Mk, m Pir.iippn JBjW I J AVSWllaUl' I aT RAYON CREPES in a host of beautiful shinies, patterns and designs. Thirty-six indies wide, l'er yard $1.35 WEST of ENGLAND STORE Third Avenue Phone 753 BOURJOIS French BATH SOAP Delightfully Fragrant Three Odor ROSE EAU DE COLOGNE SANTA L Per cako .35c 3 cakes for $1.00 llox of 0-cakes ...... .$1.75 Rupert Pharmacy Prescription Specialists Phone 94. We deliver. Strawberries Per box 15c 7 boes for Per crate . . . $1.00 . $3.25 Tomatoes Per pound 30c NEW POTATOES fl pound for 25c All Green Stuffs and Fresh Fruits arriving every boat and train. Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones 1S and 24 417-423 5th Avenue East Bargains in Summer ' Coats "Demers" We aim to please Phone 27. P.O. Box 327 Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Office Hours to 0. X-Ray 8arvics Phone G8C. Open Tuesday and Thursday Evenings Saturdays 0 to 12 noon . LINDSAY'S-Cartage and Storage Phone If. Cartage, Warehousing, md Distributing. Team or Motor Bervlce. J'oal, Sand and Gravel We Speolallze In Plane antf Furniture Kevins. NEW HAZELTON . - Paddy Oreigh spcnl a couple of nays m town uie nrsi oi me week. He was in the Soda Crook ; district for some time anil -has !a .claim adjoining Hie property Uial save .tip $12,000 ,a week. Vov the past couple of 'months lie t...? KM,. '1,1 .1.1,1 II,.. it-:.... it. n..,ll...' .l li....t':.l 4llitl duiu, uu iiutuirr uu iiuuiq mountain, up from Skeeua Cross- Jiil. Uusickof i'ortiand, amf a frieiul arrivetf Wednesday night and are guests of tl. AV. Dawsoji at llio Oinineca Hotel. They arc here for a' fishing outing. -. Harvesting has .starlet!. Tho first crop or alfalfa was cut at LItir hospital farm on Tuesday. On Monday some Indians started cutting timothy. In another few- days haying should be generi in this district. The weather I has been perfect for rapid WATER NOTICE. Diversion ind Uee. TAklC NOTICE that Oosse Parkin it Cl. Limited, whose address U 3ii How Sll'ec'. Vancouver, U.C. will apply ror a licence lu take and use so.oou gallons tx-r (tar of water out of a stream, name unknown. wmrn flows northwest ana drains nun siunun Bay about luo reel westerly northeast miner l.l S8. loan dalea April 4. mo. B.C. iioU.,liae. The mater win do tinmen man tne stream at. a mint 50 feel from iiioiilli uf creek and IU7 feel .west or northeast comet.. Lot 438. ana Mill tie used ror cannery purposes upon the t:antiery site, described an Lot Hi. Shannon Pay. V.C 1 Island. This iiollce was posted niij the ground on tlie tith day of May. m 6. A ropy or Ihts notice and an application pursuant thereto and la Uie "Water Art, tl4." will be Hied ill the office or the Waler He vonler at rrlnre lluperl, U.C. oojerion to the application may be nle1 with the said Water lierorder or with the Comptroller or Water itlgbts. rarliainent Build ings. Victoria. ll.C within thirty day arier the llrst appearance or this notice in a local newspaer. ine one or iw first publication or this notice Is June I. !. QOSSE ' PACKIM CO. LTD.. Applicant. 'By- I. T. Strang. Arfetlt.' "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT." Not lea or Application (or Btar License. .Notice H hereby imrn that, on Uie tlh day or June neit, the underslaued intend lu apply to the Liquor Control Board for a license In repect or premises beinc tart or the building- known as on ai rails Intel, situate on Jront -Street. Town or Ocean Tails, upon the land described as Lid -;. 31, Ran re 3, C03t" District. Map t?, Und leiritratlon nistrlrt. In Uie Province or Brlttslr Columbia, for the sale" or beer br-tbn glass, or by the f.pen bottle rr consumption on ttie pre- mlvi. - f lhm 1!h rtiv or June. lots. 1 PACiriC MIILS LIMITED pee r t.. Barker Treasurer, LAND ACT. ' Casslar Land tilstrlrl. Land flerordlnt District or Prince Itnprrt, and situate on Atlln lake ab.uit 35 miles southwest or Atlin Townxlte. TAKE NOTICE that Edwin Jules Frirrrt, r Atlin. In the Prorlnee or British Colum bia. oecu).'itlit operating tourist launch. intend 10 apply ror permission io purchase the showing desrrlbed lands: Commencing at a post planted at thr southeast corner or Glacier Hay. In Atlln lake, situated a- alxive; Uience rollowing (he shore line west fo chains; thence south SO chains: thence easu;(r chains; thence north SO chains, to polat or commencement. EDWIX Jt'LES ECOCTT Applicant Dated May m tm 95c 95c Specials 3 Dottles Heinz Catsup. .. . .95o 4 Dottles Libby s Catsup. . . .95c 7 Tin. Libby's Pork & Deans 95c 6 Tins Del Monte Itipe Olives 95c 12 Tins Del Monte Port & Deans , 95o 3 Tins Libby's Asparagus ' Tips 95c 7 Tins Singapore Sliced Pineapple 95c 6 Tins Peas, Corn or Tomatoes 95c 12 Packages Jelly Powders .. .95o 12 Dars Palm Olive Soap.... 95c 19 Dars Oreat West Soap...95o 19 Holls Toilet Paper 95c 2 J)oz. Large Oranges. .... .95c 4 Doz. Small Oranges... . 3 Large Doxes Matches 95c 6 Lb". Seedl'-sK Jtai.Mns. . . . .95c 4 Lbs. Fresh Oingcr Snaps . 95o 12 Tins Canadian Sardines. . .95o 6 Tins King Oscar Sardines 95c 2 Lbs. Fresh firound Coffee 95c We are headquarters for all kinds or Fresh Fruit. Can guarantee finality and satis faction. Ituy here. B.C. Butchers and Grocers, Ltd. Phones 45 and 574 Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Exquisite Slock of Fur Trimmings at low prices B. C. FUR Co. Next Q.W.V.A. Third Ave, I L growth and heading the timothy. Tho clover Is all in bloomi and the air ls filled with lis fra grance. anl sunflower crops are growing indies per day. On Thursday .Mrs. Malhiuson of llic lio.spital was hostess at a lea in Junior tl MrS.W. 1. Darlington who is leaving Haiellon. Mr. and Mrs. A. I). Darlinc.'to:i are leaving llnzellon early' in 'July. They will: fnsl go Id Skagwiiy for a time hut wil1 probably locate in Victoria where Mr. Darlington has a' brother in business. They have been hero Tor several years and hav many friends who will regret their departure. . School closed on Wednesday for the summer.- The entrance and' high school -exainlnatinns were writler. in Haielton with Mi". Oreennway of Kispiox pre. siding. v Mrs. MJtfs.hall l'eluriied recently after speif'tlihg the last ten mouths in Vancouver where hei sons attended school. Site spent a couple of days witlt Mrs. Slo-itoiT at Dorreyit on the way home. TIMBER SALE X6491. Sealed Tenders will be reerlved by lb Minister or Lands at Victoria not later than noon on thu llth day or July, ti, for tlie purchase or Licence Xdltil. lu rut i.SSI.ouu feet ft Mruce. Keiiilock. Bal im and (dar on Coste Island. Oou(U Uiaunel, llauge 4, Must District. Two (St years will be allowed ror re moval or timber. Further particulars or the Llilcf fores ter. Victoria, ll.C, or District roresler. Pri nee Hupert, B.:. LAND ACT. Notice or Intention to Applf Foreshore to Leaee In Queen Charlotte Islands Land Recording District or Prince Hupert, ami situated m miles west or Alllford Bay, skidegale Inlet, and fronting ou Lot 14 4, Ouren charWdle District. TAkE MIJICE that the BX. fishing k Parking Company. Ltd.. or Vancouver, B.C., occupation .Salmon i:anners. Intends 10 apply for a lease or the following described Foreshore:- Commencing at a post planted at the southwest corner or Lot 114; thence, nor-'lierly and easterly rollowing the 11l or high waler mark. 14 chains, more or less, to the norihuesl romer iif Lot 144; thence west 5 chains; thence southerly ml westerly, rollowing a line parallel tc 'lie line or high water mark, 34 chains, more or less; I hence east I chains to nolnt or commencement, are! containing 17 acre, more or less. BIUTISII COLOMBIA risill0 AD PACkl.XO COMPANY LTD. per II. "herwood. Agent. ruled gnih April, 1I8. LAND ACT. Nctlce of Intention to Apply to Lease ln1 in prince lluperl una liecording un Irlri of Prime Kuiierl. and situate at Maett. B.C. TAKE NOTICE that Eugene It. Simp sou or Masselt, occupation canner. In lends to apply ror a lease or the follow Dig descclbed lands:--. Commriiclng at a post planted at the n-irtheasl corner or BhMk 10. Masselt Townstte; thence easterly ISO reet: Ihefire sontherly 1,000 eel; thence westerly ISO reel: thence northerly reet to iKii'nt or cmninein emcnt, and containing 3 acres, n'tre or less. EL'0E.E It. glMPSON. Applicant. Paled Jim ,. tSA MINERAL ACT. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS Black smith Mineral Claim, slliiaie In lie At In Mining Division or Casslar Ills l-lcl. Where located' On Crater Creek, a tributary or Fourth or July Creek, adjoining Oh Garry Owen Mineral Claim on its soulherlr side. TAKE OTICK that 1, Peter Cabrlo. Free .Miner's certinraie no. 705n, intend, sixty davs from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder ror a Certificate or Improvements, ror the pur nnse or obtaining a Crown Grant or the above claim. And runner take notice that aetfon, nndee section 3T. must be commenced nerore ine issue oi sucn uertuicaie oi 33C Imnrovements. Dated this tst day or June. vn. iib. II, Mr.1 FHASF1I. A gent. CfWttUCIFIC fgAlLINGs f TO EUROPE " I H1AKB Kr.SF.RVATIOXS NOW FROM MONTREAL To Liverpool July S. July so Montcalm July V. Aug. 6 Mnntrlare July t, Sept. lu Moutroyal To Cherbourg-Southampton- Antwerp July II, Aug. II Menu July St, Aug. n : .Mmnedosa To Belfaat-Qlaagow July I, July iv Moiituslrti FROM QUEBEC To Liverpool July i. July so '. . Motilcalm To Cherbourg-Southamplon-Hamburo July 7, Aug, 4 Empress of France July i I, Aug, is. Empress or Scotland To Belfaet-Qlasgow July 1. July 8 Montiialrn Appl to Agrats averywheri or FOKSTER, Ocn. Aft, R. Station. Vancouver, Tflsphone Seymour 2030, tan, rae. Kg-. Tiaffic Atcnu. THB DAILY NEWS it jl& fclu jury? cau rt4-J wrfc x TERRACE NOTES II. H. Jones, Victoria and Mrs. I.. Weeden, Vancouver, partners In a tuiireral claim at Kalum l.ake, returned to town on Wednesday after spending the winter in the south and left on Thursday for the Lake. They were accompanied by Mrs. Weeden's. daughter, Miss Dorothy Wceden. Mr. and. Mrs. T. McDougall and two children, of Anyox, ur-rived on Thursday to spend a holiday at Hill Farm. A. K. (toodenough, iriitlrers, was a business visitor on Thurs day. trict south of l.akelse Lake arrived back in town on Wednes- coast lay from a trrp to Vancouver and left for Kalum Iiku 011 ITTiurstfay.' Waterfront Whiffs (continued from page fivcj "No, thanks. I had about twenty sandwiches, five nut bars, four! baigs of peanuts, six oranges and! about len suckers." Now don'ti you think Ihe'Vegatta committee should have handed each boy a bottle of castor oil ami lliu fin ished the job properly? (signed) .Mother. Tourists in Harbor ' While the Princess Louise was in port on Wnlncsday afternoon a number of her tourist passenger availed themselves of Um opportunity to take a cooler it. the balmy waters of the harbor. ladies took the great pltinae from the floats of the Iloat-house and, judging fntin the manner in which they slid over the water, tliey had evidently a'l been bom al sea. That lhn Spanish Battleships I A species of jellyfish Strang" lo these waters, have put in an appearance this spring al the , Dundas Island trolling grounds where the water is said lo be literally teeming with them. They are bluish in. color, of oval shape and about the size of a dollar bill bul the strangest feature about them j tin; fin-like prolusion. .which, wheii projected through the surface of the water, is said w actually have the effect of a sill I In propelling them in their movements. Olven tho name "Spanish battleship," (hese strange protoplasmic creatures are believed to have ,come from tropical waters on account of the war pi th in thu north this year. II Is said that the sea water. In this district lg 20 degrees warner lils xuinmer than usual -V.s.(V. , CHIROPRACTIC FOR HEALTH New Chiropractic Office For Pr. Rupert People With Dr. D. A. McMillan In Charge. Dr. D. A. McMillan, who Is opening an office in the lischaiigo Mock, corner oT Thinl and Sixth, is a graduate of the Palmer School, the foitntatnhead of Chi-! ropractie. He lg prepared lu give the people of this distriel n chiropractic health seniro that is efficient and cfretie. People who have suffered for years and tried erry(hiiug hae The timber cruising party pf' found chiropractic the solution of Itolston &. Montizambert, Van-all their trouble. The location of ; comer, composed of J. M. Hol-jlbe can or lh diean- in tlofn-j s((in,;Hf A. Cornwall. J. K..Mo-l'e and poitUc. Wir rmovat or, Keiizie, li. Harclav, (Sen. Dewnf,, li"p a usiMme ami ,ioi- whoH a f''H "l r lll' K. Huchanan and C. A Held. 1 . . . fie at Iihv I .p.m. priiUinir in 1 1.1. ,11-. . Clliropnicior lliai,04 ItUSnllMC. you are sufferitif, then you owe it to yitirseir to find out day and left on Thursday for Ui-.ciiirpra. iic can .10. lour invrm- in uie rMovery 01 your inieni health is Hie best investment you Kfrim ritlltemwl nti VVOi1nn- UOtl make. Dr. McMillan's new office will be open at id o'clock on Monday ntrrrning and ptisti1fatUitf M wIMi-" out charto" or obligation.- Advt. 150. SIMPLE MIXTURE STOPS GAS BLOATING Simple buckhnrn bark, glyrer. ine. etc.. as mixed in Allerikn. oflen help stoinaoh trouble n. THN tniniiles by rcmovinsr OAS llring out a surjirtsliig amount of old waste matter you nevei thought wa. in ).ipr -system. Slops that full, hloatc.1 feeling ami make you enjoy rating. Kx-cellenl for a'hronk- rontialio. Adlerika works rjl'ICK and d-lk.-ht fully easy.- -Ormes Limited. Druggists. WATER NOTICE. Dlierslcn anO Use. TAkE MUII.L that Ovswt Parking lu. Umlled, isliiwe addrrMi Is iti Mow Mrrrt. tauctMivrr. ll.C, will aiibly rr I hrrac tiartv of votinsr men and Vsiuntri ' ur "" , - . . u mu.r 1HJI t.l a I..M luliw MtLb.Sli waler wa real hot can be glean, was p.wn q on on ti lue gruond gruono , , ,, . - , , ... Mllss lh day r stay, r. Itf Itft. A i copy epy ed from the remark of one of th-Mims nonce mi an sppIIuiIUjII apptiunioa porsu tiursuanl young tallies "Come on in, the water is far warmer than in tbti creek at home.'!. .Vow, for a real cool swim we'll have to find out wnere uial particular creek i located. The pleasure yacht May Mac, under charier to the D.C. Packers, called into port on Thursday en route to (he Cjoeen Charlotte Islandr and tied jip al the Doalhouse floats. The May Mao is 10 feet long ami is powered with a 30 h.p. I cylinder Fair-bank CO. engine giving her : speed of 8 knots per hour. Tin-yacht left for the islands The power yacht Winlhrop ol Taromii, with a party of American tourists aboard who are w flows uorthresl imi drams Into Sfunuuu May about l.ou leet tosiuwctt rly fnxH nurtlieasl ronier l.ot 41. lease dated April 4, tll. The water wl.l l dltsrlesl front llw sireau at puoil atsMit $V9 feet rrmi liexilh and aUMil 9 reet west by soolh from asnilheasi cor ir Lot Its. and will bo usel for ratmert iijaAl lis- ijniK-ry site. dr scribed as Uit It: SlutHe.ii Bs. . I.UihI.. isi ot Itieretu and to the -Waler Act,- will lm riled in lb office ur the Waler Itn rorovr at Prllire liuperL H.i:. objection to the application iua be filed willi io saw waier iteritcder or with the i:4up iruiivr of Water Bights Parliament Buil.l tot: Victoria. II. i . within thirty da afier lite rir.i Hs-'u-e of tins iu.ii tn local newspaper. The dale of I lie lirsi ixibllralluii or this ir.lur la J Hist I. l(. oonSK l Al kIM) CO. LTD.. Appll ant By J. '. ftranif. Agent MINIRAL ACT. Notice of Application for Certificate of tmprotsmenta. Mineral Hill oroup riHi'lsllit of Mlo eral If all .No. I, Mineral Hill No . Mlo eral Hill No. 3, and Summit Mineral Claims, situate In the skeena Mining Dlvl slon tit .Ho. I piatrtrt oil llw south easier end ol Iron Mountain, kitimal Valley Lawful holders, V. J, OissJwlu, Ties Miner's l.erlirirale Xo. VTOIIC. Cuarles E., Free Miters Lertlficale No. 1I1C. TAkK NOTICE Ibet I, Charles E M'lore. free Miner's Certificate St. 3I7C. agent ror lb owners, inlend al the end of silly day from th dale heref.r, n apply to uie Mining liecotder for a Certl ricaie or improvement lor the purpose of obtaining a Crown (Irani or the ahnte -igims. And runner tale noll e that tcilon tin der Section g; ,f the Mineral Act must le i-raumencd liefon the Issuance or Mich ........ .. ..t 11 .ai frtirtcati or improvements, munmi a nuw tn mi- uuruii u Dated this Plh da' r April. Pacific coast, called in port lb"' week ror supplies ami left o i Thursday for Hie southern trip. ! UtA CANADIAN SERVICE FnOM MONTREAL TO PLVMOUTH-CHERBOURO-LONDON. Au.ioiiie J(. i Manilla July U TO LIVERPOOL lunula Jury , in. Attar. 7 TO BELFAST ANO 0LAS00W Allienla July g Aug. FROM NEW YORK TO QUEENSTOWN ANO LIVERPOOL Francoma ... Jiatv stmacla ... Juli 10 iv bnteiDuunia sua SOUTHAMPTON Mliillanu .. July 7. Aug. 4, 4. Sept. r.-n-iiiiri . vim M. Allg, II, Sept, t -Maiiieiania ... jiiiv . Aug. l. Sept. a TO LONOONDKRRT AND oLASQOW i.aiciioiiin ... julv 3 I ameroma. July 17 PLV MOUTH-HAVRE-LONDON i anii.niln. . . JuU j Tnscanu .. Jnh 17 iu rLimuutn-vniKnuuRa-HAMBURa Alliums jui t. sept. . Oct. 7 rnun nusTan . TO QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL V?"oru 'ii Julv " It'imia ... July S ..-ii- , i;iinniiii, r.a.iofilinil. A ror Tourist ard CJass Literature and see Llsl of s,rH.clal Tours . Money orders, drafts and travellers1 riienues at'lowest rales. Full Information front local Agents or Company Offices, ttt Lev asia ' W Vil,couvr' B C' I'lwne. I - - CinaDepartme).t In Our Basement Store CUPS AND SAUCER8 FANCY DISHES ANO tc. and a fow DINNER SETS A you AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES A largo assortment to choose from, j. 1 , lo como In and look around. It Is our oleaao.- . " Ronald Colman ana r w EYE GLASSES Vilma Bank pageiuil ol iruliMir ;nil style aKHiiisl -war anil gallntiln A log. (Miwrrliil drum A woiitlerfnl in-turr in which will lp rpn lug mngiiifirrul ertui le, Ihrilliug ' h .-liore rttet' Ihrills.v Tlierr' tin lm wiltmn' Is il iiiiMinilerslainliiig, jenlmisy or rlfili lover Hwirl? Uivfrs! Yuur luw will io i Uie "dark .ingel" im Idrssetl it. Horn-Meet lieantifitl Vilma Banky iwire afram' s SEh) ih0, Our Optical Dcparlmont Is In charna of an , optician who has fitted glasses for 27 years, n 811 work. Our prices are reasonable and work d'Den!?'',, We guarantco satisfaction why take chance? , you Imvo the best obtainable In your own city? Max Heilbroner 527-520 Third Avenue The Diamond House of the North WESTHOUE THEATI Tonight Only, Saturday at 7 and 9 Ike. Dark Angel Miming a. Ronald Colman, Vllma Banky, W'yndham Stindlnj, Chiriti j Lane, Frank Elliott, Helen Jerome too;, Florence Turner, and olheri. Comedyl "BETWEEN MEALS" AESOP'S FILM FABLES 50c nd Father and Son Week List week we had n aliililreii's week ,! ' v rwstone whi.'li we huvc linil from tlie " ' Us (o offer you some more bargains "" treat lo the Dad and the Lad ileu s While lliiiiniiig .Shoes, rcg. ?S.' Men's While Uauvas Moots with lealln r reg. L.i.."tl, sale Men's hiberly .Shoes, in black rtiut irown 1 rrom N.50 (o 1(1.50,' Jitij' Hr. 1 " any size for .'. . . : .;...;. . Meu ()fortls, lu blnck, brown iititl I'Kl'' clear ol , Men's Collon II, idling Suits leg. -HAW, .ilu Hoy's .Sweaters, retf. n,7.", salo-, Hoy's Hittlii.'ig sSnils, up to site a.T'te K. tliscotinl on nil Children's UlUlerwear 15 discount on all Hoy'. buih. ' Have you hadtyftur share of the bargain? If not, cbmo' while our al on Jabour Bros., jlJfl 2JS J4.7S 1J5 0 J5