ew Test n. loio. 1 1 nre troubled u;i i kiii know how Bulger Ltd Jewellers Fair Isle weaters For Men and Boys H'MV 'l.ll Tll-W'--I :!i - . n 1 1 if om $2.95 CM E Importers Third Aenue Coats & acquettes i .i Jtm:k of Fur - t low price C.RJR Co. It O.W.V.A, Third Ave ishermens EXECUTION OF KING CHARLES London Newspaper Comments on Anniversary of His Death GHOST CARRIES HEAD. ,, per ttiiixM SMl.in.lay wan tlii :'7ili aim. " erar- 01 Hie cxceu: - a rtojuli or i;,HVlf I.. ,,,! iue K i M..H'.' wilb a ilrcl i- enc ..f .vied a new nu'tii- iitiii ifiMMtmtfl in hi- Im. d7.i . M which '""k- ,,. uUiil. in from nf rt ululii.. i,l twit pives p..i..l :,.,., ,;,. V(l ,,, Mli-llf-min'li less ruo li.inr.limi. No .l.nil.l II... methods. pHtHinj- 1. 1. ml. .hit looked ..n wit h yuii have eye ,,. KOI.,unM,rwj L,ipli!i Inleranrc wlmli Im ot lift In.'. r Cliarli's hii.I .if Ci'imii-wofl n few hundred yard apart J nf riiuri iln'w Jiiuc Imcit iiiiirU :worVe Fnjliah Wtipw lliaii Charles. I., Imt noun of litem wh fjiiilf such an impnaaHde permw: I..- i'iii in have hail in their (..I'fi-i'linii Hio.i fH'iiiiat'v ' ii.r (iimiI Im'ik'm anil hiriinc. ; winch may make men oven more hiipclf. In deal Willi tliuii they jtAxiilil lie iiia.li' l.y flcl-riile i. iii-'llnal vi': lie naked fur i rouble in Miirli trumpet Ikiii'h h only Hie e-Krtr, u motif mori-tii Kiiropenn aovereiitii-, Iih milled, ami ii ImiI Ii Uh . all was I'ondijruly answered Death Contested l'.ven hi death, tumnrr, i 'n(ilrd hy .nnif tinftervlu", iol evirteiire. Who linn I It- plcasutt' not inn that the K my wa nut i ii'iit al all. Hi- wax, Iber -a . a I'reeioaMin, ami Ihoae who wtf i tttai he was imheudi-.l WATER NOTICE. USE AND 8TORAOE ik: uTna: taai iw tm I I'niMnrit i-jmipan, wb..- aihlrwi tr i .. Mr. UHNafr A imkIoii. tMwwr iii.iii . vi.r.H.r n . i' lt" :' jn fln.. illl.irww. !,. .. IU t fur a ,i. . ncr Ui Ukr MMl UM illl. rillMr DPt Im-i niiml. AIM U OUHT "i n-rr ftnt f mil Iff lli I, lfci iMillwrlv end ilraiiHk inu. l..l iHlrl. JIIII IH' iMlf B.llr rafrl l oin Hii.ki.( Hat tim Mrait4ia will In ..- M-ri al llo- ualk-l HI m lakr " at l..l. tioh'W Ihr Mill aalM I" he d Supplies FISH LINES, HOOKS, I10PE8, TWINES, HSH NETTINQ ANO TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCERIES. Compare Our Prices ipselt, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. Second Avenue and McBride St. KGERS' CIGAR STORE mt HAM HAS REMOVED to budding next door to Frixiell Uiit-Jicr Mliup, nr.nn! from tlie Kmprcss Hotel We carrv a full line of IGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES . 80C1AL ROOM IN CONNECT ium mei Zarelll Proprietor TRY A NIP TONICIir' BEST PROCURABLE tsm SCT tP? fit PR&bUCI ti oii.ieat ha e.tvtii Britieb Colurabla. .' !- Oriei...l iwL-i tL 1. .1.- V.n.lor'a and !' on GRANTS "UEST PUOClRAULE" ,s 'vertiHenrent 1s -not pnhhshed w liHiJaycd t: by L"luor Control Uoard or by the aoveniuieut of Ihe Does Thai Cough Stick On -v Your Lungs? Mr. Iilsy MacXiib. Boirnof. Ont. I got iuch relief mint It that I would adviae ill thoM who are aubjert ti Imd eoldi or euugha to keep a bottle of thii remedy iu tneir komei all 1U time." Yon dnnt experiment when yon bay, "Ir. Wood'i" u it hu bren a hou lold remedy for the wit 87 years. Put, op only by The' T. Milburn Co, Uuited, Tr0DtS,Oat were I 'iciiii.mih too; Mi Ihcy lr.ruii'. a5 Milislilnti' ii'urii-ahly a till iihht anient I'rcr- iiian whn iiii..'jr.(ilir4lio pa- ivf 4in'l hi tin' iiMMiiorflbli' .frni'. wlnle I In- 'X-Knu I'.'liroil Ui (Is-, lord and linami' F.lian AhIiiiii.I.'. foniHli'i of i In- Aliui'djaii Museum iu thai dai'. jul n I. owl Kitrtii-rn'r, aiiiNinliiii' lo on vialtmarW, rrt;lrifl from i hi llamitMliiri- and huitHicn ii.M'i.. Iimuk in ii-ivali'. Aliu6la, ai'i-owiiiiK u. U "Dirti.itiary .of V..1. ...... I llitr.M..i.l..f. ..r. ci rln m fltloril I'olli'f- U rl.i.'l for i In nufbl rdurli !. may l lo'iH-tl walkifi? up and down il Willi bi hd undi-r Iik arm. HT (Miurw tl U mil ray ! tHl, IIHMtMBa fuiUfWy la m1 f an nn w- oii'k fiNillp oxfrio'ad, uImI1ih Ik i carryuut lii liad nmlr hi arm or not. but au i ixfonl cnckH Mini" who had rom uiHb'r ui aiMirit) irf IN rrwrolr lii l rrraMl ll . .... . ii.,ni r iikximimi '-r ifi and H wiiiilibrMry t aid lo have bn Tkxin ale mi i i,ih urn- in ana. tot; ii)ir ill t aiwrird fraai TV- atraam al 4 pni aUH.i ih hiralHai at '""liriB that tf' ill hi form for, laar. iw mill t imI fur 1'imrr anfl In i i.mr uio- wianSi Hk a r',V?-r.:jr.-Vr-.?T-Jlrriilo.r wrrmtH4nF in tt. r-al tm Th.. l"1'r,, '". '"Imiiv ral mm if thi4 Vrrf(oUiiHB (MlllWI "Hi Hi" l-MIt n irwiiHi.t. i-.fi i.r ...i- i. in-, ana an apti'meowi imruunl ihrmli. ami ! tin- -alir 'i I w l will ur ri-a in im n.rr ih Walrl lMVr al tlr rtJIr eif rh. rirl i n t.. Miruar IVr I'Mif. luiiri. MX Li rtnltarinitll..ll t'lil'i'i-aiMw f ifcrar" ""rn"""" M. x.;i ii-ii Min n rRonrcT1 i.mi- M'tiiiai rs I lliaiii. Ar-m mi the I'oinmon lluor that IIiom iimt-mI lilof ir ffrtaitV art lcvii.l IN PROBATE. itniiM, lk4-MAfl. lnlrntdU. TAkK MiTlnr that li orrtrr nf. Ill llimi.nt r iii'li. Minni, nun iih urn nay i.r ti'liriiary. -A.P. ri, 1 wet apmlnirrt Ai1in.nl. iralnr i.r IlK- HI- nf M.urn liriinn. ilrn-awl. and all iMirllea havinr i lihn- aiatnl Un ai(t eslaie are hwliy rmiiirfMl ii. riirnl'li Mine, nnwrlv verl- lli'il ti lur "il "t iM'tnre llf 3rd May nf Man-h. A.I. 1 Sf.. anil all nartlra Indfliieit in tin- inMali are rrqnlrrll In tvay 1I in.iiilil nf tlielr lndtrdiM lo Inr r.irihwitb. MIIIMAN A. WATT, nrrirlal AdmlnlMrainr. I'rlnrr lluivert, B.C Haled tin Srd t1v nf Vi'liruary. VIM. 1 IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT Of BRITISH COLUMBIA. In the Matter nf Ihe Adinltilatratlon Art: and In the 1MateT oT ihe folate nf llerlierl lledon-. pereaseil, Inlentate. TAkl. MITICK .Hull' Jiv .rilep nr UK Honour T. Slrll. Ynnna, made llie lt dav nf January. A.P. 103a. I wat apin.lnied AdintnlMrntnr of the estate tif llerlierl lii'ilnre, tleeeAned, n.l all irl.e havinr rlalm skkIiisI the aald entale are tiereliy required tn Turnlah aanie, prniMirlv verified tn me nn. nr lH.fi. re iim 4ii ii.v nf rehruary. A.H. 10fl, and all tarllr ..iiii-...t-ii ui ii..- iMiiie are reqiiireq in nay Ihe amount nf their liKlrlitPilni-sn in mi- rnriiiwun. NORMAN A. WATT. Offlelal AduilnUlratnr, . Prlnee nupart. B.C Dated th tird day ot January, lose, THE DAILY NEW3 PAGE nvs DRAYTON HUMOR OTTAWA HOUSE tlTZg tE fSf Want, to Know Why Government of, and my .lwjor toldfci that I ld I Has Not Been 'Carrying .11 IliCht touch of Lnmi-likii. Nothinr ; I took aeenred to girt me aor Ttliaf until I got ., bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup on Business OTTAWA, li. 2:. On of Mi" niiMi litinioroiiH if '1'arliii- incnlHry ejiinorlPi Hi In xfniiion i wan I In1 naivi" iiiiiinry oi ir, J llr-ttry liraylon an lo .wliy llii liovi'riiriu'iil wa urialil'V 'In crttTj' on I n i h i ii . II.' anil' IiIh aH'.')-iili'M had hW'ii nlilnitiiiK piilu lie iiiKinrt rrPlily for many. wei'.K ami Mien In- hiiphm h'r ii'ffi wllli Ihnw. wonl: "I lo not know thai I roiilil i'Xii'i l. Inil 1 think I would have Iii'imi jiiHiificil in 'fip:ltn(( u' well tm 'hujiirur that iny din. frii'inl ut iire.K'iit Ipuilintt tlie Hon"!1 'Mr. l-apcliil'"; would have iriw'n u hoiiii itraifdi why hin troviTllllli'lit IIioiikIiI il iiim'oh itry al lliin parlif ular iioint to in Unit lli.'lr i.nai incaiiai-iiy HH irry mi iiulillr liufliifx. 1 takw II thai my lion, frirnd iH-CfiiH Unit lak ii'rliaitt vry iHfffSll to aiv coiii r -1 ih)i . WhalcviT aioloKi'" may hf niadi? and Ihcy inuhl h fnwni'd, llo'y cannot hv "n-al tin -1 fuel it lliul by thin imHion Ihci KiniM-iiini'iil tuy: W'f an mil in u' liilii.n in rarry on luititn- hui-J 1 1 . Atl hough we calliil imrlla-'l UiiMit for tli' iiirjni of rarryiruj JZ ' TT VuM'f iMi-infft. uHl.oi.1. wr w i i T orihnar-man. tiiHl a liaviu, , : . , . til-oil I'dmrlft, I. Ghost Walks Thai i about I In a(ritC' quislit) of lh artruimn-t in favor of thin llor). Thy do not -riiuil imril the tradi hold oiirMM.!. out ati u i-'iivern-i im-ni Minoliiuli'd 4ind f iim-t lontut Iwi annl ; w ranmH -carry on im lil ir bnnimw. TImmi, Sir, it Ih'Tiinii' in'ri4'iiry lo liuiki linn motion, pt'i'hup Hi'1 I u st phioo of HirnK of I'oiiliirtioii and al lien that aflr Uit lihrar- of iti.IlllU to kiH iu ffiri a kov- frnini'iil thai ouvlii not ! In ii' rfnv. TERRACE NOTES John 1 KiTommoaux arriwJ home on Viliiday niBt froi.. Vhmih-oumt, wlnTf lo' has inn a pali'Mil in llo' Kt'io'ral hospital Mfttr lh JiMnl fivi llllllllh 11 s tilt iPsiilt of un iirHiknt atilo mill hr in whatfi, hr ff4"SYH,i'a A1' riwalwl hip and1 wfWr rVi"it in inrrr. lfV nrw"iiHiyjJl'n-with tlu aid of a ram;. ' , . o-? Milton liomnli'uitf Prince Htl-pfrt Hi Iowii tin Tuosday acl- riir nwmlM'r of tilart' in which in a olirilor lor J'rod Udlord a itrhily Kinv '.haiir ililurb! who wim ancusfd of MellwiK liijunr tin lii nf law trfniratn K nf coiirin. vri lRii; Mi pliol lia- moltifllrd him-Wf lHr Fnl-.inff . mhh in bwkraiii or like Un "'IViii' Cwa" of mcdrapvnl In'nrl. which wan lo br fOHHtl In jail mh1 of th world, and nnit, liii-corttiiip; 1o Swift, ha itinlain-l-.l. in Hu aKirrcpatr, rnoiurti lim- '.T In hui Id .cvfi'al rarsr inivicJ Shakespeare's Ghost Dm of Shaki'nBrr'(. l'.nlili km iMik mcaniiron for appear iiik in a trrn I many plan" 11 1 the -aim tutu, and ninnrpff'ly in lhr4 .aim clothe, but tl nrarccly Ulii Ilkciy nun an nr.iiiiiir.y I iwmimon coiibl bcconic toirh a llduraliHl Hpcrln. think 1 . inii'lnu I iiiiikI hnvc I1r.11 hp- Ih'IiiIimI. ami rrtcil bofoi-t Macixlralr K. T Kcnncy. 1'ho dHTcndcnl wa- f.iun.l mil fc'iiilly of the charge. John Oreticn, who ba.H been iu I'rinre Itupcrl 1ioiiUil Tor tmine uii.nllii wllh a broken lo rc- itirntt.1 1i IVrrarc on Wednc- iay. In tha Suprama Oaurt of rltlah Columbia i-i.. lwnnl Mr In nil ami HaMMIon nospiiui 111 ,wr. ui In im- wailrr t.jiir Ailniinwirath.n Arni i .V Mrk. vSluu'lc, il'ooinlin or Tcrrac rraee, III Uh- Mallei of tin- v.,..- Klaie nl t Mauru , rl. T 1 1 p 1 IN PROBATE. IN THE 8UPREME OOURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. In IlK1 Matter nr Ihe AiliiilnlslriHlnii Arl; and In itif Mailer of the Ktle nf Trail O'Brien. Iiix-eaeit. InleKUIe. TAKI. MiTICK thai by nrder nf 111 llnn.uir V. Men. i.mia, li.ado the l any r January, AH. I9yn. I wan a)H.iiitPd AitmlnKlrator nf llie estate -or Tnm O'Hrien, ile.eaed, and all parllea hav-' iiik rlaiiim aaaliMt Hie wild etaie are, lirreliv remilred tn furnUli aanie, pnitwrlv v.Tiried to iih" on nr liefnre the KIM da, nf lelirnary. A.l. UA. and atl partim rndi.liii-11 id the entaie are required in pay llie aiiK.iillt of tlielr IndrhiedneM tn nie forthwith. NOIIMAN A. WATT. Orrirlal Adinrnltialir, lrlne llnpnrt, B.C. Pled the tltrd day of taniiarv. UtA Mrs. S. N. AVoodvuird inul lillif nun, wuncnay, im n 1 nuay morniu? on a holiday trip lo Vuncoiivor. II. I.. Mirlntosh of 1'riHOf llu- pert who linn Ven -pejuliui,' a' few day here a 1he ?u"lioT .Mr. and Mr, tieo. I. Keith, returned home 011 Wedne-dny inorniuK. A diiiishler wan born in.Ved tie-day, lYbruary Sri, at Hie i . ! '! . If, i . OlirtVi I.arini i homcfitim I lie' llareltun Hospilnl when he ha been a pal tent lor 1ln past lew weeks. Mr. KIwoodT. llrooks left on Woilnesday nifrlil fur her home a'- llultou. afler luiviiiK been a miesl at the hoine of her liiolhei' Mrs. II. I.. Franks, Tor ,'tevernl weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Oha. flnven, of An Infallible Guard accorcKng to Celtic mythology, was the HEIMDAL, perfect sentinel. His hearing was so acute that he could liear the wool growing on a sheep's back His eyesight was o keen he could see everything that happened even though it occured while he slept Advertising, if you use it properly, is an infallible sentinel for you. It guards you against fraud and in- feriority. It protects you against making unwise and unsatisfactory purchases. N r Merchants and manufacturers who advertise must give full value because they have good names to protect. The makers of well-known products and the stores that sell these products often value the names at millions of dollars. They cannot afford to jeopardize the worth tf these names by ssMiag a'tiy bat good 'goods of full measure and fair price. So, you can bank on this. Advertised goods must be as advertised. That is why it pays to deal with advertisers and to buy advertised products. $ Ihe l.nkelse llalebeiy, who Tire utJ promises lo be a pood one present on holiilays, i-elurned to town on NVediiesilay, after liavint spent the past wvck with Mr, Haven's father, .1. Haven, at Kal tl 111 Lake. J. F. Tucker, bead of the parly of limber ivruisers who are cruis. inp the limits of Ihe Ktlsxim Advertising is your guard river front which will lie tiscdU'rinri Charb's and will 1 im nnln cnnin. This will be' work on the new road iixeTuI lo the many louri-ts ex-iSkidcpute 10 Uuecn hief-le'd thii cominp: summer. Oily. rice lor Chft various businesv bouses. "The ice nl Tyee hnke -Is1 not nearly mi pood Hits yearV but con-1dirinjf the peculiar .wintiT, people are lueky to pet it at nil. irrrr- Mrs. Fred Fornian arrived from Ihe coast on Thursday morning and louelher wllh tier ciiUtlren will visit hep parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McDonald. All day Thursday a sleady rain fell, and' now the wads are nfcain In vury poor shape. The -eiliitens ure arrunpiiiK u dance for Friday, March 5, whicJi Jack Mowson. has pone, hack lo Ihe lltithie mine Jo work Afler doin several weeks relief work at Prince (ieorpe, tinnl. M. T. 'llenper is apain 011 the local HjO.M.P. force. Kiilnni Timber 0i.. at Kulum Inector Aeland bJI vn Tues Lake met with a painful .mM-ider-l -day tor .prince Huperl after lo his finsers im AVednesdav and spetulmp a couple or nays win; came in lo Terrace on Thursday 'he notniniini . poiiee aiore. lo have it attended to. TELKWA Mrs. Hoy Wakefinld has recently relumed lo her home .it, Woodmere nflev several weks, visit inp friends ami relatives in Ihe Slates. The Citi.ens' Assncfallon hope to purchase some tots on the SKMGATE X. iscbulli! has, sold bis Irollinv lftunMi "Old .iek" lo Caplaln Hob Dunlop 4f. Queen Charlotte City and she will lie used for I roll inp Ibis M'riup. O. Miller, provincial engineer camo in on the last trip of the 6 tar'. from Chariots Afler .pending vneral n.onlh,; MARKET j xlsllinp her uioll.,r al lilney ir,nrirT ... oAimntr ll.C, Air. Vrnnk Mclonald, and: LAKuLOl 1 tUUWlKI three children returned to Tel- : kwa 011 lliiirnilay morniiiK. ;u. 7K wHoiMie nd f552 1 . I Brokers and There are Two The TeJUva Tranter Co. is Thousand Fishmongers liavmjr a. busy week piuiing up TOKYO, Feb. 2i5. One oj the attractions of Japan, notwilh- ntamlinsr lhv cherry Uossom9 und the nieire or ' beautiful Koiba. Pirl, is the Tokyo , fish market. It is the Jnfgeit in 'the country anil occupies 180,000 1 sipiaio Jeet. Ibe market is an' associalioit of 750 wholesaler, and 53 J broker who operate urt-i tier the supervision of municipal authorities. Two thousand fish moivscrs apd buyers from numerous hotels and reslnurnnts -assemble at this market -pxpry noniiniR be tween 5 and 10 o'clock and carry away with Ibeni from 800 to 1,- tfOO Ions of fish. MAY CARRY CANE WHEN VISITING JAP ROYALTY! TOYKO. Feb. 25. Admira (mint Topo, commander of Ihe Japanese Heel -which ileslrnyed the Hnsstan squadrons in llt Hat lie tif Ibe Sta of Japan lit -May, 1003. now enfeebled by hi 80 years, has been prattled spec ial permission lo carry 11 cane when 1sUinp the Imperial Court. The fcnnrinsr of slicks of any sort in lire presence' of 1he na tion's rulers Is forbidden by court etbptetle, nut exception iu the case of the aped sett hero was made by formal ml imp of llo Mtiilster of Ihe Imperial UouRt hold. ' Subscribe to the Dally News. Call and see our advance models in ONYX Ladies' Shoes . and other makes'. Just arrived. Prices -ripht. Family Shoe Store Phone 357. Third Avenue. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST MILK From Bulkier Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM AVe specially recommend our Table Cream at 15c for Halt Writ. Quality and Serviee Valentin Dairy Phone 667 1 1