"AQJt tUX Hroken Shelled Walnuts, ' WEEK-END! SPECIALS Local New Laid Egys, per dm. 60c rrcslt l'ullet " Kggs, 3 doz. lor $1.10 j'u re Laid, 3 lb. pails .. .. 69c I'tfre Lard, 0 lb. pails $1.14 J'uic Lard, 10 lb. pails ... $2.27 I'eameal Hack ltacon, sliced, per , lb 44c l'icnic lliiiiKx, 5 to C lb. eacb $1.35 New Hulk Da leu, per lb 10c myrn& Cooking Figs, 2 Jbs. for 25c Heeded or Seedless Itaisins, 1(5 in. pk special 15cj Meclraned Currants, 2 pkgs. fori 25c COMBINATION SPECIAL 1 jar Libby's Pickles, 20 oz. 1 bollle l'an Yan Sauce. 1 botlle Sterling Catsup. Special, 3 for 95c. Del Moule I'osk and Heans lin per 9c 50 SACKS SMITHERS POTATCcS Special, per sack $3.25 Half sack $1,75 llobin Hood llapid Cooking Oats, large pkge., special .. .. 29c Cowan's Instant Cocoa, '.s, per Un 19c Wheallels, C lb. sacks . . . . 39c Hran or Short, per sack . . $1.99 Feed Wheat, per sack $2.89 We handle only the highest grade in feed lines. A trial will convince. llobin Hood or lloyal Household Flour. Sit lb. sacks .... $2.59 r.inger Snaps, per ll 19c Supreme Corfee, 1 lb. pkge. 49c Hed Head Matches (3 in carton 29c J'nrc Orange Marmalade, i lb. tins . 59c I'lire Masnherrv .Inm. i Hi I in I ' - , pouas, rcfjf, i,w xti, special 39c Olympic Pancake Flour, reg. 50c. special . 39o lanio ncs. n2. r.i Pui e,.n..i.r INSTALLATION W. A. McLean Heads Oddfellows This Year and Mrs. J. Wo-Intosh, Rebckahs luslallalion of iJ2G officers, or the Oddfellows and llebekah Lodges took place jointly in the Hoslon Hall last night, the proceedings being followed by a banquet at which a number of interesting speeches were made. District Deputy Crand Master Harry Love, assisted by Past CI rands Hale, West, Corless. Phillip and Irvine, installed the following orfieer.s for the Oddfellows "i Lo.lge Xo. 03: l'ast (irand J. L. Mcintosh. Noble Crand AV. A. McLean. Vice (irand I'eter Solem. llecording Secretary S. V. Cox. Financial Secretary A. J. Ualland, Treasurer C. C. Minns. Wlardcu T. Tounessou. Conductor M. J. OKelly. 0. S. (!. lieu Ferguson. 1. S. O. D. McAuley. 11. S. X. (.!. McAuley. L. S. X. (I. J. W. McKinley. It. S. V. (!. H. J. Smith. L. S. Y. . J. Hoddie. II. S. S. It, L. Fox. L. S. S. J. Delorine. Chaplain Murdn McArthur. ' Rebekah Officers Officers as follows were installed for Centennial llebekah Lodge No. SO l,y Dislricl Deputy (irand President Mrs. Mary Simpson, assisted by Mesdaines Wilkinson, Herner. Sim. Walson and Slier- NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Elactrlcal Installation Qovarnmant Wharf Prmca Ruparl Si-alwl Ti'iulro marked "Temlfr fur , Wiring-' will tie mrliHl up to iiimmi Sal-uriU, Januar KSlli, msn, by the mi-, drmiriM'd for n'Wiriuti the weMtrrly imr- Hull of the wart llotHtr al Cnvc rnini lit r-I n linn . oaO siMYirtrallom ami tiarlirular ran lur rj-'(i pack Mincemeat, mi art HPal-!,,b,1,l,,Mi t lie tnw r itw iitriri ers 49o fcnitiiiwr. arreiurd. Court House, Crime HiiihtI or any li-mler mil iitttwsarlly C. C. MACkAY, District tngaK-vr l'rlnre IIUKTt. B.C., January th, I9?fi. LAND ACT 1 Nolle of Intantlon to Apply to Laata Land ... . ..: 19c In Ouwti Charlnttf HIiikh Land He- Mixed Peel vivt Srw. II. t ' rdlnr liUtriri of I'riiM-e Huprrl. an. I I ' ' ultnatp two and im-half intlea west ! 29e Alirurd nay. SkidcKalc inlri. per Jh. 39o Sunkist Oranges. 15 for 25c California Lemons. 13 for. . 25c Rupert Table Supply Co Phones 210, 211, 212. TAKK NOTICE that II. C rishlnr k Park Inr CumiMiiy, Limited. r Vanrouver, li.i ; (icrattori Salnuin (Umier. Iniendi In a(l for a lea of tlie follow Iwr di" rrllxKl landl: CoiiiiiM-iicinir at a Ht planted at tlx-wi'st rnd of small Hay one hundred yard-ixl of nioulli of unnamed Hired in; iliem-i wiuth five rim m: thence rL nlxtern etiain-. Ureiire mirUi to shnre line, thenre follow Inr sluirr lino to point of com inenreineiit. and ronlalnlnr nrven and Hirer quarter ai res, mure or lew. B.C. FISHING A PACk'ISO CO. LTD. Appllrant. Per M. M. EnrlUh. tiale1 neeniler ?tti. 18J. Umbrell Our Linhrellu Department is one in our slurc of which we are safe in saying that the prices urfc lower than in must places you wilt find in Canada. We carry as large- a range as any , store von will rind in the West, from a Child's Umbrella at S1.50, Lady's or fieiilleniaii's from $2.00 up, to u hjiecial silk twelve rib umbrella ut $7.50. We ask you to compare our umbrella values, slock is new und up-to-dalc. All our Max Heilbroner 527 Third Avenue 529 WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY at 7 and 9 RICHARD BARTHELMESS with DOROTHY GISH "THE BEAUTIFUL CITY" A vivid plmlo-pluv that reveals the loves and hales ol the "oilier half" of a great city. Dick us the poor flower seller they called failure und dreamer, who gave ull for a hrolher. Dorothy Oish as Mollie, his girl, whose lender love heals pain, .See their great fight to crawl Trom the rdiudows or the Ohetlo to the sunshine or the beautiful city heyoiid. A picture of many heanlirul scenes depicting the ceaseless struggle or hidden hiimanilv for happiness A umu uf (he lights and shadows or New York. Strong cast Richard Barthelmess, Dorothy Gish, William Powell, Frank Puglla, Florence Auer and others. COMEDY LARRY SEMON IN "THE STAGE HAND." AESOP'S FILM FABLES Admission 35c and 10c. tiinii IP Has Won the approval of three generations lllade in Canada 95 years Tins advertisement is not published in displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia. I l'ast Noble (irand Mrs. L. C, I Wiy. Noble tosh. M. liirl (irand .Mrs. J. Me In- Vice Orand Mr. J. ltecorditig Seci-etary i Hoddie. Miss E. Financial Secretary Mrs. Mc Loan. Treasurer Mrs. H. West. 0. S. (1. Mrs. l'ierce. 1. S. . Mrs. S. V. Cox. Warden Mrs. I'. McDonald. Conductor Mrs. J. S. Irvine. It. S. X. (i. Mrs. T. l'rlcsl. L. S. N (i. Mrs. Smith. L. S. V. (i. (Mrs. Morean Onganisl Mrs. J. W. McKinley. Chaplain Mrs. A. T. Smoke. The speakers al the banquet were the districj lepulles. Harry Love and Mrs. .lames Simpson. Dancing and community singing i'Hv lie has lieen It-iiiiMiert'eil 111 1 lie service of the lloyal Hank. j 1'resideiit tj. K. Oauiiibell saiil 1 hat, in the departure of Mr. Little, the hospital was lusing a FBI DAIL't 5W1 Thurday January li, 1 9,1.5 BUGS IN WATER OBJECTED TO More Articles Sample Submitted to Dally News With Wrigglers In It Cause Discussion A bottle or city water containing tiny creatures that swim, turn somersaults ami do acro batic stunts, arrived at the edi torial desk today and is so en grossing iuJls iiiletyst that it is difficult for Urn staff to work. The lady who eut them in declares that they ume through the tap in her shfk and that this is jus! a sample .pf the kind of creatures I'rlnre llupert people swallow. Apparently lliey will swallow anything. One man who was shown the exhibit declared that he look those regularly during the summer season when out in the wilds and he thought they would inside her stomach, and she felt II immediately. "Those harmlcs!. larvae won't hurt anybody," was another expression or opinion given. Others objected to taklnsr their meat thai way and indignantly auked if there wa not some supervision over the kind of creatures allowed to wiggle Into the city waler pipes. Filters were what were needed they opined or ir filters there were, then lliey should be improved. Water clear and undiluted they ask. GYRO CLUB NAMES DANCE COMMITTEES Arrangements Under Way For Affair Which Will be Held on January 28 The Oyru Club lias named commit lees as follows to lake lli:itf.. i.r tipriii.oiinw.iilu f..n II... . h. . (.. Mrs. J. Mchechme. ...1....1. 1... .... . . was laler en joyed music being. H, 1(1WH1.,, NV,i mnisiieii iiv me ri 11 1 11 If r FORMAL FAREWELL OF HOSPITAL BOARD TO BANK MANAGER The hospital board bade farewell last nigh) to H. II. Little, director, who is leaving nd V shortly for Vancouver to which wn11.11 win lli:iu 'ii I the Auditorium on January 28. ieneral committee J e (ireer, ltouglas SUirk, and L" Waugh. Hefreshmeiit eoinitiittee It. A.!.. Harlow, Norris l'ringle, Milton Oonzales, and lr. L. W. Kergin music l.ltarles i Ha autio SPORT CHAT wiluahle member and the city a l'a Winter Carnival this goon citizen, .nr. Xiiuie nun un- win, it is said, sitriass all pre-derlaken hos)ilal work in u vious elTorts. The big eamivat whole liearled maimer and bud will lie staged fron'i January 2( ( diligently perfurmed duties allol-;li January 2U tnitiisive. 'Ilie led to him. On behalf of the feature event will be a lap dog hoard, he wished liini and his sleigh race extending over a per-fainily, ioilspeed in their new lo-jiod or three days and in which eutiort. ' jmosl of the wH known doy Mr. Little, in replying, said it racers of the country will .h oii-was gratifying to feel that any j leied. lly way or an cupcrimeiH) work he might have done had Uie course has been modified tlii neen appreciaieti. lie wits sorry, venr from iln -mmh-IIh, viiii.ihIIh lo leave Prince llupert. and particularly sorry that it would be necessary for him to relimiuish hospital work in which he had actively participated here and in Kui'llon during; the past ten or twelve years. "II is a public scr-vice that gives one the greatest satisraelion." he said. . Every Prescription We compound is dispensed iiy a FULLY QUALIFIED PHARMACIST from chemically pure materials. Our prices arc moderate. We are Prescription Specialists. Rupert Pharmacy Phono 94. Third Ave We deliver and Fifth Bl. Invilalioiis A. L. Ilollby. Douglas Stork and 11. A. Maim. Finance ,S. K. Campbell. Lej Wauwli ami It. I'. McNnughtoii. Dwirations A.lt. Nicholls. P. W. Taylor. Harold McHwen and cieorKc It. Tlje. Hunch howl C. C. Mills ami W. J. Nelson. Floor managers A. L. Ilollby I".. Itoberlson. non-slop race which did not give Kaslcrn dugrs the opportunity I 1 compete with a fair chance of success. A freight race for working dogs has also been arranged. This race is for teams having not less than five dogs used for commercial purposes and a load uf too pounds will be carried just vufricieut to prevent the drivee from riding. The program also includes many popular winter' spurt- including curling, sknlin-t, Miowsbociiig. hockey and skiing. The annual winter carnival wiM lie held in Ili-velsloko during thn lasl week tit January, promises lo bring together I he most expert ski Jumpers on the Continent. The ilevelsloke Kki Club, working Willi the Winter Carnival officials has sent out n world-wide Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Heloeraon Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Office Hours 9 lo fl. X-Ray Sarvlos Phone 686. Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday bvenlngn Down in Price Our Policy is to gel all our slock marked down so low that you can afford to pay as ou o and save money. I Jams I Kmpress and Malktn'e Pure! J unit, our choice, 4 lb. tin for 75c Apricot. Oooseberry, lireun-gage, ('berry, l'each, Damson l'luin, Hlaekberry, Loganberry, lied l'luin. Pineapple Libby's Crushed, 4 tins for $1.00 Singapore Sliced, 2', 0 tins fur $1.00 Peaches Deliuonle, in lunge tins, tins for 76c do no harm here. ne laily!c,mh.ii'. Tnnuin wondered how it would feel to J u v j( ,,y ,p Uoen 165 have them wiggling around alive R0e(j oats Any 35c package in the store, 3 for 85c Preservene Soap Her bar 10c Lard-Swift's Silver Leaf, 3. lit. inr 75c 5 lb. r.r $1.25 10 lb. for ... $2.45 Eggs Slrinlly Frsh and Utrul. Since 1-rgs have dropped in pHre we oarry nothing but absolutely strictly frenh. 1'er do en 50c Duller The les gmdes are down. All I Apples best grades, per II. . . Jumble Pack Hose. weight. Orinies' (ioblen . . . . . . . Yellnw Newton . . resh Whippiois Cream Grocers, Ltd. Phones 45 and 574 50c full $1.65 $1.95 all the lime. B.C. Butchers and liullrvif 1.. fiilliiwi'i'K 1 he si 1 jiiuipuig ail In route lo lite ear-1 nival and cudcaor In ni-licr He! record of -l reel inadi- on the! Ilevelsloke Hill on r'chrtiury 1 l'.r;. lay .e .M'ioiih, the ri-cui'-nizeit ehaltlpioii ski juniper of lie' world. In order W eture h large and representative enln list 11- 110-isibli' lite ski eluli wll rorni-tli roll 1 1 a"-or!al ion audi living allowances on product iom! or iiroof that 'lilt eul mills are; boiiuNde and poise. ff icintil ability to make a salisfarloiy a.' tempt. In ioldilioi) to the ki conlf-ts, the Wittier liat'iinni which opens on January -is and rlosKs January an, wrjl be reu lured by Hie llrilisb (joluuilni Iiili-rinr Itniisiiinl viliili- i'wmv The pro;; mm arranged Tor The ,,,. whl)r , ur w ,. (, '''"""jdulm'tJ in 011 a competitive basic I Line-ups for the opening lour-j namciif of Hie second hair or lhe second division billiard league between the (irolto and I'rince llupert Milliard Parlor will be as rollows: Hert Morgan (OroHo vs. F. .iemaii . (Prince llupert Milliard, I'.ylor.j .1. Ilillmait vs. W. Slickuey. .1. Heeley vs. W. Mitchell. (i. Howe vs. M. Andrew. J. McLean vs. F. Ahlritlge. WEATHER REPORT 1 (loverniiKMit TiTcra'phs ) ' Prince Itupert Itaiuiiig, light southeast wind, it ubovu. Terrace Cloudy, calm, iltl above. Any ox Haiti, calm, 2 above. Slewarl- Italn, calm, uilhl, 35 above. ' HhzelNui Mailt, calm, mild, 35 ' above. Telegraph Creek Cloudy, calm, -0 above. Smlthers Cloudy, culm, '15 above. Hums Lake Snow, culm, II above. (lain and wet snow ul all northern cabins. Wlhitehorse, Y.T. Cloudy, Mitilh wind, U above. Dawson, Y.T. Fog, calm, zero Averitige Yukon Cloudy, calm, zero weather. The New Flats I "WeJI," asked Hrown. "havc.i you furnished your new flat yet?" J "No," answered 8111IH1, "not iliiite. Hy the way, can you (ell me where I could buy a fulihW ilooth-biusli?" 1 11 am 1 11 1 1 1 -- n -HiHiiHaHalaalaHLHBHLiaiiHaii, WALLACE'S Pre-Inventory SALE Is Now in Full Swing! We muiiol lit eerj fln-lc 111 the store, toil are iug to quote spei inl prn e- on ,uiv lines not ineiitionr.i d . SEE OUR WINDOWS! HOSIERY. Cliildicii's Cashmere Hose, Hlack or Hrown, imbcs i' .'I pair $1,00 .Monarch Hurler Top 'S'lk I lice, all wftitr, mir . . 95 Silk ami Wool Hose, pair ...... $1.00 Hoys' Wornlcd Hov. pairs for ...... $1,00 Hals all ul Half Price (iaiinllcl Clove, pint wool, pair 85c All Kid (ilo-.es . . 20 reduction i tloxeii Waisls, value lo 7.50. for $2.03 Anderson's Washwell (liitptliHiiis, tttt inch, reg. (.i , to. 45c ISpiiii Silks, all colors. ier yiird $1.00 IK inch China Silk 25c Colored mid Horde red Handkerchiefs, reg. -.V 1 for 50c l'luin Colored Handkerchiefs, ;i fur ... , 25c WOMEN'S KNIT UNDERWEAR Jtteger I'liiou Suitu, long sleeve, wikle letijilji. reg. ror per suit $4.75 Ladies' 1'iiion SiiiU. value lo tta.M), for $1.05 Missc" Hiiiuii Suits, 20 (o :, r suit 75c Children's Vels, long sleeves, each 60c (iliildren's Drawers. ht garment 35c CORSETS (iossard Seleclioii, value lo ao.&l) for $3.75 All oilier Corsets at 20; reduction Comforters-, values lo for .... $2.75 Crown llrand Golf Tarn, 7 ImIU lor $1.00 Monarch Down, a for $1.00 READY-TO-WEAR 10 Laities' CoK vJue from Ml In M57.511. nil 1,. cleared at 20 off These are the season's latest models. All Children's Coat ut ; 20 reduction DRESSES Silks. Crepes, Serges. pr.. in semi eveump' btui aft.-., .... gowns. Hearing al 20-, rducUon RAINCOATS onlv. MaiidlehurK CaU. rep. 1 0.30, f or $10.50 lo Ittihherixed Tweed, to IK. .Mi. ur $8.50 ." dozen House,. Dresses. K?.jr fir . . . $1.75 onlv. Ladies' SfTk Sweaters. lUnek of 'i'lrH. '.' Half price 0 mily. (iirls' Sweaters. Hnilicd WikiI. reg. aft.Mi. t. 53.50 tihildien's 'verall. reg. .n: tor $U5 l ou. Cord Velvet Driving liovvn-. reg. 7.r(o. . $4.75 Remember Thli is only a imall selection from a list of others! SEE OUR WINDOWS H. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. phone - 3rd Avenue and Fulton TU G BO ATS Day Phones 423 538 Gr. 238 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. OEO. Q. BU8HBY, Man. Dir. Night Phones 087 530 Or. 238 Black 735 January Clearance SALE Further Reductions REMNANTS We have riuished the inventory or our yard good department, ami discarded eer piece that is less lb i Ihree yards as u remnant, to he sold al hair price Itemuaiit include Silks, Voiles, Wash Hoods. Crepes, tlmghati Huiiuelcttc, While and drey Col Ion and Scrims STUDY THIS LIST It) Ladies' Satin Dresses, reg. l7.r.O lo ;tr..0ll. Sale $10.00 'uiIich Jerni-y Suits, reg. I7.r.o lo t)8S.,,u. Hale $9.75 I -Mti'x .liiinpers, jersey knit, reg. JT,. Hale . . $2.75 .Misses Skirts with hodices. reg. M.r.o. Hale $2.50 Children's Silk Sweaters, reg. U0. Sale.. $1.05 Hoys Woollen Suits, reg. r.ri0. Hale ... $3 05 Ladies' Cashmere Stockings, reg. t.:tr.. Sale G5c Mcmeiiiher our i.rrer or Men's Shoes. Kvitv pair ot .r slock or Liberty Shoe, must he sold irrespective or cok MM,m f"r "r WW liMl' - "FOOT-RITE"' Everything jn our Store is Reduced; Reductions run from 10 to 50. Jabour Bros., Ltd. Phone 645. Corner 3rd and 7th.