m ' r.l WD Sl.OI TrdnSlent Display Advertising. .. .$1.40 per inch' per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page. ....... .32.80 per inch Local Readers, per insertion....; .2oc per line Classified Adverlising, per insertion !..2e per word Legal cNptires, each insertion..... 15c peragate line Contract Rates oh Application., J. .. - t. j I Advertising' and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 All advertising should be in THe Daily News Office before A p.m. on day preceding publication; All advertising received subjec to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION 'gfigil Friday. August 6, 1920. Boost your town and the town' will boost you. Knock your town' and you'll get the knocks back. Baseless Charges Against. Ministers. At the meeting of the investigating commission yesterday at Quebec, the counsel for the Meighen Government admitted that there was no ground for the charges against members of the-Mackenzie Kintr Government in resrunl tn-ivilit nririr iilm.-inl the Customs. Sleiimpp M.irirnrol i wiwli nrrriu..- Innl- i-vl .... - ...... - ..w -' 11 ui p I i--' . w w pmiy unit such is admitted even hy counsel acting for the body urging oii the ifl'fatiT.rllilin Mil VIiTlfhoc iulfi (hill fiif nnnMiAN r f llm i-nn.? .... . 1 1 1 1 i v mm i ii 1 1 1 uii iiuuiiii.1 in ill, Galons-iRieiiTiulateifpr 11$ jyirpoJrVing.Jp; keep the IackAi2neM1ngGoveniirtent oiltrf ottkv'.t :?;' New Settlers Are Cultivating the Land. The report of the commissioner of immigration for the Canadian National Railways in regard to life cultivation of the land by new settlers as published yesterday made interesting reading; It has been charged by many people that innngiration is useless and that people will not stay on the land even if put there Here then is an official statement of fad in' regard to recent i.iiiiiif.i.un-). i iii-j arc on uir miiu auu are cuiuvaiing lu AaiuMr enjoyed "J"'' a'" and ciucb -iwn aueniinn atlentinn ally some few will drop out nild go' to the cities, but so rafH?ivcn ih,'Tti io 1,115 churches thpv urn nnL-inir in. ml s Unltvrf Churw-h I Make Good Conditions And Peoplo Will Come. ' .' . One of the cries of the-people .opposed to immigration is! that if conditions are made good-enough for those who are here others will come. It is a high sounding staiemeiit and must appeal to everyone. - Yet it is not workable, because vte make our own' conditions. Governments can do little for us unless we are' Willing to help ourselves. We have 5een instances of communities getting together and making conditjdns attractive and succeeding and wc haye seen governmeiiis try to help people and he.,morefcJielp they got, Ihe more they wanted". They refused to help themselves. The only sort of help that amounts to anything is self-help.' Let us in Prince Rupert take this to heart a little and do something io iK-lp ourselves. Let lis back our board of trade and other organizations and take part iii the work' of the community. ..v , -i"Mii in Hinr uiiiir gunu wuik ior iis on uie roaus niiu we can hack them and forward the interests of ( Clt Is1 Securing . , , , v Much jpubiicity. Priilce Rupert is seciirliig mWl pubticily fhrouglioiit-the Continent and farther. Article's in regard trt Ihe elevator nro appeariug..and the world is coming to a realization that this new port Is destined to become un active factor in the trade of the world. Kverylhiiis: noints that wnv au impressed -upon us from the oiitside as well as nt Imnu. We June suggested before and wo suggest it, again, that every person should be an advertising afrent for the city and should help, carry bi'r fame to. the ends of the earth. It is well not "to forget this. Thinks Toronto Fast Becoming Leading City In Canada Just as Vancouver lie Growing WORK OF UNITED. CHURCH An inleresl inj; account of n lecenl visit lo IC.istcrn Canada ti jollier wilh a short resume or uia organuanon or me iniicu Cliurch which ho represented af repeal sicneraf conference was ajvcir by Karl Rarrle at trie ltolaiy Club luncheon yesterday lie told of lieiiis Iho younpes; nieniber of tlio United Churcli Council but representing the lar-rcsl nresbvterv exlendinir from Har.ellon lo the outer .extremity Of" IW Queen ChVrl'ntl'n Islands and from Alert Hay to the Xortli I'olc. The he.iildiiarlers nf kirebyleiy was in Prince Hnperl. l nere were nreseiu tb delegates f whom seven were women. Toronto Overtaking Montreal Telling of Mih places visiteo, lr. Raiiie said Toronto was fast ;iiComiiiK t he leading cily of Canada, overtaking Montreal just as Vancouver was overlay ing innipe?. He told or !?oing to the Union Slalion ofriei- o send a telegram lo Prince Rupert and being told it would haw o come by way of Vancouver. The elileny lady there said sin; .new there va no office at i'rince Huiterl because she had ien there. Mr. Uarrie sent Iho -ire from another office. However, Toronto was Improving very rapidly. Harbor development was poln on, an amusement centre was thronged even in Sundays when only the swim aiing pools were open and there.! was a new baseball' stadium whii-h had. beneath the ground a lining of cork to make it itrv luiekly after showers. Delinquent Boys Mr. Uarrie attended a Rotary luncheon at Pelerboro where he found business terribly quiet. A !ho luncheon the speaker Was" the liea.1 of the Howmanville inni tule for dclinutiPTif huvs th a fin was to graduatH gnou in tin' kalien on a ousy day Cifiens. It was conducted hki an hug lisli colletre. i'lm wen- billeli'jl in collages with ajwlio io wan wan intiii niiu niiiiiau ill ollUIVe O. about twenty boys. A vuit to Montreal was nuinii wha unifying force leading the wjy lowani unity nt the ftthe1 churehes. It had 700.000 mem bers, 2,00(1,01)0 people in th5 congregations, over a million childien in Sunday schools ami societies, (25,000 teachers ami 05.000 students in the colleges In addition there were 6t5 Atr- Telllng of the 1'uiled Churli galherirg and organization. Mr. Rarrie said the church wn THE MAN IN THE MOON ays: , WeJI, lei's hone that the politicians ilon't lei the harvest interfere with nolilics. Mr; Meighen-' sayr a lot of things about Mackenzie King but then ho doin't Meighen 'cm. Did you ever bear of fTh.in.iit JdisgtilMing himself in a flapper's na lining suit 7 The cook doesn't usuallv f.i r ii about the mistress helping her Ntw ii The Time1 to Buy STEVE KING Third Avenue STEVE KING Third Avenue f r PAOB TWC t "I, riday, Aiik" Discover For Yotirseif BARRIE TELLS "SALADA" GREEN TEA T77 -To drihK a. cup is av revelation. Try it. I The Daily News 4 . PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA , .' Published Every Afternoon; except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News,-Limited. Third Avenue. H. P. PULLRN. Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES I City Delivery.- by mail or carrier, per' month , ......... By mail to all parts or the British Empire' and the United States, in advance, per year Tu 'alf other 'countries,' in 'advance, pet1 ytfar EAST RECENTLY Complete Stock Reduced Great Overstocked BUY AND SAVE SALE wei BUY AND SAVE Raincoats English Gabardines f 1 . LAZta gnt uvercoats All at Positive Reductions MEWS SUITS Tweed Suits Navy Serge Suits Worsted Suits Well Tailored Garments at Undercut Prices A positive' cut to the limit sale If it's here, it's on sale liamei;! in the lnstoi-v .T tie Ho tiiiitiuii Tint iififiial Iii.. t.1 I've never lieanl yet r a hov a da a 1-ifle"ntli Paiiiani'-ni, wim i fed a noiseless firo-Wa dissolved on Joy .', rj.'d. ci"acker. Ias five montli and .'0 ilav-. (Although !he lant hikt.i! ele,-- 'I'lii.JA afn Ifin .l.'d m'Iia., A-nm .lll.flw UOI'D llll f !' f I bftll 'II 141 ,....t.. aiv .in- iiu;n 11 Uill VILi . ....... . - " - .-, ... ... fiddy is going to win the election: lh' law flrr.t or Hie Houe Tliri' ontf tiling ahou! tHxilnco of ParltnniHitl ilaii glraff a little troes a long wa with him. The people of. France are no. the only ones to haVe', their ft. nnneial triiiiliYni.. - ltknnl ifio rnii of the previous4 jiidnlh with iriWi from the first day the meukei i UKe I in eliair, which wi on Jannatv' 7 or thi year. I'revlirfis '.o this III- reeord f..r brevity hi Canadian Parliaments at held b' the ceeond parli.i-meni nflef nnnfeefatoii. whi. ii Jfc.i I i I ftf mm vwn m mI ItanditH reccntlv seUed t5.000 niontlnf. Tho Twelfth I'arlla in enU on .'i null Imin. was li'ard ort' tlie riiall houses. Thalj,f1iln. Mme which was under the war- orde The youngsters now havp to sd ii( at night bV let grandma intd the house. Alii y 'n f r m nm J 'dauglljir lurt fie kiicw-hOw bl ive IM- h(ht (hc fa.' -'r' ' MJ to' 4 U'liich l worse to 'the marJ ried' man trying' to sleep-a mm i"iv. ixyingin jiiiki or a wn trying-fo lalltr. . Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert August1 6. 1316'. W . 'V. Mtn U.-I111 J' fnontfn,i at Surr rnlet, in here on a visit lo his family. He will return U Ihe. mining ramp In a few days. A. K. Plnver nt Hnzetlon ix iri Hie: city for 4 feV days. - Mr.i Jolih Dean han relnrnpd frrtiti a visit to her daiizhtcr. Mrs. Kirkpairick, In Victoria. .I. H. Ti'ip1I a vrr knnu'ii mining rxnert AMhc. De'iiartmiml or Mlnert at filhiw;i. I a guest af the Prince: Hii'pcff Ifolei SHORTEST PARLIAMENT HISTORYOFDOMINION Five Months and 26 Days Was Lennth of Life of That Which Reoantly DW- ( solved' rriTAW.V. Amr. fl.Tlm nt'C Kent general eleetfnn camoaiirn Ihroughout Canada follows Hi9 dissolution of the shortest par- government, elnbliho the record' for longevity bv onrrvinv ifin for six years, lio.lii evert .'siions durlmr this period The lenath of nerviee of eauii fmrliamenl smr Confederal ion follows: I At 4 year. J months. 15 .lnv 'id' I year, I nionlln. 3rd I yenrs. 5 month. 2.1 .lit-. )th 3 yejtrx, 5 irt6hth, 28 .lays J am 1 years, 5 momlj, lo ilay iiuui ;i years. months. .'7 dav I ri-5 years. , , J Mil--i yearn, s inonihs, (i dav-;! Dili-. 3 years, 9 month-, i-o d v I tOUi 3 years. t nionilin, t day-. II Ih- years, 7 inonihs, 1A dav I '.Mb fi .ears. h3lh 3 years. 7 months 7 .In. J tth 3 yars. 8 months .-in ,1,,, t5th I moiilhs. L'rt d:iv "aOVCRNMKNT LIQUOR ACT" Nolle of Application for ConMnt to TrniWr Bstp Llctnto. ism jl of Aiiitui nut tlio iindcr.irn. ,i . v: '".., 'i",ir..' 'hmi iimiiiit il nrl-f II. rejirr numtirrpd i;u im) mnI In rp.rJ., iir prrinlT. Iicinir prt .if i hiiii.ii,,. '.,:r.,",, &Jc:S J'?..."Vl,rr'''! oiiwi riurl.,u l.lsnilv I'rlniV hm? Unil iirrtlrjr nlnrl. i, in ilio i-riivln i ! IIMI ill r..liii..ll. ,..... trl...J "I Tfe ku? & tare of B'rtftV JKn T IhV" rinsfSIT; , IHTI.I) m crlnre lliipn. ' I . r, "" thi, : lut lui lay of July, !. IO.Mllt.MT llMPTON PPll''Hil ind Tr.H.f..T LAND ACf. Nolle of InUntlon to Appl to " Lm.J ," .l.nl llrriirrtlnr ii.irl"t rm?r. l linitmwl Hv mi Hmilli ' ,m,! 1 ;iui,im.l, .fHiat nn. ...n' V.Vfh.Tnttt'rr .kiTyK.F: 'plrZ K. IIoiimp.,. tnwf Inlet. I'rciliii t.r iikih.i. .-..i... . 'If Mllen. am.i.ry MnintiT. Inl"n , K LTltX nil rni nt phi i.,i....i' .i"..J"r '"im. sl. of Hinrr lV.nl iiS'riwm ihT: t II.VTKIi , r " inly 301I1, Ufn. E nnrsiiriii ApHlcilBt, SEND IT TO THE -:- LAUNDRY : ALL CLASSES OF LAUNDRY WORK Including Ihrop distinct service fur Knirt W SOFT FINISH, THRIF-T-SCRVICE and WET W$X at mol renMuiable prit t DRY CLEANING!, PRESSING AND REPAIRINQ Pioneer Laundry and Dry Cleaners Phono 118 ami we wdl do 'he Steamship and Train Service Saillnn ln,m i,r. .. . U...AI..I, wieTORI. lrTlt ----- - nwrtni I w iuvvvf " Mfh MONDAY ami THUMOAT 4.00 p.m fATUROAY, 6.00 lor ANVOX and ITtWSKT MONDAV, fKIDAV, 400 for ALASKA WIDNItDAV', VOO p.m. nr KAMITT INLIT MONOAV, 4.00 p.m. fnr SKIDIOATK INUT ll SOUTH QUIIN CMsHLOTTI foflnlohlly, PMttNQIR TRAIN! LKAVt PRINCC RUftUT !!' " tt.ao ijh, for princc oionoi, ioMonton, wiNmrro, an i ;a" " Canada, I nllnl Hiai, all Octtrl (nihlp Lint. ,, lt Canadian NiK,nl Kiprru for Noiifj unlrrt, ' r I" lo for yimr nut hlpmfni. Cll Tkktt Offlt. Btl Thlr A., Pfln Ruprt. fhM t WATER NOTICK Dinar. I.. m.M II.. fAVi: ,VOTIJ. Ili.il munrn ranurr rTiUM. t.;.H u4 TrlM' 0""J"' "lr,j !" H'ln mm ; A nT' "r " n" a ii. iiM'iil lUiildnifn, viriiiria iV ! '.V.W' BOMIUVIIII.: aNr tOMI'AMY. MO, SUMMER SUOQE5TI0" FOR WOOD Dry Jack Pino, Cedt'i Bircn and sprue Vet lond j.stt Per half load jfi Burn wooo ana r.v-r UtfJaTraiK er 4 139 Second "UJM ... Mlnht Of Phone 580 WC BUY huh-