v-. 1f City Delivery, by mail or earner, per month........... Sl.oo By mail to all parts of the1 British Empire, and the United States in advance, per year's. ; . . . . .V. ........ . $0.00 'To all other countries, in advance; per year ............ $7.50 Transient Display Advertising. . v.fl40 -per inch per insertion Transient .Advertising on Front Page.. ......... .$2.80 per inch Local Readers, per insertion. . . .-. . . ... . . .25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion ........... .2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion. . . ,.,.'. ........ 15c per agate line 43 Male a Quick get-away SHREDDED WHEAT is always reafly to eat The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRiTIStf COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince i- Rupert Daily News,. Limited, Third Avenue. . H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. V, SUBSCRIPTION RATES t Contract Kates' on Application. Advertising and .''circulation Telephone -Editor and Reporter Telephone ... 98 86 All advertising should be in The1 Daily News Office before u.m on uay' preceaing publication. All "advertising received subject to approval, ember of Audlt Sureau, of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Being Recognized On The Outside. Thursday April 1, 1026. Prince ;Rupert is gradually being-recognized onthe outside. Many peojile in Vancouver have ,mm;h more faith in Prince Ru pert lhan .Priiicc Rupert people have '-in their own, "city. They wilh. a. larger perspective and feel, sure that there will be big developments here, in Hie iur future;- ' ? lu small cities' people, find them'jelvtfs a little cramped and t in on themselves mid tliey in' ime lose. the. larger view which comes to the man of affairs who is about the world' business in the big centres. .. ' ' ' '. It is wise now and then-forr tit get Outside and find oiil how. things look 'from that ancle and then, wjien they return, they are. 'more than satisfied with the place they left behind. V.i ' - :' , ' V?" Shearing The Lambs ' In Wall Street. -. AN nil Street-has been shearing the ; lambs lately. Stock have been manipulated so that the; prices drop suddenly, margin gamblers are xiueezed oiil, arid then prices immediately regain the ine .normal jiormai level. level. Again Again and aim agahi agam . .uus. this, occurs occurs, am. mid yet the gam- bliiig continues, (tie ones on dlHuuHsfdVh'oping that (hey will some day be abreToe!itliebest, of the strings. It is like breaking 'the bank Jit i i !.. '.i Crow Is Simply, . ; . Something To Worry Ab'ouL ' "' : 'S'. agaiusl hope those who put Alonb Monte Car o. Win . nings may ne lernporary nui-iosiiig .. is.reriaui'iii me Jong run The longer people gambte the poorer ,ihey berxinie, where the odds are loaded agaiiist them: :' v; ' The crow is simply .something toworry about, Down ITast there was a big controversy raging, in. .regard to (he value of the 1 t: ii.- n. .. . . .i crow ami "Av .miii-j, iiir mill vuiut; 0111 Willi many i broadside, uguius.l .him while oilier Ventimenlalisls exclaimet loudly iii .his' defense. ; . k. Now the discussion' seems toTb' .lifting to. British Colum bia where the (Lime Board has offered'a'jbomj of ten cents ,eacl for all rrrt killed diiriiig April and May, As April is the iie,t intr ip.'irttm'.iVif llii liml HI Him wiimIIi iifnwi.'iiiK f Ti nff a l.'in.lt: tmv on', for I be uHh'ckVd In their ii'oUieK nVfrtrij''ej'4j-oii is fakenr In that. We do i)i)t ipiUe like it ourselves but;theuve nlwajs have bad a sneaking' regard for bold crininAlsi ' jjDiscussio)is oyer tho valuOjf.u'the crow- will never cease as loifgUs there are crows oil ea$)j.JUJf a good subject to dis-cuss when there'ls nothiiig.i'jspyworry ajiOUt. We, as a peo-de,'.nlnsl have a probleiii Jo stflvtv Or a difficulty to overcome. Thai is what keeps us nVive: anifytrH. If. it is not anything im-portnut the crow comes -piyVitj; ttUills in the lime until some real live ipiestion again inle js i5e(f into Our life. The yew kind of soap makes a new kind o f washday lve Rinio ami put it water, put in the 2 hours or more and just rinse. Change the hard work, of wash ing to just rinsing. No nibbing, no maime 4 hands, no aching backs, or jangled "nerves. Gloriously white, dean clothes. M4 by iht maktri of Lux. R-4T4 1 I- PAGE 1 SVC. TiTB DAILY NEWS ,105 50. ONY EXPRESS IS HISTORIC Picture Being Shown This Week End Tells of Effect It Had on Loyalty of California One of th must popular stories that have gone the round , at California's expense is thai of the California minister, offering M limjm, Willi tsii"i a uir.tiiiiiK' for Oalifornia. as well as the United States." There was a crisis in the na tion's history, however, which might actually have, brought about the separation of California from the union. There was a strong slavery party in California at the time of the outbreak of the Civil War," ays James Cruze, who filmed the epic of the west for Paramount, "The Pony Express." When the clouds of war be came threatening, the eyes of both north and south turned to California. Kven then, in lr0, she was the jewel of the Pacific, having considerable population, great iia local wealth, and renowned climate and fertility. To the south, the acouisition of California meant 'enhanced pres Hue, that would encourage the perpetuation of the slave system. The north desired the pres tige that would come from holding California, as well as the ma terial strength inherent iii tho stale's valuable resources. Threatened Secession "In 1800 there were 380.000 people in California. While a majority of them wpre loyal to the union, there was a vigorous minority intensely in sympathy with the southern cause, ready to bring- about secession by force of arms if necessary. As civil war berame more and more imminent, it became obvi bus to union men both in the east and west that the existing lilies of .stage communication, and by boat via -the Isthmus and Pana ma, were untrustworthy and ex ceedingly slow. The mail routes went by Albuquerque, New Mexi co and in event of. war the south would most certainly gain control of this route, and organize Ihc" southern sympathizers in California. Begun byjfreighting Firm "To meet this crisis, the daring plan of the pony express was evolved. The pony expros plih made a close co-operation between the California loyalists and the federal government possible. Vet strange as it may seem, the enterprise was not started, nor even materially aided by the government. It was started in part as a business venture, but largely from loyally, by the famous freighting firm of ltusell, Majors and Waddell, of Leaven worth, Kansas, owners of the overland staige line. '1 hanks to the pony express. California remained loyal. The unionists won by the election of Septeinher 4, 18(11, by a big ma Jorily, although the election revealed over 20.000 anll-unfon Voters. Later on, California con tribuled over 16,000 troops to union cause." GOD SAVETHEE; CANADA! (By Annie. Charlotte- Dullon (Sod cave th.ee, Canada! Vioil bless thee. Canada. Long may we slow, "We, with our hroi tiers stand, Free men in freedom's land, t boy a I in heart and band, Cod save the King!'' (Jupen of the Northern Star! Creal, as thy mountains are. Who may subdue? I.ove shall thy master be, Discord, thine enemy, All things we will for thee. Joyful and true. What shall disquiet thee, Splendid in unity, Fearless in soul? Oh! may our hearts rov great, And we, reconsecrate, March on with faith elate, O o.J ward and whole I fiod save our gracious Kingl bong live our noble King, Ood save the King! ( f?end Mm victorious, (hippy and glorious, bong to reign over us, Ood save the King! RETURNS TO ISLANDS O. W. Hopkins, chief account ant for the Kelley Logging Co. at Logan Inlet, returned to the. Queen Charlotte Island's on lli;,! week's trip of the steamer Prince! John after a holiday visit in Vancouver. THE MAN IN THE MOON 1 IF some aye you Hunk, yen)" will mid omellting funny in iliis column loday. remember it is April I. The fool is llic One, who e.xpcols. YKf this is April first. ' Look wise, I lion, if ibou durst. .lust laugh with the foollshi And wpep oe'r.llie ghoulish But wisdom today is aeeursti-. And , I qmoutW; Is anot heHioli- day. How weSUo ati enjoy our selves In t b'ts 5 nun try! Today ladies are buying Easier hats ami those who don't buy to day will Tccl e, they deciojto.;maV one. S Saturday unless ike over the old WOMEN are said to set Iheo caps at meff bnt now that thny don't wear caps, jiow are ihey go- inir to set tliein? Hut then a hat i ust aV'tierul for the purpose as. a cap THEN here's' to'lhe Easter hat , Set nilJlshly akew: No matter wfiai its shape o; ! style, : As long as it's somelhins new 'And here's In the woman who wears it And thinks herself supreme. For everyone is a queen if she reign In the heart of a man. I weer Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert April 1. 1916. The C.P.Il. steamer l'rmcesx Maquinna was in port last night having on board the equipment that will, be used by the West holme Lumber Co. in building the wharf and road at Alice Arm fo;' the Dolly Varden Mine Ltd. Sol Uanu-ron, bead of the Westhnlnie Lumber Co., was also a passen ger on the . boat hound for AITce' Arm. Oeorpe W., Morrow is leading in. the fight low being waged here for the removal of the so- called cannery monopoly. Latest casually lists show that1 the ItUh battalion, In which many Prinre flu peri boys are enlisted, is now in arttoh. So fa. only one Prinee fluperl man. Laiu-e Corporal Frank MeViUie, has been injured. , ' In The Letter Box WOULD MARRY, BUT. Filitor Daily Xews. In Tuesday's issue of your widely read journal, you, in on. of. your leading articles, exhort bachelor to marry. I am a iiaeneior. mil inn country aml province of H.C. denies me a liv i ing therefore how ran 1 and! many others like me, marrv?j When :i; apply Uri "5ob" (not' a posllwin) I aln met wilh tb ROYAL YEAST CAKES 1tUc Home, JiS Standard iUmM Quality rx-1 1 lebulf, "Married men only." Of1 eoure there U something els agiibisl me, i.e., I atu a returne l loblier, having fonaiit And ble.L for lt.C. in the lain war and thhlj in ilself-K looked on a a crime, m OaiiiidUv aid!rrjc,'f.o,dtf,ri seexing empioymenl are lookeil on a pariahs anil worse. One redeeming feature of Prinre Huperl it ba mahy iieautifnl maidens. It certainly s a city of lovely girls. So if you secure me employment of a steady nature I will secure a wife and will.nOt go outside of j Prince Hupert for linn (I don't care whose). I am strong and 'vigorous anil anxious and will-.ing to work and In marry, I , wonder if our old friend Socrates jis risht? "When a man is not I married he I sorry and when I he is married he Is sorry." Socrnle says so and he is sup- poed lo know. HF.MU'.HT McKF.NZIP. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert Kd. Perry, IMmonlony A. fj, Knlghlj Capl. and Mrs, W. Mo-Kay, Mr, and Mrs. II. J. llobin-snn, A. II, Wing and O. A. Mc-Nlelioll, Vancouverj W. T. Istd antll. .1. Hansen, Seattle; M. I, Mcilermid, Toronio; O. II. e. son, Oeorgelnwiu Frank lllcks, Port Clements. Central F. A. Warren, C.N.rt.; Mr. and Mrs. A, A. Ferguson, Winnipeg; fteorge Carbull and A. It. Holes-ton, Saskatoon; .1. D, Wells, Lsk; George Follctle, Seattle. wins iCANADlANJ PACinci Orthonhc Victor Tslklnf MscfiliM Compnjr & ' JohnMcCornruk , j J enjoya the Crcdchii model The new Orthophonic Victrola is John McCormacks "other self." ! Startling but true Tw$ remarkable new musical instrument U the 'other aelf not alone of (me treat artist but of alL Ths Orthophonic Victrola jives you in music, exactly what peat artists like John McCormack give you. And it fives you everything in orchestral music, not part; everything from the sonorous boom of the bass drum to the piping treble of the piccolo. The thousands who have heard it-Artists and music lovers go into rap tures about its performance. Schu maiuvHeink Kikl of it: "Marvrlousr . "Real band musicf exclaimed Suuaa, the March King; "Magnificent r commented Joumet, and could hardly restrain himcelf from rushing to the recording laboratory to make a record for this nevr marvel. That is real enthusiasm! Now do you wonder why everyone wants to own this new instrument ? 1 lave you heard it ? "His Master's Voke" Dealers axe demonstrating every day. me Victrola n i n. Steamship and Train Service S.S. PRINCE QCOR0C nd PRINCC CHARLIS Will tHW PRINCE RUPERT f.r VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, .SIATTLC, Hid InlriliirilUlK (MiinU fRIDAYI ImI MONDAYS If 8.00 .m. tor STEWART iiMl ANVOX, VVKOI1I S0AY8, SATURDAYS, 10 00 pm. s.s. prince john foriniihtiy rr Vancouver i queen charlotte ISLANDS. 'PASSENOER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY art' SATURDAY SI ..ll), tor PRINCE OEORdl, EDMONTON, WINNIPEO, III hiImU txOTIi Cinad. I nll1 KUIra. A0ENCV ALL OMAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlcktt orrict, C2S Third An, Prlnc Rupert. Phont too Canadian Pacific Railway' B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert Fm KETCHIKAN. WHANCIU, JUNtAU. SIACWAT fr UNcour. YtaoiiA u swrru Si. PRINCESS KATMCE .Marct 19. April 9, 19, JO Mm 23, Vii 2, 13,23 for But4l. Swtnion Say, Eatt Ball Balla, Ocaaa Pal la, Ramy, A I art Mar, umHii niiar, anq anoUTr ,rf aiuroaf li t.m. Aaaneir for all Slaamahlo Llnaa w. o. oncHanD aaaarai ant. t. full Inftrmatton (ram Oarnar of 4th Straat anal srs Aianua. Prlnta Rupart, U.0, UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Saiiiiis fiuin I'riDca Hu(ri. or VANCOUVER, VIOTORIA, iwanaan Bar, ano aiart Ray, TuaMar. P.M. or VANCOUVER. VIOTORIA, A I art Bai, M BwoaaoM tM, olrar, 10 Por ANVOX. PORT SIMPSON pito Rata Rlvar Cannarlaa, Thuraday p.m. for PORT SIMPSON, ANVOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, unoly, p.m. US Sna Aiaaia. 4. Barnalai, Aant. prlnao Rupert, MO.