0WvJnLlJL IS concentrated prime Beef Sold in bottles onli) THREE FLOWERS per Exquisite Care or Ihho Skin Chan-nig Cre.i.u, Skm I ,-.iic 1 In 1 1 1 1 r. mill Vanishing Cream . . 50c each For the Face -Face Powder in while, natural ami brunette 75c uinl $1.00 is ,gc. hi dark, medium, uinl lighl -hades DOc , ,. h. k and F.vebrow I'i-ik il-, each 35o ; i .ifiliui1, Talcum Powder, Knai aiil Perfume. With each $1.00 box of Three Flowers Face Powder ,i. giving ' package ciuilaiiiing IX trial size Three Flowers Preparations Free. ; . i .i booklet mi liiviiiir Table Art von may liat! lor tin- akng. Ormes Limited The Hexall Htorc 3rd Avenue and 0th Street. Pioneer I)inggil- Phones 82 and 200 Specials! Specials! Bedroom Furniture . r J t v htc .11 ''I Hl'lU'il. lllg .lilll'l- UlltTor ami aihh mirror $43.30 ih. viiik Table. Hirer hcvelli-il minor, ami bench ........ $28.90 In iiij T.il'l' . mirror IH:ft. uinl bench $24.40 I' --inn Table. Hirer tvllil mirror- ami bench $18.75 BARRIE'S Home Furnishings II iliiur i .i-l l:m .N'V- Uliiii- Jrd Avenue. Phono 123 No Pay Day! iIih- h.iril. iini-ic.i-.iiii Mik Iml even kH- In- mi. ii.nig wyrk that jnt a hard anil inidcaant do the wa-h." lint at llie end or a week of who ia) vimiT i L.trgain - win not call lor our Thrif-T-Ser-l i vlhillg will cirelullv wahcil. thoruttgltly i the riatwMk m-rttlv imiKii and folded. Aud ..rkuiK for Mr. Vahliili one employer vhi hi help. THniF-T-SERVICE 5c Per Pound and 1c Per Piece Minimum Charge $1.00 CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY Phone 8 TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 530 Gr. 238 Black 735 1 Ik Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. Q. DUSHDY, Man. Dir. The standard of Purity for over 160 years iff ills & L2taI; Night Phones 687 530 Or. 238 Black 735 '$3.25 ihe bottle '1'uis displayed hy the advertisement is not published or , Liquor Control Hoard or by lh Government of . Hrili.-h Copimhi Local and Personal Phone 15. i'.It. Coal Co. I Arthur's Taxi. Phono C78. I ll.C. Undertakers. Phone 41 Cameron's Phone 177. Dance Highest prices for 'oldhloolll'. Orchestra. if t wo cars . at your service heddon Tail. Phone 131. it Miincograplilug circulars, etc. Mmh Johnstone Phone 387. tf '.oiu url by Norwegian Choir in Mctropole Hall, March 1, at 8 p.m. Admission 50c. I 'J K. C. (iiblioiix nailed thin inorn-iuK h.v tin' Prince lluperl for Vancouver on a business trip. If a jjni'a- rfoz chevrorl yein shoe, would you marry lr".' Koi an answty, we "Wedding Hells." .lam- Kill wan a wonger ..i i '.1.1. rt..:n..- ii.. ..am. II. I .iioir,i -no- rrmiT iwircn m.-. mormon for i Vancouver on Jui- K. (i. Tamer sailed thin morning on tlie" Prinoe llupTl for Vanc"uver where he will meet and return to the dty wilti Mm. Turner who has been on jtnp to California. Jlr. Trefry. wife of lr. Tre- (i f m Anynx Hospital stall. wa n iaenger going inroucn on tin- Prinet- lluiwrl this morn- to Vaiii'ou-fi' enrmile to llal- ifa where he will visit her for- ier lionw. i.-orge K. Markuald sailed tin ntornhw on the Priin-e lui ht( for VaacoueT enroule to Port Allierni where lit' will In- in fulur' located. Hi motiier. Mm 11. MaedonaJd, will be going later. .Mayor Newton aileil thi morning aboard the Priuee Hu l- rl fur Vaneouver where U will atteiul Ihe eonfemii of Western iaor which ommi in'it week! Hi Womhlp expert to Ih ii ;iv ii fH nit iwn weK alio, tiur- i -' i- alence. AM. tJiy will rtfltmg mayor Mt and Mm. Jasro and Mi pearl -lam ' of Anyox. wen' pa.--.eiiift atHianl the Prince Itu-t ri I hi morniiitr Ixniiid oiifu. Mr. J ago, who ban been bk-hou nuperinleiHlent at Anyox. i. .-vering hii connerlion witli Hie tiranhy Co. and will not be returning north. T, W. Kalconr of Alice Arm wtt.t a pienger going oulh !hix inorniiu on the Priuee Vt-lMrt. He will meet Mm. l-aleon-er, vittu is upending the winter in New Westminster, and lhy will proceed on a motor trip to California accompanied by Sir. and Mm. i. A. Clothier of thU eily. The two local wholesale hou.-. each had A telegram etenlay, iie rrom J. am and I'ronro and I! (her from Lain A Urolhwm Cnnipany. lobaroo niaimfaclurer rolityiug them that they would hroadca! an iuterctiiux f pro- .ii n i from four to MX o'clock S.ilnrday. Ua'lern .itandsnl tiim, in an elforl to act through to Au-li alia. It will include Solon, iMsimmental -elcliofts and newn i iiirui . They hope ieople here will lileii iii. i .'."ill metres. IS Mf7J3pTTT2M 4 The wave length FUNERAL NOTICE. Funeral Service for the lain Mr. Harher will be held tomorrow Saturday afternoon at I lie Presbyterian Church at 2 o clock, Itev. ('tin. J. Cameron, l'li.lh officiating. ANNOUNCEMENTS High School Dance, Elks' Home, February 20. lT U l.U4V ta Kctrn CATARRH ef tli BLADDER Each Cannule ijinvi THE DAILY NEWS mm tain P I find ii hesir for cleanliness Don't oil tU lnkr wh.o the link train ttu chokrd. A IHtU ClllrU'a l.jt will prakabl? clttr It In frw minal. Hcarta af tthtt anaM Ut aintUrr htm. a. GILLETTS PURE FLAKE LYE Valhalla meeting tonight. Mm. II. A. Creech sailed aboar.l the Prince lluperl tin morning for Powell Iliver. Mrs. P. J. MeVfrrnnck caihv thin morning on Ui Princo Ilu iwrt for Vancouver. WHIiajn MiUiCIl, who lias heen viiting for lhoJwit few weejis at Anyox, relUEsed home on thn Prince Itupert lhiV"orniiig. CP.lt. nieamerJriiiren Mary, Capl. C. C. tialntiy. eoulhbouud from AlaMka jKrU to Vanrouver. i due to arrive .fiere from 11k north Hi i t t-veniug. Capt. Canerun, skipper of lite Co4twif Moamhii llarge t.'n steamer Marjnmn, relurneil on Ihe Prince Ituporl tin jnorn- ing from Anyox where he his h-ii the a hI wtN-k while tho veel was in dry dock here. 1 1 LAN KMC SPK0IAL. For period of two wvaks eommeneing March I, we offer you a .special reduced price of 85r fur single and 50c for double blankets. We kiuaranlee to wash your blankets WOMEN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY SUCCESSFUL EVENT AT CHURCH Tea and 8ale of Home Cooking Followed by Supper at United Church r- iii. There was a xal of home! cookinw ami tea at the parlor of I inled Church yesterday af- lernoon followed hy a supper al hair past six and in spile of the extremely inclement weather result were obtained, a um of close to $55 being- taken in I ward the fund of the Women's Missionary Society that had the mailer in lind. The home rooking wu in charge of Mr. V. T. Kergi Mm. Krikovsky, and Mrs. Sie- rone. Afternoon tea: Mcsdame Sherman, Shcnlon. t:o rinli and Bennett. wit Until ln mkniz. lliv' in a oul" " Supper: ill's. McKeclinie and Mm. Kirpalriek. Following the xupper an in teresting humorous reeitalion was givon by Mi! Knrle and II F. Pollen gave a shorl aildre- in Hie work of I lie Library. Mm 1 1 flinL,i. m-esidpil. - i . . i i.... trial. Ju-l Phone lift and we re pec ior ami qiu--. will do the rest. Punter Laun dry. Ltil.. llnrd Avenue and lr- lHide. 32 LOGGING RAILWAY TO BE SURVEYED NEAR SKIDEGATE Colonel flawston Has Been Looking Over Timber Limits Which Have Besn Acquired by Powell River SKUiKiATi:, Feb. 20 Colonel llawstoii, who ha been looking over timber limits for the Powell Itiver Company at Yuazan Lake for the iut month is bringing his outfit U) I lie coast and will lake the next steamer to Prince llupert. Tlie Colonel is expected to return in the spring to survey a route for a railroad which it is protocil to build to the limber limits which have been recently acipiired h the Powell Hlver mill people. MEMORIAL PLANNED" FOR MARK TWAIN TO BE NATIONAL SCOPE si . Nevada Editors Back Scheme For Building on Site of Huckleberry Finn Birth UF.NO. Nov., Feb. 21 News- l;ier editors al Nevada, working through the state editorial association, have iimlurUikeu a movement to erect u memorial to Mark Twain that will he na tional in scope. jteside the cabin in which the famous American '-'humorist scribbled his first draN of lluck-hvlierry Finn, beloved had boy of the Mississippi Hiver hanks, it is proposed to creel a building or perhaps move to this sile the old Territorial Fulerprise building at Virginia City in which Twain Weslholme Theatre. March ''" M ' 'eporlevship. Psiiu-o 'n,p oa,,,n Wtt" -ccupied hy and Rupert Players' joyous' ya,n,,iel v-u'n wl,' o was Club presents a new comr.lv "Wedding Hells." hardly more than a Jmyind b. . i fore his pen nanie had much ,ig- nificance in Ihe literary world. It was than, situated on' Ihe desert near -Aurora, but dialer was 'transported to Idlewild Park ; here and liecnine Ihe properly of 1 up Huckleberry Finn Club. Advertise hi the Dally flews. CONVICTS BLAME PUBLIC FOR INCREASE IN CRIME IIANKFOKT, Ky.. Feb. 20. The public is held hy some in- male of the Kentucky .Slate He- formalory In he in a measure responsible for Ihe prevalauce of crime. A story of the Mutual Wei fan League Courier, a magazine pub lished by the institution, says thai the unfriendly attitude of the public toward convicts re leased on expiration of their lerm is a great factor in inducing the convict "to follow Ihe paUi of crime, or the line of lease re sistance." If people .would slop Uud con sider Ihe other fellow," the story declares, "giving: him a helping hand, a friendly smile, the population of rective institution would not be so great. Then less clinic and more MAYOR INTERFERES WITH POLICE FORCE BRANDON CHIEF QUITS Itll A NOON. Feb. -'j.-4:iiiet of Police .1. H. Hardy caused a ui pri.e in civic circles ny iiaiuiiiig in It i resignation to the city manager. The reason given by Mr. Hardy was that Mayor Calei was continually interfering with the working ami discipline of the force. Ilrandon s chief of police has for many years been an exceedingly iiopular civic official, and his decision to resign has caused regret in many quarters. I loth Aid. Jason Hurt-hill, head of Ihe police committee, and Cilv Manager Fawkes have expressed surprise and regret at the decis ion of Mr. Hardy, whom they complimented highly for the ef ficiency Willi which he has carried on his duties with a very small force. The Idler of resignation was worded as follows : T beg t resign my position as chief constable of Ihe city of llraudoii, l lake effect from May IK and terminating May, ll20. My reason for so doing is that Mayor Caler is coiiliuuatl) interfering with the working and discipline of the force. Trusliu it will meet with your approval, vour obedient servant. Signed: .1. II. Hardy." SHORT SKIRT IS TABOO AT N.S. COLLEGE TttllU. N.S.. Feb. 20. -Co-eds at the provincial normal college here must henceforth wear skirts that "reach a point one quarter Ihe distance from the knee-cap to Ihe ankle," according to a ruling of the college, aulhorilies A female member of Ihe staff will be given Ihe task of inspecting the students' attire. It is announced that only "suspected cases will be measured." Suhrribe In Ihe Oallv News. e TOO UtTF TO CLASSIFY WANTKH. Managing Secretary for Northern ll.C. Agricultural and Industrial Association. For particulars, enquire at W. U Vance. 4v Comfortable and Sturdy Tot field, farm, er icarral work k . ' tho itorc. J. UJlK'H CO. LIMITED. vivmuvm. B.C. DEMAND PAGE TIMER cit!.;Vv'v! In -CLM BOOTS rW& tor uckiv. .1 j'WSkmkiyJ He ivi the iffm K'tkie is oa Ikt twit "Rupert Brand" Kippers "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish $ Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. Prospective Builders! COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDERS' SUPPLIES LUMBER Tit;iL" ! . iJi'iiciision, Shipiap. Fir Finish, Flooring. V Joinl, Rustic ami llevel Siding, Cedar and Fir Huaf Lumber. Fir ami Cottonwood Veneer, Moulding, Shingle.. Kolored Shingle. Lath, Oak. Hardwoods, Sash ami I loom. Wood iiio. CEMENTS, Etc. Portland Cement, Keene's Cement, As beslo Cement, llardwall Plaster, Plaster of Paris, Plaster Hoard, Lime, Ilydrated Lime, Fireclay. BRICKS, Etc. Common Hrick, Fire Hrick, Pressed. Hrick. Agricultural Tile, Vitrified Pipe, Fine Litiijig. MISCELLANEOUS Nails. Huildiiig Paper, Tar Paper, Itubheroid Hoofing. Johns, Manvillc's Asbeslos Roofings', Asphalt. Asphalt Roofing Papers, Sand ami U ravel. NANAIMO-WELLINGTON COAL Trv our Not Coal for vunr Kitchen Range. ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones 116 and 117. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert IT AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle al kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38F The Savage Washer andDryer At tho last Quebec .Kxhibllioti repealed its success of Hie previous year by again winning the Hold Medal with distinction over alt oilier makers of American ami Canadian Washers. Cash Price $1 85.00 Also sold on easy lerms. Kaien Hardware Co. in . .1 im in in n A