TAXI Boston Grill 25 and Ambulance Large Up9tair Dining Hall, Servlc witb newly laid dancing Anywhere at Anytime. floor for hire. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. NEW 80A FOUNTAIN, and 0th SL PRINCE RUPERT The latest and beat for the MATT VIDEOK, Prop. least, Phone 467. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Ivor, XVI., No. 103. ""It, Pill NCR Iiri'KllT, H. II, FBIDAY, AlNiUST 0, 1020. Teiterdayi Circulation, lt8 Slreet Sale S3) PRICE FIVE CENTS. 5. C. KEELtY MACKENZIE ieeley Sees Busy Time Ahead of Prince Rupert Result Grain Shipping l'rn)iieyiiig u busy seusou in Prince Ituperl tins uiltumn I nig llir Canadian (iuveriiinenl Mcrchuiil Murine would l: ping lo uiitrihule to Unit, H. li. Keeley, Pacific Coast i igi'f of Unit i (Mircrn urn ml this morning, ucrouipuiiicd by Keelev unci miii, who will continue east tomorrow. It i I nod Ilia' while in Ottuwu mid Moutri'ul Mr. Kecley Will i tin" question of putting on u direct steamship service Mi port (o Hit' Orient, making their headquarter and i ng hi ronjiitp lioii with the ruilway. He hat announced EVEN MILES YET TO SWIM Irtrude Ederle Has Sea and Rain against Her In Attempt to Cross Channel. . IN WATER TEN HOURS ll French Side at 8even This Horning With Orlm Deter mination to Win. 0. Owl rude I New York, the girl wii.i nlU'Ui seven tildes la c tin utleriiiMiii nipt to conquer the I'.na-:iel i?ti" had been in a;i u ten hour, haung a ruipi a) (irit Nes, on side, "tinrtly'after e-I ,ir w tnd Innl been kiek-ao m a but It moderated 1 aw ,rain was fallltur ng were fur Iroin fav- wa a sharp eontriHt ( an in determination walked into Hie I'hauiiel m mid bei 1 ik IK lieurt-eu L S. CATHOLICS FORMAL PROTlST!ARRMrTHr U Ejection Voiced to Action of I President Calles In Russian- lilng Mexico. II MUXI'IUA. Aug. 6. -The t r.olumbU4 in annual i yesterday miopted a ' protecting iianliift tlie iMeKidenl Calles in Mex-" ' it statement reminded the X nten goerumeut .repre-vr- Mini Callesi hud Instill-'' " mleil ami expelled Anieri-teiiH. men and womeiN 1 umnliiure ulihorreiil to " i "phon of roiitllttillonal 1 men! '"We and our fel- " Vine it un ellueiu," the Htate- " 'mil.- a ll not eiiduie ul our ' in - eps with llupuuity the " s licing of .Mexico." W GRAIN SHIPMENTS VANCOUVER. THIS WEEK vVMU)l,Vi;il. Aim. . There lilt nciiin ,l.i...kt..iil fijiiu niuiii nil i i hit' me tswus I.. 'm in i.i- .Itii-in.f II.U.i.iL- M tin s IIIH .i ikiiii is now piucticully at; an 1,1 mm there wilt he very 'With I'll II V .111 II .. I. ....I J llllhll IIUW WHVUW 111: U) I ONE HALIBUT BOAT I MUy one hulllml boat sold II inornliig. the .It" uiIMn- XV 1 1 1 1 1.000 i.nnmN. which pva Louglil by t- rui riloniue -""Paiiy ul IB.tiO and 1 1 centi, at ",. J KING SEES tpreumly that he believe in such jii policy mid the present is the 'crucial time for putting it into jcffed. .Mr. Keeley says a number of their boats will be docking here. There is mora work being dune on the Canadian Prospector than was expected, all to Uie benefit of the drydoek here. Mr. Keeley i very eheerful in regard to local conditions.. He looks forward lo great development in business a u result of the train shipping. He say ev (rylidng hu been adjusted bc- tween the dry dock here and the wheat pool in reward tu lining the liHf atfll Iln-rc sfiouM now be nothing in tin- way of ..ucress. 4 CHINESE DYINQ THOUSANDS DAILY CHOLCAA AND HEAT 4 tUI VXuilAI. Auk. 0. It i unofficially el muled that a tliouoaml Oinnei.0 are dy- inn duiiy ol cholera and ex- eeoive lient with tlie-cpi- demic ul it peak IihI.iv, the 4 Imtleoi day in thirty year. The temporal ure reaelied till'. J but few forekgnei-B 4 were uffeeted. At r.iinton the army i.- suffering from the divane. Clifford 8hallard Suspected Stealing $3,000 From Wm. Btgnell. VANISH Vi:i. Aug. 0 -Uhargeil with robliiiut W illiam llkgiielt, a vl-ltor to tlie city, of gU.SOO, Clif-fonl Sliiillnnl was arnwted al Nunaimo and bmuirlrt here loilay hi face trial. lUgncll .n?ported the lne or, his roll to Hie police when he returned from the hotel after veiling a room urate whom be met in a b parlor. Anting uimiii Hignell's desorlp- tion. police officers instituted a search and traced the suspect to I be Naimlmo boat. KILLED BY LOQ V.VNCOl'VUH. Aug. . Onihed by a fallJpsr ling. Sunluro Alio, a .liiimiiesc. was almost instantly Mile,! ul llnweti Island, west ut here. Jack McAulay. V. McDonald, A. imncaii and O. Hell, raliiugs from lire local mill of the lloyal Ciinu- iliuinXaxal Volunteer Iteservo who have been iimlergoliig Irainlng at I he Itnyii) Naval ban-arks. I .sijul-malt, retunu'd lo the clly on Iho Prince (loorge llil! morn In Art Noble, formerly customs nrrieer ul Hlewart, and now sln-l limed at Ocean Full, arrived in the clly on tlie Prince lleorge tliis nmrnliwr lit II"' courno of ,. tmll.inv, isii to northern points. SAYS VICTORY RAILWAY MAKES GOOD SHOWING 8ir Henry Thornton Saya Will U? IfllfJI UVUIIIUIIfc III WWI B," Ina Results For Year DRAYTON GIVES DENIALS OTTAWA. Auk. . Tho belief I fiat the l.aiiadian -National Hail- way will snow assure! mi-line provenient in operating reult(nr murder and sulfide was uis- this year over iasl coupled witlitcovertsJ early ibis morning at the ttemendou improvement made lul yar1 were eoutuined in a statement initued today 'olHIreol. lltfturning o net- home. Sir Henry Drayton, acting premier and aeting minister or railways. rUr Henry denies thai lin- Coiifervative party are "in cunw way or another going lo get rid uf the National llailway in mm n a way or other otng to hand them over, preauinaltly to the Canadian Pacific." ItiUerring to prophesies Ilia, they would, replace Sir Henry Ttnrnttfn h iiresident of tho Cnnadiaii Nntinnal or I. 6. I.ui kin a high inmmifiouer in London, Bir Henry Drayton said: "Th'- mijpteti.(ii i-, untrue and is made merely lor the jiurputCi f tim-ulitUion.. ; etr-f' LIBERALS TO BE IN POWER That Is Prophecy of W. l Wlao-kenzle King In Speech at Prince Albert. PRINCE ALBERT, Aug. G In the constituency which he represented In the Last Parliament, Ex-Premier King last night thanked the people for their support in the past and In the course of his speech made a forecast for a solid Quebec, a solid Saskatchewan and a strong Liberal Government with representatives from all the provinces. The completion of the Hudson Bay railway was promised. HWAGE INCREASE BEING SOUGHT Railway Employees Ask Sir Henry Thornton For An Advance OTTAWA. Aug. 0. Notifica tion of general wage increase. averaging ulmut eighteen per -'enl over present ruto, lieing .ouglit by I he low er paid ennilvy's of the Canadian Naliunul llailways, lias been sent to ir Henry Thorn ton and his general malingers lexeral nmendinent in the pre-eut wortiing rules liuve also been proposed, including a provision that alt' employee lie ftlven holi days annually. Those affected are included under the schedule known as clerks and other classes of employees and the proposal b In cover the clerical staffs of ull nlulion .siieds. shops uud round house employees. SEAPLANE SERVICE FOR FISHERIES NEXT'VEAR VANiCOrVMH, Aug. 0. "I am informed that arrangements have been made lor the seaplane, ser vli-eto be renewed next year for the protection of the fisheries," said Chief Inspector Motherwell Ibis morning upon his return here fr(nn,,a trip lo the west const of Vancouver isiunu. RUPERT WILL BE FOR LIBERALS AT FORTHCOMING MURDER AND SUICIDE AT VANCOUVER Fatnor Kinea cniia and Then Strangled Himself is Belief of Police MEXICO CITV Aug. C Pes. VAXCOUVHIl, .Aug. (3. Whul poiiee oeucve no ue u eae.wOiiii:ei ueiween me government jiiie liome of AVfll Johnson, 10 yeni of aae, a I toi Kamioops Mrs. Johnson rrtjscnvcred the bodies of hef - s u u sua ad ami yourjer son lluddlph, t: years o( ag,-.' The boy'w io-jil had been mas-bed wall uu uv and tb raider's lifelejm .body wa. liaug- fng from a bedpos;. Itoth bad been dead many .hmir-. The jioliee belffive tin- falln-r flrt killed Ibe ;lioy and then strangled him-elf ! (alb. A Mood-s4anedxe ws found under the piitOw 'uu which the hoy'), head waives ting and the room generullywere in a stateuf disorder. The walls and floor and bedding were - Vjiatto red with blwd. ... -IMicw1 irtWR1irtn. ? Showed That Joliiisou bail been dwd 'J 1 hours ami the sou even loisuer. A friend of tlie familv told tlie officers they liad callenl at t4i home three limes yesterday and rew-ivcil no reply. Mi. Johnson who worked out of town, told the authorities thai tier husiMiid had been acting queerly for some lime past and ii vh- I lie result of his threats hat he left home two weeks ago. II was mi one of her visits to see her stin that she discovered the tragedy. TRYING TO FLOAT GARLAND FREIGHTER If Weather Calm It will be Pos sible to Float Vessel, It Is Intimated. SAN HIAM'.ISCU, Aug. 6. - - Weather conditions during tin' next few days will decide the fale ot the liarlaml I.tne freighter Norlinian. which went ngruimd on Wednesday off llorshoe Point on the Mendiciuo Coast, it wa imii- ealed today as attempts to -ulv age tlie ship progressitl. It Ihe oil remains calm llivre is an ex cellent chanee lliat Uie vessel will be refloated, but ifa heavy sea IeeIops she w'll lieli total loss KILLED AT LOGGING CAMP VAXt'.orVKIl. Aug. ii. James Pi'trie, an employe; of a log- ing camp m tuimpiirey uiian- nel vV.was inslanlly killed Ibei lecorduw; to worii recoivei from Powell llier where tlin iiuuesl is lielna held. W. MMchell, governmejit tele graph operator ul SnUtliers, i iluikgerously ill as the result uf a relapse after an attack of infill eiua. Mrs. S. Daiuin relumed home today from u v stt in the souM' VANCOUVER EXCHANGED 'Bid. Asked B. C. Silver ljd8' 2.05 Dunwell 1.70 Independence .... .07 .00 Vi Indian .05 ,'"" .00 I., w 1 ul2 Premivr IT' 2.50 Purler Idaho ,01) Sliver Crest ..I Hi C. P.H 101.00 MEXICO TODAY PESSIMISTIC Religious Troubles Causing Fears In That Republic but President Holds Out WOMAN BEHEADED tiniism ixgardiiu? the religion uiu catholic was more pro Mounted today. Business depres i ion i, -i-rfUM- of the ecouomx-.oycoli declared by Calbolis ocieiies in portions uf tlie republic is causing apprrliensiuit .n other parts, including Uie capital. In a serious clash at (iuad-ilarujara six .are reported dead ami l i wounded. At Irapuato a Aoinan iH'lieved to be a Proles-ant is said lo have been be- l.eadetl by tlie crowd who wer. frantically excited over suspen sion of tlie Catholic services. Presitienl Calles reileraleu the nl nlion of (be government lo enforce without feariuz the in-crilicts or supernatural punish- (ten's Ihe Mexican -oiisiltulionai ro-. istoi-s r"ctard'itg i-'!i-ion. RUSSIA HAS NEW RISING Peasants Join The Intellectuals Against Soviet Extremists, Says Bucharest. BUCHAREST, Aug. 6. Reports of a widespread Insurrection In Russia in which the peasants and Intellectuals lined up against the Soviet extremists Is reaching the Roumanian Government Details are lacking, but the government attaches sufficient Importance to the situation to order strict measures along the frontier to prevent the influx of refugees. BABE RUTH IS BACK TO FORM NT.W YOItK. Atvg. 0. Babe Uuth's return tu form and hitting home more runs than any season siiK-e 1S)-.I appears to be carrying tlie New York Yankees lo the pin nacle they altaiued last year. Five years ago, on August C. he had 3t home runs to his credit. Today- he has 31. The latest was scored yesterday1 in the game with Pliila delphia when victory for the Yan kees tied in tlie crucial series one eaeii . Williams and MoManus both hit homers yesterday for the St. Louis llrowus, thus contribuliivg to their leams win over the Philadelphia Athletics. American League Washington 4. Detroit 0. New York 8, Cleveland 2. Boston Chicago 7. Philadelphia 5, SI. Louis ' National League Cincinnati , New York 7. Pittsburgh 1, Boston 3. St. Louis 11. Brooklyn 0. Chicago G. Philadelphia 1. MACKENZIE KING TO VISIT SOUTHERN B. OTTAWA, Aug. 0. Mackenzie King carries - bis campaign tour nilo British Columbia next week meetings buvtnsr been arranged for .Victoria 'August 12, Vancou ver and New W"etininsler, Aug usf '13, uud Kuinloops, August Company is Formed to do a Shipping Business Through Pvmrn Himnvl stiff ri Alnvlin i a i tine iiuici t wiui KKTCHIKAN. Aug. 0. Articles of incorporation have been filed at Jiuicuu for the Alaka-Oriental Kvport Co., composed largely of Ketchikan people who plan lo use the purl of Prince Hupert in connection with their operations. The company expects to undertake a direct shipping and brokerage business from Ketchikan uud way ports around the western circle of Kodiak, thence directly to the Orient. .Ships are available, and outbound cargoes tu the (Cast will be discharged al Prince Itupert, B. C and carried in bond to be r.asi. riie company has a1- ready carried on correspondence witli the Orient ami were promts- cargoes. It is believed that a sav ing of lime and exiiense is cer-laiit. and that the service will be eneraliy beneficial to Alaska. The general office of the com pany will lie at the office of the Alaska Securities Co. in Ketchi kan. An office will be opened at Shanghai and brandies at other Oriental and Alaskan ports. An agent will be sent lo Shan-;hli lo onganize tlie Oriental end if the organization. THE PUBLICLY EXPRESSED OPINION OF A CONSERVATIVE -In u.y view the whole or . this western movement should be dir.-cled to the port of ancouver; and, alt public monies expended up- on the Pacific coasl should be expended there. There -v- never was a- more grossly Hagrant instance or expen- diiure or public monies ror purely political purposes man me nuiniing or me eie- ".runted. r vaior ai l'rince miperi ny - the Liberal government.'' AUSTRALIANS MAKE BIG SCORE AGAINST ! WARWICKSHIRE 11 BIHMINOHAM. Aug. 6. When play m the game between tlie 1 touring Australian cricketers and Warwickshire closed yesterday, the scores were; Australians WU, Warwickshire 2t8, ror nine wi ckets. BIIIMIXOHAM, Aug. li. The cricket match between the Aus tralians and W arwickshire wu abandoned after the lunch today when rain made further play impossible. The Australians scored UU runs and Warwickshire 3f3 for nil'-' wickets Willi the play un-i'inisheii. A SON OF BOIYIN IS ILL AT PHILADELPHIA QUKBF.C. Aug. 6.- son of (ieorge Boivin. former minister of customs, is seriously ill in Puiludclphin s the result of an attack of appendicitis. An oo- erulion is necessary, uncording lo advices reurhing here. Mr. Boivin left a few days ago lo attend a congress of . the Kuigbls of Columbus at Pliila- tctphia, arcdmpunied by h!s lumily. OCCUPANTS OF CAR KILLED BY TRAIN ' PAIUS. Aug 0. Nine people were killed and three seriously injured when an auto skidded near Wild Baeh. lei many, and fell to the railroad truck's Jusl as a train was passing, according toa des patch received here. BUSY ELECTION - fTrvri a rti at s m a f tKr fl I U Li I 111 PROVED COSTLY Northern Hotel and Other Buildings Destroyed by Blaze Originating In Bale of Hay u. FEIIXIE, Aug. C Fire broki out at Natal, 20 miles east uf here yesterday afternoon, and did damage' estimated al'$4l,-000. It is believed lo have started in a bale of hay. wbicn was being unloaded from a box. car at Ute siding AwJisftTnce fnifilfcfrinJJL r iffe form of hose equipment and T,p Uuilding destroyed in- elude the Great .Northern Hotel, a .Chinese restauranl afid gro- !PPrv store, the telenhono ex- C,antte. the residence! and Bar- !ajre 0r a. V. Beech and Iho post ofrice which ts boused in lbt Grea, Northern building. jSonie damage to the C.P.R. iin- !wn dUIU. anii for everui baur tll, (Heprapb service wai inter- CHAMPIONSHIP STRANGLE HOLD British Columbia Cricket Team Wins Four Straight In Tournament at Edmonton. F.DMONTON. Aug. C British Columbia took a strangle bold on the western Canada cricket championship here yesterday when the team won the fourth straight victory in Uie tournament here, beating Manitoba by the overwhelming si-ore or iit for four vvickeU lo 5G. Saskatchewan .wou from Alberta i;3 to 07. NANOOSE PROPERTY GOES TO CANADIAN COLLIERIES, AUCTION VICTOUIA, Aug. C At an auction sale on Thursday al Nunaimo the Lantzville holding of the Nanoose-Welllngtoii Colli ery properly passed into tbo hands or Ibe Canadian Collieries (Dunsmuir Ltd , the price paid being 45,000. The sale wa ondueled by Ihe sheriff Traw- ford and the Canadian Collieries were tlie sole tiiihlers. CRUSHED TO DEATIi ON REVOLVING DRUM IN A LOGGING CAMP NORTH YANCOI VKH, Aug. fl. When his foot caught In the donkey engine cable at t Iks Seymour Creek lodging eump east or hejre, William U Smith. 20, years of age, was utiHble i- extricate lilmself und wu crushed I death on a rcvcijvljig drum today.