PAGE FOUR PRICE LIST Dry Cleaning and" Pressing Men s fruits, cleaned and pressed 2.00 Men's Suits. sponped and pressed 1..10 Men's Pants, cleaned and pressed ... . .. SUM Men's Pants, sponged and pressed . ... 50c Men's Overcoats, cleaned and pressed, from.. $2.00 Men's Overcoats, sponged and pressed $1.00 Ladles' List Ladie' Suits, dark colors ?.00 Indies' Suits, light colors Ladies' Skirls, dark colors $1.00 Ladies' .Skirts, light colors -?! Ladies' Skirls, pleated and cleaned $1.75 Ladies' Skirts, pressed only $1.00 Ladies' Skirts, pleated $1.00 Hoffman Vacuum Pressed Is Best LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS Phone 8 Stamped Goods Luncheon Self. Pillow Cases, Aprons, etc., all stamped ready for work. A large variety of stampine; patterns 1o choose from if you wish to use your own materials. Ileal Irish Linen Tablecloths, 51 inches, each $2.50 Silk and Wool Hose, four shades, per pair . . $1.25 Cotton Crepes, per yard 25c Mrs. W. L Wilson Third Avenue P.O.: Hox , - 989 J'Jione Oreen 389 Bulkley Valley I'ol lloast lleef. per lh. ... ... ... 8c to 10c Prime Ilitis, per lb 22c Prime Ribs, rolled, per lh. 28c Leg of pork, whole, per lb. ... r 30c Leg of Pork, cut, per lh, 35c Spare llffis of Pork, per lb. 20o No. 1 Roasting Chickens, per lit ... . . 45c Sealu & Doodson Sixth Street Phone 455. We deliver Wood! Wood! Now is your chance Dry Cedar Full load $6.50 Half Load $3.50 Large Hacks 50o HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone Si. drUge, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service, 'toal; and and Oravel WWe Speolallxa In Plane ana Furnltura Stowing. BRINGING UP FATHER BASKETBALL TEAMS HERE James R. Mitchell In Charge of Party From Anyox to Play Tonight in the Exhibition Hall tnnipht and tomorrow .eveniup. TonipUl'ji game will be followed by a dance in the Kiks' Home and on Sunlay afternoon the visiting teams will be entertained at a banquet in the Pt. Ibvris Cafe. Jjlilio Jlann will referee the pames. The Prince Rupert bams have been selected as follows for to-ntpbt's pames: Boys Jsa Kalsuyama, Yoshi Katsuyama, Perry Uaisler, Itob Jlalheson and Alex MilchMI; spares. Harry Walker and Clarence Thompson. Oirjs Mistes Laura Frizzell, Kvelyn JialbyYera Smith. Helen Sim, nnd Ada Minzpohr: Kpares, Jean firieve and Marparel Ker- pin. ST. ANDREW'S LEADS IN WHIST LEAGUE Won Over Sons of England While Moose Were Defeated by Knights of Columbus Ht. Andrew Society, winuiiij; over the Sons jof Fnpland last uiphl. while the Moose Loi&c went down lo defeat at the hands of the Kuiphts of Columbus, took leadership in the Fraternal Whist Leapue for the lime beinp at Jeast The Scots, however. have by no means a cinch on the position for the I'.lks are only one point behind with one more pame to play and St Andrew's Society has yet to meet the Moose in a postponed pame. The Kuiphls of Pythias base also still a pood chance o figure- an as- piranls for the championship in the men s section. The pames last niplil resulted as follows; ( bid fellows, fi; Sons of Cnnnda, 3. KniKhU of Pythias, 7; Great War Velerans, 2. St. Andrew's, r: Song of F.iik-land, i. Knights of Columbus. Tr, Moose, I. - , The leusue as follows: St.. Andrew's . . . j F.Iks ! Moose K. of P Oddfellows .. . K. of C, Rons of Cnnnda . j If. 0. It, . ,0. W. V. A. . . . Sons of England ftjnndinir In dale W. L. Pis 10 i 10! 9 4 0 0 5 Hi n r, o 8 7 8 8 7 8 0 r. 5 9 5 4 10 4 4 11 4 of the firl half of the season, the secnml half finds tin liophers and PJks now leadinp. The senior championship will be settled in a play-olT between the WIllielN of the first HIXl swmid halves. In the Intermediate l.easue. he Ciiwrenlmlor an1 lliph School are nultlinp for leader- hip, havinp drawn in Uie f i r-l half. In the Ladies' Leapue, the Mine girls are leuduv:. , There has Item u marked improvement in basketball play here since the iiiinointiiieiil of I ion Mi-Leod as official cupue referee. FRENCH GIRLS PLAN SWIM ENGLISH CHANNEL: Will be Accompanied by Madame Jane Sion Who Almost Got Across Last Year PAIUS, Feb. 20. Suzanne Wurtz, former champion swim-pier of'FriiiiGp, is Uie lalestj woman candidate for the I'.ns-lish ChanneL swim in 192C, which probably will be the banner year for the pumber of attempts ever Made to cross the "fish bowl." Mademoiselle W'urlj: will start from Cape Oris-Nez and will have as a companion Mkidame Jane Sum, wtio came within a mile of 'lhe Dover Cliffs in 1025 .Mademoiselle Wurtz has won the "swim across Paris" abou) fifteen kilometers down the Seine- three years in succession. INTEREST INCREASING IN ENGLISH RACING NIvWMAUIvF.T. Feb. 20- -Inler, est iii horse tiK intt in l.ikpland lias been increasinp in leap am bounds. statistics issued by the Calendar'' show (hat during (he last flat racjug season i.C'.M) horses ran under Jockey Club rules, Jlils hemp the preutesl total on record. In 1827, only II fits horses run during Ibe ea son. The total value won innlnkes in Knpland last year was 715,-V.i't pounds. Wash jC That Itch Away TlWfe U abaoluulr no tuffcrer from mewa who urn nmt tliu Mothinf waili. sod iltai put Irrl imnmlialflir that woiidrflully calm, caul rnaaUua Out runm wlwn tlx itch U Ulurn y- It prnttram the txxtt, fivn Ipsunt lUicf from tU matt dlicMiiif uia dim-jut D.D.D. Tkt frit JIOO itllU rtlintt urn tr fmr I,, It, I), l). tti, nt. ORMES LIMITED Tjn3 DAILV ANYOX PLAYING 'DIVIDE HONORS BASKETBALL The Port Simpson native basketball (cam went north io Any- ox tins week and played a erie;. uf two piimes, wimtiup one and losinp.lbe fit her. In the firf trame, port Simp-siiu defeated . the Flk enior team, repre-eiiling Anyox, by a 'srore of 23 to 23, the soperior iaimt -of Uie natives lielpp Ibel li'iain factor in their victory. Af-Ter havinp been left rather far behind in tho firl half. Hie Any o irsiiii pulled up in the second and was -.till on the -eorinjf rumpage when the final whistle blew pivinp Port Simpon the nine by two jtoinl. In the crond game on Wed-Hitsday, the -iophers,- anolhei Senior team,--retrieved honors for Anyox by tb'fealinp Hie iil-inp team by l' to 13. The Port Sinipoon team was unable to break tbrouph the tall liopher players. lion MeLeid refereed Uie pnioe. PRESENTATION MADE TO JIMMY MITCHELL LAST NIGHT ABOARD STEAMER James II. Mitchell, vice-principal of the Anyox lliph School mill roach of the school basketball li'ani, was' pleasantly Mir-prisMd i')' bin young charpc aboard Hie steamer Prince Ilti- perl last iiiphl us he was brinp-inp them to this city for a series of pames with Ibe local lliph School. The boy presented Mr. Milcrhcll with a handsome swenler as a mark of appreciation for bis endeavors with them. I'he presentation was made by Ted Swansnn, eaptain of the l earn. SPORT CHAT Flic formation of a new pro fessional hockey league on Jie prairies wit) nj all prphapiliu mean the disfrolufiou U f t!w Western liockHj'-' Iaaue -ih it now nlaiwu. ;ukaliui, Lalpar anil IMmoiiitiiri.i'vthu-1i litres bold franchise in ijie prcept lea- yijes. have no! yet joined the nev body hut it is expected that they will. The chance are that nex( year will again see separate lea piles on the prairie, and on tin. Pacific Coast. Ijing Irjivellinc distances hae proven (he main handicap against the sucressfol and profitable operation of tb- league j'Diuprisjpp bolli pairie and roast teams. Due to the fact thai be ma jority of Hie players of I lie Prince . Rupert FUb Co. wejr called back to work lal night m urconni of extra fish handlinp al the plan' of Ibe Canadian Fist fi Cold Storage o. only one o the five games fn the final er opd ilivUion billiard tournament between :be OroMo. and Princ4 Hujiert Fuh fio. was played. In litis fjame. H. I tail mi defeated McLeun by a score nf If't to OH The reiiiamiup four pliiiie. it ciprcled, will lie . played ihU evepinp. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupart It. Oilson, Purl Hsinglon; C. Anderson, schooner Chelsea: " Flris. WilJtaui MeKibbin, i. I Tucker. I, Davidson, N. Mur chle, J. F. Belyea, G. H, Tiernan yvurrM VAXTF.I.4- Plain dressmatlmt and sewing: remodellinp, ra pairinp. kniltinp. eir. Phone Green 701. MUSKFIATS wanled to buy for breeding purposes. Slate prices to Win. H. Tunnah, Ma"!. 1.C. FOR SALE FO SAJ.F.. - Ciniforlable six roomed bouse and two loU at 8.1.1 Itorden Street. Ot.o. locution: excellent view; newly deroraled; hot air healed. Jteasonable price. Phone Oreen 158. FOH SALE. New and Ued machinery boats and enplnes, piston rlns and propetlern. Northern' Hxthance, 213 Second Avenue.yplione 23. if FOIt SALE:, Two pool table. sriO.on. .Kor rent, Chill parlor. KID ,"econd Avenue, furnished. r.n.(0 a month. M. M. Stephens fi Co.. Ltd Kxchanre niock. , to PIANO FOlftivM.F.. 132. w TO REIT plmne Hlark FOH RKM'Ps Modern four rimm ed flat iv Ub Monarch ranpe, Oapp Ilfci. Welnhvrr Hro. If FOR RF.NT. Pianos, player piano, pimnographs and sew-ing- mochincs. Walker' Music Store. i FOR RENT. Tallnr-shnn: Iwo business rooms below, tw'j living rooms above. Weslen-haver Itrns; li FOR RF.Vr-Furnisle, modern houe. 021 Fifth Avenue We', next Calbnlir school. Pboii' 5 in. 51 FOR RF.NT Room Willi orwllh- out hoard: hoard; . . near near elevator Phone Red 157. tf FOR RF.NT. FurnUbed nuile Mussallrm Apartments. Pboni 18.. . , , ... It MODERN FLAT for Rent. Apply wax itejihrmum i k.VOARS . ARO ROOM. HOARD Tuc !eond Avenue Inlander. 830 Pbone n7 AUCTIONEER. MFKTINn the public more than half way: when patronising tin local auctioneer, you are boost ing the city. My propositions In the public are fair. I sell on commission or by miction I buy outright for rauli or sell at your own figures. Private sales or exchanges daily .Phonograph records cxrhanigcd O. F. .Urine. Auctioneer. Phone 774. P.O. Hox 419. 209 eeoi! Klreei. On account of the weather, the Third Avenue sale advertised for today has been postponed until nexl Thursday nl 2,.in. and C. p. F.aslman, Vancouver Mr. nnd Mrs. Oliver, Terrace; Murray ami O. V. Yanlauck, F,d loonton; .1. A. Rumball, Calgary Central J. Lee, I'sk; T. Fori In. A. I Tlsdale and L. Oarll. C.X.R. ONE THING NEEDFUL Lomiiicious ' fafler a good half-hour of il And what would you like on ic-ur hair. sjrT Weary Cuslnrnei. - My lial just as anon a you can manage III DRY WOOD, Spill to any lenpth in blocks, per load SG.00. . SALT HFJIKTSO. A. ISAACSON, Seal Cove, plmne lliack 101 By George McManus IB? OVLEELU JWtSmS "ASSSy IjTT.N- TO KUV T TV J I 'L J Three Teams In Senior League Have Close Contest vylth End In Sight lo meet the. local High Nhooll ANYOX, Feb. C. The basket- teams in a return series tf I t..-i II awmtn is drawing to a rio james, iioy and arms basket-there bill, as a result of close all teams representing the idav since the start of Uie com 4 ill i .. -1 1 i i : - I .... . . ..... wijox iiiii nriiooi urriveu in meme'illou. there is stilt Hi-en Itl- ity on the Prince Ituperl this foeresl in the activities of Hit mnriunp. the party lietnp in furious leapues and rhamuion ' . . a cnanse oi .Mr. ami Jirs. James Jl.Uhiii for the vear have as vet .Mitchell, .been by no means settled. The visiting team.s are as fol- threj loams in the Senior lows: - 1 1 "ll ;mihr- liiw u nrt I'l L Hoys Ted Swansnn (captain I'. Ainius, J. Lanoreck, K. Clay, -liia it Mcl.ach)an and A. Lind-pren. tiirls Misses J. Morley. A. Mr-Lachlan. T. Deelli, M. O'Neill, It. Chapman a nil J. Calderone. Homer ('lay and Oeonpe Johnstone also came south as supporters of the smelter town teams. As a result of the panics played at Anyps before Christmas when the local teams went north, the girls are on an even foot in p. each haxir.p won one panic while the Anyox loy won ope game and drew one in the first series. The panys here will be played -having iieen I ie1 at the close AT BASKETBALL Port Simpson Team Visited Anyox this Week and Each Town Won One Game E& DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. rS Jc'per wprdjin dynce. No Advertiiement taken for ten than 50c1 CARS FOR SALE. I 1922 Oldsmnbile t. 5 passenger louring l00.nd! I 1920 Nash 5 passenger lour-! in $850.00 i 1931 (herland Sedan 1700.00 I 1919 lleo seven passcoer lourinp 170010 I 1 925 Ford Coupe, balloon tires car like new eSO.on I 1922 Ford sedan. .. 1 125 .on t 1922 Ford Coupe 10(1 JiO I 1921 Ford one Ion truck, panel body 375.O0 I Ford light delivery aliassi. rebuilt 1175.00 All cars guaranteed In good ineahanlral condition. Va lernu can be arranged. KAIEN OARAGE Ford and Chevrolet Service Sta tion. Agent for McLaughlin Oakland, Oldsmohile ami Chevrolet cars. Reo. U.M.U. and Federal Truck. WHF.CKINO Sl'ltVlCK DAY AN1 NIOIIT. DANCING, HANCI.Mi. Hays' lllo.-k. Imsou any hour by apixiinlmeiit. Sx-culs CiHrle.Ui. e t e. Tuesdays and Tliurday. Mr. Howard Fn.jell assisting. Phone Si mornings. Mm. II. (. Crewe. ROTHWELL'S TRANSFER Coal - Wood and Furniture Moving llaggage and Kxpres Kland:I.ittlc's News Stand. Phonr 352. Res. Phone Oreen 62fl FURNITURE AND RANGES I Mr.LI. ranges and furniture of evry description: lied linen, heeling mid pillow easing by lb yard: I rulmui linoleum , bejl, springs itnd ntalrenes: oiiiiiig onus, iiviiwi room cnnirs and tables, seagrass ebairs Furniture exchanged. A. Mackenxie, Furniture. Phone 775. TAXI Phone 67 Taxi (Call CJeorge, Paul or dual) Six- and even-nascnger Slnde baker al yur disposal any tiin for SOc Service ROS8 eR08. POOL ROOM Meeker Block Across from Kmpress Hotel TRAPPERSI I XKF.D 10,000 MINK RKIN8. Ile.d prices paid. See me before, you sell your furs. If lis fura I'll buy them. W. GOLDBLOOM, Second Ave. The Honest Fur Man. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Friday, February 20 High 1:10 n.m. H.5 ft. 12:55 p.m. 19.7 l'w 7:05 n.m.- H.I " 19:31 p.m. 4.2 " Saturday, February 27 Hiali 1 :4(l a.m. 19.) fl. 13:29 p.m. 20.3 " I'OW 7:3ii a.m. 7.3 " 20:02 p.m. 3.0 " CAMEROn TBANirtR Phone t?7 1 Baggage, Furniture MovH. iii you warn any a -,s i or delivered, j.:- ui O 1 Mot tt0 PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STOKL 303 Third enu ole agents for f.u jr. , W e rrpa r Plionograpb. Hi v : t ff RacquetH and II ; IrumeriU nf l' t?A FURNITURL New and He lure Store. V e li ttlltlllge an I (iooil. GEO. PAPAOOPUL0S K3? Third ve t i m rxsMihATioN roM Txr eotmo w IITSKT rORXfT BII ut riUIHI pn-mmt rpmmtuitt i iei ' a turn mi ' Uft ttrttl Kwn. llgtTtut W hrr IBM HtA l !. ' 1- v ur& uurft,. . i Mi In )lw rm. .. nrni ana -iai'n' "r 4 i in i- r. mi tit U - VMOOMtl ltr untu IMIaUIr wtti i. I Hi'M In Bra. -i e vrtr. T rMi . fl niNka (Ml Tmm wNfm lux llfrfHtHI. Hn. I Or 41 WMrfc and handle mn a, i hI.Uh- tvmtt ! Tfcr rtaiMMIi'.f ' hr II) ural ami v - jr rtitrfMalva' alHtlll 11 All iliM miU I" irrl ., wrlfwati.. ! ' with lha sacaaaarw avalifialiaa. Tka Caammatis . Tit rialiOtialHw ' ' 0 baarv ami ilk .Ui- Ib IHalnri .irrlri aHH-allisi rimii aii'i ' ranliH itw iHir ..t u,. nw miiMfnr in win.-ii mm aaHSiiit flu-alMO Mint mil and iuall.-i i rrr hi llnie In rrm " ' da Utnn lb ITIW lllll Trrrtrr hunt lakr rlij Omirm. Ial Mann i'" tin in I SMI I Mil tMimh aln m TIMBER SALE, X7M1 alril TrlHlrr I" MliilslPf ill laiul. ai 1 itiaii im tiw i lS, fur llw jhi nbar lu ui .la,ut) wl ' HalMiii and t.nUr. t :" rartl liler. Orti IU' llanax i. iMt'l INalrx i Tliree if, )aar rrfiival "if IIiiiImt Piirlhcr iHirlicuur- ' ralir. Virlurla. h, . " WxrJri, .TAKE i lair 1 WATCH NOTICC Dlytrtlon and Vit NOTi T. ihat Of , Irrrari-, H.l'... sill aiii : Irnrina airraiua purl" lilliiin lllirr (fnnii - Hi anpnuliiialilr in mil-- '"' ariuiiirrlir ami drain itn. ' alHiiil Wn lnll' rant "' ' ' Tlie rlrr Ui li liwil or iiiiir'iiu ruiivpvma' !' ' a' Inns ami all fiir.l lr r illlriirtlnn of ISHilllllir Uriiiitid al the iihiiiIIi "f :" im- Iiprr. TIH iMilnt 1,1 ihe a-mimit nn ilir fiih ai Jlnnarv IBA k niltl 11 i an appllralinn piirmiant W" 'Vair Art" villi lie rilwl 1 ' f Hip Waier llfronl'-r l 1 i II X. Ohifirtliiii in Id' "I" I. a r.i,t u u, ..irf Walr' unit iiij. i ittniiii'i in " ' rarllaiiiPiil liulliliiu liur VIC"" fiVp lit "i of tin iiuiii'p in a l"i ' : Itlla He mi Hp B 1 ltli of Ilie firm tmliinai1; lire frliriiarr .!"!',-fir at"1 P"' c. i. " '"":, i.oi' n o T l o e. till Nnll'fi fun fi.ur wee .,J!ir ' In Ilie Hrllrr nf Joiiif ' ti0 r tin. r..ii(iany m Hw ,f " . i.iiiiiipii." . . , mn i" tipit al Prl.ira linin-rl. (lay of rWirnitiy, A.n. t mjUIJI' OUL0CA CAMtn0