummer Excursions EASTERN CANADA UNITED STATES Tickets on sale Dally from May 22nd also lo Same route both direr-lions or one way via Vancouver. Tickets on sale May 15th. Return limit October 31, 1926 Full Information City Ticket Office, Prince Rupert. Phone 260. MILK PRICE Reduced Commencing May 1 CASH PRICES 7 Quart Tickets .... $1.00 12 1'hit Tickets .... $1.00 Table Cream, Vj tint . . 1Bo Whipping Cream, pint 25c Daily Traill Service commences May I. Phone your order to 657. Valentin Dairy i II. T. Cross, assisted by Mrs. Mc-j Cokrie and Miss Cameron.. J Plain needle- work. Convenor Mrs. J. Simpson, assisted by Mrs. I. .labour. Children's rlolhin?. Convenor. Mrs. C. Hill, assisted by Mrs. J. U. Vieriok, Mrs. J. W. Ihirran and Mrs. I. Scott. Home cooking. Convenor, Mr., Mad tit Canada S. Dart on, assisted by memlx of Hie I.O.U.U. Ladies orchestra, Mrs. fl. A Hryanl. Palmistry. Mis. James Clark and Mrs. J. llremncr. NEW BUSINESSMAN ARRIVES IN CITY John Farrell, an experienced fruit man of twenty years exjwri-! the firm until he gets establisl 'd. He has brought Mrs. Farrell with him ami will locale here l-i-rruaru'iilly. DollarWeek $1.00 $1.00 Tomato $1.00 13 lb. (Srannlalrri Sugar .. $1.00 10 lb. Jap llice, best .... $1.00 10 lb. Ii.ll. Peas and 5 lb. Heaus $1.00 4 large tins Ifibby,'" ffpiimch $1.00 z i.c corji'-on i.oii and z ?.c ' P.N. HuUer $1.00 6 lb. Sugar and 1 tin pure Plum Jam ' $1.00 1 tin Pork-nod Keans with 1 tin Htrawberry Jam $1.00 5 lb. Snar and 1 tin Marmalade $1.00 3 large tins Sliced Peaches $1.00 3 combs Pure Honey . . . . $1.C0 4 cartons Sunlight Soap .. $1.00 20 rolls Toilet paper .... $1.00 20 bars Wliite.Swan Soap. . $1.00 13 bars Pnlmolive Soap .. $1.00 1 Hroom and 2 cartons Sunlight Soan $1.00 I 17 lb. h'ei.d;ssItaisin.s .... $1.00 7 lb. Seeded Ir Puffed Ilaisins ... -$i.oo 1 it r-. i ... . . Aft ;j u. uniario i.ijceg 3 large tliM Llbby's Asparagu Tips $1.00 3 doz. Suilkist Oranges, or Lemon $1.00 7 lb. extra Fancy I)ry Prunes t .;. ... , $1.00 Hoy iiriines tiowi 3 tins Lflibyti. Delmonlu hr Mai kyi'e Jlsl Sliced Pineapple : $1.00 7 litis Heinz Pork & Hcans $1.00 7 tins 'Campbell's Tomato Soup $1.00 Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Fresh Whipping Cream Daily. B.C. Butchers and Grocers, Ltd. GOLD SEAL Jioiwlas Fir .. .. .. 107.013 lied Cedar 80H.1UI Coast Spruee 2.1 21, $76 Interior Spruce 300, 12V Hemlock 2.008,75 Halsam 531.8H2 Jackpine I.D00 Cottonwood tr,m2 Poles ll.StS Hemlock Plies It.ISi tdar PHm 13,765 Crinlwooil 'conU, ... 113 Shiiitfl ellolts i orI; . 2H Pine Tie 85.935 Pulpwood cords i ... 22 i RIVER IS CLEAR AT ."(. DAWSON TODAY AND WEATHER IS MILD Some smalt ire jam- iieiw i lations yestcrilav morning mov ed out in I lie ajtcmoftti and doi ¬ ng tl ighl and it is thought now that Hie river Is clear from Lake Lcliair to Dawson W wither eoniunic mild llirough- oiil the north hut not hot any- when". Smiiin-rs reports t ti - hlghel t"intM'ialure with 51 tie rices. 1 lie weather rcnort ol the (loverniiK iil telegrapiis niadt this morning at H follows: ii. lerracc. cloudy, calm, leinp. Anyox, cloudy, calm, temp. SI Stewart, clear, calm, temp. 11 llai-zlton. clear, calm, temp. 45 Telegraph Creek, clear, calm leinperalui'e 50. Smilliers, clear, calm, letup 5 Hunts Lake, clear, calm, temp While lni(. clear, south Wind,' lenip. it. ' 50. Carniacks. .-tear,, culm, temp Dawson, clouify, calm, temp li. Averagn for Yukon temp. MAKINGPREPARrVriONS FOR EVENT Of, MAY 24 Joint Mcotlnn of Elks and Fa'fr Board Committee Was Held Last Evening A meeting was held last night of tjie joint cnmiiiitlee of the Klks and Fair Hoard having in hand arrangement .ror the May Festival lo be held on May 21. Thosei at the nicellng were W. D. Vaiice,' (Herl Mortfaif- and llowatd RT-RUGS Big Value Big Variety Big Economy Big Satisfaction what makes Congolcum Qoli Seal Art-Rugs THAT'S so popular with Canadian housewives. That and the fact that they are unquestionably the handsomest popular-priced floor-covering in all Canada. They have a smooth, sanitary surface and are easily cleaned just go over them with a damp mop and dirt will disappear like magic The Gold Seal shown below is on every genuine, guaranteed Congojeum Gold Seal Art-Rug, Your Dealer Sells Congoleum Rugs IKngoieim" COLO SEAL GUARANTFE L SATISFACTION CCAUVrUB I O YDC HOKtTMCX NEARLY SEVEN MILLION FEET SCALED APRIL Total Logs Measures In This t District 1923 Over Nineteen Million Feet CONCOLEL'M CANADA euce has just arrived in the city Ver close to seven niilliot ! lo open on behalf qf F. It. Stewart board feet or. lo?s wen- scaled & Co. of Vancouver, lie Is not durinir t lie mouth of Annl in thii LlMflED Montreal, Quebec Inifll repreenlin the Inn Ikwnl and W. K, Willmcrult. luxe ItaKour, Jnmes .Neville ami Laure Poltertrin of tho F.Iks. II was di'i idfd Ilia! Mm. Uavin Thomson, under who dirertipn a similar eeut wus carried out lust year, would nain have limine of llii year s Maypolt Dancf. 'I'lie Hoy's Hand is to bi engaged tor Hie day and there will be a full program of rniw as well us ball games. In tin- evening there will lie a juncy dance at which the crowning of the May (Jtieen will take place. W. ' I. Vance, prrnldent of Hie puttinp in a slocksiinlil he finds forestry dislrlel, arrnnling to tliej u'mrt mil more about he prospects official report just issued. Tlil, for (M-ii- urn uiii us iir'ciii. tor urtii 5 lb. Suyfar and 1 lb. Tudor Tea S1.00 3 doz. Fresh Pullet Kggs . . $1.00 2 lb. best Hulk lltilter S1.09 1.05c bottle ArgKood Sweet Pick- , les, and 1 I5u bottle 1,000 Islam) Dressing S1.00 3 lb. McCormiek's Sweet IHscuilsj i.uw 3 tins Schillings Haling Powder $1.00 2 lb. Fresh.Oround Coffee, $1.00 Ask for sample; 6 lb. Cal. Table Fis . 3 bottles Heinz Catsup 6 tins Peas, Corn or The details for April arc:l L i making aiiauge- IIm linllnl ill? Ill Ihi Hie total for the year lot . . ........ . . . .j ... .7 wmHiis n caniiHiaics inr .Mtiv over nineteen million feet so , far ) n mai(U of j()1up as wvii us pun's ami iut;n atitii tics. TIMBER SALE X 6034. Saaleil Temkr. ,ll le rrenetl b lie lll.iri' I l Tvlrr Hut Mirr nun u4i fee ll Ua l May, tvtt.. 1r llw pur rlMw f l l'illn- AJI war WaiMie Iwel. IihU.h ftamtri. .a. ,i. ii. mi tlVM. Del iKMird lueurr -.1 epnni. Mar. Hmiloek and M l-r 1o ,i year will be alluwnl lor re lautal ol Vtulmr. t HrUar (Mrtu-ubn .r tin- i liirr or-. ler. Viri.ioa. r the DinDKt tme-U' rmre liuprrt, tl.i . LAND ACT. ftotka of Inuntlen U Apply to L. Lan4 la entire liunerl I ml Her ril In. trtrl or il name l, awt .liml. oti snuib lurluel IttoAd. TAkK MITICL tbil Vllred SmanNi. of enucr niieri, urmnatam 1 Mariner, in U-ikI lo aiNr for a le..e of I lie folio Inr ihnrribed landa:-- Oinnneftrinr ai a m punim al tlw o iriii nw or sniin narhjel IMaml: iheie-' rtHiiHl I tie i.iaml al tilth ater mark. awl aitiiaiiHiif u acre. nefe of le.. ALII1LO 9WA.1SOA, , Apolirant Dale4 AIM-II 17. Iti. IN PROBATC. In th Svprtma Court or Brltlah Columbia. ' JA the Matter or the Adininittrilion Art aiHl In UM Mailer ir I lie E.uie r AJtrM Howled, DereaM-d, Inteatale. .Ttkfc .'.HIlTICK Hut l.v order of III. Ilwirt f. Mr II. VorjiiH. ihf I lib ilav or ttralor or tile e.UKt 't Atlerl Howie. .-rrifl. aiHl'.ll partic Ixmii rlalm. k(iul I lie KI etttle arc lieirnr renulr- ed lo rurtil.ti aanie. (iroi-crl) terlfM. to si or liernre Die Ttn ilav or Mav. A.D. IVta. and all earuen imlebled lo lie- title are mimrrd lo fay Hie anwMinl il their ItmrhtediieM to me fi.riiimltli. .MlllMO A. WATT. OMIrlat Ailminl.tralor, Criiirn lluril, Il.C Inlet! Hie fieii ilnv of April. A.D. 9th FORM F. Nolle, or Application for C.rlitlcal. o improt.m.nia "Slthl" Mlntral Claim Slluale In the i-rttire iniiert Minln nm.inn m me Sketna Dmlrlrt. When kiratid: nr ttie Itead or k'tuuiiikduiil lane, lawnn nomrr. sn num. yum tier of holder'a Knt Miner'. Crrtiflrale s.7C. TAkK NOTICF. that I. Swan lialln. Krer Mliur'. CffUflrkle n. So7:, Inlriid al Ifir eni of ality rmto (tin Dat. herwir. to apply lo Attn, Minmr lircorler ror a Orlirirnir (,r liopravemenla ror th iiirpoe or rilitilnlnr a Crown Oram of 'he auote rlalm. Aud runner lake nuilm mai artion. unner nectlon fi tit the Miners Arl," muni , te roiiimem ed be. fore the l.mianrf or uch Certificate of llll"OIO. luted Hill rd day or ft-l)Hnr, otC SWAM DM1.1, Ownrr. H g T Kenny LAND ACT. Notlt. or InUntlon to Apply to Land In jinl lUiettrdlnir liimrirt or Crlnr IliilH-rt, andailualei rnli Morerliy Dland Oiieeii r.harlolle lironp,fHi Imrwiued In' l. three liiilrn aoulh of De la lierhe In T.UK oti:K IImI The Canadian luriiimiir. I.linlled, .if Vanrourrr or-mnaiiiiM Saliniin rimo-m. Intrmu tu atinlv " "'" r'"",n deni-rlliwi mmU Wiiinenrlnr at p"l plained at lnad -r Inlet alKMit 14 mile north ,lf imnMIII", llrrrks Iliem-e we.l o elialnit' tlu-nre hiiiii n rlialnu Hume mi til rh.l n more or le to i,.,re line; theme north-erlf rollowlnr hore linn In I'.O.t. ,ni mniJliilnir III arre. m,re or le tk o-inv,! Thuiday. May 6, iim DIAMONDS Our diamond display Is always an Interesting nht The Brilliancy pf tho stones, the modern settings and iha moderate prices are very attractive. Prospective purchasers of diamonds would do well in visit our store where cheerful and courteous expert service Is rendered to those who favor us with a visit. Optical Department Eyos examined, Vblon tested, Glasses fitted by registered optometrist. All lensos are ground by an e. porlenced operator, exactly to prescription and carefully n spected. This export optical service may be had at vtrv reasonable prices. ' Max Heilbroner 527-520 Third Avenue The Diamond House of the North taSSflSHLaSaaaV'IsVBiHlRaHsKB WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY at 7 and 0 Tom Moore and Florence Vidor In "The Trouble with Wives" The .picture that inak- inalriiiniin it p i L'lle ur H mail. In- wile, a licuuttlol Iduude lifilhilig lienutie. A run n lc -r lrevil - lb" Wie tlllll Clllllelrl ill -'X re"')-. Cuine .n ! husband anil a refeiee. SlriiK l. Tom Moore, Florence Vidor, Ford Sterling, Erfwtrt1 Kennedy, William Courtrlght, Either Raliton COMEDY "DADDY QOES A GRUNTING" Admission 35c and 10c Everything for the Builder LUMBER have Hie nio rouiele ln. , .. dimeiiMou. shiplnp, hr fiiiih. ritHiring V eneer-. elc. m Northern 11.(1 We can supply everything In a building from the foundation to the last piece of finish. Ilefore lni)iiig uici f our K. It will p.n 1 irn es are right. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones-110 and 117 CEDAR MOPS Willi .'i i iu h lianillc $1.25 each Floor Wax, both liquid and solid. Furniture and Bra" Polish. Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. Pains, cramps, or callouses there! aB LB LaBBBBBaal I WW If so, it indicates that the arch across the ball of your foot lias broken down. This form of foot trouble causes a hole to wear through the boIc of the shoe as shown in the illustration. Sharp pains and cramps at the ball of the foot and callouses on the sole rft that point indicate a serious foot trouble. Shoes will spread across the vamp, lose their shape and wear out sooner than they should. The shoes arc condemned who1 in reality the feet arc the cause. The pain relieved and the cause corrected by gently, but firmly supporting the weak, ened musjjes. Dr. Scholl's Foot Comfort Appliances relieve the pain and cramps and restore the arch to normal position. These devices also .prevent the slioes from spread ing and wearing holes in the soles at this point. Come in and let our Foot Comfort Expert demon-(trate the manner in which theae remarkable appll-anccican I adjuatcd to they will meet your Individual requirement., Thcit I no chaise for thlt JABOUR BROS., LTD.