I attullo Told Rotary Club of Doings During Session of Legislature Hiys Peace River outlet should be at Prince Rupert: function of caucus in any government . ii T 1 1. Piiltiilln, mtiiilcr of hunt and member of Hi 1 .hue fr I'riiii't ltnp.il, delivered very iiilerclnig ad be ion- tin' Itolarv Ohdi this afternoon un the work of the e -". Hie Legislature. Mr. Pattullo dealt more par-x w lb Hie Mil-l.iiiiliiig qiiefttKHio that wi re handled at the ...ii'l. hi hi- -hiding, referred with Mime detail to tin .t - -.i'ioh ill Hie province and lo dealt with the reiite- v hat In 1 liefii given various mrl of the north by their k rreeiip memoer. HIPS HIPS DOCKED DOCKED S s'v" "'"Oreat ded,- I AT ESQUIMALT-1-' ifil Willi Hie ri-vl4Hi- iar In IX I II H IIUHK fi .ii FRUIT TRUST! lo Case Opens Monday and Will Last Some Weeks, It Is Expected VANr.Ol.VKII. Jan. li The big biuiil iiallle owr the fruit tnii-l t l tr. J ii -lire ll. A. Mehoiiald and - Ilki'lV III ial eieiiii wren ni J.tiiiiienl lawyer from all UIII ol Hie CdUllliy lime lirrii limn to arrive in prepanu um ior In tug event. . .. i-ano oi A'iiiickumt reureeiila !.. ami J F rawley of 1IiiioiiIoii repre- I'lli MliClia province. um lii't hui Ii eminent men a K. P- ilVl. IllUOl'l IllllMMIMIII iiii.i J. Miimni uitt rrmcc nunrri iai ui.-. ? I had thought llml I liltgftl iiaaa h frw ohnerVMl ion niton the Year the Number Was zSjwork of the rrceiH eioi of (lie Sing as Compared With 41 In iLeju.laHire. At the Im ginnine f. 1924 each --uin of Hie LeKi-)lirre .... . there i- n MteriNl at moidicr' 1SQI IMALT. Jan. I i. There , "'' Hie tiovcrnii.e.ii of II.- n ti m ilii iiMei Ha nuuiltrr til ' i" 1 ti.e. a. la ae.....rt. u liv no mratu in ronlrot of the iMnirnwint ittf. , "liiiiiiriliii' prKr lo I he recent tAHHi nf tke lnrtiilatiire, 1 hi iNiiiiiiihiu oJeelioii wm. held, and llirif i nc doulH lhal Hie WH I'rUili! V of ti lliitlllllioii Kll- I Senkler (f Vancouver nnd A.' ( fl. mauiit Hie mo.t out of i.. i .... i u.....Iiih i-iiiiktifv lllUKIA WiNiitK Ur will HOCKEATPORTLAND POHTliAXI), Jan. 1 1. Viclurla ... . . m ft. 1. n M f winner i inv iiui-m-.v ..... . A 1 i re li ii iK'unnB Hie Hume loam i ' d tllrre g"al- io two. Ihi niluation. The mailer, how ever, wan thoroughly iflei and investigated by the public ar euunU commrttiY oT the houe. and n it wan howii that llieic had been numerous over-pay meiil by previous admini-dra lioiif. and thai ueh Insitniicei, Ihotiuli not desirable, have fie uuenll.v occurred, the erllicis'ii ilnl mil i-a-ry lln- weight Dial ii-nii! iiniod on paste fouri there were at a similar hour in the tv:5 ejection. At that hour today, it wa aiinouneeJ that votert had regislereil tlieir pre- fereneef. 5lai intereit Is of course centeriivi in the mayor ally oonleft. The m1Is opened a I X iiliiit I til. .iirimit' nn cloe at H tlii eveiiins. Within italf an hour of the ki-incr. II riiectil thai llu- tiUcCiKfl oaudHtate for mayor will h known. . U4ty. -Solicitor 11 J. Jone. .i- returutng officer. i in charae or the piHMk'ril the ilutie are '-K Allloie. J. Allen. K. Lnwiii and IU li. Ilutlfon. Poll clerks ! asit In the counting touishl Will te II. W. Iiii. li. S. V. Ite:'l. W. II. Wil Murray. AV. L Wiliiorron. iifr-:e XVaddell. tier Iter I llaiii(lu. J. It. Tan- nodk. nmt A. :iaierton. Seruineei. on ttehalf of Col MrMonln art Tom McKrniie, Malootm Mcl.eii, Henry Walker llulcolin Millar and Archie I'a-tniu Tin mily icrutineer for Mayor Xewtmi wlw had ire-r:il-ed lit ei'tilciilial U noun wit Joe llnwe. lae Milne i ael:ij. on behalf of the Trade ,V I.a-In.r lion ite il f"i Mil. I.arrn. NEW COUNCIL PORTSIPSON Dav'd Johnson E ected to Lead Natives of that Village Durlnn 1926. 'lile eleHioli of the council f -i the native village ot Port Simp-Min took place there early tin week. . I'.. :ollioii, In lian1 Agent, who presided, having re- turned lo the city un the Paclien. ye-tlerday afternoon. "I'he election resulted as fol-1owt: Uliief Uouueilloi -Havid .lolin-son. Cftiincftlor -- ifVnry lUile. Henry Nelson, Sain Iteunet!. I'hilrji (Ireeu, Peter Wells, Joshua llrynnt, Jacob Morrison, William llryant. Heiekiah Weley. Stephon Morri.-on and Thomas (ioMirll. lletiry llalley was appointed secrjjdary of the council and t?am Iteuuelt. treasurer. Ckfiumiltec were named by thr- chief councillor as rollows: lleallh and School llczcklah Wesley and William llryant. l'irt Jo-litiu llryant and Jacob Morrtson. IWyliL, water ami streeta Thoihas Uosuell, Henry .Nelson and Peter Wells. Lots and fcnces-llenry Nelson and 8utn IteniK'lt. v Pojlce Council in cuniuiittco of the whole. Apiioiii'led as constables wero Murk Morrison, Jacob Ci oper and I. Law Mm. iudica1 Hie proper ftillle for railway eon slnictitm." -abl He .r iniei ihi. ins hi address, t'-oiniuetrifnc on In Itelief tli:i' "any fovernnWrft thai bad any-Hiins to ilo with the btifblilig of the I'.ti.K. wuutd wreck itelf." tlie rriiiir 'all: "I want to tell you that we have had several narrow shaves ami I ilon'l know how 1'nip we are pmny to last.' NEWTHEATRE, HERE MOOTED Provincial Head of Capitol Chain Visiting City to Make Report Here to prepare a report for his company on the possibility of establishing one of the Dominion-wide chain of Capitol theatres in Prince Rupert, J. R. Mulr of Vancouver, district manager of the Famous Play-era Canadian Corporation Ltd. and manager for British Columbia of Capitol theatres, Is a visitor In the city today. Mr. Mulr said this afternoon that plans were as yet still In the formative stage. Certain difficulty presents itself here In the matter of obtaining a site suitable for theatre building. If his company's project materializes, there will be a $40,-000 or $50,000 Investment Involved. Mr. Mulr, who Is accompanied by W. R. Marshall, manager of the Paramount Exchange, Vancouver, will return south tomorrow HOSPITAL GETS CHECK FROM LIQUOR PROFITS .mount of $2,025.75 Was Remitted to Board at Meeting Last Night The Iioiit..; Intaril t night received a cheek from the provincial secretary's department amounting lo i.', (-.". 75 covering share of liipint profit for the six mouths ejnlinir September 2(0. MAYOR FEELING. BETTER. " v The condition of Mayor Xew- 'on. who has been indisposed foe 'he past roiiulc of day and who Is now. resting al,his home on Mflh Avenue Knt. was reported Ibis afternoon by his physician to he improved. SCOTTISH LEAGUE LONDON. Jan. It. In the Scottish League first division football yesterday the Hibernians in a! M'-m-I'Ti f "ir i'ial 'o one. 25 TAXI nnd Boston Grill Ambulance mm Service Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing Anywhere at Anytime. floor for hire. t Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. NEW 80DA FOUNTAIN, and 6th 8L PRINCE RUPERT Xhe latest and bis; for the MATT VIDECK, Prep. if,,. leael. Phone 457. 1 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper hot XVI., N(, II PMXCK 111 PHUT, H.C., Till HSDAY JANL WHY li, 1US0. Yetredy Clrtulitloii, iiil Street Sales S3 PRICK FtVK CKNTR. VOTE EXPECTED OTTAWATODAY ONTAIUO HOCKEY ASSOCIATION MOO I LH Tin- above -.holograph -how a few of the eleg-ale. to the ((ill. miuiia! 0.11. . convention held recently ui 1i-onm. ant a '"' 1.0 , :,,-. were represented, Tin- O.ll, A, is Hie largest and mol pow ri ik hoikc organization m the wori . 3 I lie liilllivrr fiuoi iiv wnt m una mi it l In- .rei"U- year. ' . . . .1 .... I I. . .. . . .. 1 1 Ml tell ll.iii M flmillfillHl fll-' I I l' IM I r,, .., f I!.- rr.l-1. .-.i .lumber!!-"'' " ' 'l-'- r . .i i ...1 a i. ,.r mi; in I t i.rjimiwi hi r. ! " 1 inn am . in'- h iihi in '"I'."")-, nmler m"iM : .k " . .) yard in Hie ,li, - . . I I att m I m.tkahHtl laiti U ilk in ;i Vi. I.I.I. .l.-kr.l n..'le'',vil'l elij.iil mm- i ai i i i-i . ai u iiHiiirii u u I hii r i it.. .1.- 1.-... I II.. i , , ,Vr 10 c.' .if ar UU8 '"- ' !4 lumiiMtil .ith tn1 flfll lir 15)11$ I : .: ; .: I rent oi.iue iiointe n me me lioliliral itaH), and with two oi lln-ee very diffirult inil-iHiidiim qui'9tion tu M.Ke, rould not tmt faen Hie !iliiflliiu in a -..rinni IiihmmI. alHiouttli I iiiav frankly ioo did o face it. bul wiUioti! alarm. "The work of 4h fM--i.iii we-r a ery xralifyiiiK eliaraeler. One in if lit not no judge from re-(iurli iijiK'rins In Hie ire-t from time to lime, hut it imul tie ljnie in mind Hial lhee rewirl nr' cidoi'ed aeeoi'diii-: lo the noll-lienl idea of tlioe i-e.Hinlbl for them. "There were two or lliree ou!-Maudiiifi difrieull iue-lionji which J would like lo mention, lHcaue II i not Ml all tmOfo'ilile that they may not he understood. University "There wax in the first placo tho uver-eoiiinillnieul with regard In the t'niv entity lliiihlln-'.s and the u'Milti(in could not he hlatu MUNICIPAL VOTE IS LARGE TODAY! Fewer Names on List But Mor Electors are out Than Last Year In il' of the faol that there are ?!! e name- on the voters Mil lint year Uian mere were ln(, (en more ote were recorded at the munici'Mil election poll-) by i o'clock tins afternoon than Premier Oliver Urges Railway TWO MURDERERS be Built by Peace River Pass HANGED TODAY and Not by Way of Pine Pass VANCOl Yhlt. J.i.i. It. That the r.nine. -tiiifr of the la ifo ireat linteni and Kdnioiiton. Iniuvegan and It.tl Itaiiwa) tlirniifrli Die l'ea e Hier Pas i the inol mrtn;il mi iit.ou o. the Peace Hiver lrau-iortalion troblern wa- aeted liv Pie mier itlhVi" at the H..cil or Trade - luncheon here ye.e da Wliile it would un rea-e the di-tiiin e between Vun. o ixe a Peace Itiverv by a hundred mile compared with the l;tie Pa roule. lho.co-l, lie declared, would be im p -taUr and : lie e jzi cering ' iiri'ifileiiit would be greatly reduced. ".Nature iJelf tin BOARD" OF TRADE NEWJMMITFEES President Hanson Selects Those to Have Charge of Work During Year Following standing committee for the year t'.t.'G have beei). a ointe.i ny i'retiient IlancDn-u.; le Hoard of Trade: Meiitbershfparr, l.,lolUjyJ (Jco. i.MHanl. J. V . cotl. Traile ami (kimmrrce is. W. irUi-MOi, 1. li. Ilew-art, M. M. Jcl.achlan. It.iilwuy anil Navigation P. lay. W. II. Tobey. L. M. Fuller. Port U. . riiuni-oii, Oeorue 'n:iro. It. Moore. Mining L. W. 1'alinore, 1. labour. Or. Herein. Fisheries J. Dybhavii, C. K.l tarr, H. llreen. - Publicity tl. F. Pullen, Dr. "ail ami F. Iibb. F.nterlaiument S. K. (Janip-iell. K. C (iihhons, li. Tliomspii. Fiiiance 1. Patersou, Geo. ttorie. J. 11. Thompson. Freight Hales Heo.' llryant. . o. StewnrL P. Oamiila. In-urance Oeo. 'Arnold, P. t inker. K. C. Oibbons. Civic- Imuff. Slnrk. I.. O. Lar -en. t'has. Minns. Public Works F. (. fiawson. . S. Paul. S. K. Parker. 'V . Labor J. I.. Christie. S. Kins. I. X. Killas. . Lumber M. P. McCafrcry; It. F. McXaushton. (. MeAfee. l.esislalive T. McMcekin. "has. Fvill. II. Jlreen. HOSPITAL WAS BUSY MONTH OF DECEMBER Miss Jean Harrison, M.N., lady superintendent id the Prince Hu-pert tieneral Hospital, reported Caker and Sowash Pay Extreme Penalty at Early Hour at Okalla VANUilVKll, Jan. li. Cau-nonball Maker and Harry Sowa.ili, Hie two men who helped to mur der Captain (Silli aad hi son aboard the liquor sc'jooner Keryl u. off Sidney more than a year ago. were handed this morning xaclly at 7.31 at Okalla. Their bodies were maile available for "rieiul Ah,, are eeinj: that they have proper burial. Itefore Hie tran wa pnin" 'iaker said somlbye to lliose 'ibt.ut him. vyhite Suw.i-li mere!--;dnWiisiieJ eiwul inner Ellis to step on it kid." liaker was ro-louijceii dead seven minute latei nd Sowash thirteen minutes. Iiuniu -ili -last hour this "lorniiip Ifaker n-iieatclly asked or Sheriff JlcMarHii, with . whom e conversed lefore going to (he fallows. Sowasii re!a:ned l.i.i uual imperiurbaltility while Maker maintained his innocence to the la-t. "The last thirteen davs of my life have been the happiest 1 evei pern and this last hoar su preme, ifciker told the sheriff. Christ died lo save other and 1 shall .lie to save two who will soon be here also." Haker's body likely will be taken to Seattle for burial. 'Fbe "two others" referred lo by Itaker ore believed lo have H-eu Paui Siromkin whose evi dence liroii-.-iil about lite convie- :ions. ami t.toaries .viorri. whose .sentence was commuted to life 'mprieon meiit. Moth men me) death hravelv I Maker smokii.r a cigarette unti. Hie last moment. .Major William Cummin?. Sal vation Army niritual advisor, said Ihaf no ronfesiou vvus made vvliite Warden Mc.Myun joined him in the statement thai they were i lie two coolest men ever held in Okaila." WALLACE FISHERIES PURCHASE WHALING STATION AT KYUQUOT Christmas Celebration Aided by' - Generosity of Many People .Vancouver Island Location and Two Vessels Likely to go to Well Known Concern VANCotVFJt. Jan. It. That to the board last night that, dur-t lnw ,,aCl, Fls t1,p.,.y ing the month of December there negotiating for the purchase had been 150V hospital days This wa n decrease from the month preceding bul was larger Hiau expected and kept Hie .staff busy. Speaking of hospital matters generally. Miss Harrison's report stilled Hint December bad been one of the busiest but one of the happiest months in the Institution. A grant of 5) made by Hie board and ?5 by the Ladies' Auxiliary, together with a Targe number of outside donations, etc.. had made possible the.fiill enjoyment of the Christmas Sea son. A long list of of the whaling station at Kyu liiot. on the wesl coast of 'an couver Island, owned by the Consolidated Whaling YJorporqtion of Victoria and the whalers Orion and St. Lawrence is reported. The deal, it is understood, may go fliroutgh before the end of tho week. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Wheal M.C.. Silver.... donations Dunwell was included in the report andjHIadstone the house committee was re-J Pre mier iiuesled lo find some means of; Porter Idaho bavins these suitably acknow-iSiKer Crest . b'lkjied. Is .it r lni... Mid. 1.38 U 1.70 r 'Si,, .i;H ,0'J Asked. 1.75 1.55 .ar. .ltM 1 1 .(& Sossion May Last Until Morning ; But ftesult Should Then be Known i .OTTAWA, Jan. 1 1. When : parliament uieeis lo.lay the stage wilt be eel for the deciding vote jou i tie 1'ue.Kiun of confidence in 'the xov eminent of Might Hon. W. ,L. Mackeiuie King. The vole i 'expected tu be taken before to- Diltmg ends, although it may Iday nut some until the small hours of tomorrow morning. What the vote will im U not indicated. The decision lies with the Progressives and that group i still "vm uncertain quantity. The vote will be the most inler-esiiiifr ever taken in the House of Commons. Progressives Non-committal J. L. Brown of Li?-ar. the only Progressive speaker, like previ ou Progressive made no positive statement a lo how he would vote. He characterize-? Hugh Huthrie' speech as a .dear hid for Progressive support. Major Power of Quebec South, a Liberal, remarked that the Pro gressive sai in judgment now bul they should remember that perhaps tomorrow 6 l.itirral from Quebec mizht tothe judges. Or. .Man ion aertcd Hut for Premier Kiiwr lo conlinue lo oc cupy the position after being dis- rcdit'd by the people was "bra zen contempt of tiif popular will." INCOMPETENTS CAUSEJDEATHS Death Toll In Wllburton. Mine ' Now Stands at 93 of Which 25 are White WILMIKTOX. OIka.. Jan. It Kighly-seven miner remained trapped in the blazing mine today and all hope of their rescue alive has been (riven .up. Six bodies were brought out last nisrht. raisins- the death toll to !)" of whom ?5 are white men. The terrific explosion wrecked the lower level (if the mine yesterday shortly after 100 miners, while men nnd nejrroe. descended into the shaft. Of these only eight nesrroes escaped alive. The stale mine inspector blames the explosion ou Hie employment of incompetent men. MINISTER OF LANDS ISJOTOR.IN CITY Hon. T. D. Pattullo Here to Discuss a Number of Important Questions With Local Interests Here to discuss, a number of imiortaut questions witli local bodies. Hon. T. D. Paltullo. min Ister of land and member of the Legislature for Prince flu pen. armed irom victoria on the Prince Ituperl yesterday nf ternoou. One of these questions will be the settlement of the Cow May matter on which Mr. Pattullo expect lo confer wilh the new city council tomorrow. He will be here until Saturday morning when he expects to return south on the si earner Catala. MOTHER OF CHIEF COUNCILLOR DIES AT PORT SIMPSON POUT SIMPSON. Jun. It. Mrs. Johnson, aged mother of David Johnson, chief councillor of this village, died early yesterday morning- in the Port Simpson ' Hospital. ENGLISH CUP REPLAYS LONDON, Jan. 14. Jn the third round cup tie replays, Ful-ham defeated Kverion by one to nil ami the Mlakbnrn Hovers beat Pic-'ou i.jur 'j liulhliijf.