day. Ananst 4, (fl,2nV hv ne T38 UhILV snws PA01 FTV Expert Jewellery Repairing perhaps you have n valuable urrnsaiie which nan neen damaged. ' We can make il as gnoij a now tn most cases. It our hobby to have Ihe iniH'liiiK and equipment id mil out gohljand otherwise work williH"cciou metal ami we can manufacture almost any little jperlal lfl you may nerd, THY US I ,9 -v-watl T it nrn rlRWRLLERS SLtmc store wmi Tttt CLOCN SteveKing Third Avenue Great Overstocked SALE Now In Full Swing SAVEI 8AVEII ON MFVS SPITS AMI OVl.Itr.OATS BULKLEY Market 311 Third Avenua, Ht been taken over from George Kerr by J. Preece ate with Scaly and Doodion Fresh Meats errlvlng Twice Weekly from the Bulkley Valley Phone 178 Dr. Alexander Smlttr Blook Phon B75 DENTIST TUGBOATS Day Phones 423, 539, Green 23V Black 73S. Might Phono 687,, 639, Qeeen 238, Black 735. RUPERT MARINE PRODUCTS, LTD. GEO. Q. BU8HBY, Man. Dir. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Starage Phone Ct. Urtane, Warehoustnv, '" nistrlbiiiing. Team or Motor 8ervle. 'loeJ, Band and Gravel We Speelallie In Plana an Furtitur, 'Bavlni. WOMEN AND BEER PARLORS' Speaker Slates Those Who Would Deprive Females of Rlqht to Drink 'Vancouver Morning Star) "Alcohol Is a product, of fer. mentation ami putrefaction, and Hence of today ha conclusive-ly povrn thai the medical man who tie alcohol an a stimulant is ignoranl of its true effect," ueriar lr. niet Hall, of Victoria, addressing a large meeting of prohibition!! at Cliowu United Church. , "Alcohol in a narcotic. A brain poison that deaden tho higher faculties, hlcaU away our -brain and temporarily remove our sense of responsibility," continued Dr. Hall. "When alcohol begiiu to act on the higher intellectual processes, he lower faculties run riot. Man become morally drunk, ihotkgh tie may bo intellectually sober." Alcohol's Effect Declaring alcohol to be a me dium destroying everything which meant evolution, and the absolute opponent of everything thai stood for the man's highest and (it. Dr. Hall, in a masterly discourse, discussed the effect of alcohol in law" and email quan 'Hie upon men and upon "Iteer, with It alcoholic ron-ent, ' hi si.l, "diminishes our natural caution. 11 leseii our awari'ne. U unroll the pr-cpsce of evolution and lead men to the lowest levels. The action of alcohol on the human system accomplishes a progressive paralysis and strikes through our conscience and judgment first, dulling our' will power ami making man the pawn of circumstance. Warning to Women "A for women.'" continued I tie speaker, "alcohol or leer make an al tractive woman appear much more attractive to men; the becomes flushed, with liquor, and her modesty is none. She throw aide reserve. In fact, she become a female ani mal. often loo deadened to be aware of sin," he said. "Knowing this, shall we stand by anil eo our children ruined our money squandered on alco hol? the speaker concluded. Ctiararleriilng as a "deathbed repentenee of the bicwer' ( lie actum taken Wednesday by tiie II. C. HoUlluen .tssorialioii in liarrfotf women from local beer parlors, Hcv. H. J. Mclntyrt-asked' Questlons Motive 'Is ti on moral grounds thai WATCH NO TICK Dlitrtlon anS Uh TAKE ?IOTI:K out M-rTills Cannery C'HiipanV llmiml. hn4 adilrrt l ihir Amiue vviurr, vannHivrr. H. c, will ap lr f"T a lii-.-n- In lake ami iiw f I tal nt twr minute r water mit or un nairx-d MrraiM. uhlrh fl.i iMirltwrlv and Jrin mm rrrauMHi nar. v.rt iniri, tmt a tiam mrl of A. W. corner Lot 1171. ourrn llanl IH.lrlrl. TIm aler ill In dltrriet fn.m Hm treara al a mint S rtialna is a nutti rlerlr dlrertlon from .V. VV riwtH-r .r Lu1 tilt, O. C nil . and wlu In" uted fur lnMtrlal and 1x411 lli iur III iiixmi Ml tlw laiul ilexrluK) UH ra a, tilt 1M. ynrrn iJunmir mil. Thin iwdlrr a ponitHl im t no rrrnml on Ihe 1 4th dT nf July. . IM nolle and an application cunr of nurunl llHireni and I" Itie "VV'aler Sri' lie tiled in th utrire ot Ihe Water Iteeordrr il l'rtn- HuirM, n. C. HI)JTllon lo Ihe ppllcation luar l filed wllh tfM Mid VVatrr lerurfr or lih llir inipln.llr of Water hlfhl. I'arlianimt Huildlnr. Virtona. V. .. iihin Ihlriy daft after the rirt tiraranr f ihU noiir in a local nrairr. Ihe dale of th firm publlra-turn of I hit notKe u Jnlv , s. sovn.nvii.i.K cVrny COMCAMY. LTIi., snpllranu By r. n. vi vTnrns. srent LAND ACT. Notlcs Of Intanllofl lo Apply Is Laaa Lan In Print liiilwrt land rtomrdinr !"' irlrl of crat nanre t, and altuala nil Nrtrttt Itarhael I'lanil. TAkC .'VOTICE thai Alfred Swanwin. of Prlnef ttuperl, orropatlon viarlnfr. In-irndi lo apply for t kae Of Ihe follow Ins nM-rlhid latldi; Conimrnrin al a pnl Panted at the ouin end or North narhaM lland: ihnre round ihe Mland at hirh water mark, and mntalninr 19 arre. more or e. ALFRED SWAHSON. , Appllrant nat4 frtl 11. IQf LAND ACT. Cantlar I tnd DUlrlrt. Land nerordlnt ni'irlct of rrlnro nunert and liuated on Taku Arm. atwul f nillea ao"thwet of mouth of Atiinto Rivr. TAar. .Tilllir. mm rniin" niini.m of Atlin. B.C.. orriipatlon mill tnanisrr. Intend' to apply for pfrmUnlon nv purrnaw iouowiub iirr.iiw Cj.tiimenelnr l P"t Plnlet on the oiith hore or Tiu Arm atmut I aiiuihwpiit fnan h moiilh f Atllnto nivrr nd rimnine ihenee 10 rnm mrm .V..,... n miih: thonrc 10 rhaltis ...i. ind ttirnra 10 rhaini north to .mini nf fominenrrment. rontalnlns 40 ,f, m"rnv!if'r9iciivnn dunlop. p,M, Atlin. Mr ". TAKR NOTICf Dial Edwin Jnlej rerl, nf Atlin, In the rrovlnre of British Cohinv ornipation operalln mnriat IwnrJ, intend to apply for rrn.l"lon to ur-rtle the foilnwlnr de.rrthed I linitji'-- Cwnmenrln it P""! Pl"'l . .IJ ontlieal eorner of OUrler Pav, In i All In I ake niniated a atlovm thne fdllowm the h're line wet ehjln.t thenrs -iotith Itf r"Mn! Ihenre eM 0 rhlnl Ihenee north 0 rhln. to point or. roiiiinenreinent. EDWtN Jl'LES Oatetl Hit 10, ItH. E00EIIT, Applicant. Three Cornered Fights and Their Effect on Election Results Throughout Dominion w Both sules in the political contest are. tnlay trying toelipii' innte threw cornered fight whenever these Are likely to' Injure the prospects of their own particular parly candidate, Liberals ny they stand to gain- by the elimination of Ppgressivc candidate and are trying to arrange to have no Progressive'npposi-tion n a Liberal and no-Liberal opposition to a Progressive .Similarly, parly leader declare that most labor nie'jiyire Uberal w hen there is no labor candidate in the field. jjgft Conservative sometime benefit from Die: idiminatiorrTof a third candidate, but not to the same exlentta'i do Libcraffltfln onler that elector may judge for themselves, , the following result from three cornered contest are published: Ontario UMislilueney Lib. Out. 1'rog. 1'rog. Ind. Hruee .North :i.h:u .t.olrt Hruce .South :t,tir. 3,:rt2 (MengJirry 2,78.i 2.U2H Hnrtiii South 4,047 i.miV Kenora-H.iiny Itiver . . . 3,808 3,707 Kent 7,833 H,3t) Lambton hat . ; 1,0ft! Middlesex Kal 3,irr Middlesex West 1,020 Port Arthur-Thunder Hay 2,i 13 lrecotl Timi)knmitig .Vnrlh Tiuiiskamiug South Coiitlitueucy Manjiielle .V'eepnvva ........ Selkirk Souri Willow Hunch Yorktou 2,510 3,2.'" i,r58 the place have been defiled until their puud reputation ruined by tho presence of women of good or ilL reptile?" he aked. "II has been known all alunp." continued Mr. Mclutyre, "that women of the street have freijuenfcd these place., and it is equally true that men of lik- requle have consorted with them. If the morality qualification is tu be the basis of admission, on what grounds arc women nnl lu be excluded? If only those whose lives are pure and unsullied arc to be admitted, the beer parlors may suffer a serious decline In patrons," hn remark ed Speaker Is Caustlo Or is it for sex reasons? Be cause she Is a woman? After a strenuous battle, women became full-fledged citizens on an absolute equality with men. And If the beer parlors are a pood Ihlng for the community iquqt-inir from a brewery advcrlisr ment; and if beer "cannot, intoxicate or lower "man's' 'standards,' but calls out all that is chivalrous and noble in him," doesn't it seem small business on Ihe part of the brewer to debar the female of Ihe species from ths "nourishing and health-giving drink?" Who needs it more, than she does? Personal Liberty "What about persthial liberty?" continued Mr. Mclutyre. "Or was that talk of personal liliei-ly the ruikest kind of hypocrisy? These people who havtj been the champions of personal liberty are ready at Ihe flip of a -coin to flint it all away! What will business not do to save its Ufa? Personal liberty, Alas, perishes from the earth with its last ad voeale gone." Declaring the action of the brevvern and licencees lo bo nn insult tn the lnlelliuehce of the Appllrant. better vomin of the land; 'a' vlo ' littmn of the principle of equal uno act.. rigitis, ami inn setting up of n e...i. i. n.t niITT t.nd rterordint double standard of life, Mr. Mo ni'trlrt or rrtnre Huprt, and Uuate on fnlyre diMiounced the move lo hi Mlin i.air iimui aa imio- ...u. a frank admission that the so called "beer parlor" was a dive. unfit foj decent women, and 5,011 r,220 2,810 3,277 2,387 0,053 5,302 Manitoba Alberta 2,351 2,128 2,510 1,080" 702 . 4,i01 5,522 2,518 3,518 . Lib;' 1,005: 1,800 2,521 1,503 Springfield 1,721 Saskatchewan Omstitiienry Lib. J ;,.imi n,-702 Constituency- Lib.' Ac.nlia .'. . 1,552 Athahara 5.078 4 Haltle Hiver l.rttio' HowJUver . 2,0 1 7 Camroe l,885"r: MacLeiCl .v i,oi Medicine Hat 1,383 iVace Hiver 3,011 He,J Deer 2,102 Vetakiwin 3,120 2.121 Ind. 1,363 Lali. ' 1,108 J ml.-Lib. 5,500 Ind. 1,8X2 Lab. Con. 1,210 3,101 3,831 3,258 2,250 XssinilMiia 4,350, 2,303 Ilaltlefonl Nmrth 1.201 Haltlefonl South '1,30 i: lliimboldl 3,212 Kindersley 2,011 Last Mountain '. 3,200 ' .Maple Creek 1,010 Melfort 3.088. Melville 5,305 Minelowii 2,150 . Wejburn . l,807?.i Con. 1.830 2,010 007 1.218 1.51(0 3.253 2.010 1,002 1,020 1,057 1,71)0 1.218 Con. 1.181 013- 1,031 2,075 1,100 1,230 2,307 3,000 2.020 2,121 Irog. 1.081 3,332 3.310 3,500 1,005 3,201 a nee to temptation. ' Well, if drink produces sm.n results, is it riphl that it sbuiMd be sold anywhere?" demanded Mr.. Mclntyre. Admission of Weakness That latest attempt on tin) part of the wels has not strengthened iheir position, but i an acknowledgmenl thai I no tilings that the beer sold Intoxicated LONDON, Aug. 3. -'Try to be and made man, for Ihe jlmo be-snmeone who counts and not one ing, unfit to associate with bis own wife,. An admission tliat beer lowers a man's power lo distinguish between right and wrong, and weakened his rcslst- of a crowd," Is the advice Catherine Countess of Westmorland Bives to young'glrls. The Countess says thoughtful persons cannot but regrot tho READ! which are almost identical and! utterly larking individuality.. Even I their talk is standardized. "So few girls dare to be Ibem- l.mnl'a r, r.t liinl- n n A 1 -i nnn ri A J I QlJlI'Mt .111'. M.... ..M.... ' lll linui.. lidiiyiuA j 1? want In '";!be in the swim." Sflyingwom a police officer 2,178, 2,302 'Thinks Nothing of Going by 2,071 2,102 3,801 Plane to Paris or Berlin From London 4,202 i When possible she makes I Oil K. nlnnA her pl,i' ifiiiii' iij acii'i'iuiii.. 2,030 1 Commamlant Allen, who is 3,O80jrrri!ileil with knowing more vvo-3, 85 1. men crooks of all countries thai. II It filial! ! 1 iiiey n.aniicn as lanatics ami slanderers" are true. They hav been beaten in two contests lately." Ihe speaker concluded, "and are hoping through a little luggling o mislead the public Hut il is the same old business.' GERMAN WOMAN IS , ELECTED AS DEPUTY Frau Klara Phtllpp an Active Polrtlclarr Ooesi to Reichstag From Karlsruhe - - m ' 4 KAfalHUlU',, (jertiiaKyf, Au. - To h'rau Klara Phil'lpp, wife of the Hadenese chief forester, has fallen the distinction of succeeding the lale Konstantin Fehren- bach, fourth chancellor of th-? Herman Republic, as Center Parly deputy in the. Ileichstag. Frnu Philipp is- chiefly known in Oermany in circles having to do with social welfare, besides being a leader in the .Catholic Centre Party. Sha first at Iracted attention as a publiolst. With the vari Frau Philipp sel-Ued with her husband in PfOr-hrim, ,wher she devoted her energies In thelprolilem of food rationing, nursing and wayward children. After lha war she enlerod nc-I'ively into polltios, nccepled election to tho national executive committee of her party, became a member of the national film censorship hoarl. and led dm! af the women's high school In Heidelberg. GIRLSARE I URGED TO SHOW INDIVIDUALITY any ottier woman in me ponce business, vfsited tne the Big else: the nuties my position?" ;ntf privilege of D0UKH0B0RS AS SETTLERS Question of Their Desirability Is Being Discussed By Province of Alberta. KMIOXTOX, Aug. 3. Whether or nol Alberta want more Douk-liobor settlers Is a question now uh.IJaba.I Vv mw Ilia ivunviii- LONDON. Aug. 3. Com- '7 , " '"V" in. nA f. tiai KUTrriuiiriu. 1110 iiuhici 111? I'rog.lof the women police service in!-' ,T,hru? 1 KU'e "t""1."' of the D-nikhobor Coroniza-3,0 5,302 av0uest London, has become known 18 i trope's "rivins cop" since he!tion Spy rf information as to 5.007;u nnn of t'h mo.! travelled! posibilities for settlement in 3:773 uolice officials in the world.! country and the Slates two years ago, and lias i been proviionally picked out for been pretty much on the go ever since. She thinks nothing nf flying to Paris, Merlin or other point. in one day, or some important rae in which a woman is involved, and hack to London the ncxL The selling up of a women's international police com IIMf mission was due primarily lo ef- .... t.r.Mu,.,..,,,,. ,fors of Cmnniamiau, xUen. MERGER OF CANADA WITH UNITED STATES URGED BY NEWSPAPER Kdmonton Journal From the office of the Hoston Post there are still arriving, addressed to "The F-ditor of The Journal, Fdmonton, Dritisti Columbia," copies of that newspaper that continue, boldly displayed, the argument in favor of the merger of Canada and the United Spates, Further stress is laid on Ihe desirability of cancelling the European war debts in exchange f ir the incorporation of this country with it.greal natural wealth, in the American union. "The world," we are informed, "could then go forward harmoniously and be freed from the growing friction between the nation which forebodes so much danger in the years ahead." The value that is placed on the wealth of our territory is not. loo high but we are hardly likely to consent to Us being handed over as a means of settling accounts be tween tho United Slates and the European nations. Tho suggestion has been received with tho sapin astonishment and resentment in Kritain as in Canada. WQNLAflsWfNOf PEERESS, SHE SAYS LONDON, Aug. 3-Lady Zouche. of llaryngworth regards herself as a peer, and would prefer not lo be called a peeress. hy use tne word peeress when there Is no male o repre sent the line?" she asked. "Wo twenty odd women who happen to hold peerages In our own rigbt are not peer3 by accident, any hiore than men are who tiappeu to Inherit a peerage. Why Should likely attitude of the Alberta government towards such a project. As announced at the time, there are said to be S.noO'Of these people in lliissia who are migrating to western Canada, and the Peace United' Itiver district is the place that has them. Premier ffrownlee-, when asked what aetion is being taken in the case ,said that inquiries are to bo made as to the. local feeltivg in the north in regard to such coloniia-tion and also a to the experience that the Saskatchewan authorities have been having of late with the) Doukhobor colonists in that province. More- settlers for the north eountry will be wanted, the pre mier says, but careful investiga-j tion will le necessary before tet-j ting in so large a number of a class of people who have in the other provinces been the cause of more or less trouble in the past. II is understood lhal tf Ihe mi gration from Russia materializes lhe,rei will, he an addltrprial rriove- '' . 1. menv, 01 wotikiicmor seiners iruiu Saskatchewan, Whrt 'will join their fellow countrymen in the Peace Hier settlement- In that case their- numbers will be so lange that they will likely be located In a colony of their own, and it Is the question as to whether or not this would be desirable that the government is now investigating. No decision has yet been reached, and the matter will be carefully looked into, says Mr. Rrownlee, before an answer is given. Subscribe In the DH News LAND ACT. Notlca of InUntkm to Applr to Laaao Land, in entire ituptri Land nerorainir uiv Irtrt or erinre Ruprrl, and iituate. al Matl, B.C. TAkK MITICE that Euirene H. Simp son or Jlfc-wll. owipauon ranwr. intends to apply for a lea of the. rcllow-Inr described landv- coniinrnrins at a pnar piamea iw niirtSml corner of Blork to, Maelt Townslte: tnenre easterly too ren; lhnrr noutlierly 1,000 feels theneo westerly ISO reel; thrm-e northerly reel to point' of riuni.H-neeiiM'iit, and con-lalnlNf 3 arre. mare or less. EWEB H. SIMTSOJ. - Applicant. Hated June . 1t -OOVCRNHINT LIQUOR ACT" Notlca ot, Application -foe Conaant to Tranaftr 8r Llcanao. NOTICE IS IIEP.EBYOIVE,N that on lh sth dat "ot AuruKt netf ttw nnderltTied intend to apply to tho Liquor C.ontroI Board fur transfer or Beer I.I-retire nnnilirred IT0 And Uiiied In reapert of premises, tielltf part of blHIiIMm known- a l"vrr Clements Hotel, port f.lo-menls, Ji, C, upon Ihe lands deerlbed a Lot' 7, Hlock 7. In SubiUvMnn of Lot 71, iini-Mi oiiarlnttK Nlandt. Prlnre Ruiierl l.aihl Heaiilry ntairlrt; t the ITtivlnco or MrltKh Columbia, from Frank lllrks lo Herbert Hamilton. Theoiloro Mueonl and J. tnrrone or tne Town or port tienient. in the County of Prlm-a import. In the prov-Inco or krlllob- Cjilumbla. Ihe transferee. DATED al.Prtnr Huperf, B, C, this Slat nay or ia IIFHHEHT HAMPTON, TIIKilDliriE Ml'SCOXI, J. MCCONE. AppllCaati tad Trintttrioi. READ! West of England Advertisement in Tomorrow's "Daily News" sutfpestion or "muss production' 1 not receive the writ from thi there is in a crowd of moderr ' Klnx, a my anctinr did be- girls, all bavins hats and frocksjfore me, and be allowed" U exer M. McArthur byes Monster Creditors' Compulsion SALE of- Men's Shoes, Ladles' Shoes, Children's Shoes. 11 e NOWI NOW! NOW! NOW! Examined and Glasses fitted It will pay you lb have your glasses made here. You are always assured of a conscientious, painstaking examination of your eyes and the very best In both lenses and frames and aht;. at prifes surprisingly less than you might expect,, ; Prompt Optical Repair Service. i E. IRFLAHD Optometrist 319 3rd Ave., opp. O.W.Vjv. Phone Red 442 DEMERS Great Public SALE continues Entire Stock Involved NOW IS THE. TIME TO BUY I M I L K From Bulkley Valley t FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM We specially recommend our Table Cream at 15o for Half Pint. Quality and Service Special Ice Delivery Service Valentin' ,Dairy Phone tS7