4' i Declaring that the Government of Mackenzie King was In collu sion with smugglers nnd bootleggers ami declaiming on the sins of the late fiovernment and the 'merit of Ihe. present, J. G. Hrady, Conservative candidate for this confctilneney, ' addressed goodly gathering of Ihe faithful at the committee rooms last night He told of Ihe success he had mel with in the north and prophesied the defeat of Fred Stork and the success Hof the Conservatives in the Skeena riding, fleorge Munro presided. Mr. Hrady went into some delation regard lo. hi? jrip, to Atlin and mentioned the wonderful reception "that had been given him by people who wanted a clean ad ministration. .turning; lo local issues, Ihe .speaker, said there was nothing personal between himself and Fred prk. Mr. Stork was supporting the Mackenzie: King Onv-ernnient, whereas he was opposed lo il. He had hoped it would be possible to lour Ihe constituency with Mr, Stork appearing on the same plat form with him and he hoped yet he 'would 'have I he pleasure of meeting him to discuss the issues.. Mr, Hrady said that Sork had Iteen a consistent supporter of Ihe Mackenzie Knig fiovernment and as such must be responsible for any maladministration in fiovern-ment affairs. Customs Affair The speaker then went into Ihe details of Ihe customs irregular! ties and spoke of the unanimous report of the committee of inves tigation consisting of four Liber ais, four uonservallvcs and one Progressive. WThcn the report was presented to the House and the question of censuring the fiovernment arose, tne -Liberal member, voted .with Ihe fiovernment, but Agnes Mclmail, who hilheriu had .eopsistenb' ..voted them as did several others, with the result that a majority of ten againstHhem was recorded. The fiovernment, he said, was in collusion with smugglers and bootleggers and he asked if any who ftook their responsibilities seriougly would she a certificate regular "program of sports,, with aMadies. baseball game added fori good measure. The married la dies are getting to be rather ex perts in the latter sport and fn a game between the town and the 0. X. II. teams exhibited thieir TiPnu-PAB fin IliA ilnif.1nra Ttioml was only time for five jjnnings.j whii nie lown team victorious ny a fair margin, The day ended with a dance in the Town Hall, when good music, pood eats and a good crowd gave a. happy ending to Ihe tlay's n- lertainment. MINING EXPERT VISITED SMITHERS; PLEASED WITH ORE SMITHKIIS, Aug. 0. Hepre senling Ihe information bureau of the Dominion department of mines, Dr. 1 J. Alcock, r,Il,SjG., spenilihe past few days in Kmi- thers and dislrisl .gutlierinj? data dealing with the lead and zinc re sources" of" this section of 1). C With onli limited time at bit di- Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Crewe and fit :'1'-; ia dailv uro FHda, An BRADY SPEAKS BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManu, AT MEETING WELL.-1 CAsVe THE CAT to ThXT YE.3 AND TrCT A,1HBCAT MO CC t TKA.T CH-OCKijHE UVEfj On TM rEVT Child "wiuu mqt 0 MAUVRmu JC ToOkt it- UftMc .. . .... .. . . J CALLING OM WEQ V'THHER,- cee TMOUCUI MK I I tr ::tm ;in I. r vrMM'.. I i. i t i- i r in. & I- I ,i WE'D Declares II PUT-L HAVE Try I Mackenzie King Govern v Ml "'..Irs. ritUFD r.iT CS.r.vr- ' V aaaai 4 tftfSSAS a 'fllLC !rvsa IZjar . il I w J-w J I ancmji ment In Collusion With Smug-gters and Bootleggers.. , i ' IKlr1 tha.t'ca.t r-5. i Ia.- C V-l . s - If .B1S1S1S1SM B I I .imtaMf-tjIlK I : ' I IB V -j hi IJ P tr?,A MS I HSBiT7r. t -pi . j r-'iff'-SNWMi r w ; ikL-r- r in. v .i2L-Dir. . ivj j - ,'iA--ci , -yi-hKTt.j'Krrarf paw. posai Mr.-Alcock could only visiWdaughteV .loan of Prince Htipeft a few of the mineral zones of the nrrived nn Tuesday nt Mrs nir district, but Ihe bodies. of ore' he nie's summer camp at Lake has been aide (to inspect have Kathlyn lo j?enil a couple ol proved a revelation to him. The! weeks holidaying. ore now being mined at the Uuthie mines was an exceptional surprise and he stated the ruby silver and copper ore was the first be had eer seen. Under the auspices of the local branch of the Jl. C. Chamber of Mines, Dr. Alcock addressed a public meeting on the mining question in general. SMITHERS TO HAVE IMPERIAL OIL STN. SMITH KRS, Aug. 6. That Smi-thers is to have an oil supply station Vas the welcome new. brought to town liy fi. A. Woodland, of Prince Ituperl, the district manager for Ihe Imperial Oil Co. This ija niatler that has been mgitaleif for for a number of years, hut promises was all that has been obtained heretofore. Mr. Woodland has now, ,howeer, assured ihe local bodies that Ihe work of installing the tanks is to be started in a few days. UMjg. J ohn St hirJCt '"Ip1 I Ifoifju ry" "tlr " I f a?el r on ' were Yt? tors in town on Monday. Mrs. John Kilpatrick of Prince Itupert who formerly resided i; Smilhers, is spending a few days in town visiting with Jriends, - of character tothe fiovernment ..Armanent deniisi in n.e ,,ersni. by supporting their candidate. of j)r. J. P.. Oosse who opened in regaru 10 uie wany .ews, up dPna parlors this week in Mr. Hrady said that paper had the Adams Hlock on Main Street paid him the compliment of say ing he was an eloquent speaker. As there could be no eloquence except the principles supported were honorable, he was filad the. News agreed that Ihe principles! for which they stood wer.e of the highest. HOSPITALMCWCAT SMITHERS WEDNESDAY Event at Lake Kathlyn Was Very Successful and Was Followed by Dance. . k tMlTIIKIlS, Aug. C Another huge success lias een scored by Jho 'offijjers of the Hulkley Val-j ley District Hospital and tne',an-'l utial picnic at Lake Kathlyn was I enjoyed by a laiige. crowd of resi dents 6f (own and district, on Wednesday afternoon. ..The swimming races and balh-j ing were the chief items .on the . J. Dawson, in charge of Ihe local provincial liquor store is enjoying his annual, vacation and accompanied by Mr. Dawson fen on Monday evening on a trip to Vancouver. .Mrs. . w. , Anderson arc daughter Lois of Hazelton stop- pen on nere lor a coiipie 01 nays as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Kirby, on their return from a motor trip lo Stuart Lake. in ceienraiion.tir her seven- teenln birthday, Miss Theodore llaabe enterlained a number .of sirl friends at a parly on Sat urday evening. In addition Iq tli dainty and bountiful supper games and conlesls were enjoyed by those present. At Ihe summer home of her parents at Lake Kathlyn, Miss Lfhea, daughter of Mr. arid Mr Olaf Hanson, entertained a number of her girl friends lo n birth day party on Tuesday afternoon. Haines and contests were greatly njoyed by the girls, Ihe .swimming prize being won by Mar-iorie Itlance of Prince Itupert and the tennis prize by Miss reu ny reiresiipienls, A coninuinity memorial servir Tor the late Andrew MeXaugh was held in the Town Hall or. Sunday evening and va verr largely attended by the people i! town and sut rounding district. ndrew McNaugbt, who wa-ilrowned in Ihe Hulkley River about four week ago was a member of the local Hebekahv Oddfellows, O.W.V.A., and Naliv Sons of Canada, and his sislei and brother members of theo:1 Do You Like Lemonade? "LtmtJe" ii powdered fresh lemon Juice made from fret lemons in the ume wif ii KLIM. It con. taininoartirirUI color, .flavor-or kdded acid. "Alreid'jr iweet. ned just dii. lolre fn water and you have-cold refreihinr lemonade. Send lie foruialtia. 9iie new KLIM Wt flfit fttmm timfkm tt lk nlki Cm lumlumik ,ltmj to twrt fnm ct. mean a "livelier bunch." Less worry, less, grouching, less fatigue and more fun I The New Klim will provide these for you. It enables you to carry IN COMPACT POWDER FORM and at LIGHT WEIGHT the greatest boon to campers and vacationists a constant supply of WHOLE MILK. Just add water and you have milk that is cream-and-all ; milk that cannot turn sour or spoil ; milk that is appetising, invigorating and rich and that is DOUBLY SAFE because it has been pasteurized. Don't take a chance take the New Klim. Canadian Milk Products Limited 347 AdaUiU Rt ur.t Tnnnurn I il It,,' V anted For Sale For Rent, In a body. The character nnd true fellowship of the deceased was me iturme of addresses by ioth the Hev. J. It. Gibson (An glican1 and Hev. tico. Turpi n tnited Chnrch, who conducted be servire. FIFTH STRAIGHT GYRO BASEBALL JrYIN LAST NIGHI The fiyro baseball team mad s fifth straight win last nigh n defeating the Sons of Canad. in a senior League itamf lai night by a.. decisive score of 1. runs to 3. The rooters f.n oth team were out in forr and taking the game enentll was a good one ah hoiks)! de oid of any spectacular or out-tandingr Hay. 'Hie Son of Canada fell down in their fi'I.i ing while pie ;iyr were agai up to their halting form. UiRihll;vflibrti)i'g4and a wo-liasjt ml. Lrrorn in field nit on I lie part or the Mins wa fhe sole cause of the score be tig piled Up against them. The Sons got two runs in IL o'irlli inninj and one in the fiflli. Tlie; Hyros gol two run the first inning, one in th bird, two in Ihe fourth and the fifth. Halieries fiyro: Sche.nklf nd JlrKeowen. Sons of Canada: ambie and ltalfour. and Men- u- ami Mitchell. DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for leit than 50c organizations honored his mem ory by maivtiing to the service SMITHERS BASEBALL TEAM WERE YICTORS Beat Burns Lake By Score of 7 to 4 In Return Game. SMITIIKIlS. Aug. 0. The re urn game of baseball between mitlier and IJurns Lake was played here on Sunday afternoon anil wa one of Ihe best names dnged here, in n long time. The play was' closf and nairpy ill throiiKfi: and vvilli Ihv excep ion of ihe JUth injiing when, the ocals n(i't bver . tlirrn . ninsr: the core wtfoMiilrty jcn.Hidg ) to I in faVir of the home team I'he lineiiM were: Sniithetn Arnold 2b, Lewis cf.. Hoberts p.. flood it ere v.. Warner lb., Oraham s.., Iwis if.. .Mulch lb., Finnerly rf. Hums Lake Sleel 3b.. Nolan Jensen c, Landson ss., Com inons h.. Parlrblce lb.. Atkinson rf., Campbell cf., McKenna If. The lakes team motored down and were accompanied by n good garfcg of roolers. SPORT CHAT Kxprrssing confidence that the lieensiiitr angle will offer no serious obstacle, Tex Illck.ird ha predicted that the heavyweight Championship battle between lack Drinpscy and dene Tunney smted for the iilghl or hepleni ner In at the' New Vork Amerl can League stadium, will attract a crowd uf Hd.lioo and gale approximately 1 ,500,(100. The bAnlamwelglil t boxing chaiiidonslili of Canada, held by Hobby hither, Toronto, ha been declared vnciint by Ibe Ontario Alhlellc comnilMslon, the reiison being given that Kbber had been onlered bi appear before Ihe commission on several occasions, but had failed to- put In an ap- WANTED. FOR SALE. OH SAI.K 152 acres, partlj cleared, with house 20x5 1, lit Kisplox Valley. 20 miles froro llaelton. Close to school and post office. Apply Hot 313, Daily News Office. FOll SALK. Pleasure launch "Owen." in good condition: powered with four horetowr huslhope en (tin. Apply. Pit, len. Daily X.w. M FOH SAI.FL Hotel Mas. fit. A good bargain. Ill henlth nauso for sMIItwr. Apply William Hudson. Massed. ll.C. FOH SAI.K Three easy chair baby ertb, oak dreer nnd couch, all pruclii.all.f new. Hto Summit Avenuo 183 FOH SALK Sitxonli.ine. C -me! ndy, in good condition. fioW: Hell, satin finih. Phone Illack t3- IK? fKXT FOH SALK. - New tliK year and ued only one weeK. Price i'Q. Piillen. Daily Xew. BOARD AND ROOM. HOARD. The Inlander. 833 Second Avenue. Phone, 137. UX)M.- Hoard Third Avenue. optional. Vih Phone Hed 33. pearance. I he-commission sane tinned an elimination-'boiip-- for Hie bantam lllle between Jackie lobnslon, Ttimnlo. and Vie Foler. Vancouver. ... t'- ,'.' I. ..I: v- ... .. .i r.iinuru, rierre eriiieimer a ramous hore, which rated in the United Stains in i2. will soon leavo Par'. for Hie Stale o enler the stud of James Cox Hradv of Lexington. Ky. P.pinard has .been rented to Mr, Hrndt till has not been soh!., 4 hoenig is Iwck In the Xew ork lineup again and. Laaerri i hack at second base. I'.videnlly will be Ihe lineup for some time as Koenig's Mitrn has appeared in atnr iiir. ill II KIT ) .reneweil vigor. Kopnig.was laken out for erratic fielding hut. ns lone at lie continues lo play ns he has In the last fifleen games hf siiouut remain where he is. Union steamer Catala. Cant. A Johnstone, docked at (Uti o'clock mis morning from Vancouve anu wayports ami sailed for Port Simpson jtnd Xans Hivfr poluls ai n.m. High Low lllauli Low PRIN0E RUPERT TIDES Friday, August 6. 2 t p.m. 17.1 .33 a.m. p.m. Saturday, August 0.2n n.in. 13.20 p.m!, 7.11 a.ii. 10.07 p.m, i.2 8.8 7 10.7 18.1 3.H 8.2 TO RENT Articles Lost and Found, &c WAM'lID. One reliable man lajFOfl flKXT. t.arsen building ai every town, merchant preferred, to take order for beat custom-made clothe in Canada. Highest cnnimissiniir. Hex Tailoring Co. Ltd., Th-ronto (2) iiii WA.VTKI. High School girl a tnotht-r' help in return for room and board. Appl Il.ix gift Dally Xgws Office. H WAXTKM Secondhand child wicker go-cart. I'hone Mack i8fl. H5 MAID Vante.. Younff. Fourth Mr. F. Mcll. Avenue. Kal. VAITHKffi Wcnled. Apply Iln. on Cafe. 171 Third Avenue Knsl; six room modern flat with bathroom and workshop premise on street Ifoor. Apply Hyde Transfer, 130 Second Avenue, FOH nHXT. Two first clas modern flats: Monarch ranges, waler paid; one furnished. Westenliaver Ilros. HOUSI-S for Itenl. Some are furnished. tiO nnd up. App5 SI5 Fourth Avenue KasL FOn HKXT. Planus, phonographs and sewing machines Walker's Mulf Store. FOll HHXT. Four hot water healed. &. Mallet. CHEVROLET room suite, Apply Smiti MODKHX IIOI'SF. for rent--Fhe rooms and bath. Monro lira. SUMMER RESORTS. LAKKLSi: 1.01X1 K. near Tcrrnce. Visit Ukelse Jlthla Hoi Springs. Llthla I one of (h: finest mineral waters known for rheumatism, (food Jl, fishing for rainbow trout in Lakelse lake and river. Motor meet all trains giving through connection with Lodge. Telephone connected to Tcrrare J. II nice Johnstone, manager Why bo without a oar? 350 makes the first payment on a Xew Improved CHKVHOLBT. the balance in twelve surreslve eny instalments. Lei Us demonstrate! KAIEN QARAQE Dealers iu all Oenernl Motors Products. Hrake lining by mi llinery. Cylinder regrindinc and reboring. Fowl overhauling nt Hal rate price. Wrecking Service day and night. The follow ing price are now i-lfeciive. F.o.H. Pnn.-e Huper'.. Ooverntnen' tax.-s included: llunahon: Sport lloadsler Touring ... ..... Coupe , I'udor Sedan Fordor Sedan Light Delivery Lt. Delivery Van Commercial Chassis .... I'ruek Chassis Sir Self starter Included 1581.(10 080.00 005.00 751.00 7f.il.00 831.00 . 502.0(1 A I (1.00 188.00 581.00 on all models. ' Term payments arranged If If desired. 8. E. PARKER, LTD. Dealers. 210 Second Avenue. FRANCOIS LAKE LOOOE' Hautlfully sitnnleil near Ferry Landing Altfliiilo 2115 feet. Camping and Fishing Tr'pt nrranged FIRST CLASS TAHLK wilh produce Fsn.a:;i()M tiik fahm. Take a Trip lo thk Lnko Courllry this year. a. For reservnllons, write Mrs. Henkel. rrnncol Lake. H.C. TAXI Phone 67 Taxi (Call Oeorge. Pn nr 0iut) Six and Seven Passenger Studo yo"r ,,lPnl Any limn. ROSS .- BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Blook. Across 4rqmEmnfess'noleV ' 'El i j ems. TAIT Sfllli i. la enara , tm nonet TAK SO Hilt''!! 1 v.. , Vif.u..., D . IKMUC Ii. tAk. .. tr (U ,r l Mriiarm-. . . a dfaiiu mi. ,.' l alr lrm i a ii lr uuAint i i m iht- t iwmuani th, i, , llll." ltt Water ltfxl , a MteU Mil A ih ... lit) law i -i'irHaaut tmn.i tti days arif lU lttl t lit 11.1 tr ,1. smi'Mitt VVSTIS M0TKI 01 M Wt, Van... Moan In Ua a fh it iUX i.i s r-tik of ntn.iii-rl im arani-ftUr emir ii -ih TV water a 0iii at . TMM Wlb I hrtrih (4arrf . TIM IKiitn it isih ! "f W Ihi-MtTMMIH llvrrt c lll." vtfl Im ' Wif IkMbrdtv ai ilbKtlIMM i mm lni it v hr Hrptn,llt- mai imiMif. ihfrlf dai afir-IM aniir la a The 411 or l)u rtoilt i imfr i STXVhlhO s Uxo tct. Mailt r iutiM u rif lltel Ol ft-' I fcMMtr nt Hi -. rhirt..i. THE VOTI'f rarkinr 'pi S.i. . MTOpatioi) r fw ! r Um).: - Cnrnaw at a rmrthratl nmiK m a water inirt rll dtrvtKm m r rastrrnr ! rtu r-! tnlVt tn (nim rMlttffln 1 nr.: tia i . rr r n. nalxl liiim I, jrf MlftlSal CT. nmr i.rwK 11 . a -' 4 Mlt ,1 h-j r : 11 r i.ar 1 w- In i M I I I I CtaTiriCATC OF IsiSMItfO1 Bit CatM-fa u V : aia in ii aiun aji ami aaifistrst -f li .' 1 imk -"iin.t iai " rrfw ainrra i ' an ....... ..... . : I rrrtirlrat of Inii.r- r. x -pot nt (ihuinint a ' Morr Ihe Kltir ' 't 1 11 Iril thta III Hit ' ' t. H. ' MINISAL CT. ctnTincATt os iwrsoitiPj llw Allin Mlntnr - !T irtel. Whr incur " , at1 djsnln anrt - " rn.rti titenio ... "V: .... iia t-it riin.. "' ' -i rrr Miner s . ' tr' m i tenil. m itea fi . It Ihr M Ml ' I apply to remriratr cf Impn fKoe nf rihlatnint a abntr rlaim. And rurlhrr Ulte imiter Irrilon J m Mat ihr lnur ' linprnrrtinn. bated Ihli III 1! MINISAL ACT. urn Sr.X. I itesoiiI,fl ctanricATc or n:m ..L ....111. Ul,. ' I.H-. .11. K f.!!...!. , ina A inn mininir in . nn y riri. iiprn m1 " . i,, 4i lit tmtinoriT w . r.wt T.HK .Xlirli K th" 'l .ill trre Minora i rnu.. . tend. Uir dJJl !". "TJvUrf In IhA V I. II ' .. IM Crrilflrate of liapnuiw 0fli ,n se of iihlalnms Imiv rlilin ihil And furinrr u ""J, m ilnprorrminte. f tnnf, IlatAll inial HI IIAJ .-.., FBI 3' LAND ACT, Ntlc of InlanlM nu..M nmiari land S rir nf ' ITliirn niuwi l anil ,nil . 0 . li.. ua..i Inlot. lrh!'n J.7. IT urn nu n-ri. . - , . in-P'"--. man. inirnua .icWi"-. r..mniinrlnr tl"l,vowt?M ..i..ln! in -j. Itlih Water Mir-;, th'Of e llllll Watrr Mark tn l"" rr,i, S mrnt. and rnnlalninr I" Dlted'UM 14ltv '. '