The Daily News , ' . IMilNgH HUPKHT - HMTJSH COLUMBIA ' Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince t , lluptirt Daily News, r Limitad, Third Avenue. i H.-F. HJLLKN, Managing-friitor. SUBSCRIPTION- RATES I Cily Deliver, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to all parts of the .Hritisli Empire and the United States, in advance, per jear $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per j ear $7.50 Transient IWsplay Advertising. .. .$1.-40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page $2.80 per inch Local Headers, per insertion. 25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c per word Ltegal rvotices, each insertion loc per agate line Contract Hates on Application, Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone. - - - 98 - se All advertising .should he in The Daily News Office before p.m. on. day preceding, publication. 'All advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of , Circulations. DAILY KDJTIOK No Election Say Conservative. Leaders. I! Thursday, Jan. 1 1, 192G. Holli parties in Die. nonunion House of Commons seem to have been bidding for (lie Progressive vote. The Liberals did so in the speech from the throne and by the insinuation that an ele'clion was likely if) Ihey were, defeated. The, Conservatives .come back by saying (here will be. no election; mj there i noth ¬ ing lo fear. Possibly by Hie time Ihis appears, Ihe vole will have been taken, although it is more likely the debate will not hae ended by that time. Million A Month On Useless Luxury; Premier Oliver old Hie. .properly owners in Vancouver there no over-taxing as long as people could afford to spend a million dollars a month on a luxury that was more barm than good to them. Of cour.xe be referred lo the money spent on liquor. .-Tiiis kicking at high taxes is always going on. .Now and then .unie group of politician.' brings the cry prominently to the fore and as we all hale to hand out money to the government it ha it effect. What we must remember is that if we have improvement we mul pay for them. Just now an elevator, i? being' comi'Ieled'Iiere by' the governmejit"iuid wV arciilo asking for some, money lo be spent for fishermen's docks Moth expenditures are quite legitimate, but someone ha lo pay. We ask. that expenditure be kept down so thai taxes may be low but it is in ihe. other we mean, not in oucs. Any person who' object to high luxe should-first begin by asking for less work in his own cily, I own or district. ' .... l. r I 4 ' ' ' .' - -r ' - 1 .- ,- Britain's Adverse. Balance Is Worrying. Many people are worried over Hie adverse trad? balance which (ireat Hritaiu has today. Exports do' not equal the import. Undoubtedly there is danger in the situation. We have mentioned before what we believe lo be Hie cause. .Many of the competitor. of Hritaiu pay low wage and by that means are able lo compete in her own markets. Where workmen are equally intelligent, the people .with low w;iges niusi oust from the markets lhoe where high wage are paid.- Efforts to hold up wages iu Hritaiu send work to low vage countries. Low wages are nut good for the world bill if wages arc much higher in one country than another the balance or trade is sure to shift uirtes tho nalurSl.rejource ure enough to overbalance the unfavorable -"tendency. Cutting Of Ties, In South To Begin. The big, order for railway tjes recorded yesterday will make the south busy. Hritisli railways taking twenty million feet will make work for hundreds of people on . Vancouver Islahd and the lower mainland where Dougjas fir grows. Unforliinalcjy we have none of that timber here, although there is some iu the forestrv district. Abnormal .Weather. CondltlohtUnfavorable.. 'Aiy Abnormal iange iu weniier condition affects I unfavorably. Just now Ijiere is insufficient -.snow in tenor arid lie and pole cap) p find it difficult lp operate arc hauled out over the snow, ir llieri i' wftih'w Ih'e if nni lie i.iken out. here i lime yet for cold woollier but not come. II is to he hoped thai Ihe change will occur dialely so (hat the industry may be carried on. toao lhe boule jinlu$-Ihe Tics os can- it m ay imnie- J This advertisemenl is not published or displayed by lhe Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of IlriUsh Columbia HOSPITAL TO i NEW OFFICERS HAVE REPAIRS! Healthy Position of- Finances B J. Bacon Elected Last Night Makes Carrying. Out. of Work Possible at Tl(is Time Finding itself in a healthy finuncial position at the end of the year operations, the hospital board decided last .night to 'einbarS upon a program or necessary improvement whicli will run. into several thousand dollars. The Improvement thus projected will include the paint-iuk of Ihe otitsidu or the luiiltliiir! at a cost, of 1,500; repairing of gutter aud rooL D00; new operating room table! on; new operating room lighting facilities", kaUomimiiiK of nurses' home and other Smaller items of furniture and equipment. llcporlinij; I hat the liquid assets of the hospital, including about 3,n00 in accounts recoverable, stood at about 1 0,0(10, while the liabilities were about ti,00(i. S. K. Campbell, president of the board, announced that Hie finance committee had round the finance. of the hospital in a condition warranting proceeding, with Ihe work that had been re-, commended by the house cimi-miltee. On motion id Aid. Drown, seconded hy II. H. Lillle, it was decided to carry out the work which will lie charged up lo 1U2Ij opera I ions. HOSPITAL BYLAW CHANGES' REPORTED Rule as to Admission of Patients is Most Important of Con- ' stitutlonal Amendments - Whereas the constitution ol the Prince Hupert lieneral Hospital formerly provided that patients suffering from eonlagiou and infectious diseases could not he admitted to the institution, the rule ha now been changed so that all cases, except smallpox, mut be admitted. Tlii-t is the most important of a number of constitutional change that have been made at Ihe instance of the provincial auliorilies and whicli were reported upon to (he hoard at its meeting last night by II. II. Little, chairman of fhe-exeeii-live committee. The amendments were approved by the hoard ami will he submitted to Ihe annual treueral mepijnar of the associa tion at the end of this month foriv final adoption. THE MAN IN THE MOON ays: TIIIS is the day to vole. Don't forget. 'TIS 'the day when armed with vote To the polls creep up the gonlf Mark Uieir ballBt with a ero A man IM like to have you know There's .Max who ha the finesl shop And Jim who's something of a fop. George loo I know, and often say A word and pass the lime of day., II does me good to walk along Whistle a tune or hum a sotiu II keeps me liappv all the day To meet my friend ami have my say. 1'KOPLE who no longer believe, in Santa Glaus still seem to have faith in the Cod of fuck at poker. THH question was brought up at the banquet (.he other night as lo who is Die best bridge player in town. Kd. claimed ho was the champ,, but a muriner of disapproval went around lhe banquet hall from sixty out of the seven I y presepl. KVKHY noted player Has a iiielhotl all his own -Hy his luck in winning Kfriciency is shown. See him bid beyond Ids hand, See bim then his chest expand: Hut jusl see how hard he'll laud When luck has flown. to Head Order During .Year 1926 Prince Huperl Lodge No..lp5l, Loyal Order of Moose,' elected officers for IU2G last ntyM. as follows: Past Dictator Oilll lloyer; Dictator H. J. Paeon. Vice Dictator L. It. Parry. Prelate Jack .luilire. Sfcrrtarj 1(i,y tlanjeron. Treasurer -TJior JoluJson. Truslee J. It. SlamraVtl. Delegate to Siireiiie Lodm -It. H. Simpson: idternate. 1'red Seailden. j i The inslaflalinu of offiecr will lake plaee on l-viitunry 3. Ten Years Ago Irt Prince Rupert January 14. 1916. After Ihe re-u!! of Hie election wen- made knowi Iat nielli tttvre w;t a meeting n i llo WesUuUftie Theatre al which i (leorye l-'ritxell was chairioai. speakers- included Mayor-eleei; M. P. .MctJatTery, Mayor S. M. .Vewlon and a nomhor nf the new ti define. it, Two hockey game will be played here today with llainllou. The teams will be made up as follow.: llazcltnu K. Imnoiiue, J. Morrison. J. M'Slica, Al. Mac- Donald, It. MacKay. It. K. Sinclair and P. MaeDonald. Prince Huperl L. Wilson. W. .1. C.rawfortL lliik Irwin, ;. Htytlie. C. (',. Hold-rick, Lionel llidlhy and Harrv Love. ieneral Manager Morlcy Donaldson of the firand Trunk Pact fie Itailwny is here on an official visit accompanieil hy Chief Kn gitieer Vimi,. and Capl. C. II Nicholson, manai-r of the eoasl sleatiisllip service. In The Letter Box DIESEL-ELECTRIC CARS C- N. RAILWAY New llazellon. Il.ll.. Janoaiy 8, Editor. Daily Nw. rail ears now used on the ( Hallway. Seven further ON In a l-went isue of your wide, r-ireolaleil paper; and under the above heading, iipiiearctl -i de.ei'ipl ion of Hie new Diesel- electric ear now in use on I ho Canadian Nalionul Hailways, Iu your tlcnpJiou it staler Kor candidate with coal of moss.jrenlly. where they t eve the votes tliey sadly count See Ihe rival total mount. Say, Ihe Colonel' in, by heck; Sam has not iLJiV the neck. Til HUM is no objection do Par liament silling. ' What wn Ifale is. Parliament talking! , r . tit, .. i - IN walkini; down Ihe cily street There's many a friend I daily meet. that C E. Ilrooks, cliief motor power engineer of the and Jii two assistants, are credited with having: devdoped Ihe new en gi IK thai aro kistalleiLju the new. rail ears. l vish lo poinl (tut that this afatejueni is nut al together eorret. True, these (genlleni'Mit went to Sweden re- iiivesligaled M'veru! well known designs of internal combustion engine-., efc. that provtvl. abort ivoi It was on their return via Grtal Ilrilain I ha I. 'kbl'f Manif tri liilael willi VVaii.iir)lHiire Mli'ii Ltd. or Glasgow. ScollamL wlur. had Just N. cars r Mop and have a word with Joeiwilh "Iteardmore lingines" am being completed at the Montreal shop of the (1. X, Hallways. Taking Credit I have often noticed that some Canadian have a habit of latins credit for I lungs Ihey are not en- Her Nerves Were "All Broken Up',' She Could Not Sleep Mr. David Gfdloagher, 37 Lrn4-kumt Ave, lUmJltoo, Ont., wnttit "My ncrvn were all broken up and I could not aleep at night, and 1 would have tn get up out of lid and walk, tbe- floor for houra at a time. After Using a Box of I Btfan To Feel Much Better, and after ualog a few more boxea I could enjor ur ' real aa well aa erer I could." i H. 4 Jf. Pilla bare been on the market for the paat 32 ye an; your seareat druggiat acll t'jcinj put up TliiiMair, Tftourtrr 1, Winchester iO CIGARETTES "Tines Blended: Cigarette "'fhB aef j tilled lo, and I hi i partly Hie reason why I have written this; letter lo show your reader that' Ihe design and manufacture of! the nero-eugine on Hie deisel' principle pe to the credit of Miat yrenl engineering firm of' Win. Iteurilmnre tl. and noi altogether to the motive, en gineers of the Canadian National' Hallway. They have lo rely on a Hrilish firm who could produce the kind of engine, giving Dim necessary Ir.-yhxe power reipnre( and the lowest fuel cost. 2c a mile I. would also point out that nj certain gepUemau speaking at u iiift'ling in prince Ituperl recent - ly coniplaiHt'd that Hritaiu did- not buy o much lumber, cheese, itutler. elc from Canada, as she. slinubl do. My answer to Itns limit! complaint is that the sho is on Ihe til her fnol ;" anl that ' Canada does not purchase so much from lireal Hritaiu and rotiiilrie within the Lmpire as she should, she having during Ihe. year of 111. I hopuhl four, lime a much from the l ulled; Stales than rrinn Creat Hrilaui.' Some (iunadians are very erratic ; ami illogical in their remarks. Why rush oil. in Sweden alo toj China I -believe- when I here ari' so many vast engineering firiusj within the Hmpire, especially im: (ireat Hritain.. CaiHidiatis slioulli inaiiiifaotuie more in their own, country. They have Hie raw: materials right at Hour door, ye C.'inailiaii have not Ihe initiative or courage to start up industries) of llieir own to llw e.xlenl lliev should dp but semi their raw materials elsewhere. Who is lo blame? Canadian. A rcw fac would lhMii.'roiigldtil tlt$& newim- tories ori"' tn n Prince Prinoo Mupr Hpperl jirov.'rT lyp? of HeKf-ettgine. suVTif"' anils. - ' a nn now inslalled In the new. Every 'e Hanadl: in's slogan t ul.,.nl.l I... I......l, I II... II.. I. ..I. :-m"iimi if. ...iihuiu aim i hit niuinii Kmpire. Ami Ihey should lie able to sing (as with one voice O. Canada! Cod save the King! ami cut out those Yaukeeism. PATRIOTIC CANADIAN. LAND ACT. Notlca of Intantlon to apply to Pwrchata Land III Prlnre Itnivri mm noriiniinr ii.. Irlri of 1'rliiff imiMTi anil I'tiatc on Pit iitiyai lauiiti. iianvp four, ttiant Illorlct. TAKE AOTICK thai SoinrrHII. Ciihiitv Company l.liiillrrt ()f Vliii-tiurf r, B.C., ! rupalmn parkera. InlriuM lo apply for H-rniliuii lo piirrline the follow in df. rrltwd landa: Ciiiiuiiriii-itiir at a mt plaiitrd mi the tioriiM-ast ahore of lurnarit cove, Priniraa iiojii uianti. nanrv I, coatl hlmrlri, tlmnte eaalirrly twenty lialii; ih.-n. aoulherly Uly elia'nn; thent-e Hentt-ily forlj chain ; tlicnre iiorlherly five chains more r Icm. lo hlrh water mark; thnue "" ""'"t, "'" nairr iim in an eaiterly ami niirtberly tllrerllim to noinl of eimi' liirnccnieui, ami contalnliit nne humlre arre. more or lena. 80ME1VII.J.E CAM.MKnV f.O, I.Tp ., ... . Mipllranl. I" W. i. Tuuniai. (tenl . . IN PROBATE. In ,t tha Supreme Court of Brill. h Columbia ' nM'""rr f ",e A'l,,ll,"0'alliin Act; '" "tl. .'.'"'ir" "f "f "'"l' l-riit. pt-reanprt, liili-nlnlr. TAVK ..MOTir.n that l.y orrttr of III. Honour V, Votmit. the. JOIh nf lirtrin r ion. a, ap i.ftt?. AOniliiUtrator of tlw etatt of llanuah ll-o.t, ipt-raei1 ami all parllta Imunt .laliin aaaliol the .aid male ,re here ? rtiitilred lo riirnldli ame. propeilv verl fled to me on or lhe, (lib dav Indebted lo the rtale are required to Ine" forUli,'io,M,' "f tU"ir ln,,,,',,"'n'' t" ' Af)UIV . ... . only hy TLe X. Mllburn Co., UmluL Ofrielal Adminialrainf, Toronto. Oat. I ., I'rinre iinptri tt.r.. ' ' i..,. ''let the 4., 6th day of ianuary, A.b. Apartment DINING-ROOM Suites These suite nr made on a smaller -t ale Hind Willi the room of an apartment or -m.r Holh are iu Old Kngl"h Uak oml are Hie lalc "Dining' II hum Knrnilnre HenMiiubly priced at- - $94.50: and $1 13.65 BARRIE'S Home Furnishing 3rd Avenue. IIcanadianI Mcinc r tnanux, mm. mm. uacvat im uKcotini, naoiii ,u sumt si. rinicus twin Phone ICl Canadian Pacific Railwa; B. G. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert tWf-U 28. W II,! DraaU II. W, 4.!l ft BUU. IwtRttn Bijr, !( Bill Btll. Oci Palls. Htm; Attn U ne fr all IWMiMa LIsm. rull Mfrmil fr- Cefntr r 4lh Urtwx inu. Print Nrt. jO, UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C.. LTD. fa.;titti fruffi Prwre Rupert. VANCOUVIN. VICTOHI. SoaaaM Bat. ol llei a... m.. a w VANCOUVKR. VICTORIA, Alart Bat. ana t.enaaa Baf. Iii.rto, 10 a T anjvox. PORT SIMrtOK an4 Niaa BUar Cano.rl... Thwraeat mjn. f" fO" a.MON, ANVOX, ALICC ARM, BTCWARTi luaaai. S a.m. ". a. BMraaiaf. Ami. rrt mwwfX. I WATKR NOriCC ,DItra( m4 Uaa. T.ur. Mitick mat OtMM-Muiard. I.lmllfd, hi.f atldira la Jtl llnw Mirl. Vaiictiioer, B.C.. ill inly for a llrilire Vi kr aittl u III0.0U0 Kilbint iwr tlay of alr ul t,r I' alo kisiwii aa rnkiKiwn. ulilfli fluwa ixr I tf-rly ami tlramt into shannon Hay., tiMtut It rlialua, luoiv or left, wrtierly fifin nurUiram mnwr &u t.I S5I'.. TIm walt-r lll im llvrirl inju! rai iiiiirr ui narnaru mrf I'rliirraa, ir,in trrin hi ai a a im ini (is annul ill I eicui ricm chain rlialnt oulli fruin thjnuon llav ami ie cbalio ejterly from horthtuM u uu. audi will he imrd for (aunerr piirptKica np.n the tin Tl VniV) ' ,,r H Tlila iioUee waa Htleil on Ihe troumP on the loth day of ."vnnhcr, lll. A : ropy of ibia oi.tlt and an appliratlun! piirliaiit therein and In tbr "Waler ct' ' will be filed in Ihe offlre nf the Waleri iccoriler al l-rlmr Huperl. II X. Ohjrc lit the ai plication may Itr filed wltb Hip ald Walrr lieeonler or with the (u."!!p.r,'ih''"t w,,,'r W'htt, Parliament Build nan. Vlrlorla. II r. niihin .i.i. i. '. th" f,r,, eil-eerance of thiV "r".V 'J' ""i newaiKiper. Tito date nf Ihe fl piitllrallr.n nt thU nutlcc la ,oeiiilK.r 3ii, Ufa. 0OHK-MII.UTiD LIMITKO. Aipllrant. Wni. IX Mllchell. Mr.-nt, LAND ACT,. Notice of Intantlon te Al t Laaae Land In rrlnie Unpen land P.eeiirdlii- DUlrlrl i'.,.;"'.'.' !'".'; llaate on South liachael laland. TAKK Mmcfc thai Alfred dwanaon. of I'rlnte liutiert, ncriipalktii Mariner- Hv m.icrKS'i.1!?,; or,r" ,n,,ow wv toJir .fa'ri1 z.lx then around hlth waler mark to tbr point or romiiicnt-i-nienl, and ciinialnina eo atrea, more nr leaa. ALH1ED SWANSO.1, . , . . . Applicant Daterl ocoher t.itaf'll ,h'' flluce Burert, HjG. CLEARANCE SALE Dresses, Hats, Coats At Cost "Deraers" NVn nun io plpao Phone 27 P.O. BoM' MILK From Bulkley V!'? 1 FRE8H MILK AND WHIP PINO CREAM ' specially r,'oinni'f1' 1 our Tnll tlniatn nl I ao for Hirtf I'lnt. J 0'inllty ami Hervfce Valentin Dairy Phone 667