PAG 2 rOTTS T-rt-a BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManut TWICE f DUAM-XOU;OT 171 Uox fUUwe JOT wa.rlP1 ' NVHM--YOU 6a THAT VcxT - SOMEONE TO WTE Mfc IP YOU'LU DO SOME S I VALLAMe.RO.Vs rJJ BO- tLU THE HSME r C ' L.VOOR. NAME THic, bE-iT f WRiTl FOR Mfi r' U ? SDAIN, Un ' TWN PA'W: CilP ON TBYIM W . j WEEKLY , W have arriving FIIKSH KILLED IHiKF, VEAL and POI1K. We also carry a' full lino of Fresh. Smoked, anI Salted Fish. Sealu 80 oodsoo The Homo of Bulkley Valley Produce. Hrancli from Smithers. Sixth Street. Phone 455. GENTLEMEN! Will you accept a Suit Length Free and make us work for yon? If yon, brought the cloth lo mc lo make up, il would cost you $35.00. Xow here's an offer it you want a pood suit cheap! I will give a suit length free lo the first , 'five -customers ordering and charge only Ihe cost nr ' making up. which is $35.00. Do you want lo he one of ' Ihe five? Here's your chance! Ling, the Tailor 821 Second Avenue. Phone 649 Wood! Wood! Now is your chance Dry Cedar Full load $6.50 Half Load $3.50 Large sacks 50c HydeTransfer 133 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Office Hours 9 to 6. X-Ray Ssrvlcs Phone 686. Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday kvenings MILK From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM .We specially recommend our Table Cream at 15c for Half Pint. Quality and Service Valentin Dairy Phone 657 Fur Coats & Jacquettes An F.xquisile Slock of Fur Trimmings at low prices. B. C.PUR Co. Next G.W.V.A. Third Ave LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone Ct. Cirtage, Warehousing, and Distributing, Team or Motor 8ervlce. Hoal, Band and Gravel VW Specialize In Plino and Furniture Kovlnp,. i3 CHURCH SOCIAL ATESSINGTON Addresses' Given by Natives Prov. ed Very Interestinq and Instructive PORT KSSIXOTOX. Jan. 8. The young people of Ihe United Church Sunday School entertain ed their parerrt- and friends recently aha social at which Rev. W. IL Pierce presided, and a most "enjoyable entertainment was given, as well as addre.sses by natives. The singing bv the i ABOUT VANCOUVER BUT HUSTLE FOR BUSINESS That was Advice Given Members , or Rotary Club by Speaker i Yesterday Afternoon i Yesterday arternnon a pinch hit address was given by If. F. Pullen to the Rotary Club in which lie urged members to for- Jgei to knock Vancouver but instead of doing so lo keep busy ' upholding the cause of Prince ri.. Rupert. H was n natural I hint, he -said, for individuals to work for themselves in business, in professions or in snorts., so ii was up to each city tn- work for itself. There may easily be co operation when both ancotivet and Prince llupert were ready lir handle grain which was now going, east. Ily uniting llieir force-' Ihey wquld strengthen Iheir cause. Ihe speaker told of his recent efforts to mieivsl grain men in Prince Huperi and of Ihe desirability of every person being a missionary for his own town, lie said he found Vancouver people intensely interested in Ihe nor- .lUiern porl and ready tn co-oper Mmng ioik was excellent, one or , . -' ihe school boy, Willie Spald !f,P !? any possdde manner afc llnnr A it t .It. I n a 1 aMI.A ...ill. ing, presiding at the organ. Re freshments were served from -7 lo 8 o'clock and special dona-lion of fruit bread, by Ihe Piinee Rupert Itakery was much ap preciated. Native Speeches There were throe speeches by Hie natives. Chief Simon Wal lace soke of social life amongst the natives in the olden davs. II was then customary for all to go into t lie woods, each one taking his own food. Xo one was allow ed to partake of his own. No one was admitted into the circle unless he brought food along. Should one arrive empty handed, lie was compelled to return, feeling greatly discouraged and, as he left, a song was sung lo shame him. Comparing ihe present social with that of the old life, he considered that much im provement had been made. "In this social, instead of eatin? dried berries, sea-weed, elc, you have brought us good bread and cakes, tea, milk, and sugar." Church Work Mark Hollon said "My soeecn tonight will not be a funny one.. ii win ueal Willi Ctiurch work. Fifty-four years ago the Methodist church established this mission here at Port Essinglon. Several missionaries and teachers have been sent during that time. Some have died. Xow. Ihe name "Melhodisl" has gone. and we are called "The United Church or Canada," and this i the first' public nervice given ! this church since the name was changed. We are' not disappoint ed with the change. . This is a large gathering and Ihe fad of botji Whites and Indians being present, shows a friendly spirit. I urge all you young 'people lo do your utmost li belli vmlr-i selves and endeavor, to do every thing in your power to tielp the mured. Uenjamin Ilrown spoke on the value of education. He urged the, young people to work hard, apd obtain all the knowledge poss'i- ble. He, himself, had missed many good opportunities while young, and was now sorry. Their former day school teacher, Miss Xoble, who was presem, surprised her old pupils by giving them a fish-pom which Ihy all enjoyed. The last surprise of all which was quite unexpected, was a visit from Santa Claus. He pre sented each child with a gifi and box of candy. After the singing or "(iod Save Our King" all di--persed feeling thoroughly happy. NEVER MIND WORRYING ilong as did not conflict with their, own business interests. During his visit to Ihe south he visited and inspected one of Ihe Domini. m (iovernment ele vators now operated by the Har bor Commission and saw how the grain was loaded, dried, cleaned and sacked. Xone of Ihe. eleva tors were working to capacity and it was only by educating. Ihe people or The prairies in regard to the western route I hat the coasl ports would gel the business which was right rully ifteirs. WINTER TRAVELERS COMING THIS WAY Extra Sleeper was Brought' In on This Mornlng's Traln from the East Winter excursion ists.' the tra velers being mainly Linners from the prairies coining to Ihe Pacific Coasl on holiday bent, are commencing to come this wav. Ilusiness of this nature licine handled today necessitated an extra sleeper being placed on the passenger train that arrived from the Fast I hi morning. The mol of the excursionist . proceeded south on the steamer Prince llu pert. Ten Years Ago irt Prince Rupert S. M. Xewlon and M. P. Mn- Catfery are in the field for the 1920 mayoralty. Mr. MrCalTcrv announced himseir some weeks ago and Mr. Xcwton came out today. A disastrous fire wiped out everalsiiulbliiigs in-Jhe.- east en.1 or Prince George last night. Ii is reported that three lives were lost but no details as yet are available. The oily council went on re cord last'.niirlil as opposed lo a CATHOLIC CLUB AT SMITHERS HOLDS AN ENJOYABLE BRIDGE SMITHFRS. Jati. 8.- -Another very enjoyable evening was spent ai i ii o uaiuour uiuit rooms, on Tuesday night on the occasion of their nionthlv whist and hridze dnve. Those in attendance made up six tables of whist and sevm of bridee and alter more than three hours of delightful pl.nj the winners were: Whist: Mrs. J. Conner- and I. Senkpiel first and Mrs. F. Johnston and (ieo. Orchard second. Hridge: Mrs. o. II. Wall ami II. !. Windt first and Mrs. S. P. itennett and L. II. Warner se?omd. As" usual dainty refreshments were served following the cards. LESLIE WARDLE WAST VICTIMJ0FACCIDENT II was Leslie Wardle, a well known and popular younu em- Iployee or the Pacific Mills at Ocean rails, who lost his life in ihe plant last week. The circumstances )f Wardle' death were both Ira etc and borril.le. llle was drawn into a machine known as n heater which Is used for crushing waste material Into pulp and, by the time the machine wrfs slopped, his life had been' ushed out. The lower pari of his body was' mangled I a pulpr Wardle, who is 18 years of age, was an athlete. He took several, prizes at Hella Coolu sport last year. SPORT CHAT Krnie Xever. tanious Stanford t'niversity grid star, who recently made debut in pro?essiona spori, nas peen signed on Willi Ihe St. Louis Xallonal League liaschaM learn by (ieorge Slslei. Something to Ihe amount of foul figures it Is believed was Invol L ved in the deal which brought .Never to Iho Hrowns. The action of John J. Mcflraw manager of the .New York Oianls in signing on practically no new player for the I'JJO season is puzzling the eastern baseball world. .-This Is sornelhjng nAw ami i ue impression is general in New Virk that he has either conceded Ihe 1J2C to the Pills-burg Pirate, who beat him last year, or has a big deal in prospect. charter being given the Il.C.f Jnop Leit, Dutch heavyweight leiepiione t,o. try the Tederui pugilist, Is a singer a well as government. boxer. After punishing an op "TRY A NIP TONIGHT" BEST PROCURABLE &rrct Jjm eoTTUD 6uiftojBr MODUCI Of , C0tLAO M MUM Tb Origin! Label look for it-at Ihs Vendor' and Iniiit sn vrn 1 J DM 1 I'nutUKAUU. This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or hy the Government of Unlisb Colombia. l : : . .. ..... . ... . Wanted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word injadvance. No Advertitement taken for leu than 50c WNT MF.X WAXTKI) lo learn Auto tractor. Hallery ignition. Oxy acetylene welding anl vulc.inU- Ing. We also leach hrlcklav-. ing, plastering and tile-setting L vvrue or can, iipmpinii .mho Kngineering School. 10 Hail Ings Street Fast, Vancouver, . . IT I. r m n.u. ii MIHHS WAXTF.I) to learn Heauly Culture. Write or call for free catalogue. Moler lleauty Shop, 10 Hastings St. Kast, Vancouver, II.C. It WAXTF.I immediately, a irirl for light housework. Apply Mr.i. A. W. Lipsin. Phone iriue sroo. tr WAXTHH. Woman wants work by the'hour. Phone Itlue 3311. WAXTKI). Woman for hotel work, apply Central HoleJ. 5 WAXTFI.--Plain sewing. Phone .180. tf FOR SALE FOR SALK. Itrunswlek phono graph," upright style, in fumed oak, almost new. cost 1185. Price 1100. Pullen, bally 'ews Office. tf FOR SALK. 1023 Chevrolet Sedan in splendid condlHtm; guaranteed running order. terms. Phone Oreen 513. tf FOR BALK. Forty hir Kiwer stationary steam engine, HKirh new. Apply P.O. I lux 3 ID, Prince Rnpert, II.C. ti XO. 5 OI.IVHR Typewriter for sale. P. l.eClaire. Seal Cove. tf FOR SALF.. Household goods. Apply II. T. WilleH. Phone 117 TO RENT FOR RKXT. Modern four room ed flal with Monarch range, Clapp Illock. ' Weslenhaver Ilros. if FOR RKNT. Pianos, player pianos, phonographs and sew Ing machines. Walker's Music Store. tf FOUR Room Suite for' Rent. Hot water heal. Apply: Sniflh A Mallell. Ltd. ' If MODF.RX FLAT for Rent. Apply Max Heflbmner. BOARD HOARD The Inlander. 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137 FURNITURE AND RANGES FL'ILMTURI and Ranges boughl, sold and exchanged. Xew furniture and ranges exchanged for your old ones. Iiedroom, living room and dining room furniture always in slock. Always watch my window. It's changed daily. A. Mackenzie. Furnllure. FURNITURE. Xew and Secondhand Furniture Store. We Iluy. Sell and Kx change Xew and Secondhand floods. GEO. PAPADOPULOS 83i Third Ave. Phone fur ponent, Hilly Preslape, ro severely in Xnllingham, Kngland, last week that the latter was forced lo give up In the second round, Leip regaled the ringside patron wllh operatic air and so pleased were they that none of lliem Ihouchf to ask the management for their money hack because the bout had ended a a abruptly DRY WOOD. Split to any length in blocks, per load $6.00. . SALT 1 1 F.R It I Xri. A. ISAACSON, Seal Cove, phone Itlack tAI AUCTION SALE XlvXT AlCTluX SAI L will lake place on January . lumicl list later, lit-fiire selling fur nitnre. merclmndiin' or article of value, get my advice and valuation. Conn net free. I sell on commission or buy outright for cash. Satiatoetbin, guaranteed. Set I lemon i im-hhh I lately after ialM. Oru otophone record exrhanged. U K. Jlrine, Autioner. Phone 774. PO. Ikix 119. ! LOST LOST. Wrist watch hoiweon elholme Theatre and Seventh Avenue Went. Kinder please leave- at Daily .'ew office. 7 CARS FOR SALE. I 1022 Oldsmobile I, S rsn-ger louKng lOoo.ftft I 1020 Xah 5 passenger touring 54.on 1 1021 Overland Hdn 70.fHl I HMO Reo neven paeiner touring , 7fW.0 I 103S Ford Coupe, baRoon Uro car like now lOM Oft t 1022 Ford sejlo, .t 125.00 1 1022 l ord Coupe ...... 3ftO.0fi t 1021 Ford ofio kin truek. jwinel body I Ford light delivery ehani rebuilt l7.0t AH earn guaranteed in good mechanical condition,. Ran terms can be arrange.!. 'KAIEN GARAGE Ford and Chevrolet Servtae Sln-tion. Affent for MitLaivghlin. Oakland, Oldsmobile and Chevrolet cars. Reo. O.M.C. and J-Vderal Trucks. ' Wrkcklno sfrvici: day and xiniiT. TAXI Phone 67 Taxi (Call (ieorge. Paul or Oust) u- and seven-passenger SI tide baker al y-ur disposal any litii' for 50c 8ervlce ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block Across from F.mpren Hotel CAMERON TRANSFER Phone 177 Baggage, Furniture Movlna. If you want anything nl for. or delivered, phone us. r n mot ioo PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE. .aa4 PRINCE RUPERT TIDES tMOf44 Saturday, January 9 "lull 0:00' a.m. 10.3 ft. 22:0rt p.m. 10.5 " I-ow 2:38 a.m. H.H " 15:53 p.m. 71 " Sunday, January 10 IliKh 10:04 a.m. so.'.' V. :'3:05 p.m. I7 t I'OW 3 :t a rn. H O " 10:51 p.m. 5 8 " nnruiuri thi... ffflHfld, Coal - v;ood and Furniture Moy!nj Hnififaice .n : . LSI .,.,J... niniii:i.line , j as:, nes p:,, . TRAPPERS Tl XFKIi lo. iion Mi(. price punt .. '!) your fur-. I buy I hem. W. G0LDBL00SI, Srcoo.l . The Mom--1 ) MAIL SCHEDULE our-ooiao. Ff th Cmi ViMftir M(Mljr u train . WaaHmiajw Ira n rrntayi. MlnrakU aiuntaya in troua I'.f it.. Ju i. T Aim Arm, ( a rrfi a ...... Waalm 4j-a .... t ri, ran aimp - M TkarMtar i Ta AUaka ralwa ln ii f Ta CJ Citarlatta lla4 ft Ian. a, tf. IH-COaaihO. Frew tK Caat )'!) a. Wntnr.ta an' M Fraan Vaataaitr aiiwiir W Ma1at nmHmtt$ Fram ii. ll Arm, iaarl1 TVMwdaai maw rram Anjtai, Cert Slmaaaa) art m tar Palata . MM4r From Alaat ealnla Jaa 14. ?t. Fram Qaaa CMrlatta laland Pal-! sox coiircTtoftt AM I IratMOt Atltt A. I a : 11 . A tA St. . . ii th . rulfm St. , ta Hi Ave A TtaaatMna' a tl It A Shttimnt Vr- a fn II .r a amn at. ut lh a lljra Ciia if, Hi tiara Cm Cirrio i it a ratinn at t Mil Af. A .VrRim t. It Mi. 0l. U)r a tn fm. O..M. Wlnrf a r. fl.T.r. Wharf ,00 O.T P. Slalom fml Arr. A tnrt l . Irrt ,i. A rmi'in nt lir. A lh i STEAMSHIP MOYEMEN? rf Vaneaimr Tumdajr -M. r.rrfn rrily- . rrlnr! loiprrl ftiiuril m. CtuU . . . " . rnn liMirir Jt. II . ITImr. Mry JMi. t mmwM Wart From Vnceutr . siiodir .. Cantr-n VVMnrHMty . ITlrw IIiih f Thurwtay - w CatU . . HlUinlay m. ITMinw itn. tl ... rnnix Vai Jtn. f . 'rlllrr Marv 'A Pn.l llm...a . J U . -. ml.... 303 Third Avenua I Triri. .. , ohs agents for Columbia Recordlr,m rri l"pn nd kui a -! 1 I flflf SaliinUr lllrtaV' filil. ruila II we repair Phonograph, Ilicycles. Iluggle. iiacqueis and Musical Instrument of nit kind i. For Alaaa . trt In I if I i ?" Jan it a. rrinrr-. vim Jan. s I'm . .. Jap. I --. CrltK-. m Marv Jan. to . 1-rliH-ru For ttawart, Anyoi and Atic Arv sunuair ai. CahlPii . . Wi'ilwadav a PHn- nnt From Btawart, Anroi and Allc r'l nirwiajr i. cjirdtia . . rrlday - a Crlnr nusrt For Anyoi Thurlr,y- a. CtitU ... From Anroi SlilM.y . r.un . For Qvn Charlotta latand- Jlti , I'rih'c J.. l-ti Jill ". , ftlnr,. Jufili From Ouan Charlott Utanda- Jan. A t I'rlnrti intm Jin. i- . rnnr ita