ORTS ROUND. UP |= By GAYLE TALBOT AP)—It make up its mind once and fo1 tle when the great y oung | for the fourth time Wednes- eg wa ganze could be wt support sue e Whether there w pain iiGn't Say Mirs. John Fisher p futs on Blue Bonnet i hit Enjoys F.N.E.! ‘io Almost 5 Each $3000 hampions Bir Box NET Ma argarine for F N iF as ireat tO) Wlaver! Nutrition! Beonomy! Like 1ys the the wife of the famous Canadian radio personality you will love the delicate sunny-sweet taste golden-vellow Dn- Luxe Bivg Bonner adds to any food! Z,ih nment ‘ ma- | You'll appreciate its high nutritional oday value, too! You'll find Detvxe Buc Car @X- Bonner wonderfully convenient to use 1 World now each golden quarter pound is ; B PP individually wrapped in pure a World | foil with inner parchment lining! Che \ ‘ tees haves handy ¢hart on the package shows ex- | ave actly where to cut for recipes. Ask for They've. Detarxe Bue Bonnet Margarine and in that | get all these Deroxe advantages — and Npionships | Bure Boxxet De .exe quality, too. ore . ers’ pool inted to | for six 7 third boy. oUtth place “ld frand total ast 32 seq- Yorkers fin- hey. That split each Ngured out hos... aver share , " amounted | twiee as Bin, } est club St. Mt spar ot Verawed na te Cards “G Series nine money 26 extra ine erage EVELOPED through atomic © prove it doubles engine life is to be hoped sincerely |) ase | ' nergy, New RPM Motor Oil ie truly the gem of all. motor oils. Actual tests between major overhaul periods, At all Chevron Gas Stations and Standard Stations Aat OFCID ES | Pig thre eg , BCABA Ousted | + a dias be ome As Rulers opie es on Tacoma 1, New Westminster 3. O 7 Edmonton 2, Seattle 3 ver Boxing OSH 5 Vernon 6 _e 3 VANCOUVER @—The British | Columbia Amateur Boxing Asso- clation is squeezed out as thy Sinking Probe ruling body of amateur boxing | cand JARY ho in. the province | tear ( f last Postponed The action was taken at the | nigh the chill o1 onten VANCOUVER (C?P)—Owing to annual meeting of the Briti#h | Esk rm G Cup the illness of Mr. Justice Sid- Columbia branch of the Amateur | content owed ney Smith, hearing into the Athletic Union of Canada and | the Es) the iki g of the st : followed months of ill-feeling | gam sints( ne OF Se steamship: Prin- between the parent body and the | Ws . Kathleen was not heard BCABA. eric eee Wednesday The AAU votea w put amateur More than yO ywwded Hearing will be Monday. boxing under a commission! into Mewata Arg which will Save nine members! see the out- ge ee plus a chairman and a president | scor: it-fe ‘ cimos CROWDED CITIES j Nn DgsKin Compiele Wiln pig ir e Was tnrown on we playing appointed by the provincial |to gai ] g T About 80 per cent of the pop- e intere ; aL ea , en ‘wr aes ne eCO f 0 rr uletion of Engiand and Wales a tanaka 3 s Or ; vill be s an . ‘ ‘ co to tal ts aoe , aka Stadium enjoyed watch- three reprecentehives ous Van- ia oe os aten featcente. fe —— : yx neers right) finally made | couver Island, three from Van- v hem on top in the Intercollegiate Leaguc (CP Photo) (| Couver and the lower mainland and three from the Fraser Valley. ! ‘ sd An AA.U. spokesman said Nal Caf- n nngs i ii Ki the new set-up would give Lietaee onors various parts of the province 4 greater voice in governing 68s top men were first baseman | Snider’s 992 average was second amateur boxing and end dom- hiv: i Kitiszewski, second-baseman only to Boston’s Sid Gordon's ination by Vancouver. : s a idy Ha on and flelder Bob 096. The Duke had only’ three Following the closed meeting, , Borkowski ors chalked up against him all th® spokesman announced Ken be Gil Mel third baseman, | year McKenzie of Varfcouver has been an o1 Gene Woodling) Kluszewski now has topped the | Te-elected president of the B.C represented t) champion league two years running. At 993 branch while Fred Rowell, also Yankees in the inior circult, he was one point siete his aver- of Vancouver, is vice-president Washington also placed two my age Of last season. His ‘52 record Tommy Burgess. of Victoria is first-basemar Mickey Ve shows 1,190 chances with only *®cend viee-president ai and. outfielder Jim Busb ¢ight boots “— ae 1 Billy Cox posted a 872 mz com Hatten a converted third i ‘ mitting only eight errors in 286 baser flubbed six opportun- L f R chance Mes tO head the second sackers ea $ Oar Campanella il tn ¢ impressive 990 mark R miscues of 726 104 Obtained from Chicago Cubs Past Wings t Year, Borkowski had a fine fe With 267 chances errors for .989 . ano ugaid took part in 117 In 5-4 Win me a hird, handing 436 2 miscues for TORONTO © The Toronto Maple Leafs reared from behind 7 average Kraft’ Park Patkay Woodling, the AL leading | in a three-goal outburst in the tflelder with .096, was charged | last 20-minutes Wednesday night vith only © bobble of 251. In © defeat the Detroit Red Wings 1951, he had two errors and 5-4 before a whooping and yell- nished in a triple tie for the ie Toronte crowd of 13,068 No. 1 spo The victory put the Leafs in Ver the only ot Amer- a 3-way tie for second pla n leaguer & repeat, had 1.416 the National Hockey League wit} hance 993 slate. He Chicago Black Hawks and Mont- ? S Ssindog elded 994 last yee real Canadiens _ * — ‘even wn ice eal Comes in 4 Slices into neat pats— 1oothly on fresh bread the instant ir refrigerator. Get smooth- fashion tames the wild jungle NATURAL REPTILE A DIFFERENT SANDAL IN EVERY WAY quarters. spreads sn ou takeirfromyot cay at your grocers today! spreading FOIL WRAPPED Beautifully Styled for YOU FOR FRESHNESS! WHO LIKE THE NEW THE UNUSUAL SHARPEST, SMOOTHEST-FINISHED EDGES MODERN SCIENCE AND SKILL CAN PRODUCE! Natural Cobra $14.95 Vogue Shoes Limited Phone Green 595 506 3rd W. Box 638 Outsell All Other Blades Because They Give Finer, Easier Shaves @ For utmost shaving satisfaction al- Ways use super-keen Gillette Blue Blades in your Gillette Razor. You skim off whiskers with light, gentle strokes and when you're through your face feels smooth as silk. For extra convenience buy Gillette Blue Blades in the Gillette dispenser that makes blade changing a breeze and has a built-in compartment for the permanent disposal of used blades. 20 biades $1.00 * 10 blades 50¢ IN IMPROVED GILLETTE DISPENSERS Regular package 5 blades 25¢ ar. e look s“"" feel wv"? be vw" us ett) Ry eo tea e Gillette Blue Blades iges ever honed i wrinneeiainne ciaduiemginakioe | Pai quick ‘enalei try a , Daily News Classified ee FRIDAY & SATURDAY Values Worth Comparison Boys and Girls NAVAL ENCH COATS NAVY BLUE. Good. quality Gabardine. Rub- berized batiste inter- lined. Heavy satin lining. Raglan sleeve. Belted model. SIZES 8 TO 10 $14.95 SIZES 12 TO 14 $16.95 SIZES 16 TO 18 $17.95 200 Tailored MARQUISETTE PANELS 42" x 81” A new shipment just arrived. First quality, very sheer, hemmed sides, double sewn, with deep 6" hem at bottom, ready to hang. IVORY SHADE SPECIAL, Each $1.85 - Baby Chenille BEDSPREADS Full double bed size, very close tufting... White with colored motifs....A nice gift item. PR $1195, Ladies’ Pic & Pic Worsted SLACKS Beautifully tailored, with | self-belt. Blues, Greys. Sizes 14 to 20. -R $9 9 5 Browns, Tons, AIR Pa