iii"' i,, f9 v It r u - .Mta-' . I ft l i e A HLTOM LAND DISTRICT. Dlitrlcl Of Coaal Ranf B. take JtuTlfE tltl. tstjr day ifirr I T J. B'llly. ttiuiid to apply lo , JlW't'T it IJfi1 fur lirrnre . o '" ru' And " .'in arrra or land. :liiari iwimioiiin fiiilntt: uniwtnf JM,, pkmrd t the L2Jhril rornrr of rriii.ii J, Tp. 4, hinr Alld rHl TJ.H.'a livrtlN-ial "VJI thence touih o rhaln, thmor 1 .., ..tiaiiia itioiior imrifi aii iattitf "'.'a eal " rhain, Ui point uf nun-' iirnl. f jum Jimiary am. m. TII"MA JtMM HKtTTV. HAIILTON LANO DISTRICT. Dlatrkt of Coaat Rant I, Ml!'- .vnH-K tbt. UII day iflor i j, iwanj, niiFim vi apply in uer "f l.and fur a lirrnre -in 'l r mat aim primieufu 40 arrr tt Utul, at follows: , nir at Iit , Idanlod at ;'ir .1 imrr m wrmni 31, p, i. ami ma, am i.n. iHiruiKFti - (tiouoi wxilh 0 rhain, t honor , -ham, Ihrtir north to rhain. - it u main, ut point or rtini- ii it lt i January Bin. ma TlloMt VM .nr.mv, HAIILTON LANO DISTRICT. Dlitrlcl of Coaat Rant ft. rat tint. Uiy diy after 4,1, T J eoaiiy. inirnnt ill apply i- .hi"" of Mnla fur a In-omr. - -pr-i fur roal and pcii-nlnim ,11- ai r" i ian.1, mm lunim;. .. :fT- 'it it t h! plantrd at I ho ihw-' mrner of eertion . Tp. f t. r.rx j. ami piarai-ii j.n. a anninraai lie-ura- ii" mi mtfiii, tumor a i- ' (Mill"-. Iliriirr "mill aw rWID. C t " ehaln. In nnt uf rq u r. wnl I JIPU Hinwfl -l. I..W TIM'Mt r,tTTYL MAICLTON LANO OifTRIOT. Dlalrkt of Coott Ranft ft. 'Hi V'Tirt: mat. itiy day afir i priuy, raiMwi w ai-iKy w if iini rnr a lirpiir fur roal arul irtrotuiu a- w of tatMl, a UAUimn at a (xioi tnlrd at ) rtwr uf iMrlUin a. Tn ft, hd inarknt TJ.n.'a mm)Iii - mitU) rliam. Itwnm '.m ihmrf oaniii ao rbain. rbama. to t4n f nm- January ib. 10ft. t h i v t jttu: HR.tTTy, NUfLTON LANO OlftTRIOT. Dlatrkt of Coaat Raaoa ft. nti ft' i; tNot. tty au ff J rx-aii, IBIMWI 141 'll tu I latvU far iHHtrr it nial and ivlniinim r-- 'if Kml, a IMUit il at a I"h -UninJ at lk ,iri ..f triii T. T. t. it markn TJ nuHbrati . nth ao rluilM, ltwr Mi'- thrnrr nrtk at rhtwv , .luin. to Mut f rum m th. tf ' tM nr.tTTr. MUUTOH LANO DlftTftlCT. Dttwkt at Coaat ftana ft. t -tl.t tkal. tir daya aflrr H-ti. lloml la ai44r Im i kihi iar a im i ntl ail tlratni I HIM. a tMM hi i l r4aiitAd at lh4 f rwr ..( rMa A, p. , I'-i aurtrd TJ B.'I MNi!raM ' Mom rtiaMM, 'htia, m faitM ar m ;n ! Ilia. Ufa. MlJIlTCt LANO 01 IT KIT. D'tWKt tf OwiMUt't7- i 'I. ttial !! data aflr i:.i'- miMMt vi tfpU an ti aud for t lirm' iol and rwlratruia 'nd at rvtVia I-.i 4anlil al ih t taMi . ip t ' .. 4 t I fl," analtiaml in in rfcain. iry fc ia '.. nivr v.ih to rtUHk iVy' ft 'hia. l.i aM of nan ; Jtwart ma itf. ' " vta iHM fEATTV. HtmtOI LAND DUTRICT. HI iii: iHtu "ll lalMvIa u at. ieT a rir : " l and iiiIioi m: r,- if laiui. a r'Jtaat if ai ( pm rajid al ih wi r M1nn t Tp v and lankMl Tin1. Vvtkai IV' x.h Ut rhllnt. IDrpro 'i4jin imm north to rkiint i-haiaa. kn (aiinl uf nm ir.1 Jannar I tin iota TttiiWta nvi pftTTY, MAttLTON LANO DISTRICT. SUNRISE SERVICE AT VICTORIA ARRANGED Illuminated Crot. Thera. Each Evenlno thl Weeks Ampll-flerft Arranged to Carry Easter Meatage VKriOlllA, April . n.irhivr' lliia wffk an illiiniinnleil rro !m fipeii lji.'i)(.,j on Mount 'I'olnilo pncli rvi-niiiK lt aniioiine.? lo lli"ioiijii. of Victoria, ntul thr-ni'llil.orliiM..I III. 'it the Annual KjiMtcr MimVlMf wrvln will J-ciiii'IiipIciI tlipri'. Slimilil ho wi'ittlirr l tin it m i'X,vi(.(i lltat ul,lcal U;n llioiiaml jm-oi.!" will take iart. Spwlal Slnft car ami Im , arn arraiiKitiK tc nut lliorc ntnt iirnpli' wlio have niitiiinnlille will rarrj' their frli'iiil. Thi U Hip fourlli orraninn of Ii" klnil nrmriKoit iy r, Cti'mi Davtct of III. i 0y Tiinjilf. fJpe. iul aiii.HflfT will iio inlnllv. o Ilial pveryont n the hill wltl hear Hi I!air iiHiai. The amice commence, ni 7 a.m. 4. K. Milne, a.itant ill.lrirl enjrlneer for the prnvincinl ite- parlmenl of puldic work, re lurucil frui Queen Charlotlf City on Hie Prinre John lhi inoriilnu. llM HAIILTON LAND OlftTRIST. OlaUlct of Coaat ftaat, 6. kli. SHTirr. that, altly day aflrr i. i. t. iwaui, laiatiiM in atiijy id Winl.n-r of jjtHl. fr a ttrrnro la f4 nail tnd iwlraMHn aio rr arrr w and. at roHnwi: Ounrariwint al t tl 4mteA lao mllr MWin or iim- rmrinaMi nurnrt f Ijtii M. Rat t. and niarard TJ ft.' aaotk-al nmrr. tla-iwf nurih to chain I tartar r to rkaia. Ihrnr bmlli aa hia. IhMw-f ea, yt rhaltx. lo potnl of 'uniinrnmia-Bl. I .'tint itauary ib. tt. TMMQj mira urtTTY. MA1CLTON LANO DISTNICT. Dlaukt of Coait IUa(a ft. Tate Villi r ihai. tmr diy aftrr dtir I. T. J hrativ. iuihhI Ui apfly to I iv viMair "f land far iWnra pnnfrrl fur rn and ilro!fn ttrr I0 arrra V had a fulkiat: CMianrnnnt kl k pn pa4M at lha ajMlkam mraar rf aorllun IT, Tp. I, Hana I, and iaaiard TJ H.' Miiharl mrarr. ihwry M-irth to Ham. ihnr al o rlMin ihnm xwift rhata. ttuwrr mM ao iKtiat. in nl of won lurahat January ink. IJ. TH01 JMS Pf tTTT HAIILTON LAND OlftTJOCT. OKUIct of Coaat ttaaf Ttlfc MHHt ituL alilr dayt afl'r dllr I. T J fwall), inlriwlt to $fff to 'Ut Mialaiw of tan.lt for t irmrr Ml m(rrl fnT nail IM mt oia arrr "t land, at nrtmlrttni fnllAma rjawa-ix in al l"l l-ltawl l Ihc Mtlk)al nnrr 4rrl(l fl. Tp. !.. . and mrk lit T J.B Mnhmrl rtwaira nurih to riwtn. Ilirara Mtl t i-Ham hrirm aMilti to rfuin.. Itn mf to Huim tn potnl af rtaa-iia tin nwan luraiad Jattaan I fill. . ItMJy Ea JilK TJI HAIILTON LAND OKTRICT. Oktrkt of Coatl Rt ft. Ttkf Main. thai, tltir day aflr atlf 1. T. J iw-aliy mind ! iHy la I ho ViMMar t tandt rr llrawo ta fmmprrt tr nl and rIKVum atar ( arrra t land, at Mloat: I'aamaariiil al t pn' lni'd t IN rnrlkaa! rr nf I ' Riar . d maikrd TJ ' mioI mmr.' Ihrrvrr nurih n nuint. ikror r at rfuHna, I w Mwih A rhl. Ihrnrr attl rhailM. I )nl "f nlMnrrmil. Ijvatrd Jarmanr am. tt th"V Jtvt.y rr.tTTY. HAIILTON LAND OKTRICT. Dlatrkt of Cat Nat Ttk'K MiTiri: thai. i dy kfirr dalr I. T. I. firallv. imrndt In apply M I ho VIMtlae af tandt fnr I la-awn In pruaivfi for "-al t potmlrlim m Ii. . ,.f I . K.1 al rlLia t ' rnr n..' c,t ao 1 mHiM-n'iut l k "' plntd ii tna til v. Til K Ihai, Miiy day trior ,hvi)mI rnr nor af oi..n it. Tp. i. ' Hrtllt. Inlohrft a aHy In p.nro 1.-arul mtrkod T I.R.'a nrthrl lar tif latvlt for ftooro-r . rnrtior. thrnra aniiih tn rhaln. I honor I'- t fnr oujl tnd polniloom I ,t tn rkalnt. I ho no north 0 rtialn. 4 rf 'tf lind. It fnllnv -1 1 hour oj t rhamt, lo pniftl if rnin ai i-.-i pitniai ai iw nionoonioni. ' "rnrr .if aoti1n Tn i i ...1.1 i(ll.ao iiih lift k-vl mtrkod TJ.fi.-a noMhno.ll TJiovtO JtK0 prtTTY, thonro aiiiuh fa Vhalna. " ham tnonr iwrik o rfiain. t 17',"' M 1in. li pnlol nf mm Jti Jamnirr llih. It .THnma jtvry nr.ATTy. HAIILTON LAND OltTRICT. HAIILTON LAND DISTRICT. ... O'flrkt of Ooaal R S. . diu tK"Tie; that. luv diy kflot tl" iT. "'"Xj Inlrnd to tptty to 1" .ninittrr nr JL.T' lrl fnr V1 ' kin.nP,. t JrJh"l mriior nf thL,mwM TJ.tl.'l l.aiiiia rnr a ihtih r rnal and iirtmlotitn in tn arrr im. n nf land, fnllnw. - I pianitii ai inr ts tot tA. rutira ft, m nnrllinati rniiior. haln r "imina, inrnro rt.i o.. ... , iiioinr nnriii mi riiain. iiw-??.-'0 chain, i pnlni nf rnnimonrrinrnl, Ird January tih. ltA, HAIILTON LAND DISTRICT. -., ...Olatrlc. of Coaat Ranga ft. rt-TAVH NOTtrn Ihai, Hir diy kflrr til Ilk' '.'..T' Bratty. Intrml tn ipplr to Il Mlnklar nf I anila fnr a lloalll-a hl-iiathA... . ..... ....... I . m '.."r till arroa nr lanrf aa r.illnn'C jmnw-nruiir at t pn't 'nlanio.l at Ihaithanri. imrl HAIILTON LANO DISTRICT. niaioi4 mt fiaaat Ranoa ft. TtkK VUK.K umi. mil day fir dato I. T, I. Hoalij, IniorvH m arply t lb V1lillrr U land for I llronrii 10. nmtari fnr rtai and polrntonm iiri irm f.r lanil aa fnllna': Olatrlffl .t ro.aat Baa I - ......M,.ia al a Hill tilanll-ll t IhO r. mill I F. t. Ihai. inai. an tltir ir day dart aflrr arior u..ih.ai analitofl rnrtv narnor nr nonnm 1. in. . 1 Moat Roallv. Iv. lulomit luloixlt in Ui aiidr andy talun toln.na. :. :.. and and markod TJ.R. a XMHnoati ta nf lai. fnr I lirrnra 1 ornrr. ihrm-r fnr mal and rrolouin ..,1 ..ii tn tn rhaln rhaln. arro. nr land, at follow: r al t tx.i i.Unlod iriirr nr aoriki at I ho It. Tn. . ana mark oil TJ.n. nninoati ihonoo nnrth to r ha int. thonra i f. hunt, ttirtioo ainnh tn rhain. ran to ohaliia, to pninl nf mm- 'tod January llth. If6. TllfiVt JtVM prtTTY. HAIiLTON LANO DISTRICT. ...Oktrict of Coaat Rant ft. . oiin: ihai, tuir iiitt ftrr . ' T I Roalif. Iniomta In applr l , Miiii.iof f land fnr a lunra wi fnr rnal tnd polmlcnm ,fp' of Ik'"'. fallow! nnk'flnt at a . alanlrd at lha r tiwnai mm,. f .r,mn t, Tp. ft. ""' and markod TJ.P.' nnrlhwrai 1- tbrnrn miiti in rlialn. itMrnoa ihL "l'in, Ilionra nnrth tn rhaln, iv.?!" n rhin, lo l-ilnl nf rum- 1 "ti'd January Slh. Iff. tumMm Jtvr.i nrTiy tmrib to, rhaln. lla-nra thonra mnn tn rntras ihonof oi n rhaint, tn pmnl r rmn inoiM'i im-'ii ... .... Im-atod lannarv flh. It. TIHiMty "jtMK nr.tTTT. HAIILTON LANO DISTRICT. Dlatrkt of Oot Rt ft. .it- v..-rti'l- thai alllv llav aflrr J, I I j fto'ally. Inloniia In arply m uini.ior nf lindt fnr I llronro in nmtiM-i-i fr rnal and potniloiim 0"rrPM ai r.' of 1-n.J. a. fidlnw.:--rJiiiiiaVirlnr It pn.l planiol tan n. I amiltl nf lha B,'r"lIi' intih nwrkrd T.J.R.' 1 b a nnrtti-rati t lUnyr . nd oiriior. Ihriirr amil" 9 rhalnt, Ihonri- linrlh til rhaln. rhaln- Itxnrr Ml im tliotim "a.i 1 M rliamt. In pnlt.t of enm-inoiu-oinoiil. ... M..,od HKATTY HAIILTON LAND DISTRICT. Dlatrkt of Cot Ranta ft. 1.. 1 ainr iiav arior I dalr I T J ftr'tlly. W Inlrmi Ui apply tranr. tn UP 'iiirnf f" S SrrTO .rrr"nf tin... i I a.hiwt:-rMiiinonrmr t r"Si(! Til it J, "or Vici t-ifh """i ""r nnrtli 0 rhaln. mm to rha n. thrnrr Xma aMt So rlitm. to r" ' '"" moiwrnirnt. .... ,,w ,7Mt,yMVtIIx HAIILTON LAND DISTRICT, Dlatrkt of Ct .""J: TtKP MiTIK that, titty 'lV la V'T 1 . flrtlty, inlrmi to J Mnltlrr nf land; fnr aftrr apply r t a llronra lairnioum rlZriZl nV .SeNS-lKr So? 111 I I . Tp. I A. ft""" ' ".,fr!l,' Ilirnra T J It rlnrll ol mrnrr pnt. Zif.lVl RnV.Vina, wr.1 M rh.mo. ll..!-! ,h"lra nnriii tq rhlln. thanra,ary, Iff". itura (if.ATTY. THONfAS JAMES BEATTTi Miller. Lsks ritbljiv. B.C. IN DEFENSE OF THE CROW Victoria Naturalist Objects to Efforts to Kill off Birds This Time of Year VICTOIUA. April 1. "Tlw caMice af enieliy," wat the way in which the Provincial (Jantf tinkcrtdtloti lloanl'a plan foi Hie wliiilcaale alanchter of crown in tin- mi iw,, niniilhk, wa ullu-inallmt ve.lcnlay hy Walter Million, ilUtinstiiKlicil naluralial. Annoii'ii'eiiieiii, thai Hie (iw-ei'timenl (hail leclarcil a 10-cenl hoiinly ifn now .lurin,? Hie pcrio.l from (pri I lo May 31. ami thai I tin flame Iturtnl Inleiul-e lo pii-li the rampaitrn for Ihe exierminaiioii of the i-iowh in llriti.h Oiliinilila In the limit of ll power, haa aroiitl lover of jr, ttiriuiartiiMil the I'rovince to a liic.-li pilcli of lii.lijinaUnn. II would I'm. a very cruel Ihinp 10 make war on crow iliirinp the neliiit perioil, Mr. Ilurlon aM. 11 woulil mean that hunter woiiM wait l.efiealh Ihe nel i iiihI hIiimiI (lie Mnl a they re-liirneil with Trnul for llieir youns. The young crown wmilil Ihen he left lo tarve. Importation Prohibited That Ihe way In which the epret wna hunlei for ilJ (oiiuliriil pluinaye, the writ-1 know nrnitlin1oiit went on. The' liliiuiayr' wa at lt mnt hrillianl heal ijuriiif Ihe nailing Maon,: lull ln?liler nf the Mnl entailed the atarvinoT of their yonns. HecaiiM f Ihe ertielty, fnvnheil. the I nile.1 Slalei Oov- emmenl hail prnhihile, Ihe Jnu IKirtation of the murh-prirril feather. "Half the rrnw In ltrlliU (ooliiinhia have never latled a ?ame iinl' esr," alil Mr. Hur-lon, "ami Ihcy never touch a unjr-binl. The while man, not the enw, i kllllnt oil Ihe pame hinU. "Crnw iln a certain amount of harm, it la Inte, hut they al. lo a sreal ileal of svi. "I ffe trouhle i thai Ihe RiillHirilie forpel the jnnnl Hie iini ilo ami only remeiylMr the liarin Crow Is Qood Ssavsnger "What' woulil our Iwaehea tn like if il w.i-n'l fur Uie crow"' Mr. Ilurlon oketl, jtolntinK mil thai Ihe crow it the mol imlua. trloti (aenaei. "Why. they wuilil he in a filthy condition. In aililllhut lo offal ami various kliul of reftie, Ihe crow feed- on worm ami ineet pentn. Mr. Ilurlon indicated. Tin dead attain! the pro-Hial," he aid. "II ia Ihe e-enee of erttelly. I wmililir mind much if Ihe campaign were nut lo he Carried out ilur ina the nctlnjr eanii, for the crow i a wie liiri! and well HAIILTON LAND DISTRICT. Dlitrlcl of Coatl Rant B TAkt .voTirr lltat. aluy day afloi ilalo I, T. J. Poalty. inland In pply 'n. tlw Nlnltler nf LAitd fnr k Uranoe lo pmtpool fnr rnal and alrolriim nvrr A40 arrot nf land. Pillow: -Ccritmioni-int ai a pott plinlitl at ihe nurtbwr.t mrnrr nf l.t too. nantr , and marked TJ.R.'a vitilhwet rorrvor. Ihonoo twirlh to rtutnt, thrnrr rati u rhamt, I honor vmth to rhaln. thonra ral tf rhaln. In point nf nnnonr ""ijorilrd January flh. Iff. Tllo(lk4 MktK RKATTV. HAIILTON LAND DISTRICT. Dlatrkt of Coatt Ranf ft. TALK oTir: thai, uty -day arirr datr I. T. J. Hially, inland to apply tn i ho Minitirr nf Ijmtt for a noonra In pmiprrl for rial and ivlrolriiiu nrr n arrrv nf land, a follow Cmnnirnnnir tl k pntl plantrd tan nillr .oil I h nf the nnrthartt mrnrr of l.ut tt,i. Ranro t. ami marked T.J.H.'a mith aai roriior. tlionon rmrlh to rhain, t honor eatl to rhaln. Ihanre tnuth tn oliain. Inonre al to rhaln. lo point of oMiuiM-noetiient. I.nraiad January Alh. If. .. TIIQttt! Ittlfa Itr.ATTY HAIILTON LAND OISTRICT. Dktrlct of Coaat Ranta ft. TAkK MTHK that. Uiy day kftar dale I, T. J lloally, Inlrmi to tpply lo ihr Mlniurr of Land for a llrer.re In prpri'l for rnal and prlrolriiiu nvrr arrr of land, a follow. -Komimnrlnt t Pt plant.'.! kt lh aniniiwe'i rnmrr, (Srrllon 17, Tp. I.t. Itanra k, and marlo.l T.J.H.'a outhwr4t imnor. thoni-a north 80 rtwln, ihenrc ral to rhaln. tltaiire untiih to rhaln. Ilirnra wM AO rhaln, to point nf corn nirnrrmont. . .... IM-ainl January flh. t I0t. s-. THOM t ItMFO ItKATTY HAIILTON LAND DISTRICT. Olatrlct tf Coatt Rant ft. T.tkR .NOTICK thai, tltir day artar dalr I. T. J. nally, Intend In apply to the Minister nr Ltnd rnr t llrrnrr tn pmrrl for enal and patrnlaum owr Atn arra nf land, a fntlnw: Cniiimenrlnt: Al lol planted two mllo--uiiilh of Ihe nnrlhwi'M enrnar of Lot tltt, nana , and marked T.J. ft. nnrlhwml rnrtior, llirnre aiuilh to rhaln. I honor, eatl rhain. Ihanre north to rhaln, Ilirnra al fil rhaliis, to point of rom nianoainrnt. lii'ilril January tlt, Iff. TltoMta JtMFa WBtTTT HAIILTON LAND DISTRICT. Dlatrkt of Coaat Rang ft. TAKE .NOTIT. that, tltt dyt kflrr data I. T. J. firatly. inirmf to apply tn the Minuter or lAmt for A U'-enoe In pMsH-rt for rnal and petroleum nvrr am krre nf land. follow: Cominrtirlnr at t pnt pluulad at the tmiihpat mrnrr of seoticm SI, Tp. 4. Itante ft. nml markail T.J.n.' nnrlhet rornor, Ihanre aoulh 10 rlitln,' ttiaiM-e went in rliln, thi'iire north 0 rhln. thenra rat to rhaln. to point nf rnin-iiianrrmrnt, Localftl Jinmrv tlth. tot. THOMAS JAMES BEATTY. THE DAILT mrSVB paois Fiva c4feC Don't let them gyp you Orangc-CRUSH tloe not have to be labelled "Imitation" on either bottles or crowns, because j'f is a true fruit drink. All the flavor comes from the orange. But The' country is flooded with cheap imitations yet you don't need to be cheated. Only inexperienced or unprincipled dealers will substitute. Most dealers will hand you Orange-CRUSH when you ask for it. Give them your patronage. Orange-CRUSII costs more than they pay for inferior imitations, but in the end they 'make more, because Orange-CRUSH is the most popular drink in the world today. Why should you accept a substitute made from goodness, only . knows what? When you ask for Orange-CRUSH don't let them gyp you. know how to lake core of himself. Hut the parent will carry foot I H their vouhk, whatevei-the danger, and thai iiicaii.it Ilia: they will Ite cutty liunlcd and ll:eir yoimc will I.' left !n starve In ileaili. FOURTEEN YEAR 0LD GIRL KEPT LIGHT BURNING THREE NIGHTS Ktjapec of St. Helen's Marooned Ashore But Brave Daughter Without Food Carrls on I.ONItO.V, April I. -The lipht in SI. Helen' lijrhtaouse, near ('.aiu!irit;e, on Ihe lle iifU'liile. wa kept fl.-fliin,' for three iiitihtx by the ll-year-old dauzh-ter of the lijzlit liti keeper, l.aiin'an. Ihe irl wait marooned there Saturday nflernoon without fond, exrept one loaf ot bread and a small piece of cake, hut nevertheless she carried out her father' duties valiantly. Landau and his wjfe on Hat-unlay rowel ashore in . a rotiirn Perfection ut ourVhisty is Dm to 94Years Experience (jOODERHAMWlIRTS ) CANADIAN 'Hrye whisky 9 YEARS OLD Tliit advertisement is not published nr displayed by llio Liquor Gnnlrol HotTM ot1 hy' the Oovernmenl of liritlsh y Columbia. 47 Countries Drink It NO wonder Orange-CRUSH is the world's most popular drink. To healthful carbonated water is added the juice of luscious oranges the delicate flavor of their peel the zestful tang of the fruit acid found in oranges, lemons and limes a pure food color, such as you use in your cakes and candies pure cane sugar. You get all the flavor as well as the aroma of the actual fruit. When driving or walking anywhere you go look for the Orange-CRUSH signs. The dealer who displays them sells a Quality beverage. .Step inside call for Orange-CRUSH look for the name Orange-CRUSH blown right into the Krinkly Bottle then drink its cool deliciousness. Orange-CRUSH is good for your children because if has real food value. A 6-oz. Krinkly t Bottle of Orange-CRUSH has food value, measured in calories, equal to 'X times that found in a medium-sized, fresh, ripe orange. Either at meals as a refreshing treat when thirsty when guests drop in for a visit serve Orange-CRUSH. Order a case today from your nearest dealer. i c Orange CRUSH Zem CRUSH W CRUSH iia lo ri!eh foiHl and oil to the IiIiIIioiim', says the Daily Mai' Wjiile Ihey were ashore the sea iroe in it fury and. notwilti-! standing -several attempts made jin a lifelMiat and a molorhoat. I he father and mother were unable to return lo the beacon. Aside from anxiely for hi dauvhler, left alone in Ihe liphf- house Willi scarcely any food. Ijin'.Maii worried a lo whelhe:-he . would realize Ihe necessity to licM the lamp, which is one of the important ours alone; tin const, tlreat was In relief wIhm punctually the lipid learned and remained fla-diinz Ihrotiifhoul the uiplit. The pal,, raged all day Sunday, making vain the attempts of lh" lilehoalmen and fishermen lo take Ihe keeper back. A pa in nipht fell and again the ligkl shone at Ihe appointed hour. A lime passed Ihe anxiely of the parents deepened; they pictund Ihe jrirl as hungry, and perhapa frightened and poin? withoui sleep.' - They and the girl, however, were domed lo keep Hie ordeal, for Monday the "s;a!ft was wor-5! IhiitK tnTr,v'thcviia!,aoTfi ncros i lie three miles, of ragin? sea was impossible. The third nlsht came, atid a Rain Ihe light gleamed forth at the pnper hour, as ti the lighthouse keeper himself" hnd been there" at his task. .Not until T o'clock Tuesday arternoon did the seas abate sufficiently lo enable the parents lo return. The reached the lighthouse In a molorhoat. This was so badly hulTeled by Ihe waves that the crew did not venture to reluni to the mainland. As Ihe Hash worked regularly while Mr. and Mrs. I.angtan were ashore, il w.U evident that Ihe girl kept awake al night and wound every four hours Ihe clockwork apparatus which lurn rd Ihe light. BIOLOGICAL SURVEYOF U.S. BUILDING BOAT SI1ATTL... April 1. The pa I ml boat Seal of the IHolttgical Survey which was launched here last week will cost $35,000, Is sixty-nine feet long with nn internal combustion engine. II will bit ueil in Alaska. A speed of ten knots and a cruisinv rjiilitiH of 1,000 miles is provided. The' boat will acconiinodale len men. Captain K. 0, Talmailge has been promised command. if. Prospective Builders! COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDERS' SUPPLIES LUMBER Timbers, Dimension, Shiplap, Fir Finish, Flooring, V Joint, Hustic and Hevel Siding, Cedar and Fir Boat Lumber, Fir and Collonwood Veneer Mouldings, Shingles, Kolnred Shingles, LaUi, Oak. Hardwoods, Sah and Doors, AVood l'ipe. CEMENTS, Ettv Portland Cement, Keene's Cement, As beslos Cement, llardwall Plaster, Plaster of Paris, Plaster Hoard, Lime, 1 1 yd nil ed Lime, Fireclay. BRICKS, Etc. Common Brick, Fire Brick, Pressed Brick. Agricultural Tile, Vitrified Pipe, Hue Lining. , MISCELLANEOUS Nails, Building Paper, Tar Paper, Huliliertiid Hoofing, Johns, Manville's Asloestns Moorings, Asphalt, Asphalt Hoofing Papers, Sand and Gravel. NANAIMO-WELLINGTON COAL , Try our Nut Coal for your Kitchen Hango. ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones 116 ant! 117a Easter Is Near New Hats New Frocks New Coats New Suits Phone 27a "DEMERS" We aim to please. P.O. Box 327. Fishermen's Supplies FISH LINES, HOOKS, ROPES, TWINES, FISH NETTING AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCERIES. Compare Our Prices Lipsett, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. 8econd Avenue and McBrldt) SL