PAGE SIX French Velvets Tlie newest novelty Velvets -for Dresses Kimonas jor Coals, in over .thirty shades and patterns, etc. A8eciat purchase enables us to sell these values 1 a yard for $1.50 l'KIl YARD WEST of ENGLAND STORE Third Avenue Phone 753 1 AUDITORIUM Dances EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY EVENING Ucginninff at 9 o'clock Floor in the Finest Shape MISS CURRIE'S ORCHESTRA Ladies 23c Gentlemen 50c The liall is now equipped to lake care oT Dances, Concerts and Meetings of any kind. The building is 50x100 feel, maple floor, newly plastered. Clear title to property. IT'S FOlt SALE Phone Black 449 L J. MARREN, Proprietor. AUDITORIUM Pure )rugs PROMPT SERVICE RIGHT PRICES fou- will always find the highest qilality at this store together with prompt, efficient and courteous service PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED Carefully and Accurately We fill prescriptions just as your phy.tir-ian wants them filled. LET I S 8 E It V IS Y O I Rupee (Pharmacy Prescription Specialists Phone 94. We deliver. PRESERVING SEASON For small fruit and berries is Hearing the end and we have a few crates to offer at reduced prices. Raspberries, per crate $2.50 Mack Currant, crate 1.5r Apricots; per crate .. $1.65 Apricots, per backet ... 60c Cherries, pi'r crate . . . $3.25 All green stuffs and fresh fruit in season arriving on every boat, and sold at the niot reasonable prices. Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 84 417-423 5th Avenue East GEokGE RORIE Chartered Accountant and Auditor Receiver, Liquidator, Trustee, Ac. Phone 387 New Address: 243 Second Avenue West PRINCE nUPEftT CAPT. HANSEN IS ON TRIAL (continued from page three) Cold Storage plant, on bcirijy called to the stand, said that u.-remembered Friday inorninir. July 23. On "that mornin ne went to work at 8 o'clock. He worked in the boiler room and! saw Capt. Hansen twice. ' He noticed Capt. Hansen pas.ij Ihrouuh the boiler room unitw, toward the boat at about 8.30 On Capt. Hansen's passing llirouifh the Boiler room he. witness, noticed thai accused had something under his coat and was bulging: between Ins hirt and his coat, but did no! see was. Witness limt not spoken to accused. He saws accused again about 9 o'clock when be came back from the boat and passed through the boiler room. Capl. Hansen then had a similar narcel and was holding it in the same positni'. ine bulge of Cant. Hansen si .... " I clouting going to and from the bMl was about the same in ire. When Capt. Hansen wn going out lie (witness; asked him what he had on his hip. H had made the remark becau accused looked kind of blue Capt. Hansen did not answer In ; raised his riht hand. The toiler room was the srenera'. passage to and -from the boais Witnes had known accused during the time of his employment as fireman at the Cold Storage, and had no ill feeling toward jbim. Upon being questioned wi- WEEK-END SPECIALS 1,000 California Grape Fruit, special, I for 35c PRESERVING PEARS First shipment will arrive on Monday. Hook your orders now. Packed in apple boxes and weight guaranteed 50 lbs. net. and over. Our Price $2.75 per case. PRESERVING PEACHES We advise you to wait for our special announcement as it is an ticipated thai prices will be very low this year. Maid of Clover Creamery Butter in bulk. Extra special, 3 lbs. $1.25 Alberta Cooking Eggs, 3 dozen strictly limited. Budwelser Barley Malt Syrup, 2 lb. tins S1.00 3 lb, tins, with hops $1.40 Van Camp's Pork and Beans, special, 4 tins for 25o Jutland" Sardines, i tins for ..35c Packed in pure olive oil. Limit 12 tins to each customer. Store Gossip Wanted Tor cash, 30-30 Rifle. Must be in A-l condition. Send particulars to our office . One of our customers wants to sacrifice for cash one only Gerhard Hcirvtzmau Haby Orand player Piano, in A-l condition. What offers? See our office for particulars The abovp space is donated to customers of this store. No euinmission will bo taken by us. but in event of a sale, we shall rxpeci. payment for the advertising space only. We invite you to list any of your wants in this space on thi.- understanding. This is only one of our many .Service Ideas. Sliced pineapple, 2s. Special, 2 I ins for 29o Sugar Crisp Corn Flakes. Spe- eial. per package '. .. 10o Ileekitt's Hlue, package 5o Sally Ann Cleanser, 3 for ... 25o Tnin.itii C.:il sun Imllln l - - - -j I ...... .w S. J j. Sauce, bollle 19o W urcesier auce, DOllie .... 130 Seedless Raisins, in bulk. Special 3 3 lbs. lbs. for for 40c 40o illallowi Dales, in bulk. Special I 22c 22o i z ins. ior ................ I Lemon and Orange Peel, lb. 1! Imported Macaroni in 10 lb. boxe Special, per box 9c e. si.j S1.29 Rupert Table Supply Co Phones 210, 211, 212 Mil it m'c! Mteani, Mrb fkii northerly and drain CHS Ie. into FerruMin Bay. !Uaet inlet, atertit 4 :.. rham nl of Y W. corner tM 1171. 1 accused Vueen Charlotte ftland DlMrlrt. The water in iK- atet tea rrom the ttream at a CASH & CARRY GROCERY SIXTH STREET FRIDAY AND SATURDAY m 2c Huys the sei-ond pound of Fresh GROUND COFFEE Ili'igular IBc, or Two Pounds for 50o Only 2 pounds to each customer ;minu.",' Come In and See Our Bargains Pine Straw berry Jam, 4 lb. tin 70o Nice Itipe HaiirisAer doV.SOo New Potatoes, J His. fo for Snnkist Oranges, per doz. 5ampbells Tomato Soup, Tor Creamery Ituller, per lb. . Fresh Kggs, per doz. ... 3 dozen for 25o . 20o I tins . 25o . 42o . 35o S1.00 BARGAINS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION rm DAILY NEWS Friday, Aug. 0, lojj best a cserva ti iceai Malkin's Best Tea Sold Everywhere In Half and One Pound Packages s'.aie.l that lie d;d not s i tie people w io iiase- .lauiili .ie boiler room and . u 1 it was posuiIe for people i get to the boat by guin? around the boiler room and pa.-i the coal pile without Ircln? ieen in I ue boiler room. Mr. Patinore:- "Why did uu ask him, what have you got on your hip" Wituess: "II was ju;d a re-i Hansen; lifted up his hand wna when lie was coining toward (lie boat or goin from it?" Witness : "II was when ne was coining rrom the . boat." Witness had learned of the robbery oi the .Saturday morning, the day the next witness called... Ho fluted that on the morning of July 23 last fie went to work Dlftrilon and liu IBIIOUI II O ClOCK. 1 lie IlOal Was TAKE .XOTli.t uul soiiiervMe Cannery ifiiif "in, uti M.iiLim I imllul w... ......... i. "I" "C"-. :-..,.-. Avriiur wiiarr. vimnHn-rr. b. c. mu an-! beside the dredge. I mm going for SI OO i I ' ",r ""-n i ue ua ue ti nlm.iril In Ayrshire Roll Bacon, machine sliced, per lb , 29o Limit 2 lbs. to each customer, and make it snappy if you want any at this price. Quantity is Mr. Patmore: "Are sure that Ihe time WATER NOTICE you quile he (Capl. m Mr minute of valer mii nt m iufiiM) after the robbtfry. The fart of Capt. Hansen walking with the package came to him on the Saturday morning. John Yisser was again called mart. I'ness said that the to the stand and in reply to a bulge in Captain Han-en's cou ' question put by Mr. Patinore was just over his left hip stated that hel met the accusal pocket and that accused had.his'on the morning in question Jat inn over it. Witness eould no'lin front of Ihe little garage remember anyone else passing when he was walking with h: throuzh the holier mora thai hand" in his pockets like ha morning. The fact of Capl . always did. Hansen lining up his hand did) Frank Cameron Testified neluliif' AVi,nC!4S " anl"lnS tranlH Cameron. secoBdein- v vu nc uuiri fiiuip?ist nan went into the fo'- He had. spoken to tti about pme coninensn- lion papers he wuilel to gel tinl chain la a kmjII) weoierly dlrerilonj fixed Up. lie and Capt. llailsei 'nn . cnirr itii. j. u ... i. .. ,: . ... . nd will be ii vd Tur IndiiHrtal and Hirn-1 .Miliiie s onif biI'a.'? iTVf. ctSBTj he dock to gel the dales ot Tbit n-iticp Ma piied on I be itihiikI on wiien the accident happened io tlie 14th atj i.f July. t. A rtwy ori.j.,, thl niilln and an rtnti.atlrm hii.Hinti"u" therelo and lo the "Water Atl" mill baiLlarton .mi.. in. o. i... Miinin inriy aT aner Ine ..-III, tn.D '.r till notire l inlv to. no SOMFhVII.LF. C.AXitMY COMI'A.XV. LTK.. Applirant. Br r. P. MATIIFBs. Aypnl. LAND ACT. Cllr Land llUlrlrt. Land RernMinr nilrlc of rrtnre liuperl and illualed on Taku Arm, about mile toulhweat of mouth or Atlinio niter. TAkE tllTICr. thll rrmrii fllrh.rrf ImnUip of Atlm. B.C.. orcupatlon mill manlier. Intend lo apply for permllon jw injiruaw ine loiiuwinc aeMriDea and : - Conunenrlnr at a tot nlanted on th aouib nore of Taku Ann about I tnll. v4iitiet from tlie mouth or Atllnto Bher and ninnlnf thenre 0 rtiatnt e.: ttHnre n rtiim ninth: thence to rhaln etn; ana inenre io enain norm ixilnl of eommenrement. rontalnlnr rrr. more rr iii. FRncis nirmrtt) uunlop. ApptlranL Ttate Atlln. Mar 10. 191V (Cameron,. He saw M that morning up in tit- at rrinre ittiiwrt, B. c. onjeriiKi to iii ' off ice of the CqM Slorage" Coni-SKU?1 f J:!,.,,!,-J5T. JSUil'anr about 11.30 o'clock. M- of Water InrhU. I'arllanient Buil.lin',tIarto! i had had a conversation accused, askin? him t bring Ihe money up lo the of fice from the boat, and accused had said he would lake it tip right away. Witness then lea the office with Capt. Hansen and went aboard the Zihassa. They iioiii weni uown neinw to n small cabin behind the engin.1 room wiere w itijcs iad,. changed ins riiiuics. While chanefng his clothes wilne.. had ajain conversed with Capl. Hansen Jinout tti compensation niattor...II wa in then, about mid-fay. Capt. Hansen had told him (that he was sinne money short (ami was goiiw home to gel P.. i He did not know what time I Mr. Uarton went to lunch but jWlien the whistle blew for din- her time Cipt. Hairsen had si. inn ue won ui i,iKc nie money m Jo the office aflcr lunch. H' accued) did not give, any rcu sons as lo why he would take the money up after 1 o'clock. Capl. Hansen had said that th-i whislle had gone and thai it was no good taking the money up ! barton itJien aj he (Oarlou), would gone .3o lunch. ! Caineryn saiif Hial after luhc.'i witness 'had gone up on deck and had U-ft t'.apt. Hansen in Ihe fo'cas'le. Aloirg with Capt. Hansen were liuncan, T. Moorc-houise and the cook. About 20 lie returned to Ihj; .boat but at that time did not nui know know where wnero l.a Canl. Hansen w''rsNVyiiefs vfaVi rYgnjt5unritlV. until aitout 2 ocl down' iiiUb llooiehoii!'! clock. ' Cap).. Hansen -then came aboard and called down for Moorehouse to g up on deck as ho wanted him. Witness did not go up on deck. He hadno key lo Una captain's stateroom and knew of no other member of the crew who had oDe. Witness did not know that the 'captain had money on Ihe btat until Oarlnn 1 had aked adtlnied to bring it up to the office. He did know wherv ihe captain kept th money and n reply to a .lues-j lion by Mr. Patmore said that1 it was customary for men to g i into the captain's room lo get paid off ami it was quite cunt-' inon knowledge witerc the money, was kest. I The ease is proceeding this afternoon. TAkL NOTICE. Street Surfacing. The Turvia Distribution Mquip-I lueiil is expected to arrive on. D......I... ft. K I .. I huijuj), .lurfusi o, ami weainer permilting, surfacing work will start immediately, commencing on the odd numbered avenues and streets. This will be com pleted as rapidly as possible and then the alternate avenues and streets will be done. Two coat' will be applied al intervals of 24 hours and Ihe delay lo traff..-should not be more than Hire days. Citizens of Prince Rupert are Iherefore requested lo kindlv procure supplies beforehand and as Ihe surface will he sticky, t-j refrain from walking or dnvin-beyond the barricades or signs 183 CITY KXfUXHHIl Subscribe In Ihe Daily New m CANCELLATION OF RtltNVC ftOTICE IS IILIit:BrCIVEM Ibal lh re ere eLUn yreir Loi lt9j tair D(4 tract. I cauceJitd. iput)r Minuter of Lsul. LalKl teiarliienl, Vlrtoria. B. C-tmh Jn, lt. LAND ACT. Natka of Intantkin ta Applf to Laaia Land ?n ?! tri?" Btr. niuaui at J0TH E that Eurene II. Slini "I xmwmrit, utiu.iivjii railOrr, III "" ' ir a ieac or nie follow Inr dreriU-d land:-. OomnHnrtnc al a kI lanled at the northal cvrner of Blork , Matneil Toun.lie. ilM-nre ealerlf' lio feet IheixF Mrtitherlr 1.000 feel: Ihenre wea' lrljr ltd feet: thenra rmrtherly ' ooo feet In iioinl of nimoienreiiient, arid too lainliif i acre, mre or e. EU0E.NE II. SIMCSOX. Httal. I.a.ed i.,ne 1. !., LANO ACT. f!ailr Und DIMiirt tjind Hernrdlm iJl.inil of rpiire Murrl. and fiiuile. on At in l ake ah-.ul St mile ouiUei ol Allin Townnitr. TAkE .OTICE thai Edwin inlet FaaerL of Allin. In tlie rrovinre of flrllKh Uilum iia, orrupation upertllnr tinirlM launrh i iniend lo appljr for fiermlMlon lo bur I rlie the rholnr dewrllied land Cornnienrlne at a po'Tlntrd ai thr ! Kiiheal mrner of Olarlrr Bar, In Allin Mke. aituated a above: tbenre fMi...,n.l Ihe hire line weu to rhaln, Ibenee wiuth to rhaln; thenre eaM 16 rhaln Ihenr norih (0 rhaln. io point ui EflW .5"- luied May in LAND ACT. Dated AprU tT, tm. E00EKT, A(pliciuL fiotk of InUntlo to Apply to L Lana In I'rmre unpen Und Reeordm m. ""LII "ne , and illutt on .orih liarharl flnd. nJAkK ""TICK thai Alfred SanMi. of rrlnee Itupert. oerupllon Mariner, 'in' tend to apply for a lre of the follow Inr drrriled land: . Comrnrnrjnr at a oott aouth end of .Norih liarharl Idandt thenre ar.iind Ihe at hlrh water in.rk and coniaimnr 0 arrei. more or If it Paled Anrtf tT. IS t wtl' B.1SU,1 LAND ACT. Applicant Notlea of tntantlon to Sppli to Laat Lana in l-rtnre Hupert Land neror.llni liu trlet of coal run re , and tliuite " .? "1 South lurhael Iland. TAKE SOTICE thai Alfred Hwinon nf Prlnee Hnpert, oeeup.iion M.rlner ' n Coinfnenrlns al a pnl planted i the north end of South narhael I. linn. th.H! riiind the Kland ai hlrh water mark and rontlninr to arre, arre. more -fit let ALFfU-D SWANSfVt. applicant. HANDBAGS The latest designs, a large assortment, at moderate prteL SUITCASES AND CLUB BAGS In our basement store at basement prices. UMBRELLAS A fine range of all colors at all prices for men women md children. Max Heilbroner 527-520 Third Avenue Tho Diamond House of the North WESTHOLME THEATRE Friday and Saturday, at 7 and 0 p.m. Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. "The Knockout" A Mirring roni.itK e ot the Canadian biu kwoi j Can.nla with the aid ol (he liinuiiun tlover n where log- by the lhmi.iud catch 111 thnridr 3 filtiied where the trong men grow filnii.j wiUli when adventure slalk at ccr turn un 1 tu inive hinuelf at ever) slcji. A ilmnitili i u blooded men und Ihe wuiiien who fimilly nian v story of a city man in the vviljerne- fighlmg lu make good ftir the love of a girl ami how he : the rfid of hi" iiiighly right. M igiutirrut orci . Oltuwu liner. Slrung rat. Milton Sills, Lorna Ouveen, Jed Prouty, Claude King, John Philip Kolb, Harlan Knight, Harry Cording and many others. Comedyi "SOLID IVOnYM PATHE REVIEW 50c and l'x Fishermen's Supplies FISH LINES, HOOKS, nOPE8, TWINES, FISH NETTING AND TBOLLINQ GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCERIES. Compare Our Prices Lipsett, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. IcanadianT Second Avenue and McBrlde St. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Ruperl To Ktlthlaan, Wranoell, n 4 Siaowai Aaf ut I, , S, to, X0. IT, To Vantomir, Vltlorla and Statllo Aiat 4, 7, It, 14. 21. PfUNCISS BCATRICS. Campkll ltr, and Vaacootae ! Satardai It am, foe Bvlla, Catt alla Ma. Ocaan fall, htm, Alr Sf. ? foe oil Itaamafclp Lie foil llelW W. O. ORCHARD lMl, Ooeear f aih Olrati a4 trd Atawa. Ppimo Kiipart. B.C. I Lead Others Follow Tlie Home of TrunU mid 111 tea ne. I'ioneer'M Friend Hudson's Itiy lilankeu. I'ii-rr lnri Longer' utn. Iik Horn llrand ClolhinK. Orwinal Itiiimond Swealem. ticnuine Fur Seal Coals, finu-anteed. Ilire'd Iye4, TetiU. Illankets, tags. Second Avenue (iemiine Indian Mudo t;iirlos Dr.Alexande Smith Hook Phone B75 DENTIST r Correct Glasses and Comfort To fil K'',',''1 Wire cxmm moot iiitiiliin part of the i" " ' You cannol r u more expert m vice Hum we fu net lltr lpi ' p rai l ii n I expi i ic "you come lu-re f I'UdMI'T SI It VI ' l)l'TI(wL ltI IMll-s A. E. KL Optometrlit 3IU 3rd Ave., opi' Phone Red 442 W VA. Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Kioulslte Slock of fw TrlmmlnKS t ,ow r,e B. C. FUR Co. Mail a.w.v.A. Thl"'