PAOE TWC 1'' i 8 IP- Eat it Every Day SHREDDED 4?w j WHEAT Supplies the necessary bran The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Idmited, Third Avenue. H. P. PUJ.LEN, Managing Editor. ; ,.. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month . . . . $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United 'States, in advance, per year 0.0() To all other countries, in advance, per .year ........... $7.50. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - 98 86 All advertising should be in The Daily News Office before 4 p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval, Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Saturday, June 26, 1926. Prince Rupert and Vancouver In Prince Rupert at the present time the neceiiy is apparent of establishing a future progressiveness so that the fitv may be developed along Ihe lines promulgated in the vision of its intuirlers. Vancouver, before the war, was little more than h U v IU town Most of the shipping through -the port was Ihe C P. R.'s, but, in competition with the'wide awake neighbor? to. the south, there were those who had a vision of what Van. ctniver could attain in the way of commercial development This vision lias oecome justified and, year by year, the port has ex panded, making the city what it is today a great distributing aim liiuusiriui centre. A city does not develop a port, but the 'port develops the city. If a port is to be established as a. shipping centre, it is necessary that it be so located as to have an inward and outward movement, of produce, raw materials, and '.manufactured goods, either foreign, or local. A port, to be such in the proper sense of the word, must be an outlet for a country developed in the mailer of production or manufactures and an inlet for those commodities not manufactured orproduced locally. Prince Rupert Is Justified as Port '.-, The port of Prince itupert 'is. a national outlet and has a just claiin to its sliare of the movement of export and imports of the country. 11 cannot be believed that those who. with vision and ambition, established the port.were- mjstakeii in their mature judgment in locating it. Instead, easily accessible, with a harbor second to jione and 500 miles .nearer than any other Parific' Coast port, it is justified as a main artery to the Orient at least. Advisedly, conditions now exist here that may be traced to the competition of the two main railroads running into Vancouver. Prince Rupert has been sacrificed to the welfare nnd development of the southern port. This however, rannut justify the cessation of the transportation through this port. The capita! already invested here, throiigh'the building of the railwav and the provision of facilities, must be protected through a policv of port development obtained by the shipping of cargoes to and from the Orient and elsewhere. .'.'. Action Is Necessary Tl. ......... ... "egesiioii is maue uiai a harbor commission, consist-; nig ui Him oi sound itusiness experience, and local interests might be appointed by the government, or elected. Such a board: like thutjln Vancouver and other ports of.import-ance, would be in to create, an agency or representation in the- Orient to arrange a poMiiou lo burrow money or have a subsidy granted in order iy nr .unKe oi cargoes lnrougn this port and charter the vessels to carry-such eargoe.s-.rjiig'uig jsilk or other Oriental commodities here and returning with grain, lumber, etc. The policy of wait and see Will not get PrinCe Itfipert Very far.- Action seems necessary and the matter rests with those who have faith in the possibilities of the port and who 'have interests centred here and dependent on local development There should be a campaign not only to advertise the port in the Orient and elsewhere, but to actually secure business for it When Prince Rupert actually becomes a competitive shipping port, and not until then, will it become a progressive centre A "WHISKY OF QUALrITYn MATURED IN CHARRED OAK CASKS THE ONLY METHOD BY WHICH "QUALITY" CAN BE IMPARTED fmDIAtijl' This advertisement is not published or displayed by the uiuui wjiihui ouaru or oy me uoverumeat of . Brilisb Columbia. TOPIEY STRIKE LOOKING GOOD Frank Taylor Already Preparing To Ship Ore From Mine Me Recently Discovered. BIG SHOWING SMITHKIlS. June SO.-r-filmving reports arc continuintr to he re-i ccivcd in connection with the newi strike n'f -Bold-silver ore made by! 3 Frank Taylor near Topleya few week A'fio. Old prospectors and mining men in general who have looked over the property all xeeiii! to be agreed that I ho showing' promises 10 he olio of the Vreatest finds-made in a long time. Mr. Taylor canto down to Hmi-thers from his -claim on Wednesday to make arrangement fur the immediate shipping of ore. Although it is only a little over a; Hon. T. D. Patlullo, minijter bf lands, will Join the lieutenant Koverner's party in this city on Dominion Day in connection with Hie oK;nirug of Ihe Siam-pede. Hon. Mr. Patlullo will motor west.' into the city from the Llrutcnanl-fiovernor It. Randolph Ilrnce, who Will open tin irnnce tieortre slarniiili no Dominion Day. will .he, aenom-t'linied to Ihe city by his niece, Miss MacKenzie, ami Hon. V 11. Buthorland, minister of public works. The party will travel over the P.O.H. as far as Que- nei, ami motor from that point to Prince. Geonge. Dr, L. U. Hadfrero left the city this week on his annual fishintr ttlp and will be abaent until eitle. DAILY NW3 She Could Never Do The Things Other Girls Did Mlsa L J. Bom, Scollard, Alt, writ w s ' I am only twenty Vfara old, but kave $vttnd from heart palpitation and tivnt trouble for several "jrafa: I could never do tif thief other rirla did. that U. in the line of week sine' he war h'ere before to September I, This season ' he SMITHFRS M. Acw a former rei of Smithers ami an emplny Ihe C.N.ft.,1 again mnnin? ins wi un.s iowh and nas peen newinK Aid acquaintances pasi .few (fays. Mr. Clarke of Foresldate has been spending a , few days in town the gue-t of Mr. Wm. Mitchell. ' L. V. Palmi.reyor I'rinee II u-icrt ami P. K. Tl.son of I'rlne? ieoree were in town on Thurv .'1mtf ";nes, noeAnfthe hojs let Frn witll a siivfftViPn' sen-teiwe -i-,.-ral moirth airo. for QUIET WEDDINGT06K PLACE LAST imM miss Annie Brown Thomson, Newly Arrived From Scotland, Is Bride of Marcus Andrews. ! A ipiiet wedding was snlemnir-ilhl liwl nil iii ui Hie home of Mr. porta, aUtinir, ete and could never i . . ,M.irt. 'ISvI'mf I'mirlh depend on nyaalfrat work. j ..-.;.-.. - J " " Am ie Ave., .e haul, when Mi-s About au month, ago I be8 taking - Jltiown Thomson, daughter of-Mr. and am jo't twice, the jrfrl I waa, and ean enjoy everything 1n general life o mueh more. I am very grateful for hat your Pitta have done for .' Put up only by The T. Slilburs Co, Limitod, Toronto. Out ?and Mrs. Ilrown Thomon. oreen-'ock. Scotland who arrived in the city on yesterday afternoon' train JTvinti Ihe old country, became the jbriile of Marrtu Andrews, second json or Mm. Taylor, Itev. .. J. Cameron officiating. The bride wa attended hy Miss Catherine Jnnea and the bride's room by tleo. Ilusoell. Dur- 'iiiK the slanlhg of the register Mlt Catherine Jones sang Mlfn-Itll. After the ceremony, the we.Miirs parly sal down to a delightful supper. Mr. and Mrs, Andrews were the record the claims, lie has now. wilt try out the, Stuart and Tiiclu recipient of many iieiniiinii weti- ove.r six tons of oxe piled up ready lake section. ' to lie hauled out and a wagon mad' - ' . ' . ha" been opened up right to the. piniert . Hauling out the ore vill ly a simple matter as the ore body has been found in a flat country. The ore for sbipiifop has been jaken from an open cut about thirty feet long, and samples have run as high as $101 per loo. The' grold values in five samples as-: sayed at an average of f 12.50 per ton, the lowest being just over; 0'and the highest tfi.50. The" other values are principally silver. The dyke on which the lead has' been .found apparently extends across country for many miles, in fact, ripjil to the ltahine Lake, and alllimMrh numerotis assays hae been mde from the various oufcropphiprs, tlii newfind ap pears In ne the richest. Taylor believes that he has now found the foot wall and has traced the ore body for a distance of 29? feel in width. In lenurth ft has been exposed hy nature for 300 feet and traced another 200, but it then becomes buried under Kla- cial wash. There is considerable excite ment in the district Rnd other re ports are anxiously awaited. closingexYrcisesat OONAH RIVER SCHOOL Program Precedes Presentation of Prizes. Teacher Is Com- 1 pllmented. The closing exercises at the Oonah Hiver school took place on Thursday, under the direct ion of Mi-s Charlottee O'Donnell. the teacher, A larjre and apprecia tive audience attended. The nro- krarn, which was varied and ex- cellenly performed, consisted of recitations, dialogue, and two violin solos ly Miss Chrissie Fos-' sum and David Hadland. ftnlls of honor were presented to Dayny .Norbe, Freddie Letts and llaymond Fossum'. l'ric given -by the teacher for industrial work were presented lo Jackie Kalick, Freddie Letts and the Misses Davny orbccr ami Mejtie Kalick. Marguerite Fossum won the prize for neatness ana tidiness during- the term. At Ihe close of the exercises II. Anderson, on behalf of the com munity. cOmplimejited the teacher upon her -success during the past lerm anu urged her to accept the position for the coming year. PWlEGEORGE Miss Virginia Johnson return-' ed this week from Toronlo wheie she has been attending the Conservatory of Muic. She will, spend the summer months with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Johnson. diiilt presents Marcus Andrews hu resided u F. A. Lewis ahd. Mr..: and.iMn Mho nity for the past four years Roy Alleman are on thelrVaittleiiif employed by Mitchell o this d)srici fnu'nltftgfror, Currie. ami i rijey identified Idaho, -in search "of a suitably w'iMi local sport, havinp been a silo Jor a fur farm. They ar member or the (iajlie foolliatl travelling on a Chevrolet truck, leaui. the champions al year, which has been specially filler! . The happy nijdt will mmmI h mil for the excdrsion. Iliat fur honeymoon in the interior and rarmitiR' in Onrlbo" is attracting ,'il'on iheir return lo the rity will att'enlion as far afield as lilaln ,ak' "I' permanent ro.jdeuce on gives an inhl into the' posl- h,our!h Avenue Knl. biiities of this 'form of farming HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert Frank V. Virtue, t:. J. flow. i vernon uroenen, prtneipai .H boiiinm. . f. Hleiardon. Mr. Jhe Smithers public and liiK'and Mrs. II. It. llolli.wav. Mr, a fchoriN. left on Saturday fbr h, stone, o. V. Thome. I. .Murray, home in I'rinro Kdward Island 0 J. P.. Merryfleld, t:. K. Hratide-. sjiend the summer holidays. JV. K. Darner. J. t)lier. It. . lllarwoihl, F. Hubert Dunn ard Mis Alice Smith relumed l-J;Mr. Atberl Moore, Vancouver, her home In Snulliers on Wed-jl.. . Lonjr, Uadby. Alia.; T. D. nesday after artendma the Xor- J Paltutlo. Prince Ifuperi; C. O'-mat school at ietoria durinir the Connell. Victoria: J. V. Carmirh- past lerm. fad and n. llardman. IVImr.nlort: D. II. Stevens, Tnmnto; F. P.. esidenlj WiUon. Dubmpie; Iowa; Mr. J. nyee el J p. Hfrtrleshaw. Terrace; Ueorge ourilingstad, Port Kdwanl; T. Nor- Hymn A. SrriHh an.1 W. D. Ltikens of PaJIing were business visitor.- in town on Vedneday. Allan Rulherfnril. ltr.I ,,f HazelloR sptMii Wetlnesday rveti-l intr in (own. Mrs. J. n. ton Youmr, Surf Inlet. Central J. H. Smith. W. F. Taylor and L. tarfin, C.X.Il.: John P. Smy'li. Winnipeg: A. Tomkin. Vancou ver: J. Creepim, Tomnto: Tho-horn tireorr. Smithers. land ftioismv aor. Stlfi 1S2 ane ffl. t l Tilt IAT 11.11 ul annliritlnn n 1 11 fur IlK" twxitXUn til a -lurrr. J D IN IIIK UATTMt tot a ArW-Birtil ur optKMi In I'urrtMWf. dstml iik Melnlyre and family: J.,'V,'W"I,1 '. ni'Ti iim left on a holidar trip on Ved:eMi in mi iu. .. v. nesday evening iuid will sne'nd the next few weeks in prairie lluii. briurrn il.tmo r Litr .r f'lrsl l-irl. ami inHlxiX 'r tMMllio. ihr snnl i-arl. itnn (ho roll,.mtm iprbpfrly wruii, rijni it,, nine fii. tea l lu . eCtrn lt, eltr (f.j. thirlrril I til. t'Mttrril tlti. fllK-B Ui. and KIf !), Ilkrk m (Hi ind tMit nuw . u ,1,, ittd tuutUm (Hi, iit.w-k ,howii (T, t lilMrtrl U,i iiumbrf u fiundrnj aisi lwi.-nr (4l. ftthw ire J . Cmi 1 ixtirltt. Ut t. 3Urartnry prw.f of tr4t of raroro nt aiHl rw rmrr aiui tfrmtrf ur ro S bv llm irrxlor r tijvfl- of I6 UftdC alin- lo lh aNitfi Atrrrtivnl ,r iimm t Iuirtia. mim hn filed ta iki MOre. i . -"in.r. an ai7uraiion Olf lay. both l.av,i Cases on at ll..K.K'ril itllng of the Court. marrivTiuri; l?:;?. Ju. F, Mcltc jYoiiHK of Iririi4ilti(.frl jpretijfd over h sessnf5ufifhe Co&5tK CJrt on Thuf.-day. 3 I . So. 7 1 up. and that li ailiiiKiri if stn! l'Pll-llin llj. irn pnalurni a iWUrk' ( " oi 111.11111.1. thomvs k v. r. aitni lhf tiih Orlirfir, lltl mfui a rfM-l.m.. tl ativii v u'w tin .it iiin j . . . . .. I 4' : ".V-" " .. i. ..ik-.r IIWTT i roti-iunu anl rvemiv at! rrrovery JTJXTIO. Jftrr rtH- fiplrt.n nf tijirtr tJ. days rnxii Uw wrtlra ..r tbt tu,ttri t nw in rrri.traiiiHi or ine tfxu.0 v l-urrhaw or .trrrertimi npfift th rnif n.l th-rnirxn ih- ia!e nf ih tur-, fhawr m ikt Una J.vrtbod In II htrrtnrnt or option to I'urrluw .b.n slenliner from thu tnpnl ninr.. .'f? unws row .txii was -attain uii before Judse;;!. ,'' ir riaim. if any. i u Yountt on Thursday charged wll!,S?'.n on,"m7l0rl.pmfn, M,r" a recent case ,.f yj-f., nRj A.C St1 ri-monciMi 10 iwo years at llrel"' " ' a . ' . . - I II. r. MtCl.F (lit. iciomiaiory sriiool for bfy. . RTir.r of TinVa, Mrs. 1l. L. MHttliew enlertaih- ed a number of lailies 1h ie. hour Tuesflay a'!vrnbdn in honorj . .'!3 m rri or miss M. Manna' who has resigned from iiic teaching staTf at the local sclirfot: Allan II n n 'i ha taUKht here for' three year and is leaving- 0 visit wilh Trlonds at Powell ftfvpr. I.pfnr.! LM0 ACT. rtetlca of lAttntlon to apply to Laai Lan rT'CT ""ff 'k' ertrrtiii pi- I Met of I'rtnre Irsprrt. -r.i !SS in tli. OlirVn Charhille PUlrlrt TUi: Tir.K that i.atar nM. ft! !S'E!Hr !-it;.-.jr. I.iiuileo. or VU-loria.' n.C. orriipallon rtntiera, ln'enn in .r-rilvl tor a leaw of Oi- Joitonlns lerrllj-d o.ii.unelrii t a p.t nUnliM at Die hortheatl romer of li.i i. no ,..... BKain iiakin up jt , IW ,l Zt anonier Si-ioo, (eaueny tan. nin: iiimu- nt!tivrvilv t. I .- . - 1 iu mim io niii or eonititeTK-eiiH-nl. and i-ontainliia Jf arret, inure or le. I.AXOVRA HSIIINO A rVCKhO wi. j. in. Per E. II, Simnwin. Atrnt. r...- i... , .... Arpheant. "Me- , 1 v in. tawo Act. Wetlta of Intention to Apply to Uaat Lane In I-ewi R-rormot nuirt. t of frmo. e,t',''r!f;.n.1.,"K' ?, h,1 bt ' ,n1, Jn''n Wiirtou Croon. WW " Ttie nadian riah. i-J.!-? 11. i'w"?ni l-l"'Oed, vr Vanronvee. w fiifi.lm a.Niu,- ..,,.. rfrf. lands - rotlowinv drrllM-d rimmenrliia at a trfM planted at h-ad Sf..-Vi '"i"' J r? north of Mined Creek; thenre met fit 4:haln! Ihenre r..,th 0 rtuln-; fhmre pail lu rliaina, limre or lew, to .nor Una- thene i.nro,erlr foiionlnf '.Ur- m,e to' ffi and foritalnlna 40 aeren, mr-e or le... ' TIIK OANAPIAN nsillMO COMPANY, IIMITEPi-.Appllrant. i With Your Help OUR txjy can tUrt life y , baUnce In the Bank. ' Mn7 hey has $l00ornrHatf, ri Dinktuved from hia pocket, mw," ml la proud of his Bonk Book. A thousand tlollari aaved at 15 a.. mean a coIIckc educatioa or a nj tart lu bUkincM. The Royal Bank of . Prince Hupert Bntnth F. fe. Rot)ertaon, Mini-n Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating O. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dr; Dock Infllneere, Machlnlits, ollermakers, BlacVimrUii, FiUm makari, Founders, Woodworkers, EU. KLCCTRIC AND ACCTYLEMC WCLDINCL Our plant h eqtitppN to handle alt kinds of AARINI AND -COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONCB J and IIP SOFT FINISH All flat pirrea wlifd, imwed and " Wearing apparel procticolly ready lo ' y n piires n little retoiiibitiK with hand iron. Try This Service Minimum Charge, $1.20. 7c per lb. plus 1c per pl Your biiudle returned within thre r "-' PIONEER LAUNDRY, Limited Phone 118 Fishermen's Supplies TISH LINES, H00K8, ROPES, TWINES, FI8H NETTINQ ANO TROLLING GEAR, OIL ANO RUBBER CLOTMINO, GROCERIES. Compare Our JPrlcts Upselt, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. Second Avenue and McBrlde St 1 1 Bus end Taxi Meets all Trains and Boats. ROYAL Hl J.2ARELLI,,PropHetore Bos ,ej Phone 34 P.O. . Mil' Hitiimon's Strel llcdn. Springs, and. Oslfrmoor tresses In every room. - . tri 52 Itoonis, Hot uud flold Water, Haths and s" Hleam Heated, Klcctrlc LighL Corner of Third Ave end Blxth 81. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.