"AQR BIX Buy Now! PRICES REDUCED On all Qroccrlos and Provisions Pineapple . 2'i'K, sliccdT.reR. 50c, now 4Co 2 , sliced, rcg. SOc, now 3 for $1.00 2's, crushed, rcg. 30c, now for $1.00 Special litis, 2's, sliced, reg. 25c, now 0 for .. .. $1.00 Peaches 2W', sliced, reg. 45c, now 2 for . . 75c 2's, sliced, reg. 40c, now 4 for $1.00 tails, sliced, rcg. 25c, now 0 for $1.00 Apricots rcg. 45c, now 2 for 75c 2's, teg. 40c, now 4 for $1.00 talls, nig. 25c, now 5 for $1.00 Tomatoes Malkin's Uesl or any other brand 6 lins for 85c 2', 0 tins for , ... 75c Corn (5 lins -for 85c All Jam are reduced, some kinds as low as 65c for a 4 lb. tin. Come, in and look over our slock. We can fill your order comrdclc and guarantee satisfaction. Cook Uncle Free with Illtie Ribbon Haking Powder. Just Arrived! EGGS, BUTTER & CHEESE It.i:. fresh firsts, per doz. 45c 3 doz. for $1.25 HiC. Kxlras, per doz. . . 55c 3 duz. for $1.50 Kraft Cheese, Huttercup. per lb 45c 5 lb. box $2.10 Ontario Cheese, per lb. 35c 3 lbs. for 95o SHIton Cheese, reg. 40c per lb 35c Taken whole, per lb. 30c Swiff Premium Macon, side 45c Hulk Jluller, 3 lbs. for $1.45 14 lb. Jlox Duller . . . $6.50 Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 84 PROVINCIAL I POLICEMAN IS NO MORE Death Occurred at Hazelton Hos pital This Morning of Constable Eggleshaw of Terrace Having suffered for several years from I lie effects of having been passed while on service in the (ireat Wttr, J. l. fpglcsliaw. until recently provincial police constable at Terrace, aspired id the Hazelton Hospital tins morn ing. He had been critically t) for several days and the end wns not altogether unexpected. Ue , bad been removed from Terrace to the Hazelton Hospital on Wed-! nesday last. The lale Constable fnpisleshaw ( ; was a native of Ireland and was: about fifty years of age. He served with the provincial police for about fifteen years both before and after the war. About three years ago ho was transferred to Terrace from the Kam- LAND ACT. Notlca of Inttntlon to Land Apply to Ltaat In the Prlnre nutwrt land Ilrriirrllin ' Wstrlrt and kltuate on V7hltran1 Iftlmiri m-ar fiundat lUnd. niue Print n.M. u. in Mni. ff n kf t..t TAkE 'pTICE thit Joseph stinstm ... .,, i,n ... -.in-. imirprs or rrinre import. B.C., Swmary. kin's Ilest Haking p Powder. Jn"" ip'.v rr irasr or the rot- .lowing ilrsrrllHil land- - I Cnmnipnrlni at a tHifct in iti Jinrr ..n R Kllfekovo a J j the Eist Mde of hlif sand Island; tbcnf! a-7, uuivilio aiiu I iw nonnwm; incline s.nno rwt Grocers, Ltd. Phones 45 and 574 STOP That Cough 'Take a. bottle of EDINBURGH HOSPITAL Cough Syrup 60c RuperlPiiarmacy Third Avenuo and Fifth St. Prescript ions our specially. Phone 94 We deliver Don't Buy Your Crockery and China Ware Until you have compared our prices Wo Save You Money Gordon's Grocery Seventh Avenue East Phone 447 eaM: ment-c 3.0UII rwt south: thence, j, nun leei vni 10 me Dunn ur mm mrnccnient. JOSEPH STI.NSOV ROGEfiS. ton I 4th o LAND ACT Notlct of Inttetlon to Apolf to Least Land In Prlnre Unpen l.aun liecurdlnr Mstrlri ur r.oaH II an ire S, and situate xi South Ilarharl Island. j take mitice that Airred Sw.nsun, of prlnre Rupert, ucrupatkin Mariner.. Intends to apply for a lease or the follow- I Inr described lands: , r.oiimienrlna; it i post planted on the 'otilh point of Soutn Iterliae! Is'aiMl. Ilhtn around hlaii water mark to tin P'lnt of rutntiienreinent and rontalnlna , CO acres, more or less. ALFRED SWANS' IIV. Appllrani A. E. Wright. Agent. Hated October tth. If IN PROBATE. j In lha SoDrtino Court of Brltlih Columbia In the Matter of the Administration Art: 1 and In the Matter uf the Estate of Hannah Frost, In-ceased, Inlestale. TAKE MiTICE that ! order or III Honour r. MrB. YMtn-t, the T9lh dav or lieremlier. A.l. I;, was appointed Administrator r the estate or Hamuli Frost, deceased, and all parties liavin ciainn arainsi me id estate are hereby i-yiiiiT-ti it, luniiMi mime, rfieriy Teri-fled, to me on or before the th rtav of February. A.r. IHSfi. and all partle,. Indebted to the estate are required I" pay the amount of their Indebtedness t,i me forthwith. NOIIMAX A. WATT, orririal Administrator, prince Hiiert. B.':. luted the nth day of January, A.f. t. LAND ACT. Notlct of InUntion to Apply to Ltatt una. In the Prinre lluperl Utnil necord'ntl Iilstrlit and nliiiate on an unnamed MM In the Eastern entraiire to lliidm Bay I'aoate near Dundat Inland. Blue Print fl.M. 14 TAKE NOTICE that Oeorire Oortlnn Bnirti-liy or Prlnre liuiiert, B.C.. Manufacturer, Intends to apply for a lease of the fol-lowlnt; described land:-- CoinnienrlnR' at a ixifl altuate nn a partly aulmierired re-r or rfirliii radlatlnr iroin ame in prartirailv circle, bavin a radlua or atKiut 1.:oo reel and containing J00 arrea, more or lens. GEOHOE fjOllDO.N BUSIIBY. nated neeenilier th. Kit. JANUARY CLEARANCE Ladies' and Children's Coats and Dresses GREATLY REDUCED See ouj imiIhws H.S Wallace Co. Ltd Phone 9 3rd & Fnilton CLEARANCE SALE Hats & Coats At Cost "Demers" W v. aim to please Phone 27 P.O. Box 327 i i mm m aLH ETfiTfvTmn aH fSf, afc SW Tr " a 'ALD. LARSEN RE-ENDORSED r Trades & Labor Council Names Only One Candidate for I Civic Election Next iiirnrtfMtiiin bullied it the Ixirtuient of I oil apra'eHl Week Aid. Oscar Laisen. whose term now expires, was endorsed last infill? Jiy tin Trades iv. Labor 'Count.' i I 'in- re-election to the city council No oilier delegates tt tun Council would offer them- ..elves for llie city council, polico ranitiiissioii or school board. A resolution was passed plac ing l tie Trades it Labor (luiineii on record as desiring a clean-up of lilind-pitfiers" and inunorai irondilioMs generally in the city. . A uuatiJiiious vote of apprecia :tion was tendered Mayor Newton for the support he has given the icatise of lalKir in -the past. Apart from this, the council did not (oops district Just before Jus Express itself with respect to Un ib aili tie tiad been notified of Ins transfer lo Duncan, Vancouver Island. He was an effective and conscientious officer and at the ion hconung mayoralty contest. Aid. Casey, Aid. Larsen and Aid. McKecbnie were present and addressed the meeting. AM ;i me time was popufar among llrown was unavoidably prevent those with w hom he cairn; in cd from being in at tendance, contact. Last year he was pre- There was a l.n g atlemlanee sitlent of the (ireat War Voter- land municipal affairs and cii'- ails' Association at Terrace. A government were isrusted at widow, who was present when some length. I'l 'sidenl S. D. death came, -survives. Funeral Macdonald occupied lite chair. arrangements have not yet been announced. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert 3lr. and Mr. F. (iilhuly. Prince Hnperl: C A. Pyne and II. l'or-lr. Princ Oeorge; Uoss II. Mr- Killigan, Houston; N. A Vancouver. Central I. E. F.vaus. knirtetuty; I.. (!arfi and S. Grais, C.N'.ll. J. W. Wenlr sailed this on the Princ lluperl for AIRPLANES CRASH RESULT OF POORLY CONSTRUCTED EXHAUST Kllitl, j pxliau!t stack they liaxe found the firebug largely ii'siiiuisili1. for the iend'eney of cra!ied planes to burl into names and which lias cost many lives. Tli Jimicli repealed "flaming cofllns" desigtialion of certain old types of army planes by Colonel Wil- Spalll? enroute to l.cwislon, ni.u 1'iaitn. WASHIN'CiTOX. Jan. 8. Army air 'Vtn'rt liolien- lliul in the Itendeney. arosH from this department of public WORKS. An air servrce report said-that Notlct toT Contraetora. thirty crash tests were conducted Ulolxiriral Hul klin?, prlnre llupert. nn on l,"Ct- (itiittxtc ;iirnlnn airplanes. It II was was iHh- u SKAlHli TEMitltS, eiidorsed "Trnder for nioioa-irai Uuiidinr. rnnre ituiirrt." covered that the exhaust stack will be rereUBd by the llotnurable the I ., . .i-,, ,,r Minister of imbhe Work iu to i . was a tr seOOtls MIITe of fire. n'rltM-k noon ur Tiiewlay the flflh day of it n, l,,d' if " " ,vm, " iHtssMile ItiMr lu tu jU) w January. !. for the ereellon of ,"n . num-ineai nuiim ai i-nner nnperi in inelfipil nil exilHIIM siacK IIIBI it Prlnc fluiwrt Elertoral lilolrlrt. I ... , . . . i'Imm siMH-triratiiui. fj.iiifni .iui pniu'w-ould be ctKtl eiidiigli to orevfiHt -. in irnoer may im wrn in ana nw ine.ii, stfll-lui! Helf.i-n I l"n nn 01 nf van inc ur ur 17th 17th dav dav or or rrm,tmr. twenrfmr. tut lint, I. ami attd fnrlliei rnrtliei ,l"c gasoinn Into the slack, the at the roUowlnit orflres of the ftivernnieiit, number 'f flies would be VT .Mrents at Vam-ouvrr and 1'rtme Itupe'et. I.. ,rdH V r... riuurru. I ,.,., CIle of plans. KfM-ririranoiw. ' lie obuined front the iMartineiit mi mv-I "Prelimttia'Tv ile.Higiis of stan-ment of a deposit of Wn ditwrs wMi ' . . will be refunded on-reltirn of ti ulamt. I da Til lenglll. Waler ruulnl e en ., in Kotirt rondltlon, TIm' loweni or any tender tint necen-arll arce.trd. P. I'llIMP, ttuty Minlater and Publlr Work F.nirteer. DejiartrtM-nl of Public Work, ratilanient Rulldlnits, vietnria. B.C. LAND ACT Notlct of Intention to Apply to Ltatt Land In the Oneen Charlotte Itlanda Matrlrt. I and PocJirdlnr liinrtet of prtnee llotert.l and situate on the Forexhore or YeslalP'n; ttmv Waaelt InU't 1 inieiui to apply for 1 icane of the r uiir nefrnned laima ( otiiiiienrlnr at a ti MttKett. B.C. ntt4 ntelie- tl 11. u. rnosT. 0t LAND ACT. Notlct of Inttntlon to Apolt to Ltatt Lan In Prince llupert Land lieeordmr innrtrt or Coatt lit nire t, and fltunle on North fiarbael Itland. TiKE NOTICK that Airred F wanton, of Pnnee Huperl, netrapatlnn Mariner In tenl- to apply for a leant, of tin follow-We desertPed land: Oittirnenelnir at a pot planted on the Miuth point of North ruehael laland; then around hlrb water mark to the point or riiininenreniont, and containing 10 arret, more or lett. At.FIiED SWANSON. ApiillcanL A. E. Wrlrhl. A tent. Dated Oriober fftth. ! LAND ACT. IIOHEIIT C 008SE, Apnlleaiit, , Per w,n' Mlteuoil, Arn r Dau-l Ottoher na. It it haust manifolds and sIkmI u-ciMileil manifolds tiavi- sliown tfiat it is entirely possible to prevent fire trnm tins source." said the report. COLORED MAN MAY BE DEPORTED IF FOUND DESIRABLE TAKE NOTICE that Etttrne II. Ktnps"n.l - r Massett. ominatKan eamiery mauarer,; . .... .... intends t anplv for a lea ie of the fonow-1 AANCOLVKH. Dec. 8. Wtietb-' I '" o2!I?wn'rl"ani1a pm pinted on the! Hen Esau, "one-armed negro and liisjh water mark about oil rhaiiiH ! wetiUHiL, rl.urrtnr in Vaneou-1 h"rw ciiardcter in ail(U rni the northeast enrner or IM ISSO;pH" iheii.-e tHirth Hon feet to low water lnaik:lpr's underworld, is liable for ihenre norlhweii rly Se Teet nre or , ... J.. . ' . . . . . . . i ie .-. tlience e-t m reel to the north leporlallon Ulll 1)P oeculll b.V a est cirt-ner or F.. II. Stnipton't tppllea- i,,..,..ti nr ...mnirv fittlriwtnc Ins t,"dl" 01 "piliy UMIowin. nisi , ion to lease; llietire wMitheajterly fol- I Inwlnar the hirti water mark to the potB arreet by IlelWtive KHice Upon r enttimenrenifiit, and containlnn two! . , , . ' . , a . . ... inforiiialion furnished I). .1. acre, more or lea. by eiioee It. Simpson. iyn),a of the iminigralion de- r... v JLer:re1'..,9h- A"nt- parlment today. 1 Iau, who profeses to have Lk1?.. "T" ,been born in the Itarbadoes it Notic of inttntien to Appy to Ltatt Land j,v t lie immigration officials 1 In the Land lierordina lilttrirt nf pntinii . . , . (riii..rl. and situate on the anuth ahore r:who claim ( If at Ills liil'l ll-plaCC i wn.'ViiaioK luM' J"rra Ch"'iwas Singapore, which makes Jiitn TAKE N'iTICE that I. Harry noblnton ln.t. .,r Maawtt, H.r.., ocrupatlon nti riirer. liable to Uf ilcportcil. lCsati a sliort lime Zi" .ituated at the eliarge.l with having ago was slabbed miithweM rorner of it 1648 (T.L.1 p(.(. Grudellii during a fighl over r,f.p. ; thi'iH-e eatt IB ehalna; thene. . iMirth in .uaiiM. more or lett, to liirn a half-breed woman in a house water mark; theiieu tonthweat If r.halna.' 00111 lvi-niii "'MUl, J... V HU1 Iml in lie wan was mre or le. r.illnwIHl the hlrh waler -""I mark to imint of eoionienceincnt. and discharged by Judge f.ayley. rtfinaiiiioH a ai:ren, iietre ur i-n. HALIFAX ELEVATOR PROVED USEFUL TO DISCHARGE A CARGO HAflf AX. Jan. 8. - The new Halifax gram elevator was op-crated for the first time, when iO.OOO bushels of (train were shot through the steamer Kllerdule. II was s tat oil I Iml the elevator met the test satisfactorily. The Kllerdule loaded originally In .Monreal. but while en route to Notlco of Inttntlon to AddI to Laata Land. England Went ashore in the in Oueen charlotte Kmnlrt land lie- Strait u" of Hello ' IHJ v Isle ' and rord.nir filttrlri or, Prime llupert, and' , , . annate al flliannon Bay. ; lU'OUgllt here on Nov. 2 for AdvertisBlri tbe Dally News was rn. vanern. Hr I.C discharged her MEft 'i7nd;.'"""e " Um f"'-1 '',' ' 175.000 bushels into ,C CoHitnenetiiir at a po't planted on an Halifax elevator, which was Just, mummed lalnnl IjH.ir H.ftO der. W. (14 ritiirl halnt, more or lean 1 from aoulhweiit ror- "'"I"1 1 1 ner or i,ot it4, o.c.,1 iianKe ti thenrn l ie lil en u e was re uiu eil; fnllowinir tiieaiuliMiiif of ahori) line of said ,,, , , , , , ,, . Inland to point of commeiirtiment, an .Without a hitch and the vcatell nintaililnir tA ar.rrt, more or leaa. , rnnf itnii..! I. en vnV.ea I SON OF REV. J. H. YOUNG IS SERIOUSLY ILL TEHIlAf.i:, Jan. . Word has been received here Unit Wilfrid, second son nf Itev. and Mrs. J. II. Voting, is ft-rtoii-ly ill 111 the hos- pilal at Hazelton. Sidney Haxetl-Jone sailed Hit.' morning on lite Prince lluperl1 for Sun fraiiriofo where he wiil remain .liavnijt takPtt a posilmn with a iarue ui'i'iuintiug ciincerii. GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT NOTICt OF APPLICATION FOR tea LICENCE. VtTI" K l in.HI HV il that iitl lltr ihJ da) of lebruar) net! lie- uodei -iKle il intend lo appl) i" the l.igH 1 i.mn.l Hoard for a llreitre In rei-' I In tire iai bema wrt r the lii ilituir km mn a- famine rruj HMel. oituale at llie "iki of Firm Aenu. and Kittilli -lieet. 1 ,t uf Pnne Huerl. uin the Undu 11. rllwil at l.utt II and It. Bliirk . wii.mi 1 Map l-riui-e Huperl ijtuA HrailiatMi IHetr t, in llie rrmlmr of Rrlitob ..Iiimi bla. for the ale of Iwer b) the la-h) the mm Inline ror roMoiHUu on the tireintwet. Oaled thin Fifth na) of Jannar,. lvf. liAlti MltrVV atri.t.iiii II a Hit V J. VVIKJD apttf-Kt LANC ACT Notlct of Inttntlon to Apply to Ltttt Lant in Otweai harlot te luiano tJ"d lie enrrttnr fMMrlrl ur I'rtiKe ltuert. a lei altuate to and tie hair mile et of AUfoed flat, sktdetat. Intel. TAkE yMlCF. thai B.C. rithtnr A Park Itir Coiuoaur, IJflillrd, of Vaneirtner. n . oeedfiatton SattwHi Cannrrt, Intend to apply for Mate of the fMfcratnr de untied landt: r'ltfiiinenHnr at a nott planted at tlwi et en nf sniatt Bay one hundred id eaut nvuiti "f uunatneil ttreani; ih n- wwth fl rnHi: then ett aliieen -halt: thetw-e north to thore Unr Ihenre futhnklna' h"n line to point ur mm menenieiii. and -ntainlnr "rn ant three-quarter a'-r,-. m .re .,r .-a H i; FlHin'i k pa:kimi :o ITO Allpli' nil er M V rnclith. rate i,-m)r --it. iat:. 11 r 11 Walk Downstairs and SAVE MONEY Sunkisl NavH ilranges 15 for 25o Caliioiina fetii'iH- .. 13 for 25o Canned Goods Sale Cdd Cent Specials Oualily llrand t'oin, per tin 13o (Juaker llrand Pea, per tin 17c 4tnued Tuiuatoi's, J's, per tin i 13c1 Canned Tomnlires, 2t4's. per lilt! 15o fanned spinach. 2'at. per tin 17c Campbell's Tomato Soup, per tin; 13c CANNED FRUITS Kimign ltawpberries, d', lnlls, per tin '. 21c j Cnsign lllairktterries, 2V, per 1 111 .. .. 19c liimign fitganberries, J', per tin 23o Knsign Crabapple, 2V4's, jier tin 18o Circle llrand Sliced Pine, per tin Yellow Hammer per tin (linker Pearf, : per tin 17c Peaches, 2 Mi', 23c 2't, heavy syrup. 29c lied Pilled Cherries, J Canned Wf mwberrics, tin per tin . . 23tf s. per . .. 29c Rupert Table Supply Co Phonos 210, 211, 212. rnJar, January 8. 10?8, Scientific Optometry yciciilifir Optometry bus taken llie pluce of the old way tiT filliiiK glac- a coiiseipieiice, our examination of niir ees tells exactly I Jit? lenses tifftleil to give perfect vision. Our experience will suggest the best style. Skilled Optician V- Skilled workmen grind our leii-es. The glasse are tlcsiftufd alutig the Id . lines, o the utmost good will lie derived from wearing them. Your wory 'yej?i want is given expert iitteiiliou liere lay an opln-ian who Iih hml over 27 ear' , perience. Wo have all the latest appliance for testing. A viHll lo our new up:, room will convince you. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 527 Max Heilbroner Third Avenue 529 WESTHOLME THEATRE Friday and Saturday, at 7 and 0 p.m. Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. Til ME 6 AN 10 T"tii. Hie giMiil In. k.' Oiil Ircl.nid. 'I'll'' tn ul a free trip to Ireland - -,im ii IIS II l.ir, hi .in nli po I lire i He i New V'lk tl'.illH i up w ti -til l ing .nlM'iilnri' nut hi. . nin LIM in Hie itiiicrarv lie -tupped Irallii on fifth ei m he slnpjied a gang nf ar h tttuk- in Old Krin. Ton ). llie i-np ami in a ilnal pirteMiil apter linl Kti xfi . a piditieJ an-lncrML There arr mail) exritmg epi-.. ami a wealth of luvelv trtef-v hfli.iliiig view- nl lint, with all the famous landmark- l the nl. race- a I ti- Park, views taken in mnl-oeeaii fmni tlie iteik of lit-' Hs I.evialliHii. the ike of Killariie MIM the Km Itlarney Slone. Ii-tingtii.icd rast. ing Thomas Melghen, Lois Wilson, Cecil Humphreys, Claude King, Charles McDonald, Mary Fey and others. COMEDY LLOYD HAMILTON IN "THE OPTIMIST." PATHE REVIEW. 50c and - - "ttlsalaBaalBBBBlaBBlaBBattBaB JANUARY Clearance SALE commences Wednesday, January 6 Sale m Our lngge-l vhiiiIi-c Jnnj.g the i.- unr offer of pmr of January Cle.iiuili c Men's "Liberty" Shoes every pair to be sold at $5.95 rroperhu. l , -f .. yr aUn,l t., , tear the Lil.ci tx S.,r during the J.in.i.uy ,Sle to ni..ke room f.ir unr new Imv miniel the "foot-M.le. e re ..N,, gn,g 15', on all Ladles' Shoes 10 on all Children's Shoes. THERE ARE REDUCTONS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS Itedurtiini- .tr ln.ni 10 In l.V Viatch This Space for New Reductions Every Week LADIES Ladies' Flannelette Nig,lguwiiN reg. .ru. Sale $1.00 lilies Hannetellu Njglilgowus. better mialilv. ' reg $1' on , $i 00 Ladies' Wo amJ Cotton HUmmer. aUun'ii.' ieg. ki it. s"l' tj115 Udies' Ceelee pure wool Vests, reg, ;iri.' Wn'le $2!o5 Ladies' VentH, reg. 1. 1. HnIp 85c Lathes' I-ire Wool llrnw.rs, (eee. reg. $:.Rn Sale $1.05 ... , , , CHILDREN AND MISSES "us Jiauiieieiie .-Mgiiigowiis, oize lJ-0 Sale . llliililretiV Ilrawens. reg. 7.V. SMe, ;i r,,r Cliiblren's ('.omliiiiHlitui-. reg. $.nr,'. Hale READY.TO.WFfln r LHilies' Coats, reg. Vi.oo and HS.Otl. Sale Ladies' Cmils, reg. ijCi:,.oo uiul up. Sale eg. i .It $1.15 $1.00 . . 85c $20.50 $22.50 f.. . , . ,D,scount on AH Chlldron's Coats L i. . ren s Woollen Caps u.l Toque-, reg. $.r.. Hale 7 U.Uilren's Woollen ni,,v,.,, Hlnek ..,.,1 fireyjteir m Man reg, (i.c to 8'c. Sale ... i a rnonfl Hai. 25c 50c Jabour Bros., Ltd. ' I Matt Corner 3rd and 7th