ay January 8, 1926. K77ie standard I Purity fhrovtr : IbCycors QheGinyouwill asu tor again. London ,.aiotffo Tins advertiM-mi'iit is not published or .ii-piyd ! the Liquor Control Hoard or by the (.ovfirument of H-ilnh Columbia, LET US DEMONSTRATE Kroehler DAVENPORT Beds .In.Mt ml in Smiii-Ii Mi km I.- ,iMu i .ir in ginnl qiiiilify 1 1 T II Mi. Ill' oun pmcES are reasonable BARRIE'S Home Furnishing! 3rd Avenue SPECIAL OFFER Tli H.'X.ilt Sim, 3rd Avenue and 6th Street. TUGBOATS 423 539 Or. 238 Black 735 Phone 123 40c 2 Packets Envelopes with a 100 Sheet Kid Finish Writing Pad Ormes Limited I'hmm -it iruifi. Phones 82 and 200 !.. ! n. Sii!i.la ai.il l!..! .l i I : to .'. unci 7 In 9 ji ip. LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED to building uet door to PnzzeU llut hi-r Simp. ucrus from the Kmpre!. viie! We rarrj' a full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION James Zarelll Proprietor Day ' Phones The Savage Washer anil Dryer l Mil- l.l-l Ollflll'i Kllllttlll l'l'M-.(l- i (l it- -ii. u Itir i r- i n i - p.h-. Iiy ip.un winning I In' (inl.l M 1 ,i ! willi (lis lltl'll'MI IIMM illf itllllT lll.lkl'l- Hi AtlM't'l- ..ll .mil ( 1 1 v J i i W'.i-Imt. Cash Price SI 85.00 l-ii -ulil mi r.i- li r.ii-. Kaien Hardware Co. Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. Q. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. Night 'Phono 087 539 Gr. 238 Clack 735 Local and Personal H.C. Undertaken, phone 41. Large safo for eale, Mux lleilbroiier. cheap, tf II. I. MeM;itpr, after liuvinii vixitHiJ In Anyoi, relumed thin moriiiiifr iy Hit; steamer I'rinre llujierl to ikean Falls. Mr-. J. V. Xifhollft and ctiild-reii wi-r iMf.rengur sailing thi morning on I lie Prince Huporl fr Vancouver on a holiday trip. I. P. Hawk in$in of glewarl wan a iMinwiior jtoing IlirouKH on the Prince lliiH-rt Lliia morn- in bound lor Vancouver on a tuiuen trip. U. It. Stiver. Unilf.1 Stale- i-uttUitiis officer al Uyder, wa a paMHetigfr aboard the J'riitc Hu-1'i-rt I hi morning bouui for .New York Gily oti a holiday trip. Capl. (ieorye Nc of Iock- Mrl arrived in I ho city on tin' riinre j'lim ial mgiit. lie ix here on buin. and will i?lui;i io tin- Inlands tomorrow night Mr. Kdjrur Hyde of Hazel I on. who ha been vmIim to llie cilv (or a couple nf day an toe (curst r Mi. and Mx. William Millar Sum Avenue Kat, Mailed llu- iiioiiiinjf on i be prm re Iluperl fur Vancouver and HeallU). Hubert Scare, i tit well known Skillfull-, turn-hunt, arrived in the city on I he Prinre John last niviii ami am-a up morning a'maid the Priitrr llupert for i . . mmiiuvrr aim victoria on a biiiiuefi trip. i. nvirun, aiier apintiiny a couple of week at Waiun Itiver tii!iiiK with hi Uler, Mra. I-rank Van Valkenburv. arrived in Hie city on the Prince John laM nifb! and prtceeded outli on llw Prince Hiiiert I bin morn ma lo bo home in Vancouver. J. A. Malotiey. timber cniir f -r the T. A. Kelley Co.. relurned I.ojjan Inlet mi llii trip of liavinv s'ent the hnliaay eeaaon in Vancouver. Ir. Traynwr, com-1'.in pliVKiriau. aIo relurned 1"-an Inlet afior bolidayinjr in Hie iuJh. Hrv. Hoiiert C. Scot I, who i in c halve of lh- I'tnled r.liurrb mi--urn boat ThoutaK Cronb.. iih baiMuarler at Juetn :iiari!i.- n'turmil io I hi; point from Vancouver on I hi week Irip of the steamer Prince John accompanied by ni wife and family who will occupy a new home that ban Ju: Icen coniplfied lb-e by lr. tv-olt. After a rather roach trip ui ic col, CNJt. leamc" Prince John. Ca4. Neil McLean, arrived from Vancouver via the (Ju.-n Charlotte Inland at 1.I5 lal Mnnht and will return .'idh b the ame reuje lcnin h.n. at 8 o clock Saturday evening. I.eav-iii? Maelt Inlet at iukci elrr- iij. i ue cci experienced a - i Lt- uthfMiier 1'nmiii; ai TH.. Ili'1'.i'i' strut. iii!n Prince Hill !:. Sh- lirmiah! a luhl pa-fiijiT I..- .t'i'l fi.ik'til i-.irjjii. ANNOUNCEMENTS M ! in-.; - - mi. I ;i'H'U:il !.. V ..I .. ' '- ! .I.iv. Fc- : i..i I .' i 'Automatic rrw lime V e an- no v jirepaml to upply time within ten se- The Jeweller dBBamsa a arw m m bi i i -r rna umui nam ll I mm f I h.:ij . nnn't iiniinn -uuurcii iiasef II T WUH a, I Your Head Off Dcn't Cough Ali Night Long Mr. That. ailtrt, Wdlwid, Oot, writes: ''Borne tim ago I took a very nevere fold, and it eettlod on my lon(f. I tooglieil day and right, and bad auch vere Tin. I my theat I tould bardly bear tbcm, but tLaituf I cnt sad got a bottle of Dr. Wood's I Norway Pine feslSSS, Syrup ieS? After I had taken a eorple of doMi foand that my vrojh waa relieved and the pain were all gone, a ad by tbe time I bad finiibed tak la" be whole bottle I waa completely rid of my trouble. Now. I will never be without a bottle it 'Dr. Wood 'a' io my home." Put op only by tbe T. Milbnra Co, Limited. Toronto, Oat. Valhalla iiicelin ioni?bt. Currie's Taxi and Mesaenger. Phone 5GG night or day. tf Two ears at your service Sbeddon Taxi. Phone 134. tl M Henry Smith will he a camlM date for t,h cbool board at the municipal election next Thurs day. Every sheet otj munic in our window 1'riday and Saturday, IBc per copy. MeLaren Muic Store. 6 William Uray wa taken eouth fun the Prinee It open I hi., morn ing to K4MidaJe Men'al ilupital by Jtljr Police Servant Hufth Mnftliivcby. Mr. and Mm. A. Clarabon, ac-compaBied by Mr. Martin, tailed Ibis reOroiajr on Uic Priue Iluperl fr Vancouver where Mr. Claraboii will receive medical treatment. Dancing. Hay illock. Al; children' eta commence tomorrow. Saturday, iNnrtMber . Private .on and adult rla by aiipoinlmeiti. Phone Sit. Mr. H. O. tewe. Kllie i i lads tone, Indian, vva fine.t :5 and coats in the city litdice curl this ritOming for having liiuir in tier possession. Charles H. Hiiiilieva. cbarst-ii with supplying her, wa- acquitted. It was announccil by Thomas MeClymoiit, pri-oii. at, at Ibe lan Club y-t.' rdav. that Hon. T. D. Pfttullo would be present and nddre the club nrxi week. He will ileal with tbe work of the pas: session of the Legis lature. A. I. Johnstone, who is en- gaaed in loK.-ing at Massell Inlet for the Ilurkley inlare.sta. ar- rivel from the Islands on the Prince John las! night and sailed this morning on the prince Ru pert fur Vancouver. He look ix lmr.es south with him. I ,'iijon .(earner Calala, Capl. A. loliuslnne, arrixeti from the south at 2 o'clock 1hi morning 'ami sailed shortly thereafter for Anyox and the Naas Hher. The vessel is to sail from brre on her return voyage stmtb al 10 o'clock tomorrow ntorains. Ueorge Sack man. ebarjn'd in the city joliro eourl thir. morning wilh having a revolwr in hi- po..es.ion. va reniawte until this afternoon. Ho wtp arrested miJIie street by Constables Mac- douald and Put le: Ion -and is al leged lo hae had on bis jMron( a loaded rt;volver together with ten extra shell. Mrs. K. II. I'.dney, who ha heeii visiting- al low II 1 11 lyUb her parent. Mr. and Mrs. V. k!ir n ached Ihe city on tbe Prince John last night and ailed for her home in Port Angetes, Washington. She was aBcoiiinaiiied to Prince Hupert by her .sister. olios per mnntli to any or- Mm No rah Ward. wlfO will re-fioe or building in Prinee eive medical treatment here for ',ul,,rl- Injurie sustained last year, tiur MuUr Clock which .,. , , , el our oleck on the street ' " " "HU' uf. j "tar.. 'win' i, is capable of running ev-l eral hundrwi dial- all at exactly the mne t.itnc, set eorreelly every half minute. If inleresleil. let us know. John Bulger where Ihey will !n lodged uiilil their trial lakes place at the Supreme' Couri Assie lift, jThey are travelling hi the lock , up aboard the boat with t lnof f.oll. falde anil Mr. McN'etiJ -n charge ul llieiu. 1 sea smooth. BIRTH. in Arf Needlework starting tomorrow, January i. Mrs. J. Field, 213 Second Avenue. Phone 23. W eek Knd specials. Shoulde.-roal veal, I5e. lb, veal chop, 25c lb., ley Iamb 35c. lb.. No. I boiling chickens 33c lb., turkey. 3!)c lb., pickled pork 35c lb. Table hupply. Mr, f.liarle Itfggart nailed ibi morning on the Prince Hu- pei I for Vancouver cnroule to Sin- t on, Vabiugon, where ln will cjiend everal months visiting with her mother. eorge liover of Terrace i t visHor in the city today. lie arrived from the interior on tln morning's train ami i re?ilercu' at the Prince Hupert Hotel. Mr. Dover, who came with him, ha been admitted to the local K. V. JjhilTeJd, who ha been working on 4hc elevator con-itrtietion here, a'iled tin morn ing on Ibe 1'rince Hupert for Vancouver euroute to Port A,i tliur. It. nratjam, who ha also lHi working on the elevator, accompanied htm. Mr. and Mr. J. I(oruk aui children of Wooleoc1if who pent ibe. new year with Mr. ami Mr.. M. llockin have returned liome Mr. ltoruk went hack Sunlay ami Mr. Itursuk and family remained a few day longer guel o Mr. W. Moxley, tvtumiug Tuesday morning. A on wa born al the Princ Htiert General Hospital on January 8 to Mr. and, Mr. Alex. Mcdonald, Section Two. WIRELESS REPORT Friday, S a.m. DKiltY. Oti.Hily. rresh wind: liar. 30.35: temp. 5? sea moderate; a p.ni.vsteanier Anynx bound to Vancouver 5i0 mile-Troat ' Vancouver; I.Oj AlameiU Kefrhikan for Seattle, left Kel- cbikan 8 pjn. liKAD TIIKK. Olwody. calm: bar. temp. 13; temp. 13: , HULL HAHIMIH. Part cloudy: fresh Jill-wind; lt. 3).i0; tcmi 10; ea moderate: 8 p.m. spoke Admiral Itogers. eKtrhikan ft Seattle. iWO miles from Seattle; H p.m. -poke Prince Heal rice off Pine Island northbound Noon IHiiHY. Cloudy; slron;? N.K. wind; bar. 3-0.3 i ; temp. 53; sea rough. IKAI TH I :iL Cloudy, calm: liar. 3(1 15: temp. 10: sea smooth. IILT.L HAHItOH. Cloudy, fresh S.K. wind; bar. 30.3; temp. 43, sea smooth. LAND ACT. Nolle of Intention to Apply to Purchtit una. Id Land flfordin' DIMrlrt or Trlmr' linficrl. and ulluaie ihi iih s.iutb Sluirr jt CjMim Mr, fill IsUnO. ITuvlnr of .-nHh Cotombli TVK VOTIft tint William Josrph JefrerHW T ITHh Rnprrt. BX.. nrrupa-tli Cannery-nun. inlriidi lu apply rnr rnafi"a to priia-r (he fvllitw inv He srratird land: j Cnnmienrtnir at a p-ml planttsl m ttw whiUi flwrr war tits brad or captain Cj,xr, Pill I .land, IlinfT 4. Ciiatt DUlrirt. rrwce T linnh Cnlumbla; tlmirr! KHUN tmlr roalnn; thnif st twruJjrl rtiahx; thmre nor lb Isrnlt rhaln. inore r to Wh aler aiark: tunx-e eat-' rty atxtir hlrh air mark t point of, ronnwrnofiHvni. ami rontaminr forlr. vrvsia iPBf or its. WILLIAM JOSEPH JEltTRSHX, Pr W. J. Thomas Oatxt Psrsmlis- Hth 1tt LAND ACT. AppllranL Aarnt. Notlca of Intention to Appl, to Laaa Land. In ertnre Rupert jnd Rrrr(tmv Dl I Irk-t of I'rliKT nuprrl, and flluat all SltaiHwa Bar, Ouren Charlotte IMandsj TAkE NOTICE that Oote-M!llerd,i I.Mnlletl, of VatKuuter. D.C.. IntriKl tol spply for a h-ae of the following- described 'nt- i unenclng at a pol planted about ti rhaln. more or less, west from north-1 eatt corner of Lot iMtt (T.I.. SS&P): tlteare north jjs feet: thenre mmthl Atdeir. west 900 feet, more or less ! tlielKT auUth illll feet to lh hlrti n-.l..l niark. In a north -easterly dlrei tKin too-: fee, more or less, io the point of com , meneement. and containing alt i acres. i . more or less. 1 1 GOssr.Mtl I run nuirrn . I Applicant.' k, . - s TrS XVm n- '-'"he". Areot ! WATER ACT. .NOTICE tS IIEHEHV C1VEN that Ills ii-wair, inr i.iruieoani-oveiuor or Hrlt-1 Wi Columbia, by and with the advice or, his Eierutive nuni-ll. has breu plrasrsl lo unter: j THAT pursuant to the nnivisioii of' Section lH-lug Chapler IT! or the! It V,..t Kl.liil.. ... ,n..l .1... . . .1 i ......... .-..,. i ii. reserve uri he unrrri.rir(i wan r or iiomia Hlver. liralMiii' I SleWMCl wmneri nit ,wo wo u-l,,, otewari women' WHO were island. In the Prini-e innn'rl wi.t ih , eouuniileil for trial in cornier-1 !.r,,'., .fV,l,",,w, purmaut to order-tn-: lion wilh (he killiu,lf Raines ' .y s,ririi.iMM. tii.,8. u. ram"tiei lionald on January.. were' x ahoaiHl the Prince liupert tins' morning enruiitc in okullu nrisn-i! Hrt.l tttls itiiui day itf iM-totier. IS.I 553331 hhih v a. 1 T. D. 1'ATTULLO. Mlnlaler, of Lauds. I I.nl.T.W-0H. CATARRH el the IBLADDER Each Canaule ixara name I Electrically Tlccdcd MOB rwr cjhereis a difference in Records RECORDS 2979 2971 2983 2987 2985 50069 are better "Headin' for Home"-f"7t" ISIIAM JONES a AND .cs "1 Mr Tr,s-" 1 ISever Knew regent club orchestras. "You Told Me to Go" "cSZ"111 Violin-and "Hold Me in Your Arras" charles kaley. "1 Do! Do YOU?" Fox Trota by PAUL "Dreaming of Tomorrow" chestrNZ IUS 0R 'Sleep Time Garr,0iia solo by "Sometime" Frederick fradkin. "Let's Wander Away" "Someone's Stolen Me Sweet. Sweet Baby" Fox Trota by BENNIE KRUEGER'S ORCHESTRA. "Gair de Lune" (Moonlight) "RefletS Dan L'eau" (Reflectiona in the Yater) Pianoforte Soloa by LEOPOLD GODOWSKY. And every aclection you may ask for is on Brunswick Records J. Lome MacLaren, Ltd DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. Steamship and Train Service 8.8. PRINCE RUPERT will k-avr PRINCE RUPERT Tor VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE and intenurdtale sunt rai-h FRIDAY at 8 a.m. S.S. PRINCE RUPERT fur STEWART ami ANYOX, WEDNESDAY. 10'pjn. 1 M 8.8. PRINCE JOHN rortnighU) rur VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY anil SATURDAY at 8 p.m. tor PRINCE OEORQE, EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, all points Eastern i alu Ja. Lolled Slate. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Cltr Tlckat Offka, 828 Third Aia, Prlnca Rupsrt. llCANADIArJf PACIFIC Naaii.T Phona 260 Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert Fat KLTCUUN. WMNCOL Jl'NUU. MACWAT Dtceoaer 2S. Jaaaur 11 far MCOCYEJt. VICTORIA i-i SUTTU 18. J.nurt 1. It' 29 1$. ntlNCESS EEATRId f Foe BuladaU, S anaon Bay, Eaat Btlla Balla, Ocaan Falls, Namu, Atart. Bag,' Campball Rlnae, and Vanceutae aary Satvrdag 11 am. i Ajansy foe all Staamahlp Llnaa. Full Information from' W. C. ORCHARD Qanaral Agant. Coraae of 4th Slraat and 3rd Aanua, Prlnca Rupart, B.O. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Salllnga truiu Prinre Hupert. or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanaan Baf. and Alart Bay, Tuaaday, 8 I'M. for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alart Bar. and Swanaon Bat. Saturday. 10 a' For ANYOX. PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rlar Cannarlaa, Thuraday pjn. fif r0"! , ,,P0N. ANYOX. ALICE ARM, STEWART, Sunday. S p.m. Kl 2nd Ataaca. 4. Barnstay, AanL Prlnca Rypart. SO. ev