More of These New Value S.S.S Suits at $29.50 They're a Big Success! It's really the greatest FASHION-CRAFT feature we've had in many years. Fine woollens, newest colorings, fine tailoring. Bryant & Greer Limited The Clothes Shop for Men DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - l l "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." , Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & CU Storage Co., Ltd- Prince Rupert, B.C. "TRY A NIP TONIGHT' BEST PROCURABLE f trot,' is 1' w l V I ''T.'i'iiM. . Miv.-t KI.iM- r,TO - 1 Tl.. Origin.! Label look for It at Ihe Vendor', and lo.l.t on CHANT'S ' BEST PROCURABLE r' advertisement In not publishcil or displayed by Hie UP.o' Control Board or by the Qoverunicnt of British Columbia Local and Personal Phone 15. P.Il. Coal Co, tf Arthur's Taxi. Phone C78. tf U.C. Undertaker. Phone 41. l.ath at X00. Other lumber almost ai cheap. Give us your order. Phone 112. 7H All lho.o desiring advorlixln spare In the new Telephone Director1, notify Hose, Cowan & l.atla. Phone 231. 77 Durtn; Hie month of March, tin- fjnijci,irliiifiit responded I j only tlj)t calU nc a false alarm aim unyquier a ciumncy nre. Mi , i:. Osborne of the cilj treaurri staff lri on last nlahl'H JuHHi for Woodcock wher': she wllj spend the Lasler vacation. Tiw. jjkfti chance lor you lriplii mti.i 2x1 up lo 'itl-i, 3x up 3xf-'. Ixt, Sx5, Oxfi. all No. I tck at $2'i.00. l'honi 112. 7J, SI. - - Ladies and Children Shoe and lU' Ut'arln out sale fi.r one week, far ri fit pn H al Mrs. ,iralilman', Third .Wciiy. 0trii Mary Chapter I.O.D.L AniiuoM'aiTodil Hall m l.O.D.K Hall. La-ler Monday, April 5 1 ii kei. to lie obtained from infinitir. Good Friday Orator'.o by aug mented choir In the United Church Friday evening at 8 o' clock. Pioe organ. Dlano and violin accompaniments. 77 Tlioiua Louden. ('..!. M.M. su 'Ttri1endei!l eiiauieer. nailed fo ailcoiiver on tb'1 jir.leitu Tiles lay evening. Hp i expected hack iirre in ubiMlt a weik lime. Mi- Mary jCarpcntrr arrival n I he I'nnee John litis morning from I he Oueen Charlotte I- Unif. and will proceed to the in by the oeSi (rain, She wa acrotHpatuad 4y Iter young sifter ArrhaU in ihe eity from Ihe Hucen Clfarlolle' Inland (his iiioriiiiis inrluded C. II. Anderson of the KglW l.oyginK '.. I.upiui Inlet.. vrtJo will nrtweed Icmioi row mirti!iK lo NnnroiiMT on a iininwy- int; ti j. MiirwtHMi oi Jneen i:iiarlille ;ily who i on hi way li Winnions-: V. Wil liainfnf'kepuri. on hi way In Vancouver, anil (. 11. Havii- of port Clements, also coin? Id Vanemixer. ANNOUNCEMENTS barred Cantata. Jooi Friday, April 2, Lniicd Church. (.ueen Mary Chapter fa(Tolil iiaii .pru a. Anvliran Tea and Sale of Work April 8. yro Hoedown Friday, Aiiril 0. in Auuiiormm. Itoyal Purple bridsr, whist drive and dance, Illks' Home. kVpril 1. Lutheran Women's Aid Spring Sale. April 15, at 010 Sixth Ave. West. Tennis Club Hall, Klks' Home. 10. Presbyterian Churrh Ladies' Aid SprniB Sale, April 2 1. Had 43 Boils And Carbuncles At One, Time Mr. OanJ Melanson, Castleford, Ont, write i "In rfjard to your rmedif I hate to My that B.D.D. iu the only medicine I couM gft to relieTe me of mj boils and Mrbunc'.e. I bad forty-three at one time, and my doctor told me to ttie I The flrit ttottlo I touk gave me sucV grrrat rcsulti that I took thrf more, and after I had usod thorn I was completely relieved of my boil and carbuncles." Put up only by Tb T, Milbuia Co, limited, Toronto, Oat. NOTICE. -City 8prlng Cleaning. Owing (o the fact thai Spring ift a monlli earlier Hi is year, citizens are requeued lo co-opcralc with the , Oily .aulhorllies in order In clean up all premises. The work should hlral April 20, so that all will be clean and beautiful before lourisls arrive. It i also important thai this be done to safeguard public health. II. A. m.i.lan. 78 City Engineer. Hheddon's Taxi and Messcncei Service. Phone 134. If We are sullinif the balance Ihe lumber at,lhe niill. See Hie prices In' this Issue. Phone 112. Kleclrob'eis liie nly sun cure for superfluous hair, warts. molus, etc. Phone lllack 025 u "Itesourtes." The new month ly just off Ihe pre by Hose, Cowan iV l.atla, Advertise youi eily ami dislricl by sending a copy lo iur friends out of low 7 liapt. llinn, owner of (ippe-Is,and near Jedway where there are said to exist iic-li copper showing. Is a visilor m the eily. have .arrived from the Islands or the Prince, John this morniiiK- lVank Peoree, Pori Clemen's reitlaurant man, arnvid in Hi- city on th Prince John this momlnp. lie will sail tomorrow aboanl life Prince ieor;:e fo-Vnneiiuvcr on a business trip. Klmer (ilaspie, ' manager oi Ihe Sitka Spruce sawmiil at (Jueen Charlotlr Cily, arrived i i Ihe cily on the Prinre John Ihi-inornfnx and will proreeii to morrow morning lo Vancouver on a business trip. The imjsI tiffice general de livery anil resrislmtion wickels will le open from a.m. lo II a.m. on Cood Friday. The loituey order wicket will he open from M a.m. lo 6 p.m. on Sal- i itfay infilead of from K a.m. lo I P.m. The nosl office Keneral delivery and registration wiekels will he ojH-n from U a.m. lo II a.m. Monday ami Ihe public lob by of the piKt office will be t)pen between the hours or 8 a.m. and 0 p.m. April 2 and 5. 1. S. Harlow, who has been ac countant in (he local branch o; Hie llnyal Malik of Canada for ;he nasi couple of years, will leave on, Ihe steamer Princs Heorue tomorrow morning fm Vancouver enroiile (i visit his old home In Scot land. While in the Old Country, he will be mar-rietl. He has been granted i three months' leave of absenee from the bunk service and, or. i-is return to Canada, will b stationed in Vancouver. 0. O Hnrttin of the inspector's do parlmenl, Vancouver, has arriven here to become accountant in the local branch. CUSTOMS COLLECTIONS " IN MARCH WERE HIGH Totalled $82,837.82 Showing Sub stantial Increase Over February and Same Month Last Year Custom ami excise collections at this port during the monjli of March totalled 82,8l7.82. This ts a substantia,) increase over the fmures Tor March 1925 und for February of ibis year. RELIGIOUS BOOKS ARE IN GREATER DEMAND M'.W YORK. April !. Religious books have increased their position within (he ranks of best sellers lo a conspicuous dtvgreel during the last several Vr.. Iho gain IkIii allribuled by publishers to n greater demand not only from church members but from persons without definite ecclesiastical affiliations. A glance over the list of the leu best sellers in noil-fiction, last year shows Hruco Harlou's The Mil it Nobody Knows" and (liovaiint PaplnPs "The Life of Christ"' well toward Ihe lop. Demand fM' Ihose. and ullier books on religion is reported oven .realer than in 1025. J WEATHER FOR MONTH The weather report for the month by Ihe meleoroliicical sia- t inn al I liuliy Island follows: Mean temperature, tl. Maximum on 1 tth, 08. Minimum on 5lb, 7tli and 2 lib, 30. t llainfall, 7.11 inches. unshlne, 03 hours. Wind mileage, 1087., Maximum wind mileage for one hour, 00. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Knox and family, who have been residing iu the cily for Hie past several months. Mr. Knx having been connected with the elevator construction, will .sail for Vancotl ver on the Prince (ieoi'c tomor row morning. STOMACH GAS Don't waste lime taking pills oritablels for gas on the stomach when simple buckthorn bark, magnesium sulpb, c. p. glycerine, etc., as mixcif in Abllerika. remove gas in TKX minules. Often brings out a surprising amount of waste matter you never thought was in your system. No mailer what you have tried for constipation or allied stomach trouble, Adlerika is so wonderful in it's QUICK action (hat you will be astonished. Slops that full. Moated feeling. Don't waste time any longer bul let Adlerika give your bowels a HKAL cleansing and make your stomach feel flne'-Ormes Li mi led, Druggists.: Cal miioi lJ superior TEA illawWil! 1 iiiiiiiiiiiumiiiiiuoiiiiiiiiiiiui Cik. AfeiiT v MectMilkforEverullse PERFECT MILK because it is just that; natural milk as it comes from selected herds ; fresh full-cream whole milk, with the water alone removed. FOR EVERY USE because it is ready, not only for every use to which fresh milk can pe put, but at all times regardless of heat or cold; whether the milkman has called or not; at mid-day or midnight; in home or nursery; in summer cottages; on trains ; in the room of the girl who "boards herself"; in the camps of the followers of trail and stream. The New Klim is whole milk in powder form. It is milk, less the water, but containing all the nutritive qualities, all the freshness, all the fragrant odor, all the sweetness of Nature's perfect food. Merely add water and you have natural milk, cream and all but pasteurized and made doubly safe. Send for these two booklets FREE! Your Child Diet U a 32-p.g. booklet filled with In-Yaloable diet tablet,, and apecially prepaied recipei for children. Netion.lir Known Recipe, ii a 4S-pge book containing a choice collection of specially selected recipe that will delight the average woman. Buy a tin from your grocer or druggist to-day. Canadian Milk Products Limited 347 Adelaide St. W., TORONTO "Mad at oar moJtl planti in the country" la NATVMAljy HNimn j trv ii Old Fashioned A0 .v ' . . A e.V if Peppermint Patties 40 cents per lb. 5 lbs. box $1.80 HAIR CLIPPERS, extra specinl, per pair $1.00 Ormes Limited The Itexall Htore Pioneer Druggists 3rd Avenue and 6th StreeL Phones 82 and 200 Loggers! Loggers! We have Ihe only complete slock, of Gilchrist Jacks ami parts in Iho North. We handle Logging Cable, Axes, Peavies, Saws, and general Gump KcjuipmenL U will pay you to see us when outfitting. i Stork's Hardware Limited 710 Second Avenue TUGBOATS Day Night Phones T m. A4I Phones ; Kupert Marine w or. 238 Prnrlnrf q I frl Qr 238 JTOUUClb 1-ilU. Black 735 Black 735 GEO. Q. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. aVMaHHaHawMaHMHaMBWMHHaWa