mm 25 TAXI i W V TI X' I ltd 11 ill 4 "J( 1 IV and Ambulance Service Anywhere at Anytime. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ava. and 6th St. WATT VIDECK, Prop. OTT WV V June 20. Al Um morning, the House nitons adjourned until Monday ullernoon following one LiJlllllllJlLlV j j HAVE BEER VOTE Bte Not Yet Selected, Says Pre mier In Announcing That Peti tion Has Been Received. fVlCTdillA, Juno --iO. -itefeniiw i the ivporl that a beer plebiscite uld be taken In New Weslinlim-oii July 3, Premier Oliver an-uneed: "II is not even decided it a- vole will be taken in New lestinluster .although the prnh- Mlity Is that it will be lakeli line time, seeing Mail il liss.beeu ed for by petition." Miink 11. Wall, brolher ofMri isx Mcllue and Mrs. O. Inter of this city, arrived lo city from Vancouver on th lain yesterday aflernoou. Ml Li. "... PU Is a nine h In 1st ami inav Bide o locale In .llnu'clKvor lirict. most hectic lilting- since Hie naval debate of Itl3. The . ..a . i. ... t ....... .ittn.iiiLii in i im fill II Hit 41 1 aril 1 1 III, ll'Uil V " lllllll iilUIIIIUl IIIV U"V. ua - ..a II... I.. . . Shortly alter 5 o'clock following u fifteen-hour silUilgrl liner lotg iinmiiilieed that lie would accept Hit'' tiib-uinejid- .1 ..c V II I' .n.lir lniirrli'H turilllil'l- fur 1 .11-1 Millliltuill. f ii... ...ii., ..ti.Miiiiiiiciii nf J. s. ixxUwDrlh. Iiliiir member Great War Veterans' Association. lunli) .Mi l'od. T12 Thompson hi;i a well known local flsher-m, tiad jia-n-d away at Ksson- le linuxlay evening. It ii i. u wei-k ago today that MarKenne left for the south. l-iTa4cd wiifc liorn nl UllapoiJ. and was about 5H years tllaitti, f A .ihin K raulker by trade. Ief N jiiand about 35 year a 1 1 for Ihe past tS or 20 rs followed liallhui iisiiinv, ft ou' or Vancouver and nnru fenny rroni rrtnoe iiuiiert on U of the Canadian Fish A Id Sl nrage Co. A sister resides (Texas will take place In Ihe tliilermenl ulh under (he auspices of the h'a Vnr Veterans' Association. whli h 'Iik I iitc Mr. MacKenxie a very active member here. fur Wfmtlpeg.liad been releatetl by ii or 117 to 115. The ffrl r Ihe Kaiisrlier Mili-aiwiiil-nipui ti lo imniiic ror the np-poinlmi'iil of m jiidirial rumtnit-ti'r. ii.IiIIiik this to the Conservu-livr miiiMHliiMHit hut mil tlnkinp I mil lhi riMiMiri n the I'rrniinr King r'ereil the rtalil. Imvrr lo rjiTl the Ikin-rralMr uiiirnilniciit a ameniled by tli Faiialirr nuU-aiHenlnin' or lo nuto an aniemlment lo it i .fmiil nifilldfi In niliuuru wa bc im: ! a telegram lat eurrinl by 115 to 111. Bil Hi) k s a' ai livu tug Iliat that Thomas Ttiomas Mae- Mae- i-,,. m Mnu with wild excite ment, both aides rheeriiwf and IhruYvitu piipfrs in the air. Monday's session is expected to bring even more excitement and there were rumorn that the l'rpinier. Iimtcad of wailing for the vole, might decide lo hsk thf tioverniir tienoral to gnmt dissolution of partiaineul after the re- muinder of supply had been voted. i.X l'rogrrsmvrs l-ililpbell, Hoiililtier, Fnnsher. I.nrns. Mac kciuie and Kenned voted with the CoiiMTMillves on the Woods worth amendment. THREE BOATS LOADED GRAIN AT VANCOUVER About 500,000 Bushels of Wheat Shlppod From Southern Port During Past Week. V.VNCOt Villi. June 20. The following Nltins loaded grain at the port during' Ihe week. Fella t'kay, for the Continent with option to the Mediterranean, 20:1,351 bushels. Panama, for Hull, 130,(10(1 tin hels: for Falkliuru. IH.tUiG bu shels: for Malino, 37,333 bushels iSoiiora, for Avonmoulh. 71,007 bushels; for Antwerp, 37,333 bu shels. BIG LEAGUE BASEBALL American League New York 12-11. lloslon 2-1 Cleveland 2, Helroil I, (called end second,'. St. Louis 1 1, Chicago 1. National League Chicago-St. Louis postponed. New York 1 .llrooklyn 7. Muslim 7, Philadelphia 8. Cincinnati 0. Piltoburg 8. AdvrrllJO In the Dally News. TOTAL 173,500 POUNDS Five American and Seven Cana- dlan Vessels Sold Catches Here This Morning. I -m.-- I llaliluit arrivals this morning ; totalled i3,5H pounds five: American boats landing yo.UOOj pounds and bcu'ti Canadians. HJ.-t 000 lHiunds. t'lic bids for Amer-i lean firh ranged to to I5.c tor first class and from tie to 11. He for Canadian. Fight rents wan paid for second class fih in nil cases-The day's arrivals were as fol- uf jlov: American Columbia, JS.Oi'O pounds to tho itoyiil Fish Ik). (iraylltwr. S?J)00 pound;, and Kun-ka, 17.000 pounds, to- tiiiia- dlan FUU & Cold storage Co. Ilcolhers. I3.0(io pounds, and Va'rofSu"i'3,0od poumls.'tb notii Fisheries. Canadian Kaleu. 18.DUU iounds; Vsiies II., 7.S00 pounds, and I rig red II.. 10,000 pounds, lo I'aiiadian Fish St Cold Jjtorage Cm. Prosperity A., 17.000 pounds; Tramp, pounds and Cape iveer, 10.000 pounds, to Atlin Fisheries. Nautilus. H.ooil pounds, to Ito- yal Fish t'.o. TOURIST KILLED AS AUTO PLUNGES OYER BANK IN OKANAGAN PF.XTIUTOX. June 20. While mauoevering in an auloinobile to obtain a good view of Okanajrau Falls, a parly of tourists from Winnipeg plunged over a thirty foot" bank fifteen miles south of 'icre on Thursday. Hichard retice was killed; his brother. tlcorge, who was driving the car, was seriously injured, and an other brother, Albert, was not hurl. QUARREL OYER CHILD RESULTS IN ONTARIO MURDER AND SUICIDE KINGSTON. June Srt. -Follow ing a fiuarrel over Ihe whipping of one of their children, Thomas Carlson, a farmer residing near SharbiU Lake, shot and killed his wife and committed suicide by taking strychnine. WEATHER REPORT Qovernmcnt Telegraphs 8 a.m. Prince Rupert: Cloudy, light southeast wind; temperature 58 Terrace: raining, Calm; lump era I il re 00. Anyox: Heavy rain, calm; lem peraluro 01. (Iiuellon: Cloudy, calm; lem peralurc, 02; htavy rain early this morning. Smllher.s: Cloudy, calm: lem peralurc. 58. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Champlo of Atijox will pass through. Ihe clljlitn the -Prince lenrgt' thin aflernoou en route to .Vancouver oitgfollday trip. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper I'HINCK, HL'I'KHT, It. C, tfATUHDAY, JUXE 20, 1020. Yeitf rrtj'i Clrmlallon, tilt 1 f ST .sVI Wit Mvri &ymm Keeping cool with Goolidge. Mrs Goolidge liavtng an ice cream with the president at a White House Garden i'arty for disabled veterans. VOUNG LADIES VISIT EUROPE Party Leaves Vancouver By C. N. R. on Saturday Night. VANCOUYF.IJ, June 23. -Thirty vouiik ladies, principally iroin irranycd for the party. Almost two weeks will be spent and Scotland, where many points of interest, Including London. The lakes and Shakesperian country will be visited before the party leaves for the continent. In Paris, the visitors will be guests nl a number of outstanding social ngagcmenls, including a tcardeu pany ai uie nriusn .embassy, a gala performance at the open bouse and a reception at Ihe Pari University. They will also visit Ihe battlefields and be given op porlunities to sec Hrussels, Hru gen alpl other inlerestlnig point some of the party will complete their tour in Cherbourg early in August, but the remainder will continue- into Switzerland and Italy and will hol sail for Canada until September t8. livery mem ber has been appointed a delegate lo the congress in Paris, Miss Hurris is representing the It. C Teachers l ederatiou and the tin! jersity Women's giubs, of Van couver. C..H. sleanier Prince George Gnpt, Harry Nedden, will arrivi from, Stewart and Anydr at .1 o'clock Ibis' evening, nndwiH. still t,f"V'0iiveV lisVeXpe'etcd; -a! hqufe)k,'eJ6ck J GLOOMY OUTLOOK GERMAN INDUSTRY COLOUNK, June 20. Speaking I at 'the Assembly of Metal Workers l at Uagcu, Weslaphalia, tltOrlHs- jtricl President, llcrr Konig, baiU the culminating point in the clos ' ing down of works in heavy in dustry bad not yet been reached. . lln lkfi.1 i.iti.niv0il i-ri rti nftr ironi n ancouver, are leaving tonvgiit ;, nii1(.r nf pn,r r.nn. special car auiirneu io uiu uoii- ,.,, inl, ,,.(,. ,n,vn In the w ... v it i i e n.. i.. I liueuiai i.imur,, ui u.e near fulure alnos i,emlhC great National Hallways for Montreal, ,,:. ...nrk!i. . iior.te. Certain where ou Jury ; iney wm uoaru, in viw nf .,. li8h the UniHrder Auraliia for huropc of ,,.aumrlf etlftsiter-lo attend attend the the educational educational confer-., coiner-ij, ,ujgratjn mjgrating lu m.ineslde sites eiicci : tf tf the the League League of of Umpire. hmplre.1,,, (i , ,,..,,,1 ......ii m. iilftw.a r t,3inr the party win ue in charge oi Miss Grace Hurris, exchange sec-retary of the league for Hritish Udunibia. ,n extensive itinerary has been transport as being more economical. He considered that if no support was forthcoming for heavy industry, then tho migration siep was inevitable. The Thysseri mines, Haniborn, have, however, re-engaged 500 miners, the output being increas ed, presumably for supplying or ders resulting from the liritlsh strike. It Is expected more un- mploycd miners will be re-en gaged in the near future. In con trasl, less time is being worked at the Thysen smelting and roll Ing plant in the same town, some departments working only day shifts. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Bid. Asked n.C. Silver 2,15 2.20 Dunwcll 1.80 2.00 Gladstone. 31 .36 Indian ; .03 ;.06H L. & I .. .12 H Marmot ,01 i ,1ft f?remier 2.09 - s2.t5 Porter Idaho ...... aH?.I0 Silver Crest ...... .10 Vi .15 mt Inlel- .05 U ,07 Victoria '; ,35 I lie Ii:iri7i tlrniiliv Vh I i!,i,i. otr the pontoons at the dry, dwk this morning, after painting and overhaul, ami will be (owedWh nyox by the frelghle'rllMariuW ... i ..-1- ' ' (. : 'r. Slrcft S1m Si SAN FilAXClSCO, Ca., Junn 26.---'The death of Lord Carnarvon, famed Kgyptolugist, 'long unsolved, has been traced directly o u poison coating on the casket of King Tuthankamen, li. Frederick Cowles, Fellow of the Hi yal ii -ographical Society of (real ltrttaiu, occurred upon his nival here from the Far hast. The death of. a number of other fcxeavators of King Tut- jqktiaioh ! toinb have been Via- ; inilely Iraced to the same cause, j !lr. Cowles said, j W hat Ihe poison was ha.liot !t-en determined," lie said. "The poon coating of the casket rumbled into dust with the IllUllY ISLANI). 4!oudy,Migtit southeast wind; barometer 2SJ.08; temperature 58, sea rough; 8 p.m. spoke yacht Aqurto bound Ketchikan for Seattle 8t mile from Ketchikan; 8:50 p.m. Cat all at Port Simpson northbound; 8 p.m. spoke lug Lome abeam I owe Inlel northbound; o.5() p.m. siioke Princess Heairic leavii.' Huledale. uorthbouud. HUIX HAIUIOH. Showery; fresh southwest wiml; liaromo ler; temperature 5'4; sea nioolh; 8 p.m. sioke steamer Queen bound Ketcliikaii for Seattle 120 miles from Seattle p.m. spoke lug Cape Scoll miles north of Hobson's Highl southbound; 8 p.m. spoke steam er Oregon bound Quadra foi Seattle 201 mites from Quadra Jjf.m. spoke motorsliip Apex bound Ketchikan for Seattle miles from Seattle; midnight poke-Canadian Hover bound fo San Pedro left Qenn Falls 9.30 pm.; 9.20 spoke motorsliip Olindo left Alert Hay 5.20 a.m. northbound: 8 a.m. spoke Camo- un left Margaret Hay northbound! 8 a.m. .spoke steamer Lilleborn bound Vancouver for Ketchikan ' passed Kwokume In let. b'KAD .TRKIi POINT. Harj inelec 30.02; temperature 58. Noon , mum ISLAM). overcast, southcBSt gale; baronize, 29.70; v ni'. s (4 s v v e , ( vupll, . 1 HULL HAHHOll.-Pa'rt cloudy; strong southwest wind; baro. meter 29.82; temperature 50; ea rough. OHAI) TKKi: POINT. Harq-mejer 30.00; temperature 56. - F'red Mcl.eod, of the city tele-iiho'ne department, sailed on the Calala this morning on&;irnlida.v ip in iKetoiUbif t-'' Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly taiii dancing floor for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, The latest and best for the least. Phone 4S7. PRIOR FIVE CENTS ATTfflii f Jinm thi ami Amm i iit i wf TTimnn W1WT Illfl llHI nil I All Lm I Hi l l III A If I IHIIII. II I.IITI, wu BLi mw ima nil imi im fa n m. imi bjv str w UVLIY1T1UEM AI Ul IA1TA 10 UIWER FRMANY IS DEVASTATED RY STORMS AND FLOODS: MUCH DAMAGE DONE aniumem lajourns umu Monday After Throwing Out Amendment of Labor Member mse rose at 5.30 this morning follouingm ARRIVALS TODAY most hectic session since naval debate in 1913 NO DIVISION YET ON TORY CENSURE VOTE iL.i D im L VI iiiiii ii i fin i iiiii i riiiir i i riiit nr laiiir may ask for dissolution after supply ww wm mm IB r mw m m v . DIES: IN SOUTH r. Well Known Local Fisher- Mn and Active Member or is voted of - i. One Fifth of Army is Called Oat to Give Relief in Areas Being Visited by High Water HKHLIN. June 20. Fifteen are dead and damage estimated ai thirty million dollars lias been done to crop and property a result of floods. One hundred thousand acres of land is under water, slorni, cloudbursts and floods being general throughout Germany. The cotinlry is suffering the wur;t ' catastrophe. of this nature in one hundred years. Twenty thousand members, one-fifth of German-' regular army, have been .drafted into relief service along the Elbe and Oder rivers for hundreds of mile. FRISCO COMING Coatina an Casket of Kino Tut-I ankhamen Proves Fatal to Many Explorers f Big Party Left Vanvoucer Today or Jasper and Prince Rupert. A ANCOl VFJl, June 26 -The Influx of tourists from California-booked for trips through British Columbia ami the llocky Mountains section of. Alberta this summer commenced in earnest today with the arrival in Vancouver of a special train carrying more than too members of the Islam Shrme of San Francisco, bound for PrThee Hnpert and Skagway. years, but apparently tin! not Mays. They will leave Jasper on lose any of its strength. Inhal- Tuesday, June 25), for Prince llu- alion of this dust was futai Lord Carnarvon and several laborers, and caused the acut illness of Howard Carter and others who conducted the WIRELESS REPORT. 8 a.m. ; 't he Jraiiii: w1iicltonsi4ts,rrofr' eight cars, arrived in Vancouver at 8 o'clock in the morning ahdu left at 12.3U nooirover the Carta-' dian .National Hallways for Jasper, where the parly will remain it -Jasper Park -Lodge fof three Icrt. where they will board the S.S. Prince Oeorge for Skagway1, . Alaska, returning on this steam- hip to Vancouver from where they will continue to San F'ran-risco by rail. The movement is one of the largest individual parties to coma -le Canada from California and it is the first of several of a similar character which, have been arranged for by the National Hail- ways. G. A. Mc.Nicholl, general pas senger agent of the Canadian National system, will join the party at Jasper and accompany them throughout the remainder of their trip on Canadian territory. CONGRESS ENDS UP WITH FIGHT Drenched Eucharists Overwhelm Police and Railway Officials. Hundreds Injured. 'CHICAGO, June. 20. .Surging, crowds returning from the concluding session of Ihe Ilucharis tic" Congress at Mundclelu overwhelmed police and railroad of ficials in a fight to secjiro trans portation after a terrific rain and hail storm had swept down on, the vast assemblage-eslimalfd at people, drenching participants and onlooker of the cere- atonfe-i and ruining princely vestments valued at 1200,000. Hundreds were Injured, one hundred being brought here on a speeiul hospital train. . LETHBRIDGE YOUTH GETS 25 YEARS IN PEN FOR KILLING LinilllHIDGE. June 20.Karl Perdue, aged 23, wns yeslerday sentenced lo '.wenty-five yearn In the penitentiary for iiianslaugli. ler in connection with the shooting iaf February oftiU pal, Walter - Vero.'V El 1 .i il If ii 1 n 1 1 .1 n