f.da.v, August 4, 1020. V , A "First Aid To Thrift THRIFT means handling your affairs in such a manner that the value of what you own is steadily increased. An interest-earning savings account at the Dank of Montreal is a Erst aid to thousands of thrifty persons from one end of the Dominion to the other. D. C. PATFitSON. Manager. Iince Hupert Branch) BANK OF MONTREAL Established l8l7 Total Assets in excess of 4 730,000.000 SEND IT TO THE -:- LAUNDRY -:- ALL CLASSE3 OF LAUNDRY WORK Jnriifi!n(g''Hrce di-liint eru f" r.mniv Work. U: SOFT FINISH, THRIF-T-SERVlCE and WET WASH ut iihi-I ri'ifi'ii .,'! ! 1 - OR? CLEANING, PRESSING AND"flEPAiniNG Pioneer Laundry and Dry Cleaners Phono 118 ami we will tlo the resL Circus in town THE TWISTUM CIRCUS NOW SHOWING Elephants, Lloni, Tigers, Bears, Giraffes, Wolves, Etc. SEE OUR WINDOW Trr Ncvel ThiiiR in To Durable ami Washable. If not alu-Ml, will lat for year. i in. v.iff itaUlJii, da, pig. liearjjtai . . .... $1.00 ml Tiger. . . .V ,,$1.25 1 i:al, curb 51.85 and $1.50 1- ;inil (tmclM. ruh, $1.85 , v ,.,. $2.25 it-, emli 53.00 Oraies Ltd. Thf HHXM.I. STORK -:- Tin- PinSKK U lUl (HilSTS . 3rd Avenue and 6th Street Piones 82 and 200 SPRINKLERS Qalvanlied 8prlnklers, " L 51.35, o i. $1.50 Green Painted Sprinklers, r $1.25, I i t $1.50 Screen Doors, 111 rmir ui'l',- i'1'!'" 5?' Ka.enieht Screen Doors, Iilark jOr giilv:iuit'd,$4.25 and $5 Mail Onln r'. ise mir cnielol ll iU'. Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. Phone 101 255 3rd Ave. Bus and Taxi Meets all Trains and Boats. ROYAL HOTEL J. ZAnELLI, Proprietor. Simmon's Sled Reds, Spring. 'id Oslcrmoor MaU IroMcs in every room. . , , M Rooms', Hot 0 ml (Juld Wutur, Hullis md Showers. Slcnni IIchIimI. Klcctrir UghL Cornsr of Third Ave and Sixth St. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE HARVEST MIGRATION Another Brunswick Achiekmcflt flat wiHSfortlo thoWorld Local and Personal COMMENCING TODAY . 1 1 Arthur's Tail, Phone 678. tf 13.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Simmons' Hods, springs ami niat tiesse on sale at Tito's rJlorn. night. 18: Crystal 'Firelighters, 48 for e 1.00. -Hyde Transfer. Phone 580. tf Draperies and Curtains on sale at twenty jer cent discount al lilij n store. 182 A bylaw imposing a doi? lax paused its first reading last night at the council meeting. Joe Rent, who has been a pa tient at the generul hospital r.t Hie result of influenza, was discharged yesterday. Account for the month of July totalling C593.ll were passed for payment ut a meeting of the city- council lust night. A bylaw appointing city en tneer II. A. McLean 'building In speclor parsed its first reading at the couneil meeting lal nighl- 11. A. and W. d. Staines ar rived in the city yesterday after noon on 1 lie waroena and arc regislered at the Prino Itupcrl A bylaw to amend the Trade License blaw was recominended and given final adoption at the meeting of the city council las'. Mr, fieorge Woodland re urniMi to the qlty on the l'rmca uiincrl thl morning after vi- 'wt in Vancouver and southern eitier. , lasii2Prs leaving for the soutii on the Cardena yestenlay included I. II. I-nth for Iteita lii'lln. and tieorjtc Vc'iolls for Vancouver. S. II. Harlan appeared In th. cily police court this morning o a charge of keeping liquor for ,ale. Tbe cae win remanded for elghl days. riilOMt'l J. fi. Tnil wn in ar rrval in the eity on the Print ituoert this inormiiir. He vi! make a 'comhiiinl buAiiifn mul pleasure (rip by gas boat to Hi- Meena itiver canneries while in the north. CN.Jl. eteamer Prince Rupert. I'Jlpt. . lU'Uald. .lucked at 10.30 o'clock this morning from Van couver cn rjuie to Skagwny, Alaska, tor whieli point mic will ail at p.m. The boat carried a complement of StU tourist passenger. Scoutmaster W. Murdoch, and ' ' boy scouts of the Anyo.x roup, pase through the city restcniay on Ihc Gaolena. The Iroup is proceeding to Van couver and will eamp for the next Ibree weeks on the coast in 1 he -vicinily of that cily. A resolution was passed at (hp ouncll meeting last nht that Mie city treasurer he oislrucled ' forward a Check for S(5 to the secretary of Ibe L'nion of H.f.. Municipalities covering the membership or the cily in the union for the ensuing year. A bylaw to consolidate the sums authoriied to be borrowed by certain loea! improvement bylaws into, one sum or $53,059.0 , and lo borrow (be sum by the Issue of debentures therefor, pasted' )U first rfading at tli cily council meeting last night. A local improvement debenture bylaw for the carrying out of grading work on (Sraham Avenue, Seventh Avenue West. Fifth Av. West. Sixth Ave. West, and Taylor Street was Introduced and passed Its first reading at the meeiin or the city council last night. V resolution was passed by Iho city council last night, upon re commendation or the utilities ootnniiltee, Hint a relief man b employed al iho fire hall during Hie regulnr holiday period or ton weeks. The recommendation wa signed by .ld. W. llrown, chairman, and Aid. Oscar Larson. PAIN in BLADDER Promptly Entd by SANTAL MIDY ur to 9t Hi Otnuln Look (or th word "MIDY" bold by iU drutfiiut After Every Meal It doesn't take much to keep you in trim. Nature only asks a little help. Wrigley'a, after every meal, benefits teeth, breath, appetite and digestion. A Flavor for Every Taste ." MIS The westbound train is due on lime tins afternoon al 3.30 o'clock. August Furniture .Sale. Hi discounts in every department at I ite's Store. 182 Try Foothills, Stove Coal, 113.00 fr ton. .No soot. Phil pott, Evitt il CoALtd. tf John I. McCaskell was fine $15 ami costs in the city police court this morning by Magis trate McLeod 011 a charge of be- ng intoxicated in.ii public place, Cily Clerk K. F. Jones left on this inoriiliig'sf train un a holiday trip which wfll lake J11111 as far aslhe Atlantic Coast. During bin ansence pity treasurer .Maincscr. will act as city clerk. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hazed-Jones, accompanied by their sister, Mr. E., K. Uemingtra; of Seattle, arrived in San Fran riseo a few dajs ?o on a vi.it lo Ihelr ion. Mrs. Mazrtl-Jone-is slowly convalescing from an attack of bronchial pneumonia. Al the cily council meeting last night janitor Kxley reported a total of 159 (rations of fuel oil used during, the month of July by the city hall healing ytm. The dally consumption was rive gallons at a eosl per lay ot Ke per gallon-! total of lOe. The line-up of tbe Y-Mae football team in tonight's Intermediate panic against the H.C.N.-V.lt. is us follows: Hacker, poalj C. Cameron and it. Hied, backs: A. Strachan, A. Phillips and II. lirilbroner, hair-backs; Hunt. Itnnd, J. Strachan, Dickens and Parkin, forwards. Fred Stork, accompanied by Mrs. Slork, will sail on the leatner l'rtiwe Rupert this at-lemoon for Skagway, Alaska, e 1 route lo Atlin where Mr. StorV will open his election cainpaU'. as standard bearer for the Lib eral parly. They will be absent front the city for about a week. A report from the superintendent of utilities made,, to the city council last night showed Ibe' the city light department madc u surplus or $181.05 and thr telephone department a surplus or f 070.81 during h( month 0! lune. The loss on trie operntioi ot the water . department was no reported. , Lighthouse tender Hirnie wa taken up on the outoons al the dry dock this morning' for inspection. The John Carrie pile driver Is also at th:- dry dock for clcatiinig and painting prior to taking or. the pile driving tf connection with the- construction of th? new Union Oil dock on the waterfront. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. William were arrivals in the city on the Cardena yesterday nflernoon from Slewart en roulo to Juneau, Alaska, for which point they will sail on the Prince Hupert today. Mr. Williams was orfgin ally interested in the lloeher tie Houlo mine and now lias mining interests in Alaska, -i Major Hullook-Webster leaves on Monday for (innges, 0.uali- cum, Comox and oilier summer rexorls. where he has-been asked lo givo n series of lectunvs on "The Drama in Cannda." It wits thanks to the research work or Mrs. T. S. Holdero that mucli or this, so rar unrecorded infor million, was obtained. Mrs. L. Hullock-Webster and her son Sandrn left yeslerday to spend a week, at . Cowlchan Hivcr,. th5 guests qT Mr. and Mr. 11. A lloss. ,' Harvest rates on the Canadian National railway lo prairie points went into etrecl today. These rates are applicable to men seeking harvest work who have obtained letters confirming theit engagement by farmers ou the prairies. Ilegular movements 01 fdrm hands to the east wilt com mence on Monday, bii. scarcely any will go from Prnce Huper J. Campbell, Dominion employ ment agent, reports a number of men already booked at the spe cial rales alow the northern line of the Canadian National. There arc very few idle men in the cilv at the present time and it is doublful if as many men will be shipped from the district this year for harvest work as last year. WEATHER REPORT Government Telegraphs, 8 a.m Terrace: Clear, cal.u, temp. CI Anyox: Clear, calm, temp. 69. 5C. 04. Stewart: Cloudy, calm, temp liazelton: Cloudy, calm, temp Telegraph Creek: Cloudy, calm, lemp. 00. Smilhers: Part cloudy, calm lemp. 02. Hums Lake: Clear, calm, lemp. 55. Whitehorse: Itainiivg, north wind, temp. 51. Dawson: Cloudy, north wind lemp. 52. Haining at Tagish and Lowei Lebarge. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. Dead Tree I'oint Uaromcter 30. II; temperature 51. Hull Harbor Overcast, calm. barometer 30.06; lemperatun oil ca smooth: n p.m. suoW-' rreighler Canadian Farmer bound Ocean Falls for San I'edro OS miles from Ocean Falls; 8 p.m. spoke, lug I.orne lowing barges Hingamon and liiscayne in ToV mie Channel bound for Ocean Falls; 8 p.m. spoke lug Cap Scott. 16 miles north of Lowe Island northbound; 10 p. in spoke steamer Lillehorn left Heaver Cove for I'ort Clements. Digby Island Cloudy, calm. barometer 30.20; temperature 50: sea smooth; spoke motorship Chalambra bound Ketchikan tor Hell in jfham 8 p.m. 461 miles from Hellingham; 3.30 a.m. spokit sleamer Prince John left Qttecti Charlotte Cily northbound. Noon Dead Tree Point Barometer 30. H; temperature CO. Hull Harbor Overcast, calm, barometer 30.13; tcmperatuf? 50; sea smooth. Dig by Island Overcast, Ilgh outbeat wind; barometer 30 -22; temperature 58; sea smootj. 11.25 a.m. spoke steamer Amur 'mtind Prince Huprl for Oranby Hay abeam Portland Point. Miss Dalla Hunlsperger, who !ia been employed by Max Hctl-hroner tor the pas', six months, sails this afternoon on the steamer Prince Hupert for her home in Ketchikan. Alaska. NOTICE. Street Surfacing. The Tarvia Distribution. Equipment is expected to arrive on Thursday, August 5, and weather permitting, surtacing work will start immediately, commencing on the odd numbered avenues and streets. This will be completed as rapidly as possible and lion the alternate avenues anil streets will be done. Two coat will be applied at -intervals ot i hours and the. delay to traffic should not be more than throJ days. Citizens of Prince Hupert are therefore, requested to kindly procure supplies beforehand and as 1 lie surface will he siicky. to refrain from walking or driving beyond the barricades or signs. 183 CITY EXtilXEKH LAND ACT. Nolle of InUntlon to Apply to Ls Land. In Stiklnn livi4(n. :lr. I ml H. niulliiK DIMrlrt ut t'.lr. ami ltuate at ilraiul IUrl!, on tlw Stiklne luver and to iw wei r Mineyea i.oi T.vkr: .111111.1; mat i. waiter sroii smip- n.ii i. I nrji.i'ii lit..) i. .. .. 1 ' ui tiiiii. Itmit'lM.r lnti.lnl til Mnnlv fni a I14 nf Hie fi.tluwtiijr tlwK-rttieit uml: i:i4iiiniirliir at a r-""! planted in tne Xortliwet nirner or I.ul 410, tlirur South 4(1 ( hiins, ihwiiT vv"rt l rhaiu; Ihrnie .Nurtli 40 rhauia; tliemf Kat to rtiatiM, anil vontalnlnr Frtv rre, more nr le. AViUTEIt SCOTT SIMPSON. y '. . I Applleant. LAND AOT Nolle 'oriAtntl6n to Applr to L'aa Land in i-rmr Huprri i.ann nenirainir im-trlcl ut lisnre 4, r.imt l and District, and annate on I'kuii bland, . TAKE .OTItE that J, B. Tranels, fr fMinnka. Altiortt. oerupalliui Minister, i. tmU lo apply rr 1 tea or the following- oerriio lana r.miimenrtnir at a rt planted at nrlh VVt end or raatr lland. the near Cnal Trtanriiiatlnn Sta. 114: thence.' areund the Inland at tilth water mark and, ronialntnr too arrf, more or lem. I TT 'JOSEPH RKlTI.An FRANCIS. .Juae 84tU. utt. IppUcant. en. h. A. prickih m.a. r.n.c.0. CONOOCTOH '.Si TRIUMPHS AGAIN Due to Its Marvellous Electrical Light Ray Process, Urunswick is the First Recording Laboratory to Successfully Reproduce the Superb Renditions of the Famous Toronto MENDELSSOHN CHOIR Music Lovers Everywhere Will Recognize This as One of the Outstanding Musical Achievements of AH Time 10260 "SCOTS, WHA' HAE" "THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER" Toronto Mendelssohn Choir 10262 "ADORAMUS TE" "EXULTATE DEO" Toronto Mendelssohn Choir Few choirs have attained the high musical . perfection or international popularity of this remarkable organization. Brunswick alone, with its exclusive Light Ray Electrical Recording Method, has successfully retained on records all the soul-stirring richness of the entire Toronto Mendelssohn Choir. In connection with this achievement, it is of interest to know that these selections were recorded at the Toronto Conservatory of Music through the kind co-operation of its officials. ALSO HEAR THESE LATEST POPULAR GEMS HIT THE BLUE SOOM" Mlt THE CIRL FRIEND" Piaao DnU with Oretwitra, (or DanclBf. Phil Ohmaa ant Victor Ardcm and Orchntrm. SZ1C -TALKING TO THE MOON" "TENDERLT- Piano Solo br Lt Sim. "AS LONG AS I HAVE TOTT "DREAM Or LOVE AND TOU" Foi Trot by Colonial Clott Or- clxatra. with Vocal Chore. "THE PUMP SONC- "I'M JUST WILD ABOUT ANIMAL CRACKERS t" Fox Trot br Six Jamplnc J acta, with Vocal Cboru. THERE IS A BRUNSWICK RECORD DEALER NEAR YOU PREVENT FOREST FIRES YOU CAN HELP B.C. FOREST SERVICE anBaBBBnanfcjBnBBnj avaBnBnBnBnB . aaa aa , iiMa-aMaaBiBlB Fishermen 8 Supplies FISH LINES, HOOKS, ROPES, TWINES, FISH NETTING AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCERIES. Compare Our Prices Lipsett, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. Second Avenue and McBrlde St. Residence Phone, Black 617 ANGER, The Tailor Fine Imported Sergo and Scotch Tweed Suits made to urder in our hliop in Prince IUiner.l ris low us 223 Sixth Street I. ANGER, Cutter P. O. Box 247 $50. oo Prince Rupert, B. C.