PAGE TWC It is the Flavor that Counts I! SALADA TEA II Published Every Afternoon, e.xfcept Sunday, the Prince R:ipert Daily "News. LTmiled. Third Avenue 11. F. PULLEN, Manajring Editor. Tt has the largest sale in .North America. The Daily News PRINCE .RUl'EUT - BRITISH CQLtLMHIA SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or earner, per mn;ilh $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire ;ihd the United States, in advance, per year ; $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising. .. .$1. 40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page... $2.80 per inch Local Readers, per insertion 2rc per line Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c por word Legal Notices, each insertion 15c per agate lint Contract Rate? on Application. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. DAILY KDITIOH Much Grain Is Going To Orient. Friday, February 20, 1910. i ins season me amount oi grain going to uie orient is much larger than last. Of Ihe-.lulnl shipment made so fur 'i i per ifiit have been taken to Oriental ports us against 10 per cent of a much smaller crop lat jear. Practically all of this was wheat. Willi the development of the Oriental busines-s, there i more chance of Prince Rupert gelling a good share. The fact that none has tome this way o far does not mean anything. It will be rolling this waymie of these days when we least expect it. Discoverers Are Not - , Very Edifying. 1 he controversy between AmuniWei) and Wilkins as lo the probability of success is not verj edifying. The suggestion of failure is enough to injure the axpvdilioii add it does not .seem like very ;goy(sylianshilllisaj anylhijig, on the jcvc of ile prirlure. R Jsnio ll)piussiiwit-dIhat vVUBirirlemw tfago: ntul will nol liXvl.v Ite lield "bacK loviity ;in)jrii(HllT.fIioiis as to th outcome of his flight, man man i (iire every a fair field qiitl plenty of ejiroijraenieiil ami then (he winner-will gel the m "cT-edif! Prince Rupert Named After Big Contest. When a name wnsfhoaen for Prince Rupert, the fact was advertised far and wide that a name for a new city was wanted and that a prize would be given Ihoucces.sful suggestion. When this name was chosen it was criticized by many n being too cumbersome, it is more difficult Jo write Ihan one word, ,e-1 penally when using a typewriter, bomeone?vv1ll be oniiilg forward to tell us, possibly that we have lot a million minute? in the aggregate through having to wfilor twp wird in "lead of one. Possibly if we lost another million we .should not be any worse off than we are today. It is interesting lo know tlinljthe name was hnen twenty years ago. although the city is not ,yet anything like 20 venrs ? Old. ; , ': 'vt ' , Few People Travel Much As At Prince Rupert. ' At few places in the world ofilif -same population as Prince Rupert do people travel as muth. sSonie lotral citizens are l-wa away on pleasure or biisinessihenl. 'This week several re-tumed and are telling their Triend "of Ihe plaej limy visited lie new iU they gathered Jiyjhe . wayside. .Travel i widening. ':lt ndsr,a .pejrson of narrow prejudice and tt tallies thenrto see. from 'ihanyllailgles. Also it helps us in appiyciale uir own hiinie lovyn. f . : Log Export To "'(. .'. United States. ; ' , i ne question or log export hr Ihe United Stales or Japan is one that is coiislanlly being dU'eued. The general opinion seems to lip. that nil logs should, so.for as possible, be mauiifnc-tureil in British, Columbia. The rliffintllv is that on logs cut mini -mw granicu lauus we province ha ahnlnlelv no control. The owner can do as Ihejtlike with them, so far as the piovini iai auinomies are eoncerned.. The only aulhoritv that cun put an embargo on logs taken from crown granted limber is the Dominion government andllvwouh' nwimi.iv need special legislation to provide for it. The Dominion government at present Allows the export of pulp wood, and a commission to investigate n few years ago seewied to find the general opinion in favor of continuing a at Present. What applies to Uie East must, apply n the Vel on a maUer of thai kintl. You don't have to cook SHREDDED WHEAT Sam coal saves lime, saves health ,1. LOCAL MAN IN ! fash Ions CALIFORNIA C. H. Ormo Tells of His Recent Visit and of Things he Saw There That .prohibition does not worry the averae.porson of the .lUnlh-d Slatijs aiid that California iS;bectnif)g,Hn industrial state were .two" of the jnlercsliiwi lhiri;s (titil llie Rotary Chili yesterday by C il. Ormo, who returned to the' city Wednesday after un intended trip i" Hie tfnutli. California is past the stave wbeee it devotes lis attention particularly lo tourists, said the speaker. II is now devoting its attention -tu -the ilnhliMimenl tif industries. While Mr. Urine was there n three million dollar and a two million dollar industry was announced for Los Angeles. As In prohibition, Mr. Urine said the average man did mil ee any Ihjuor and for that reason did not want it. lie never (bought of it. The speaker believed it was a pood tiling to have it thai way. Different From B.C. j California is becoming a place) where people want to jto ami live! according lo 'Mr. irme. It is! very ,ilifrreiU from British r.ol-j umbia but in the irrigation dis-l tricls the land is very fertile, lie rjaw the. orange beiiws provvti and ihicked. the boxes lining made by machinery. He drove through the country and saw Iheir wealth in oil production, in fruit grow-iwr ami in the Imporial Valley the IctliMse production. Cotton and other things are also grown there. ' Mr. Orme spent some time at La Jotle not far from San Dioso. but lie pot a had cold there. In SJacnimenlo it was fopgy and lie was told the fojr bad len settled on the ilace for 2J days. Los irwnlrs. Iiowever. was inihiny. Coining bark. Mr. Orme was interested in noting the pro-proso of Vancouver and lie ryn- siners me propects mere ex cellent. THE MAN JN THE MOON ays: V U.NF, test of i il I H lift I bo able to entertain oneelf. THE modern wife aid to her husband. he helped raise Ihe c-JKurvtles smoked to lion. is a great Last year number of eight mil-. IT seems wonderful that the mirror should reLtln the friendship of so many people, considering the reflections it easts. AVIIK.N il is desired to expre something' absolutely useless, it is proier to say "as useless as a special delivery stamp on a lrlnee Hupert letter." : DIHVH carefully. The fellow may be crazy loo. other -.."IIIKHK'.S one. thins about present day fashions, they prevent btyple front sajjntr ja. girl has no jrjstble-nieaitrst-f r-upporl. , , s I tiate annul men s is that it is iliffuuill In IVJiiove one's shoes without un lacing them. SOMK people raise other raise Caine. Tlie d.T.P. will institute this siimmer t'rince John. families Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert February 26, 1916. A recruiting meeting was held in the Kmpress Theatre last niight and there were a number of stirring speeches. Mayor MrCaf-fery presided and be was accompanied on Ihe platform by IJeut. Col. J. W. Warden, ltev. Canon i. A. Itlx, ltev. Father K. M. Hunoz, V.. V. Spaubliug of Spokane, Dr. N. M. McNeill, Uapl. !. V. llrandl, Lieut. Ihmen and Lieut. Christie. '0oast Sleamhlp aii Alaska service wilii Ihe steamer (. A. McNicholl, assistant general freight and passenger agenl, and Capl. C. II. Nicholson, manager of the coast slcarn-sjiip service, relumed last night from a trip to Winnipeg in connection with the nialicr Subscribe to the 'Da'iiylNews, 'litis UAIliY NBYva rrinay. February if1,, i!M, iff j Strength for Invalids The rich beef-nutriment concentrated in'Oxo Cubes is an ideal food for invalids, delicate people and those recovering from wasting fevers. A cup of hot Oio at 1 1 o'clock-it A in the afternoon and the Utt thing at night generously iup-plementt the regular diet with the splendid food qualitiet of prime freth beet in form that it readily digetted by the enfeebled lyttem. So easy lo prepare merely drop an Oxo Cube into a cup ol boiling water or milk. "OICO UtiaieMnibu - ISc 10tl. JOc. GRAUSTARK TO BE SHOWN HERE TODAY Famous McCutcheon Story ., be Seen In Picture With all Its Romance "lirauslark" bait come to life! The magic witeheiy r intrtgoe ami romance whiefi flfrwe.1 o freely fr4m ttt,e w-n of Ueorge Itarr Mct:ulcieon U;t- been im buei) with Ihe colors of reality and (irausiark, Hie kiuydom. nnitl Ihe story, lives upoji lie rcen And it i fitting thai of all filiiMlom's great. Norma Tal-mndge slioiilrt appear in ttn star- ring rule as the Utvety anil lux able t'rinetstm YcMve. Notable Features ' The irlu lio(i 7 fartJrilNr)y not aide m three iffh Firt that il lakys .Noriba out if the eliararlei-i nl w'hteh wr. her iiddiil rwiiii, in "S ? and 'I'tie Lady," and lrings her oine more lo her adnifrers a ttin lovely, gracious, roflianlK- ciiar : acter I hey like her bl In Second, that it brims s to life one of the most eebAratet) novel of e hi temporary fiction "(rau- intark." the McCutcheon story, wliicti lias ben rend by mttlions. Third, that of all the photo plays ever made from book, Hone has more rejgiou -dy followed the original lory. Mythical Kingdom "tirauslarltf," as' veryliorty knows, was the form-tinner of a Mjries of MrCulabeoii stories centered In the liny, romantic and entirely mythical kingdom which presumably lien nommvliere in the south of I'.urope. Walled hi hy mountain- and virtually independent of I lie otittfgle world, "flrustitfk' brooks in 'i pleaian' fwerie in wliich mrAlerfj tusloms miuule charuiinslv witJi.-ancient trailiUons. ' r- Thin is the atinosjjhere which .Norma -'Talmadge nits 4ei'e(Jed in irriuUi-rrinti. I, iheliirVeii. p s livened at opiMirUiue monicr.r, ay the ringing clash. of led. and spiced a! limec wiMi just etioijirl danger to make thing iulere!- ing. Kill nvec all is the love jilory of the Ptiiiivs and tin American, iiinrnn;: ' lnder nr.. lurlnib-nt wa i.. ultimate Tongue Was Coated Bad Taste In Mouth Every Morning Hri. J, E. Adams, AtaioiboU, Bask, writes: "For montLs I was troubled nith i co&tJ tongue, sad had a bad taite ia tnj month titrj morniaj. One day I saw wkre year Milburn's , wer tdrcrtised for just saeh a cm-dition as taint, to I went at eae and boagkt three vials of them, but after using cae-and-a-kalf, ail say troubles disappeared." t For 32 yean Laia-Llvtr THU kare been pat up only by The T. UUbsxa Co, LWted, Tronto, Dai. ROTARIANS TO HAVE ! NURSES AS GUESTS AT DINNER DANCE J Al the Itolary luncheon yesler day tieorjre No'dlaud annmmced itlial arninpemeuls were alinosi I complete lor Ihe tinnier dance lo lie sneii next week at which the wiMs of ineinbern and the hospital nurses would be , guests of Ihe j club, 't here tire to be no '.speeches but inlnl there4 will I be a three-piece orchestra, comJ niunPv Mitc'lnsr. special slunt,1 : fancy dns d.mrinir, a liutnortnsl debate on the subject "To Itob or i not lo Holi, ocal selections, an i insli'iir.icnlal trjo and a few, Islories. ' It xmb ttlso announced by- thct :presidenl thai the Player :iub .were pulloiii on anolber play week al which the liyros Were lo ieicrit. Hie proceeds lo ,(.'n in Ihe platzroiiml fund, die lilted that the plnyaroinul frmd lie sopporled. BROADCASTING STATIONS MOSTLY IN THE STATES Two Thirds of all Those In Existence pre in Republic to South WASHINGTON, leb. SC. Ua-iiio oritHilcashnt; stitlioiis tin. -tic-hoot the world total rhl.'l, nearly Iwo-ibints of which ate in i the I nileil SUtles. A census made hy the Department of (Uiniinerce. which lias ! jiirisdieliott over eommeraial in this country, showed that there now are 53.1 licensed broadcast ers in Ihe t'niled Stales, as against only 270 stations for Ihe remainder of the world. Through a gradual weeding out process of stations which wen operating oflly intermit-; ill ly and for no particular reason. Hie number in litis cotinlry is decreasing. Canada Second Canada, with 52 hroadcaling stations, stands eeond In the 'tillH Stale. The recent radio boom in Spain ha placnl (bat Jwotnlry in third plare with 2? station, wiuie iiie.i ntle.1 Klng-lom aud I ranee have in and 10 MtaUons respectively. Figure if lite other lending wuiilrie in onfer, are Mexico H stations: Germany. Hraitil antl Sweden. 15 each: Cuba and Ntistralia 13 each, ami Argenima WATtR NOTICC USE AMD STORMS. TUT Xlill tlMl Wlllerr I ' trrtUfsl mm ajw i tititl VaiM.uir: TW-k. J liraioill Slrn-i. Vannriort. i.e.. will apH) fir a Hrrnrr l. Uki iwl wr ftl rultlr feel wr trrmul iml I" 'lore Jtr. rr- Irrt nt elei .MI ! retltm i rwk, ali kiin VVdlere rreli. ulinii I a IrMiulary or 1IM ikrrin Our. nd riw. Mmtbvtrrh aixl train lm sKrrlM inter aUm t".'"i 'liatn miuiIi of Hi iRrllii. romrr ef ! t. Iliiiirr 5. liia.l Intirirl. TIIK SioiiMli: llMS m Im- loralnl II 'if fillttia vlai-e. i iwr r(ianil. till l a rp.Tiirly mi ferlh. ih1 llwv III fhiwl ir- trees rf.pollH)r iIhiii -i. I..HiM: Nimril Oeiiei ii, irs Uke II limit of WelUrv Creek. HiwfH. tm.e arrr reef. Wfll fhiml. ir. ei arren. Uirneil: iral irntlei t:elei.: imt.r ei IHaI of WelUr Creek 'Jlit. I l.o a-re reel. Will Hood. !. rre. '. Ijwii1 lural Oallri to CKniilniil Uke ( Im-hI ,if W'allari. . reek i..niv. 3U0.0 arre feel. Will flil. 1 7. el irre.. Uiretetl: airal Oiitlel fur Vwrrtt-m Lkf, al lii of Wallirr rr. k a uejf. mo -feet. Wirt fkw, tf.'.l r. . i. Uxalnt: 1url Oullel far AMtfrtlal iIm.ui niiw itp.lrram from iimulli i.f Wallare i;reek. r.anario. fiewi erre fei. win fi.ini. i:,.'s er. .. Iiealerl.' 3 liahn near iieail of i:ia iihi t reek at Natural 'OwlM li Lakis.. ;aMMjr. IJOD.o arrCer-J. VUi rjijod, ' !. erres. " Ttw water will tie diverted frmn llw .ireatn il a ixnl tlmni fnon.n feet notlirN. fnmi llw imiiOiei riirner of i.nd f. nauri '-. iia. Iil.irlrl. aiKl will tie Hed fnr 1'imer and ImliMlnal Pur mim.ii tlio land ileaiTlbed lil Jil ''nre S. t Ix.lrlrl and FnreT tuiri' l.eae fnmlitir thereon and Hum 'enit in Uie Mixl. liriarlnx'nl e '. tnr. " Ik- kntwn. ubiipueiit in xurrev ai i S, Mann- 7i, lnnrlrt. im: sToinnr. i.i:t:sr applied fnr la -I Ui t4 arre feel iiirrnif lo eiicplenH-Rt iml ri a tit in lake ami uoe S.l rndir feet ft eerniKl under Onidnuxial l.lit-nw o 17 and II. mine- feet er eerimd un ler l ondltlrHial l.lrenae Mn. J7S, and a l-i liar, arre fel llirrrsif ! uplrii-nl he rle-tit I" takf and ue tlie aler an llMt for herein. Tills MiTli:K w poied m Uie rround m file IM day f I'eliruary. r.. A ropy f rn mrflre.and an iHllratlon injreiiaid Hieretn nil) lie rt1 In the nrn or the W'aler lierordrr at Prince lttiierl. H C 'hlerilona to tlie appllrallun way be rilcrj Mlth tlie Mid jMfonW or tiUIi the Omni Ir.iller of W'aler Nlrhta, Parliament Hmld liie-. Victoria, n.i:.. ultluii jlilrtv data riM the flrat a(iearai)rr of thl iKillr. In a Ineal newMi(MT Tlw ilaK- nt the rirel iMildlratloii of llrla nntlre l f'el'ru try tJlh, lrt. w.i.i.t. nsiiKhiEs Livrrrn. p'liriirt, Hv Anriia MeAliMr. eent QOVErTNMEnT LIQUOR ACT. NOTICE Of arrLICATrON FOR COMSINT TO TRANSrSR OF NIR LtCSNOI MllU K is HKKKIIV OIVK.H that, on the 7 1 Ii day of lihrnarv mm I, the under nrnevl intehiU to pty to Ihe l.lqimr Cun. 'Mi Itnard fnr ri,n.rnt to iranafer of Heer l.lrem-e iitolwr ao, and lnrd in rf x-el of foMol-c lifirij -part of a Imilit 'ik- known Tin' lioyal Hotel, situate al ihe miner if lreet and Jed Avenmv In Ihe nty of I'rlnee llui-rl, 11 .0 . (i,n the land- denerilied a h'l eleven II hihI twelve (If.. Bh:k thlrly-lwn (la Map hum' hundred ami tweniv three tiu "riiire HiiM-rl Land HcrUlrailim IHMiIci, In the I'rovlnre f llrllUh Columbia, from limieN I'octnhi, l IHamante 7.areltl, of I'rinee Itnperl, Brllloh (kilunibla, tlie traiiTrr-e haled il Prince Hnpert B.. thla loth tay of January, ttf. bl KM NTF 7..SKPI.LI. Applicant and Trtntftrti. iSuftrtkrtrTaJyiit jSmSf IIcanadianT PACinc .aaiiT MaPJ 1926 Offers No Equal to the 7. 8, and " tulre tiK-tln , lyne iK-arinK Ihe hest-kn. un (rajlcnnrk in the worl!. I)r ,v ftfjraKe Ixitttjry oj K-ration; loop ,,r niitttiloaniettna. .Made In Can,il lt and ohtnin.lMt tnly in ( itn.ti)., YourlXortheni Ulectrlctltilfi lu oneoC tlim' sets. Victor Northern Electric llita faaalaM t livr aaCt'llir Iw tuo.inoinalaM4. Victor Talking Machine Company of CeuuutaXirnitril February 27, Last Day of our Big Sale WE HAVE DRESSES TO CLEAR AT COST Everything Else at Bargain Prices. Phone 27. "DEMERS" P.O. Box 327. Steamship and Train Service s.s. prince rufirt wtn b-avi rwiNct utRT t-t vaweouiia, VICTORIA, SSATTLC and inlennniialr fx iel. Mrh FRfOAT at J, S.S. FRINCC ROetRT for STCWART ami AUTOI, WfONISOAT. 19 fM S.S. rRINCC .'OMN fortnilhtly for VANCOUVIR III guiSN CMAatOTTI ISLANDS. eASSCNOIR TRAINS USA I FRINCI RUFIRT KVtRV MONDAY, Wf DNISOAT ami SATURDAY II S p m Mr FRINCC QtOOtt, COMONTON, WtNNIPia, all fn.lnt Malern aoada. enlled atih. AQfNCY ALL OCEAN STCAMSHIF LINES. Cltr TleWt Offka, B2S Tklrd Ava, frleee RwaeeL fmi rao Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert r tncitfiAM, tRAHcni, mm, jucwht m, ttk, Nana f uxcouvEK. naor.u w surru . m., uu. 26k. unt tw si. niNOM Kiiita Far Btftadal. Swenaan Bar, Eatl Balla Balla, Otaan Falla, Namw, Alert Campbell River, and Vancouver atari SelerOai 11 am, Afaeai fee all Steemehlp Lleaa. Fall lafoemalloe rem W. C. ORCHARD Oaearal Agent. Oareee ef 4th Slraat and led Aveou. Rrleae Rupert, B O. Union steamship company of b.c, ltd. Silllnri from Pnora Hupert. er VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, tweneon Bat. and Alarl Bat. Teeadav. F.. r VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. Alarl Bat, and Bwanaaej Bet, Setvedef, 10 Far ANYOX. PORT nmeinii .. . - ree PORT StWPSON, ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Su'ndat. S p.m. HS End AvMie. J, Bieoalaa, AoeoL Prlea. Naaeet. . I his ndverlisement is iot puhllshed or tlisplnyed hy I'1 Liquor Control lloanl or hy the (loverntiient of Uritlih Columbia