il 'DEMERS Our Public Retail SALE Positively closes on Saturday Night MILK From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING' CREAM We npeclally recommend our Table T.ream nl !5o for Half Pint. Quality and Service Special loo Delivery Service Valentin Dairy Phone 657 TUGBOATS Dy Phonet 423, 639, Green 238; Black 735; Night, Phone 687,. 539, Green 238; Black' 735. RUPERT MARINE PRODUCTS, ltd: GEO. Q. BUSH BY, Man. Dir. LINDSAY'S, Cartage and Storage Phone M. '-rtage, WirehbustdiV M DlitrlliutlriK. Team'.of Motor BeYVI-Mf.. nosi, Sand and .Oravel w Speolallxe In Plane an TupltMre Bevlnn in Vinnieg with no brann bandn, helln or fealbem. In the deep - alnMM nf II lltmA-AAlll i t rv 4 k 1 1 tight out. Wbal'n the une of being a 1 minMer of Elections whnt in life: lo a campaign fond expert when the dOor in cloned. TbPre" i nothing left now, to H'ob-ert for all hi pal nerviren but a halo or hair ami a tarninbed name. And O. B. N. Then there in Nicholson. "Nick" nlwayn walkn an it he carried a Irthle ntider htn arm; Bin bandn are In rront and be ue.n the one to wash the oilier and the laving proresn goes on COntinununly. Nirhultion thinks he'n Ihe whole menanerie because he got mixed up in a nut nlory before the limine atid thought thai coco.lriul and lbflill nuts and peanuts held a Ford rar logethr innlead of billln Jand'outn. I tilt Mcholnrtn ha an acluNitive dinponlHoh. 1 hey say tit an vick "0 mnncy from a i limber limit no quickly that the rhickadee clear out when lliey jnre htm cohilmg. They know iiticre won't be a worm left after ill. B. pimni's by. Now he's leftj out. If he wan the Jeremiah of ''.anilita berore, what will he be iltow My glicsn U that he will nluiofnl hlnmeir a Prinze of Wiiln. j Theft Fonlpi1 (Dewitf; might have bud a place in this caoinei as min-Inter of ngricullure. and why not llii iIIh1uitpiI la- lliani iiiim-"ii( - -i yer 01 ew iiruiiiii iih-Ihing Of other in Hie twilight ng gTegation. Arid the ine .Vo-truck-aiul-lrade to Wa vam- 4rtn. ItelVfrlon had tA he account el for no Urere in a reanonable jupply or Catholic!", but the cabinet making wan done no clone lo the I2lh or July that the Orangemen were all hny ami hail Of Ihe olher.n little may lie said-There U Stevens the ?200.000.000 a year cunlomn man and Outline the rey phantom from Ouelph. then Maiiion, who when he risen in Hie House wbintlen shrilly to nbowTiow brave he in anil because of nncK bavirur been OrK fiivn both barreln at once Junt to show-how keenly he deniren lo fill the other fellow full of shot. And a final word' for the tail end of the cabinet: Hr. Tolmie. lie in round and fal and comfortable and happy. If you were to pick out a human belli? out of Ihe cabinet you might do wore -than take the Doctor. But tfiey are a lonenome looking builch a slop gap for oh-liviob ;d Coral growth that will yield tip its life soon. Doubtless worsts cabinets could be formed, bul the toil would (ask n Hercules. However, it's n panning show and noon will come "Hood Night." URGES CENTRAL ORGANIZATION Earl Barrle Woiild Like to see Gymntaslum' for Use of Young People of City At the meeting of Ihe Hotarj Club yesterday Karl Barrio spoke of Ihe. desirability "f 'be eslah- But consider those who are' Hnhmenl of a' club here Ihe outs will consider Ibem- what nloiVg the lines of Ilic' Y. M. Salads.tnd Salad Dressings Sandwiches Cheese nd Kge; Dishes Home-made' Pickles-and Relishes. RecipelGooli telling how to" makV man of these delectable dishes! Mailed free on request. .OlMAN-XEBN (C,d, LIMITED; Dot 82' 1000 Aahttit Stfttt, MoatriU TV ... A 4 0rt ..... ....ii.-... Tn3 DAIL7 H5TW3 pack eight; .jrii A Cabinet of Shadows ewllery Hy It. .1. DKACIIMAN epainng lr iiapx you tia n 4iInnblo .prnnakp which has been damaged. V nn make it an good An new n most canen. I ' trill ' A ni;iHiaii' rind equipment to r.)U iu! gold nnil ollierwlne w tk wiM precloun melrilti aii we can manufacture, almost a)iy little nppcial lfl yon may need. T'.Y US1 9 I 11 rlFWELLERS iiTUt STOPE WITH THE CLOfK. UU L1VLL 1 Market 311 Third Avenue, Has been taken over from Oeonro Kerr by J. Preece ate tt-Uh Scaly ami Doodeon Fresh Meats rrMnp; twice Weekly1 from the Bulkier Valley Phone 178 'I'lie new cabinet of Mr. Meighcn is nu world beater. It fell mi Hie public mind as flat at 2s, beer' nt a bootiecrirer' nirnw The press comment wax dry mid cynical. the Telegram of Tortuilo referred In Mesnrs. Chaplin and Hyrkirtoii its having lreiifflli only in their pocket and being Marketf Iy their ability to cough. 'TirnilolM'xUnUs if it a u'lJiMViintnieiit JDic Mandolin Free lres qunles WVllingloii'OnirheiH nn nnuii$ofIili.rcrriiil i on not inn Know wnai uic enemy will .think of them, tint lliey frighten nie." ' The Journal gay it in not a cabinet of all the talents, a per fectly obvinun renuirk, while the .Montreal Slar, which might be supponed lo nay something even Jf not' ciirilmeiutior, qtlhUly de voted; the space to an editorial upon, the question "Hablen Mill serious." The Average Man The man of the street salln-fi hlmnclf with comments of "nliuekn, baih," or the more expressive 'bull." lie in uninter ested, at leant, be is yet. They may tear the rnnntilittlhn to shred ami tatter if they choose, huf'whal ban that to do with the price of gasoline. Anyway han Arthur Meiglien had a connlruc-'ive thought during the whole -ennlon lie hadn't even a suggestion on the limpet except that Mir changes nliould have been delayed or have rome sooner. "Doc" Donnelly from Willow Riirtrh de- filled the Tory outfit one nlghtL,n )0lh (.ft wMlf Meiftbeu' i.n the floor of tlo llouni as a oonef or later" opponltlrin. Nliw . i i an a Rovernnieni iney are goint' into un election without a ilat-fnrm and with a cabinet numlly nhadnw, at it nhallow. Of ronrne thin In iMd the real Vert beealie lie had no more' clleekn to he kieil. The Kindly Word ! Of the olimrn mil much may be alii. Mr. iVlark in a bar old notil crawling up lo 80. Hp ms been cabinet. Some point that out inffen ,MI beavienl portfolio in Hie hone, olhern in fear. If it'n not na1 It'n good' canton f tape. tr-tamly it ran be characterized an iilioiipiriioun - incOnnpiruonity m iin outntanding annet. The Left Over Hut thin cabinet in an fairiou for what il .leaven ouL an for what H taken in. Itobt. Itojcrm ban yotie home with all the Joy of an Ontario nelibot boy nent to pick 1'iitato btiKn when he want lo k fibln. In the firnl burnt of eiilhunianui. Hobert went down to Montreal and nent back word that Ouebec would nend twenty-fie Torlen 14 Ottawa. Melalien, however, dropped him overboard. Then Hob went Venl. tie landed n - - nelven. have a cabinet of millionaire three or four of I hem. If thin in proportional representation of millionairen in the cabinet, Canada ban mom jf the worlds weal Hi. It may not be a cabinet of all the talentn, hut- it iiK'luden all Hie privileges There in tbo member for ni (iaUtary (duty dn nialclien 2S , I'r. tlltr-ty-frvejpprenl -on-motor car Mornnd, without portfolio. Chap lin, heavy on motoc tiartn. and Ityckuian, guardian of general corporal hut . inlcrenln. Then w bavd I'atenaudel Lanl Heclion lie wim the Mahomet who Would not' come lo Metahen' mountain. Ar- i Ihur wan then full of the "Heady aye Heady'' pocl and I'alenamle wan or 1lio -ttlwayn-lale-ror-llie- firiiiR-iine nlyle of tliought. Then Mpighen went lo Hamilton and1 nabl he woiild hold a war limen election with himnelf an Chk'f; Hetiirtliilg Officer before a nhol wa fireit anil I'alenauile wilni true 'I'ory enlhunianm kmned him; bunch, railways Home of the Marillriicrn walil lo take Hip I.e. It. bark into politic and patronage. and Mr. Black will he ake! o xlcp noftly while it in beinr done Drayton in left oiit. It in rumored that he will' go an Anrtian sailor of CHILDREN'S SHOES, OXFORDS, STRAP SLIPPERS, HIGH , SHOES Abotil'-mo pair... Now nclling at pnce.H that1 ar DOWN! DOWN! MEN'S LECKIE OIL TAN SHOES Tin fanioir- Hunter's Jast. All sizes. A real wet weather shoe. .Sale Price $7.45 CRASH II DOWN GO 8HOE PRICES MISSES' SCHOOL SHOES Black or brown calf leathers. Size II lo 2.,.,. Sale Price $3.45 V. MEN'S' ENGLISH CABLE SHOES Assorted size. Also brogues. Sale Price $6.45 Third Avenue inll .It.n.n I.. .1... i,i I .j.,.,.r,o I ..... --n " Ire i-oiilil be csiablisheil with a B. Jonen geLn Labor because hj nailj,ini ani, nomMy ball, lion never had anything lo do with , ,iiffiruit- in conducting sucir It in the pant and the erudite ja oanUaiion wan lo neciir.-l Hobertnon who acteil an execu-jal!)j (iay a ,iPi,y iraine.l office tionecr or the King's Knglinh on , j., charge. On him would, the fall tour of Mr. Meighen last ,l(,.,rn, W,ei,er r not it would; year will nni he In Ihi cabinet ,t. a nuccens. T I rill r ill lll1 iitiiiwrieaiia juu . B , - . becaue Me ghen wairlj to forget . . in-.M.. . i:t. it with bin . could hear firefly psn ....,,,. ... the Winnipeg strike C. A He thought it would be & tlnng e if a .onimunny ren MILL WILL BE BUILT ON TIME No Delay to Take Place in Connection With Erection Here Next Summer at Seal Cove The rebuilding of the mill al Seal Cove by the proprietors ol t lie tieorge town Mill will hi proceeded with according lo schedule, declnred' George McAfee yesterday to' the Daii News, 'pit liriihersyixwjll be cut this winter at (leofftetjown; and eOTlnlruction work'Hvjll.. coni- ii'ience.iiit the spriBga previously viuiWuiiceit: ll5MiI iak. next summer lo get tho buildings un and all ., arrangements nadc and Ihe following winter during thp shutdown period the transrer will be made. o Ilia! the: mill will be ready frtr active operaiion in the spring of 1928. Tliin was -the original intention and Ihe (ermn of, Ihe lease or the site from the Canadian National Hallways call Mr it. Mr. McAfee said there had hrCn it motor around town thai lliey were simply holding the silo afld did not nitend'.to build '"Vott may tell thtv people tbero ban been no cblulge, in ouv plans." he said; "A" new ml') eiitinof oe bill It in' n day. V linVo" be-!! clearin up at the Seal Cow sile and still have ihnre lo do there. Already several thonai1il dollar has beott spent'. .iire now "going to get plans fo'f. the new; mjll drawn un and there will Imj' no delay. Everything will be carried' out a originally planned." HOTEL ARRIVALS' Prince' Rupert ; 1 .1 Al'coclr, Htlawa; D'. H'. Hue. Stunner's: W. .1. I.afkwor thy. New llrtfeiloti; Mr. and Mrs. Simpson nrt'd dauislller, Terra'de; Ol'ti; II. Clillk and' (Jeo. heo Prince (leorge; Mr. ,nud Mrs. Sn II. Donaldson, Balmoral can nery. Third Avehue Shoes for the whole family at quick action prices MEN'S SHOE SNAP SATURDAY ONLY About 50 pairs of Men'-s Dres Shoe. Ulaek and bown. calf fioodyear well. Murray,. Leekie and Heresford makes. Values to $10. All sizes. Per pa'r .. $2.95 LADIES' SATIN STRAP SLIPPERS Assorted slyles. AH sizes. Saturday only $3.95 M. McArthur Phone Black 418 In all colors, II yards for 50c BOYS' LECKIE SHOES Sjzes 1 to DVi. Sale; Price $3.45 f YOUTH'S SHOES A real school shoe, lied stitched. Size It o 13!4. Sale PrTc $2.05 A' SALE OP LADIES SHOES Patent strap slippTi bWWvfi oK-fordn, siVde slippers and oxford., etc. Sale Ikrjce $3.95' ITS-A WINNER A REAL SHOE SALE MEN'S WORK SHOES Black or brown. Williams mnkp. Sale Price $4.45 A POSITIVE BARGAIN CARNIVAL. SAVE! MEN'S DRESS SHOES Fine black velonr. calf leathers. Kale Price $4.85 MEN'S ASTORIA SHOES About' 10 pairs, black or bruvyn, all sizes. Sale Price $7.45 LADIES' Assorted Price . . . MOCCASIN SLIPPERS colors and sizes. Sale $2.45 Tnircf Avenue QUIT Absolutely 300 YARDS COTTON CREPE In1 flesh. jer yard 4V 40 YARbs JAP SILK Regular flSc. Closed out at. WE CLOSE OUT 100 YARDS HABUTAI In all colors, llcgular $1.25. Closed ot al, per -.ird 95c 35C i RiYON VESTING Heaviest quality, in all ctllors. Begiilai $1.(15 pef yard', vest lenglh, closed' Out 95c WE SELL OUT RATINES Air Ifalian Silk. Ratines in plain colors. Close'd'dUf al, per yard 45c 54-INCH FARMER SAf IN In black only. Heavy quality. Regular SoC. Closed out at, per yard. 65c WE CLEAR OUT WHITE ORGANDY Finest Swiss quality. A5 inches wide. Worth 05c. Closed out at, per yard. .50c Tables for Sale FIGURED SATINtS Spleiuliil qualily for linings,, udderskirts, etc. Regular up frt 75. Clost'd Out at'45C We Get Oiit of Biisinelis Every tilling must be sbfrf by August 14 WEST OF ENGLAND STORE