"I T AW A. April I. -The cah '. aflcr due consideration, hat :f' ideil that there hnlt he HO In-' i 'terenre with the M-ntenccv of in yi'ins' Imprnontncnt iMinned p dr. I'.. W. lloak in Victoria '- lletober following bin Con-; Y ion on u ehurge of innu-niKlilor an a remill of rtinulUK w Iwo pedcolriHiiM with hi" iiuolilli' and kill my one. RAIDS AGAINST STOCKMARKET NUW YOIIK, April I Will. Hie recent tide of llipiiilatioii apparently receding, the -took mar-ki" Mlcrilay nuceensfuliy wilh K'ood lnlerniillenl allackii aualn-l in II ) mid vurloip mioc-iiiUlen and the price of popular Uiif rallied llneo to ten polnU. Hhoil covering accelernlpd tin; upward movement In lalo,tradln whleii fell about 2,500,000 rliare for (ho day, t Kirl Hil lee) lHloe. One oi the IMM tedHlriel wblrh will be cUrleil here ini uirdiHlrl) 1- llml ol lining Kliip whirli rarry Hie jiram. Tlu ba to be Uolir iroiupil and will lie mi a iirrel deal m H-elf. AImi t will pro like luine. for locul tawnidlff. History of Deal When a local grain board wa funned lal year it formulated propimal for loain tin- elevaior whleh wa al tbat Him- lurucd down by Ui liovenunenl. Hi.-MlaUer wa then allowed lo re I uiilll early Hiii year-wbeu F. I law ton, accompanied by M. I' MtCtitrer)'. nde a petal Irip H Calgary wilh I lie object of oiiee more lfiteretln Hie ikmiI (ii tin Hirl. 'lliey mlrr lewiil Ihe bead" of Ihe nool ami arrival at a tentative cbeme for operalnm the elovulor whicn Ibey could la) hefore lllO-lioveriinienl. The local ine then lyime home and a few day lalcl- Mr. Imwion made 1. -pedal trljf to illlawa mid di- n"-.eu ine mailer ai icipm " the member. Fred Slock, ani Willi him laid Hie pniKnl he-lore Ihe (Sovcrtiuieiit. Tbev were unen a. gotxl Ihearnig ami alter ,,,iii' diMHisstiifl the liovernniein accepted the iiropoal a a haHi-for urKoltaHoo. Met the Pool Mr. Havvion then went al once (0 Oalfary mid laid the mallei before a meeting of Hit director of the pool with Ihe re.nill tlia a special lepresenlnlive waenl by (hem to iillawa to eio.e inn ileal He ha been In Ottawa foe .cvi-ral day and Mnentl tele- irf'aiii have pnieil williin lh. mint few day m regard to it. The outcome wa the receipt ot the ineanc ibi nnrnlug lai Pckin the Ihe LONDON. April I For Two Years Matiif New Ion IihJh.v had I'-e tlIwJ3 wrefrom Fred NlurL In OnneclrfMi with the deal: -Agrerinent Hrrive.l al. Only ileiii fullamliiig,i lhal of taxation, I'lea-e .ulniiit nrce,ary hylgw- lo 'ratepajer. Leai I for two year. Would utijfgerl bylaw 40 provide for lonper perkwl of exemption. If you concur anlieipiituvr rohire opera lion. ill he away for few day, relornuig here Monday.' HOLD-UP IS FRUSTRATED One Robber Killed and Two Captured In Seattle at Noon Today SEATTLE, April 1. One robber was killed and two were captured at noon today when they attempted to hold up the payroll of the the Brewster Cigar Co. Employees of the company rerlsted when the three men appeared on the scene In an automobile just as the pay car arrived. The robbers selied the money and were about to depart when their automobile collided with another, one robber being killed at the curb and the other two being captured In a nearby alley by a messenger. The trump freighter Holder. M.l,. will, il i expected, call here Mime lime this nmnlh en-rnub to .Queen Charlotte City where she will load a cargo of lumber for the Atlantic senium rd. Battle Taking Place in China Sixteen Miles from Peking for Possession of the Capital l;, hi Is raging' m. ' special ilepalcli lo Ihe Daily .Mail from Chiiieso capilai. Failing H hiking place 10 mile d.la.,t. hoomiiiK of gun" hoing plainly nudihle 111 I'ekin. I I 0 ivnding iirtoy is ..inrchiiig from lh ilirection ufTient- . .. nlmilllfllieil llV the Niilional forces n w eek . ago. Since Ihnl Hie arinlo Iiavo hcen iti flOse.ciiiilacl. the yalionah retretititib'. plant will Man jui as oon a that work is completed Mr. Foley, who arrived from Vancouver al the first of Hie week, will return south on Salur-day morning, lie will he hack here in a week or ten day and will make hi headquarters in Prince lluport. "JOCKO" ANDERSON WILL BE LAID UP RESULT FRACTURE Break In Leg Is so Near Hip Impossible to Use Splints on It MONTHKAL. April I. "Jocko" Anderson, Ihe defense man of the Cougars, was operated on yes lay and a plate put In as a suit of the Injuries' to his leg received at Tuesday nijjlil 5 A severe Imllle for Hie posesion of-gume. The fracture, is so near the hip llml II I linpossii'ic io ue splints. Anilersou will he laid up jiero for -some lime a a result of Ihe accident. ' . V ; Siiliscrihfi lo llift:ha1ly-N'ewa.'L TAXI Boston Grill Ambulance mmn Large Upstair Dining Hall, Service with newly laid dancing Anywhere at Anytime. floor for hire. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. '"hu NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, and Cth 8L ' I. it,, PRINCE RUPERT The latest -and best for Hie WATT VIDECK, Prop. t'i i,rlini .11,...' least. Phone 487. ''" it.::"- ! Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper YOI XVI.. .NO. 77. PIIINCF MUPKHT, IMi, THURSDAY, APHIL I, 1020. tHtriUft Circulation, HIS Street Site S0f PRICK FIVR CENTS. mnce Rupert tlevator Leased to Alberta Wheat Pool and Will Be Operated by Them in Future SEVENTY MILE GALE ONTARIO Three Quarters of a Million Dollars Damages to Bell Tele phone System Estimated MANY TOWNS ISOLATED Heavy Snowstorm Today In East ern Ontario and Maritime Provinces 'ilT WY A. April I. -One uf Hie .: -i.niu in the history of n itt irurk U greater jHr- I. .if nr province yeaterda). ,hh.jj ii network of li'taampti ut i i. li plume romtlioitirrttloil urn"-; totally disrupted. A ., ,.' mil- gate wllli rain. leet !,!.,! A. I .11.1 llprllHl IIUIIICIOI1 iVjii' ' Bl lOWMS of tlie IIHSHII iiiiiiuiui'RiiiiH, wt iorm h iuily destructive In the v W mmMocI, Hamilton. ... ii.ti Hie latter city being r i.i.ir' Oil 'I,. t It I i ilalwt. : !( Hell Telephone i ! minted Ml three f ii million dollar ami . ,,i.li rompanie lo.l i- l nolo. I . ii.iB fruit ililrtt r- "( . Ml i. klllltll 1 il IHU'fll im.miiiiih' province were 1 ii lev lnwlorttl. PORT ARTHUR HOCKEY CHAMP. Team from Lakehead Defeated Toronto Virslly In Thrllllno Contest Last night Tiilt'iXlii, April I. Irl Ar ' tii i-eiauird tin Allan Cup an J the senior utnulrur hockey championship of Canada defeating Hi. I ii. iity Toronto In' nsjrhi i - ii- ( Ihrec Jwo I'll fc.itiM- wa- A thrilling one ..nin; "! iiiin l overtime period- "ulci In break lilt I If Till f I of Mil' W-elel lter 'k lir second ypHr in - 'on Unit Hip) have won I In Deal put through largely through good oiHces of F. G. Dawson who has worked strenuously to have it consummated Word wa received tin morning l.y 1". (,. )awon horn I-red Mork. M.l'.. ut Ottawa, dial the Prince Itiiperl elevator ha been leacd to I he wheat pool of Albert;, otherwise known the Ciiwdiuii Oj-ui.tTtttive Wheat I'oilurer Lid. with an option to jnrfhuc. No .articular arc giien in lhi telffrram Iml it i iimlmliMMl tin- !ioue will he taken ver in the near future uud ojK'nilctl ! Hie pool in the handling of the Alherla crop. To wlmt extent the elevator will he ii!.ed thi utiiiiier i' Hit known hut it i iuiilerlood it will he operated lo riiparilv a Mun a llie next crop is avail- " able for eijMiri. iag ,hc Hevator llaJ ,H.er, Revival of Industry ih.ed. i The umUntt of lbi aarrrniruL MiMritt W,eat fool eon-' . one f Hie in-l iiiifMirlai of' mrr evenly jn-r nnl renl thai ha avrr liapH-olj ,w wll.ai raie.l in Albrrla audi .n Prinze llup.Ml. II wmt tU: it ln ,,rb,,lr lbi pnHorlioii may! thin jMirl will be -tililiiHj a-ji(, i-rarr nexl mr ! an i,rl point from wlilrh j.rj1,.,. nUBfr, lH.lt lin. uckv vtill trade lo all partx oi Ihe world. iih-hiio tbr vXeli-ihiurf of inueli money on the ruilw at, an mereaoe hi I be uuiu- Iht of railway Fmploeeii herr, iiioi work for the uiwrbin Imp-, more work fur lite lry-ilix'k, more work lor the Ioiik- liorelurii, more itlKllie ariNlllll from I be preenre of sailor in purl pret (rally iliroutfbout the year, iucreawd employer at the dork, buiiie li.on row I hn lh, w-iiitnyxliplMliiHHW ewrl wJAillHtAlM r 1 1 1, iuoir. ii. hi.... ariivit) mel it tl t .iii'Ii in-ii n n . ' me llml " r- -. - w. BOAK SENTENCE MUST BE SERVED Federal Cabinet Decides Not to Interefere With Punishment on Victoria Doctor in having urh i pubhr spirited man a Mr, iawou to rairy thmiib Hie arrangement o:i I heir behalf and that at no t'-lMnie in ihp aily. They aUi have bad Iba ariivr help of the member. Fred Stork, ami Mr. Mc-Cfllfery heAMHl mueh puldi--opiril in sfntner with Mr. liwso-: itn lr Irlp to IJalsary when llie; neothillono were ope'ied Th j ftUtrdine b" leen eiuinenlly , ifaHn; nd ifufRil 1'eoplc will t MURDER CHARGE NOT SUSTAINED VANCOtVKIl, April I. "No Hill" an (he verdict relurncJ liy I lie yrainl jury t-i lite indie went charging Harry Howard ami Acx. Anderson with the murder of John Hogics, a (irtrt eoniertinnrr on February It. Hi ii eroneraliiig the pair. Moose Purchase Brick Block; Will Use Elks' Home Rooms for Club Soon as Possible One of Hie iunl important real ealiilc lrai-arlioii lial 1 1 : liikcu. plui here rerenlly i-oiiMiiiinialed lhi ilioruiug helwveeu the local lodge of thr Lo;il Order O! Alooie ;iuil Mj-.. Mire tllapp wherehy Hie former heronie owner of the lieekwilh lllock and Iwo lot on Hie miuIIi -id'-of Third Avcie near the corner of Kirl Street. The deal wii carried out Ihrougli Hie office or Then. Collarl Ltd. ami the jirice iiitofled war ?'.'0.imiO. Mil ill of clone .mil cement, .50 1 I Oil feel, the Ueck-wilh lllock i-r one of Hie rily'- newer jiermanenl triic'liire, having hcen jml up aiiout four yc;ir ngo. It i Iwo slorcj in height mid h;t a front faring of red brick. The hao flicnt i 50 hy 50 with wall- of two fool thirkue.s. The deal va roufirnied hy the Moo-e Lodge at a meeting al njght. The Imildiug will hecome the er-lu.'ineiil home of (he lodge whicli will move in a mm a at raiigcinciits V;in he made. The top floor, now occupied h Ihe Klk. will lie n-cd hy Ihe .Moo-e Lodge a- clnlt ami lodge roonic. The firl floor, now ned as a furniture lore, will not he interfered with, it i expected. The Mooe Lodge will raNe the money involved in the Iran "action hy floalmg 'lo deheiitiirt' among its :t50 nieniher?. i New Salmon Cannery at Captain's Cove to be Built for This Season Work is commencing at once and John Currie and Son have contract for driving of piles for wharf CouMrurlion of u new one-line alnion cannery al Captain' Cove on Pill llaiid, ahout thirty mile down the coa( from Prince Huperl, 1 lo he tarled at once hy T. F. Foley uf Vancouver who i at present in the cily making arruiigeineul for the' obtaining of coiotruclion material and who confirmed hi project to the luiiy New (hi morning. It is Ihe intention to hae Ihe plant ready for operation hy July 20 to engage in the packing of fall fish. Mr. Foley, who wa formerly aocialed with the Loek.eiH.irt cannery on Ihe Oueen Charlotte , llamls and who previous to that inniii grt nTr operated in .outliern district..' I KhW llr NHlr ohtaned the ile at Caplain's VllUIT VI Ullll Cove from W. J. Jcrferon of 11710 nPfT-ITPPk Vancouver who .laked it l..t fl Jfo RLdlVW .lohti Currie l Sim of Prince, ltii.ert have been given the con- vessel 400 Miles from Halifax tract for pile driving for the' with Caroo of Barley Met Wharf and conirucuon 01 1110: Mishap NLW YOIIK. April I. The crew pf the Hrilish freighter Oaleliam wa rescued from the helpless vessel by Hie steamship hirvau boiuul tyir ,1-alinoulli, Kngland, according lo a wireless message from the sleanie Mauretauia, stales Ihe United lales. It rwa innt slated whether the Oalehain vviM4unk or abandoned. The S.O.S. call came from 400 miles eat ol Halifax. The aleliaui was loaded with a carso of barley. Wilkins Airplane Hops Off for Point Barrow Accompanied by Lieut E. Eilsen, the explorer leaves on flight for base of supplies at Point Barrow FAIUHAXKS, Ala.-ka, April 1, Uaplaiii Wilkin and Licuf-enanl K. Liimii hopped off yesterday for I'oinl Harrow in the airplunu Alu-kaii. The 500, riiile flight takes them over IhV J'Hrook- Huiige of .Mountain to the point where their Iitpe is e-jiahlished for Ihe Arctic exploration Might which it i projibed, to make. I Wilkiu expect. lo make, two or three trip?, lo Point liar-raw from here with Mipplie before making hi; flight" farlher north in the direction of the pole. In spite of the peveral diap- poinlinent, the expioiw i ?in miiTf. J(l I1T1 IIPIT hih .-piril and in confident or I Wll Y I II (Nil 111 Til nllitinin? I.U oliie.-l A ilnir lem 1 II V 1 VUllVI lllUil ha preceded htm to Point Har-j j raw wilh hi persona) upp.ie! ami win tseieci a lamuu? -iie ior (lie plane. The failure of the .now.niolor , wa the ffrit frrea I disappoint-1 ! A new Liberty engine ha been inlalled in the plane and the lauding tear. malied 111 a re-Icenl tet flight, ha been re paired. ! The metal propeller ha beenj LOSEUVESAS BOAT CAPSIZES , menl and this wan followed by ncfiileni on two ncceediii d.iyjlvan Stensvlk, 22, and Ole Schul lo each or UY airplane. I loe ,tadu 19 Drowned at Ocean i...... i. ...... ...... i....r sr! jliuvi now w-eii iriairru aitu it i Falls 'no limner arciuetii uappeii'i me ' flight hhould uol he difficult, i The preparation' for the flight I were ' ha-lcned tlironj-'Fi Iherhiild .weather" which a oblained here of lale. replaced with a wooden one. lo leeu the rhauce of damage ,u:ThkM vvm-i H vrri Yr AR inn the engine in the r .Tilt of another ' 1 OliCjLi 1 JLiiillU mihap. The landing field is al- co widened to Jaciiilate man-j oeuvring the plar.5.5 ' ' 1 LADY MEMBER GETS HER WAY Motion Giving Prisoners Share of Proceeds of Their Labor Passes House OTTAWA. April t. Amid applause after a brief debute the House of Common yesicrdpy adopted a resolution 'Moved by Miss Ague ( MacPhail 'lhal tli.? adniinislration of the eiiilen- uarie ne aiuemieu 10 provio- ufficienl work of a productiv nature to keep the inmates -employed" alid "thai a share of 111 ' proceeds go lo the dependants of Ihe prisoner and in i-ase then- lire no dependants such share be held in trust unlil released. Mi MacPhail moved u similiii' resolution last session but was latked out. FISH ARRIVALS Only Five Boats With Small Catches Were Sold Here Today (inly live boat with comparatively small catches were sold here today the prices being 12.80c and Oc tor American and !2o and 8r for Canadian. Following were the boats: American Oinancy. 20,00. to Cold Storage. Venus. 27,000. to Hooth Fisheries. Canadian Kaien, 11.000. (o Odd Slorage. Mah .3.0on. to Atlili Fisheries. Pelrel. VOCi to Atlln Fisheries. Pirates Seize Chinese Steamer, Bind and Rob Passengers and Decamp from Rendezvous LONDON, April I. Chinese pirates captured another Chinese steamer 011 the high tcns and sleered it into Ihe famous pirate rendezvous al Dins Hay, rpbbed the pnsengers and then decamped, siiys a Kong Kong deputch Ui the Daily Mail. "The pirates who were disguised us paet)ger during the voyage -froni, Shanghai lo Hung Kong, seized thft vessel, hound Ihe passengers with ropes,' robbed thenvof booty valued at ubout .filO,!!!)!) chiefly 111 money nnu Jewellery, U ; ''v.', OUtLVN TALLS, April 1. Ivan Steimik, aged 22, and Ole Schul-ladl, aged I'J, paper maker-, were drowned here .when their rowhoat capized at 9.3U Monday night. The accident occurred near the nioiiuiln fleet float; lo ! the west of the main dock. A j third man, who wa in the boat. was rescued. FREEBOARD Vlrglnlo Durantl Was Kept In' Okalla For That Period by Prince Rupert Woman Special to Daily tNewV YANCOl VF.il. April 1. Ite-leased from Okalla yesterday when Mrs. Jeanne Y'lennet of Prince llupert decbled that she would discontinue "keeping" her former partner, Virginio purauti is al liberty after Iiavitijfiad I113 boanl bill paid Ihcre fpT '1,278 days. Declaring thai she intended to keep Durantl imprisoned until he gaxe her S3.000 alleged to be owed her. Mrs. Vieuuet had her partner imprisoned 011 September 15, 11)22, when she learned that he intended to flee the country. EASTER RECESS OF PARLIAMENT Business to Proceed More Rapidly Next Week It Is Expected OTTAWA, April I. Parliament adjourned last night for the Faster recess and will meet again on Tuesday. The holiday has been made short lo make up for the time wasted op the debate on the address, which this year was nearly three limes the usual length. On re-assembling next week It is exiieclc.l that- Vood progress will be made with business lo avoid the necessity or Ihej 'llouye silling all sununer. 'Member are peltliiig restive utid'erjf Hie obstruction tactics aful refuse to back up any move (bat will necessitate a long drawn out s f. NEW TELEPHONE DIREOTORY. A new telephone directory is about lo be Uued. Applieallons for" moves, changes or ney listings Tor this issue mut be made in writing I o Telephone Department, City Hall, nol later than t April 10. V'V' . ' . . r-.i ,